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Chapter 4 – Rebirth

The sound of explosions resounded in rapid succession, with flashes of light

briefly illuminating the starless night and the mountain terrain northeast of
Kuoh Town. Although this commotion would have long since drawn the
attention of the town's residents, that wasn't the case here.

In the midst of this chaos, the battered figure of Kiba Yuuto could be seen
weaving through the explosions, two pitch-black blades held in each hand.
Above him, five figures clad in obsidian armor reminiscent of a medieval
knight with angel wings extending from their backs, which held lances and
shields in their hands, were pursuing him.

Two of them pointed their lances at him, releasing beams of light from their
tips. One of them missed its mark, while the other was devoured by a black
substance that flowed out of Yuuto's blades.

"Nice moves as always, young Knight." Valdes, who was observing from a
distance, remarked. "However, how long will you be able to keep this up?"

"Haaa… Haaa… Damn it…"

Taking cover behind a rock formation, Yuuto struggled to catch his breath and
stop the shaking in his hands and legs. This was a situation he couldn't
imagine happening twenty minutes ago. He and the rest of the Occult
Research Club had arrived at the Cluster's hideout after confirming that the
Stray Devils hadn't moved ever since yesterday's battle. Once their familiars
had scouted the perimeter, Rias, Akeno and Koneko had entered the cavern.
They had left Yuuto outside to stand guard since there was a chance he might
be affected by the Succubus's hypnotic gaze once again.

It hadn't even been five minutes when all Hell broke loose. Seven armored
knights led by the Dullahan Valdes had emerged from the nearby forest,
attacking Yuuto. Somehow, they had been concealed very well, to the point
where their familiars had missed their presence. Yuuto had spent the past few
minutes fighting them, but while he had taken down two of these golems (at
least that's what he assumed they were), he was being driven into a corner.
It was the first time ever since that fateful night almost four years ago that
he felt the cold hands of death being so close.

"I'm sorry, President…" Yuuto said with a bitter smile. "I'm supposed to lay
down my life defending yours as your Knight…but it looks I'll be going down
before I can even do that…"

The rock formation Yuuto was hiding behind exploded at that moment, with
the blond-haired youth being sent tumbling backwards. Using his sword as
support to stand up while wincing, he could see Valdes emerging from the
smoke, the five armored knights hovering behind him.

"End of the line." Valdes said as he pointed his blade at Yuuto. "You fought
well, but this is your limit, young Knight. Any last words? Perhaps something
for the Gremory princess before we finish her off?"
Yuuto said nothing, dropping into a stance and brandishing his blades.

"I see." Valdes said. "I'll tell her you were brave and defiant until the end. Let
it be some small comfort for her before she goes…wherever Devils go when
they die."

The five golems aimed their lances at Yuuto, light gathering at their weapons'
tips. However, at that time—a whistling sound, as if something was cutting
through the air, was heard. The next moment, an ash-colored axe buried
itself in the lead golem's back, sending it crashing into the rocks.

"What the Hell!?" Valdes exclaimed as he and the golems started looking
around. "Where did that come from!?"

The sound of a motorcycle engine echoed across the area as the axe ripped
itself from the now inert golem and flew into the rider's hand. Several tendrils
of ash shot out of it, aiming for Valdes and the golems, who scattered to
evade them.

As the motorcycle came into a stop in front of Yuuto, the blond-haired youth
couldn't help but stare with a blank expression at the familiar figure riding it.


"Hey, Kiba-kun!" Takeshi raised his hand while smirking. "Looks like I arrived
just in the nick of time! Also, holy Hell, did you see that!? The axe flew back
on my hand on its own!"

"Ryuugamine-kun, you… What are you doing here? And that axe… Is that
your Sacred Gear?"

"Save your questions for later." Takeshi said as he dismounted. "Can you still

"I'll manage somehow." Yuuto said. "I'll take the Dullahan. Think you can
handle the golems?"

"No choice but to do it somehow, right?" Takeshi said as he brandished his

axe. "Any advice?"

"Core's in the chest." Yuuto said. "Strike there. I'll help you once I've dealt
with the Dullahan. Don't die until then, Ryuugamine-kun!"

"Right back at you!"

Dismissing his two blades, Yuuto conjured a two-meter-long broadsword and

slammed it on the ground, creating a shockwave that forced Valdes and his
golems even further backwards. Before they had a chance to recover, Yuuto
and Takeshi moved, with the former creating an orange-brown curved blade
and locking it against the Dullahan's own. The latter faced the golems with a
confident smirk on his face.
"Alright, you oversized wind-up toys!" Takeshi made a 'come on' gesture.
"You will be eradicated without fail!"

As Takeshi started fighting the golems, Valdes and Yuuto circled each other,
looking for an opening.

"That was an unexpected interruption, but it changes nothing." Valdes said.

"Exhausted as you are, you're no match for me. You've only postponed your
death by a few more seconds."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." Yuuto smirked. "I've still got enough
energy left to take you down!"

The two swordsmen charged at each other, sparks flying as their blades
clashed against one another. Instead of trying to receive his opponent's
slashes head-on, Yuuto redirected the Dullahan's blows to the side by using
as little force as possible. At the same time, he used whatever opening Valdes
showed to strike at his chest. However, his sword didn't seem to be inflicting
any noticeable damage.

"Impressive!" Valdes said as he kept slashing at Yuuto. "Deflecting my blade

like that requires a lot of skill and precision! Even though there's not room for
a single miscalculation, you're still pulling this off! However, it's meaningless
if you can't get past my armor!"

Gathering demonic power at his blade, Valdes swung it, unleashing several
waves that headed straight for Yuuto. The blond-haired Knight used his agile
footwork to weave through them and formed a new Demonic Sword, releasing
a large amount of water from it that doused the Dullahan.

"Was that supposed to do something?" Valdes wondered. "Also, don't think

you've escaped from my attack just yet!"

Several of Valdes's waves changed directions and headed straight for Yuuto.
However, he merely smiled as he formed a new Demonic Sword and tapped
its hilt, with copious amounts of smoke emerging from it and surrounding the
two warriors, obscuring Valdes's sight. Having lost their target, the demonic
power waves scattered, hitting random places.

"We're playing hide-and-seek now?" Valdes said while looking around. "Not
very chivalrous, don't you think?"

"You're trying to kill President and my friends. To Hell with chivalry!"

Yuuto emerged from the smokescreen, a rapier-shaped Demonic Sword in his

hand, aiming for Valdes's chest.

"Too easy!"

Valdes slashed Yuuto in half—only for his body to flicker and vanish.

"An illusion!?"
At that moment, the true Yuuto made his move, shooting out of the
smokescreen like a bullet. Valdes tried to fix his stance and counter, but
stumbled as his feet had sunk into the mud without him realizing it. As such,
he was unable to avoid Yuuto's rapier, which struck his chest and shattered
the armor. Both his sword and his head fell from Valdes's still hands as the
curse that was maintaining the armor started dissipating.

"I see…" Valdes muttered. "The water…was to form mud…make me lose my

footing. But how…could you pierce my armor…and strike my core…?"

"The sword I used in our first exchange was Rust Order, a Demonic Sword
that makes metals rust." Yuuto explained as he withdrew his rapier. "I struck
the same spot in your chest place as many times as I could, weakening it.
This sword here is Starlight Flash, a Demonic Sword that focuses the wielder's
demonic power at the tip of the rapier."

"With the armor weakened…it was easy to pierce through it with this blade…
as long as you could create the opportunity…" Valdes laughed. "Well played…
young Knight… I wanted to live…but going out this way…isn't so bad either…"

After saying so, Valdes's eyes lost their luster and his armor collapsed to the
ground, turning into a pile of dust that was scattered by the night wind.

Staring at the blade of his fallen opponent for a few seconds, Yuuto turned his
sights to Takeshi, who was still battling the golems. Much to his surprise, he
saw that two of them had already been defeated, lying motionless of the
ground with deep gashes on their chest plates. The other two were airborne
and were trying to snipe Takeshi without much success.

