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Master program

Course Content

Day wise shedule

Day Topic covered

Day-1 Low of attraction Basic
1) What is law of the law of attraction
2) The history of the law of attraction
3) The science behind the law of attraction
4) Everything is energy
Session – 2
1) Manifest the money you want and deserve – 1
2) Manifest the money you want and deserve – 2
3) How to attract a specific person
4) Self love and law of attraction
5) Transform a Relationship using law of attraction
6) Health and law of attraction
7) Law of attraction for success
8) Secrets of manifesting your soulment
Day-3 Session -3
1) Law of attraction to boost your confidence
2) Manifest your dream job
3) Law of attraction in studies
4) How to make the law of attraction a daily habit
5) How to be beautiful
6) How to manifest a baby
7) Law of attraction how to be positive
8) Law of attraction weight loss tips
Day-4 Session – 4
1) The secret to Effortless detachment
2) Secret to manifesting wealth and prosperity
3) Secret to manifesting wealth and prosperity
4) Goals with the law of attraction
5) Win the lottery with the law of attraction
6) How to manifest a house fast
7) Attracting the car of your dreams
8) Manifest the body of your dream
9) Law of attraction fear and worry
10) Manifest love and relationships with the law of attraction
Day-5 Self-Hypnosis
Session – 1
1) Self- hypnosis for Addictions (8 program)
2) Self –hypnosis for Brain Training (20 program)
3) Self – hypnosis for business (13 program)
Dy-6 Session-2
1) Self – hypnosis for confidence (22 program)
2) Self – hypnosis for Creativity (5 program)
3) Self – hypnosis for Dreaming (4 program)
4) Self – hypnosis for Health (44 program)
Day-7 Session – 3
1) Self – hypnosis for Law of attraction, attract anything (15 program)
2) Self – hypnosis for Learning language (8 programs)
3) Self – hypnosis for Life success (30 programs)
4) Self – hypnosis for Metaphysical (6 programs)
Day-8 Session -4
1) Self – hypnosis for Money Mastery (7 programs)
2) Self – hypnosis for Personal growth (26 programs)
3) Self – hypnosis for Phobia Elimination (20 programs)
4) Self – hypnosis for Professions (10 programs)
Day-9 Session -5
1) Self – hypnosis for Relationships (20 programs)
2) Self-hypnosis for Social skills (16 programs)
3) Self –hypnosis for success with men (19 programs)
4) Self – hypnosis for success with women (12 programs)
5) Self – hypnosis for weight loss (17 programs)
Day-10 NLP (Basic and Master Level)
Session -1 (Basic Level)
1) Introduction of NLP
2) Pillars of NLP
3) Presuppositions
4) five basic representational systems

