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mm you aann n\ nm ior tiil ihhjk rum.


you am. find this hook siiohvascs ii h it exacw m oann usuj an iih
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^ o-W»i.h ltK. ,n„„„g methods uti^ y
The author will also cover some of iheo,hL.r >
Mr Gann ^ hv Mr Gann. No claim is made nor is any financial ,

•^^^Vred orsugecsied by the conients of this book or by lhc

M^r.-mE conlcnt ana|ysis. and themes are unique to the
. T ^ w «v arc ih^ 3 solicitation for the reader to buy or sell or engaE(. ALWAYS THE BY PRODUCT OF THIS LONELY PATH IS SPIRITUAL MATURITY, SO
^ t namod nurttoto, tntdirg vehicle. The in this pnbli^ ONWARD AND UPWARD TO YOUR BEST.
L*lai.oiu) purposes onlv and the purchaser ot this hook agrees to these
^ h> aerecing to these stipulations you also release the author of thj, ifl
hook, "THE UWOF VIBR.ATION" of any and all liability from trading losses
yaj nugln mcur ifyou dixide to engage the financial markets. The author when SHIPS ARE SAFE IN THE HARBOR. BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT SHIPS ARE FOR
imbnr direct quoits from ANT published work of William Gann will put the
dstci rcferniccs m quotations; this does not include my discussions of Mr. Gann'
wed. tmh the direct quotations as used in this book.

As I write this very sentence 1 have just written the final word of the
book and 1 want to tell the reader that this experience has fatigued me beyond \shal
I initially expected. 1 have had to lake long drinks of the while light elLxr for Inner
guidance and strength. 1 am not a professional writer or author, nor do 1 have full
command of sentence syntax, word usage and punctuation.
I did not write this book for literary recognition, 1 wrote this book
specifically for the serious student of Mr. Gann who wants the true foundation of
his work. The goal of this book was to deliver to you in a straight forward, direct
and understandable manner the laws of vibration as applied to the price bar. I think
I have done that as best as 1 understand things, so with that in mind enjoy the book
the way it is.

This pdjnr is intentionally lell blank

This book is a detailed analysis of the novel that William Gann

wrote called the Tunnel Thru the Air. There has been written much by a host of
dilTercnt authors about the courses and various books that Mr. Gann wrote. 1 have
read most of them myselfand what has been written about lite works of Mr. Gann
mostly contain the ideas of astrology, the mathematical squares, the idea of
squaring price and time and all the master charts. Many authors speak about the
square of nine and the 360 degree circle charts. What you are about to read is a
radical departure of what has been previously put to print.
I will say here and now that what Mr. Gann put into his courses and
books except the Tunnel Thru the Air are nothing even remotely close to w hat this
trader did concerning the financial markets. It is quite apparent that Mr. Gann was
a spiritual man who was schooled in esoteric knowledge and science. The great
trader wrote this book the Tunnel Thru the Air in the style of all the esoteric
authors and the priest craft of old. I have said more than once that Mr. Gann hod
obtained his knowledge and his ability to apply that knowledge to the markets from
the spiritual realm.
This knowledge is very unusual and not the mainstream subjects
that are in the forefront of the average individual intellect. This idea of meditation
to obtain knowledge is very ancient and is accessible to any human being with
sound mind. There are courses that teach this modus operandi and 1 will mention
them at the end of the book. Mr. Gann makes more than one reference to his
meditation to obtain knowledge and his gratitude to the creative intelligence of the
universe in this book.
1 will point them out to the reader as we go along. The great trader
made a few statements here and there in his books and courses and these are very
important and lend themselves to what I will show the reader here, and in my mind
have not been explained by any other author up to now. The first of these
statements is the sentence Mr. Gann made in his course and 1 quote here. 'The
natural even and odd squares are the proof and cause of all market movements",
and also this portion of a sentence, "the angular momentum or pilch of a market".
Many authors and students assume that the natural even and odd square's refers to
the said numbers that are defined by the forty five degree angle on the square of
nine. I will point out what the great trader meant by that statement and also where
the term "pitch" is derived from.
The Analysis
•.», Di-h-inl Wvckoff. which is
»,l,um C— •" «'n,r-v:^: ,h^ i.h ,l>c >ludcn,s or his
«, ^ ^ «*- .0 XS .he law of vibranon,
.«i nnancial markets with I will deeiphcr whal This book is wriilcn purely for informational purposes only and the
»hwb o vfui he fclaimcJ he ^ contained within the author makes no claim us to the accuracy of the statements. The following malenai
is simply the way I see and interpret the novel. This material is written for studena
^ ^VuI^mra.h!JAir Upon completing this book the reader will have the of the trading wizard like myself who wish to further there knowledge and there
.ta. H, .-.arm cmbneed and used ,o develop his b-adint method. ability to apply it in there personal trading. So let's get started with the analysis of
the novel. In the beginning we sec Mr. Gann writes a description page, he says its
purpose is three fold. Right away Mr. Gann is making reference to the law of
Triamazikamno. This is one of two sacred cosmic law s that were talked about by
G.l. Gurdjieff, the Armenian cosmologist.
Mr. Gann then says the book teaches a moral lesson and proves
natural laws laid down in the bible. We see he talks in the trines when he uses the
words, science, foreknowledge, and preparedness. 1 will point out this theme of the
book as we go along throughout the analysis. Mr. Gann says the story is founded
on facts, some of which have not happened yet. The reader who reads the book for
the third time will unveil the secret. Mr. Gann is telling the reader that the book, is
written in veiled language; in other words many of the sentences have double or
different meanings.
The first read is for the interest in the love story; the second read
will unfold some hidden meanings which will incite incentive to put knowledge
into action. 1 imagine for most readers this would be how to apply this material to
trading. The third reading Mr. Gann says is for the realization of your own ideals
coming into fruition, but also how to start knowledge gained into worthwhile
application. This new light that will dawn is in reference to Hermetic philosophy
and the holographic nature of the universe.
Connectedness to the universal mind comes from light being
illuminated within us, this is the dawn of the new light. Hermetic philosophy
contains many of the fundamental ideas of vibration, and also of the nature of mind
itself. Our world consists ofholographic while light and vibrational sound and
Mr. Gann makes immediate reference to scripture as he is telling you that the
kingdom of heaven is within your own mind, however he is not referring to your
conscious mind but rather the level of your mind called delta, the level that is
normally associated with sleep. This is where infinite inlelligenee resides and
Mr. Gann specifically tells the reader to read the bible three times
once his book is understood for more understanding. The reason he says this is
...... ^ . .T-ir.-T-
• .M
This comes from the fact that Glenn Seaborg and his associates
h».-3usc his Nvd. is a training ptHinJ so to spcA, when you understand the themes discovered the ninety third element at the University of Berkeley in 1940, This
of'his the bible inII talc? on dilTcient meanings as you will be able to look at number is in reference to the square of the circle, but also to the 88 natural
«th^ot and decipher many of.ho same themes and concepts you wm sec elements which I will show the reader later in the analysis. This clement was the
the £uib,v Jo here. The sentence that Mr. Gann makes about the D,b,t precursor to atomic power and also the resolution to the war.
ley to the process b> which you can know all you desire is a Masonic statement Remember that nature abhors a vacuum so creating and controlling
iVnnvt m oncirial Masonic books.
a tunnel thru the air is indicative of controlling cthcric force, and this is precisely
The process to know all you desire comes from within, it comes
what John Worrell Keely did, he dissociated ctheric force from water and
trom the dlumination of vouiselfto the divine guidance system and this only harnessed its power for use in various ways. In the first sentence Mr. Gann speaks
come from the zero point of stillness where your senses are severed. This is where of the Lone Star slate of Texas in the extreme northeastern comer, if you think
>our soul is hi contad and communication with the soul of the universal mind,
about that for a moment you can see the reference Mr. Gann is making to the
Thcrr is a rather large spiritual component to the entire story of this trading giant
square of nine angles that house the natural squares of numbers. Mr. Gann named
and this asprct rums off many students, but it needs to be addressed and embraced,
Robert's mother Amelia Gordon as this is in Reference to Amelia Aerhart, the
and ! will do thai ihru the entire analysis.
flight pioneer who vanished. I think Mr. Gann had a great fascination for (light as
Following the laws laid down in the bible Mr. Gann says that death
«tH be overcome, meaning that you arc not your physical body. Your body is a he used a personal pilot for himself named Elinor Smith.
vehicle needed at this stage of your development, in other words your vibrations The sentence about the sunshine streaming is in reference to the
are gross or course enough thai you still require one to move thru this wavelength. natural elements; this sentence will be repealed later in the book and this chcmistiy
Here wc see Mr. Gann making reference to the two sacred laws, the laws of theme is one of the major components of the story, as I shall illuminate. Robert,
Hcptaparapaishinokh and the low of Triamazikamno. These laws arc the basis of being the third son is in reference to the trines and the law of three. This is a very
the la a. of vibration, i.e. the law of octaves. Notice thai Mr. Gann matter of factly important component and concept in relation to the science of sympathetic
tells the reader that he is guided by the universal power. vibratory physics and the laws of cosmology and vibration itself, which I
Let's talk a little bit more about these laws as John Worrell Kccly previously spoke about. Roberts's father, Calvin Gordon was a captain in the US
talked about the nines, the law of thirds and he labeled them cthcric, harmonic, and Army and Robert himself and his friend Walter become captains in the military
cnhzTmonk. There is also reference to this law of trines in the atomic properties of once they arc recognized as a great asset to the cause. 1 will point out these ideas,
the naimro. electron and the proton. Within the diatonic scale, the Do to Do as though trivial they may seem are important to look at, because aAer all wc are
xibrauons are the forces. These notes arc Do, Fa, and La, which are associated with afler the ideas and concepts intrinsic to this mans trading modus. The theme of
the positive, negative, and neutral propenies of the above mentioned atomic repetition is so prevalent in bis novel that it cannot be ignored.
pLenomcna. The sentence describing cool courage and daring nerve is exactly
the way a trader must be and Mr. Gann uses this kind of story telling to deliver
of die book, the tunnel being a vacuum is in reference to
te w orts of three men, Walter Russell. John Worrell Kceely, and Nikola Tesla many interesting concepts. You will notice that Calvin Gordon had high hopes for
The expenments and discoveries in the book are based on harnessing and his son that was killed in the San Francisco earthquake and he looks to Robert to
N r Gann makes ll,c fulfill bis ambitions. This is precursor to the trouble that Robert, his father and his
^ l ' «"'"«>». "'his book is based on
V hap,,Cncd or u il1 ha brother will eventually go through. The difficult struggle that exists between them
L s Tf nP™ in the fulore." Gann
demonstrates the idea of discord between two entities.
The naming of the child shows immediately the theory of repetition
as Calvin's father was also named Robert and Mr. Gann writes that the boy's life
8 n0W or lhe starts under unfavorable conditions and this indicates that Robert will suiTec many
double title. Le.t looking back from 1940.
hardships. At a point later in the book, Robert does some analysis of his sign thru

octaves. Again, in the middle of page five the theme of the world being destroyed
by lire shows more the idea of chemistry and weaponry that will be used later m
*. ..II ^k'tr"fruX .. I» » «thai«... the story.
The theme of plantations, farms, fanning and crops arc there in ■
- «—•' "** *** **■ V""* ^ »k«
t* rer>o- nvntmrvd Jj?3.n m the . SC nTion<. hu« this «ill he short veiled story telling fashion lo direct the reader's attention to the clcmcnl.s of the
earth. ^ ou will nolkc that young Robert immediately suffers an illness, and it
r™ •«• occurred at seven years of age. This event comes from the unfavorable conditions
at the start of lite. This also comes from the theme of repetition in the book u the
he i«K hLK OUT. is superior This attitude comes Irom the idea lhal « hat the bible fishing trip and the talc of the spirit that walked on the water is a repetitive. The
cwiums is not uhat is oorroally sought after by most readers and .student--, of it. daughter of a wealthy planter displays the reference to the elements of the earth
Amelia Gordon clearly fas on. this child and looks for him to be a
and later in the book when Robert loses Marie, he stays at Planter's hotel. You can
nreaeher while the father has other ideas for his son; this creates a dichotomy nghl easily see the repetition idea at work in this case about die elements of the periodic
from the sun for Robcn is he in even way fasors his mother for all ol his youth. table. The tragic love story will also happen again when Robert goes to Florida and
These idei- though simple as they are, are there to show science, in this case
spends lime at silver springs and leams of the laic of Bcmice Mayo and Claire
polanty Mr. Gann uses a great deal of scripture in this book and it is done to
meal "arJ uach sotnc components of his trading method thru the number, words
The old man Moses on page seven is also a repetitive, as he will be
and themes of the senbe and here is an example. The scripture reference at the lop
repeated at a later lime in the book. The section of the page where Robert talks
of pace three shows the total pages ol the book and this number 418 is the grav ily
about riding his bicycle on the water is in reference to two lime cycles, in other
center of the diatonic octave between the FA and SO vibrations.
This number 418. being the total number of pages in the book is words a bi-cycle. The repetition of war is paramount to the book and you will
used not artmrarily. but for a sery specific reason. There is again reference to notice Roberts budding interest in it also. The war theme develops into a change
senpture ai the bonora of page three and this is done to show [he reader in veiled for Robert from one ofreligion to spirituality and this change along with the
manmg die law of seven and the diatonic octave. Mr. Gann makes reference to chemistry idea and the weapons are a combined pan of the story designed to
•fianing fire" and this is done in veiled language to draw the reader's attention to illuminate (he things I will point out as we go along.
the law* of chemisin and atomic power. It also show's repetition in the story as Robert's mom talk's of the long history of military service on both
this is w hat Robert eventually develops and uses, a liquid fire to win the war and sides of the family and again shows the theory of repetition. Robert tells his morn
destroy what ever he desires. he will be a preacher and he does become a preacher of sons, but more of a
Mr. Garn already is letting the reader know lhal the relationship peacemaker and this is because of the weapon he uses in combination with the
between the father and young Robert is strained as he says Calvin Gordon pays no tunnel, a way to subdue an enemy without deadly force. Robert's mom tells young
snention lo him and had no desire to teach him. This is Mr. Gann's way of Robert that war is the work of the devil and this is rather interesting as Robert
introducing the characters J.M. and Waller Kcnnelwonh. These two characters when he is older no longer believes in a devil or a revengeful god. He speaks of an
replace Roberts own father and brother and this is Mr. Gann's veiled way of entirely different spiritual paradigm, one of progression, growth and universal
bnnging your anention to the scientists Walter Russell and John Worrell Keely. understanding. Amelia Gordon has a dream of San Francisco and Los Angeles and
In the second part of this book I will take a good look at the work of this is in reference lo when Robert has completely developed the demon of death
lh=se t>o men vpecifically as there work is the foundation for the trading method and uses the invention lo subdue the entire world.
Takmg a look at the bottom of page four, Mr. Gann speaks about colored mammies This is an interesting little repetitive as Marie also has a dream
OD iteplmiau^n along with the ghost stories and the spirits. This is a theme lhal about her own disappearance when she is with Robert on the sunshine special train.
«r.U be repe^ later tn the book. The reference to the scripture at the top of page It's interesting how Mr. Gann says Roberts's parents wanted him to be a peaceful
15 aglun 1X1 rcreTenu 10 lhff peacemaker as this is in reference lo die ability to win a war with non violent
of seven or what we know as the law of
Peath and Radium Ray. Now here on page eleven Robert talks to hi,. moTn about *
. iih ^'hc n"^1"' or
dream of a w hite bird and this is in reference to w hen Robert later flict a, Jjpsm
and sclls them the mufTler hc designed for silent flying, you will recognize this a« a
precursor to a science which is now known as Stealth Technology.
Mr. Gann says that young Robert is entirely strange and difTercnl
and this is precisely what Mr. Gann's trading method is, strange and diffemit Wc
notice that Robert's mom is the main person in his life until he mcels Mane very
riCU - *** Tosla
shortly and this theme of romance is also a veiled story of lime within time. The
sentence about Robert being a peculiar and unusual child is also a very accurate
description of Mr. Gann's trading method. Notice here that Robcrts's mom tells
-War cJouds were a^ain Jarfccnins Europe. On 11 Ju|y 1934 ihc ^ her husband that Robert's ideas arc one hundred years ahead of his lime. This
heaJlmc on the treat pace ofihe New ^ ork Times read. "TESLA. AT 78 BARES statement was made to direct your attention to John Worrell Kcely as dial is how
VtW "DE-ATH BEWI " The amclc reported that the new invention will send his ideas and inventions were described, "fully one hundred years ahead of his
cmterarated hcants of panicles ihroueli the free air, of such tremendous energy time". These kinds of statements arc the ones that ofTer veiled codes to higher
ibu ihe> uiU bnnc down a lleet of 10.000 enemy airplanes at a distance ot 2^0 concepts if you have the foundation of knowledge behind you to make the
ujilgi— * Tcsb suicd that the death beam w ould make war impossible by ollcring
rvffv cvsuntn an 'ins isible Chinese wall." I ask the reader to keep in mind Mr. Gann's words at the bej nr ag
of the book as he says The Tunnel Thru the Air is veiled. So the reader must keep
Youna Robert readily shows his unorthodoxness and his this in the forefront of your mind as you read the book. It also seems and appears
unwillmgnes-. to da hard labor. This comes from his mental ability and his that Mr. Gann had some glimpses of the future as he said die book contains things
drirnniMtion to work along difTerent lines, especially in relation to his inventive that have happened or will happen in the future. How Mr. Gann did this or what
fife and nlaiL The word sympathy that is used is in reference to the forty laws of was his mode of operation is not quite clear. Personally I feel myself that Mr. Gana
sympathetic vibratory physics developed by John Worrell Kcely. Throughout the had developed very deep meditation skills along with the use of white ubraiory
book 1 will shows thoe laws as they are very important in relation to the laws of light and this was the mode of operation that he obtained know ledge with. His
vibTaikm. trading method comes from spiritual enlightenment and was developed from hard
The reader will notice how the hatred for his own brother is coming work on his part combined with direction and guidance from the universal mind.
forth and this theme of dislike between Robcrts's dad and brother will again be On page thirteen Waller Kennelworth is introduced into the story.
repeaiad later in the book when an astrologer tells Robert of past skeletons in his Now 1 have heard some talk that many Gann students felt this was done to bring
closer On page ten you will see that Robert talks of inventing something that hc your attention to the famous astrologer Waller Com Old. I don't believe that to be
can paimi to help win the war from home. This patent is the silent mufiler, which
true and here is why. On the top of page fourteen, you will read about the interest
lie m am Liter m the book and eventually sells to the Japanese. Tesla also sold his hc had in chemistry and Walter Russell was famous for his periodic tables and
invaiuons to foreign countries and the parallels between the stories are obvious. scientific diagrams depicting the same. Mr. Russell had brought to the attenrion of
Vou will notice the sentence where Mr. Gann says "he tried various the scientific community apparently against the advice of the universal mind about
kinds, of lumber to build w heels for the bicycle, but none of them worked the elements called Trans-uranium. This was w ritten about in a book called "The
RKCcksfiilly", this is related to making two time periods work together so they give Universal One" and later in a book called "Atomic Secrets". In my mind this
nrwihi. WbfQ young Robert successfully completes his water bike, his mother
character is clearly meant to be Waller Russell and his father J.H. Kennelworth is
cncuuragn him even more to work along inventive lines, and of course this meant to be John Worrell Keely. These two men were giants in the study and
jUmulaics the young boy to greater w ork. Robcrts's mother has a dream of a applications of vibration, creation and sympathetic vibratory physics.
maenme (hat d^ ,roys San Francisco and this is in relation to Roberts Demon of
some form of morality and the rules to living a good life. I will shy away from
Kiwn twsiKS
ixt. like ., mnnba of the
, „ 0_ni f.mily
interest to the Kenttelworth's
n Robert and considers most of this because mainly 1 want to discuss and illuminate for (he reader the
themes that Mr. Gann was talking about in relation to his trading method and what
^ ...eS U w0cb,« this law of vibration is. On page nineteen young Robert is very impressed with (he
sermon, however shortly aflcrward Robert begins to speak of his disdain for what
be is being taught in regards to scripture and begins to formulate his own opinions
Kerens life <ianed anitr unfavorable conditions. The rest of the chapter is an about the meaning of what he reads in the bible as his own he feels are superior.
ilhOTion of tbe differences bemren Robert and his older brother as Robert ^
This young lady named Caroline Oglcthorpe is another veiled
n:m>^ to wori m the fields. Robcns's older brother calls Him "white collar boy
attempt by Mr. Gann at directing the reader to study natural laws and science. This
a.Td if yem have ncr seen iu there is a picture of W.D. Gann in a portrait wearing a
university taught music degrees, Greek, Latin, classical literature, theology, and a
shin wiih a large white collar and this is obviously in reference to Mr. Gann
variety of natural sciences. Marie's father. Colonel Stanton is a theme or reference
Roberts*s mother tells him to make the most of his opportunities, to E.H. Harriman who later in the book is mentioned as having a trading or
which is what iraders; need to do. press the market when they know they arc right. mathematical formula based in harmonic analysis. You will notice on page twenty-
Aram Robot meets with a setback, this time malaria, further showing the idea of one that Robert begins to read love stories and this Tunnel book being a love story
rrpeunon in his life and in the theme of the book. Notice that Robert wants to see has its basis in a book called "Dashed Against the Rock," written about John
the a arid and visit strange places, which is what he docs later in the book. As you Kccly's forty laws of vibratory physics.
ted this matoial think about the famous Ticker interview that Mr. Gann did with At this point in the book Robert begins to make the transition to the
Richard Wvckoff and the themes of this book 1 have illuminated so far. In the firsl theme of Marie as his interest in her begins the separation of his relationship with
twe chapters die idea of repetition and chemistry along with cyclic wheels has been his own mother who up to now was the guiding force in his life. Marie now is
brDughi to our anention. becoming the source for Robert's work and inventions thru die end of the war.
In die forward of the book, Mr. Gann mentions that the reader once Here on page twenty three Robert is studying physics but this should really be
havtac read the Tunnel thru the air three limes should read the bible three times, sympathetic vibratory physics combined with chemistry as you see chemistry is
.•o* Gann spends a great deal of lime quoting and discussing scripture in the Walter Kcnnelworth's specialty. This little paragraph about Walter and Roben
Tunnel Thru the Air, and although I do not understand his reason for all of this, at separating gives sway to the theme of atom splitting and as I point out later in the
pouns I do understand what he is conveying. Mr. Gann used and looked to the ' book, the story about the rock fissure opening up in die bridal chamber reiterates
bible lor laws of science, math, numerology, and astrology and basically any this theme of nuclear fission and of splitting the atom. Now this particular school
subject or personal problem that he encountered. He ccrta'inly looked at it in a very
that Mr. Gann says Marie is going to attend is called Kidd Key and this school was
"Mirem Ijgbl Om ivhal is generally observed The stories arc veiled of course and
famous for music degrees, again here the idea being vibrational models as music
cOTUin laws ofmovemeol and mmion concealed in very dramatic and interesting
theory is the basic model that defines the Do to Do octave.
Now throughout the book Mr. Gann uses words in a way to draw
attention to specific criteria that is at the heart of the foundation of his trading. An
bb umiogs sbo^el^tavio^ml!''"8 """ ^ ^ Baycr 'P"1" °f
Mr Gann moves from lelhn. lb . o^ermtercsimg theme of this book is how example of this is on page twenty five, where the word harmony is used. John
pans of the book as if he is writing ashlT r* Pf rsPcclive 'o Erectly telling Keely's work is based on the relationships of harmony and discord in the way Out
back and fonh at times rnamlv . .h • ' r"," ,,l,nse,r vcr
> y cleverly moving vibrations between different phenomena under the domain of different media's
bis .ay or lootmg a, the raadceu nl^tralTeThel': Gann ^ ,e"in8 relation to one another. This concept has something to do with the relationships
from huge spheres of energy or very long cycles behind a particular signature, for
loob for imaprctation of ap^torrM1^?11^ SCriptUTC and instance a square or a cubed number from its initial timing signature. I am going to
- Gann used this novel to teach integrate the vibration science into this work as we go along.