"Come on, I thought this was going to be much harder!"

Evading the golems' light beams, Takeshi swung his axe, releasing a 360
degree wave of ash that headed for the golems. Although they dodged them,
the ashes turned into a pair of clawed hands that grabbed a golem's wings
and tore them off its back. As it fell on the ground, Takeshi was upon it,
splitting it in half with a mighty blow.

"Heh, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this."

"Watch out!"

Yuuto cried out as the remaining golem charged at Takeshi, taking advantage
of his distracted state to skewer him with its lance. Yuuto felt his blood turn
into ice at the sight of his classmate being killed. However, he was shocked
upon noticing that Takeshi was smirking.

"Nice try, but I'm immortal! Probably!"

Grabbing the lance to prevent the golem from retreating, Takeshi swung his
axe, severing its hands. As it stumbled backwards, Takeshi slashed its chest
open before turning its back on it.

"Victory was never an option for you!"

Takeshi said while striking a pose as the golem collapsed on the ground.

"Nailed it." Takeshi let out a wide grin while making a V-sign. "Too bad it
didn't explode. Would have made for a perfect setting."

"Eh, Ryuugamine-kun?" Yuuto said while approaching Takeshi. "Not to rain on

your parade or anything…but you do know there's still a lance stuck in your
chest, right?"

"Huh, that somehow totally slipped my mind." Takeshi said as he pulled out
the lance, grunting in pain as he did so. "Yeah…I don't think I'm ever going to
get used to this…"

"Incredible…" Yuuto muttered as he watched Takeshi's wound closing up

almost immediately. "There was more than meets the eye to your Sacred
Gear after all. More importantly though, why are you here? Not that I'm not
glad or anything, but how did you know we were in trouble?"

"That Centaur Stray Devil came after me." Takeshi explained. "While he was
trying to kill me, he started gloating about how you guys had fallen into a
trap and would probably be dead soon like me. I proved him wrong once, and
I intend to do so twice."

"He's dead then?"

"Unless he can also recover from fatal wounds, then yeah, we don't have to
worry about him anymore." Takeshi said. "But enough about that. Are
Gremory-senpai and the others inside the cavern?"

"Yes, they went in to take down the other Strays." Yuuto said. "It should be
just the Succubus left, but judging from the unexpected appearance of these
strange golems…"

"There could be more of them, or perhaps even more Strays than we first
thought." Takeshi rubbed his chin. "What about the Student Council? Can we
contact them?"

"That was the first thing I tried once the golems ambushed me." Yuuto
frowned. "No luck. Something in the area is blocking all forms of
communication, both normal and magical, along with teleportation. My guess
is that the Student Council members are also fighting right now."

"We can't afford to worry about them as well." Takeshi said. "Right now,
Gremory-senpai and the rest take priority."

"Right." Yuuto nodded. "Still, are you sure you can keep fighting,
Ryuugamine-kun? You're looking a little pale and somewhat unsteady."

"I'm fine." Takeshi insisted. "It's just…some exhaustion and a bit of phantom
pain. Nothing I can't handle. What about you, Kiba-kun? You're not exactly
the image of perfect health either."
"I'll manage." Yuuto said. "If you believe you can do it, then let's go.
President and the others might be in serious trouble right about now."


Takeshi nodded as he and Yuuto entered the cavern, their weapons raised.
Upon doing so, Yuuto grimaced.

"What's wrong, Kiba-kun?"

"I didn't notice it from the outside…but there's something in here that
interferes with the generation of demonic power." Yuuto responded to
Takeshi's question. "This isn't good…"

Takeshi and Yuuto hadn't even taken ten steps when the sounds of battle
reached them. Quickening their pace, but making sure they were hidden as
much as possible, the two boys arrived at the site of the battle, witnessing a
chaotic scene.

Much to their relief, Rias, Akeno and Koneko were still alive, fighting against
four Stray Devils. However, it was obvious to anyone watching that they had
been pushed into a corner, both figuratively and literally. Nell and Arnett were
bombarding the trio with magic attacks, while Talon and Enishi, who had
transformed into a large, humanoid wolf with brown fur, were hacking at their
defensive magic circles with their claws.

Rias and Akeno were making several attempts to counterattack, but the
Strays' coordination was impeccable, evading their demonic power blasts and
keeping up the pressure. The fact that they couldn't exhibit their full might
due to whatever was messing with their demonic power didn't help things.
Koneko was also unable to move out too much for fear of being picked off by
the Strays.

"They won't last for much longer." Takeshi remarked with a whisper. "Good
thing we arrived in time. Let's—"

"Not yet, Ryuugamine-kun." Yuuto said while pulling Takeshi back. "If we
throw ourselves into the mix like that, we might end up making things worse.
We're only getting one chance, so let's make it count."

Takeshi grumbled, but couldn't really argue with Yuuto's reasoning. The
blond-haired Knight was more experienced when it came to matters regarding
combat, so he chose to follow his lead.

Turning their sights back to the battle, the boys noticed that Rias and Akeno
had focused their magic attacks on the Gargoyle. However, Talon skillfully
evaded Rias's Power of Destruction, while Akeno's thunder seemed to have no
effect on his stone-like skin.

"That tickles!" Talon said while laughing like a maniac. "Come on, little girls,
is that all you've got!?"

"Wait, Koneko!"
Ignoring Rias's warning, Koneko stepped out of the barriers, spreading her
bat-like wings as she aimed for Talon. However, Enishi flew in front of her, his
claws enveloped by pale light.

"Take this!"

Swinging his arm, Enishi unleashed a barrage of small crescent-shaped aura

blades. Koneko tried to evade them, but ended up receiving most of them
head-on. Letting out a cry of pain, she crashed on the ground with several
cuts opening on her body.


Distracted by Koneko's fall, Rias and Akeno's barriers faltered. Not letting this
chance pass by, Nell conjured a large mass of aura and sent it flying,
shattering the two girls' barriers and sending them skidding backwards, their
clothes damaged and their skin singed.

"Time to die, filthy Devils!"

A massive fireball appeared at the tip of Arnett's staff, with Enishi and Talon
also preparing to attack. But just as she was about to throw it—


Both Yuuto and Takeshi shot out of their hiding spot, their weapons raised.
Before anyone had a chance to react, Yuuto had reached Arnett, his Demonic
Sword that was reinforced with all the demonic power he could spare tearing
through her magical defenses and burying itself deep into her abdomen. The
young witch spat out a mouthful of blood as she fell dead on the ground. At
the same time, Takeshi brandished his axe and severed Enishi's left hand,
with the Werewolf letting out a howl of pain as he clutched his bleeding

"You…" Nell glared at the newcomers. "It can't be! The human aside, the
Knight should have been killed by Valdes! How can you be here!?"

"Sorry for the wait, President." Yuuto said as he rushed to Rias's side. "I'm
glad you're safe."

"Hey there, Gremory-senpai, Himejima-senpai, Koneko-chan." Takeshi raised

his axe in greeting. "Quite the party you've got going on here!"

"Yuuto, Ryuugamine-kun…" Rias seemed astonished, but then smiled. "Your

timing is impeccable, boys. Looks like the tables have turned."

"Don't joke with me! We are enough to turn you into mincemeat!"

Enishi's claws glowed once again as he charged at Takeshi while howling, only
for Koneko to block his path.

"…Payback time, stupid dog."

Grabbing his outstretched arm, Koneko tripped Enishi and threw him down
with all her strength, cracking the ground below the Werewolf. Wasting no
time, Koneko twisted his remaining arm, breaking it in three separate points,
with Enishi crying out in pain.

"Here comes the finishing touch!"

