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Table of Contents

S.No Title Page

1. Introduction and background ....................................................................1

2. Problem statement ....................................................................................7

3. Objective of the study ................................................................................7

4. Methodology ............................................................................................. 8

4.1. Data collection and evaluation .................................................................. 8

4.2. Methods of analysis…………………………………………………................8

5. Significance of the study -------------------------------------------------------------- 13

6. Expected outputs.......................................................................................13

7. Summary of total cost …………………………………………………………. 14

8. Cost break down .......................................................................................15

9. Work schedule...........................................................................................17

10. References………………………………………………................................17
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling Page1


• Increased competition for water will be amongst the most important issues of the country. As
a result, water scarcity for agriculture and the resulting problem of food security must be
addressed. The rivers should be developed for irrigation, hydropower and water supply
purposes knowing their flow characteristics. To know their flow characteristics there has to
be optimum number of river gauges in the river catchment. However, regarding hydrological
data of the rivers there are a limited number of gauging stations on each river, and some of
them are not functioning well and have limited data records or no records. In such cases,
reconstructing flow regimes using rainfall runoff modeling on the principle of low flow
analysis along the length of the river solves the problem. There are many definitions of low
flow. In this study low flow is the lowest mean flow over durations ranging from one to D
days a year.
• Low flow characteristics can be determined by frequency analysis and flow duration
analysis. Flow frequency analysis relates the minimum average discharge for a given number
of consecutive days to the recurrence interval in years. Flow duration curves show the flow
characteristics of a stream through out the range of discharge. It shows the percentage of time
during which specified discharges are equaled or exceeded during the period of record.
• The duration can be taken in to account averaging the flows over the periods of time (1D,
7D, 10D, and 30D etc).
• The estimates of flow regimes at ungauged sites may be achieved by transfer of statistics
derived from gauged catchments using regionalization procedure.
• Therefore the main aim of this study is to reconstruct flow regimes of Borkena river
catchment which is located North Eastern part of Amhara region between 10 o23’-10o43’N
latitude and 39o32’-39o52’E longitude with approximate area of 1750 km2 for irrigation
development using rainfall-runoff modeling.
The models to be treated here are-
Simple Linear Model (SLM)
Linear Perturbation Model (LPM)
Soil Moisture Accounting and Routing (SMAR)
 The Linearly Varying Gain Factor Model (LVGFM)
The Artificial Neural Network Model (ANNM)
By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling Page2
Simple Linear Model (SLM)
This model presumes a simple linear relationship between the input X (t), the areal mean
rainfall on the catchment and the output y(t),the discharge recorded at the gauging station. In discrete
form, incorporating a model output error term, it is expressed by
yi= ∑ xi− j+1 hj+ei
j =1

yi and xi are the discharge and rainfall respectively at the i-th time-step,
hj = jth ordinate of the pulse response function
ei = the ith error term.
Solution Technique: is least square solution
^h = (XTX)-1(YTX) or
By substitution method:
Qn= ∑ PmUn−m+1
m=1 , Where m = pulse of rainfall, n = pulse of runoff, Un = n-m+1

Linear Perturbation Model (LPM)

In the LPM [Nash and Barsi, 1983], it is assumed that, during a year in which the rainfall is
identical to its seasonal expectation, the corresponding discharge hydrograph is also identical to its
seasonal expectation. However, in all other years, when the rainfall and the discharge values depart
from their respective seasonal expectations, these departures series are assumed to be related by a
linear time invariant system.
The relation between the departure (i.e. perturbation) series of the LPM has the convolution
summation form:
∑ Ri− j+1 hj +ei
Qi = j=1
Ri = Xi – Xd, [Ri = are the rainfall departures from their seasonal expectations.]
Qi = Yi – Yd, [Qi = are the discharge departures fro their seasonal expectations.]
i= 1, 2, 3---n
d = 1, 2, --- 365

Solution Technique: h =( R
R) ( QT R )

By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling Page3

 The Soil Moisture Accounting and Routing (SMAR) Model

The Soil Moisture Accounting and Routing (SMAR) Model is a development of the ‘Layers’

conceptual rainfall-runoff model introduced by O’Connell et al. (1970), its water-balance component

being based on the ‘Layers Water Balance Model’ proposed in 1969 by Nash and Sutcliffe (Clarke,

p.307, 1994). Using a number of empirical and assumed relations that are considered to be at least

physically plausible, the non-linear water balance (i.e. soil moisture accounting) component ensures

satisfaction of the continuity equation, over each time-step, i.e. it preserves the balance between the

rainfall, the evaporation, the generated runoff and the changes in the various elements (layers) of soil

moisture storage. The routing component, on the other hand, simulates the attenuation and the

diffusive effects of the catchment by routing the various generated runoff components through linear

time-invariant storage elements. For each time-step, the combined output of the two routing

elements adopted (i.e. one for generated ‘surface runoff’ and the other for generated ‘groundwater

runoff’) becomes the simulated discharge forecast.