v .. ,K.„ Moses lolj him earlier oboul iJic On page thirty four Mr. Gann makes some inlere'iting references io
R.sNrrt trlls Mane the s o . ' ^.^n (hemselvcS vcr^' soon. vibmtionul theory in his wording of the "rhythmic motion of the ocean" and
«raMis pUmei"-, .lauchicr 4> thc> w,,l m0rc specifically the iJea of "harmony or itli discord" and then finally, "the rhythmic harmon'c* love"-
Mr- Oinn henw the 01
^ 1 'l _ , pricing signatures, ^,ou will That page has its underpinnings in the first law of John Kccly as all is connected
Mr*" rr^m^n m ill 'V. mv mlI,J this sentence and
thru die etheric fluid. John Kcely's laws arc a bit difficult to understand, but ihe
concepts that he talks about arc applicable to the financial markets as the studenu
sr r - understanding of rotary systems come to more maturity. John Kecly drew some
^'c^n'SX'Ua, catno, ot Match^r'orany amazing charts that show the process of higher vibration concepts and how
vibration is increased and moves thru its various octaves of dissociation. I will
state that law now:
^ ^ wctenV i. Robert again contracts Mala,,a and
Mic m> another ear aeeUenu but this time tie see Robert broke Ins right ami and
iui is Am to dni» eour aiteniion to polanl)' The reader ean already see the Law of Matter and force
method Mr. Gann employs in his cITorts to bring ford, themes ol the book in "Coextensive and coctcmal with space and duration, there exists an infinite and
frlaihm 10 the wnrrnc sn lc and the ston itself, he is very clever with it and it was u
unchangeable quantity of atomoles, the base of all matter, these are in a *iatc of
crcat c/Tort on his fun. , . .
constant vibratory motion, infinite in extent, unchangeable in quantity, the initial of
In the middle of page twenty six. Robert who once embraced the
prochrfi sermons and interpretations of the bible, no longer holds sway as he all forms of energy."
miner oi fact sajs (hat tthat they have taught is flat out wrong. In Gann circles
tberr is Jw-assa lot of talk about Mr. Gann's interest in Freemasonry. I don't
knou aoythiDE about that theme of Mr Gann's life, however he docs throw thai Mr. Gann teaches the reader some trading lessons thru the
subject into the book in the form of a one Edward Mason who Marie spends some dilemma's Robert suffers from his relationship with Marie. A trader cannot tnde
time «tiL The poetry in this book is interesting and somewhat longwindcd for me, correctly with such a lack of control as Robert displays at this point This kind of
but ibsnr are some places worth mentioning as in page twenty six. We see the emotional instability wrecks traders who cannot take responsibility for there own
theme uf jealous) as this is one of the se\en deadly sins, which is Mr. Gann's way losses and squander in self pity. There is also a theme of illusions in the book and
of irachinc the Uw of vibration and on page twenty seven; "the rhythm of our this is Mr. Gann's ways of teaching the illusory nature of our world and universe
pulses" is id reference to two time cycles and also Walter Russell's law of as \vc see Robert suffers from many illusions throughout the book. This is
rhyihrm. balanced interchange.
precisely the same kind of phenomenon that goes on with traders who are attached
On page thirty one in the poem. "A Broken Vow", where the
to a particular scenario in a market and actually see events in price action that
sonence. "Maries lovely angel face marched sternly in the train" and then on page
validate there own internal bias.
fortj w here Robert counts every turn ol the wheel", you sec the clever repetition
The beginning of chapter four starts out rather interesting as Gann
Mr Gann u>cs. These little ideas and themes describe the cycle theory, the turning
speaks of cause and effect in a roundabout way. The fact that he has unfounded
of me wbecls and these wheels whatever size they arc, have much smaller ones
jealousy over an effect he saw indicates his potential loss of Marie. In relation to
them and also much larger circles around and behind them. These intricale
trading tins is exactly what Mr. Gann has always said, losses in the market occur
from trading cITcct versus trading in correspondence of the cause. One of the
and ™
00 ,htma, cal
luppcm to pnee ^ ' relationships
time as observed are very
thru a financial interesting as to
themes of the Tunnel is the trines or the law of three, and Mr. Gann make's a
terrific attempt to deliver this message to the reader. In the scripture by Paul on
page thirty five Mr. Gann shows these words, faith, hope and love and again on
noble. Mr. Gann cleveMy uses rh.s .hronghotl. the book in reference lo rhe noble
. , ,n I Invini! He does this again wilh die
eases of Ibe period,c table. Remember a bi, earlier 1 mcnltoncd two time cycle, md
",e ^""SC3 on page forty eight you w.ll see the quick menlion of it again in the phrase, -time
10 «1",C"
In chapter five Mr. Gann goes to great lengths here to bring forth

*« l««l> .0 J.™.!»'"J" »trll c^sthe pom With the idw of ascendancy or the ascendant of the horoscope, as we shall see now,
jv.ot afttoltootfM ml the uater of kindness. Now Iniinediately Mr. Gann mentions his continual investigation of science and the
aBotttf? mnc. ihc fls *cr k 1 f*" ■ , j,^, js \[r Gann drags it out phrase that the bible contains the key for man to know all there is to know. You
remember this statement from the forward of the book. It is Masonic in nature, but
>™ss'«- w"»^ ^ ^ a^ll,;;;',' ^n, he is alluding to the concept that within you is the only place you will find truth,
on thine, pi wte- Mi C.ann thanvs in the little theme about the shell must be and the key to that discovery and its mode of operation is found veiled in the bible.
broken teiorr the ncari e senen and this is reference to atomic power and a so the Now this Ezekiel vision he quotes from scripture is very intercsttng,
, sub shell of an atom. Thi sentence about every turn of the w heel on page forty is although I don't fully understand its depth or meaning, it surely is Kabalistic in
sKCifkalU put ihor to bnng to the attention of the reader that the turn ol the nature, but the main point that Mr. Gann wants you to see is the reference to the
irhffcl is the cs che reperition of number theory ; it is very akin to a w heel ol clement Beryllium ^nd the wheel within a wheel sentence on page fifty two. this is
numters that rotate in a completely non linear fashion. meant to be a time cycle inside a lime cycle. The reference to the chapter and verse
The reference to science Mr. Gann makes on page forty one
5:2 is the reciprocal of 192. In the last paragraph on page fifty one. the reference to
is aSolutelv the basis of his trading method, the whole genre of science under the
the thirds is again drawing your attention to the laws of John Kcely and the
»ril ofnaiaraJ law as applied to the prices and liming rhythm of financial markets
cosmological law of three.
is whai the enure trading method is all about. In the middle ol the page he again
On page fifty two notice this scripture, "the end has come upon the
refers to science and natural law. but not only natural law*, but how lo apply if.
Mr Gann uses this w ord supremely throughout the book and you four comers of the land, the time is come the day draw eih near, lei not the buyer
will nonce thai Robert eventually becomes the supreme commander. I will tell the rejoice nor the seller moum, for wrath is upon die entire multitude thereof. This is
rcadc nehi now that the natural lav. that he is speaking about is the 88 natural astrology big time, now read this on page fifty two, "for the seller shall not rcttnn
elnncnis of the earth. This is what the entire method of v ibration is founded on, the lo that which is sold although they were yet alive, for this vision is touching the
periodic table of the elements. Mr. Gann speaks of war, famine, and pestilence on whole multitude thereof, which shall not return". This scripture is astrological
page fom one as he tells the reader that he figured from the bible a time of trouble. based and certainly about trading. Now notice on the bottom of page fifty two. "the
Now the bible appears to be a source of just about everything for Mr. Gann and door of the gale of the lord's house which w as toward the north". This is the
Robert as be tells the reader he uses it for all subjects or personal problems that midhcaven of the horoscope. Now this story that describes the movements of the
arise in his cftiracter Robert. On page forty two we see Mr. Gann speaking of the wheels and of the cheaibs in the chariot are a difficult thing to envision in your
cotnmsTcial jealousy that the world has for the United States over the precious own mind, but they describe a very non linear fashion of movement. In my ow n
n>nnl mind this is how time moves, it is certainly not linear and the only way I can
is done to bring your attention lo the seventy ninth clement
of the penodk table but also to the density of Gold, which is 19.32. describe it to you is akin to a gyroscope or something thai mo\es or toiaics in a
In the middle of the page forty two Mr. Gann uses the trine non linear fashion wilh no readily seen pattern, its movements are similar to juraips
nrfamcein ihi, uit of the words, pmity, finnness and faith. The diamond rinc is and start stop modes.
•Iso in reftroico 10 Ok inth element carbon. Remember that Mr. Gann is Irytno in
1 will bring this lo your attention now, an octave in square roots ot
to-etW lanfuase ro hmg your attention to the elements of the periodic lable and
numbers is akin lo a multiple of four in relation to die square roots integer. This
Zttl" J" Mnr" ^ 'clls in ,l,c Tun,Kl lhru Air. In ibe two poems on theme of the number four on page fifty three details that maihcmatieal signature for
w lony -a seven y„u w,l| find Ote reference to gold again and also the word roc at least. On page fifty four the scripture reference to the word plantation is a
• ,cj ihnt murs was moving across 0 degrees Gemini or 60 within the zodiac
„ V on ike Miom of the pqte there k scriplttrc "tied y0u would think that murs if offering the rcsislnncc to that lop pnee of I
the element, 'f™ "" " „ Mr, Gann reiterates Ins vv.lh w L
. | <il)Q / 3t,() - 4 x 360 = 60. The same way you could say that map, bem^ 3t q
- '"a^lX^hre. nhieh is "hat his Demon o, death
m* fyM^xnavre cte*»ca» ^ 'N" Ti>rces Gemini xvould offer some conjunct support at a market making a rrj,A 4t
•naclurK ^ 00 dollars, this idea has much merit but only xvhen you set up the fractalj ^
vjbrationul timing models correctly. Just arbitrarily saying that the zodiacal whed
" the sky's SO'nB 10 a''Sn 'lscl^^ 'th everything all the lime is ridiculous.
Tliis idea comes from some letters Mr. Gann wrote to a client under
Lan «f ( orporraJ \ ibnlion*
the label. "Gann's astro letters" and in this document Mr. Gann w as assigning price
to planetary longitude with dilTcrcni rates of gain for different planets. He was
looking lor long term support and resistance from prices in relation to the hcavlcr
as^crtairublc pilch." planets based on the diumal revolution of the planet itself. It is an interesting read
and study and it also has number associations to the periodic table.
The other chart that Gann students scream and holler about is the
V<TU Uill notice the slight reference to natal chart astrology in the soybean chart where Mr. Gann puts mars and Jupiter glyphs on it as they come to a
middle of the pasc tlfiv foe. in the sentence "1 u ill judge thee in your nativity conjunction; he draxvs a dashed line representing the txvo orbs moving thru space
Or ture urn m Mr. Gann talks about eclipses and these eclipses are mentioned to over the chart. Just a quick note here, there are very powerful relationships
hmc anmnon to the Saros cycle, xv Inch is eighteen years and ten day s- • f > ou take between the planets and there inherent cycles to the periodic table as this is what
U tnno >5^ * 10 days you get 65S4.5. If we di\ ide that by 192 subtract the the law of squares is based on and this is xvhere the laws of chemistry as applied
Uih square and multiply by 192 you gel 56. the exact page number this from a vibrational standpoint come into all this. 1 think that Mr. Gann had a math
cjloimation was wntlen on. This is one of the tw o time periods Mr. Gann used. model that he traded with based on the themes that I am pointing out here, in the
The theme of dniding or splitting the atom is a theme that Mr. Gann uses in an later years his thirst for research and knowledge led him to those areas but it was
Fnrmpt id draw your attention to chemistTy and periodicity, as he docs here in the
not his main approach to the markets.
bouom ol page fifty scxen when he explains his theory of divided kingdoms. Now 1 fully understand that xvhal I am saying is a radical departure
There arc certain places in the book where Mr. Gann really lips his
from xvhat is commonly held close to the hearts of many Gann students and xv ill be
hsi and here b one on the top of page fifty eight in the sentence, "the fire or wrath
vehemently denied but I hold this xvork to be the true foundation to xvhat vibration
and chemical elements". Mr. Gann very casually drops the subject of chemistry
is and how it is applied. With that said Mr. Gann does speak about his afFinity for
imc- the boot in different ways and this is entirely on purpose. Here he also gives
astrology in this book and he makes many references to its validity, and on page
reference to the law of sex en, which is the other sacred law of cosmology. I don'l
fifty nine, you can read "he brought me to the gale, even the gale that looketh
bcJiexc myself that Mr. Gann used astrology to trade the markets, although I have
sosro most of the stufl" in his own writing like the moon charts, the path of planets toward the east", and then, "the glory of the god of Isis Ra El came from the xvay
where Mr. Gann shows the longitude and declination relationships across a number of the cast", and then again, 'The glory of the Lord came into the house, by the v.ay
gnd » ult a zero point axis line across the middle. ol the gate whose prospect is toward the east", and finally "Then he brought rac
There arc many authors and students who like to convert prices on a back the xvay of the gale of the outward sanctuary, which looketh toward the east".
ciHm to planetary longitude within the zodiac or sometimes the planets position On the top of page sixty you can read about the ordinances of the houses and all
- rtjm the zodiac is superimposed over the pricing structure of the chart itself. The ihcir laws and the reference of the seven days. Now read this slateracnL "The gate
of the inner court that looketh toward the east".
~TJ g 0,31 ,h€ pr,cc has
Ps)chological relationships to the mass mind of the
and ,hC
You can sec for yourself that Mr. Gann went to greai length to show
r you had0ra ^
bdavror. for insuncc if
Wil1 su ort or
price high of 1500PPfor a market,
and to
youthe price the ascendant of the lord's houses, and the natal horoscope itself. To me this is not
. bu| the potency and swiftness with which this will lake place in iKc
f.h. vibration equation, as astrology 1
n, „ he mJcJ. «ih. keynoK of Hk horoscope. lading arena will be unmatched by longer term trading applications.
„ Mtonj hoc vchnloa «h> ^^Hplure il is 'ch-rrccl lo as the
IV M> "* •««» m "ir ,■ n U hocoscopc. The seo.cncc ".he earth
Law of Corporeal Oscillations
crut uhch i> the asrenJAnt ol a natal ^ ^ hich niore of
dooeJ .ah V clsn"« -Ic, ihenc measure the patten.", is a
„ ^|| coherent aggregates not isolated from like bodies, oscillate at a period-
***** a"J m3,ht'"'a'ic p;,"cn,s frequency varying with the tensions that augment and diminish the state of
and sequenemc. . . jlh tzekie| scripture and is very