Once Koneko stepped back, Akeno unleashed numerous thunderbolts upon

the fallen Enishi, turning him into a charred corpse in a matter of seconds.
Meanwhile, Talon attempted to attack the seemingly defenseless Rias, but
slammed on a defensive magic circle that materialized in front of him. Rias
smirked as she conjured a mass of Power of Destruction in her left hand.
Letting out a whimper, Talon attempted to fly away.

"You won't escape!"

Rias's aim was true as the black aura vaporized Talon's entire left side, with
the remains of the Gargoyle's lifeless body falling on the ground.

"This can't be happening…" Nell muttered with a fearful expression as she

took a few steps back. "We were winning… We were so close to reclaiming
our freedom… Why…? How!?"

"You reap what you sow." Rias said as the four members of the Occult
Research Club and Takeshi surrounded Nell. "This is your comeuppance for
murdering all these innocent people. Now then, I'll ask you only once, so
you'd better give me a satisfying answer if you want to live. Are you working
for someone, and if you do, who is it? Speak quickly, because my patience is
running low. Also, don't even think about trying to use any illusions."

Nell bit her lip with a frustrated expression as she looked around. Then, she
snapped her fingers, causing an explosion to occur in the farthest part of the
cavern that shook the place.

"What was that!?"

Rias cried out. Taking advantage of the distraction, Nell made a beeline for
Takeshi and grabbed his face, forcing him to look at her as her eyes shone.

"Heed my command! Attack the Devils!"

Takeshi looked back at her, his irises turning ash grey as he let out a savage

"[Sorry, but you're not my type!]"

As a sinister voice was superimposed over Takeshi's own, Nell couldn't help
but freeze from shock. For a moment there, she was certain that a Dragon
with a serpentine body was standing before her. The next thing she
registered was pain as Takeshi's axe slashed her torso, opening a deep gash.
Nell screamed as she fell to her knees.
"That belt…and that foul aura…" Nell murmured with a fearful expression
while crawling away from Takeshi, her eyes fixed on his Sacred Gear. "No
mistake… You are…"

"Nice try, but not good enough." Rias said as she approached Nell, the Power
of Destruction gathering in her hand. "If you don't want to talk, then perhaps
the Underworld's interrogators will loosen your tongue. Trust me when I say
they won't be as nice as me. Or perhaps I should leave you to Akeno?"

"Ufufu, it's been some time since I've tried an interrogation." Akeno showed a
sadistic smile as thunder crackled around her hand. "Let's hope I haven't
gotten too rusty."

"Damn you, rotten Devils!" Nell bellowed in outrage as she placed her hand
on her chest, with several magic formations appearing on her body. "Damn
you, Evil Dragon User! Damn you all to Hell!"

"A self-destruct formula!?" Rias cried out. "I won't let you!"

Before Nell could go through with her plan, a mass of black aura flew from
Rias's hand, obliterating the Succubus without a trace.

"I have a feeling this will never stop being both impressive and scary at the
same time…" Takeshi remarked. "It's over, right? Case closed and all that?"

"It should be." Rias said. "Once we confirm that Sona and her Peerage are
safe and that there are no other enemies left, this battle will be officially

"Glad…to hear that…"

Takeshi stumbled after he spoke, his Sacred Gear disappearing as he felt all
his strength leaving him. He would have fallen to the ground if it wasn't for
Koneko and Akeno, who rushed to his aid and supported him.

"Are you alright, Ryuugamine-kun?"

"Been better…Himejima-senpai…" Takeshi murmured. "Room's just…spinning

a bit…"

"You've probably overexerted yourself." Rias said as she formed a magic

circle. "Good, teleportation seems to be working again. Yuuto, please bring
Ryuugamine-kun back to his home. He's more than earned his rest."

"At once, President." Yuuto said, supporting Takeshi as they started making
their way towards the magic circle. "Come on, Ryuugamine-kun. One foot in
front of the other. That's it, you're doing great."

"Don't you…patronize me… Also…why is everything…green…?"

After the two of them were teleported away, Rias created a communication
magic circle.
"Sona, it's Rias. Can you hear me?"

A few seconds of silence ensued until a female voice was heard coming from
the magic circle.

[…Rias. It looks like you guys are still alive as well. I'm glad.]

"Judging from your tone, I guess you ran into unexpected complications like

[Yes.] Sona said. [Once we arrived at the site, we found ten golems lying in
wait. It was a difficult battle, but we were able to destroy them. However,
two members of my Peerage were injured in the process.]

"We were pretty roughed up on this side as well." Rias said. "There were
more Stray Devils than we thought and they caught us by surprise. If it
wasn't for a happy miscalculation, we might have been annihilated. Come to
think of it, there should be a Centaur Stray Devil as well. Don't tell me he's
still out there…"

"He won't be a problem anymore." Yuuto, who had returned in the meantime,
said. "Ryuugamine-kun saw to that."

[Ryuugamine?] Sona asked. [Is that the novice Sacred Gear possessor you
told me about, Rias? If he's that skilled, perhaps I should invite him to my

"Hey, I found him first, so no cutting ahead, Sona." Rias said. "In any case,
it's safe to assume that those golems were meant to keep you busy while the
Strays took care of us. After that, the Cluster would have probably attacked

[A basic, yet effective plan.] Sona said. [It was fortunate you were able to
turn the tables on them. However, the presence of these golems confirms
that this Cluster was working for someone. Did you manage to get any
information out of them regarding the identity of their employer?]

"Unfortunately, no." Rias frowned. "I tried to capture one of them alive, but
she used a self-destruction formula. I had to eliminate her before she blew
herself up and took us down as well."

[Shame.] Sona said. [Once I've treated my servants, I'll contact the
Archduke's side and request for experts to examine the hideouts. Perhaps we
can get some clues from there.]

"Good idea." Rias said. "I'll ask my family to request help from one of our
contracted Magicians as well."

[Let's talk more about this later.] Sona said. [The unusual size of this Cluster
troubles me. I have a feeling there's more to this incident than meets the

After Rias dismissed the magic circle, Koneko turned to Yuuto.

"…How's Takeshi-senpai?"

"Completely wiped out." Yuuto said. "Once I put him on his bed, he fell asleep
almost immediately. I can't blame him though after everything he went
through tonight."

"President, I think you might want to see this."

Akeno called out to Rias and the others, pointing at a broken crystal and an
inactive magic circle on the ground a few meters away from them.

"This is…"

"The crystal was used to block both communications and teleportation, as

well as inhibit our demonic power." Akeno said. "The Succubus must have
caused it to explode when she tried to create a distraction. As for the magic
circle, it's used for communication, but was modified to only receive
messages. We can't operate it from this side."

"Someone went to a lot of trouble to set all this up…" Rias frowned. "In any
case, we can't do anything else but wait for the experts' results. Yuuto,
Koneko, you should return back to the clubroom and treat your injuries.
Akeno and I will join you once the Archduke's agents get here."


After Yuuto and Koneko had taken their leave, Akeno turned to Rias with a
concerned expression on her face.

"Rias, about Ryuugamine-kun…"

"I know what you want to say…" Rias sighed. "I thought something was
strange about him and his Sacred Gear, but I never expected him to be the
'calamity' of this generation. This is troubling…"

"What do you plan on doing?" Akeno asked. "You know what everyone's
policy is when the Evil Dragon User appears."

"I'm aware of what has to be done." Rias said with a sour expression. "Even
so, I…cannot in good conscience leave such a huge debt unpaid…"


The Gremory heiress didn't respond to Akeno, deep in thought about her next
steps as she paced around the cavern.

Several days later…

"…I can't believe my condition is still this poor. Maybe rushing to everyone's
rescue wasn't such a good idea after all…"
Takeshi grumbled as he made his way to school. Four days had passed ever
since the subjugation of the Stray Devils had ended, with his body still feeling
the aftereffects of the battle. All his muscles ached and he felt so exhausted
that even a little exertion would leave him gasping for air. He could only hope
that this backlash was temporary. After all, the injuries he had received were
supposed to be lethal in the first place.

