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**Report on the Schools Sports Festival 2024**

Our class recently participated in a one-day sports festival for local schools, and I am writing to
provide feedback on behalf of the students.

**Enjoyable Aspects:**
Overall, the sports festival was an enjoyable experience, offering students the opportunity to
meet and interact with peers from other schools.

**Areas for Improvement:**

However, there are areas for improvement. Many students felt that there weren't enough new
sports to try, which limited the variety of activities available. Additionally, some students
mentioned that they spent too much time listening to instructions, which could have been
reduced to allow for more active participation.

**Learning Experience:**
On a positive note, students appreciated the opportunity to learn about fitness and its importance
during the festival.

**Suggestions for Improvement:**

To enhance future sports festivals, I suggest including a wider range of sports and activities to
cater to different interests and abilities. Furthermore, streamlining instructions and ensuring a
balance between instruction time and active participation would improve the overall experience
for students.

Thank you for organizing the sports festival, and we look forward to future events that
incorporate these suggestions for an even more enjoyable experience.
**Assessment and Grading:**

**Content (Up to 6 Marks):**

- The report effectively addresses the purpose, providing feedback on the sports festival.
- It highlights both positive aspects (opportunity to meet students from other schools, learning
about fitness) and areas for improvement (lack of new sports, excessive time spent on
- Suggestions for improvement are specific and relevant, focusing on increasing variety and
reducing instruction time.

**Language (Up to 9 Marks):**

- The language used is appropriate for the task and audience, with clear expression and
organization of ideas.
- Vocabulary is varied and precise, with accurate use of grammar and sentence structures.
- Cohesion and coherence are maintained throughout the report, aiding in clarity and readability.

Overall, the report meets the criteria for both content and language effectively, earning full marks
in both categories. It effectively communicates students' opinions about the sports festival and
provides constructive suggestions for improvement.

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