K. ra ib
sxirNilk- • Mtuir. Mr uan ■ , leans
S- htand on itdiscussion
por our wich grea.1 effort
Now on page sixty six Mr. Gann flat out .stales that if trading can be
.ftammatod r.1 f«l Wat Sh"
lDr>«i. sn u d'^rrin^o
. Lllblll
a ayin Mr.
lhc sc nseGann a
that he made a science and this statement should not be taken lightly as this is precisely
^'-^X^IinCl mod^Uf!».. fhe Universe ..orhs and he what Mr. Gann did, he applied concepts of science, a particular science and
bridged that gap between subjects to make a trading method that was unparalleled
ZSt mmrmanon due «x, .cr> esocerie and dcen .vas suceess.u en bredgeng
in the history of trading. Mr. Gann mentions Sir William Crookc's, again a
ihe op teroem dclTetenl genres or subjecls dial seem on the surface lolally reference to chemistry and the periodic table. One of the time periods Mr. Gann
unrrJalcd. . . , . ,
used was 192 and its square root is 13.85. his July cotton price is done to bring
Jn this next chapter, chapter six Mr. Gann speaks about Ins cycle
your attention to the root of 192. On page sixty six and sixty seven Mr. Gann
iteor.. be tells Mr. Ivennclworih he has the rules tor forecasting the slock and
makes it very clear that he meditates to gain his knowledge and on page sixty-
aonrDuim markets, notice the wording here. Robert says he has the rules and I
seven Mr. Gann mentions while light meditation. I am certain that Mr. Gann
P3> anenrioo to the words Mr. Gann chooses, so obviously these rules work lor the
«t>h the commodity markels, in other words the concepts and ideas that were obtained his trading knowledge thru this medium. Mr. Gann understood what is
ikxtlojwJ w orked regardless of the trading vehicle. Now in the bottom of page beginning to take hold in the scientific community this current day. what is
5?x!> three the word sympathetic is used in a \ eiled way to again draw your referred to as the holographic paradigm, some of the proponents of this topic are
HnmnoD to the forty law > of John Keely, as Mr. Keely's work is called sympathetic the now deceased David Bohm and currently scientist Alain Aspect.
nbraton physics. The middle paragraph on page sixty four Mr. Kennelworlh calls The nature of our reality is so strange and bizarre that it's difficuli
trading the maikets aldn to gambling, he says that men cannot control themselves forme to talk about it with complete honesty as to my spiritual experiences with it,
and thi1 is an mtercsiing staiemeril, not to mention a truthful one. The trading arena however limited that might be. At any rale Mr. Gann understood the specifics of
hi changed dramatically since Mr. Gann traded the markels mainly due to the what Walter Russell put to print, specifically how the natural elements are the basis
conimunicaiiotis advancement and the personal computer. of the light wave octave. These are the subjects that Mr. Gann incorporated into the
The day trading phenomenon is directly related to gambling, it's a trading arena. I fully understand that Mr. Gann makes a lot of references to
tonn of acinity addictioa It's a highly addictive form of trading that can easily
astrology and his belief in it, especially in his references to the scripture. However
dumge u trader s basic desire to trade lor profits to becoming akin to an activity
Mr. Gann did not trade with astrology as the planets are not the cause of cyclic
lha is no longer based m making profits but now is manifesting itself around the
behavior, they behave cyclically yes, but they are not the cause of cyclic behavior.
psychology of the mdiv.dual in question. Whatever issues a person may have
However the fact remains that he does mention his intere>t in
^ 0r WhalCVCr ,hc modcl or
^ universe they cling to astrology and the theme is a portion of the book that cannot be denied. My opinion
0 mo Ul1 wa
' " "^ r if,h£y nnd Ihumsclvus going .0 bank in the is that Mr. Gann used a natal chart to detemtine some characteristics of vibration
"•nufayjmtog atcna. Mol to aay ,ha, othct fomis of trading do not do the —-
same diat exist at something's inception. An astrological chart is numerological in nature

0f vibrjiion appbed to the price bar. Thru deep and coruiktcnt meditation many
.■ U ,.ni in its information some things of these truths of Mr. Gann s writing became apparent to mc over time Please
- drlt^ ***** **** « hi, on this, a number from the jjeep in mind dear reader that what I am showing and describing to you coma
^ ,*»**«* ^ ? "us perpetual motion thru the senp,.» mus, directly frmn Mr. Gann's own words. I make nothing up or fabricate this work,
•Ml CfcfitJctw uhenr a mean that ifs at the everything that I talk about can be immediately validated by the reader from
***** Tbts Seemmne potnt J. c ^ ^ lhc scientific impetus,
simply checking the works of Mr. Gann. The reason that is has not been talked
of the eurrm. wnm It couM start ^uwc nature of the markets that
about be lore is only because it takes a shift in perception to see what will now
totewt easth discing trom an. v ^ whal, am saying is quite
appear to you as being right in the open. The connections though were not there, as
Mr eonn so often spoke about. I fu <la,cmcnt at the beginning ol the
unusual and duTciCTt. but remember Mr. Uann - - mosi students of Mr. Gann do not decipher the book the way 1 am desenbing. for
no other reason than they arc not open too much of the material in the book. This
^ Thus concept that I am describing is not entirely necessary to is from a combination of not having the proper foundation of vibration
|r |fl With \ibraiional laws. I mention tt as an advanced tdca fundamentals.
in true ^irite^ If you tum your attention to page sixty nine you will sec Mr. Gann
makes use of some scripture from Jonah, and you will notice that the scripture says
"so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth".
The planetan' movements are best described by an author who You will remember the theme of the elements and the natural law 1 have been
u-rmr a book called New Laws for Natural Phenomena, m this book is where one talking about. In the last paragraph Mr. Gann says he has found the key to the
wta of the faundaiion to Mr. Gann's trading method ts disclosed. I n the second interpretation of the future and he knows how to apply it. Ifl have not said it yet. f
nan of this boolL 1 «ill dLscuss these ideas and concepts and how the law ol will say it now, the basis of Mr. Gann's method of market analysis and trading in
Ljuars ties up with the theme of chemistry and the periodic table. The idea of general is the periodic table of the elements and some mathematical procedure
penndkin is fundamental to nature and all phenomena in it. Die differences in directly related to it.
rhythm and energy are specific vibratory components that set things Moving onto page seventy in the book, Mr. Gann speaks of major
ajen or at least ejvc them uniqueness to themselves. For instance a forest has a
and minor time cycles which repeal in nations, men and markets, here again w e see
Levnote. a •nenarure that defines all that makes up a (orest, however a single item
the subtle veil to bring the trine subject to the reader's awareness. Notice the term
ttiihin the fonsl also has its own signature, and its signature is part of the totality
campaign he uses to describe his trading; does this sound like short term swing
of things thai make up a chord of signatures to be what is called a forest.
trading, or day trading to you? Hardly, the reader should think about this word
There is a very interesting paragraph on page sixty eight about
medriauon in the closet of ones own mind. This lends itself to (he idea and the because it fully describes Mr. Gann's affinity to long pull trading. An inlercsting
icripeirc "the kingdom ofheaven is within you". 1 could speak much about this sentence that Mr. Gann makes on page seventy four is about making calculations
subject and its modus of operation and how the universal mind imparts information from the dale and place of birth, and this is the way to live and trade from cause
in you as this is done thru very specific laws that are accessible by anyone with and efTcct.
souad mind. Instead though I want to speak for a moment about a procedure that This is the divine law, but there is more to this staicment and this is
raises your vibrauons thru a very natural process. A connection to source which as how you get a look at the trading script which is the cause in this author's opinion.
a by prwfucr raises your own vibrations with the intent to merge your coarse Mr. Gann traded from a script that comes from his ability to look at a scientific
pbymal bioiphtrrc with its higher vibratory component body. This higher impulse of vibration, and most likely he got the starting point of its inception from
dnnension of you is able to decipher and navigate from a very advanced and a natal chart. To further this idea in your own mind, I like to use analogies akin to
mtclhgcnl perception. what I'm talking about, Think of"a roller coaster, a big one with its inherent dips,
J iD 0 lhc rca and upward and downward motions, the overall ride being a script or model if you
««- jippBreni ihai
L T. ^
Mr. Gann utilized spiritual <lcr 'bat you must
enlightenment do these
in his quest things,
for the but
law will of impetus. With the use of a natal chart, 1 believe he found the number that
„ . ,n .his sjiJ roller coaster of ,-pcaling but in u unique way for all things different would be entirely difficuli to
jsc or to learn for yourself, it would be like having to learn a script for every tiock
*^0 ^ km iMt Of ii"« ».""■> »h";ls or,,7,:, on ihc exchange. 1 hat is not feasible and the strain on the human mind to do such a
ESI S-M-r. otorf 7 ays .ha. by a proper a.udy
F.wJl) « W |.me whcn important events will
thini; 's no1 PosS'^'c; ^ 01 a scr te(
iP l pattern though is much metre likely,
phis is what the periodic table represents, built in properties w ith inherent
-KOI"— 7h.s orvrr way lhal .he laws and mail, eri0iliciiy. Combining all this with different starting points, this could never be
i*tkC pbfc in the futun: He »■ ^ - Fnoueh said, lets move on. 1 las it
iilen'ificd unless you were able to superimpose this kind of periodicity over the
nvvkK o! rhenusoy arc the ke> '^ domF ^ the VNritings in the bible are
nrr ocnarcd to >«i thai li* * r 1
. pricing script- This modus is what allowed him to determine the effect lhal was
hat lht.y are. Mr. Gann in
^ ■ The tenn comes from the word „ 3nd mathematics. due.
Now on page seventy eight Mr. Gann says that he is not going to
nve. immutable laws which should tip the
explain the cause of cycles and the cause that he is alluding to is nothing more than
m some wy as 10
j^'^^^to^lTperiodic table and the eighty eight the periodic table of the elements, specifically the 88 naturally occurring elcmems
of the earth. I don't see any major significance in this as this model of frequencies
and vibration is embraced by the entire scientific world. Although the ideas and
there applications for it vary wildly from what Mr. Gann looked at it as.
ST S^^of^Lok-rulcnren, repealed from .ho fomard Mr. Gann goes on to say that a major and a minor, a positive, a
rft kS. Now a. .he bonom of page Se,en.y five Mr. Oann maker, a very negative and a neutral must be contained in every law of nature, of course in
mtercstinrastement Out is mostly ignored by his students and that is where he atomic phenomena that would be our commonly understood proton, neutron and
cr.. rh- be uses nuthcmatical sequences. This statement needs some devoted electron. But there is much more to this wheel in a wheel and these are the time
anentioo as to whit this actually means. elements intertwined like DNA spirals not unlike the yin yang philosophy, just
moving in unison together and creating a matrix of numbers than can be associated
to a price chart. This paragraph about time is meant to tell the reader that there is
Law of Hansonir Vibrations no time, what a human being labels as lime is simply the separation of events that
'All coherent aggregates arc perpetually vibrating at a period-frequency his or her senses decode from the holographic cinema.
top-espondiDg to some harmonic raiio of lite fundamental pitch of the vibrating Mr. Gann says that celestial mechanics are what is used for lime
body, this pitch is a multiple of the pitch of the alomole." measurement, the turn of our earth that regulates a modem day is the basis for all
larger time counts as they arc octaves of some degree of lhal natural turn for us.
The description of the earth year and its four divisions of the lour seasons gives us
The cy cle theory that Mr. Gann talks of is largely known and has 91,31 days each and that ties itself up with 88 natural elements. However it is
been »TincD about cxlensndy by many authors. Mr. Gann is famous for saying common in some scientific circles to say that there are 92 natural elements, not so
thai history repeats risdf.How is this possible? What is the basis for something to as they are created from particle blasters and accelerators, there arc 88 of these
rej^at and uhy is there a mathematical sequence and pattern that he is aware of? naturally occurring elements in our earth. Now Mr. Gann does a lot ol this kind of
Mr. Gann savs fipccifically lhal to know and predict the future of anything you thing where he plays with numbers and then gives examples ol cycles with the
hj • c to get a correct base or staning point. This is an interesting theory and subject same numbers as a way to illuminate things to the reader as he does on page
aboui why something is going to repeat. In my mind this means that there is a seventy nine as the midpoint between 916 and 923 is 919.5 as he uses these
«cnpi Oat Mr Gann n speaking about, a script that is the theme of repetition. numbers in regards to the conditions in Europe. Then he mentions tilling the soil to
.. . I
^0U ^ lhi5
mathematical sequencing that Mr. Gann is illustrate Ihc elements of the earth.
peaking about, how could there not be a script?, because the idea of something
. u _ hiiw the futun: can be ihc earth. Mr. Gann soys man can travel secretly under the water and thi* r»
Mr r.«nn »AlboKhi c
' ^ ^(aboul ,hc difTcrenl cycle lengtlu precisely w'ial l'ie ^unne' 's "boul as Robcn develops a method to travel secretly
tN^nd of v«.-Nadx^7,hi< but Mr Gann drives home the idea of ihru the uir. hence ihc name of the book. Notice ihc staiemeni about time being
shortened and that nations will try to conquer each other with this new mode
\ iwr ctaun » be »Mc to Ji> "> 0 u cighlv ,wo you will read aboul ihc
trpeWW' to greai knfthv No^ _ I0 pTCyliCl the future pope. Tins idea of before the L'nitcd Kingdom can be realized. These arc interesting staiemgnla
Pnet Milaehv u>«rd nam. ^ . periodic luble. this is a fonn of especially if you know something of the current realities across the globe. TIk kka
tnCTber theory aixl rrfviinoD is e ' determine time signatures or keynotes. of shortening lime is a veiled look at the concept of shifting the decimal in time
— ^ r^t^e =d is in reference to one- This book by Mr. Gann contains many more things than what
«, Mr Conn J^boul science, mathematics and the people realize and 1 led he himself was a partial illuminate, a cosmic man who had
gone lar beyond what normal human senses can record. On page eighty five we sec
. i. ,«Kit Mr r^nn UNed to trade with, but the
Mr. Gann talk aboul the 5000 year cycle and the number 896, the ratio between
b -iKKmost stuJcnls go for aslny. Tlicy do no. know how these two numbers is 5.58 and the atomic weight of iron is 55.845. Do you think
L fp ofiaibjetl to has nothing to do with trading, tkc tho quote these mathematical associations are set up by accident? It's more because as he
« find cm the bonom of puce eighty three as this it prec isel> w here a Gann wrote this book he automatically puts these relationships in, not with so much full
aadcntv co H-rone Thc> look to the sky. but in so doing they miss completely the awareness, but as a by product of what he is trying to convey. It's a form of
founiaDon of his tradmg method. On page eighty four. Mr. Gann reminds us about synchronicity that is happening as he puts the ideas of the book down ro print.
the narurr ofTIMT of which there is none, but the time we embrace is only the
njjancic of the lichts in the llrmamenL i.e.. zodiac. This makes time something that
e cnurrh illuson. as its basis that exists in our mind is far from what is actually
In chapter eight Mr. Gann is talking about the divine number seven Law of Transmissivc Vibraic Energy
and ibis is the LAW OF VIBRATION as I have spoken about before. This number r
AII oscillating and vibrating coherent aggregates create, in the media in which
365 as being related to the Enoch scripture is important as not only being the earth
they arc immersed, outwardly propagated concentric waves of alternate
year, but us square root is IRI and keep in mind that these numbers are the same
condensation and rarefaction, having a period-frequency identical with the pitch of
as CsmiTies Now Mr. Gann says that the number seven is divine and that Enoch
was traaslaled to bea\en at the age of 365 years. Mr. Gann uses many guises to the aggregate.
show the tune tactor of 192 and he does it here again with 7 divided by 365. Notice
the cloud of fire and the date S96; this is Mr. Gann's way of again demonstrating
chemistry and the Sri elements The chariot seen blazing with some kind of fire or On page eighty six, Mr. Gann makes reference to the ftrsi steamship
gas is the chemistry theme and on page eighty six, iron is the twenty six element of making a trip from New York to Liverpool in how many days? Twenty six, go
the periodic table and later on in die page you will read about the steamship figure that. Let's take a look at page eighty eight and notice dial Lee Wade flew
makaog & trip in twenty six days. around the world, he finished on 9/28/1924, trom 7/4/1776 to 9/28'1924 is 54141
i^,t liC^up,erabolJ, lians ona,lon calendar days, ifyou mod this calendar day total by 192 you gel 54141 /192
^ «- ^ P cycles, we see on page eighty-
,l)e fiVe hundred equals 281.98437 - 281 and then multiplying by 192 you gel 189. the end of the
^ >'** cyde. and he again '
a a a n twent s xl square. Chuck Lindberg arrived in Paris on 5/21/1927; and from 7/4 17 6 to this
ubk Thw Jv "^Ti ulb
^Ttathcrepcted'y 7 ^' l ® ' Ute
about ^ y ' hyear
one hondtetl clemcm
cycle of
in the periodic
repetition date arc 55106 calendar days. 55106/ 192 equals 287.01041, minus 2S7 times 19>
^^ Si"?" r"" ^ aeh'y c'l;h' The «f"snce to steam. equals 2 days. Both of these events happen at the end / beginning of the square.
> Cm2u l V ln
' " '- "f'ren" "> lite ciglny eight natural elements of Now on 3/3/2005 Steve Fossett flew around the world, from
i- .* ihu is the 1 S9tli Jay of ihc .square. discoveries "r ,l'c c''clcs ,bc blblc 1 hi
- ' s » predy inlercsling, and lets for a
-4 ir> kx n R^ ,i iherc arc 2**11 calendar days, and moment take n bit of a side step on the subject of the bible I have .Uudied the
i .vo^nnf: I'nd^ 4 ^ on page eighty eight and having work5 of George Uayer a great deal, and he was obviously a very astute xtiulew of

** * tv 1^ j.> in the Vs quite having the 192 many languages and also had a great deal of knowledge of many sciences, but one
,him: that he said that grabbed my attention was his statement that the reader
Conn .ill guide you here later m the book
shouU 'hr0W aM ,,1cre astrology books 'uvay. and buy the one and only true brck
»bcr he uILx aN>ui the "^"^'^05 from these events and on page 0n astrology which he said was the bible. This is a very interesting statcmeni and

