Persausion Plan#1

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English: Persuasive writing and how to elaborate a

persuasive point of view

Learning Intention Introduction Focus group Tasks Plenary/Success Criteria
Mon To develop the children’s ability to answer Footprints in space (QCA)
comprehension questions
Tues – To develop the Go over the SUDZ Work with LA group – MA & HA = to look at Groups to share their findings and
knowledge children’s adverts in the .ppt identify key features such examples of adverts and elaborate with the impact that they
knowledge and ‘checklist of ads’ as: annotate examples of: think each persuasive feature will
understanding of  Use of word play  Slogans have on the reader.
persuasive language Identify examples  FAB  Wordplay
in adverts of wordplay, rhyme,  Layout –what  Alliteration  To identify persuasive
alliteration, slogans makes it eye-  Rhyme features
and FAB. catching  FAB  To comment on their impact
 Rhetoric  To consider the target
Emphasise the audience for the advert –
 Layout – can they
importance of a what are the clues?
comment on its
superlative in (language, image, level of
choice of adjectives formality)

Wed – To consider the Introduce the Work with the MA group LA – to continue to Encourage the HA groups to share
Understanding application of children to the – focus on planning a develop a paper advert their work – pay attention to the
and analysis persuasive language chindogu ‘butter range of elaborated FAB for the Chindogu ‘Butter range of persuasive devices used
in a chosen product stick’. As a class statements to do with stick’ and quality of the language. Are
can we identify the their chosen product – they appealing directly to their
audience for such a the Chindogu back- MA – see focus target audience?
product and what scratcher.  All groups will use 3/7
the main selling HA – to create an advert persuasive effects
points (FACTS) Make it clear in the for the Chindogu floor  Most groups will use 5/7
would be. Link to children’s mind the polisher (fluffy babygro) persuasive effects
superlative work purpose of the product  Some groups will use 6+
they are trying to persuasive effects
promote. 
Thurs - To continue to Recap on the Work with HA groups – All groups to be provided Analysis – the children evaluate
application apply and analyse features expected to encourage them to use with an image of their their partners work, commenting on
features. Can they be used in an brackets: to add chosen product – they how effective the word choices are,
create an advert? advert. (See additional information must then incorporate can they identify the target
Tuesdays list) into their sentence. this into their work. audience?
Fri To consolidate the children’s Address specific mis-conceptions found within the test paper.
understanding of specific question types.
Homework: To find a printed advert and identify its persuasive features
Name: _______________________
Chindogu Inventions

What is your product called?

Introduce it, who makes it? Who is it for?

What does your product do?

Explain its functions.

What makes your product different

from all the others?
What does it do that other products don’t?
What is your snappy slogan, rhyme
or alliteration?
Make it memorable to the reader.

What is your rhetorical question?

Think about all the things you have said about it.
Name: _______________________
Chindogu Inventions

What is your product called?

Introduce it, who makes it? Who is it for?

What does your product do?

Explain its functions.

What makes your product different

from all the others?
What does it do that other products don’t?
What is your snappy slogan, rhyme
or alliteration?
Make it memorable to the reader.

What is your rhetorical question?

Think about all the things you have said about it.
Name: _______________________
Chindogu Inventions

What is your product called?

Introduce it, who makes it? Who is it for?

What does your product do?

Explain its functions.

What makes your product different

from all the others?
What does it do that other products don’t?
What is your snappy slogan, rhyme
or alliteration?
Make it memorable to the reader.

What is your rhetorical question?

Think about all the things you have said about it.

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