Social-Science NAT Questionnaire

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


SY: 2022-2023


1. Society and Culture are two durable constructs in the vocabulary of Social
Sciences, it can be claimed as “Fugitive concepts” where it is defined in
sociological term as constitution of social actors in constant interaction and in
culture, as a set of practices and traditions that define a specific society. Why
does society and culture shall be treated as “fugitive concepts”?

A. because their explanatory features move beyond the ambits of their original
B. because it is treated initially as markers of the disciplinal territories of social
C. because it enters the scene where ‘ways of life’ of the people and society can
be molded
D. because it assumes stable patterns notably in relation to leadership and

2. Anthropologists study the origin, development, and behavior of humans by

examining the past cultures, languages, archeological remains and physical
characteristics of people in various parts of the world. How does anthropologist
conduct the direct observation method in their studies?

A. by attempting to join the group under study

B. by using anthropological tools such as maps
C. by taking down field notes and photographs
D. by examining the remaining archeological remains

3. How does human acquire culture?

A. through merging culture across societies around the world

B. through social learning that takes place in human societies
C. through the learning processes of enculturation and socialization
D. through passing traditions and practices from one generation to the next
4. Conformists are people who believe in both established cultural goals of the
society as well as the normative means of attaining those goals. What is a specific
characteristic of a conformist?

A. follow the rules of the society in attaining those goals

B. reject the conventional methods of attaining goals of the society
C. replace the norms with their own countercultural forces in attaining goals
D. avoid conventional methods that have been established in attaining goals

5. According to the Family Code of the Philippines, marriage is a special contract of

permanent union between a man and a woman entered into in accordance with
law establishing a conjugal and family life. In what article of the Family Code of
the Philippines defines marriage this way.

A. Article I B. Article II C. Article III D. Article IV

6. How does modern human develop culture?

A. through wandering
B. though camp and dependence
C. through dividing food – gathering labor
D. through their cultural capacities as adaptations and evolutions

7. Why symbols and symbolism are significant to the human culture?

A. It gives knowledge to the people on how to operate the world.

B. It outlines human dignity in pursuing ways and means for common good.
C. It manages impression that has been bear on the formation of persons self-
D. It’s been part of our lives and given mankind an avenue to communicate
with different groups of people.

8. In the assumptions of major Sociological Perspective about family, this theory

assumes that family members’ interaction can produce a shared understanding of
their family situation.

A. Conflict Theory C. Functional Theory

B. Symbolic Interactionist D. Structural Functionalism

9. Education is the social institution that formally socializes members of the society.
Which of the following is an example of non-formal education?

A. primary schooling C. Adult night classes

B. Senior high school D. Doctorate program
10. In the sociological perspectives on education, the Manifest and Latent function of
education are very important since it contributed to the operation and
maintenance of society. Which of the following is not a manifest function?

A. courtship C. socialization
B. cultural innovation D. transmission of culture

11. Human societies change and adapt in reaction to the changing conditions. What
brought societal changes referring to the spread of culture as a result of
contacting a new group of people for the first time?

A. Innovation C. Acculturation
B. Cultural Diffusion D. Assimilation

12. Sociologist and Anthropologist define family in different ways. Who define family
as a factory that develops and produces human personalities?

A. Kingsley Davis C. Talcott Parsons

B. George Peter Murdock D. Bronislaw Malinowski

13. Social forces represent a constellation of unseen, yet powerful forces influencing
the behavior of individuals and institutions. Why social forces are considered
remote and impersonal?

A. because it is capable of holding an external constraint on the individual

B. because it has no hand in creating, nor knowing anyone who do or did it
C. because it produced a powerful idea to create social realities for its members
of the society
D. because it allows social actors to discern opportunities where there are none
convincing personal troubles into public issues

14. Through time, there are people who stood out and became sources of new social
ideas and inspiration who are considered as social thinkers. What is a
characteristic of a Social thinker?

