Vision CSP23T02S CSAT

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APTITUDE TESTʹ (4018) ʹ 2023

1 (b)
Average bonus received by officers in years 2011 and 2014 = (35 + 30)/2 = 65/2
Average bonus received by employees in years 2005 and 2008 = (25 + 30)/2 = 55/2
Required ratio = (65/2) : (55/2) = 65 : 55 = 13 : 11
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

2 (d)
Bonus received by officers and employees together in 2016 = (30 + 40) = 70
Difference of the bonuses received by employees in 2005 and 2008 = (30 ± 25) = 5
Required percentage = [(70 ± 5)/5] × 100 = 1300%
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

3 (b)
Average weight of all (veg & non-veg) people = 38.4 kg
Average weight of non-vegetarian people = 40 kg
Number of vegetarian people = 10
Number of non-vegetarian people = 15
Total number of people = 15 + 10 = 25
Total weight of 25 people = 38.4 × 25 = 960 kg
Total weight of non-vegetarian people = 40 × 15 = 600 kg
So, Total weight of vegetarian people = 960 ± 600 = 360 kg
Therefore, Average weight of vegetarian people = Total weight of vegetarian people / Number of
vegetarian people = 360/10 = 36 kg
So, average weight of vegetarian people = 36 kg
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

4 (d)
Applying Alligation rule:

Ratio of the quantity of rice sold at 9% profit and 7% loss = 5 : 11

So, Quantity of rice sold at profit = 64 × [5/(5 + 11)] = 20 kg
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
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5 (a)
Let distance between Delhi and Pune be A km.
 Time taken by Sonali to reach Pune = 10 ± 4 = 6 hours
Time taken by Priyanka to reach Delhi = 11 ± 6 = 5 hours
Speed of train which leaves Delhi = A/6 km/hr
And Speed of train which leaves Pune = A/5 km/hr
Relative speed = A/6 + A/5 = 11A/30 km/hr
Distance covered by train which leaves Delhi in 2 hours = 2 × A/6 = A/3 km
Distance left to be covered = A ± A/3 = 2A/3 km
Time taken by both the trains to cross each other = Distance left to be covered/ Relative speed =
(2A/3)/(11A/30) = 20/11 hours = 1 hour 49 minutes
Required time = 6 pm + 1 hour 49 minutes = 7: 49 pm
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

6 (c)
We know that, if we mix any liquid with water and sell it at cost price to gain a profit of x%, then the ratio
of liquid and water is (100:x).
Here, x = 25%
‫ ׵‬Required ratio = 100:25 = 4:1
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer .

7 (a)
We have, 252, 262, 272««««««2
We can also write it as, (12+22+32««2) ± (12+22+32««2)
So, (12+22+32««2) ± (12+22+32««2) = {40 (40+1) (2×40+1)/6} ± {24 (24+1) (2×24+1)/6}
= {(40 × 41 × 81)/6} ± {24 × 25 × 49/6}
= 22140 ± 4900
= 17240
Number of terms from 25 to 40 = 16
‫׵‬Required average = 17240/16 = 1077.5
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

8 (d)
The passage begins by highlighting that poverty is hunger. Poverty is a lack of shelter. Poverty is being
is an implicit suggestion to the different stakeholders to act, because the issue of poverty can be
overcome. Let us consider the answer options now.
Statement 1 is incorrect as the passage discusses the complex nature of poverty. The different aspects of
poverty viz. hunger, lack of shelter, fear of future etc. are discussed. The author also says that there is no
single cause of poverty. However, there is no indication towards the definition of poverty line. Therefore,
this answer option is incorrect.
Statement 2 is incorrect. The passage restricts itself to qualitative aspects of poverty. It does not even
delve into the quantitative aspects like estimation of poverty. Reference to democracy ± substantive or
procedural ± is not even remotely made. Hence, this answer option is incorrect.
Statement 3 is incorrect. The passage does make a mention of differences between poverty in developed
and less developed nations and within the same country. However, the context in which the author has
PHQWLRQHGµFDOOWRDFWLRQ¶LVQRWOLPLWHGWo the income divide between the rich and poor countries. It is
much more encompassing given the multi-dimensional nature of poverty outlined in the initial lines of the

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Statement 4 is correct as the passage mentions, ³6RSRYHUW\LVDFDOOWRDFWLon -- for the poor and the
wealthy alike -- a call to change the world so that many more may have enough to eat, adequate shelter,
 access to education and health, protection from violence, and a voice in what happens in their
FRPPXQLWLHV´ The statement clearly deals with material and non-material deprivations in human life that
need to be eradicated. Lack of food, shelter, education etc. can be the material dimensions; and the fear of
future, lack of voice in decision making can be the non-material dimensions. This answer option best

9 (d)
Statement 1 is correct as the passage mentions, ³3RYHUW\YDULHVFRQVLGHUDEO\GHSHQGLQJRQWKHVLWXDWLRQ
Feeling poor in Canada is different from living in poverty in Russia or Zimbabwe. The differences
highlight inter-country and intra-country variations in dimensions of poverty.
Statement 2 is incorrect. The passage does mention, ³1RPDWWHUKRZSRYHUW\LVGHILQHGLWFDQEHDJUHHG
WKDW LW LV DQ LVVXH WKDW UHTXLUHV HYHU\RQH¶V DWWHQWLRQ´ However, it is not related to the complexity of
poverty. Therefore, this answer option is incorrect.
Statement 3 is correct as the passage clearly mentions ³3RYHUW\LVKXQJHU3RYHUW\LVDODFNRIVKHOWHU
Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school and not
knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job, fear for the future, and living one day at a time. Poverty
implies that poverty is not simply about not having enough money, but has several other elements like
lack of food, shelter, security from violence, etc. Therefore, this statement is correct.

10 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: 7KHILUVWOLQHRIWKHSDVVDJHVXJJHVWV³Within the freedom to choose are those
endowments that make us uniquely humans´DQGDVSHUWKHILUVWOLQHRIVHFRQGSDUDJUDSK³Even the most
intelligent animals have none of these endowments´7KHVHOLQHVPDNHLWFOHDUtKDWDQLPDOVFDQ¶WH[HUFLVH
which again means that they are incapable of exercising freedom of choice.
Option (b) is correct: ,WLVFOHDUIURPWKHOLQH³they are programmed by their instinct and/or training´
which means that while humans use self-awareness, imagination, conscience and independent will to
make choices, animals have none. So they make choices as per instinct and/or training.
Option (c) is incorrect: 7KHSDVVDJHFOHDUO\PHQWLRQV³They can be trained to be responsible, but they
enough for certain actions by training.
Option (d) is incorrect: According to the passage, animals can be trained to be responsible, but not to be
intelligent or aware. The degree of intelligence in animals is intrinsic or dependent on their species. Self-
awareness is something that animals are incapable of. Thus this option is incorrect.