. tun • Jare coming forth. Remember how gives credence to Mr. Gann 5 extreme interest in il also, he certainly got many
h| 1
C^bn ciehu yoBcan «c the wd| ,, .45833333333333 is 2.18 and ideas about the law s of cycles and how to interpret ihcm thru the coded siorics he
^^S^r.92:Tltis is the earthly week of24 hours by 7 read. I could talk about this subject quite a bit more, but I don't want to get
sidetracked from the tunnel book.
^ eomplned to 8 from a Monday 10 a Monday completed octav e. Remember The letters between Marie and Robert and Mr Kennel worth do not
aUo hSTsir Gann tailed extensively of gravity centers? The way anybody gets a
crev-nv center of t»o numbers is by taking the two numbers combined and show so much, except Robert tells Marie he will make wall street hum. which is
his way of saying he is using vibratory physics. On page ninety four we again see
hx rwn. and isn't 2 added to 2 18 equal to A. IS. and isn't there -118 pages in the
TubdcI Thro The Air? I think so, but what I think is not important, only pointing the noble gases mentioned, then on page ninety seven Marie has a dream about her
om ihc themes of the book. Ifyou lake the square of 192 and divide it by 88, you eventual disappearance which is a premonition of the event, and the word she uses
will afso get the total pages of the book. to describe it is "impression". This theme details repetition in relation to the
OLa> then let's continue on. but let met say here that there are some spiritual world, the realm ot activity that lies beyond what our senses decode of the
igcaons of the book that do not contain any material that can be broken down and cosmic cinema. This theory of repetition is also shown on page ninety nine where
looked ai. If you notice gaps of time in the book that I do not talk about, this is Roberts mother talks of the earlier dream she had. Now lets take a look at how
precueh the way I mole it I look to where the connections are and il there are Robert has a much changed view and philosophy about the universe, he openly
none thai hold my anention, I move past il says this where he says the kingdom of heaven is within us, and how religious
In this next chapter, chapter nine we see on page ninety, Mr. Gann ideas would be replaced with more liberal and advanced ones. You can see the
taDa about the slock Right Aeroplane, now if you have the book called the Wall religious upbringing is now being replaced with spirituality.
Sum Stock Selector, turn to page one hundred ninety two and read the paragraph Earlier in the novel you will remember Robert talked of v isiting
aboui ttright Aeroplane and the prices it made, now look at the spelling that is strange places and here on page one hundred one the empire city is the strange city.
used in ilte Tunnel versus the Slock Selector. You can see the reference he makes The prices Mr. Gann quotes are often very close to the square root of 192. which L«
to the number 192, and I'll point out other references that align themselves to what
13.85, 1.385 138.5 or .1385, remember Mr. Gann was looking for spiritual
J am showing and demonstrating from other books written by Mr. Gann.
representation of numbers, the decimal point was something that was very
Some of the things that elude to what Mr. Gann's mode of
Ojmlm ns is Oit isny ihm the characlers describe his work, like on nace ninelv- irrelevant to him, he wanted the number as it was before it got to this wavelength.
In this next chapter, chapter ten we notice Robert finding his cycl«
one Me famtbnmh says ,ha, young Roben has been working oul the hidden
in the bible on page one hundred and six. These types of statements are very
5C CM al"a!'5 ,alk ovc
' »'i,h Wm. Ihwe subtle clues interesting as to what he actually means, these cycles are vibrational signatures, or
. I i refn-raoes away in relalion lo numerology, cliemislrv and natures way of identifying specific wavelengths that are run over ot Superimposed
over a markets pricing structure, each one being a different wave length, but
adhering to a mathematical model that measures periodicity. Now on page one
0 y0 U Ga,,n lalkin aboul
Goldimd.bc n^le^St
md ibe noble . ^
gases of dm pcnodie l""you
able, em, also «
see he mlks piemen,
abou. his hundred eight, Mr. Kcnnelvvorth tells Robert that he is going to give htm ten
' sand dollars, or a •'little less than one half of profits". This little less than ein-
the gui>c ol the law of vibration is based on the model of the periodic uble Thu »
lr< used in association with numerology, ascendant astrology, dates and the munber*
5^ < ls {Jv 41 $ pCTsW W ^
|q2 and HS at Icosl in this author s opinion Now tum to page one hundred
.vovv ^«»« ^ ^;o|K ^unJred eight you read about "the eagle sixteen and you will sec the red river mentioned, tliLs is a repetitive from page one
On the boooio ot pgc111 -^nods one \s ithm the other like a
hundred five as on that page you see the red Icitcr day. Remember all thmgv repeal
-Heel -dun 4 ^ ^ roindIIce. Mr. Gonn spends a great deal
and this theme is prevalent in the Tunnel book. However if you do not know what
r^ve L»^ *****Mlk is h^J to stomach as the maturity
something is then you cant know when its repeating, this is what the law of cycles
oftunc on .t and at times this |Js „ njiculous. but at times there are
is all about. Dctcnnining when things arc revolving back to there inception points.
Hk, pwrnvtrf b> these r-o c«efit> > ^ ^ I0 no,ice that the romances in Notice Robert is nervous and anxious and Marie is anxious and
iliBie> »orth> ot mennomng. m r^ of ljnie pCnods insidc 0f
nervous, polarity, reversals, and vibration. The reason Marie is insisting that
^kx*«.!»^ R „^ n are e oin S to nde to New York
Robert give her the surprise right then and there is because she knows she is out of
r^ ^ renrkK ^ ™ ^'^Mr cl r clever and subtle way „r
there, and the reason that Marie leaves is because J H. Kcnnelvvonh understands
^is ^ su shinc is wha
" ' ihal the war is inevitable and that Robert will be the catalyst to w in it, and with
Marie by his side he would never do what he eventually docs, so she is removed
^.dfu^ee"o^s^nehundred thtnecn Rjuken ^she is not from the story so that Robert will do what is ncccssaiy. This is an interesting
4 nfj hr* <t4*k in New ^ ork, but he bri-3ks ihis
aspect of the story as it shows that intestinal fortitude and determination come from
n"reason he does tins is to let the reader know that
struggle and diffkully, an easy or comfortable situation does not bring about
a commiuncnt without wavering. For what.. ts worth you will enough nerve force to complete certain tasks and that is what that theme is all
thai Vlr Kennel worth is beh.nd's Marie's disappeamncc. Now th.s heme has about.
noihmg to do with trading or the law of \ibration. but you will see that it wus Alright Gann experts, back to the story, notice on page one hundred
cnsnccrcd b> Mr. Kennclwonh shortly. If we lake notice ol Roberts s sister who nineteen the word, "blasted", this is atomic power from chemistry and the
is not rocnuoned anymore in the book, you will see ihis is done to bring >our elements. The periodic table combined with the resolution to the war. the thernc is
anmnon to the narure of cycles in that they sometimes disappear. This function obvious by now. Keep in mind that all things have corresponding vibration
happeni because they breakup or dissoh e into smaller segments and this gives the components to them; this is for everything including names, dales or cycles as this
jUusiun that tbev arc gone The idea that Marie and his sister disappear shows the
is what a keynote or signature is. The one thing you must force yourself to do ts to
female energy coing away. Remember this theme tor a later time in this book.
look at what separates things, what components are unique to something. Then
make a model of that in some way, make something so that it is set up individually
so it will decipher and unlock its inherit and intrinsic malhcmaiical properties.
Lrm of Sympathetic Oscillation This can be done in as many w ays as there are students of Gann.
' Cobrrcni aggregates imnietscd in a medium pulsating at their natural pitch this is what is so incredible about this stuffis that it is your own ability to put
sinjultanewUiK oscillate with ihe same frequency, whether the pitch of the medium logctlier the themes of the book and learn how to apply the laws as you understand
be a imiv.n. or any harmonic of the fundamental pitch of the creative aggregate. them. The way I understand them or the way that 1 look to see them is unique to
me, you must also do the same. The most dilTicult thing to do and this is why
nobody docs this siufT is because of the following, the idea to combine or bridge
the ideas of science to the price bar is so foreign to all students of Mr Gum that
Right away Mr. Gann repeals the sunshine special, then on the next
they refuse or cannot work to this end.
j»?e one hundred sixteen, Gann talks about Waller Kennclwonh and his chemistry
l«o« of study. This chemistry theme is vitally important and it is put in the book This forces the siudeni to move out of there comfort zone and tar
wr no other rta**. than to give the nod to die student that the entire method under away from what all authors and students of Mr. Gann normally do. This u> a very
rt JJ
u as three nm perhaps, where two people interact and they both a™* tha! it n
and i.S .imc or an oariy brcakfaM. Now m„vc bj „ ^ ZT^lZ*
. , l.vdv you jond K« uny companions .0 work
Wo -vl «.h»J pA rni law th{ IbunJanon and conccprs, tnccpl.15 ,his part'CU 10 cxpcricnced b
y the two hungry people really
f S n0, n y a ,n l0,
Z '• " r ^ " •, ° "h " -J exp^cLd by
nlinds U ho USL cclcs a mcc
vcr>' nuiti-' r " ' hanics to give them a basis to line up event*
„ there life. Therefore lime is an illusion and in ihe markets Mr. Gann apphed
to SvW lulkins along Il«« lines of vibrn.ion ors Lhat I "11 artificial lime periods to markets. He had a model based on
.^narison timing gears, and since he lived on the earth he utilized that as the
OtK nvsc Uunj.. si ^ ^ o|- iN,r G[inn ,s noi necessary,
«"> apphcJ w mdinc. The idea 10 up ». nccessan'. What is necessary basis, hid then look other time periods associated from that earths gearing This
femmly n,-. a tad or unwonhy Sf'" s^'" ^r and Ihen make .How's the user to create synthetic time periods that are based on signatures of
torgb .J. P" The. work on vibratio" ft-0111 the various components that make up something, or if you will what
makes it unique.
The blood from Roberts s heart was slowly Irickling away, this is a
^icien"' 3nd;hcla\s r.
iih.Trs to and this is done wiih the model of periodicity. Getting back to very clever way of describing natural law. This is telling on a neutral center or a
the can uow. Mane makes her sudden disappeanncc trom the train on this date center, a pump in this illustration, and the way something moves from its center of
June 5.'i 927 and rnums 1913 da>s later on August 30. 1932. This again shows the gravity or source is akin to electrons jumping orbiLs or energy levels, and this is the
ba of sr. en. as \ ou aie seven days shon of ten octaves of 192. law of squares. The even and odd squares, or if you will sacred geometric ratios
Taking a look at page one hundred twenty two, Mr. Gann talks ol tliat allow discrete stop and start modes, this is the basis of Waller Russeirs
the concrpi of.Marie intentionally hiding from Robert, as this is what happened teachings. This is the light wave octave process that follows diatonic principles in
aaaalh The characier Rohcn talks about some lime distortion on page one relation to the elements of the earth and the periodic table.
hundred rwemv three and there is a reason for this, the concept of lime is a function Now quickly moving away from the book for a moment, one thing I
of horn our senses react to or process the environment. For instance if you are in
have noticed about all Gann students and teachers alike is that (hey all teach the
tnffif coun for three hours, the time seems like 3 weeks for no other reason than
ibr mmrc of the event, just the same if wc go to an amusement park, eight hours of forty five degree angle. They all draw that ridiculous angle from any market pivot
tha kind of fun and entenainmeni seems like just a few hours, again this is a they feel like, and then they look for the market to track it and use it for all kinds of
fancsjm of how we react and perceive (he environment. different reasons. The first thing that is wrong with this is, that the forty five degree
The reason Mr. Gann talks like this is because this is a part of the ingle is NOT FLAT, it does not start and stop at two points on a chart or computer
trading method he used, in other words he used artificial time periods. This is why screen with price bars on it. What it does is go completely full circle, in other
Gann talks about vibration or wavelengths, each market having its own unique words, if you could start a forty five degree angle at a pivot, it would go up and
tmung gears. Taking this a bit further, the earth wc all know has its particular then back down to the point where its cube limit is or where it meets its boundary,
nmmg sequences, all coming from its rotation in 24 hours, and then from its then it would go down thru the chart, below and back up to the point that it started
d/unia) motion around the sun. This is what time is. it isn't time at all, its celestial at
nfcchsnics that arc the measurement that is displayed on your clock or wristwatch.
Using this term, a moment for illustration, imagine vou are some
Law of Allraction
of universal nund intelligence, you know no beginning, nor do you know an
end. Yoa only know you are and a moment in lime or a lime interval for an
Juxtaposed coherent aggregates vibrating in unison, or harmonic ration, are
mdiv .dual component of you that is separate might be processing an interval of mutually attracted."
yvur ir.bU,.mdl.gence.
!i0nyCani this
is nodifrcren,
than aa moment,
idea of labeling as measured
specific time interval by

ncus lines code that arc put into machine language Our senxo worit the
h Kr> .O PiL<h an earring ihn. a piece of paper so
k K p way. they decode the language of hght, of light that is diffcTcnhated.« we
f wul ol'rh" r . |S vvi,a, a|| angles do. they move
' ^pcricnee it as holographic cinema and that gives us a reality
an angle dnm* like most people draw This is why wc arc in control of our life experience, the model we
rc full tettOfl® and m u'1' >ph' in on ihe chart. I fully understand that you
.-n within us anil adhere 10 is Ihe rcalily lhal is projecled into Ihe cinema, if om
iVm.vtKV desenhmg **1» ^ |0 the l.m.tat.on and the
dn* them anv olber .va> d _ „ ..^mad models based on market model » dcsignild by us spccincally ihen our life experience is a projeerion ofihar
^ of.ha. vou are^utgTh^ ^ ^ ^ gcomctric cinciuu we have created. If wc allow our internal cinema to be created by the
s^mnats do for vou Thc> 0rrotational" albeit the wrong
culture, the media, our parents, or any entity other than ourselves then we get that
wcict chamrteniOic, v en;u> a single siite o cineniauc projection. These concepts and laws come from the work and teachings
0f Walter Russell and I will explore this genre in the second portion of this book
One more thing, the ^^s^ien^K-Tl MING angled the and how those laws are the basis of Mr. Gann's trading idea and methods. Lei's
reium now to the Tunnel Thru the Air.
rpScSle. .hi. is the ONLV time you can draw a forty Robert being depressed and dejected over Marie's disappearance
^ d^r« ancle When that condition exists is when the angle that dtvides the begins to read the article of R.L. Cole. This man John Wannamaker on page one
MiireevenK is in operation, i c. the forty live degree angle. . .
hundred twenty six is considered to be the father of the department store and
All market piv ots arc definevl by the ratios that exist between the modem advertising, he was also a member of the ftecmasonic order. This article
tanr and pnee angles, and they move as gain or loss defined by the amount ol time written by Cole has many ideas that arc counter to what Mr. Gann earlier wrote
contained in the bar that created the ratios. That is the correct angle to draw from about in relation to new more advanced ideas replacing religion and how he could
am market rhoL What this procedure docs is capture the fractal potnt defined by
no longer listen to the preachers sennons. Within this dichotomy though arc some
dr spirirual cause of the pivot in question, and because the ratios defined by the
reaions why Mr. Gann put this section into the book as on page one hundred
pmn air the cause of vibration, an angle or vector drawn from that pivot into the
funnr mil ait lutely reject price when it again moves to its origin. twenty eight we get it in this sentence, "The palace shall be dissolved and chariots
shall be flaming torches, shall run like the lightning and rage in the sireet". This
This is precisely why trend lines work; you are AFTER THE FACT
scripture is in reference to atomic power, liquid fire, and the splitting of the atom.
draw-ing a vccror along rwo points that arc harmonically related. What I do is draw
The poem on page one hundred twenty nine is in direct reference to
tbe vectors BEFORE the fact in direct relation to the lime price coordinates created
by the dynamics of price and time at die point of instance. In other words it's a vibration as the anvil wears out the hammers. On a side note the interesting thing
csjmuc of cause at the lime of the pivot. about the Christ story talked about on page one hundred twenty seven is that right
I have talked a Imlc bit about using vibrational white light to obtain before it, the article says, much of ancient history of the earliest limes is borrowed
knowledge and on page one hundred twenty four, "flood with light thy heart" is from the bible. Notice now how lhal sentence is positioned right in front of the
egtin the thrmc of white light meditation. Mr. Gann talks about Union station, he bottom paragraph. The Christ story has been told the world over for four to five
doe? this kind of stuflall over the place, union being a harmonious interaction of thousand years before the Old and New Testament.
1*0 or more ume periods, in cyclic language this is called a chord, cycles are Mr. Wannamaker's bible purchase at the age of II for S 2.75 is
rushing but ooics, harmonic notes that make up a chord. Gann's way of showing the reader about even octaves and squaring out of price
It is a musical universe; a universe of gravity curved light, a and time, in this little math relationship you have an even relationship as 2.75 \ 4
fcolographic cmrma that is projected from the universal mind to inside of us. This is 11. On page one hundred thirty one Mr. Gann puts the lime of 1:30 pm on page
mt of ancnalic light sequences flashes on and offat the speed of light, but the one hundred thirty one, an inleresting little clue about how the liming gear or cycle
and its amplitude, i.e. the lime and the price are ol Ihe same origin. I will come
r I nfd 0f lighU is ,ha,
^ is simula
^ "ight. your seeing a
IS preclicly why vvc 1aVe
back to this subject later for a more detailed look at this concept, however just a
wmaiikr ni!iiht*a'm
wroptkr might, a compuier
'? .language that has al translation
senses; program.
these senses
as athe
quick recap of this idea will bring us to the idea that most Gann students adhere to.
,|,er limn llm ^Lei me ask it another wa
periodicity. ^ocsn ' 11
n'nfcc sense to use a mwlel that
u -I uboiH ihai 3 slock dial makes a bigh at
h'» o.nco unphi ^ thc length of the price, in
w f-mcutar pnor ^,hTOU ^ ^ 5 (ki Jullam you will see change of
Mber •■orvtv .» a makes a h gn 1 ^ ) cars from lhal
trr^ * I Oil mmuTcs. li>0 ^ al| ^ rC3jer ha3i to Jo to verify [jw of Repulsion
litftKvU.' pivot Tins» j ^mr,u pool vou ftnJ. Here is why, the
pjuxtiiP05^ coherent aggregates vibrating in discord are mutually repelled.-
*•"•*>•*• ilul manor aorually looaliug a price pivol rhar
chace oj the re^ ot anyts. ^ ^ or cyc|c IS pretty much non Getting back to the story now. Robert orders a light breakfast but is
o .K: radius " '
r nctf pjvol being aligned lo one of the natural
n^rm. market is a long shot indeed. The true unable to eat because of what happened earlier, all this type of stuff is designed to
\innu\-\ coir^vinents0 ^ ^ XVoU|j work from the roiational
hc «wu. |c3d the student to vibration, like producing like, induction theories, then on the
vitoanooal *rud<mt w^ald never attempt inai.mcj r.i
[joiiom ol the P3SC' we 8et the reference to crystals, and all the elements have
rornM w of its cycles and then the inner positions ol the timing gears of thc crystal structures. If you look at the propenies of the elements you will see the
ntfanonij cube in roution and position. . . , ., .•,„„■ designs and forms they adhere to.
Mr Gann puts out the theme of Mane s letter in vibrational The words lhal Mr. Gann chooses to use only further express his
concrj® in thai the behavior of Marie will be directly aligned to Roberts faith in meaning, like the word "wire", and the word "rate" all these themes like the
h-r in the semcncc "sccordinc 10 your faith, be I unto you", in other words disappearances are done to bring to your attention the idea of illusion and cause
* Robcn thmLs of Mane will be directly related to her own behavior, this and effect. Thc reason you see these themes is because when you look at a chart,
is dK idea of syBipathy, induction and harmonic discordance. Moving on to page
you only see EFFECT, you see EXPIRED information from something behind the
one hundred ih'irr, three, Mr. Gann again uses the word blasted as a repetitive, you
scene. This is all Mr. Gann's work is about, looking to get aligned with the behind
can see do» dear reader lhal this book contains a wealth of information in it, and
us not difficnli to see. The reason it has not been written about before is because the scenes information and lake advantage of it, it's as simple as that. Notice that
niOsi of the suidents do not have the background information to see thc themes of Mr. Kennelworth on page one hundred forty one is telling Robert to move forward
thc book and make the connections that define the ideas Mr. Gann used in veiled and keep trading, he is the behind the scenes manipulator.
form Thc other interesting thing about page one hundred forty one is
Now if we look to the lop of page one hundred thirty four, we read how Mr. Gann is describing "GOD" at the bottom of the page, a much changed
zbout Mr. Gann'5 description of Maries wedding present as two hearts woven view that's for sure, this theme is done to show progression, enlightenment and
logcdzT and tied with a cluster of diamonds and pearls. It doesn't get any more knowledge from his earlier indoctrination and this is precisely what happens to
obvioos than this, mo beating hearts that now beat as one, again lite theme of two students ofMr. Gann. They are indoctrinated, they listen to experts and self
timing gears acting in unison, or in Ezekiel's words, a wheel within a wheel. proclaimed gurus and they do not question the validity of what they are being
Talcing 3 look at page one hundred thirty seven, this theme of the trines again taught, they accept with blind faith that they arc learning the true methods of
appears but also notice that Mr. Gann uses the repetitive of thc sunshine streaming Gann's law of vibration, and some concepts of how to apply it.
m thru the windou. but hc also uses the east window, this first occurred on page
On page one hundred forty two we sec the force, the unseen
one of the book and the cast theme is the ascendant of the astrological chart.
guiding hand of the universe, most people on die planet have seen STAR WARS,
^v-. and th.m-
,v._. y0
L. ^ the.n,"iric ,0
10 rcad ,hc p0em 0n pascs one lu|
Poem on pages one hundred die entire theme of the FORCE, this force is a very real thing, real but mostly
i^vcn ^ thC
ndred thirty
1 donnant in all of us, how to awaken this force and the modus to do it, will be a
fT" "T *' P'riodicity, le, me ask you
subject in the second half of this book. When Robert calls Waller, his best friend.
«c»c« »,ib mrtKrf, uhui beiier wfTorX I"™'1";"'0 0,,,cr Walter is rather amused at the entire event of Marie's disappearance, he is arauseU
ay or w hat more clever way would you because he knows the old man is behind everything.
. f.,m four and foity five is a very only inen,'ons ,^c ln,^es WCrC I501'1 on '''c long and short side of the market, it
jocsn't make reference to anything else.
>»*" ** ",ru• "'ise the
T^,-ri"®"""! As Mr. Gann is pondering Marie on page one hundred fony si*, he
Mxunot ^ . N oxpcri^ncc lollow mg, I
(urvc Jiwv>»em1 aSaji Ihi* wifd ■ thing I ant writing about thinks that perhaps the way to find her can be found in the bible, these Icinds of
-S. ««^ple ridieule ,ho ,hings .he, I say and things are interesting to me, it demonstrates that Mr. Gann looked to the bible for
mw .«k1 ihf r!?qwn< •> •ir* • - places in Mr. Conn's ow n courses any and all answers or difficulties that arose, and apparently he found them Robert

ua .Ma, es« -M1 van rvanu^ hv vs'U P ^ ^^ being distraught writes a letter to Marie to be placed in the personal notices, he
and Mia dm. do en« dom. ^Te mos, Gann s.uden.s wan, says in it. months and years cannot change me. this means that cycles arc cycles,
n.tWfMnGi'hem'' txVai out oi sour coniion zone, n"- . .• u . and they don't change, the vibratory characteristics that are inherent in somethrng,
7*Lu* and aligns«ith there own in.cnol^ They des.rc boob stay that w ay, and in Mr. Gann's statement in the ticker interv iew, stocks are like
the suare of nine, the master charts, the squaring of atoms, therefore they are mathematically controlled. Notice the hotel Roben is ai,
^Tsquanne the once, angles fiom zero. Gann tans and ad int.n.tum. This f "Planters Hotel", why Planters? People who plant tilings, work the earth, and what
M of thine them in their comfort zone and 'h^ to .gnore the more is in the earth? The elements I have been talking about all the while.
impi>7ttnt things in Mr Gann's writings. These are the VEfCi things I have torced William Cullcn Bryant wrote a poem that Mr. Gann puts on page
njjsdfio uncover and decipher, the things dial every student I have ever worked one hundred forty nine, if you read that carefully, the words are cryptic, but they
»tih nr corTtSmVmded mth completely ignores. arc in reference to THOTHS emerald tables, and the HALLS OF AMENTl. In thai
You will notice that Mr. Gann again uses the word "blasted" then at book and in (he meditations from that book are (he nature of time itself, die
the hemom of page one hundred forty five, you will see that Mr. Gann talks about meditation is done under the pyramid of GIZA, where the akashic records exist.
Rohcns forecast of an uptrend for ten days, the Gann student needs to think
Robert decides to be philosophic about the whole crisis, this is just
czrr fully about this idea of cycles, lets talk a bit for a moment ofcyclcs. (hey are a
a repetitive of what his pseudo father told him a couple pages ago, look at the
senj*. they come from rotation of timing angles, or timing gears, at any and all
poem on the top of page one hundred fifty, "life's field will yield as w e make it, a
nme the mning rwarion has a relationship to its OWN gravity center, they are
harvest of thorns or flowers", remember the cinema of holographic w hite light
dihcr bckra n or they are above it or a combination of both.
How many limes have you dear reader read about Mr. Gann saying being projected from within us from the mind of the universal mind? There it is.
the following ~EITR)THI\G SEEKS A GHA177T CENTER", this requires that The number seven is again talked about by Mr. Gann on the top of page one
tte snnfcni-pondcr this siatemeni, everything means everything, it doesn't mean hundred fifty two, the problem with this number seven, is that it is easy to read
eveytiung but price and lime, it means everything, this means that time itself in its about and parrot it, but to really leam w hat the law of seven is. the enneagnun, the
own roiEiionjuuLposiuon. is constantly seeking the gravity center of its own cubic notes within the diatonic octave, the forces, the laws that are described by the law
volume and sphere The fractal nature of the markets are a direct reflection of the of octaves is another thing entirely, it is a subject of intense study and learning.
ummg gears etching or hitting on the various points of its own atomic properties