By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling Page4

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the Soil Moisture Accounting and Routing (SMAR) Model

I. for water balance component: Qvol = R-E-P±∆s
Where: Qvol = volume of runoff
R = rainfall
E = potential evapotranspiration
P = percolation
∆s = change in soil moisture storage

ii. for routing component:

yt  x t  j 1 h j  et

The solution technique is: h =( R T −1

R) ( QT R )

By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling Page5
The Linearly Varying Gain Factor Model (LVGFM)
The LVGFM , proposed by Ahsan and O’Connor[1994] for the single-input to single-output
case, involves only the variation of the gain factor with the selected index of the prevailing
catchment wetness, but not the shape(i.e. the weights) of the response function. Using a time –
varying gain factor Gi, the model output has the structure
m m
Q=G j ∑ R i− j +1 B j , where ∑ B j= 1
j=1 j=1

In its simplest form, Gi is linearly related to an index of the soil moisture state z i by the equation Gi =
a + b zi, where a and b are constants. The value of zi is obtained from the output of naïve SLM,
operating as an auxiliary model, using:
m ¿
Zi = − ∑ R i− j+ 1 h j
Where G and j are estimates of the gain factor and the pulse response ordinates respectively of

the SLM and Q is the mean calibration discharge.

It tries to change the runoff coefficient behavior by capturing the seasonal varying runoff
coefficient by Fourier series models or harmonics.
The Artificial Neural Network Model (ANNM)
Neural networks distribute computations to processing units called neurons, grouped in layers and
densely interconnected. Three different layer types can be distinguished: an input layer, connecting
the input information to the network (and not carrying out any computation), one or more hidden
layers, acting as intermediate computational layers, and an output layer, producing the final output.
In correspondence of a computational node, each one of the entering values is multiplied by a
connection weight. Such products are then all summed with a neuron specific parameter, called bias,
used to scale the sum of products into a useful range. The computational node finally applies an
activation function to the above sum producing the node output. Weights and biases are determined
by means of a non-linear optimization procedure (training) that aims at minimizing a learning
function expressing closeness between observations and ANN outputs, in the present case the mean
squared error. A set of observed input and output (called a target to be distinguished from the
network final output) data pairs, the training data set, is processed repeatedly, changing the

By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling Page6
parameters until they converge to values such that each input vector produces outputs as close as
possible to the desired target vectors.

Figure2. Structure of a neuron of an artificial neural network.

For a neuron either in the hidden or in the output layer, each received input yi is transformed to its
output yout by the mathematical transfer function

(∑ )
Y out = f wi y i + wo
i =1 =f (Ynet) is the neuron net input,

Where f( ) denotes the transfer function, wi are the input connection pathway weights, m is the total
number of inputs (which equals the number of neurons in the preceding layer), and wo is the neuron
threshold (or bias).
The non-linear transfer function adopted for the neurons of the hidden and output layers is the
widely used logistic/sigmoid function

( )
f ∑ w i y i +w o =
( )
i =1 −σ ∑ wi yi +w o
i =1
1+ e
bounded in the range [0, 1]. The neuron weights wi, the threshold wo and ó can all be interpreted as
parameters of the network configuration.
If ‘l’ is the total number of neurons in the input layer and ‘m’ is the total number of neurons in the
hidden layer, then the total number of weights to be estimated for the ANN model is (l+1)m +
(m+1). The Simplex method is used for automatic optimization of the weights.
By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling Page7

 The main problem I observed at Borkena catchment is that, the river has no enough

gauging stations to know its flow characteristics. This circumstance makes difficult to

develop the river for irrigation, and other water use purposes.

 Even those gauged sites are not functioning well and have limited data records.