11 (c)
Let speed of 6KDWDEGL([SUHVVWUDLQEHµ[¶, then speed of Bullet train will EHµ[¶
Time taken by Shatabdi Express train to cover 125 km = 125/x
Time taken by Bullet train to cover 125 km = 125/1.5x
According to the question,
125/x - 125/1.5x = 17.5/60
Or 125/x - 125/1.5x = 175/(10×60)
Or 125/3x = 175/(10×60)
Or x = 1000/7 = 142.85 km/ hr
So, speed of Shatabdi Express train is 142.85 km/ hr.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

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12 (c)
Cost price of alcohol = Rs. 12.20/litre
 Selling price of the mixture (alcohol + water) = Rs. 19/litre
Cost price of the mixture (alcohol + water) = 19 × [100/(100 + 42.5)] = Rs. 13.3
Applying the allegation rule, we get:
Water Alcohol
0 12.20


(13.30 ± 12.20 = 1.10) (13.30 ± 0 = 13.30)

Ratio of alcohol to water = 13.30 : 1.10 = 133 : 11

Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

13 (d)
In a month of 30 days beginning with Saturday, we will have 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays and 20 Other days.
Visitors on 5 Saturdays = 640 × 5 = 3200
Visitors on 5 Sundays = 640 × 5 = 3200
Visitors on Other days = 310 × 20 = 6200
So, Total number of visitors in 30 days = 3200 + 3200 + 6200 = 12600
Average number of visitors per day = 12600/30 = 420
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

14 (c)
For Agra:
Minimum Vaccination: 45
Maximum Vaccination: 105
Required ratio = 45/105 = 3/7 = 3 : 7 = 0.43
For Lucknow:
Minimum Vaccination: 45
Maximum Vaccination: 90
Required ratio = 45/90 = 1/2 = 1 : 2 = 0.5
For Noida:
Minimum Vaccination: 45
Maximum Vaccination: 75
Required ratio = 45/75 = 3/5 = 3 : 5 = 0.6
For Allahabad:
Minimum Vaccination: 60
Maximum Vaccination: 120
Required ratio = 60/120 = 1/2 = 1 : 2 = 0.5
Therefore, the ratio of minimum vaccination and maximum vaccination of Noida is the highest.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

15 (d)
Number of Vaccinations done in Lucknow in all the three months = 85 + 45 + 90 = 220
Average number of Vaccinations done in Lucknow = 220/3
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Number of Vaccinations done in Jhansi in all the three months = 30 + 50 + 60 = 140
Average number of vaccinations done in Jhansi = 140/3
 Required Percentage = {(220/3)/(140/3)} × 100
= (220/140) × 100
= 157.14% (approx.)
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

16 (c)
From Statement I:
(x + y + z)/3 = 42
Or x + y + z = 126
Thus, Only Statement I is not sufficient.
From Statement II:
3(x + y) = 60
Or x + y = 20
Thus, Only Statement II is not sufficient.
From both Statements I and II:
[\] «««« L
[\ ««««« LL
Putting the value of (x + y) from equation (ii) in equation (i), we get:
20 + z = 126
Or z = 126 ± 20 = 106
So, it is clear that both statements together are sufficient to answer the question.
Hence, option (c) is correct.

17 (b)
Ratio of glycer and alcohol in the mixture = 20 : 80 = 1 : 4
So, Quantity of glycer in the solution = 176 × 1/(1 + 4) = 35.2 ltr
So, quantity of alcohol in the solution = 176 ± 35.2 = 140.8 ltr
In the final mixture, alcohol is 60% and glycol is 40%.
40% corresponds to 35.2 litres.
60% corresponds to 35.2 × (60%/40%) = 52.8 litres.
So, Quantity of alcohol that should be evaporated = 140.8 litr ± 52.8 ltr = 88 ltr
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
18 (c)
Triplicate ratio of the ages of Ram and his father = 8 : 125
So, ratio of the ages of Ram and his father = (8)1/3 : (125)1/3 = 2 : 5
Duplicate ratio of the ages of his father and grandfather = 36 : 49
So, ratio of the ages of his father and grandfather = (36)1/2 : (49)1/2 = 6 : 7
So, ratio of ages of Ram, his father and his grandfather = 2 × 6 : 5 × 6 : 5 × 7 = 12 : 30 : 35
Hence, the ratio of the ages of Ram and his grandfather = 12 : 35
Hence, option (c) is correct.

19 (b)
Then, the time taken to cover 70% of the distance = (t + 10) minutes
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Distance = speed × time
So, distance is directly proportional to time.
 So, (t + 10)/t = 70/30
Or (t + 10)/t = 7/3
Or 7t = 3t + 30
Or 4t = 30
Or t = 30/4 = 7.5 min
Time required for completing the journey = t + (t + 10) = 2t + 10 = 2 × (7.5) + 10 = 25 min
Total distance = average speed × total time = 30 × (25/60) = 12.5 km { ‫ ׶‬60 min = 1 hour}
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

20 (b)
Statement 1 is incorrect: According to the passage, Japanese macaques were already living in the high
mountains of northern Japan where, in winter, the snow lies thick. The passage rather discusses how they
discovered the hot volcanic springs and learnt to take hot baths.
Statement 2 is correct: 7KHSDVVDJHFOHDUO\PHQWLRQV³The monkeys investigated and found that warm
water could provide a delicious bath. A few tried it. Soon the habit spread. Now all the monkeys there take
new activities.
Statement 3 is correct: 7KH SDVVDJH PHQWLRQV ³The curiosity that led to this discovery, and the
adaptability that allowed the animals to incorporate the new activity into their regular behavior, is typical
The passage also talks about DIHZ-DSDQHVHPDFDTXHVµLQYHVWLJDWLQJ¶ and µfinding out¶ that warm spring
water could be used to have a good bath and that a few of them tried it out. This reflects the inquisitive
nature of macaques.