Day-11 Session -2
1) A-Z of NLP
2) The Importance Of Beliefs And Values In NLP
3) Representational Systems
4) Anchoring
5) Timelines
6) Communication Style
7) Professionalism and Ethics
8) Premises
9) NLP Coaching practice
Day-12 Session – 3 (Master Level)
1) Advance Neuro-Linguistic Programming
2) Six thinking Hats
3) NLP Secrets
4) Self Esteem
Day-13 Session -4
1) Goal Setting
2) Anchors: Instlling, Collapsing, Firing
3) Advanced Sensory Acuity
4) Visual Squashing , New Behaviour Generator, Chunking and Sequencing, Advanced
Timeline work, Tic Toc Process, But Rebuttal Technique, Pain Management
5) Embodied Metaphors, Setting Powerful Goals, Client Mindset Obstacles, Holistic
Goal Management, Pacing & Leading others
6) Top-down and Bottom-up modeling, Sub modalities - analogue, digital, critical and
driver, Constructive Analysis, Predicates, Logical Levels, The Precision model
7) Eliminating anxiety, trauma and phobias, Fast Phobia / Trauma Cure, Satir
Categories, Reframing – Content/Context, Perceptual Positions, Supervision,
Day-14 Psychotherapy and Counseling
Session -1
1) Introduction
2) Philosophy and Design, Eclecticism and integration, Humanistic psychotherapy, CBT
3) The clients needs in Therapy, indoctrination, intrusive empathic guesses
Day-15 Session-2
1) Behavioral change, modeling therapy, Self- Demonstration therapy, implosive
therapy, misconception, expression of emotion, redistribution of energy
2) Self defeating lifestyles
3) Relationship – healing together
Day-16 Session – 3
1) Courage, compassion and confrontation
2) Emotional awareness and gut-level fellings
3) Positive attitude in recovery
4) The client, the therapist and spitituality
Day-17 Meditation
Session – 1
1) Introduction to meditation
2) Type of meditation
3) Breathing
Day-18 Session – 2
1) Position and Posture
2) Meditation and mind
3) Mantra meditation
Day-19 Session – 3
1) The chakra system and meditation
2) Aura balancing
3) Chakra balancing
4) Visualization
Day-20 Power of positivity
Session -1
1) Introduction
2) Overcome doubt and negative thinking
3) The power of positing thinking
4) Powerful habits which lead to positive thinking
Day-21 Session -2
1) Self Belief and self confidence
2) Surround yourself with positive people
3) A little humor goes a long way
4) The health benefits of positive thinking
5) Strive for excellence, not perfection
6) Visualization and its role in your success
7) Spread your positivity
Day-22 CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
1)What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), (2) What CBT isn’t, (3) History and Origins of
CBT (4) Distinctive Characteristics of CBT
Day-23 1) Criticisms of CBT, 2) Establishing the Therapeutic Relationship (3) Establishing Rapport (4)
Boundaries (5) ABC (6) Balancing Statements
Day-24 1) Consultation, 2)Formulation, 3) Clarifying the Problem, 4) Client Confidentiality and
Consent , 5) Data Protection and Disclosure
Day-25 Goal Setting, Cognitions, Useful Cognitive Techniques, Problems with Cognitions
Day-26 Behavioural Techniques, Positive Statements, Positive Affirmations, Behavioural
Experiments, Exposure, Activity Scheduling, Useful Physical Techniques, Relaxation,
Controlled Breathing, Sleep Management
Day-27 Dealing with Negative and Distorted Thought Processes, The Socratic Method, Assumptions
and Beliefs
Day-28 Anxiety, Understanding and working with Anxiety Disorders, Dealing with Obsessions and
Day-29 Anger Management using CBT, Understanding and Working with Depression, Understanding
and Working with Stress
Day-30 Working with Self Esteem Issues, Working with Alcohol/Drug Issues, Working with Eating
Day-31 Mindfulness CBT, The CBT therapist and the CBT clinic, Case Study, Conclusion
Day-32 Mindfulness
History of Mindfulness
Day-33 Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions
Day-34 Endless Thinking
Day-35 Power of Mindfulness
Day-36 Acceptance
Day-37 Creating Breathing Spaces
Day-38 Mindfulness and Stress
Day-39 Mindfulness & Meditation
Day-40 Life Coach (Basic)
What is life coaching?, How does it work?, What does a life coach do?, History of Life
Coaching, Contra-indications to Life Coaching
Day-41 Skills, entry and training to coaching, What Can Life Coaching Do For the Client?, What
makes an effective coach?, Introduction to key theories, Introduction to key counselling
techniques used in coaching, Identifying your personal traits and strengths as a
practitioner., The role of the Life Coach
Day-42 Identifying client needs and wants by visualization, Analysis techniques of the client’s
lifestyle and personality., Fear., Basic Coaching Principles., Beliefs., Self-Limiting Beliefs.
Day-43 The benefits of coaching for clients, The importance of core values and changes within an
individual., Defining and reviewing relationships, Energy, Health, Financial, Emotional, Well-
being using I-CAN-DO Model., Defining and recognising the client‟s goals, aims and values
using I-CAN-DO., The client‟s Mission Statement, SWOT Analysis
Day-44 (a) Coaching Applications, Examining the past holistically., The role of the past with
regard to the client‟s current life blockages, The conception of changing reactions
and responses, Coaching Styles
(b) Attitudes and understanding of therapy, counselling and coaching, Review of
counselling/ therapy and coaching skills., Their defined roles within life coaching
(c) The here and now reflective contemplation., Ways of avoiding and relating.,
Relationships as systems., Motivating clients and self, Identifying individual
motivating factors re: obstacles