 In such situation, reconstructing flow regimes using rainfall runoff modeling on the

principle of low flow analysis is helpful in determining the values of flow for each flow

duration for a given exceedence point which is useful for the design of structures on the

stream for irrigation water uses of the community.


 The objectives of the study are:
 To Identify irrigable areas
 To compare the rainfall-runoff models
 To Develop flow regime representation of the
 To provide a frame work for further researches on
the same study area

By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling Page8


4.1 Data collection and evaluation

Two major categories of data gathering techniques:-
I. Primary data (data from field survey such as UTM locations using GPS)
II. Secondary data
Precipitation, wind speed at 2m height, sunshine hours, air temperature (maximum and minimum),
relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, - from national meteorology service
Discharge of the river- from ministry of water resources.
Topographic map – from Ethiopian map authority.
4.2 Methods of analysis
For the analysis;
4.2.1. Equipments and materials
Digital planimeter- for measuring length, slope, and area of the basin.
Topographic map – to determine geographic location, elevation etc of the area.
Scanner - scan maps and figures.
GPS – to check coordinates of points.
Standard tables and charts – to determine constants like N, Ra etc.
-The following soft wares are used for the analysis:-
GFFS including
Arc view and
 Excel

. Ethio-GIS is also used as an input for the work.

4.2.2. Procedures for the analysis: Data management
1. Daily rainfall and discharge of 10 years is taken.
2. Missed data will be filled.

By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling
If N 1,N2,N3 and Nx represent rainfalls at stations 1,2,3,and X respectively; and
P1,P2,P3,and Px represent their respective precipitation data of the day for which the data is missing at
station X;then the missed data is calculated using:

i. simple arithmetic method:

P 1+ P 2+ P 3
Px = 3 [Provided N1, N2, and N3 differ within10% of Nx]

ii. Normal ratio method:

Px = 3 N 1 [
Nx P 1 P 2 P 3
N 2
N3 ] [Provided any of N 1, N2, and N3 differs from Nx by
more than 10%.]

3. The data is checked for consistency using double mass curve method:-
P' x= Px∗
Where P’x = corrected precipitation at station x
Px = original recorded precipitation at station x
M’ = corrected slope of double mass curve
M = original slope of double mass curve

4. Mean areal precipitation depth is computed using Thiessen’s polygon method as:
Pav. = P1A1 + P2A2 + - - - + Pn An
A1+A2 + - - - + An
∑ Pi Ai A
Or, Pav. = i=1

Where: m = number of stations

Ai/A = weighting factor for each station.
5. The data is arranged in its standard form.
6.60% of the data is for calibration and 40% for verification.
7. The memory length (the number of pulse response) is chosen by trial and error.
8. Pulse responses of the linear models are derived.
9. Calibration method -Direct Least Squares solution.
10. Model Performance Evaluation Criteria -
 Nash-Sutcliffe Model Efficiency Index (R2)

∑ [ ( Q o )i −( Q e ) i ]
R2 = 1 − i=1
n F1
∑ [ ( Q o ) i−Q o ]
R2 =1−
i =1 ,

 Index of Volumetric Fit (IVF)

By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling Page10

 Visual comparison of the simulated and observed runoff response

b. Soil Moisture Accounting and Routing (SMAR) Model.

In addition to daily rainfall and discharge, SMAR needs daily evaporation data.
Use steps 1-6 as above.
7. Calculation of potential evapotranspiration.
For conditions when not all the meteorological data are available, it is mandatory to use other
methods. Among the empirical methods, Hargreaves method is most applicable and precise in such
The working Hargreaves equation for an interior region is given by:

ETO = 0.0023(T+17.8)(Tmax – Tmin)0.5 Ra

Tmax = mean monthly maximum temperature, oC
Tmin = mean monthly minimum temperature, oC
Ra = extra terrestrial radiation, mm/day [1mm/day = 0.408MJ/m2day]

8. The combinations of the water balance parameters H, T, Y, C or

Z is chosen during calibration

9. The initial 3% of the calibration period is taken as a ‘warm-up’

period at the end of which it was assumed that the effect of the
initial conditions would be reduced to an insignificant level.

10. The pulse response function is developed.

11. Calibration method:
 It is possible to use Genetic Algorithm or Rosen brock Direct-Search Method or Simplex
Search Method to calibrate the model.
 The routing component is calibrated by constrained least square method.