21 (a)
Statement 1 is correct: ,WLVPHQWLRQHGLQWKHILUVWOLQHRISDVVDJH³Given that cities are concentrated
centers of population and economic activities, any impact and disruption, whether natural and human
induced, has the potential to affect vast numbers of people. The expected impact of climate change poses a
massive challenge to cities.´
Statement 2 is correct: Similarly, in the first line, it is also mentioned that cities are centers of economic
activity. Hence statement 2 is also correct.
22 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage talks about the cities that are already there, which are concentrated
centers of population and economic activity and prone to the impacts of climate change. The question asks
us to find the most practical and lasting solution to the problem. Avoiding construction of new cities in
low lying areas or on steep slopes could be an ideal, if not practical future solution. However, it does not
address the problem of cities which are already settled in such locations. The passage talks about the
problems of existing cities.
Option (b) is incorrect: Though the passage mentions that building resilience and adapting to climate
change should be a high priority for cities, this solution is not comprehensive, as it does not deal with the
other main problem, which is urban poverty and vulnerability of the most vulnerable people to climate
change. This option only deals with the rehabilitation of life and infrastructure post a disaster.
Option (c) is incorrect: 7KHSDVVDJHPHQWLRQV³Building resilience and adapting to climate change are
therefore a high priority for cities´A robust public transport and industries based on clean technologies
are no doubt, climate mitigation measures that have the potential to reduce carbon footprint and thus

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effects of global warming and climate change. Yet this is not a comprehensive solution as it does not
augment the adaptive capacity of the poorest sections, who are most affected by climate change.
 Option (d) is correct: 7KHSDVVDJHPHQWLRQV³The expected impact of climate change poses a massive
challenge to cities´ DQG ³In every city, the poorest populations are the most vulnerable, because they
have the least adaptive capacity and often occupy areas that are most exposed to hazards´7KXVurban
poverty and the consequent lack of adaptive capacity among the poor to climate change are the two
challenges confronting urban planners and this option talks about such policies which have co-benefits for
both, urban poverty reduction as well as adaptation to climate change. Thus Option (d) is the correct (and
best) answer.

23 (a)
From the given graph it is clear that,
Number of females that have chosen computer = 110 thousand
Number of females that have chosen Arts = 50 thousand
So, required answer = 110 thousand /50 thousand = 110/50 = 2.2
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

24 (d)
Number of males that have chosen Sanskrit = 120 thousand
‫ ׵‬Number of males in the group = 50% of 120 = (1/2) × 120 = 60 thousand
Number of females that have chosen computer = 110 thousand
‫ ׵‬Number of females in the group = 40% of 110 = (2/5) × 110 = 44 thousand
Required ratio = 60 thousand/44 thousand = 15/11 = 15: 11
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

25 (d)
Total expense for first 4 years = 4 × 2x = 8x
Expense in the 5th year exceed the previous average by Rs. 15.
So, expense in the 5th year = 2x + 15
Total expense in 5 years = 8x + (2x + 15) = 10x + 15
Average expense for 5 years = (10x + 15)/5 = 2x + 3
Hence, option (d) is correct.
26 (c)
Applying the allegation rule, we get:

So, required ratio of water in the two drums = 3 : 4

Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

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27 (d)
A dishonest shopkeeper earns 20% by mixing palm oil with mustard oil.
 In this question, we have to consider the price of palm oil as zero.
Ratio of mustard oil and palm oil = 100 : 20 = 5 : 1
So, Percentage of palm oil in the mixture = [1/(1 + 5)] × 100 = (50/3)%
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

28 (a)
Ratio of milk and water in the four mixtures = 1 : 4, 2 : 3, 3 : 7, 9 : 1
Final ratio of milk and water in the donated milk =
= [{1/(1 + 4)} + {2/(2 + 3)} + {3/(3 + 7)} + {9/(1 + 9)}] : [{4/(1 + 4)} + 3/(2 + 3)} + {7/(3 + 7)} + {1/(1
+ 9)}]
= [(1/5) + (2/5) + (3/10) + (9/10)] : [(4/5) + (3/5) + (7/10) + (1/10)]
= [(2 + 4 + 3 + 9)/10] : [(8 + 6 + 7 + 1)/10]
= (18/10) : (22/10)
= 9 : 11
Hence, new ratio of milk and water in the container is 9 : 11.
Hence, option (a) is correct.

29 (a)
Distance from A to B = 20 km and Speed = 4 km/h
Distance from B to C = 30 km and Speed = 6 km/h
Distance from C to D = 10 km. Let x km/h be the speed from C to D.
Average speed of e±rickshaw during the whole journey = 5 km/hr
When a person travels d1 distance at a speed of x1 km/hr and d2 distance at a speed of x2 km/hr and d3
distance at a speed of x3 km/hr, then average speed of the journey is given by:
(d1 + d2 + d3) / [(d1/x1) + (d2/x2) + (d3/x3)] km/h
Applying the above concept, we get:
5 = (20 + 30 + 10) / [(20/4) + (30/6) + (10/x)]
֜ 60/[(10 + (10/x)] = 5
֜ 60x = 5 × (10x + 10)
֜ 60x = 50x + 50
֜ 10x = 50
֜ x = 5 km/hr
Hence, Speed of e±rickshaw from C to D is 5 km/hr.
Hence, option (a) is correct.

30 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: It is nowhere mentioned in the passage that Verstehen can be used to predict
human actions in future. It is provided in the passage that Verstehen is used by sociologists to gain an
understanding of the meanings behind human actions. With this limited information, it cannot be assumed
that Verstehen can be used to predict human actions in future, and thus it is beyond the scope of the
Option (b) is correct: The passage mentions that in Verstehen approach, it is important for the
researchers to place themselves in the position of the individual to comprehend the meanings behind the
actions can have different meanings in different cultures and societies. This means that results produced
by Verstehen are context specific. So, this is the crux of the passage.

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Option (c) is incorrect: ,W LV FOHDUO\ PHQWLRQHG ³Without proper investigation, one is at risk of
misinterpreting the data collected´  6R Lf not properly done and without taking view of the culture or
 context, it would lead to misleading results. However, it has an ambiguous meaning ± Do we get
misleading results if Verstehen procedure is not applied, or if it is not applied properly. Also, this cannot
be the crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The author, in the opening lines, defines Verstehen, where he clearly states that it
is a technique to study the meaning behind human actions and meaning behind their motivations, purposes
contradictory to what is provided in the passage.

