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10 Practice: Complete Your Assignment Practice

British Literature and Composition Name:

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Research one of the facts that Winston Churchill mentions in the lesson reading. You
must fill in a modern reader about the historical significance of this fact. Then you
must explain, in a separate paragraph, how Churchill uses the fact rhetorically to
fulfill his purpose in the speech.

Your assignment should include the following elements:

A paragraph that expands on one of the facts Churchill mentions about World
War II

A paragraph that describes how Churchill uses the fact to support his rhetorical

A works-cited list that includes the source or sources you used to support your

You should have completed a draft of this assignment in the activity before this one.
If you haven't done so, go back and complete the activity now.

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Ask yourself these questions as you revise:

Are my sources credible, and do they provide sufficient information about the fact
I'm investigating?

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Is my explanation of the historical fact thorough enough to give the reader
context to better understand Churchill's reference?

Do I show a solid understanding of how a speaker can use facts to make

rhetorical appeals?

Do my in-text citations and my works-cited list follow MLA guidelines?

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Use this rubric to determine how well you're meeting the criteria for the assignment.

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Did you write a paragraph that expands on one of the facts that Churchill refers to
in his speech?

Did you write a paragraph that describes how Churchill uses that fact to achieve
his purpose?

Did you format your assignment according to the guidelines you were given?

Possible Self- Teacher

score evaluation score
Your assignment shows a good understanding 3
of a fact that Churchill refers to in his speech
• Supports your explanation successfully with 3
at least one source
Your assignment accurately identifies 3
Churchill’s purpose in giving his speech and:
• Explains how he uses a fact from the speech 3
to achieve his purpose
• Correctly cites the speech to support your 3
Your assignment cites a source that is credible 3
• Paraphrases the source in a way that avoids 3
plagiarism and makes the information clear
• Follows MLA guidelines when citing the 3
source in the text and on a works-cited page
Your assignment is written in a clear, careful
way that:
• Uses an appropriate tone for the classroom 3
• Is free of obvious mistakes in grammar, usage, 3
spelling, and punctuation

7.1.10 Practice: Complete Your Assignment 3/4

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From Churchill's "Their Finest Hour" speech where he rallied the British people with his call to fight on against Nazi
Germany. This passage is a significant and memorable part of the speech that highlights Churchill's ability to inspire
and motivate his countrymen in the face of great adversity. One fact that can be obtained from Churchill's "Their
Finest Hour" speech is the seriousness of the situation Britain was facing during the earlier days of World War II.
Churchill referred to the German Army's rapid conquest of much of Europe and the threat it posed to Britain. He also
mentioned the need for the British people to be determined in the face of the threat and to continue to fight, even in
the face of hardship. This fact is significant because it highlights the courage and determination of the British
people during this critical moment in their past. Despite being outnumbered and outgunned, the British people were
willing to bear great hardship and sacrifice to protect their nation and their way of life. Churchill's speech not only
encouraged and rallied the British people but also displayed his leadership and eloquence in articulating the
seriousness of the situation and the need for action. The purpose of Churchill's "Their Finest Hour" speech, delivered
on June 18, 1940, was to rally the British people and encourage them to continue their fight against Nazi Germany.
At the time, Britain was facing a heavy military threat from Germany, which had already conquered much of Europe
and was preparing to invade Britain. Churchill used the speech to remind the British people of their long history and
traditions and to
highlight the importance of courage, determination, and resilience in times of crisis. Churchill's "Their Finest Hour"
speech is a masterclass in persuasive rhetoric, employing a range of rhetorical methods to encourage and inspire
the British people. The purpose of the speech was to rally the nation in the face of a serious military threat from Nazi
Germany and to highlight the significance of perseverance and determination in times of crisis. Churchill uses a
strong fact to accomplish this purpose, namely the seriousness of the situation that Britain faced during World War
II. He stresses the importance of the British people's resolve and willingness to fight against overwhelming chances.
To fulfill this, Churchill employs several rhetorical devices such as parallelism, repetition, and allusion to great
moments in British history. He uses repetition to create a
sense of urgency, repeatedly highlighting the phrase "we shall fight" to underscore the commitment and
determination of the British people. Churchill also draws on allusions to historical moments of British triumph, such
as the Battle of Trafalgar and the Battle of Waterloo, to motivate his audience with a sense of national pride and
heritage. Altogether, the speech is a strong example of persuasive rhetoric, using a fact of great
historical significance to inspire and galvanize the British people in their fight against dictatorship and aggression.

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7.1.10 Practice: Complete Your Assignment 4/4

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