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Laboratory Activity 5


Algae are photosynthetic organisms that lack roots, stems & leaves. They may be found in almost all
environmental niche where moisture is abundant. Algae amay be unicelluar, colonial, filamentous or multicellular. They
exhibit wide range of shapes from the giant brown kelps & delicate marine red algae to spherical green algae. Algae are
classified according to pigments, storage products, chemical composition of their cell walls & flagella.
While algal growth is essential in providing oxygen & food for other organisms, some can be a nuisance to
humans such as filamentous algae Spirogyra, which clogs canals and drainages. The algal cells indicate water quality.
Water with more than 1000 algal cells per millimeter indicate that excessive nutrients are present. However, some algae
such as Gonyaulax cause food poisoning when there is algal bloom commonly known as red tide.

Objectives: At the end of this activity, the students must be able to:
1. List criteria used to classify algae.
2. List general requirements for algal growth.
3. Contrast algae with fungi and bacteria

● Compound Microscope
● Prepared slides of:

1. Examine prepared slides under LPO and HPO.
2. Record your observations.
3. Observe the characteristics of the 7 divisions of algae & list common representatives for each.
Laboratory Activity 5
Classification of Algae

Name: _______________________________Yr& Section: ______Grp No. _________Date:__________

I. Microscopic observation.

II. Give the characteristics of the following group of Algae and give examples:
1.Pyrrophyta (Dinoflagellates)-

2. Rhodophyta( Red)

3.Chlorophyta (Green)

4.Charophyta (Stoneworts)

5.Phaeophyta (Brown)

6. Eugelophyta (Euglenoids)

7. Chrysophyta (Golden-brown and Yellow-green)

III. Questions:
1.Why are algae considered indicators of productivity as well as pollution?
2. How can algae be responsible for the production of oxygen than land plants.
3. In tabular form, differentiate algae, bacteria, and fungi.

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