31 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The opening lines of the passage stress the need to reform the education system
in India with respect to the breadth and depth of subjects being chosen for study and research - from
science and technology to humanities and social sciences. However, it does not talk about elementary
education in particular and hence this option is incorrect.
Option (b) is incorrect. The passage mentions that Indians know very little about their own country or
the colonial power that ruled India. On the same lines, there is very little awareness about the other major
countries like China, Brazil or Russia. The passage stresses the need for greater understanding of these
countries and rest of the world. However, the passage does not suggest that India needs to specifically
learn from the education systems of these countries. So, this is not the crux of the passage.
Option (c) is correct. The passage says that we Indians know very little about not only our own country
but also about our colonizer. We are ignorant about other major nations like Russia, China or Brazil. The
passage indirectly stresses the need to understand the major powers of the world closely. This option best
captures the essence because it covers both aspects which are needed to reform education ³(GXFDWLRQLn
,QGLD QHHGV URRW DQG EUDQFK UHIRUP«´ and the emerging uncertainties in the globe ³« WKHUH LV QR
crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. There is no discussion in the passage on the role of the quotas and patronage-
laden present higher education system on the employment readiness levels of the graduates. This option
could be an inference but not the crux. Hence, this is not the right option.
32 (c)
increases the probability of desired relations of trade and commerce, as well as political relations, due to
the attraction that this concept garneUV´ Therefore, it may help in the creation of a peaceful world.
this is not the central idea of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The passage discusses the process of cultural exchanges among nations in
general without going into specific aspects like the developmental levels of nations - whether developing
or developed. Also, the benefits of cultural exchanges are equally available to all nations irrespective of
their developmental levels. So, to say that this is the central idea is not correct.
Option (c) is correct. This option is correct because the passage not only mentions the importance of
cultural exchanges concerning the nation, but also of its impact on the individuals. The aspect of the
LQGLYLGXDOLQWKHSDVVDJHLV³The concept is essentially a process that involves a two-way transfer of an
cultural exchange on the individual, as well as the role of the individual in cultural exchange. Therefore,
this is the central idea of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. 7KHRSHQLQJOLQHV³The idea of initiating cultural exchange programs was first
hatched after the 2nd World War when the people of different countries wanted to unify against violence
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and hate among nations´does indicate the potential of cultural diplomacy, but the idea here is to develop
good relations through a parallel diplomatic route, and not to solve existing disputes among nations per se.
 Therefore, this is not the central idea of the passage.

33 (d)
Speed of policeman = 50 km/h
Speed of criminal = 30 km/h
Relative speed of Mr. Singh and criminal = 50 ± 30 = 20 km/h
? Extra Distance travelled by Mr. Singh to catch the criminal = 20 x (15/60) = 5 km
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

34 (c)
When a person travels a distance at a speed of x km/h and again the same distance at a speed of y km/h,
then the average speed of the journey is given by (2xy)/(x + y).
Speed of horse in first round = 40 km/h
Speed of horse in second round = (40 x 150)/100 = 60 km/hr
And the distance travelled is same.
So, average speed = (2 × 40 × 60)/(40 + 60) = 2 × 4 × 6 = 48 km/hr
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

35 (b)
Nitin is running at a speed 20 km/hr and after every kilometer, he takes a rest for 3 min.
Number of times Nitin takes a rest in 5 km = 4
Rest time = number of times rest was taken × time for each rest = 4 × 3 = 12 min
? Total time to cover 5 km = [(5/20) × 60] min + 12 min
= 15 min + 12 min = 27 min
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
36 (a)
Cost price of two types of cattle feeds is Rs. 60/kg and Rs. 72/kg.
By selling the mixture at Rs. 68.25/kg he gained profit of 5%. So, cost price of the mixture = 68.25 ×
(100/105) = Rs. 65
Applying Allegation Method:

Ratio of the quantity of Rs. 60/kg and Rs. 72/kg types of cattle feeds =7 : 5
So, Quantity of Rs. 72/kg type of cattle feed = 108 × 5/(5 + 7) = 45 kg
Hence, option (a) is correct.

37 (c)
Fraction of boys in school A = 4/(4 + 5) = 4/9
Fraction of boys in school B = 3/(3 + 1) = 3/4
Fraction of boys in group = 1/2

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Applying Allegation Method, we get:

So, required ratio = (1/4) : (1/18) = 9 : 2

Hence, option (c) is correct.

38 (c)
Number of books purchased by R and S together in 2020 = 60 + 80 = 140
Number of books purchased by P and Q together in 2020 = 40 + 90 = 130
Required ratio = 140 : 130 = 14 : 13
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

39 (c)
Number of books purchased by Q in 2020 = 90
Number of books purchased by S in 2021 = 55
Required percent = [(90 ± 55)/55] × 100 = (35/55) × 100 = 63.63% (approx)
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
40 (d)
Average score of 25 players = 80
Total score of 25 players = 80 × 25 = 2000
After correction, total score of 25 players = 2000 + 65 ± 40 = 2025
Correct average = 2025/25 = 81
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

41 (b)
Average of 80 numbers = 68
Sum of 80 numbers = 68 × 80 = 5440
If 36 and 74 are removed, then sum of the remaining 78 numbers = 5440 ± (36 + 74) = 5330
Resultant average of remaining 78 numbers = 5330/78 = 68.33
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

42 (d)
Statement 1 is incorrect. The passage mentions, " By the middle of this century, major cereal crops
grown across Africa will be adversely impacted, albeit with regional variability and differences between
Africa, and 8% in East and Southern Africa." Thus, it is valid to assume that West and Central Africa will
be the most affected regions in Africa, but we cannot assume that a disproportionately large number of
low-income countries are located in this region, as the passage does not discuss anything related to
income levels of the countries located here.
Statement 2 is incorrect as the passage does not mention the impact of the rise in sea level on coastal
degradation. So, this statement is beyond the scope of the passage.

