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No. 1

No. 2

No. 3
The lengths of rods A and B are 120 cm and 96 cm respectively. After a rod of equal length is
cut from each rod, the ratio of the length of A to that of B becomes 10: 7. Find the length of the
rod cut from A.

No. 4
Chocolate beans are packed in 250 g and 750 g packages. The numbers of 250 g packages
and 750 g are in the ratio of 1: 2. If 2 of the 750 g packages are repacked into 250 g packages,
then the ratio becomes 5:3. Find:
a. the original number of 250 g packages,
b. the total mass of the chocolate beans.

No. 5
The total number of English, Mathematics and Science books in a bookstore is 125. The ratio of
the number of English books to that of Mathematics books is 3: 4. The number of science books
is 15 less than the number of English books. Find the ratio of the number of English books to
that of Science books.

No. 6
No. 7

No. 8
No. 9

No. 10

No. 11

No. 12

No. 13
No. 14

No. 15

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