Day-45 (a) How to build a good rapport with clients

(b) The Milton Model., Meta-Language Patterns, The Concept of Spiral Coaching.,
Meta-Programs., The Use of Metaphors and phrasing in Coaching.
(c) Stress, Life Coaching Can help With Stress, Time Management Strategies,
Organisation and Planning, Developing Time Management Tools & Goal Setting
Day-46 (a) Ethics., Professionalism., Client Confidentiality, Maintaining Records, Data
Protection and Disclosure, The Consultation Process
(b) Finding premises versus working from home or making houscalls, Accounting., The
law and you
(c) Working with clients., Communication., The first meeting, Creating the right
professional conditions and workspace., Establishing the working relationship,
Defining boundaries
(d) How to Build a Life Coaching Practise, Finding clients, Advertising, Expanding your
business., Positive Endings, Continuing professional development
(a) What is life coaching?, General recap and review, What do you know?, What will be
covered in the Advanced Life Coaching course?
(b) Specialist Life Coaching, The GROW model, The Coaching Attitude, The Coaching
Day-48 (a) Career Coaching, Coaching for a new career, Coaching within the Workplace, Case
(b) Relationship Coaching, Case Study
Day-49 (a) Health and Well-Being Coaching, Case Study
(b) Stress Coaching, More Stress Management, Dealing with the Worried Well
Day-50 (a) Financial Coaching, Prosperity Attainment, Case Study
(b) Spiritual Coaching, Self Esteem/Confidence Coaching, BDD, 10 Ultimate Coaching
Day-51 (a) 10 Ultimate Coaching Questions, Goal Setting/Mapping, Life Coaching Ethics and
Confidentiality revisited, Coaching Contract and Agreements
(b) Overcoming Obstacles, Support Networks, Referring On to a Health/Mental Health
Professional, Closure for the Client and for the Coach, Expanding your Business, The
Bigger Picture
Day-52 Train The Trainer (Basic)
(a) Presentation skills, Presentation Techniques, Powerful Presentation, Presentation
Skills, Presentation Tips, Presentation Skills- Body Language _ Voice,
Effective_Presentation_Toolkit, Presentation Skills Seminar
(b) Public Speaking,
Day-53 (a) Communicating style, Written communication, How To make Great Conversation
And Small Talk, Communicating Confidently, Effective Communication Skills, Active
(b) Business Etiquette Training
Day-54 (a) Body Language, Introduction to body language, Gestures-and-What-They-Signal
(b) Email Etiquettes, Rules of Corporate Email Etiquette
Day-55 (a) Ice brakers,
(b) Fun and Powerful Training Games for Customer Service Teams
Day-56 (a) Employability presentation, Employability Skills.
(b) Campus to Corporate
Day-57 Train The Trainer Advance
(a) Time Management
(b) Goal setting
Day-58 (a) Attitude
(b) Business Etiquette
Day-59 (a) Team Building
(b) Negotiation Skills
Day-60 (a) Conflict Management
(b) Leadership development
Day-61 (a) Stress Management
(b) Training Procedures
Day-62 Mudra Therapy
(a) Introduction of mudra therapy
(b) History
(c) Benefits of mudra therapy
Day-63 (a) Ganesh mudra, Ling mudra, akash mudra, surabhi mudra, asthma mudra, than
(b) Kuber mudra, aapan mudra, wayu mudra, shunya mudra, prana mudra, apan mudra
Day-64 (a) Shakti mudra, pushan mudra, shankh mudra,
(b) Matangi mudra, uttarbodhi mudra, makar mudra
Day-65 (a) Kaleshwar mudra, hakini mudra, surya mudra
(b) Rudra mudra, Garud mudra, mashirva mudra
Day-66 (a) Jal shamak mudra, nag mudra, suchi mudra
(b) Mukul mudra , pith mudra, dhyan mudra
Day-67 (a) Mushti mudra, kanisht mudra, kshepan mudra
(b) Swashan mudra, murti mudra, abhay mudra
Day-68 (a) Mudra for different body part
Day-69 (a) Useful mudra for diseases
Day-70 Body Language
(a) What is body language
Day-71 The Telltale signs of body language
Day-72 Body language Facts you can use
Day-73 The different body languages
Day-74 Personality Development
Day-81 Identifying Areas for Personal Development
Day-82 Some Specific Techniques for improving performance
Day-83 Recording Personal Development and Achievements
Day-84 Mantras on Happiness, Confidence, and Success.
Day-85 DMIT Training
History of DMIT, Multiple intelligences theory
Day-86 Left Brain & Right Brain dominance, Relation Between Brain and Finger, Understand
Fingerprint Pattern
Day-87 brain lobes, The relationship of the brain to our hand, ATD Angle and Learning Sensitivity
Day-88 Quotient, acquiring style, Personality and behavior
Day-89 learning-styles, multiple intelligence introducation
Day-90 DMIT Counseling note

Software Data

Start your career with

1) DMIT Report generation software

2) fingerprint scanning software

3) Android apps for fingerprint scanning

4) Auto Ridges count software

5) Ruler

6) Report generation tools

Midbrain activation

1) Midbrain activation for child

2) midbrain activation advance

3) adult concentration program

Other course

1) ESP and photographic memory

2) quantum's speed reading

3) zibu angelic symbol

4) self hypnosis program

5) money mantras

6) telepathy

7) telechnique

Dermatoglyphics MultIple Intelligence Test (DMIT)

1.Understand your child’s natural character traits.