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43 (d)
Statement 1 is incorrect. The passage mentions, ³0LOOHWDQGVRUJKXPDUHWKHPRVWSURPLVLQJFURSVZLWK
 a yield loss by 2050 of just 5% and 8%.´%XWZHFDQQRWEHGHILQLWLYHWKDWmillet and sorghum will witness
an increase in production. As per the passage their production will decline too, though less drastically. So,
this statement is incorrect.
Statement 2 is incorrect. The passage doesn't mention that there will be a decline in the nutritional value
of the crops in the future. The passage only mentions that major cereal crops grown across Africa will be
adversely impacted.
Statement 3 is correct. The passage mentions," AgriculWXUH LV WKH EDFNERQH RI $IULFD¶V HFRQRP\ DQG
resulting in serious adverse effects on food security and on livelihoods at the regional, national and
individual household levels." Thus, there is a risk of falling profits and livelihood in the agricultural sector
in Africa in the future.
Statement 4 is correct. The passage mentions, " $IULFDLVWKHUHIRUHDQH[SRVXUHDQGYXOQHUDELOLW\³KRW
VSRW´IRUFOLPDWHvariability and change impacts. IPCC projections suggest that warming scenarios risk
having devastating effects on crop production and food security." Thus, there is a serious risk of a decline
in agricultural productivity in the future in Africa.

44 (a)
Statement 1 is correct. This inference is valid because the passage mentions that the key risks to
agriculture include increased pest damage to food system infrastructure. We can infer that pest damage
will increase due to their increase in numbers i.e., better survivability. Therefore, this option is correct.
Statement 2 is incorrect. The discussion of the passage is centred on the risks of climate change on
agriculture in Africa. The passage does not mention any climate change adaptation measures that need to
be implemented in Africa. It only mentions the name of climate resistant cereals like millet and sorghum
that can survive the harsh climatic changes in the long run. This option suggests a possible practical
solution however; it cannot be inferred from the passage.
45 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The option mentions provisions of more funds by the state government for post-
disaster recovery. The passage, however, does not discuss the issue of funding for recovery. Hence, this
option is beyond the scope of the passage. So, this is not the crucial message of the passage.
recovery measures have largely focused on addressing physical vulnerabilities such as the provision of
crucial, long-term recovery needs much more, but it is tricky because everyday vulnerabilities stemming
from poverty are accentuated by recurring hazards´VKRZWKDWUHVROXWLRQ RISRYHUW\LVPRUHLPSRUWDQW
than provision of shelter (which is a short term measure) for long term recovery from disasters. Therefore,
this is not the correct crucial message of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The passage does not state that the current understanding of long-term measures
is insufficient, so as to require further studies. Therefore, this is not the correct crucial message of the
interventions are crucial, long-term recovery needs much more, but it is tricky because everyday
vulnerabilities stemming from poverty are accentuated by recurring hazDUGV´ These lines reflect the
message that long-term recovery would be challenging unless the vulnerabilities of poverty are resolved.
Therefore, this option correctly conveys the crucial message of the passage.

46 (a)
have regarded their collective arrangements not as immutable and part of the natural order but as
potentially open to change, and therefore as requiring philosophical justification´. The passage also
mentions that political philosophy is influenced by the general philosophical tendencies of the epoch and
also by the pressing political issues of the day. Both these factors are ever changing and hence political
philosophy will also, by implication, be open to change.
Statement 2 is correct. According to the passage, political philosophy has a diversity of forms due to two
reasons. One being that methods and approaches used by the political philosophers reflect the general
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the pressing political issues of the day. This implies that methods of political philosophers can reflect the
 state of political affairs of society. So this statement is correct.

47 (b)
Percentage of water in the original mixture = 19%
Percentage of water in the resulting mixture = 46%

Ratio of the quantity of original mixture to the quantity of water to be added = 54/27 = 2/1
So, Quantity of water that should be added in the original mixture = 90 × 1/2 = 45 litres
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

48 (c)
Ratio of rice in the dish = Quantity of Rice/Total Quantity = 2/3
Percentage of rice in the dish = (2/3) × 100 = (200/3)% = 66.67%
Ratio of urad dal in the dish = Quantity of Urad dal/Total Quantity = 1/3
Percentage of urad dal in the dish = (1/3) × 100 = (100/3)% = 33.33%
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
49 (d)
In a mixture of purified water and normal water, the proportion of purified water is 60% by weight.
So, ratio of Purified water and Normal water = 60% : 40% = 3 : 2
Total quantity of mixture = 80 gm
Quantity of purified water = 80 × 3/(3 + 2) = 48 gm
Quantity of normal water = 80 × 2/(3 + 2) = 32 gm
Now, 20 gm of mixture is taken out from 80 gm of mixture.
So, quantity of purified water in 20 gm of mixture = 20 × 3/(3 + 2) = 12 gm
So, quantity of normal water in 20 gm of mixture = 20 × 2/(3 + 2) = 8 gm
Now, Quantity of purified water left in the mixture = 48 ± 12 = 36 gm
Quantity of normal water left in the mixture = 32 ± 8 = 24 gm
And 6 gm of normal water is added in the mixture.
So, Quantity of normal water in the new mixture = 24 + 6 = 30 gm
Ratio of purified water and normal water in the new mixture = 36 : 30 = 6 : 5
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

50 (c)
Ratio of the speeds of Priyanka and Priya = 4:5
Ratio of the time taken by Priyanka and Priya = 5:4
So, let the time taken by Priyanka to reach the destination = 5x
Time taken by Priya to reach the destination = 4x
According to the question,
4x = 44
or, x = 11
So, Time taken by Priyanka to reach the destination = 5x = 5 × 11 = 55 minutes
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

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51 (a)
Distance of PQ = 1000 m
 Speed ratio = 7 : 3
Akash and Sourabh start together with speeds 7x and 3x respectively.
700m 300m
When they first meet at point R, then,
Distance ratio = Speed ratio = 7/3 (Since, Time is same)
So, PR = 700 m, RQ = 300 m
At point R Akash continues running towards Q, while Sourabh turns around and continues running with
the same speed towards Q and again they meet at point S.
Let QS = x km
Distance travelled by Sourabh from R to S = 300 ± x
Distance travelled by Akash = 300 + x
Distance ratio = Speed ratio (Since, Time is same)
(300 + x)/(300 - x) = 7/3
֜ 900 + 3x = 2100 ± 7x
֜ 10x = 2100 - 900
֜ 10x = 1200
֜ x = 1200/10 = 120 m
Now, distance travelled by Akash to reach point P from point S, D1 = 1000 ± 120 = 880 m
At this point of time, the distance of Sourabh from point Q be D2.
Distance ratio = Speed ratio (Since, Time is same)
D2/D1 = 3/7
֜ D2/880 = 3/7
֜ D2 = 3 × 880/7 = 377.1 m
So, distance of Sourabh from point Q will be 377.1 m.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

