4.1.5 Practice - Helpful Resources (Practice)

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5 Practice: Helpful Resources Practice

College and Career Preparation I Name:

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1. On the FastWeb website, click the "Scholarships for High School Seniors" link
found at the bottom of the page. Choose a scholarship and list:

The name of the scholarship

The amount the scholarship awards

The scholarship application deadline (3 points)

2. On the FastWeb website, what link do you select to find featured scholarships? (1

3. List three pieces of information (besides your name, birthday, and address) that
you'd need to complete the FAFSA. Go to the FAFSA website to find this information:
https://studentaid.gov/apply-for-aid/fafsa/filling-out. (3 points)

4. What are two ways to postpone repayment of a student loan? Go to the FAFSA
website to find this information: https://studentaid.gov/h/manage-loans (2 points)

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5. What is the current interest rate for a direct unsubsidized loan? Go to the FAFSA
website and click "Direct Unsubsidized Loans" to find this information:
https://studentaid.gov/h/manage-loans. (1 point)

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