2. Identify best learning style for him/her.

3. Identify his / her inborn talent and weakness

4. Identify and develop your core competencies.

5. Subject and educational stream selection.

6. Thinking type in net quotients.

7. Reduce time, money, effort, wasted over irrelevant course and classes.

8. Use the right parenting/teaching method on your child.

9. Plan ahead to achieve your goals and live your dreams.

10. Identify the most suitable learning and leadership style.

11. Discover your own ability and choose right career path

DMIT Deliverables:

1. Scanning software with life time validity.

2. Report generation system.

3. Auto Ridges Count Software

4. Finger print Scanning software for Mobile.

5. DMIT presentation.

6. Reports can we generated at your end any time, anywhere.

7. No need to send the fingerprints for report generation.

8. Also available different kinds of reports.

9. Full supports and training

10. Ruler Software

11. Advance DMIT Software

Midbrain activation program (basic)

The midbrain is the smallest region of the brain that acts as a sort of relay station for auditory and
visual information. The midbrain controls many important functions such as the visual and auditory
systems as well as eye movement. Portions of the midbrain called the red nucleus and the
substantia nigra are involved in the control of body movement. The midbrain, also called the
mesencephalon, is a small region of the brain that serves as a relay center for visual, auditory, and
motor systems information. The midbrain is located above the brain stem of human beings. it is
responsible for the perception of stimuli and the subsequent communication with the right and left
hemispheres to process this perceptive information. Typically, as part of the lower brain centres, the
mid brain is not subject to an individual’s conscious awareness.

Dr Makoto Shichida who devoted more than 40 years of research into the functioning of the brain,
actually uses the term “Interbrain” rather than “Midbrain”. We will keep to the use of the term
“Midbrain “ as this has been popularised by recent developments. In the human cerebrum, there is
a section called the interbrain that lies between the left and the right hemispheres. It is crucial to
awaken this so-called third brain in order to improve the capabilities of the human brain. The
interbrain, located at the centre of the cerebrum, links and consolidates the functions of each part
of the brain. It also allows the work of each field of the brain to appear onto consciousness. The
interbrain acts as a sort of control tower of consciousness and is equipped with highly advanced
intelligence. If a person develops his interbrain, he will acquire a memory that will allow him to
never forget whatever he has seen or heard once. The interbrain is in charge of controlling the
entire human organism including the viscera. The deep human consciousness controls the
interbrain. Once you learn how to access the interbrain, you can become a super human. In order to
awaken this part of the brain , it is necessary to stimulate a hormonal discharge by sending a special
vibration. After The Subconscious Mind Activation training, Midbrain allows the child to use 5
senses more the receptively along with the proper placement of information into the
brain. Amplification in cognitive abilities helps the child to become holistic human being.

The Visual dominant people are able to SEE the colors and details in a flash card while blindfolded.
- The Auditory dominant people are able to HEAR the colors and details in a flash card respectively,
without use of eyesight.
- The Touch dominant people are able to know the colors and details in a flash card by touching.
- The Smell dominant people are able to know the colors and details in a flash card by smelling.
- Those who are Taste dominant people are able to know the colors and details in a flash card by
putting the flash card near to the tongue

Benefits Concentration Program

1. Balances Right and Left Brain.

2. Develops Blind Fold Ability.

3. Develops Concentration.

4. Improves Memory.

5. Creativity Enhancement.

6. Makes one emotionally stable and balanced.

7. Accelerated Learning.

8. Confidence Boosting.

Adults Concentration & Health Energizer Workshop (advance midbrain)

Health & Wellness are on the major priority for all of us. The Chronic stress/tension are the major
contributor to various diseases, Poor quality of lifestyle and decreased work productivity. Most of the
people do not know how to manage stress and they make their life full of tensions. In these workshops
we boost up the energy levels & guide to self heal your own body that helps to promote overall
circulatory wellness. We help to release all your stress. In this two days adults workshop we discuss
about energy exercises, eye ball exercises, problem related to health issues and we also do practical
things topics related to fear, confidence, energy. We also conduct Photographic Memory Training and
Midbrain Activation in this two days workshop. There will energy exercises given to all to keep up their
energy level on the top based on oriental health theory that help to promote overall circulatory
wellness. We will remove your stress. We will involve each and every individual for many practical
experiment to be done live by everyone in these 2 days workshop.
MidBrain Activation for Adults