^10 apply 1,1,5 s,u,Tis un,imi,ed bu, for now lets

- ' ^

of 3 ,radin Law of Cycles

uxton. is verv g campaign as Mr. Gann talk's about in major
her appr0ilched ,,ie mar e
no dcMibt that Mr G^^uld^^ ? ^ t, I have "Coherent aggregates harmonically united constitute centers of vibration bearing
0r Ver Short ,trm n nc day trends
I feel cn-.fcelf ihai Jus overall annrm *1 »/ ^ ' '^ relation to the fundamentul pitch not multiples of the harmonic pitch, and the
puhhc t^gtncLS ^ -s long term trends. In the
production of secondary unions between themselves generate pitches that are
S ere 5 mcn, 0|
he gave mlraday that wb-- ill ' ' i of a scries tof discords, either in their unisons, or overtones with the original pitch; from haimnny
"... p»n UuMgh you v* no indica,!^'""e eiShl or nri"- po',he . 15
generated discord, the inevitable cause of perpetual iransfonmation."
rd or, le
m ' duration of those trades, it
) ■' 41
; « £g v
on 2 and the 88 elements subtracted from ii u -7 -> .l
I^M and I' 2.2 is your fony five degree anglT11 ^ 88

^ ' Remember ll.c markets in all there variety and infinite complmtv
-only «« reP "tivc ol mnc digus. t,me and price, thereeomplexity come, frZ'
. l..»^ to Maries parents and he quotes from John. "tuition of.he. dec,mal and the zero to dtstinguish tpcciRc priceiarol ttme
R.vVfl "Y* ; /hc js alluding you to the Fibonacci spiral, now
hui ntfn-c IN: chapi^ and ^1 - • obscssetl with the Fibonacci spiral, this Sods, but y" "•* on|y ,hc nlnc digits ,n all there fonns and uniquenes, dun
SeuP "by m3*"- 'hen: fore, t s n rotary system in a big way, this is why 1 look
^ Z^ «dl maybe no. a .mvcs.y, mbers from the spmlual
..numbers dt
spmtua realm without decimals at times or shifting decimals
Lv noi« NjJ thmp- M t numbers, most of the trading world
looking for the spiritual representation of the eflect, in other words. I;
M^1 GfrT PRIcES, whether it be for am looking• forr~xrrr
the n
V • i of the■ eflect, in other words I am
looking for the ENERGY thai represents ihe numbers BEFORE it is on the pnee
m'nmjomoK, .his .s a very dubious opplica.ion and here is why tor itself, or if you will. CAUSE. That is all the law of vibration is, it should be
Prices ore a >erv small ponion of what is really happening in the of)|cd the law ofcause, because all is vibration. As I go along you notice I have
m.lme arctu. and to use that ^ small face, to forecast is simply a bad idea, the pulling up the forty laws of John Keely, these are the forty laws of
stu: wax ro use iha< numbers is to use them from the timing gears that that mar ket sympathetic vibratory physics.
* c^rarnK on. for instance, if you lake a high or a low and use that swing with In the beginning of the book, Mr. Gann tells us this story is veiled,
anoia r^ing in the market, you are using expired cITecl to look to the future with, veiled means veiled, so on page one hundred sixty three, you will notice this word,
tte timinc gears thai were in operation at that lime, arc now moved a long way "keenly" and then raised his hopes so high. This is obviously John Keely's work;
evi^x in roanon and therefore the sacred relationships or the relationships Irom gsMr. Keely raised the vibrations from water to a level that he was harnessing
enwth and decax numbers arc going to be very different from what they are in
pure energy, the female energy of the universe, the eiheric fluid. The vibratory
comparison to using the expired price energy on the chart. substance of the ancients or the plastic mold at the heart of all form and matter that
To give you a visual, it is the same as trying to hang pictures in the
forms from sound and vibration. Notice that Robert again suffers from time
air wirh do •wall, hanging price levels or resistance cards off of the vibratory timing
distortion as he realizes he has worked himself into somewhat of a frenzy with his
zssrs of a market is much more effective, now real quick, (he lime anybody would
lue to do this is. going to be coming from the earths timing gears, and the earth has
Taking a look at the poem entitled the "Isle of Long Ago" you can
a signaure of 24, because that is its 360 degree cycle, and its year is 365.25 days,
these gem work fine if you have something that vibrates to it, but if you don't, see it is entirely about lime periods and cycles, in all its eloquent language, but the
then your pumng square pegs into round holes. This is precisely why you NEVER really interesting thing about it is that there is a repetitive in (he sentence, the
kneni if Fibonacci levels arc going to work, sometimes they do; sometimes they vesper chime, and you will see it first in the poem on page one hundred twenty
don't- because y ou're using them from expired cfTect, nine of (he book. The difference in square roots between 164 and 129 is 1.45
All right then Gann experts let's lake a look at chapter thirteen for a squares or 261 degrees of movement, if you measure with the square of nine.
noD-o-istnii momenL Roberts's mom in her letter to comfort him talks in the trincs Turning to page two hundred sixty one now, read about Robert contemplating
also, as she hopes, prays and believes that Marie will return. This is a rather suicide over the loss of Marie. How very interesting. Taking a look at the square
important theme, and at a later lime I will showyouclear evidence that Mr. Gann mot of 129 where the poem is, you gel 11.357816, notice the reciprocal of the 88
uuJiifcd John RceJy's laws. Robert reads the poems that Marie sent him to find elements, I / 1135 is .000881. its quite interesting how you can see lots of math
sequencing in the book itself. I don't believe Mr. Gann did all this puiposely. it is a
VI.U ™"CC 'ht ,K>ems rcrer 10 the brofcl:n sh,:l1
- "Sain .he theme of
gvi f looka,
firs, binhday of Robed, we byproduct though of his intentions through out the novel, very interesting stuff.
L, lol' eo8"
^|M 69,2.69,2 15a98888 Robert talks about his Marie, his pilot ihnt the sea of lite, guiding
«» - IH8I8I8I8I8, we added to Ihe88. if we of
binhday divide tha. by
21 years of the
age bis ship thru the uncertain seas of finance. Mr. Gann throws this theme into the
book as the sailors of the sea use the stars to guide them home, then the sentence of
Gann s UiiC of ,hc •ripturc. Especially in the sentence, "their line is gone out thru all the ea/th". and
v fhk hc3I1 sho^s N»r ' ^'rituj]
^ w h#H. humxnir 00 ^ ^ * mJ, asfxv. of Mr. Cann who embraced .he then also "there is nothing hid from the heat ihcrcof'. What do wc find in the earth,
n. the hcan chakrm. ^ ^ ^,ion 0, the poem on page one hundred j,,, 8S naturally rcoccurring elements, which are created by the light of the world,
. c ;i0(,t i.e., sun of god, our savior, for if (he sun doesn't rise, there is no more.
•K Of Ikt h^hcr .^1 ^ hxA an ^ ^ ^ ^ ojk (hc c|Teas on ^
«xr> «fh. riu. Rohcrt^^^ ; fncials .ha. CREAFhD .hem are ;i Then on pagc onc ',undrcd seventy five the "lemble crystal" followed by "hia
chan mtc dead ^ ^ opcra.e on the currcn. rotal.on and position troop in die earth •
Ol>\E. 10 aci in ihc liviw: pr* ^ To me all these ideas and sentences just funhcr the idea of the book
one hundred sixty nine you see
of the vThr#wr\ umnj: g«r> of a one hundred se\ enty we get ihe along the chemistry lines and the periodic table of the elements. Now moving on to
RoNrt.'. cW anj de.em.ina.ion. page one hundred seventy six, the top of the page has a very interesting scntenjcc, if
LV« M «« «««^ . »e look a., chapter fourteen, nghl away we see we are going 'o discern the end, we must start right, in order to look at cycles you
must start them at a particular lime and then move them forward in rotation until
^ Zof his -blasted" hopes, then nonce Iha. Madara
you gel current, and even move them into the future. If you have read the many
mom atomic theort and chemistry-, followed by the
works of Mr. Gann, namely his analysis of U.S. Steel or the analysis of bis master
in the bWe, This asnologer we see on the next page. Professor forecasting course, Mr. Gann gives two different modes of operation, the first one
oTSvml O. ver, tn.emsnng dtemc, Mr. Cann was schooled m the eso.ene use he talks about is the first trade date, then in the same analysis he gives the use of
01 xhdtt kthnffinnal heh. and when ihe meditator is able to bring his brain to the the date of incorporation. I always found this rather interesting as to why Mr. Gann
delta loci htquescy in combination with the modus of vibratory while light and gave the mode of both time starts, he didn't favor either onc. and he just gave the
the emoooD ofjox. the universal mind can and does speak to any individual who
analysis using both methods, something to think about or better yet, work out and
can operate and perform this deep meditative co creative principle.
This is what the univ ersal mind is. vibratory light, undifferenliated test.
The statement by the Christ is certainly about using the astrological
liffht. the lancuacc of this divine intelligence is thru the use of light, it talks with
natal chart for the future indications of something, now this statement is quite
vrn compressed data packets of informaiion that are delivered to the student ofco
crsanvc pnnaples thru intense flashes of light, the universal mind essentially interesting if you give it some thought, especially when you consider about stoning
downloids mformaiion into > our synapses, the emotion of joy is used because thai the lime right, because when you use the first trade date, you are using the date of
i> the cienal and permanent state of the div inc intelligence. Mr. Gann in more than the exchange that the financial instrument trades at, however if you use the date of
ont place m the book tells and describes that that is how he obtains infonnation. I incorporation, well that is something entirely dilTerent. Therefore the themes of the
win point these place out in the book. book must be looked at in relation to Mr. Gann's other writings because they an: a
cohesive whole, they compliment each other and when you begin to see many of
the different concepts all coming to a holistic vibralional approach based in science
!-«•» i»f Harmonic Pitch and sympathetic vibratory physics.
Mr. Gann's writings take on a completely different mode in you.
Ofvibra,,on devc| and you begin to understand that everything in the books and courses are his own
ops in addition to its fundamental pitch
personal shortcuts that he taught, these ideas and concepts he speaks about are the
antL two.
«c, .hrw or 0more
t^n three, irj s> mnii:1r cal
times iu' fundamental
sub-multiple portions of itself, bearing ratios of
outcropping of what I am talking about, therefore they will not work as intended
because the foundation that all that material is based on is not >tudied and
understood, therefore you are building a house on water and sand. If it is your
SCri|,,Ure he is desire to be a true student of vibration as applied to the price bar, then what you are
w/ology „ '0
reading will take off many years of your learning curve and set you up to build a
W d
" !'•"<utKlcrPsel^XptTm 'tfr^' "0W ^ PaeC toundation of science set up along the laws of the universe.
^ P ' tve find some interesting
here a nc* paradigm of spirituality will take hold over many who »rc rody io
R.^.. m W *.r. of O B^Jovful
^,e now
way and is readingdwell
.he dements the poem
i„ lhe ^place worship ol an or foreign deity by a knowing and actual
connectedness to the universal intelligence of the universe, this is /,V yOfJ.ju*
« *e««. ■»«« 0* ^ ^ w he talks of skeletons in the closet.
As Msfcl^ses RoStOs l oms Ssore ,ather and his Hocked, suppressed, and dormant, just a spark of this power and mmd illumined in
makc yo11 want 10 scrcam 1110 the
- - ntmemsn Je ^.he honte hfe. All this kind of Hi world.
>0 Now
hriwher, as Joxful ta!k> if » ^m par1 0( what Mr. Gann ' Robert here is talking of a great war fought in the air with
rtuiT m th: cycles and "the science along side of it. Remember deadly chemicals, what's thai? Chemicals you say? Notice the sentence about
aprilied in the *fT h profcss0r about Robert potenltally finding Marie England ruling the waves and London ruling the banking center of the world,
lht_^tloD ^^^^^ueuestionat a later time in the book, interesting ns you have a whole plethora ol authors and speakers talking about the
m « co ^ ^ (S kind of intere>iing. especially because the jlluminali and the control grid over the planeL Let's pay attention to the exact
words Mr. Gann uses here, on page one hundred eighty four he says the United
astrtsomical amis from the sun arc 19.10. Moving to page one hundred eighty this States is the land of love and liberty, he docsn t say the land of the free, he says the
is the CTvm center of the circle of 360 degrees, and Robert spends the balance of land of liberty.
the ibx in his room, this is a unique little sentence, as the gravity center eoncept is There is a whole genre of Mr. Gann's life that is not normally
nrofoundh important in Mr. Gann's uork, knowing what something s gravity studied, by that I mean the wealthy families who Mr. Gann probably spent time
colter is, is SO imporunt because you can measure virtually everything from it. with and knew, rubbed shoulders with, this is a very interesting subject especially
once you know w hat it is. with the current trends of interest. On page one hundred eighty five Robert and
Robert's surrogate father encourages him to continue his work, his J.H. Kennelworth meet Waller at the Vanderbill hotel, this is a bit of what 1 mean.
njvtnbons. his cycle study, and let the Lord take care of Marie. Me is doing this Commodore Vanderbill, and other men like Jay Gould, E.H. Hamman, remember
becaose he undersiands Robert will be the catalyst of the coming war. Robert reads
Mr. Gann said he spent ten years in the Astor library of New York learning about
i poem on page one hundred eighty two that contains the phrase noble enterprise,
and studying the manipulations of men of finance and studying how to apply
for the theme of the noble gases then we see J.H. Kennelworth tell Robert that
science to the price bar. If you spend some lime studying the history of this area, it
crnotions are the motive power behind every great achievement. These emotions
is fascinating. Mr. Kennelworth leaves Walter and Robert to go see a friend and
are lose. fear, and hate. I remember being a long time student of Mr. Gann's work
myself, for close to twenty years, I have studied virtually everything in the public Robert talks about the knowledge Walter has about chemicals, there should be no
domaiii. and more. I have every book you have in your library and more probably. doubt that Mr. Gann is leading you to the works of Walter Russell w ith all his
One day I said to myself, there isn't anybody who understands the scientific drawings, and knowledge ol the periodic table and periodicity in general.
law ol vibration as coined by Mr. Gann as applied to the price bar, i l was obvious Waller's levity and not so serious attention to Marie's sudden
^ author or guru simply did not have it, they often coined phrases and disappearance is rather amusing, he basically tells Robert to forget about her, and
uJked the mumbo jumbo from Gann's courses but at the end of the day. it still move on, he eventually tells Robert that he is too young to be wrecked by a girl.
remained elusive So I decided to lake my requests to the universal mind for Remember this private meeting between the father and son on page one hundred
guidaai e and enJighlcnmenl as to what this whole business is about. That is what eighty seven. Mr. Gann cleverly throws in the noble gas again at the bottom of the
this book u about, showing the foundation of the entire theme of the ticker page. Robert is pretty excited about this play and the love story based on
imemew, and how n merges with the book the Tunnel Thru the Air forgiveness, forget and understanding, again the trines. Robert is impre»ed
ihc quote from Daniel about how the light dwells within him. a kingdom that ^nall
Rc ui71,n 10
lov^n.. v,, ; K ^ book, it's rather amusing how Robert talks of never be destroyed. This light is what illuminates truth in each ol us. Thebomcr
kuJ brother tJiaS.>0U'V(" hc
couldn't even get along with own father between Robert and Walter is rather funny to me and the talk ot women is rather
^ uat^iniicd J hr la,ks 0f 0nc da v lhere
. only one God. interesting, but the theme on page one hundred ninety one with the quote from
Pythagoras is very telling on another application ol Mr. Gann s vi ration me
rising of vibrations across or
globe .
number 7680 and dividing it by the circle of 360 degrees; you see (hat gives the
m-.II .Itum.MH- xhx< t)K-n« oinai n g> mne of the circle or 120 degrees. Again the theme of the trincs. now «this nme.
lt ,htf boUom of Hie page and
TV Uw ot ihrcv .• N|r G mn is not a mistake, Mr. Gann um to page three hundred thirty three in the Tunnel Thru the Air and read that top
naragnipb. yoU w'" rcad k,r' Gann say. "If the water can be sepnraiar. this is
1«p m m«ui that the ^ ^ ^ ,, rCally is a masterpiece of
dKi IXM nuke misoko «hci absolutely in my mind a direct directive to John Kccly's work as ihi* is prccu-ety
[o|| on N|r ClUnn to complete it. to put
mformaruvi, and I ^ >ury ' ' . ch;irac,ers and the veiled language is really vvl,3i this scientist of vibratory physics did. dbassociate water from its groiser