"I wonder what Gremory-senpai and the others are doing…"

During that time, he had only received a single message from Rias, stating
that she would contact him soon. Takeshi assumed that the Occult Research
Club and the Student Council were busy with the post-processing of the
battle. He didn't think Rias was the type that would renege on her promise to
reward him, but he didn't know her well enough to say that with absolute

He was also curious about his Sacred Gear. Now that it had shown its true
form, Takeshi thought Rias might be able to identify it. While he was
impressed with its regenerative and tephrakinetic abilities, he was concerned
about the mysterious voice that came from it. Moreover, the terrified
expression on Nell's face and Denas's parting words also troubled him.

"Perhaps Senpai will be able to give me some more info about it…"

School passed in an uneventful manner as usual. Just as he was about to

head home, his cellphone rang. Checking it out, Takeshi saw he had received
a message which read [Please come to the Occult Research Club's clubroom].
The sender was Rias.

"Finally. I was getting tired of waiting."

Takeshi said as he made his way to the old school building. After arriving at
the clubroom, he knocked at the door and entered upon hearing 'come in'.
Much to his surprise, the only one inside the clubroom was Rias, who rose to
her feet.

"Ah, Ryuugamine-kun." Rias greeted him with a smile. "Come, have a seat."

Takeshi sat on the couch, with Rias sitting on the one across him.

"My apologies that I took so long to contact you." Rias said. "For us Devils,
the past few days have been…hectic for lack of a better term."

"It's alright, Senpai." Takeshi said. "Speaking of which, where are the rest of
the club members?"

"I've sent them out." Rias responded. "I figured it was better if the two of us
were alone for this discussion. But first things first."

Rias bowed to Takeshi, much to the latter's surprise.

"Err, Senpai…?"
"Thank you, Ryuugamine-kun." Rias said with a heartfelt tone. "Words alone
cannot express the depth of my gratitude for what you've done for me and
my Peerage. You risked your life to come to our aid and fought alongside us,
even though you could have ignored our plight. Without your assistance, my
Peerage and I would have surely met our end there. You saved us all. Truly,
thank you."

"Well…this makes me uncomfortable…" Takeshi scratched his head with a

sheepish smile. "Honestly, you don't have to bow to me, Senpai. I helped you
because my conscience wouldn't let me have a moment's rest otherwise.
Nothing more, nothing less."

"If you say so." Rias responded with a smile. "Even so, this doesn't change
the fact that I owe you a huge debt, one that I intend to repay. Now then…
onto much less pleasant matters."

Takeshi felt as if the temperature of the room had gone down several
degrees. He could tell than the next topic was going to be very unpleasant

"Following the awakening of your Sacred Gear's true form and power, we
were finally able to identify it." Rias said. "Before I go into details however, I
should probably give you some basic information about Dragons."

"Dragons?" Takeshi raised an eyebrow. "Dragons are also real?"

"Very real, though their numbers aren't what they used to be." Rias said. "For
all intents and purposes, Dragons are the apex predators of the supernatural
world, powerful beings whose strongest members can rival even the mightiest
Gods from the various Pantheons. They are the very embodiment of power,
respected and feared by all."

"I can see that." Takeshi said. "A giant fire-breathing lizard is the last thing
one would want to mess with."

"Fortunately, while Dragons are a proud race that loves a good fight, they can
be reasoned and bargained with." Rias said. "However, it's possible for certain
Dragons to develop an obsession for battle, which leads them to rampage
indiscriminately and cause widespread devastation. These Dragons are
referred to as Fallen Dragons or, more commonly, Evil Dragons. Their insanity
and complete disregard for their well-being as long as they get to fight strong
opponents is what makes them among the most dangerous creatures that
have ever walked the Earth."

"I'm sensing this conversation is heading towards a place I'm not going to
like…" Takeshi frowned. "So, Evil Dragons are like rabid dogs?"

"You could say that." Rias said. "Among the numerous Evil Dragons that have
appeared throughout the ages, seven of them have left an indelible mark in
history and are regarded as some of the worst calamities that have plagued
this world. Abyss Rage Dragon Nidhogg. Crime Force Dragon Grendel. Venom
Blood Dragon Yamata no Orochi. Stalwart Insomniac Dragon Ladon. Primal
Eclipse Dragon Apophis. Diabolism Thousand Dragon Aži Dahāka. Crescent
Circle Dragon Crom Cruach. These names are still spoken with fear and
revulsion throughout our side of the world."

"To be honest, the only one I know is Orochi." Takeshi said. "But wasn't he
slain by the God Susanoo?"

"That's where the troublesome part of the Evil Dragons comes into play." Rias
said. "As long as even a small fragment of their soul survives, the Evil
Dragons can be reborn indefinitely. While it's usually a slow process that
takes hundreds of years, the aforementioned seven could revive themselves
at a much faster rate, adding to their terror."

"Then why hasn't anyone obliterated their souls completely?" Takeshi asked.
"Or maybe imprison them somewhere?"

"For a regular Evil Dragon, such measures would be enough." Rias said. "But
in the case of the seven, it's not that simple. To completely obliterate the
souls of Ladon, Grendel, Orochi and Nidhogg, one would need several God-
class beings to use their powers simultaneously at them. Such an act would
probably destroy several countries in the human world. In the case of Crom
Cruach, Apophis and Aži Dahāka, who are much stronger, it would take divine
power on the level that would vaporize a continent to eliminate their souls."

"Holy Hell…" Takeshi said with a shocked expression. "To completely destroy
those Evil Dragons, you'd basically have to destroy the world as well."

"Pretty much." Rias said. "Creating pseudo-spaces and trapping the Evil
Dragons there before annihilating them was also proposed, but there were no
barrier techniques at the time that could withstand so much divine power.
Sealing them away also proved ineffective, since these seven's corruptive
aura was powerful enough to eventually erode and destroy any sorts of
arcane restraints placed on them."

"They sound like a real pain in the ass." Takeshi remarked. "What happened
to them in the end? Are they still roaming around?"

"A solution was eventually offered by Deus Trinity." Rias said. "By utilizing
several sealing techniques from various Pantheons and his Sacred Gear
System, he imprisoned Crom Cruach first inside a customized Sacred Gear.
He then imprisoned the other six Evil Dragons into Sacred Gears as well and
embedded them into the Sacred Gear that Crom Cruach had been sealed in,
creating a one-of-a-kind Sacred Gear. Though no-one knows what sort of
methods and materials he used, this prison proved too much for even the Evil
Dragons to escape from. For about nine centuries, this Sacred Gear has been
circulating around the human world, passing from user to user."

"A unique Sacred Gear that seals the seven Evil Dragons within…" Takeshi's
expression fell as he realized where this was going. "Don't tell me…"

"It's as you've probably guessed." Rias said with a grave expression. "That
Sacred Gear's name is Cataclysm Zone—and it's the Sacred Gear you wield."
"Evil Dragon User…" Takeshi muttered. "That's what that Succubus meant…
Wait a minute though, if it's such a unique Gear, how come you didn't
recognize it when I first activated it?"

"Because, as far as we know at least, Cataclysm Zone had never awakened in

an incomplete state before." Rias explained. "I assume the threat to your life
forced its activation before it was fully ready. As such, we had no data on it
and weren't able to identify it until it showed its true form."


"The axe you used is Mayhem Striker, the auxiliary Sacred Gear which
contains the soul of Nidhogg." Rias continued. "As you've already realized, it
enables you to replicate some of his signature abilities, ash manipulation and

"OK, I think I understood everything so far." Takeshi said. "But what's the
catch here? A Sacred Gear with other Sacred Gears in it that contain the souls
of the most fiendish Dragons is bound to have a quirk or two."

"Well, you've probably felt some effects already in your everyday life."

"I've already felt them…?" Takeshi frowned, but then his expression morphed
into a furious one. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me!"