1. Balances Right and Left Brain.

2. Reduces stress and Tension Levels.

3. Feels Energetic and Happy throughout the day.

4. Develops Blindfold Abilities.

5. Develops Concentration.
6. Improves Memory.

7. Creativity Enhancement.

8. Makes one emotionally stable and balanced.

Quantum Speed Reading


1. Health Improvement .

2. Increases reading and Retention speed

3. Develops concentration.

4. Improves memory.

5. The development of precognitive ability.

6. Power of Imagine.

7. Balances Right and Left Brain.

8. Creativity Enhancement.

9. Accelerated Learning

Four major steps to learn speed read:

· Visualize
· Natural vision
· Relax
· Daily practice

About Quantum Speed Reading

Visualize : This is again a very important step to do speed reading. Through visualization process, the
child visualize the content & able to tell it in his own words. He is able to reiterate the same after
visualizing the images & content & than imagine & reproducing the whole story in his own words.
Natural Vision : With regular vision you utilize your entire field of vision (fringe vision) to catch vast
pieces of print on a page. You not only see 3 to 12 words per line, but you also see 3 to 8 lines of
print at once also.
Relax : Normally, when people concentrate on something they focus their minds on something and
become somewhat mentally tense; but with speed reading it is different. To get a maximum
understanding of the speed reading, one must be relaxed while concentrating (visualizing). One can
get a vibe for this casual feeling in the wake of doing the easygoing perusing activity. When you get
a vibe for how to legitimately unwind while envisioning, it will get to be less demanding at whatever
point you do velocity perusing.
Daily practice : The significance of every day rehearse can't be disregarded. After numerous velocity
perusing classes, one pattern has gotten to be self-evident: Those who hone every day get to be
decent at rate perusing; however while the individuals who disregard it don't do great in it. This is a
completely new technique for reading book without looking at the pages. It was firstly developed in
Japan. It is by all accounts extremely surprising in light of the fact that the greater part of us who
adapted just to peruse books by perusing a page at once they can read it by basically flipping the
pages. It can likewise be used in a few other imaginative routes for retaining anything. This has
Basic, Medium, Advance Level.

ESP Photo Graphic Memory Course

A photographic, memory involves being able to recall images, names, words, and numbers with
extreme precision. Having a strong memory relies on neuroplasticity of the brain, or the brain's
ability to reorganize itself over time by breaking and forming new connections. As some fortunate
people are already born with an extremely sharp memory, others struggle to remember what they
ate for lunch the day before. To improve photographic memory there are sure things you can do to
altogether enhance your capacity to review data. Photographic memory is a term regularly used to
depict an individual who appears to be ready to review visual data in awesome point of interest.
Generally as a photo solidifies a minute in time, the suggestion for individuals thought to have
photographic memory is that they can take mental depictions and afterward review these previews
without lapse. This preparation is loaded with imagination and planned in play way system with
heaps of fun and pleasure. This has fundamental, medium, development level.

Photographic memory is a term often used to describe a person who seems able to recall visual
information in great detail. Just as a photograph freezes a moment in time, the implication for
people thought to have photographic memory is that they can take mental snapshots and then
recall these snapshots without error.

The Advantages of the Course

The course will feature two days of complete training, where the students will be taught with the
ways of remembering visual memories with immense exactitude. This course intends to help kids in
the way they retain their memories in the photo/visual format, with special focus on bettering the
memory function. There are different levels – fundamental, medium, development, which will help
the kids even further with their learning process. Students will also see improvement in the
concentration power and the way they deal with day-to-day events and memories.

Other Course

• Telekinesis Technique

• Telepathy Technique

• Spoken English Session

• Phonetics

• Success in Exam

• Concentration Sound Wave

• Money Mantra Sessions

• Self Hypnosis

• Chakra Balancing

• Zibu Symbols

• Power of Positivity

• Switch card Technique with Sanjeevani Cards

• Power of Sub Conscious Mind

• Power of Yong Nitdra -1 & 2

For Google pay - 8625953426

Phone pay- 8625953426
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Account no. 54840100001374
Branch - bramhapuri
City - Chandrapur
Regards and thanks
Ritesh waghmare

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