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NIM: 12370321710


Topic Factors causing the decline in company sales

Date No information
Attending Azmi Dzulfikar Laitupa, Salsabila Bahsyat, Arkam
Susilo, Intan Nuraeni, Muh. Taufiq Salam, M.
Akram Pratama
Writing by Silvi Khairani Chan
Summary Discussion 1. The level of product sales has decreased by
40% from the previous year because there
are similar competing products at
affordable prices.
2. The company's financial condition has
decreased, but because last year's sales
level far exceeded the target, finances
could still be saved.
3. Repair the machine so that it can operate
4. Update the way of producing products by
selling them on e-commerce or
Final Item 1. Service and cleaning of production
machines will be carried out immediately.
2. carry out production via social media.
3. Reduce production processes and
temporarily stop production of products
that are still available in large quantities.
4. Focus on selling products that are already
available and provide discounts of 10-25%.
5. Submit proposals for cooperation as a
supplier to companies that do not yet use
the Company's products. By prioritizing
price discounts, product quality and the
credibility of our company, so that it can
attract client interest.
Action Item Mr. Azmi Dzulfikar will create a team to take care
of promotions on social media and create
promotional content on social media.
Next Meeting No information

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