52 (d)
Let total distance to be covered be 2d km.
d d
Speed of Simran in first half of her journey = 11 km/hr
Speed of Simran in second half of her journey = 14 km/hr
Time taken by Simran to cover first half of her journey = d/11
Time taken by Simran to cover second half of her journey = d/14
Total time taken to complete the journey = 10 hours
According to the question,
d/11 + d/14 = 10
֜ 25d/(14 × 11) = 10
֜ 25d = 14 × 11 × 10
֜ d = 14 × 110/25
֜ d = 308/5 = 61.6 km
Total journey = 2d = 2 × 61.6 = 123.2 km
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

53 (b)
Sum of the percentages of the population of Hindu, Muslims and Sikhs = 21 + 26 + 16 = 63%
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Sum of the percentages of the population of Christians and Others = 19 + 18 = 37%
Required percent = [(63 ± 37)/37] × 100 = 70.27%
 Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

54 (d)
Male workers literacy% = (100 - 20)% = 80%
Female workers literacy% = (100 - 25)% = 75%
Ratio of male and female workers is 8 : 5.
Number of literate males = [8x × (80/100)] = 32x/5
Number of literate females = [5x × (75/100)] = 15x/4
The number of literate females in the factory is 750.
So, 15x/4 = 750
Or x = 750 × 4/15 = 200
So, Number of literate males = 32x/5 = 32 × 200/5 = 1280
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

55 (b)
Number of houses made in state F = 3 thousand
Number of houses made in all the states = 6 + 10 + 4 + 12 + 8 + 3 + 7 = 50 thousand
?Required percentage = (3/50) × 100 = 6%
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
56 (a)
Let the new average contribution of 10 people be x kgs.
Then, according to the question,
֜ [450 × 9 + (x + 450)]/10 = x
֜ [4050 + 450 + x)] /10 = x
֜ (4500/10) + (x/10) = x
֜ 450 = x - (x/10)
֜ 450 = 9x/10
֜ x = 4500/9 = 500
So, average contribution of 10 people is 500 kg.
Hence, total contribution of 10 people = 10 × 500 = 5000 kg
Hence, option (a) is correct.

57 (a)
So, Required average = (a + a + 12)/2 = a + 6
Hence, option (a) is correct.

58 (c)
Number of people reading newspaper H in 2016 = 30000
Total number of people reading all the newspapers in the year 2019 = 120000
Hence, required percent = (30000/120000) × 100 = 25%
So, option (c) is correct.

59 (b)
Let the number of notes of denomination Rs. 100, Rs. 50 and Rs. 20 be 4x, 5x and 6x respectively.
According to the question,
4x × 100 + 5x × 50 + 6x × 20 = 7700
Or 770x = 7700
Or x = 7700/770 = 10

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So, number of Rs. 100 notes = 4x = 4 × 10 = 40
Number of Rs. 50 notes = 5x = 5 × 10 = 50
 Number of Rs. 20 notes = 6x = 6 × 10 = 60
So, Total number of notes = 40 + 50 + 60 = 150
Sum of the number of notes of Rs. 50 and Rs. 20 denomination = 50 + 60 = 110
The number of Rs. 100 notes is 40.
Hence, only statement 2 is correct.
So, option (b) is correct.

60 (c)
Let price of one shirt be Rs. S and price of one pant be Rs. P.
Price of 15 shirts and 21 pants is equal to the price of 18 shirts and 12 pants.
So, 15S + 21P = 18S + 12P
֜ 21P - 12P = 18S ± 15S
֜ 9P = 3S
֜ S/P = 9/3 = 3/1 = 3 : 1
Hence, the ratio of the prices of one shirt and one pant is 3 : 1.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
61 (d)
Rice export in year 2013 = 500 (Lakh kg)
Rice export in 2014 = 700 (Lakh kg)
Percentage increase in export of rice from the year 2013 to 2014 = [(700 ± 500)/500] × 100 = 40%
Similarly, Cashew export in year 2013 = 400 (Lakh Kg)
Cashew export in year 2014 = 500 (Lakh Kg)
Percentage increase in export of cashew from the year 2013 to 2014 = [(500 ± 400)/400] × 100 = 25%
So, Required ratio = 40/25 = 8/5 = 8 : 5
Hence, option (d) is correct.

62 (c)
Statement 1 is correct. The lines "Far fewer learn foundational concepts from cognitive science on
decision making by human agents, human navigation and way-finding, human communication, and
human interpretation of intentional behaviour that could be used to help robots interpret human
DFWLRQV´, indicate that the current knowledge regarding robotic interpretation of human actions is not
adequate. This calls for more learning in this field. Hence this assumption is valid.
Statement 2 is correct. 7KHSDVVDJHPHQWLRQV³All autonomous systems may have ethical impacts, and
all should be designed to avoid unethical outcomes". This line shows that ethical impacts of robots are
important in designing. Hence this assumption is valid.

63 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The opening lines of the passage mentions some of the areas in which robots are
operating in the realm of human beings - like working in factories and caring for the vulnerable. However,
it does not say that human dependence on robots will be an inevitable feature of the future world. Hence
this statement does not reflect the crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The passage does not state with certainty that the incorporation of robots will
invariably lead to unethical outcomes, as stated in the lLQHV ³All autonomous systems may have ethical
impacts, and all should be designed to avoid unethical outcomes´$OVRWKHLVVXHRIHWKLFDOVFLHQWLVWVKDV
not been discussed.
Option (c) is incorrect. The lines ³These emerging social contexts add new requirements to the
knowledge that successful roboticists need. Many roboticists learn basics of human-machine interaction
and usability. Far fewer learn foundational concepts «« human interpretation of intentional behaviour
that could be used to help robRWVLQWHUSUHWKXPDQDFWLRQV´, stress the need for roboticists to update their
knowledge regarding human-machine interaction so that it can cater to the emerging social contexts. This

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indicates a proactive approach to the future rather than a pessimistic one that holds that is difficult to
ascertain future social contexts in the human-machine interaction. Therefore, this is not the correct crux.
 Option (d) is correct. The passage mentions, "Robots increasingly operate among people, and they now
work alongside us in factories and warehouses, share our streets and sidewalks, clean our homes, and
should be designed to avoid unethical outcomes. Designers bear some responsibility for their designs,
even in a world where the autonomous systems they design eventually design other autonomous systems´
The given lines show that the design of the robots for avoiding unethical outcomes should be given
importance. Thus, this is the correct crux of the passage.

