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Writing exam book test 1 - part 1 (Essay)

How to encourage young people to study science ?

It goes without saying that these days and age very few young people feel attracted to study science.
It is an undeniable reality that when we ask teenagers what do they want to study or what do they
want to become, almost all of them answer something related to internet, business, law, medicine…
As can be expected this situation can turn into a serious problem due to the fact that over time,
today’s scientist will disappear and we won’t have enough young people to substitute them.

To kick off this essay, I consider that it could be very helpful to give an enjoyable image of this job
through any media of advertisement, besides showing that thanks to people who have dedicate their
lives to carry out scientific investigations, all of us can now enjoy so many advances and progresses
such as medicine or internet.
In turn, many people ignore all the branches where you can specialize as science student, this lack
of awareness can result in a low number of people interested in science.

Another point worth mentioning is about Government’s intervention. It is often believed that you
are required very high marks if you want to study any science career and in addition universities are
very expensive. In the light of this situation, grants will allow more people to afford their studies in
both public and private universities.

Given this points, we can see that encourage young people to study science is posible, we just need
to act and confront this situation.

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