wether the themfts t c > - . «■ introduced to the story, she makes ihc properties until he had taken it up to nine levels of disasiociation where he could
sowing A. the end nlCti l0 be Nikola Tesla, as you
bamess this subtle lemalc latent energy. The fact that this is written on page three
hundred thirty three, which is the trine or one third of the cube, is in no way an
top* of the tallest building u ith the Demon of Death using the accident. In the second part of this book 1 will discuss this scientist's work further
IZZ as Tola uxs shoun earlier describing. Remember he said this weapon and explain some of the work in relation to the price bar.
would ehmirote uar. by giving each country an invisible C h.nese wall. Mr. Gann talks about this time factor he figures on that will mark
Major Motors high, many students take this to mean lie is talking about the moons
node progression of 19 years, but if you read carefully this paragraph, he says this
La* of Force lime factor is unique to Major Motors, a wavelength if you will, a vibratory
signature he has assigned to this stock, This new and great discovery of a time
"Energy mamfesb itself in three forms; Creative, the vibrating aggregate; factor is not a one size ftts all modus, he was assigning lime cycles based on
Tranamssive, being the propagation of isochronous waves through the media in vibratory characteristics that would show swings of various lengths and from these
which it is immersed. Atiractive. being its action upon other aggregates capable of models he would work over into the laws of science as applicable to the price bar.
whimting in unisons or hanriony." The price .it which Robert buys major motors is 192.5 when he
buys 500 shares for long account, 1 like to pay attention to every thing in the book,
all themes, stories, people, places, and this is true even in Mr. Gann's ticker
In the beginning of chapter sixteen Mr. Gann quotes the price of interview, the exact words and phrases he uses are important, they tell a lot on his
December cotton at 19.2. There arc many veiled ailempts by Mr. Gann to bring ideas, concepts and thoughts. Notice the price that Major Motors declined to on
your oiteniioo 10 the 192 time period, us this is a natural diatonic number based on page one hundred ninety eight, 218.00 dollars; this is of couise the ratio thai
the cartirs signature. Cher the page's one hundred ninety five and ninety six we defines the relationship between the 192 and 88 timing gears.
sec Mr Gann is talking about his trades using his cycles and how he is pyramiding, The kind of statements that Mr. Gann makes on page one hundred
this is very interesting as to the precision of the trades Mr. Gann takes. There is
ninety nine are the precise kind of statements that warrant very close attention, for
some inicrtsiing numcrological information on page one hundred ninety seven
instance, the great discovery of what stocks will do at a certain age. when they
under Roben s gieai campaign in Major Motors, now looking at that date, you see
have fast moves up and down is in my mind the idea behind vibration and
6 19 1927. this is 76S0.25 days from Robert's birth, and ifvou mod with 192, you
wavelengths, a slock moves up and dow n fast when its lime limit runs out. or when
sec this is exactly 40 squares of 192,
it is running on its gravity center in rotational and positional totals, all siock> do
This is done to bring your aitention to the laws of John Kccly,
not move alike, they are as different as all humans are, they are distinct in e r ea
which we arc looking at here thru out this analysis. If you take the square of 88,
thai they are unique only because they start different and take on ..haravtemtics
you get 7744. and that is 64 points above 7680 above and 64 is the square of 8, the
that set them apart, they take off in unique respects, so they set up a vibrauona
madc ,n ,0 a nuniber
. 1 ol'6191927 divide by 192 gives us a roodcl that will assign signatures or a rhythm over the lite ol its tra mc xe 1C e'
c rcma,ndcrma
^ ' ^hing the June ninctccmh segment of the
Many of these things that Mr. Gann says are simple and rather
Another Inicrcsting segment of this date comes from taking the straightforward, but'lhey teach the foundation of the law of vibration as applied by
.nioiih't'0'15 of mnny bi8 0Pcraton;«" die markets
. >„ „« one hunJioJ nineo nine where Robert soy, "iLs This idea of comparing these traders to mo.1 .
him. atvl this i- the case .^ ^ 1*^ 11 ... if „ our des,re to unlock sonic of the
liVv Manec Has
K-v been
Nvn bwallovuMf
^allowcxi b> • a|tcnlion t0 i|,esc subtle clues. tha, [rjJers themselves is something like comparing a modem d™ mutl
mvMcneb of i his mans wwi, Ukr >ou mus P-»> b igftO's. t|mcs liavc chan8«l. every facet of tlie nr^r . ; one fn

„ .b. I them on. ^ 0ann egnin gim -«»)■ the idea of rJ ,'. the science of spores, the P^holo^
t»n jviijc i»^ % ^-ajee, vortexes, eddies, spirals and jn ,0 nicntion Wide spread use of steroids, the speed and^/nf?.? t
,Jft> 0
xihranon imd the 'ihc Boy \\ izard, this is in reference to Viktor ..eo'thing eboui lha. genre has been changed due to being progre Ji^C'oann
the nanw be moment, let me ask you dear yld Himself, change with the times, and be progressive 'Mr' 0j"n
Comparing this idea with what Mr. Qann did in his day with hi,
lib .brwi and sa'ys. I use natural law to trade the market., trading record . no dtf erent; you had a mostly set group of mdl" ov^
.hat comes intoeourmind.'. »hal exactly do you think this mean,., hate asked yeats that M'- 0""" '^ed the very ones who could afford to trade and pu up
man, Oann sradems this, mtd I have neter been given a good answer some times I |n,ding capital, today, you have a xvtldly d.lTeren, linaneial scene, jus. Ute moL.
hear' «IL us the law, of natute. others say it's the planets, but nobody has ever mnununications gvnrv UslII, the global nature ol the markets, the clectrooic namrc
come oat and oid a rpecitie thing as to what natural law is. what is natural law. is Of trading, the fact that anybody across the globe with a thousand dollars and a
it tuirurc!. law.v'. w hat/5/T?
cotnP . online to the internet — can make trades with aa push
i.aues vvim push of
of aa button
button chances
chances the
This is specifically what I have always tried to address, just what is
dynamics and fractals of the price bar, the trading scene of Mr. Gann's dav and the
n wc are looldnc for? /n my opinion it is the periodic table, the basis of natural
one of today, is about as different as different can be.
law; it's the law ot octaves, of periodicity. From that base model, all things evolve,
that ri the bndec to science that all other science and its laws spring from. The
laws are what vou make of them, how do you see them, what do you see, how do
you interpret them, this is why the markets will always be freely traded, no matter Law of Oscillating Atomic Substances
»hai approach you use. you are only trading your own internal belief system,
bow ever, it doesn't hurl to align your trades with the laws of nature, that is for "Coherent atomic substances are capable of oscillating at a pitch varyinc directly
sure, but again. AS VOU SEE THEM, what I see. is not what you will see, each as the density, and inversely as the linear dimensions from one period of frequency
one of us, sees things that the other does not, and this is a by product of vibration per unit of time to the 21 st octave above, producing the creative force of Sonity.
iisclf. whose transmissive force (Sound) is propagated through the media of solids,
Robert meets a man named Henry Watson, an old Wall Street liquids, and gases, and whose static effect (Sonism) produces attractions and
veteran thru Walter Kennelwonh; this is rather funny as to how a kid like Waller repulsions between sympathetically vibrating bodies according to the Law of
would meet iomeone like this guy Watson, he introduces Robert to this old Harmonic Attraction and Repulsion."
veteran, this isobviously a manipulated event by Walters dad, if you remember the
event in the ^lory where Walters dad goes to visit a old friend the same day they
amvrd m New York, this meeting of the old man and Robert is done to allow
The freakish growth of the FOREX currency pairs also has a
Robert to experience the lecture and disappointment of the old timer, in his bitter
roimmuc d.iappoinimcnts and his wall street failures and successes. profound effect on the entire arena of freely traded markets. It is of my opinion that
the new breed or modem trader will be using wildly different and esoteric
Mr Gann makes 3/1 in,ercs,in
^ ,K . 8 statement on page two hundred and approaches to the market, a new paradigm if you will, based on a model of science
mat is more accurate to the nature of our world than the one that is on the books
nm r,??, r ^ ^ "0,v Daniel Su"y ™h.led natural
L uctunicters
toltm combined
O ^ with
,r USC in ,his book wh,:re
actua!f individuals is interesting MrofGann in hissloty
a fictional and that is widely held as being accurate. For instance you will begin to sec
-cr interview nukes some statements in regards to how he studied the financial soflware over the next decade that will be based on geometric rotation, holographic
presentation of imagery that will be designed to simulate and emulate the light
If you arc so inclined to, do some research on the history of these
•h will track rotation or spheres and cllipSci
. lXW
I e. >x« ^ lhc Jn namic pos.t.oning of the lime angles. nicn and families in the Tunnel Thru lhc Air book, a very interesting history ie\«on
for sure, and keep in mind that Mr. Gann rubbed shoulders with thcic very people
K- ^ ^ ' ^ok sou desire, you w.II also see models of ,hi,
th^ win K" Av« ova mne ^ ^^ ol ihe markets iind fnniilias. there is not one thing that is disconnected in the story, and rest
jissurcd thai Gunn knew a lot of people, knew a lot about hi.Ntory, knew a lot about
niv of amaUnofi dui >as a >P« ^ ^ moVCS l0 ,hc speed in its longitUljc
jrwinvJul rouoon. ihe ^ ^ up ^ftware that can mimic real vi.slla|s
^ whole lot ol things.
anJ o\a N hours, P> - = j ;D jinlcnSion and in tull rotation, Constructive geniuses arc what wc need more of, but how dcci
otovro «ho ignores the works of Walter Russell somebody become a constructive genius? Only one way, thru divine inspiration by
transcending the senses and connecting your soul lo the universal minds soul.
, „^ 1 Sornbrnlion. I quo... Russell here; •To
snJ John keeh ■" smj lhl. mljre secret of creation . how any Notice Mr. Watson on page two hundred seven names his daughter Katie and you
can sec the idea of like produces like, which was a bad idea for him. Read about
ZZ %£££££* ucker intcniew eo«ep,s and has seen the
the mistake Waison makes, he says most men make that mistake. That is a pretty
SSTS^ts-Jpaint,nes o, Russell cannot see the scream,ng relattonshtp interesting thing that Mr. Gann says there, and even if they don't make thai
^ mnmStntt meiod of Mr Cann coined under the phnse. law of vtbrahon mistake, it's still very interesting. The theme Mr. Gann is driving home as the old
w oenc hesond ni the ENTIRE method comes DIRECTLh rom the laws,
veteran dies is that the old idea of religious indoctrination has nothing to do with
diirams. icicncc. theory and concepts of these two giants in the genre ot laws that
being connected to the universal intelligence. The old man dies a slave to the
dcBcitv that vibranon. unfinished business of Katie, broken and wrecked by self imposition. This is an
Mr Gam ls describing thru Mr. Watson the various big operators
interesting theme of the book, the theme of romances and doomed love.
on ii«r creel, then on page two hundred two again you hear the law of cycles as
In this next chapter, chapter 17. notice the scripture about the coals
Lud down m ibe bible, and trading based on science. It's interesting to read .about
of fire with a vehement flame, again the chemistry theme being repeated. There is
these mm of finance described by Mr. Gann. Watson is telling Robert that these
mm coi sprraJ to thin and lost most of there fortunes, he calls it, '"to many irons in some interesting scripture on the top of page two hundred thirteen, in the Daniel
the frrc", of course iron being the ^element. Robert repeatedly makes reference quote you see the number 1335 days, if we lake the earth year of 365.25 days and
10 his knowledge of the bible, the greatest scientific book ever written with laws divide it by the earths rotational signature of 24 hours, we get 15 21875, this is
plainly bud down on how to make a success, I say, success at what? Everything, what all those circular charts by Mr. Gann are all about, remember they contained
every possible problem that can be encountered or just the cycle theory as applied 15 degree segments of 24 slots, giving you rotation of 360 degrees.
U> tbe financial markets? Taking this number 15.21875 and multiplying it by the 88 elements
Mr. Gann is talking about timing, a season, and a wavelength. Pay you gel 1339.25, and 1339.25 minus 1335 is 4.25, minus 4.18 the pages of the
ancniion to the words Mr Cann writes on page two hundred five as Mr. Watson Tunnel Thru the Air, you gel .07, your law of vibration, and remember that I
sayi t H. Hamnnn had studied a specific class of stocks, then read the ticker divided 7 is .1428571 over and over and those are the deflections or positions of
tmeiMew and read Mr Gann say, "I altinn that all classes of phenomena are the law of vibration as taught in G.I. Gurdjieff s work, this is the law of
subject to the law of cauaimn and harmony". Watson tells Robcn that Harriman Heptaparaparshinokh. Even though this kind of numerology is apparent and it
^daiMtheraa)^! method that was based on lhc law of harmonic analysis. This teaches the shifting of the decimal, the number 1335 from the scripture divided by
the 15.21875 from above, you get 87.72, your natural earth elements. There is even
I "T15 ^accord;uicc »he work of Joseph Fourier. more if you open your eyes lo it. can you see it? I am sure you can but I will show
I wLal u-mJihi 'r ^ by ,ha, sla,ement- Then Watson says that you anyway, the earth goes around the sun in 365.25 days, and if you just shift the
hai everything to do wiih^it l'rne and ^ason or when to buy and when to sell, this
decimal lo make it 36.525 and re square thai number, you get 1334.
•ill pomi out where Mr. Gam, wmhis ^dh''dual.wavclcngths of slocks, and I
All ihis is very inicresling when you decipher the themes of ihe
pail of this book. 'T ,h,nSone of his other books in the novel, ii takes on much deeper meaning and you readily see lhai Mr. Gaun wrote a

. imrii-acics. There is quite a bit more iq. c two hundred and eighteen and that is the ratio that defines the two lime
iiy t'KTrts a*1
m, ,11 it> -vours is the earth and
"yours 1,0
>iJs, lh^ diatonic 1^2 and the earth elements 88.
P " Mr. G.inn is deftnilcly speaking of repetitive cycles on these pages;
rnx^-«^ »^r °t- ^
. problem with the idea of repetition is that the student of cycles must have an
^ ^ ^t ,w ,
' jrnJ, c rouKr ec" •'1 ■ • ^ <-* r-»-« t «r> #-» f f\ I V» r* • M L. 1 I ■ I.I. ■ _ ^
1,1 rrminc from a
idea of what he is observing, so that a benchmark can be used to determine
V ail ** *» ' .V- a», die is -imsublc. changeable, and
hundred and
mc cvavrwien cTr^ ^ ,.jn als0 s« the chemislry .here also, he point of observation what is repeat ing. Let's take a look at page two hundn
nevsh Ihe Ihemc^ , w bri„g y0ur altenlion to (he nalurc of ihc etecn; Mr. Gann is working out his presidential predictions, you wilill sce the
s>>-s her k»f is i'*ed. th1-4^ character Robert studying the dale of birth, the name and the numbers of the
mas. the quadmphciKSs sce Mr Gann bring your
residential candidate, do not diminish this information, this is Mr. Gann's way <of
O" Wr sentence, -.he renewing of you, remains
showing a veiled attempt at looking at vibrational signatures, the question rcmaii
anamm te (-iinn is ulkmc about three Jay fasting lor a 3s to how or what is Mr. Gann eluding to when he mentions the birth date, what is
mnuT. Nrlo* ihi> - tt^cr cleansing and flushing of toxins. The he referring to when he says the name and numbers of President Coolidge.
cJcinsmg e, .V brd) and mm ■ to, «.e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ It's important to remember that all markets have unique identifying
information as in name, birth date and numbers, this is what 1 was referring to
fer-all and even- tltmg is answered by Mr. Gann where he say,
earlier about the kinds and type of information that separates all things, criteria thai
SatT hiblc conurns all knowledge and insmtelton that man might need for any makes or gives something some unique mathematical properties, a mathematical
prviHicm 31 £n> rnnc. That is quite a statement, a book that contains the solution or
model if you will that will automatically decipher characteristics that are intrinsic
Insuo for any cooditioD thai the human condition, individually or collectively
to something in particular. This is what this section of the book is leaching in its
michi ciicounter.
i veiled form.
Mr. Gann writes, "Since God requires thai which is past, and then
past cycles and events in the history of the United Slates must repeal". It doesn't
La* of SontMhcrmm get any more repetitive than that, this idea of repetition of cycles is endemic to the
1 work. The idea is not so much that pricing cycles repeat, pricing cycles can take on
'IrneraaJ vfeauons of atomic subsuuKes and atomic molecules arc capable of
nlraunc at apcnod-frequency directly as their density, inversely as their linear different aspects and looks in response frequencies to the timing rotation of cycles
dimensions, dirrcdy as the coefficient of their tension from the 21 si to the 42nd or better yet specific wavelengths, all these are sophisticated ways of talking about
cctflves. producinc the creative force (Sono-lhemiity), whose transmissive force specific lengths of lime, these are based on vibratory characteristics that are
tSon-thim1 is propagated in solid, liquid, gaseous, and ultra-gaseous media, deciphered from the natal information.
naucilly producmg adhesions and molecular unions, or disintegration, according To illustrate what 1 mean, a cycle of a year can indeed define a
to the Lau of Hannonic Attraction and Repulsion." bottom or top in a specific market, but what you call a year of 365.25 days, is not
what 1 call a year. You also might have a market retrace into the gravity center of a
major time cycle or make a top at the midpoint then retrace into the 61 .S position
of ils boundary time limit. What 1 am saying is that the time and price on a chart is
sutTdurle firJj.t FnidC?"al clec,ion roreMM 111:11 Robert docs for his
somi: wildly different from what is thought of, if you superimpose a mathematical model
vlrdt «bplurc where he says, "the naming flame
1 11 over some pricing structures that are setup to the vibratory characteristics of the
tbr *tapun ihnt RnberT* ^ ! k!i C ^hemi'Stry an(j ajso jn re|-erence to
f-obtn aid Walia inven'i logger that l!ses m'"'1, thtre u ^ WCap0n that market itself, then the entire genre of technical analysis takes on only what can be
with cJecthcity, which wc will see th nt JJ1!1701'5' w,lh sun in combination called uncharacteristic analysis. This can and does include decimal shifting, cyclic
«* oo page three of die Tunnel bookUi ^,heme or,hc Naming fire you will rotation, chordal systems, average rotation of signatures, cyclic amplitude or radius
u ' t"1" the rcpelition idea, also notice you are of cycles. As these cycles run out and resiari there unique rotation, the amplitude

■ irtses around 38 dollars, this is not a weak position for price as its holdine
.n \ tell a whole lot about the strength anj ^ the radius of the cyde.
moc hn.^ J^tunc a ^ ^ (h,rc gravity center, all iWe Even though the cycle ran out, it docs not mean the bullish
p^vuac of t^ P"^ ****. ' oft"of this center ot grav tty. • „ js over, then furthermore if the market nms out another 739 calendar
tha, p
Liirrs have \ ' . on lh(. same page, we see Mr. Gann talking CaI
Tand you n0''cc ''1C Pr'cc's forming a rounding type of top, and reacting up
m the Sonom ^ dc,ermine when certain names or Ja>
l Lwn moving sideways around 74 to 75 dollars, this also is not a weak pricing
•tout UAioc ur n«n» ^ ' lltfj attempt to teach the tdeas and
ccrU1 -lure. why?, because the price is holding the cycle itself, so what this means is
Umers should nrpeuL This « "'-. ^ . at arc ingrained into Mr. Gann's work,
concepts of ncunnc theJjusl how to bndge all these ideas and ^markets move up octaves again and again over there intrinsic cycles, they do
^necessarily reverse to the day on there natural wavelengths. They can and do
.0 tinue to move up and up over there natural lime limits. Now continuing our
^uiation of market analysis, lei's further assume that the market runs up another
Sr/fcr you. L j... locttg 01 developing a me.h^ itg calendar days, and the market makes a quick exhaustion run up to a price of
fia, ^SuveWyMr. Conn vvriles aboutlhe mos, 109 dollars, and reacts fast and hard down, what docs this mean ?
More than likely the bullish campaign is over, why?, because the
ftvorabk lencrs for die Republican Party, he mentions four potential can idates Irequency and energy of price cannot hold the gravity center of the yearly time
he does no, hase die birth dates of these men and therefore cannot make cycle. 73-9 x ''' ^ ^ etlua's ^ '0 ^5, the structure of price on that particular length
pradrctwns 3K-.ut the election in reference to diem, this is rather important because of the wave and the fact that the price is no, able to hold that gravity center would
n telb tlw rtudent of \ibration that the starting time is a cntical piece ol data and indicate lhat the move is now over, but this is how cycles should be analyzed, do
mJormaicHi to maic accurate models of science that can be applied to the price
not automatically assume moves are over jusl because cycle limits arc over.
Remember Mr. Gann said, "It is never to low to sell or loo high to buy as long as
Now moving down the middle of the paragraph we see Mr. Gann
ihe trend is intact" This is a precise example of what he meant when he wrote that
laU-ifif about ccmin letters in relation to the Democratic Parly, followed by a
mention of the date of birth, cycles and numbers, again these arc vibration concepts
Taking a look at chapter nineteen of the Tunnel Thru thcAir. 1 ask
that come from numerology, ascendant astrology, and the numbers that come from
these two time penods in combination with the periodic table. The chapter closes ihe reader to look at page two hundred twenty four, as many limes as I have read
out with aiDihcr reference to long pull trading, these kind of campaigns talked this page I still do not have a good visual or idea of what this plane looks like. The
aboui are when a student is able to enter near the bottom or top of a markets cycle description Mr. Gann gives is not lhat easy to picture, but the one thing Out sticks
<Qd ndc me entire move one way or another to full exhaustion of the cyclic out to me is the idea of the trines where the plane will run on compressed air. gas
boundary of any particular market. or electricity, but also that it runs on a 12 cylinder motor and it can fly on all 4
Let me digress for a moment before moving on with the books sides. Taking thai 12x4, we get 48, and 48 times the page number of 224 is 10752
apah-sis. cycles w ork in a way that is not appreciated by a lot of people. My and that is 56 cycles of 192, Do you remember what we saw on page 56 or page 48
obscrvatiora of cycles tonGrm the following, just because a market runs ou, a long for that matter?