64 (c)
Statement 1 is correct. This option is correct because of the lines ³)DUP LQFRPHV FDQ UHDOLVWLFDOO\
speaking, be doubled, or tripled only for those truly dependent on agriculture and having enough land to
productively deploy labour and capital resources´
Statement 2 is incorrect. This option is beyond the scope of the passage because the passage nowhere
discusses subsidies in general or in the context of minimizing production costs. So, this is not the correct
Statement 3 is correct. As the passage mentions, "The 30 million farmers in India are the ones
possessing one hectare or more land, which is the minimum holding required for agriculture per se to
target these 30 million households" - this implies that the rest of the farmers, i.e., 60-65 million
households of farmers possessing less than one hectare of land may not receive the benefits of the policy
as the policy is not targeting them as per the passage.

65 (a)
Statement 1 is correct as the passage mentions, ³%OXHWRRWK ODFNV UDQJH UDWH DQG UHOLDELOLW\ &XUUHQW
generations of WiFi offer the required speed but suffer from congestion and high latencies once multiple
FRQQHFWLYLW\´ These statements imply that the current level of technology is not adequate for the efficient
working of the metaverse.
Statement 2 is incorrect. Although the passage mentions the need to build an efficient infrastructure
that supports 5G and high-end technology like a metaverse, it nowhere mentions the names of
technologies like quantum computing, mature block chain technology, stable cryptocurrencies or NFTs.
Moreover, it does not say that these technologies are mandatory pre-requisites for metaverse.

66 (b)
Statement 1 is correct as the passage clearly mentions, ³/RZHULQJWKHEDUULHUVWRHQWU\IRU consumers
will be critical in making the metaverse a thriving ecosystem. The most pressing matter is providing
Statement 2 is incorrect as though the passage mentions, ³%OXHWRRWKODFks range, rate, and reliability.
Current generations of WiFi offer the required speed but suffer from congestion and high latencies once
PXOWLSOH GHYLFHV DUH DGGHG´ it is not suggested that they are outdated. Further, the passage does not
imply whether they need to be replaced with LiFi. Hence statement 2 is incorrect.

67 (b)
Statement 1 is incorrect. The opening lines of the passage talk about the multifarious, mutually
intersecting issues that lie in the path of achieving sustainable development goals. That these goals cannot
be achieved by anyone working alone is obvious and logical. However, it is not the central idea of the
passage. Hence statement 1 is incorrect.
Statement 2 is correct as the passage mentions at the beginning, ³$OO6'*VVHWDWWKH81*HQHUDO
Assembly in 2015, are in jeopardy due to the climate crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic and an increase in
WKHQXPEHURIFRQIOLFWVZRUOGZLGH´ In the subsequent statements, the passage states how the pandemic
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has caused excess deaths, and how the economic shock has pushed more people into poverty. It also states
how Greenhouse gas emissions are set to rise. Read collectively, it implies that the SDG targets are at
 danger of slipping away from reach. Hence statement 2 is correct.
Statement 3 is incorrect as though the passage mentions that the achievement of SDGs are in jeopardy
due to the climate crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic and an increase in the number of conflicts worldwide,
it cannot be categorically said that the SDG targets cannot be achieved within the deadline. Further, the
passage does not explicitly mention the Russia-Ukraine war. The answer should be sourced from within
the information given in the passage. The year 2030 has also not been highlighted more than others in the
passage. Hence statement 3 is incorrect.
Statement 4 is incorrect as though the statement is logical and rational, the passage does not mention the
impact of the cascading and intersecting issues on the Least Developed Countries. It also does not discuss
the need to support them financially and technologically. The central idea of the passage means the core
message implied by the whole of the passage.

68 (b)
Two birds started flying towards the same direction at a speed of 20 km/hr and 25 km/hr.
Distance between them in 1 hour = 25 - 20 = 5 km
Now, 4 hours 45 min = 4 hours + (45/60) hours = 19/4 hrs
So, distance between them after 19/4 hrs = 5 × 19/4 = 23.75 km
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

69 (a)
= 31 + 25
= 56 km
She takes 7 hours to complete the journey.
So, Average Speed = Total Distance/Total Time = 56/7 = 8 km/hr
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

70 (c)
Average age of 40 people is 50 years, and average age of 60 people is 55 years.
So, sum of the ages of 40 people = 40 × 50 = 2000 years
Sum of ages of 60 people = 60 × 55 = 3300 years
‫ ׵‬Required average age = (2000 + 3300)/(40 + 60) = 5300/100 = 53 years
Hence, option (c) is correct.

71 (c)
If a and b are two numbers, then their third proportion (c) is given as,
c = b2D«« L
Here, a = (x2- y2), and c = (x + y)/(x - y) and b = B
Putting the above values in equation (i), we get:
(x + y)/(x ± y) = B2 /(x2 ± y2)
Ÿ B2 = (x + y) (x2 - y2)/(x ± y)
Ÿ B2 = (x +y) (x +y) (x - y)/(x - y)
Ÿ B2 = (x + y) (x +y)
Ÿ B = (x + y)
Hence, option (c) is correct.

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72 (b)
Contribution ratio of Kallu and Malkhan = 1:2
 Contribution ratio of Malkhan and Ramu = 2:3
To make Contribution of Ramu equal in eqn (i) and (ii), we will multiply eqn (i) by 5 and eqn (ii) by 3.
Contribution ratio of Kallu, Malkhan and Ramu = [1:2:3] × 5 = 5:10:15
Contribution ratio of Ramu and Shyam = [5:6] × 3 = 15:18
So, Contribution ratio of Kallu, Malkhan, Ramu and Shyam = 5:10:15:18
‫ ׵‬Required contribution of Malkhan = 9600 × 10/(5+10+15+18) = Rs. 2000
Hence, option (b) is correct.
73 (b)
Cost price of French perfume and synthetic perfume is Rs. 12 and Rs. 8.50. Cost price of the mixture is
Rs. 9.25.
Applying Allegation Method:

‫׵‬Required ratio = 2.75/0.75 = 11/3 = 11 : 3

Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

74 (a)
Percentage of people that preferred Pongal and Rogan josh = 10 + 15 = 25%
Number of people that preferred Pongal and Rogan josh = 25% of 1200 = (25 × 1200)/100 = 300
Percentage of people that preferred Dhokla = 20%
So, number of people that preferred Dhokla = 20% of 1200 = (20 × 1200)/100 = 240
Hence, required ratio = 300/240 = 5/4 = 5 : 4
So, option (a) is the correct answer.