"Seems like you've figured it out." Rias said. "The small amounts of aura
seeping out from your Sacred Gear even in its dormant state intimidated the
humans around you, which is why most people were subconsciously keeping
their distance from you."

"That thing's why everyone is avoiding me like the plague!?" Takeshi spoke
with an outraged tone. "Unbelievable! This Sacred Gear seems worse and
worse the more I hear about it!"

"Unfortunately, that's not the worst of it." Rias seemed uncomfortable,

avoiding Takeshi's gaze. "Ryuugamine-kun…your Sacred Gear and its users
are infamous because…well, because whoever possesses this Sacred Gear
tends to have a short lifespan."

"…I'm sorry, what?"

"The users of Cataclysm Zone…their bodies are either destroyed by the Evil
Dragons' power, or they lose control of themselves and start rampaging
indiscriminately until their life runs out or someone puts them down." Rias
explained. "Each Gear contained within Cataclysm Zone tends to have a
negative effect on the possessor."

"Like what?"

"Take Mayhem Striker for example." Rias said. "While its regenerative power
can heal all but the most devastating of injuries, it saps the wielder's lifeforce
as fuel, trimming their lifespan. One of the previous wielders keeled over and
died in the middle of a fight after overusing their ability."
"Is that why I've been feeling so tired ever since that battle?" Takeshi
wondered, a shiver going down his spine. "Because that thing…had eaten
away at my lifeforce?"

"That's right." Rias said. "You should be fine for now, but if you rely too much
on this power, you'll also end up dead before you know it. Although…that
might be unavoidable in your case…"

"I had a feeling you'd say that." Takeshi said with a bitter smile, doing his
best to hide his growing terror and the shaking of his hands. "If Cataclysm
Zone's users tend to go on a rampage…that means the best course of action
is to eliminate them before they do so. Am I wrong?"

"You…are not." Rias said with an expression filled with sorrow. "Almost every
single Evil Dragon User in history has caused incidents that resulted in large-
scale destruction. As such, all factions have unanimously agreed that when
the Evil Dragon User emerges…they should be put down as quickly as possible
before they can cause any harm."

"I knew it…"

Takeshi let out a dispirited sigh as he sank on the couch, his heart
hammering in his chest and his head buried in his hands. He wasn't sure if he
was supposed to cry, scream or start breaking things. Or perhaps a
combination of all of the above.

"However, I don't intend to do something like that."


Needless to say, Takeshi was surprised by Rias's words.

"You are my savior and the savior of my Peerage, who are like family to me."
Rias smiled. "There's no way I would kill you, Evil Dragon User or not. That's
why I came up with three ways to deal with your problem. I should warn you
though that you'll probably not like them."

"Can't be much worse than death." Takeshi said, feeling a little hopeful.
"Alright, I'm all ears. What have you got for me, Senpai?"

"The first one is getting you out of the country." Rias said as she lifted a
finger. "Now that you've unleashed Cataclysm Zone's true form, its energy
signature is all over town, so it's best if you put as much distance between
yourself and Kuoh as possible. I can use my family's connections to change
your identity and set you up in some remote place in America or Europe. If
you conceal yourself there without using your Sacred Gear at all, you might
be able to live a somewhat decent life."

"A life where I'll have to bid farewell to my parents and homeland, and where
I'll have to constantly look over my shoulder for pursuers while also
suppressing my power, which is probably easier said than done." Takeshi
said. "You weren't kidding when you said I wouldn't like these choices,
"Declaring that you're under my family's protection is the second option."
Rias said as she lifted her second finger. "Still, this will only work to a certain
degree. Moreover, if the higher-ups from our side view this as a waste of time
and put too much pressure on my family, it's possible that they might force
us to abandon you."

"I see…" Takeshi sighed. "What about the third option?"

"It's a variation of the second." Rias said as she stood up and extended her
hand. "Become part of my Peerage—by reincarnating into a Devil."

"Me…becoming a Devil…?" Takeshi said with a troubled expression. "How's

that supposed to help me?"

"For starters, the enhanced physiology and extended lifespan of a Devil

should enable you to withstand the effects of the Evil Dragons' power much
better compared to your human body." Rias said. "Furthermore, by becoming
an official member of the House of Gremory, you'd be intimately connected
with one of the most influential noble houses in the world of Devils. Very few
people would go to the trouble of hunting you down if it meant picking a fight
with my House and causing diplomatic tensions with the Underworld."

"What about your higher-ups?" Takeshi asked. "I doubt they'll be very
pleased once they hear you've brought the infamous Evil Dragon User in your
Peerage. What if they decide to imprison or execute me just to be safe?"

"That's unlikely to happen, since even the Four Great Devil Kings don't
involve themselves in the internal affairs of noble families." Rias said. "The
higher-ups might try to stop me if they knew about my intentions
beforehand, which is why we're making this a fait accompli. Even if they
attempt to paint you as a danger to our society and ask for your execution
afterwards, I have some ideas on how to counter them. It's not going to be
easy, but it can be done."

"That's all well and good, but at the end of the day, I'm still going to be a
servant." Takeshi noted. "Spending the rest of my life as a slave doesn't
sound like a very appealing proposal either."

"It's not as bad it sounds." Rias said. "You'll find that I allow my servants a
great degree of personal freedom. Aside from doing the Devils' job and
participating in Rating Games in the future, I won't ask for much else from
you. Plus, even servant Devils can get promoted to higher ranks if they make
enough achievements, so you can become a noble and go independent in the

"Even so, I really doubt promotion would be a walk in the park." Takeshi
pointed out. "Doubly so for the dreaded Evil Dragon User. I'm sure your
higher-ups would do their damnedest to hold me back."

"It will be an uphill battle for sure, but it's not impossible." Rias said. "Still,
the final decision regarding what you want to do is up to you. From my side,
these are the only options I can give you."
Takeshi was silent for a few seconds as he pondered this. As expected
though, he couldn't come to a decision right now.

"…Can I take some time to think about it?"

"Of course." Rias said. "I only ask that you don't take too much time before
giving me your answer. Apart from my Peerage and Sona's Peerage, no-one
else should be aware of your identity, but better safe than sorry."

Takeshi nodded without saying a word and left the Occult Research Club with
heavy steps. Watching his retreating back, Rias couldn't help but feel sorry
for what he was going through right now.

"I wish I could something more for you, Ryuugamine-kun…but that's my

limit." Rias lamented. "Three harsh choices that will all lead to a difficult life
for you…"

A knocking was heard at the door, snapping Rias out of her thoughts. The one
who entered the room was a bespectacled girl with a slim figure, black hair
styled in a short bob cut and violet eyes.

"Hello, Sona." Rias greeted her friend with a smile. "What brings you here?"

"I have the results from the analysis performed by the experts." Sona said.
"Unfortunately, they weren't able to trace the origin of the magic circle or its
point of transmission. Our mastermind was very meticulous in covering their

"I see…" Rias sighed. "I suppose this means we'll have to watch our backs
from now on. If this was a conspiracy aimed at us, the perpetrator is sure to
strike again. Do you have any ideas about their identity, Sona?"

"I can only make assumptions." Sona said while straightening her glasses.
"The Strays employed golems that could wield holy power. That makes the
Grigori and the Church our prime suspects…or at least that's what they want
us to think. We have too little information on the matter right now."

"That's true…" Rias sighed as she stretched her arms. "At least this incident
concluded without any losses from our side. How are Kusaka-san and Yura-
san's injuries?"

"There was some light poisoning, but they were treated quickly, so there
shouldn't be any ill effects." Sona said. "They will be back on their feet in a
couple of days."

"That's good to hear."

"Speaking of which, I passed by Ryuugamine-kun when I was coming here,

but he didn't seem to notice me." Sona said. "Let me guess, the news about
his Sacred Gear hit him hard?"
"I'm sure he's very distraught even though he looked composed on the
outside." Rias said. "It's not every day one finds out that they have a
potential death sentence hanging above their heads."