12 .Model Performance Evaluation Criteria in this regard is

Nash-Sutcliffe Model Efficiency Index (R2)

∑ [ ( Qo )i −( Qe ) i ]

R2 = 1− i=1
m F1
∑ [ ( Qo ) i−Q o ]
R2 =1−
i =1 ,

By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling Page11
 Relative Error to Peak (RE)

 Index of Volumetric Fit (IVF)

 Visual comparison of the simulated and observed runoff response.

C. Artificial Neural Network Model, ANNM

Use steps 1-7 as SMAR,
8. Training data patterns (neuron number, normalization, momentum coefficient, and learning rate)
will be fed sequentially into the input layer, and this information is propagated through the network.
9. Also connection weights, bias and the number of neurons in the hidden layer which are called
model parameters are adjusted during the calibration or training process through the minimization of
the MSE which is based on the gradient descent method using the error back –propagation
10. For each ANN configuration, the mean squared error (MSE) values will be worked out first
during the training and then with the same weights during the testing. Next, the target MSE value
will lower and the network is trained again and the corresponding MSE value in testing is worked
out. This procedure is continued until the MSE value in testing is found to increase instead of
decrease, i.e. when training and testing behaviour more or less balance each other.
12. Calibration method:
 Simplex Search Method is used to calibrate the model.
13 .Model Performance Evaluation Criteria in this regard is

 Relative Error of Peak, RE.

 Mean Square Error (MSE)

 Visual comparison of the simulated and observed runoff response.

Where: Qo = observed discharge, Qe = estimated discharge

Qo=mean of the observed disch a rge

F1 = Final variance or unexplained variance.
Fo =Initial variance or explained variance.

By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling Page12 Reconstructing flow regimes.

a. Generate data for the limited/no data stations
i. Pool over the data ( use combined regional data with the limited data)
Let M be the number of hydrometric stations, the length of records of each is Nj, j = 1, 2, -------
Number of years.
L=∑ M ∗N j
Total length of data, i=1
ii. Index flood method
• Divide the corresponding station data Qi by its corresponding mean.
M1, X1, X2, -------- Xn
M2, Xn+1, Xn+2 -----Xm. Continue to the number of stations.
Then we will have the dimensionless quantity,
X T = { X 1 , X 2 , X 3 , − −−−−Xm }
¿ ¿ −

Q T = X T ∗Q
 For no data stations regionalization method is used.
Regionalization:- the basic criteria in applying regionalization method are geographical and
climatologically similarity.

A ug
Q ug = ∗Q g
Where: Qug = flow of ungauged, Qg = flow of gauged, Aug = area of ungauged Ag = area of
Here, since the number of stations is not greater than three, the multiple regression method can not
be used.
b. Generating Flow Duration Curve (FDC)
iii. Convert the 1D mean discharges in to 10D.
iv. Take the minimum 10D discharge from each year.
v. The daily stream data is arranged in a descending order of discharge
vi. Assign each discharge value a rank (m), starting with 1 for the largest daily discharge
vii. Calculate exceedence probability (p) as follows:-
viii. If N number of data points is used in this listing, the plotting position of any
discharge Q is
P= ∗100 %
Where m is order number of the discharge (or class value)
By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling Page13
P is percentage probability of the flow magnitude being equaled or exceeded.
ix. Construct FDC for different stations.
x. Determine the 80% 10 days dependable flows (Q80 (10)) for different stations from
the flow duration curve.


FSignificance of this study is to extend hydro-meteorological
information of the study area that helps decision makers to manage
water resources for irrigation purposes beneficial to the community of
the basin.


The expected out puts of this thesis are:

vThe rainfall-runoff model that performs well for that particular
v Stream flow transferring equation.
v Flow Duration Curve of the catchment.

By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling Page14


No Description Total


SUB TOTAL 1 12527


A. Researcher /Student 4550

B. Advisor/co advisor 1800

C. Driver 870

D. Irrigation Technician 1800

SUB TOTAL 2 8610


A. Student 3134

B. Advisor/ co advisor 2000

SUB TOTAL 3 5134


Contingency 10% 2627.10
✔The research is expected to be completed at the end of June 2008 with estimated cost of 28898.10 BIRR.

