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EVALUATION 2³ 14/09/23


Objectives of the lesson were fairly achieved. The teacher was presenting the work on the board neatly
and learners were imitating from what they were seeing. Media used draw learners' attention and most
of them were participating very well. Class discussion, demonstration , exposition and group discussion
were used as teaching methodologies. There was good classroom control during the lesson and all
learners were disciplined. The teacher was professionally dressed and managed time very well.


Brainova Maguri, Rumbidzai Mautsi and Wayne Mafunu were chief participants during the lesson. Most
learners participated very well during their group discussion and most of them benefited much from
their discussions. There was good learner to learner interaction during group discussions and this helped
learners to understand the concept of finding the three averages very quickly. Learners wrote their
classwork and submit their books in time. Most learners did very well in their class work and they
managed to score above half. Teaching strategies used by the teacher were effectively for it helped
most learners to master the concept of finding the three averages from given data.


Few learners did not perform well in their individual work on finding the three averages. They were
failing to calculate the the arithmetic mean. Some learners were not participating well in any
discussions held in class and this showed that they need some more time for practice and explanation.


The techer suggested to do more questions on finding the three averages to make sure that every
learner had mastered the concept. Teacher should use a variety of teaching activities so that all learners
will grasp the concept well with others. Teacher encourages learners to take part in class activities with
other learners so that they will understand the concept well because practised work won't be easily

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