"I assume you still intend to go through with this foolishness of recruiting
him?" Sona asked. "To begin with, is it even possible to reincarnate him?"

"I've spoken to Beelzebub-sama regarding this matter, and he believes that it

can be done." Rias said. "The rest is up to Ryuugamine-kun. Also, what do
you mean by foolishness, Sona?"

"Exactly what you think." Sona said. "He's dangerous, Rias, far more
dangerous than you realize. The Evil Dragon User is always hunted down for a
reason. I know you have a soft spot for troubled individuals, but you
shouldn't let your emotions cloud your judgment."

"He saved my life, and also yours by extension." Rias pointed out. "Trying to
preserve his life in return is the least I can do for him."

"I'm aware, which is why I'm not taking action on my own." Sona said.
"However, I still urge you to reconsider. There will be considerable backlash
from the elders' side once they find out. Furthermore, if Ryuugamine-kun
loses control of himself and starts rampaging like his predecessors, this whole
area will be reduced to a smoldering crater alongside us."

"In that case, I just have to make sure he masters his power. Just because
something hasn't been done before, it doesn't mean it's impossible. Right?"

Rias winked, causing Sona to let out a deep sigh.

"I don't know where you're getting this confidence from… Fine, do as you
wish. But if judge the situation is getting out of control, I will do what I must
to protect us all."

"If it does come to that, I'll be counting on you." Rias said as she took out a
chessboard. "But enough about these serious topics. How about a game of
chess to lighten the mood?"

"You're on."

Sona smiled as she sat across Rias, determined to continue her winning

Takeshi arrived at his house in a daze. He mumbled a greeting to his father,

who was watching a baseball game in the living room, and went straight to
his room. After tossing his bag at the side, he fell on the bed, letting out a
deep sigh.

"This is the worst… When I said I wanted my Sacred Gear to be cooler, this
isn't exactly what I had in mind. The worst Dragons in history stuck in my
body, driving me insane or destroying me… And the best choice in this
scenario involves me relinquishing my freedom. Can things get any worse
than that…?"

Pulling out his cellphone, he connected to the net and began searching about
legends and myths related to the Evil Dragons Rias had mentioned. Suffice to
say, he wasn't pleased with the results.

"Not a single positive thing to be found…" Takeshi let out a depressed sigh.
"All of them are depicted as terrifying monsters in the myths, and that's
probably only the tip of the iceberg. No wonder everyone thinks of them as a
grave threat. What the Hell was that Deus Trinity thinking, sealing all seven
of them together…?"

[Who knows? Morbid curiosity? Some sort of experiment? Ensure the

wielder's death before they could master our power? That God could be quite
ruthless at times, something which I approve of.]

Takeshi shot up, his eyes wide open in alarm.

"Who said that!?"

[Who do you think?]

All of a sudden, the scenery around Takeshi changed, much to his shock. He
was no longer in his room, but inside a massive cavern whose roof could not
be seen, although the shadow of a large hall was visible in the distance. A
black sea spread out before his eyes and a foul mist wafted around, burning
his eyes.

Taking a couple of tentative steps forward, Takeshi could hear crunching

sounds beneath his feet. He turned his gaze downwards…and immediately
regretted his decision. The ground was littered with corpses in various stages
of decomposition as far as the eye could see. He barely stopped himself from
gagging at the grotesque sight before him, taking several steps backwards
and almost falling on his butt.

[Now, now, there's no need to be so alarmed. Everything is in your head after


The sound of heavy footsteps echoed across the area as a large shadow
squirmed in the distance. Once it got closer, the mist dispersed, revealing the
form of an ash-colored Dragon with a serpentine body twenty meters long
that had four wings growing from its back. Black miasma surrounded its four
limbs, melting the corpses beneath them, and corrosive fluids mixed with ash
dripped from its mouth.

"You are…Nidhogg?"

Takeshi asked, a mix of revulsion and fear in his voice. The Dragon gave him
a toothy grin as he spoke.

[Indeed, I am Nidhogg, the one known as the Abyss Rage Dragon and the
scourge of the Norse Pantheon. You must be the newest jailer, whelp.]
"Where are we?" Takeshi asked. "What's this sickening place?"

[Hey now, I don't come into your home and insult it.] Nidhogg said. [Like I
said, this place isn't real. It's merely a reproduction of one of my old
dwellings, Náströnd, in your mindscape. Oh, the tasty, tasty meals I've had

After saying so, Nidhogg plucked a corpse from the ground and started
munching it, much to Takeshi's disgust.

[Oh, I'm sorry. Did you perhaps want some?]

Nidhogg extended the half-eaten corpse towards Takeshi, causing the young
man to frown.

"You're kidding, right?"

[Hmmm, not a very amusing reaction.] Nidhogg remarked as he kept eating

the corpse. [But I am more into screams in any case. It'll be amusing seeing
whether they'll be yours or those you slaughter.]

"We're jumping straight to threats then?" Takeshi let out a cramped smile.
"Shame. And here I thought we were starting to get along."

[Oh no, I'm not making threats.] Nidhogg said. [I'm just stating facts. Though
in my opinion, going on a rampage is the better option here. Much more
entertaining and cathartic for both of us.]

"Sorry, but I don't intend to go on any rampages." Takeshi said. "In fact, you
won't get a say on what I do. This power belongs to me now, and I decide
how it will be used."

[I've heard the same thing in different variations many times before from
past users.] Nidhogg snorted. [Yet they all met similar ends. I must say
though I was intrigued by that red-haired girl's last proposal. We've never
had a Devil user ever since we were sealed in here. It should be a fresh
experience…or it should at least somewhat extend our fun play time

"Now I'm really starting to feel this is a terrible idea…" Takeshi muttered.
"Since you don't seem to have anything useful to say, can I get out of here?
The stench is really starting to become unbearable, and looking at your ugly
mug isn't helping things either."

[Hoh, looks like we've got a fighter here.] The edges of Nidhogg's mouth
curled upwards. [But I would tone that attitude down if I were you. Who do
you think assisted you when you fought the centaur? Who was the one that
helped you resist that Stray's hypnotic gaze?]

"If you expect me to bow my head down to you in thanks, we're going to be
here until judgment day."
[Oh, and prideful to boot.] Nidhogg chuckled. [I can tell we will have so much
fun together, whelp!]

With a lightning-fast move, Nidhogg's tail pierced through Takeshi's chest. He

started screaming in pain as the barbs dug deeper into his flesh while
Nidhogg laughed. At the same time, several corpses started moving and
extended their limbs, grabbing Takeshi and dragging him down.


Takeshi found himself back in his room, instinctively checking his chest for
any signs of wounds. While there were none, the pain had felt very real.

"Damn Evil Dragon…" Takeshi cursed as he wiped the sweat from his brow.
"His attitude is as rotten as his breath."

At that moment, a knock was heard at his door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me." Hiroto said. "Can I come in?"

"Dad? Yeah, sure."

Hiroto stepped inside the room, frowning upon taking note of Takeshi's

"Are you alright, son? You're looking pale."

"I'm fine." Takeshi said. "I just…dozed off a bit and had a bad dream. It's
nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure?" Hiroto insisted as he sat next to Takeshi. "Because you didn't
look as energetic as usual when you came home. Is something troubling you?
Perhaps…girl problems?"

"Why must that always be your first guess?"

"Because that's what I'm hoping for!" Hiroto said in a fervent manner. "Youth
only comes once in a lifetime, and being in love is an essential part of it! I'm
really worried that I won't get to see my grandchildren at this rate!"

"That's hardly…"

Takeshi stopped himself before saying something he would regret.

"Seriously though, if you have any problems, you can always talk to me and
your mother." Hiroto said while ruffling his son's hair. "No matter what, we'll
be there for you."

How nice would it be if I could solve my current problems with a heart-to-

heart talk with my parents…
A small, bitter smile appeared on Takeshi's face as he thought of something.
While he couldn't confide in his father, perhaps he could get his opinion in a
more roundabout manner.