By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling Page15


Item Description Unit Total
S.No Specification Unit Qty
Price price(br)
1 Batteries for G.P.S AAA
Pair 10 5 50
2 CD non rewriteable Sony Pack 1 50 50
3 CD rewriteable Sony Pack 1 200 200
4 Flush disk ,2GB GENX Pcs 1 600 600
5 Photocopy paper ,80gm NOPATOP Desta 5 40 200
6 Duplicating paper , 70gm Paperline Desta 2 25 50
7 Notebooks,200 pages and pens X 60
8 Topo maps Borkena catch. Pcs 10 20 200
9 Transparency , photocopy Atlas Desta 1 200 200
10 Purchasing relevant books Pcs 6 100 600
11 Memory card for digital camera Roll 2 100 200
12 Millimeter paper Roll 1 20 20
13 High lighter, Germany Staedtler Pcs 3 8 24
14 Fixer pencil, 0.5 Rotring Pcs 1 25 25
15 Eraser Pelican pcs 5 2 10
16 Fuel { 30lit/day} Lt 450 5 2250
17 Paper clips Pack 2 4 8
18 Clip Board Pcs 2 15 30
19 Digital camera Pcs 1 4000 4000
20 Hp Laser jet Toner Pcs 1 600 600
21 Lead fixer 0.5 Rotring Pack 1 50 50

22 Internet and Telephone Services LS 600 600
Photocopying & scanning (drawings and
23 LS 1000 1000
supplementary materials)
Thesis compiling
24 LS 1500 1500
(Printing Binding, & encoding of data…)
Sub Total 1

By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling Page16

A. Student /Researcher

Perdiem in
S.No Purpose of Travel Duty Station No days Total
1 Reconnaissance study Project Area 10 70 700.00

2 Primary Data collection Project Area 15 70 1050.00

Secondary data collection Project Area,
3 35 70 2450.00
and literature review Other & A.A
4 Technician(2) Project Area 15 58 1740.00

5 Driver cost Project Area 15 58 870.00

B. Advisor /Co Advisor

Supervision of research
6 activity with in the Project Area 15 120.00 1800
project area
Sub Total 2 8610


S.No Destination Unit of Measurement No of travel Unit cost Total

Student/ Advisor/ Co Advisor
1 Arba Minch–A.A Round trip (By bus) 4 57.00
2 Arba Minch – A.A- X-X Round trip (By bus) 8 143.00

3 Arba Minch – A.A- X-X Round trip (By bus) 8 143.00 1144.00
Round trip (By Plane)
4 Arba Minch-A.A-X 2 1000 2000.00
For advisor/co-advisor
Round trip (By bus)
5 Arba Minch-A.A-X 6 103 618.00
Sub Total 3 5134.00

N.B X may or may not be project area.

By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling Page17
9. Work Schedule
Components of February March April May June
thesis work 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1. preparatory works
Literature review
* * *

2. Data collection
a. Primary data * * * *


* * * *
3.Data analysis

4. Result and
conclusion works * * * *
5. First draft
preparation * * * *
6.Thesis writing
and completion of
* * * *

1. Chow, V.T., Applied Hydrology, McGraw HILL INTERNATIONAL EDITIONS (1988). New
2. Dr. Semu A. (2006/7). Advanced Deterministic Hydrology hand out. Arba Minch, Ethiopia.
3. International institute for infrastructural, hydraulic and environmental engineering
(IHE).Hydrological modeling concepts and modeling. Netherlands.
4. Genene Abera (2006) Inter Comparison of The Performance of Different Rainfall-Runoff
Hydrological Models, M.Sc.Thesis. Arba Minch, Ethiopia.
5. S.K. Garg (2005).Hydrology and water resources engineering (12th ed.).KHANNAN
publishers, New Delhi.
6.Tegenu Zerfu (2006) Low flow analysis of Blue Nile catchment. M.Sc.Thesis. Arba Minch,
6. Internet sources.

By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling Page18



Kebede Sori ______________ ______________

Name Signature Date


1. Dr. Solomon S.Demissie ____________________ _______________

Major Advisor Signature Date

2. Dr. Mekoen Ayana ____________________ _______________

Dean, School of Signature Date
Graduate Studies

By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007
Reconstruction of flow regimes of Borkena catchment for irrigation development using rainfall-runoff modeling Page19

By Mezgebu Mewded, Department of Hydrology and WRM. Arba Minch University. November.2007

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