75 (d)
According to the question,
֜ [A + B + C]/3 = 650
֜ A + B + C = 1950 ------------------ (i)
Marks of B are 50 more than A, and 20 less than C.
So, marks of B = A + 50
Marks of C = B + 20 = A + 50 + 20 = A + 70
From equation (i), we get:
A + (A + 50) + (A + 70) = 1950
֜ 3A + 120 = 1950
֜ 3A = 1950 ± 120 = 1830
֜ A = 1830/3 = 610
So, marks of C = A + 70 = 610 + 70 = 680
Hence, option (d) is correct.

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76 (a)
Option (a) is correct: 7KH SDVVDJH PHQWLRQV ³7he focus is now on forest landscape restoration- the
 process of regaining ecological functionality and improving human welfare across deforested and
multiple land uses through forest landscape restoration.
Option (b) is incorrect: It is nowhere given in the passage that forest landscape restoration is for
increasing area under forest cover. Therefore, this goes beyond the scope of the passage. Also, India has
not been mentioned in the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: It is also nowhere implied in the passage that the government has changed its
strategy to meet its international commitments. Therefore, this goes beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The passage only mentions that governments have relied on afforestation and
reforestation as a means of establishing trees on non-treed land and that the strategy has now evolved to
include more dimensions. However, it does not mean that the previous strategy has failed. Hence this
option is beyond the scope of the passage.

77 (c)
Statement 1 is correct: 7KHSDVVDJHPHQWLRQV³such scaling up from the lab to commercial process will
be vital to achieve cost reduction and widespread adoption´ZKLFKLPSOLHVWKDWLWPXVWEHFRVWOLHUWKDQ
conventional plastic and thus not able to emerge as a desirable solution.
Statement 2 is incorrect: Though the passage mentions that environmentally friendly plastic has not seen
widespread adoption, the reason for the same is not the lack of familiarity with the product. According to
the opening lines of the passage, it has not been widely adopted despite being a desirable alternative
because it still has to fulfil required functional performance parameters such as moisture barriers and heat
Statement 3 is correct: The passage says that such scaling up from the lab to commercial processes will
be vital to achieve cost reduction and widespread adoption. This implies that the current rate of
production of eco-friendly plastics is not sufficient. Further, tKHODVWOLQHRIWKHSDVVDJHFOHDUO\VD\V³The
manufacturers should also be encouraged through appropriate measures to shift from conventional
plastics to biodegradable plastics across categories´ ZKLFK again indicates that, presently, there is not
enough production of plastics.

78 (c)
Statement 1 is incorrect as the passage deals with two broad aspects of biodiversity and food production,
and their relation with natural resources and production techniques. Whether sustainable environmental
adverse impacts due to production techniques as well. Therefore, this answer option cannot be the most
critical inference.
Statement 2 is incorrect. Though the statement may be individually true, it is nowhere suggested in the
passage. The passage only mentions ³$JULFXOWXUDOULVN³KRWVSRWV´RFFXUZKHUHWKHVHresource pressures
DUHPRVWFRQFHQWUDWHG´ The passage is not focused on giving remedial measures. Moreover, agricultural
hotspot is one of the several important factors discussed in the passage. Dealing with it cannot be the most
critical inference.
Statement 3 is correct as it takes a wholesome look at the passage and crisply summarises it. The
food production will depend on how well these resources are FRQVHUYHG DQG XVHG´ and ³7KH IRRG
agriculture and fisheries system is not only impacted by the environment, but also by production
techniques. The excessive use of nutrients in agriculture has been a major source of water pollution and is

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estimated to haYHUHGXFHGELRGLYHUVLW\´The first line clearly talks about natural resources. The second
line talks about issues like overuse of nutrients, that is a man-made (anthropogenic) factor.
 Statement 4 is incorrect as unsustainable practices in the food, agriculture and fisheries systems threaten
biodiversity as well as food security. Therefore, it would be incorrect to say that it affects ONLY
biodiversity. This is clear from the excerpts - ³)RRG DJULFXOWXUH DQG ILVKHULHV GHSHQG RQ WKH ZRUOG¶V
natural resources, so future food production will depend on how well these resources are conserved and
79 (d)
Statement 1 is incorrect as the passage has not given the details regarding pre-identarian forms of
politics. The only inference that can be derived from the passage ± ³What makes identity politics a
significant departure from earlier, pre-identarian forms of the politics of recognition is its demand for
recognition on the basis of the very grounds on which recognition has previously been denied´ LV WKDW
some groups were denied recognition earlier. It rather implies that pre-identarian forms of politics was
probbaly divisive. MayEH WKH\ ZHUH JLYHQ UHFRJQLWLRQ EDVHG RQ ³universal humankind´ ,W¶V QRW FOHDU
from the given passage. Therefore, this answer option is incorrect.
beyond the scope of the passage. Furthermore, the legal aspects of this right is not dealt with in the
passage. The passage centrally deals with the difference between identity politics and pre-identarian
politics and how the nature of demand for recognition has changed. The line ³5DWKHUZKDWLVGHPDQGHG
identity ²as a woman, as black, or a lesbian.

80 (c)
Statement 1 is correct. The passage mentions, ³Disaster management has seldom acquired importance
in the agenda of governance unless there is a major natural or man-PDGHGLVDVWHU´ 7KHXVHRIµVHOGRP¶
clearly implies that disaster management is not a priority in India.
Statement 2 is correct as the pDVVDJHPHQWLRQV³In rural areas, Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) are
democratically decentralized bodies that can display tremendous potential in disaster management as
they are closer to the scene and have a better knowledge of local resources/weaknesses. However, their
should not be limited to disaster response. Due to their better knowledge of disaster, their role in other
crucial aspects of disaster management - such as policy framing needs to be widened.

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