"Actually, we had a…sort of quiz today at school." Takeshi said. "They asked
us what we would do if we had to choose between our freedom and our life. I
wasn't able to come up with an answer, and it's been on my mind ever since."

"Ooh, that's a tough one for sure." Hiroto frowned. "Well…I would say this
choice is strictly personal since it comes down to what an individual considers
most valuable to them. Some would say life, others would say freedom."

"What would you choose?"

"Me?" Hiroto pondered this for a moment before answering. "I think…I would
go with life. Losing your freedom is a terrible thing, but as long as you're
alive, there will always be chances to reclaim it. You know, as long as there's
life, there's hope. If you die, that's the end."

"That's right, isn't it…?" Takeshi murmured, and then smiled. "Thanks, Dad. I
think that's helped me a bit."

"Glad I could be of assistance." Hiroto said, but then let out a mischievous
smile. "Also, don't be a stranger when it comes to love—"

"Enough with that already!"

Takeshi tossed a pillow at his father, who easily evaded it and left the room
while laughing.

"Seriously, that father of mine…" Takeshi grumbled. "At least my mind is a bit
clearer now."

Getting up from his bed, Takeshi started pacing around the room.

"The situation is simple." Takeshi said to himself. "My only tentative allies are
Gremory-senpai and the others, while my enemy…is pretty much the whole
world. Not to mention, my power is a double-edged sword. Tch, it's like
starting from a last dungeon-like area at max difficulty in Level 1 while having
negative status ailments. If this was a game, I would have a ton of
complaints to make to the developers."

Takeshi let out a chuckle before resuming his monologue.

"Becoming a Devil…seems to be the only way to keep on living for now. A

more durable body and the protection of a major noble family aren't such a
bad deal. Plus, Gremory-senpai doesn't seem like a bad person for a Devil. I'll
just have to take another leap of faith and trust her."

Takeshi stared at the setting sun from his window with a determined
"The goal is clear." Takeshi declared while clenching his fist. "In order to
survive…I'll definitely become stronger and obtain a high status in Devil
society no matter how difficult it might be."

[Or you can go solo and fight the world. I'm sure there must be one or two
crazy individuals out there who would welcome even a freakish existence like
us. Why delay the inevitable after all?]

"Sorry, but the villain route doesn't suit me, corpse breath." Takeshi said as
he gazed at the various tokusatsu merchandise filling the room. "After all,
heroes who use powers of dark origin to fight for their own justice and goals
is my ideal."

Takeshi let out a confident smile as he picked up a Kuuga figure.

The next day…

"You will become part of my Peerage then?"

Rias spoke with a pleased expression. Just like yesterday, Takeshi was in the
Occult Research Club alone with Rias, having just informed her of his

"I'm not exactly thrilled, considering what I've heard so far, but it's the lesser
evil." Takeshi said. "However, there are two things I'd like you to do for me

"If it's within my power, I'll be glad to." Rias said. "What do you need?"

"Should things go south and I have to be killed…can you modify everyone's

memories and make it so I never existed?" Takeshi said. "If possible, I'd like
to spare my parents from the grief."

"Ryuugamine-kun…" Rias had a sorrowful expression on her face. "Very well,

but let's both do our best so it doesn't come to that. What about your second

"I want the other half of the reward we had agreed in back during our first
meeting, plus an extra forty percent for my trouble. I believe that's only fair."

Rias seemed stunned for a few seconds, but then laughed.

"I think this new life is going to suit you very well, Ryuugamine-kun." Rias
said with a smile. "The funds will be transferred in the account you will be
using from now on for your Devil business. Is that alright?"

"Yes, thank you." Takeshi nodded in satisfaction. "So, how does this work? Do
I have to stand in a magic circle while you do your Devil magic that remodels
my body? Drink your blood? Please don't tell me I have to eat someone's soul
or something like that."
"Nothing that gory." Rias said. "Remember our first conversation about the
supernatural world and the state of the Devils? How our numbers dwindled
after the Great War with the Angels and the Fallen Angels? The solution was

Rias pointed at a chessboard next to her that was missing several pieces,
much to Takeshi's confusion.

"You decided to settle conflicts by playing chess?" Takeshi raised an eyebrow.

"Uh…way to find a peaceful solution, I guess?"

"That's not it." Rias retorted. "Since we couldn't deploy the large armies of
old, it was decided that the system should be revamped by giving each noble
a set of elite servants as personal troops. To that end, the current Beelzebub-
sama created the Evil Piece System, inspired by the human game of chess."

Rias picked up a crimson Pawn piece from the chessboard as she continued

"These special pieces can be used to reincarnate individuals as Devils by

implanting them inside their bodies. One Queen, two Bishops, two Knights,
two Rooks and eight Pawns. Each high-ranking Devil acts as King and
receives these fifteen chess pieces, meaning they can have up to fifteen
servants at most."

"You're using chess pieces to turn people into Devils…" Takeshi remarked,
and then shrugged. "It's far from the most surprising thing I've heard over
the past few days. With this system, you can reincarnate anyone you want
into a Devil?"

"Not anyone." Rias said. "Gods cannot be reincarnated by using the Evil Piece
System. Forcing them on someone is also not advisable. Apart from the
obvious reason, the body naturally resists against the intrusion of a foreign
element and the infusion of demonic power that attempts to alter it. That's
why consent is an important part as it lowers that resistance. Otherwise,
there could be a powerful rejection reaction that would destroy the pieces and
the individual in question. Well, if they're recently deceased or close to death,
it's a different matter since the body's resistance is much lower in that case
as well."

"That means you could plot someone's death, swoop in and reincarnate

"You could…if you were someone that contemptible and stupid." Rias said
with a severe expression. "Some Devils tend to do this, but I personally find it
distasteful. Plus, if the conspiracy comes out, you'll have a vengeful servant
after you. That's why trust is paramount in master and servant relationships."

For some reason, Takeshi felt that there were many Devils who would
disagree with such sentiments.

"But I digress." Rias continued. "There's also the case of the servant requiring
multiple pieces to reincarnate due to their potential strength. Of course, if the
difference in power and potential between the prospective servant and the
master is too wide, the safety program installed in the Evil Pieces will prevent
them from functioning. Not to mention, the demonic power infusion would
probably be unable to alter their body."

"Wait a second." Takeshi said with a troubled expression. "If we're talking
about potential power, Cataclysm Zone's should be off the charts. Is your
power high enough to allow you to reincarnate me?"

"Under normal circumstances, no." Rias shook her head. "I wouldn't be able
to match the combined power of the seven most powerful Evil Dragons even
if I trained my whole life. However, your case is a unique one."

"Really? How so?"

"Beelzebub-sama theorizes that each individual Sacred Gear contained within

Cataclysm Zone has to awaken and synchronize with your soul before it can
truly be considered part of you." Rias explained. "Thus, he believes that the
Evil Pieces won't be able to estimate your Gear's full potential due to its
unique features and will only take Mayhem Striker's power into account,
along with some of Cataclysm Zone's capabilities. Coupled with your
acceptance of it, reincarnation should be possible."

"What happens if that doesn't work?" Takeshi said. "No, to begin with,
Beelzebub is one of your leaders, isn't he? You're saying he's fine with you
taking a dangerous individual like me under your wing?"

"Beelzebub-sama is…an odd case." Rias said in a hesitant manner. "He was
more interested in the effect the Evil Pieces would have on you in the long
run and vice versa rather than the danger you represent."

"Mad scientist type. Got it."

"Something to that effect." Rias said. "As for your first question, if this
doesn't work…we're going to have to bend the rules a bit, though I'm not too
eager to do that. That's why, let's hope we can get it on the first try."

Rias picked up all eight Pawn pieces and came to stand across Takeshi.

