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You are unique. You have unique personality and character traits, a unique upbringing
and unique experiences.

You are unique.

Then why would you compare yourself to ANYONE else? Whether it’s your sister, your
friend or someone on social media?

I get it, the comparison game is tough, especially when you want something so badly. If
you are working towards your dream body or your dream career and then you see
someone with it already, OF COURSE it’s hard not to compare and envy them because
that’s what YOU want.

But guess what? No one is perfect. And we each have a different path and journey to
follow in life. You are you. You are unique. Therefore your life is unique to YOU and your
journey will be different than ANYONE.
So stop comparing where you are to someone else’s journey.

We can learn from someone else’s experience and see what elements we can use in our
own journey, but just because it looks as though someone is at a more advanced stage
than us doesn’t mean ANYTHING because we each have our own struggles and
someone might be looking at YOU and thinking the same thing.

Comparing will only hurt your progress because you are lingering on the scarcity mindset
rather than focusing on what you can do, right now, to work towards becoming your
future self. You are robbing yourself from your ability to feel empowered and inspired to
follow your own personal development journey.

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