A. An individual who have excessive kindness and generosity towards other

B. An individual who bowed love, loyalty and faithfulness to his/her country
C. An individual who can be regarded as responders to the different societal
issues and problems
D. An individual who can be regarded as forefronts and visionaries to the
Social and Political Philosophy

15. In the social philosophy of Mabini, it refers to the concept that man had the right
to seek those means necessary to maintain and perpetuate his/her life.

A. Concept of Man and Society C. Role of the Government

B. The Need of Radical Change D. Definition and Role of Citizenship
16. Why does Jose Rizal and other intellectuals consider as great individuals?

A. they are great writers

B. they fought for Philippine independence
C. they contributed significantly to the development of Social and Political
D. they are the brain and soul of different political, social thoughts and
philosophy in the country

17. In the branch of Social Science, Linguistics refers to the study of the nature of
language. What do you call the part of Linguistics that study the speech sounds?

A. Semantics B. Pragmatics C. Syntax D. Phonetics

18. Social Science studies the historical, cultural, sociological, psychological and
political forces that shape the actions of individuals and their impact on society.
What branch of Social Science that study the ancient societies and the cultural
traditions of the people.

A. Anthropology b. History c. Sociology d. Geography

19. Why Social Science is different from natural science and humanities?

A. it concerns on acquiring and explaining knowledge

B. it is based on experimentally controlled material entities
C. its interest lies in predicting and explaining human behavior
D. it seeks to understand human reactions to events and the meanings

20. According to the Philippine Statistics Authority, this social issue is more pressing
and alarming in the Philippines.

A. Poverty C. Climate Change

B. Income inequality D. Health Conditions

21. Values are essential human concepts. In the Philippines, Filipino values have
been shaped by different factors. Some of our value systems focus on principles,
aims, and convictions of Filipino society. What do you call the most important
Filipino value that refers to being agreeable, even under difficult circumstances
and of keeping quit or out of sight when discretion passes the word?

A. Reciprocity
B. Social Mobility
C. Self- esteem or Amor propio
D. Smooth Interpersonal Relationship
22. “Hiya” is an uncomfortable feeling that accompanies awareness of being in a
position that is considered socially inappropriate action that is unacceptable to
society. When does a person feels “Hiya”?

A. when he/she defense against severe interpersonal unpleasantness

B. when he/she is in a socially undesirable role that has uncomfortable
response inhibits further action
C. when he/she is being sensitive not for the attainment of social acceptance
but to retain one’s social acceptance that already has
D. when he/she has less personal advancement in his/her socioeconomic
ladder and hopes to move up to a higher economic class

23. Historians who study the past historical documents and sources will ask the three
important questions, EXEPT;

A. What happened?
B. Why did it happen?
C. How did the event happen?
D. What lessons learn from the event?

24. George Herbert Mead was an influential figure in Symbolic Interactionism as one
of the dominant approaches and ideas in the Social Science, according to him,
what is the most important in communication?

A. Gestures
B. Postures
C. Tone of Voice
D. Facial movements

25. Unemployment is usually the basis in determining the soundness and health of a
country’s economy. All of the following are the results when unemployment rate
increases, EXCEPT;

A. the country’s crime rate increases

B. the country’s inflation rate increases
C. the country’s inflation rate decreases
D. the country’s migrants’ workers decreases

26. The following are the qualifications for the President and Vice-President of the
Philippines candidate, EXCEPT;

A. natural-born citizen of the Philippines

B. at least 40 years of age on election day
C. a graduate of any 4-year course in college
D. a resident for at least 10 years before the election
27. Which of the following branches of Social Science that deals with the systematic
study of political and governmental institutions and processes?

A. Economics c. Sociology
B. Anthropology d. Political Science

28. The President shall address the Congress at the opening of its regular session to
give information on the state of the nation. When is the regular State of the Nation
Address (SONA) be given by the President every year?

A. 1st Monday of June C. 1st Monday of July

B. 4th Monday of June D. 4th Monday of July

29. According to Schaefer, the major functions of the family are the following,

A. provide a decent place to rear children

B. create or shape the identity of an individual
C. mold children to become the parents’ future caregivers
D. provide a sense of belongingness among family members

30. Which type of counselling that can help deal one with many personal topics in life
such as anger, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, marriage and relationship?