it.^Mi?1 C
^ 001
^JVe ^0lJ '3'anc'le 10 sc
" or buy in the opposite direction Remember the Saros cycle that again had a mathematical
relationship between the total number of days in the cycle and the page number of
cvcJc rmsMLii 1°'"* '"1OT bc!='nnlrl£ 01 particular cycle. When a
0 n sa n| ra 56. the page number being 224 divided by 4 also gives you page 56. Now on page
St^iXtr;; ' ft . y «" ^1 the final top or bottom is in. if the
two hundred twenty five Mr. Gann tells the reader that the plane Robert built van
^ "T1yc,c ^ "•< ^is
d0eS ,10ld lhC tctually move the mechanical wings like a birds natunil movement. I got to admit
amplitude in price of the cycle under ob^rl . r" ""
ins,a 'his is a rather silly and funny design on a plane, but its jusl another method and
of739 calendar
^ days and Ute
cnoar Oays, the cycle
cvcl.' runs
n out, and you noticence
you have a cycle
is holding Wa
y Mr. Gann leaches you natural law. Robert here flies to Japan when he leam>
inh-nstL-d in his swalih munier. You will find q
tt* Vat** milW) * in lhe bouom of the page about needing one beg;ns, wha, ,s ,he a,.g,e of orrenrar^'rn^;,:^,,

oL,« d* question lhal begs, George Bayer lalked of .his conecp. some Z i.
have merit.
„,on™D.W «j*W££ ^ (TM ^ and ,hc Wall Scree, wizard is now ^ The reason I digress ,s because of ,he eoneep. Mr. Gann Urlt, about

I lhe niisibfi und lowering of the device thai records conversations Allow yorrnclf
"ihink Of a Hag pole or a pole lhal a .ether ball on ii, if you put a sphere or a i»U
^ilhhis airmio for telling lhe reader aboul his use ol lhe bible m the P0,c' t,1's sP,iere niovc up ancl (lowo 1116 cn
'ire simcturc. but since the
Iclls Uof the ball is fixed it has a boundary or limitation on it, yet it can travel up and
rz,ed .0 flw priee bar. bul he never says ,he bible .ells Iran how lo trade, „ ,e,
him hoa in foretell or foreeast lhe fulure mov emenls ol pneing slmelures, and down
ihere is a HUGE difference belween foreeasling price mov emenls and avlually This concept is true of markets, any market can theoretically travel
olmg profii*bilii>'. This is a distinction that many students of Mr. Gann get Ioany number up and down lo zero, however within this infinite range of prices is
sideiracicd on. foreeasling \ersus actually trading. asianature boundary that can and docs travel with the overall pricing structure, m
other words ifa market is trading at 26 dollars or 260 dollars, this sphere or
signature boundary in time and price still exists no matter where the pricing
Law of Oscillating Atoms structure goes, it's the ball on the pole that defines a characlerisic or intrinsic
vibratory component that organizes the pricing and timing structure of the maricet
*AU atoms when in a state of tension are capable of oscillating at a pilch inversely it governs. This is very similar to an ellipse, as the rotation of time goes thru there
as ibe cube of their atomic weights, and directly as their tension from 42 to 63
cycles. The outer wheel or cyclic model is again modified by the inner wheel, lite
cct: -'cs per second, producing ihc creative force (Thermism), whose iransmissive
signature is the wheel within the wheel if you will. It is a built in mechanism lhal
force (Rad-energ) I propagated in solid, liquid, and gaseous ether, produces the
sane cfTcas (Cohesion and Chemism) on other atoms of association, or defines many characteristics of the pricing and timing structure.
Our hero Robert is frustrating the Wall Street manipulators on the
dissociation, according to the Law of Harmonic Attraction and Repulsion.
bottom of page two hundred twenty nine and two hundred thirty now keep in mind
Gann experts that ALL of the works of Mr. Gann arc DESIGNED to teach his
Moving back to the book again, Robert meets his mother at the
talks aboul the insiders consistently over and over again, in virtually all his books,
cdebraiion, his mother Amelia reminds Robert about the dream she had of him.
Now reread the bottom of page eleven and notice that we arc now repeating this lie give volumes of instruction on the tell tale signs of what they are doing, w hat
theme on page two hundred twenty eight and two hundred twenty nine, the the volume characteristics look like when they are accumulating or distributing
di/Jerencc in pages being 218. and remember the ratio that defines the relationship stock, what price structures look like when there are investors versus traders in
between the tuning gem of 88 and 192. the wheel within a wheel concept, it is control of the slock.
1 o. Now back to the Tunnel Thru die Air. you will notice that Robert's
invention, the Tel Talk radio and another invention along the same line t> being
T, i5pae ,wohl,nd ed,w,:
- ..V . ' f ' '«yninchasalolofrclaledinforraalion to record the conferences on the street by the big manipulators. The insiders
0 ,0 ,lK Tel Talk radio
wll^ r ,"ra" ' " . W 3"cnlion lo Ihc senlcnce understood that Robert had some kind of inside information because he w-as alway*
reoard cunver.alions
reouTd car."'tsm * u'raisln
^around '»andnow
.he si,eel, 'owbring
here, al certain
a lo. angles to
of geometric 0
n lhe right side of the market regardless of the insider manipulation, now this
ncepi deserves some marked attention, and this subject does not n01™"* .
P 0WlCde£ 10 tlK ma^ke, lik<: 10 ak
ipies. rm
Jme lire, have
h ' ' recourse
oncnled these over die pricing slnrclurc,oIhey
the ^uch either. In the bonk Robert is celtine his knowledge and data he say> trom
Moving back to the book now. you will notice that Robert is talking
. hiv*rfvw Ihis lau of vibralion concept is quite uniqUc
mentor of , lirMS of money manipuljt.on and pre scrips hout bis machine that records the impressions of peoples minds, especially »hen
s, respect thai » W«« ^ ^ ^ ^W}CCU the ideas and concepts of the law fhev are at?i,a,C1' or cxc'lcd< ayain this is an interesting little sentence and it has
I,V> Lei fjw tv 3 lhJ, ^uhin the ch.iractcnsiics ol the market
ich to do with the idea of the cyclic field and how the price structure becomes
oi arc hascd on and joes get excited, or if you will. g0 -xcited at certain points. Of course these points are called support and resistance
bv market technicians, however this is a very superficial look at what is going on
^r^s^^r cra,ehjrmonyor behind the effects of price and as students of cycles, and the mechanics of the
d^crt .nh te from another penpeenve sow can shin w ive. there is a hook that I recommend for anybody who is looking to further there
knowledge and take there understanding of how and why cycles work to a higher
a Ml the nurieLs are dominated by insider money, the varied ways level and this book is called "Torque Analysis", it was written by a one William C.
rhk t^cTnUce ^ too manv to discuss at the moment, but any individual who has Garret'-
Jtmancial market'dynamics understands ihi^ Taking this idea a bit This book is often read thru and dismissed as an interesting read,
furrhc: the inMder money also is under the control ol this vibratory concept and bat it is a 'ruc mastcrpiccc for any student of cycles, the author talks about in great
Ln.. no, lets keep in mind that Mr Gann taught how to track the insider money, detail the why and how of cyclic machinery, there are many concepts that can be
Km vei the msider nwncy is also governed by the laws that Mr. Gann looked to, utilized from this work, when you are able lo make up math models for any
iheicfarr the reason thai"Mr. Gann studied these things is because he wanted to go markets you arc interested in. I ask the reader to look at page 231 in the Tunnel
BEHIND the curtain of effecL Tlim the Air and notice Mr. Gann's words. "Everything that is concealed, will be
If oc give this idea funhcr atteniion. the insider money in all its revealed, and everything that is covered will be uncovered", that very sentence is
tictis is under the guise thai the future indications of price behavior arc under what this entire book you are reading is about, to decipher and decode this nuns
there sole conuol whatever there position might be. Now behind there price
work to the best of my understanding.
coqitdI b the law of vibmtioQ. now this law of vibration or concept studied and
applurd docs not appear to entirely govern the price behavior, but it offers a look
bshmd the runoin of clleci as to how the law of octaves defines cyclic amplitude
and ho, the ending and beginning of cycles illustrates the potential of further trend Law of Vibrating Atomolic Substances
runs or mcrsaJs of entire price structures.
"Atoms are capable of vibrating within themselves at a pitch inversely as the Dyne
Another interesting aspect of this study is how there is NEVER any
(the local coefficient of Gravity), and as the atomic volume, directly as the atomic
sbonigr of market gums to explain ANY AND ALL MARKET PHENOMENA
weight, producing the creative force (Electricity), whose tnmsmissive force is
roywnh even possible explanation, and when this happens a student of the law
o vi ntion as J am talking about can see the scientific reasons that arc happening propagated through atomolic solids, liquids, and gases, producing induction and
' toncousl) as events in the market place, this is quite an amazing thing to the static effect of magnetism upon other atoms of attraction or repulsion,
according to the Law of Harmonic Attraction and Repulsion.
"1° ?'><:ns UP a W c mot c
' Ibought and contemplation about
emolions to, cxis, individually and
collcctiv cly and how this interacts with market psychology.
There is a short section over the next couple of pages where Ediu
Robert's delicate Imle^LVi^ u'lhTclT 0
y " wi,, notice Quinton's imagination and emotions get the best ol her; this is a good example of a
balanced struLTruit This is a neat lint 7 '"Jicators and Hncly trader's dilemma, not being able to control our emotions in the trading arena. The
willing to do so. go to a good search enameon!!0"^SCienlinC equiPniCnt'ir y0ur actions of Robert in relation to one of his business partners was misconstiucd and
lnlcrnct and
^ wrell Kcdy. and izkx a eood ihf m u i T do a search on John interpreted as something it was not, and this is quite interesting as it shows in good
00 lhe pictlJrc5 ou can nnd or a,, llis
*"cmjfic equipment, and you will sce^h ^ y Jelail how two people interacting in a life sequence can process the events in
W,,, 5Ce ,he rCason this paragraph in lhe book.
neiiu'ive switching capability and the third pan of the situation u (he neutral
t>; true of the trtding arena, and is when you Sponcnt of Hie polanzed ether.
MictVx AtTerfai manrv-rv Tlu>" ,e&,othis day. trccly traded. Vou
In this next section we sec on page two hundred thirty nine thai
tW. «t 0* vct> rrAVL*,*";rrj lhim three Walter completes his chemistry
•\ii rv>» «r^ee t^0 h t1k: rwji:r should by now see the theme of
Robert has forecasted the trend on a "ccnain class ofstocks". and this is a very
c^ batalNnt-^^lu1miMlcj lt fc,r you. and there is much more as wc interesting sentence, as it has to do with slocks having the same signatures, this is
why they arc grouped into what is called a class, now remember back in the ticker
« funher it (he invcn,ion that Robert and Walter complete. interview', wc have Mr. Gann talking about how he groups stocks into there proper
from the sun. this being u>ed in combination with ptcs of vibration. This is the same thing, the same concept as we arc reading about
*«" mn
™ IW«m. TTis «a(K« described by Mr. Gann « here, a" 'h'5 'aik's 'hc i^ea of timing signatures. On February 2, 1929 Robert takes
his plane to Paris in response to the unusual dream he had. lake a look at this date
to SStll riri'Kn^ ibis is "bviocsly Tcsln .ccl.noloKy. h„, „s 2219 3^ 192 - 1155 equals .8802, once again the eighty eight natural elements in
SfTJSto U-. rhe mabe^lirian .Vchimede » ho had dc.iencd sun itorrons
these numerological sequences entwined into the story. There arc many of these
10 m tJic coflm diipi Iti fire. ArchimtJes was a skilled nlalllemaliuan and you relationships between the number 192 and 88, the natural lime periods of the earth.
or, scr the refovue. that Mr. Gann makes to geometry within this short theme of
This theme solidifies in my mind there importance and use in this application.
ihr booL The «ea^n that is being described on page two hundred thirty four Notice the description of the ghost woman who passes Robert on
uamJb a lot htc the weapon that Tesla was describing in that newspaper article,
the Paris street, like a flash, this is very interesting way to describe that event, the
this ship combined with the weapon, the Demon of Death has been named "Marie
reason its done is because Mr. Gann is telling the reader about the way the source
the \nscl of Mercy", for no other reason than it will destroy by both violent force
within you delivers infonnation to you, thru light wave sequences, that resemble
snd subde roeanx
On page two hundred thirty live we see that the technology and flashes of information, that is normally thought of as inspiration, these are
icimce Mr Garni U talking about is STEALTH, as he explains about an aircraft condensed data packets that flash like neon in your minds eye when you have
!ha siU fly undetectable b> sight and sound. This is a rather interesting theme as made contact with your inner source and it delivers infonnation or instruction for
Mj Gann gnes as a glimpse of (he future, in the second part of the book I will talk you.
about »ha I feel was Mr. Gann's method and mode of operation behind all his The rest of this chapter I have been talking about rests on the
knowledge and his ability to glimpse the things ahead, this not only comes from an discussion ofRoberts's mental exhaustion and his subconscious desire to see Marie
open mind, bin a mind that is very open to laws that hardly anybody adheres to or with so much intensity lhal his conscious mind suffers from delusions. This theme
w-cjeomeji has some overtones into the trading arena as market participants once having
Moving along to page two hundred thirty eight wc see Mr. Gann identified themselves with a particular scenario or market outcome, will virtually
lalfang aboal stealth communication w ithout detection, this is done thru the suffer from the same thing that Robert does in Paris, you simply pick out and act
unrffiici. called -the pocket radio", notice how the device can be at one lime a on information that ONLY validates your pre held or pre conceived notion of a
specific market event or outcome. This is nothing but a delusional mindset, and
m^.e ?^^ ,0 3 nCea,ive (Jcvice
- you "n see the theme of the
when you adopt this mode of operation, the typical market participant will take
this on l0U W,ll als0 no,icc lhal Mr- Gann lalked aboll,
ab0Ul huge losses because they will allow the market to move against them in big ways,
agoftlie Tn h ^ laWS of nalurc- This was 160
8 ,he and this only comes from the mindset of having attached yourself to a specific
and the reciprocal of that « page 79 th" ^ 0r '60, WC 861 1 2 64911 '
CnCXt paec ,n ,hc c clc of outcome.
lit? n ^ y book.
«wnd, env.rtkm» and thoughts wiihournvVr1 m lhalCan Send 1,nd rcccive I have done this type of thing in my own trading many times, and I
don t believe that I am the only one who has suffered from this terrible mental
up the signal, ifcjs u obviously plated to ih I T1'0/1 0r anybody beine 'Mc 10 Pick
andicap. To close out this chapter of the Tunnel Thru the Air, you will notice th-H
s 15
^ • ^hy you have a positive and en writes to a Canadian astrologer and he mentions in his analysis that Upanus
.mi WWI,. . 'U i

rnnn app|icd'lhi!l is Prec'sc'y why Mr' G»nn pul these Ihcmes and subtle
.•, •int' of his currcnl situation, the point I wan, a p|av in the book, to leave the dues for the serious student to decipher the
Pufv^ roic.«the ica, liIuLS for this planet. il< distance U he uses arc veiled and then used in concepts and contexts that do not'flag the
K, iNiot t 'rap«> o that the astrofHMiuU un n Mr Gann's subtle attempt to
w who is not reading the story with a critical and trained eye, but once you
the ■a*1 i-* ' ^^ c c
^' l> : ' i ,his book, the evidence glares at you and you can sec it makes much sense.
hnru: »our ancfttk* to thc>e two time P^J_ ^ pagc ,u0 hundred fifty, Mr. Gann I) when you shift your perception to a different view point.
In ciaptfi rwcni> o\ . ^ ^ ,h(.m here, mainly in that section
mam hie -\Le.:enJ" so lets eel Ntarled with that analysis
of the hock under the S[lscr Springs, and we read she is 110 ^ofOsciMnting Atomolcs
now RighJ ^ ' nvo hundred tilt)-, now 110/ 250 is
urn yean, old- nonce that this «. - 0f ,he 88 elements On
•Atotnolcs oscillating at a uniform pilch (determined by their uniform size and
" 'ZtZl t-aptains iron win. asain ,ho ■ ,hlj produce the creative force Alomolily, whose tran.smissive form. Gravism.
it r-v. rvip. Notice Beraicc Mayo talking about the
propagated through more rarefied media, producing the static effect upon all
use tob^h her hair. Moving on to page other atomoles. denominated Gravity."
«c MJrrf and fifty "O. nrad about the clarity of lite spnnga at c.gltly feet below
ibr iarttcc. Nc\i »e see the separation ct these two indi\ iduals. i.e. the splitting of
thr sujm Continuing on with the analysis of the book, we now look at chapter
Then finally when Bemice is asking Aunt Silly to help her with the
twenty two, where we see Roberls's description of Marie as they float over the
final ^ert. At,u will see Bemice ask Silly to row her body to where? Oh, boiling
pond, he makes reference to the SI"11 element on page two hundred fifty nine. You
springs' and don't ALL elements have boiling points and melting points, for that will also notice that Mr. Gann gives considerable time to this mysterious letter,
gunr* Can jo'J now see the connection between market tops and bottoms to which we w ill see never actually existed, only a figment of Robert's imagination.
boihsf and melting points? We can see again Mr. Gann's clues in the sentence
This theme of illusion is done to illustrate there is no such thing as time.
afacui the supersmioo being peculiar to a race, the same way liming and
On page two hundred sixty four, this little theme of the letter and
••yirhmohs uc peculiar to individual markets. Once Aunt Silly reaches boiling
s^mgt, she drops the body of Bemice into the transparent water, notice the visions gets wrapped up, but it is done to teach the lesson that w e are not our
dGOTptiiwi of the hair, "like a sheen of gold", then after the water slops boiling, a physical body, we are multidimensional beings that are housed in this physical
"feHfle" in the rock opens up and then closes the bridal chamber. body during this incarnation. Robert was seeing Marie's spirit as it to say, Marie
This sruiTscreams chemistry and the periodic table. Nuclear fission, was doing some kind of remote viewing to coin a modem term used in the psychic
the splitting of the atoms, and isn't that w hat the bridal chambers docs? Even the fields today. The interesting thing about this theme of the book is that the people
aiocbng bird sings a silvery melody calling forth the bride groom. When both who Robert asked to interpret the letter all acted as if the letter existed, even
boais mrcfvc the bndal chamber, the boiling of the water again slops, and after Walter and Edna.
Unre Douglas reaches his destination, the rock again opens up, divides and then This is a theme that Mr. Gann puts forth to leach the vibration
closer the two imo its permanent bridal chamber, and notice how the water boils student about multidimensional realities that are going on around us but also to
tgain oct.c (be transaction is complete.
demonstrate the power of suggestion, the autosuggestion or hypnotic influence thai
|Mge<)f ,h,:
tan be commandeered by strong people with the use of nerve pow er. At the end ot
ywaarai ^P'". page two hundred fifty six.
|tos book I will give the reader a series of authors and books that will further vour
r,"fllway5 had « whirWfiler. and in the
6onttheCsm,:,j„thewl- ^^^''n>' I"2"1 ''kcsMlsP"urcd forth "Wcsligations and knowledge of what this book is about and the concepts therein.