"From a rough estimate, I think it will take all eight of my Pawn pieces to
supply the necessary demonic power to reincarnate you." Rias said. "Are you
ready, Ryuugamine-kun?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." Takeshi said as he straightened his back. "Devil me
up, Senpai."

"Alright then." Rias said as she extended her hands. "I order you,
Ryuugamine Takeshi, in the name of Rias Gremory! You shall be reborn as a
Devil and serve as my arms and legs! You, my Pawn, be delighted with your
new life!"
Following Rias's declaration, the Pawn pieces flew out of her hands and
starting sinking into Takeshi's chest one by one. He tensed as he felt his body
grow hot, and then cold, followed by a tingling sensation all over it.

Once the last Pawn piece had vanished inside his body, Takeshi frowned as he
felt a strange pressure coming from his shoulder blades. The next moment—a
pair of bat-like wings sprouted from his back and spread out much to his

"So cool…" Takeshi muttered with an amazed expression as he felt his new
wings, noting that the dimly lit room seemed brighter for some reason. "Was
the chant back there necessary for the ritual?"

"Not really." Rias made a cute gesture. "Just something to set the mood. In
any case, it seems like it was a success. Welcome to my Peerage and the
world of Devils, Ryuugamine-kun. Can I call you Takeshi?"

"Sure thing." Takeshi said. "However, how should I address you from now on?
Should I call you master or princess or my lady?"

"While we're at school, you can call me President like everyone else." Rias
said. "When we are in the Underworld, it's better to call me master in front of
the other Devils."

"Very well, President." Takeshi said. "What's your first order?"

"My first order is for you to relax and have fun at your welcoming party."

Rias snapped her fingers. The clubroom's door opened, with Yuuto, Koneko
and Akeno entering inside while carrying trays filled with food, beverages and

"Welcome to the Occult Research Club and President's Peerage, Ryuugamine-

kun." Akeno said with a smile. "I hope you're feeling hungry because there's
plenty of food around here, ufufu."

"…Welcome, Takeshi-senpai." Koneko made a small bow. "A pleasure to be

working with you from now on."

"It's nice having another active male member in the Club." Yuuto shook
hands with Takeshi before offering him a plate. "Let's do our best both in club
activities and the Devils' job."

"…You prepared all this for me?"

Takeshi was surprised to say the least, prompting Rias to smile.

"Of course. We are welcoming a new member in our little family. If that's not
cause for celebration, I don't know what is."

A warm feeling spread throughout Takeshi's chest. For the first time in a long
while, he actually felt like a normal teenager, being part of a group and
hanging around with friends. He found it ironic considering he had to trade his
humanity for that.

[But you will destroy them as well in the end. It's the inescapable fate of the
accursed Evil Dragon User.]

Nidhogg's voice taunted Takeshi.

That won't happen. Takeshi shot back. Whether it's you or the other Evil
Dragons, I won't be defeated. I'm the only one who decides my path.

"Don't just stand there, Takeshi." Rias said, snapping Takeshi out of his
thoughts. "Koneko says you're good at games, so how about we put that
claim to the test?"

"If that is your wish." Takeshi made an exaggerated bow. "Just don't be too
angry at me when I defeat you, my dear master."

"Oho, them's fighting words." Rias grinned. "Let's do this. Show me what
you've got!"

That day, the sounds of laughter echoed throughout the Occult Research Club
until late at night.

In an unknown location…

"It was a failure after all. To be expected from worthless Strays, I suppose."

A woman with short auburn hair, yellow eyes and a voluptuous body, who
had three pairs of black wings growing from her back, remarked with a
dissatisfied expression. Next to her, a man with black hair worn in a ponytail,
green eyes and a slender frame, who had two pairs of wings growing from his
back, sighed.

"It's as you say, Lailah. What was Kokabiel-sama thinking, leaving this to the
trash of Devil society?"

"Most likely, he didn't want to spill precious Fallen Angel blood if he could
avoid it, Turel." Lailah reasoned. "That's why he had us gather them. If the
Strays succeeded, good for us. If they didn't, nothing of importance would be
lost. Well, except from the golems we 'borrowed' from the labs over the
years, but machinery can be replaced unlike manpower."

"Did Kokabiel-sama really intend to reward them if they managed to eliminate

the Devils?"

"He did…and he would probably make their location known to the Devils
afterwards." Lailah let out a malicious grin. "Once they found out that the
technology restraining their Evil Pieces was of Fallen Angel origin, we'd have a
nice diplomatic incident in our hands. Even if it didn't, taking down the
heiresses of two prominent Devil clans would still be a victory."
"Shame it failed." Turel said. "Who would have expected the current Evil
Dragon User of all people to intervene? Talk about a stroke of bad luck.
However, that means it's my turn next. Once preparations are complete, my
subordinates and I will deliver the Devils' heads to Kokabiel-sama without

"You seem confident." Lailah remarked. "Do you have a secret weapon?"

"You could say that." Turel smirked. "Kokabiel-sama has given me

permission, so I'll put the Calamity Witch into good use. Fight fire with fire."

"Oh, her?" Lailah said. "That should be interesting to watch. I'll be anxiously
waiting for the good news then."

"The time to settle the score from the last war draws near." Turel said.
"Those detestable Devils and Angels won't know what hit them."

Following these words, a magic circle appeared beneath Lailah and Turel's
feet, with the two Fallen Angels teleporting away.

This concludes Chapter 4, as well as the introduction arc. Whew,

longest chapter so far with a lot to unpack here. So, let's get started
with what will probably be the most controversial decision; making
Takeshi a Devil and basically pushing Issei to the sidelines by having
Takeshi take his place in Rias's Peerage and (minor spoiler) having
someone else be the Boosted Gear's wielder.

I'm aware that this trope has already been done to death. However,
just because something is not original, it doesn't necessarily mean it
will turn out bad. At the very least, Takeshi here chose this path
among several not-so-great choices for compelling reasons instead of
being forced into this life via an untimely demise. While this means
the story will follow canon in general, there will be deviations and
changes in the story arcs, as well as original arcs. I did try to come up
with ideas for content that would occur simultaneously with canon in
some other faction, but they always came out inferior to the
revamped version of canon I had in mind. That's probably my limit as
a writer, so I ask that you forgive me for not being able to deliver
something even more unique.

Next, the reason why I'm pushing Issei aside. The short answer is
that, while I don't mind his perversion, he's not an interesting or
unique character deep down, he's a little too passive, and the
excessive focus and favoritism the story gives him (especially in the
latter volumes) has turned me off him in general. I could rewrite his
personality from the ground-up, but that would be the same as using
an OC, so I didn't see the point.

Moving on, Takeshi's Sacred Gear has finally revealed itself. At first, I
was planning to only use Crom Cruach as the Dragon sealed within it,
but then I thought it would be an interesting concept to have all
seven Evil Dragons being hosted by a single individual. With what's
basically seven Sacred Gears in one, Takeshi has a great amount of
versatility and potential growth. As for the in-universe reason for why
such a Sacred Gear was created despite its severely adverse effects
on the user and their surroundings, that's something that will be
revealed later down the line. Before someone asks 'shouldn't
Cataclysm Zone be a Longinus?', the answer is that theoretically, it is
one, but since no-one has been able to confirm the full extent of its
capabilities and the full amount of power a user can draw from it, it's
not classified as one.

Most of the Evil Dragons will also receive a slight redesign and some
additional abilities like Nidhogg here (I'm using the anglicized
version of his name for simplicity's sake), as well as their own unique
color in the same vein as the Dragon Kings and Dragon Emperors.
Regarding their ability to return back from death as long as part of
their soul remains, I'm not sure if that was something granted to
them by Sephiroth Graal in the LN or a natural ability, so I'm going
with the second option here.

Well, that's all for now. The next arc will also be an original one
before we head into the Fallen Angel arc, which will be deviating from
the canon one as I've hinted here. As always, please read, review, but
most of all, enjoy!

See you all next time!

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