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Reality or Illusion?

Somewhere in the far lands, there lies a grey egg. tall about the height of a grown man.

This egg had been long forgotten, left alone in an enclosed cave where no one could

approach it.

The egg would've been left alone but, fate had something interesting in store. An

interesting experience which someone wanted so badly.

Logic may state that an egg can be nurtured by providing it with enough warmth and


In the example of a hen, when it lays an egg, it sits on it to provide heat and keeps it safe

from harm.

But to make this egg nurture, you need a huge amount of mana and extreme heat. Not

just any mana, the mana of it’s mother or mana through a natural source. A safe

environment is already provided by the entrance being closed off by the cave.

The cave is already filled with mana, providing itself for thousands of years.

In a stroke of luck, a ravine had opened in the cave leading down to the magma. thus

the heat radiating from the way back in the magma reached the egg and provided it

with heat.

Count it as a fate play or think of it as a stroke of luck.

That depends on the person looking at the situation from their point of view, well there

isn't anyone watching either way.

Now that the egg has been provided enough mana and heat over time, this process

could be completed much sooner, but the lack of mana and enough heat provided


The egg rattles...



What's going on?

Why is it so dark?

What am I doing?

Where am I?


The creature inside the egg berates itself with questions inside its head but cannot find

an answer. the creature tries to move but senses something in front...

"There's something there?".

The creature finally speaks...

"Wha-? why do I sound so different?"

yes, the creature finds its new voice quite surprising.

"A kid?"

The creature has a voice that resembles that of a kid...

Anyway, I need to get out of here!

The creature taps on the shell and finds it a bit fragile...

The creature punches the shell...



One more time!


The shell cracks whole and...


The creature lets out a gasp for air...


At that moment emotions gush through the mind of the creature...

"Ahhhhhh! argh!"

The creature rolls on the floor clasping his head tightly with his hands...

"W-wait... accident...? mugging...?"


"Yes! I was in an accident when I was running away!"

"This isn't the hospital!"

"Then where am I!"

Then the creature notices something...

"My hands!"

"What the hell is going on?!"

The creature touches its face...


"What the hell is this..."

"I'm keneko fuji? yes... I... was in an accident..."

"But i ... am sure... i... died?"

Please someone explain!!


[Loading status Menu]

[Status menu loaded]


Status... menu?


[Assessing basic layout the user is comfortable with]


[Status menu activated]

Something popped up in front of his face...

"Wha-?! get outta my face!"

[Status Menu]


[Race: Dragon]

[Evolution Stage: New born]

[Health: 13000/13000]

[Mana: 10000/10000]

[Stamina: 13000/13000]


[Wings] [claws] [scales] [fangs] [flight] [dragon breath] [swiftness] [physical attack

resistance] [magic attack resistance] [low stats consumption] [appraisal] [rapid

regeneration] [temperature resistance] [bleeder] [berserk] [night vision] [farsight]

[clairvoyance] [extra speed]


"Huh? huh?!!!!'

" Race?! level?! mana?! skills?!"

"What the hell?!


"I'm a dragon?!!!!"

it's so cliche!

This is one of those anime tropes!

Did I get dragged into one too?!

"h-hard to accept..."

"But I was in an accident... could this be real?... is this one of the accident hallucinations

or a delusion?... I did watch anime a read manga a lot so I could be seeing what I was

imagining... but.. these hands..."

He touches its claws with claws...


"This feels very real..."

"There's something on my back too... its ... a bit heavy"

He tries to shake it off but instead, it spreads open...



He touches his wings that popped out from his back...

"I can ... feel them"

"Anyway, I need to get out of here..."

"Heeeh... it's deep"

I look down a big ravine that starts nearby...

"Better move on"

I walk endlessly on the path that goes straight.

It's been pretty long since I started walking.

"I wanna eat something"

"I'm hungry!"
I keep walking and find that the way is closed off ...

"What do I do?... the way back is closed too..."

"Should i... punch it?

I mean... it did work back there didn't it?



"it's shallow!"

"But it's too thick... hmmm?"


"W-wait... dragon breath!"

"I gotta figure out how to use it first..."

"Like this?..."

I open my mouth and feel the energy flowing and then suddenly...



"Heeh? it's working but it's gonna take forever..."

"Wait this charges to doesn't it?'

"Let's goooo! [Shweeeeeeeeeen!]"


For a moment the cave shakes violently as if it is going to shatter.

"Haaaah! I don't wanna die again!"

"Again?... huh..."
The dust clears up and I see an astonishing sight...

"Heeeh... is it this powerful? it sure packs a punch and it wasn't fully charged either..."

I see that my breath had blown away the area even though the opening and melting a

new path in front melting away all the rock that had been blocking the way.

The breath had blown open a new way...

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