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 Defination of communication
 Importance 0
 Tyoes of communication : verbal, non verbal, written, oral communication
 Communication process and its elements
 Models of communication :linear, cyclic/ transactional, interactive
 Characteristics of each model
 Elements, identify and implications
 Types of communication interpersonal communication
 Applicability of each model
 Feedback
 Levels of communication
 Barriers :language, psychological, sign language, physiological, physical (school, class)


 Discussion
 Question and answer
 Experiments
 Group work
 Presentation
 Demonstration
 Role play


 Importance


 The concept or state of exchanging data or information between entities.

 Process of transmitting information ideas thoughts or feelings from one person to

Importance of communication

 Business ideas are shared through communication

 People are taught through communication
 It allows one to express their feelings
 It allows one to ask questions if it is verbal communication
 It is used to spread awareness on a topic/ phenomenon
 Icrease employee productivity
 Improves crisis management
 Boosts knowledge sharing and innovation
 Promotes team building
 Understand complex concepts
 Collaboration between students (good relations)
 Motivate learners
 Effective communication creates a positive environment
 Ehances critical thinking


 Verbal communication
 Non-verbal
 Written communication
 Oral

Importance Verbal

 Room to ask questions were not understood

 Promotes team building
 Understand complex concepts
 Collaboration between students (good relations)
 Motivate learners
 Saves time
 Provoke thoughts

Importance of non verbal

 Helps to emphasize concepts through use of charts

 Helps expresses emotions
 It helps those with disabilities understand
 It adds value to verbal communication
 Promotes cultural understanding

Importance of written communication

 Used for referral

 Keep records
 Can be stored for long periods of time

Communication process

 Exchange of information and ideas between the sender and receiver

 In the education system it involves thru various methods
 It have key elements:
 sender-who initiates the communication process by sending a message to the receiver in
education it is normally the teacher who provide information and instructions
 Message-is the information or idea that the sender is trying to convey to the receiver. In
education it can take any form visual aids, verbal or written
 Reciever- person who receives information from the sender. In education they are usually
the student listens from the teacher
Models of communication


Sender - channel - reciever

 Teacher uses media to send information using platforms such as TV, Charts, power
point etc and the receiver student is (passive) inactive
 Anyone can be a sender in this model and its a one way process

Advantage of using the linear model

 The message of the sender is clear and there is no confusion

 Cannot change information he/she is given
 It is not time consuming
 Constant flow of information
 Can control the class as information is transmitted from one media


 Not a dynamic way of communicating

 Does not allow to respond promote passivity

Cyclic model

 Whreby one person transmits a message and gets feedback from the receiver
 Two way communication. It is affected by resistance which is noise

Advantages 5

 Room to ask qsns

 Essential for data capturing
 To evaluate the lesson conduction
 Used for motivational purposes

Interactive methodology

Teaching that is centred on communication

 Means sharing/working Together


Demotivation ?

How can you motivate?

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