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Annexure 1
Recall References Probe contents
Reference to time of action • During his birthday party
1 TR
Time Recall • During my wedding anniversary
Reference to Place of
• I was in the train/bus/home/office etc.
2 action PR
• We were sitting in the park.
Place Recall
• Imagine a red rose
Presence of Visual Mental
3 V • Imagine a camel
• Imagine the setting son
• I was driving fast
Presence of Motor Mental • I speeded on the motorbike
4 M/AR • I lifted the bag
Imagery • I ran away from the scene
• I had the gun in my hand pointing
• He was approaching the car • Three persons threw a big sack to
• I saw him jumping from the train the river from the bridge
Reference to Persons
WRV • Saawan took the pistol from his bag • I felt somebody was there in my
5 involved
Witness Recall
(WR) • An unknown person stabbed him from the backyard.
back • They came by white car.
• He was wearing back jacket • He was about 6 feet tall
• I was depressed
• I felt desperate
• I felt pity
• I don’t like him
Reference to personal • I couldn’t move my hand
• I felt relaxed
6 condition, emotional state PSR • I couldn’t even make some noise
• I was angry
Personal State Recall • I felt tense
• I was falling asleep
• I couldn’t see
• I felt bored
• I was suffering from typhoid
Reference to personal • I was wearing blue pants
7 physical appearance PAR • I had not shaven
condition • I was holding an umbrella
• He was in agony • He was suffering from fever
• He was fed up with her • He did not like me
Reference to another
• He was afraid of him/me • He wished to make some relation
person’s condition,
8 TSR • He liked them very much • He did not feel guilty
emotional state
Third person State Recall • She loved him • He was angry
• He was sick • He was guilty
• He appeared tense
• He asked Sanjay for a ransom of 15 lacks
Knowledge of third
• He asked her to go away • She asked him for a lift
9 person conversation TCR
recall • She told him that somebody is waiting for • He was shouting at him
• I was asked to get the bag
• He asked me for 10 lacks rupees
Reference to • I was told that he should not go
• He offered me a job
conversation • He spoke to me about Vishal
10 FCR • He asked me to get rid off her
First Person • He asked me to get the car repaired
• He told me that he is the owner
Conversation Recall • He asked me to get the blood stains
• He told that he is Avinash
Reference to directly • I knew that he was having a plan
• I knew that he was attacked
11 received information IR • I knew that he had met him
• I came to know of the incidence
Information Recall • I knew that he had warned Ravi
Reference to inferred
• I thought he contacted Raj
12 IIR • I thought he was in need of it
Inferred Information
Recall • I thought he wanted me to go to Bombay
• I threw chilly powder at his face
• I fired 4 round at him
• I brought the acid
Reference to Action • I arranged a killer for him
• I filled the form
Recall with visual and ARV • I drove the car
13 • I reached Railway station on time
motor mental imageries - • I fixed the camera secretly there
• I made a hole on the wall
Awareness Affirmation • I broke the lock
• I walked behind
• I carried the bag
• I was coming out of the hall
Reference to Action • I found that I was running
• I threw it out before I knew
14 Recall without visual AR • I jumped out with fear
• I was shouting loudly
mental imageries • I hardly realized what I was doing
Reference to Process • Two + five
15 Recall PRR • Four + six
Process Recall • Nine + ten
• I met Mr. Bhandari
Reference to visual • Arun was walking to me
• Saxena was standing there
16 imagery VR • I saw Tarun standing behind the tree
• I discussed the plan with Sharath
Visual Imagery Recall • The road to the hill top
• The sun rising
• Place I used to go for my routine
• My wife’s brother Aravind
Reference to visual • My daughter
• My walking stick
17 imagery with personal PVR • My son
• My friend Sunil
relationship • My husband
• My room/house
• Office where I worked
• My father
• Independence day
• Clean place
Reference to concepts • Crowded street.
18 CR • Nice climate
Concept Recall • Republic day
• Violent people
• Beautiful city
• Ramesh and I
19 Connecting Links L
• Before reaching the airport
Third Party
20 CR • Mr. Dhanesh
Reference to persons
heard from others
• I am an engineer
• I love music
21 Self Reference Recall ARA
• I have passed MA
• I am Rajaram

Mark every probe with the type of recall requirement implied. These are WR, PSR, TSR, VR, IR, TAR, FCR, ARA, AR,
ARV, WRV. Mark L if the probe is essentially a link (L) statement.

1. Presence of Visual Imageries are looked for Probe IDs WR, WRV, TSR, VR, PVR, TSR, ARA, ARV
2. Presence of Motor Imageries are looked for Probe IDs TAR, ARA, AR
3. No imageries are looked for CR, PSR, IR, FCR

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