A. individual counselling C. family counselling

B. peer counselling D. group counselling

31. Which type of counselling are concerns around parenting, sibling conflict, loss of
family members, new members entering the family, dealing with a major move or a
general change affecting the family system?

A. individual counselling C. family counselling

B. spiritual counselling D. group counselling

32. Which study focuses on the decision-making and behaviors of employees and the
relationships between employers and their employees?

A. environmental economics C. monetary economics

B. business economics D. labor economics
33. What is Economics?

A. A branch of Social Science that studies social change, and the social causes
and consequences of human behavior.
B. A branch of Social Science that studies the mind and behavior that includes
the study of conscious and unconscious phenomena, including feelings and
C. A branch of Social Science that studies human beings and their ancestors
through time and space and the relation to physical character, environment
and social relations, and culture.
D. A branch of Social Science that focuses on the production, distribution, and
consumption of goods and services, and analyzes the choices that
individuals, businesses, governments, and nations to make to allocate

34. The President and the Vice-President must have resided in the Philippines for at
least how many years before election is held.

A. 3 years C. 10 years
B. 5 years D. 15 years

35. Which of the following is the highest court in the Philippines?

A. Court of Appeals C. Sandiganbayan

B. Regional Trial Court D. Supreme Court

36. Which of the following is not an element of state?

A. People C. Territory
B. School D. Government
37. What is Sociology?

A. A branch of Social Science that studies social change, and the social causes
and consequences of human behavior.
B. A branch of Social Science that studies the mind and behavior that includes
the study of conscious and unconscious phenomena, including feelings and
C. A branch of Social Science that studies human beings and their ancestors
through time and space and the relation to physical character, environment
and social relations, and culture.
D. A branch of Social Science that focuses on the production, distribution, and
consumption of goods and services, and analyzes the choices that
individuals, businesses, governments, and nations to make to allocate
38. Which of the following branches of Social Science that studies how human mind
works in consonance with the body to produce thoughts that lead to individual

A. History C. Psychology
B. Sociology D. Anthropology

39. If you were to explore the culture and traditions of one tribe, which discipline
would be the MOST relevant?

A. History C. Psychology
B. Sociology D. Anthropology

40. Which of the following is closely associated with government welfare and social
programs aimed at achieving justice, fairness, and attainment of social

A. Communication C. Education
B. Social Work D. Counselling

41. Which of the following enumerates the core values of Social Work?

A. Truth, service, pioneering, compassionate, love, skills and unity

B. Leadership, care, respect, industry, knowledge, environmental protection,
and God-fearing individuals
C. Compassion, service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person,
importance of human relationship, integrity, and competence
D. All of the above

42. What do you call the process of guiding a person during a stage of life when re
assessments or decisions have to be made about himself/herself and his/her life

A. Human anatomy C. Education

B. Psychological D. Counselling

43. Which of the following is the heart of the guidance services?

A. Classroom adviser C. Psychologist

B. Guidance counselor D. School Principal

44. He wrote politics and is considered as the Father of Political Science.

A. Aristotle C. Socrates
B. Karl Maxx D. Nicollo Machiavelli
45. Which of the following law established the Commonwealth Government in the

A. Jones Law of 1916 C. Cooper Act of 1902

B. Tydings -McDuffie Law of 1934 D. Taft Commission of 1200

46. He was the longest sitting-president in the Philippine history.

A. Ferdinand Marcos C. Rodrigo Duterte

B. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo D. Cory Aquino

47. It is a salient requirement of a Social Worker to practice social work in the field.

A. Enroll social work in any university

B. Have an intensive training certified by the DSWD
C. Finish both Bachelor of Science in Social Work and Masters Degree in Social
D. Pass the licensure examination annually given by the Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC)

48. To help an individual maximize his freedom and seek individual’s effectiveness by
giving him/her control over his environment. Which among the goals of
counselling applies this characteristic?

A. Facilitate change of behavior C. Promote decision making

B. Facilitate counselee or client potential D. Improve relationship skill

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