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Leadership is an important aspect in any company. Text one and two deal with different styles of
leadership. The first text discusses the affiliative style. This style of management focuses on creating
harmony among people in the workplace and making them happy. Whereas the affiliative leader
gives his employees a lot of freedom, the pacesetting style leader will do the exact opposite. This is
what the second text is about, the pacesetting style. Text one emphasizes that a leader should give
the freedom to people to be creative. However text two claims that the emotions are not as relevant
in a working environment as a good working rhythm and strict rules. Therefor the pacesetting leader
tends to put more pressure on his employees, thus not giving much freedom in contrast to the
affiliative leader.

The affiliative style seems to value people’s creativity while the pacesetting style appears to expect a
high performance from the workers. Both texts describe the pros and cons of these styles. Text one
argues that employees need space for their emotions and creativity, which, if allowed, will ensure a
good working sphere among the workers and boost their efficiency on the workplace. However, there
are downsides to this. Text one states that the affiliative style can allow poor performance to go
uncorrected and employees could be discombobulated by the lack of advise offered by the affiliative
leader. Text two argues that the pacesetting style counteracts poor performance. In contrast to that
the second text states that employees can feel overwhelmed and their moral tends to drop. The
workers feel that they are not thrusted to take any decisions onto their own account.

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