on me. and the, „e l the basis ol this law of vibrationbis This little theme of laughing waters, the spirit of Silver Spnngsts
mind that Dn
"^resting concept and it is shown by Mr. Gann to demonstrate L AL'S . is
^ ^ ' •,r'r '• F "'

u •»! , , . j and mony incredible inlclligcnccs. Nature is quite alive and no. rmlo r
II urtm-s ihc crtecu that arc seen in the evenu wl
i torchouse of knoxvledgc and record of millennia, the informatir ^V
onpn*' <*« l** m mJ then in the dilemma w ith Robert and N
inluc recorded in nature is unfathomable, and it's yours ifv™
ItUOurr CW^US . . the (lnanci3| markets work, and this is
^f.o 'Wc the dcc
pcst levels of your mind with the finest iimaur«Tf
M^c. ihix owvert •> PRK (lon cSpou>ed by Mr. Garni is all about.
• Kit the entire iheme and unj,.rNl3nding and then applying laws of
learning and unden J ^ ^ ihe |cvd ^ ,nf0miali0n ^ - ofa diousand
^ What you have been taught is the mightiest determent to your true
—->h"«^-ten^mgot wha.^km^^d |)]en rdndomncss of
ujture. what you THINK you know, .s your greatest liability, ycl u is morc ^
M in a large sense they do. This is also a
(ike,)' what you embrace and love dear about yourself. Tit is is called scpamion,
".hM 'and «ancs aeeordinc to how much know ledge is acquired of s
and lli> is what most of the world is, SEPARATED from IT. and each other, you
rXZ ^l ^ another eom^nen. of.h.s study is that the student think you are separate, and your mind and ego tells you so. You are an individuaL
nc^ * ofc^c nuny examples and clurts. with a model applied, and what .s hut your illusory individualism is a hologram or fragment of all that has ever been
otaerved to be eonsistent ox^r the broad scope of observation now becomes LAW. or will ever be. and its waits your acceptance and your claim of xvhat is designed to
Tfeat thex laws take on a new meaning and what is uncoxered is experience for hevours. Thru leaching and indoctrination you deny and misalign yourself to your
you and becomes something you can rely on to repeal, or happen again, over the oivn nature and spiritual right.
enure spertnini oi obserxaiion, is this hard work. xes, brutal hard work, but its
what it takes to be a true student ot Mr. Gann's work.
Moxing along now , xx hat 1 have just been talking about is described
bx Mr Gann on page two hundred sixty fixe, w here it is said, "That all the laws of Ijw of Transformation of Forces
nsure taught the eternal law of action and reaction". Let's lake a look at the
'All forces are different forms of Universal Energy unlike in their period-
scTpturc where the son of man would remain three days and three nights in the
bean of the earth. »c know now the importance of the heart of the earth, as this is freiiuency, merging into each other by imperceptible increments; each form
where our elements arc On page two hundred sixty seven, Lady Beresford tells representing the compass of 21 octaves. Each form or pitch may be transformed
Rotrcn she is going to Scbhng Florida, Mr. Gann uses this name to bring your into an equivalent quantity of another pitch above or below it in the scale of 105
auenQan to Glenn Scaborg. the architect of the transuranium elements at Berkeley octaves. The transformation can occur only through its static efTecl, developing
Ujuxgvtv Califomia vibrations of harmonic pilches above or below their fundamental vibration, or
Gann 34 ,eare developing with juxtaposed aggregates, resultant and difference, or third order, as
, . . , > o'^cr than Mr. Seaborg, yet remember in Ihe
bepmmgof ihe beet «e are 10IJ ihal ihe Tunnel Tliru the Air conuins ihings lhal the case may be.

nojEtu? l0" deir read':r-scrMm a"d holler aboul how is it

know Wee and ,unrf 2
™. "T ' "vf11"1'11 ai,d ^ro'e accumlely aboul j[, consider his
de u d
Z^' „f ^ f 7 " "'8 Ofhis on multidimensional nalurc and his abiiilv lo Waller and Edna complete a great chemistry discovery for Robert,
LMki baak 'he sleeping gas that puts people to sleep for seven days, of course the sex en days
^ •■ "8 ^ > ^o-" vo„ can r
•^anra Ruben and Lady Bercsford^m/agc "n.''31 "Uu8hin'! W!1,ers" in 'hc ^ing the theme of the law of x'ibralion, also notice Waller is a great chemist and
understands the natural law behind the chemistry and the gas. This is of course
dev.Tibr, lit Wiener, and fUlurcTdrama "! f.'0"!13 'e"s 3Val|er aboul his trip and Nwc proof of the natural law that Mr. Gann's speaks about throughout his wTDrk,
gas will be used later in the book when Robert uses il lo subdue any enemy
reader know ibaj nature itself is a *1 C,SltCS'le v's'Iet'','1,s's done to let
uxic m incdiiaiion. using the scemrv ^r3 '0 ll®'ler 'nte"igencc, this is especially co
nibatani who is against the United Slates.
xignaturet of nalurc. in all its facets arp - ima^cr^', cven the atomic properties of the
lan. On page two hundred seventy two, you will notice Mr. Gann
^ - profound way ,o engage the universal g about emotional extremes, remember that vibration in terms ot Hermetic

i « j Krhi'PS in""'1' s':',le of measurci"enl, tltae various lengths within the prism. Mr. Gann talks about the fire and heal thai a
• > ^"ll' onlw MW" one I,me or Jismond goes thru creating all as strength and beauty, this ifofcourve more of the
J- 5^» .W" * * - M in,fh. he considered the ulnmalc dcp,h „ ..heniistry theme, this is followed by Edna's speech where she calls Robert a man
mrJenu re n> n™ ot roodtunon. relaxation for one paniculttr of noble idea s, again the noble elements of the periodic table. During her speech,
totn reUxatnn n reh the elnmet' I ^ cJns|Jt.rej llxcd i„ two extremes, as i, jhc mentions the absent one on the lop of page two hundred seventy Five, who is
rrexi.unre. threelreea«Ie Mim. ^colJ mighl only he Itxed in the minil ihc absent one? Robcrls's sister from page two of the book. 275 -2/2 for (he
irrr^munc. ot* expericnCing a climate that is only a single point on uravity center minus 8S elements equals 48.5, turn to page 48 of the Tunnel Thm
d,e Air, and read the poem showcasing the phrase, "time to time", or a wheel
an mftn.u- ^c.^ u|b ahou, ,he mundane sphere, a wavelength if within a wheel, or a gear within a gear, a cycle within a cycle, whatever you like.
Okay, starling on with chapter twenty five, Mr. Gann moves the
^ -nSr-res or cvcles. is what we are after, especially the
vo* uillfGnemNrf^^ ^ Follou now the statement Mr. Gann book into the war completion phase, the remainder of the book deals w ith the war
lltcme almost exclusively, but I will break down the parts inherent to vibration still
^^tSSfcld cord, think of the inletroining of this rope, a chord of
yet. If there arc long breaks without comment, that is just the way this book was
^ ail tannonkally related to make a summation wave »tth t.s tnberent
written. On page two hundred seventy eight, Mr. Gann talks about one of the
pjppcmcs. ^^ hunilrcd seventy, we see the idea of a touch of nature
greatest mistakes of the war, this can be translated to the deciphering of his work,
the greatest mistake any student of the law of vibration as applied to trading can
naies rhmthui2 ejected, or the « hole world as kin. think of the teachings of
UaJiCT Ru&cll as all is connected, and e\er>ihing and everybody CENTERS the make is to ignore the laws themselves, but this is what students do, they replace the
imf\ erv. and each and e^en thing centers each other, hence the holographic required work with everything but what is required.
paradtcm. oribc concept that our uniNersc is a gT3\ ity curved light wave octave of One thing worth mentioning here is that for any individuals who
holocraphic licht snd sound The philosophers boulder is the ability of a human will claim that John Kcely's work is fraudulent, I am fully aware of the material
being, being able to transmute his or her lower base nature to one of fine vibratory and claims of this nature, but I say to you, that Mr. Gann's w ork is mostly
cnCTcy, thus ascending up the octase of human behavior, thus the clothing of a considered to be the same, a hoax and based in charlatanry, yet if you have
hiumn bod) takes on less importance in the energetic level of yourself. You purchased this book, you must be a student of Mr. Gann, so with that in mind,
become no longer of the w orld, the earthly sphere, you become a teacher by yours must be open to laws and concepts that are not yet fully understood,
drTDonstrabon of higher vibratory awareness, you are a light, a source of otherwise you would have not purchased this book.
something to be heralded and sought by oihers. All of us know the light, we are On page two hundred eighty two, Robert gels into a dog fight with
anractcd to it. like the moth on a porch light, we instinctively know when someone a Japanese aviator, he crashes but survives with a broken leg, mm to page twenty
has the Ijght In and ilJununated in them, as we know they are on the path to the six of the book, and you will see Robert suffers a broken ami at this lime. The
gl*3" and moit powerful levels and behaviors of co creative applications and square root of 282 is 16.79, the root of page 26 is 5.09 the difference being 11.7
JEOCQxSCS. squares or page one hundred seventeen, turn to this page and read about Marie
. - . , ^0'5cn^u),s Edna and Walter a brooch constructed from two talking about a train wreck where she might be killed, repetition theme again. This
silent muffler being used by the Japanese is causing all kinds ot havoc tor the
beamjnid di2ir-ini?nC • ng
teumfu' drere^dvn,, .'"ve
wtU, [,ed' ^'
a h«n
s s
' cemer,
in the within aand
of Solomon,
the hear,hea puts three
Americans, yet the irony is that Robert sold it to them, an interesting way to gel the
upper military leaders to respect the young upstart. You will notice that Robert s
prefer lo'call thew acan wuh" " spcc'^ca">' wheels of time within time periods. 1
gesj. m
large gears hamtonically related to smaller secret radio, also uses a technology to create a tunnel thru the air as it creates no
usccrtainable messages to be picked up or deciphered.
5 160 1 1C ta cs a oul l lc The Generals decide to adopt a wailing attitude in regimis to the
as mtanKtit of God's covtoani'lTuk ' '* * " ^ ' colors of the rainboo
u with man. again the law of seven, as color spill in'0 *i military move, an idea that most traders refuse to adopt, one ot waiting for the
IX logical underpinnings front a name to everything else that v.brato'i ponder
I find it tmusing iha« cx cn though the United Sttiif>'ouWi
**t en**** * ^ " Robert still has Edna a fonunc out
n WB« u , 'K market

ot ttatl Strrrt on the short side o v ^ eighty six. Robert ts watching of Atomic I'ilcli
L rt-s ukc f W^ « P-ge ^ worj Mr, -
Mr. Gann chooses to use. Mw
Ar hsgc -m** A* ' ?hv hc^did this but this IS« discussion the
"Atoms have each a diflercnl and definite pitch, ut which they naturally vibrate
ibew is a s|*«tv rase* « hor (0 a standstill in mid air.
punvbeofthr-s book, consider oul> and what is this based on

^ ^ ; rmr^phcahon or manipulation of the ether that Keep in mind now, that as you move thru this book, to remind
otarth . »cH . specific area, lhat would allow you to
xouiscif what the themes arc that I am describing, don't look at the Tunnel Thru
mX^^makine it ukc on the properties of something .ha. is
die Air book as a segmented, fragmented piece of material. It is cohesive, the
of this kind of knowledge or application ot ..would a so in ihernes are there for reasons, the numbers are there for reasons, do not disregard
^uu^and comprebensixc knowledge of chemistry, and o. course it has ijic themes of the book and the correspondences lhat exist between the runnel and
evemhinc to do with the mle of the book. , . -
all the other writings by Mr. Gann, they are completely related in deeper
Okay then. Robert goes on to destroy this great dreadnaught of comprehension and understanding, and what you are reading here, will give you a
death'" »ow. what a way to describe something floating in the air. This page here, very good start in your appreciation of what Mr Gann did.
two hiButrd eiehn. sex en has lots of information and clues to what Mr. Gann does Moving on to page two hundred eight nine, wc see Robert
wiib ha law ofxibration, first oITIcls notice the length of the ship. 600 Icct, and remembering his home as he speaks of the lone star state, if you remember the first
ctBoammg 25 airplanes, the square of 25 is 625. and the square of 5 is 25. 5 added
page of the book wc recall Mr. Gann talking about Roberts birth in the northeastern
io25 i> 30 and that resquared is 900. the page number added to the 625 is 912. 12
comer of the slate. Notice the repetition of the 1 l'h square, which is the number
units bexond the square of 30. The square root ot 12 is 3.4641016, the reciprocal of
that number is 2188675!. the next page of the book. i.e. cycle. If wc add the 600 to 289 and 289 squared is the 435lh cycle of 192, and why is 435 important?, bex^usc
the page number we get 8S7. Isn't lhat your natural elements of the earth? If wc it is the gravity center of the SS01 elements. For those of you who do not like the
take the 625 total and dixide it by the page number 287 and multiply that by the 88 way I look at numbers because of my disregard for the decimal, you will not be a
clemcnb ar get our second xvheel of time. 191.63762. good student of Mr. Gann's work.
There xxerc two surxivors from the mother ship, taking the total of This concept is FUNDAMENTAL to the very concept and idea
912. we dix ide by 2. wc get 456. the reciprocal of that number is .0021929, and behind the law of octaves, or vibration if you will. The shifting of the decimal is
that multiplied by Ute 88 elements is .1929752. This kind of math I am showing PARAMOUNT to the greater understanding and deeper levels of the xvork. many
and demonstraiing to you is EXTREMELY important in the working out and individuals who are extremely indoctrinated into strict linear left bram logic
apphcatitmi of Mr Gann's true methods. The main thing 1 want to show you is the marshalled by the need for RULES without any appreciation for creatix ity or any
nam^ -.if the ship, the Tokyo J-l, this is a very simple but very clever clue to what logic that might fall under the guise of pseudo science, will BE A VER^t POOR
Mr Gann looked to. and it is numerology. The J associated xvith the number I is candidate for Mr. Gann's concepts and ideas. Especially the xvorking out and
num^ulogical correspondence from die tables of numerology, namely Pythagorean application of the laxvs that are behind this study. 1 know very well xvhat I speak of
owDCTology. If wc code the entire name we gel 2627611. and look at "thai 262. and in this regard, and if you know you are a person of this sway, do not dilute xoorsclf
l.£ square root 16.18. and we all know what that number is about. The reason that
■n'o thinking you can overcome this prejudice easily, you will not, and vou will
l 00k iS K,CaU!C ["ore than likely go by the wayside in regards to what 1 am speaking about in this
to tocrto number' "aerology
correspondences is no.hing
,o a name, ba, a
and since book.
nnme »sp-Aen. a not more lhan likely and probable dial ihcre exisls
In the beginning of chapter twenty six. San Francisco i> being
^ ^ ^ ,.r.wiiiu>n If wc look back to Chapter one. mj ""?! Idea of being progressive and up 10 ihi m' 'li'y'Y"'
mucked ; talking abv^ul her son Herbert « ho ^
t ins o.her wrilings. This is a very -PnZ
rape n-nc, ^ had 0f^ of hcr sons almost being
k.Urd n» >an V m*v** ***** L makes peace all over the world. The ' ideas, which are really not new, just new to you. remcmSr'ah .k J
i ,11,«.luwr anj then <a\ cv hw country and nuKe> pc.i>.i. u . .,. , an- f ""J'^nliuKd lighl. They become manifct'infe
^nmliaisJ ligh,. Hn:, your senses decode, and everylhing fe, 0 tn
.«■- Ita «■".!> a ovWof M««-. mm-* dream; .oMorv ,|„s, Siu-, already "is , you jus. act as |he vehicle for i, channel .ue fmm du,
^ ^ kundrcvi nmcr> mmus pafeame U 281, lha, number mmuu l « ,s 89 and Slengih 10 be expeneneed by all, ,1ns rs why every,hing „ conneced. nTa
dai number mmus ibe SS elemenu. ir ihe number one or Hydrogen. Ihe begmmng Wisely why what you do to anybody else, you do to YOURSELF
of a evek ot penodicity- „ . • . i .. r * As the war progresses you will notice thai the citincnx of the can
On pace nvo hundred ninety three Robert is captured and begins to and the ones ol the west coast are moving to the center oflhc United Stales
think hack of his «ork on designing a bike that would allow him to ride on the ^ again is the concept of the gravity center. As all things seek this position m "
witcr^ of the lake. ihi> part of the story is told on page eleven ol the book, and you ^tion to what it is and what us surrounded by. This is due to the light wave
can see that is the second element ofihe cycle, calculated the same way as the octave, our universe being one of grak ity curved light. Has it ever occurred to you
prrxious example, x'ciy interesting siory alignments with numbtrs I9_ and 88, the lhat lighl IS bent and curved?. Imagine for a moment that it was not. you would be
diaumic ocnixe of the earths rotation and its natural earth elements. This theme is burned to a crisp, if light ran in parallel lines it would simply intensify itself the
quite pnr^atcni in the Tunnel Thru the Air, as 1 have pointed out. arae way light sent thru a magnifying glass gels hot. Study the way light disperses
flack to the book now, we see on page two hundred ninety four that
sometime, look at that way it fills and illuminates a room, and you will see it is
almoft one half of San Francisco's population is gone, almost one half, or for this
bent and spiraled thru compression and expansion sequences that happen ai the
boots purpose. 41.8 percent, the gravity center of the diatonic octave. If \vc take a
"speed of light" which is only a simulation.
look at that this way. 88 elements limes 61.8 percent is 54.384, and 88 limes 41.8
percent is 36.784. these nornben combined are 91.168 and the gravity center of
that number is 45.584. and remember the reciprocal of that number is .0219375
and that times 88 elements is 19305. Do not downplay the theme of these two Law of Variation of Atomic Pitch by Rad-cncrgy
numbers, this is the foundation and basis for what is often termed "natural law",
"The higher harmonics and overtones of projected rad-energy are of a pitch
9J.168 minus the 88 elements are 3.168, which is 3168 and that is 36 octaves of
sulficiently high to cause the atom lo expand; by causing the atomoles to vibrate
the natural elements.
Right below this theme is the poisonous gas delivered by the enemy jystematically the same influence will cause the atom to contract, and thus by
which the American chemists have no answer for. This theme of chemistry now changing the volume, atomic pitch is varied."
uk(i5 on some difTerent meaning, many students of Mr. Gann seem to think that all
thc^ ideas and concepts in this book are simply a by product of a clever mind and
uaJd imagination and just a story thrown together. This is not the type of person The markets must be observed from a rotational perspeciive, as it is
Mr. Gann was. this book is wriitcn with a specific purpose and the themes that are only a rotary system of numbers. They are really standing waves of oscillation and
con tamed m u are not without meaning, it was written for specific meanings to be vibration, and this is more for the topics of part two though. On page three hundred
daccmcd from il Do not think for a minute that the Tunnel book is just Mr. Gann ondone, we see Robert has invented the "Annulificr" to make ineflectixe the
being creative and having fun with his imagination unleashed, that is a mistake.
"Pocket radio", however notice the invention Robert talks about dial is based on
ofthr L'mt a ^ 'T0 hun<Jred eiSh,y nine' wc see the sentence, "the liberty "light wave". This screams Walter Russell's science as every thing he talks
3 boui is light wave octaves that move along the periodic table, having xar as
r? ftom
book, .here « many pnullck **•**'■ ***
,1k femes inlwcslinj.
of fe book lo,hi„ es «
current find in .his
paradigms c
gravity center of the light wave octave. The notes ot the diatonic sea e
hundred five.
. «v! ih< center is the position where the zero ^ Thinking about tins .dea with somethinE vou cw .
v,,u, l
house, you live there, this house is "fixed" on sf™ * »«. you
*** are Hying «hni space us you live there, no. only arc^0^,^ ^
rotating in full circle. All this is going on while
as SIGVAWW,^..^^^^ hm„n „hl) „0U|J tim> colJ water to 'IT* theeanhs grid, you mtglt, have full compIch
Moth ri'sKt. ik is U|ll|/Cl| in thls s,„0. ,0
ijentify ^CXTEIUENLE* in your tlatly motions and existence Manyy^Sdd"
find woolJ you ever eonstder the fact that you have no. been iLao ok
Lm, of that entire timeProbably not. therefore what created vomcrfr^ .
water a^antioo. esentually «m.c..nS the Cher ron, H TV ,h
Sy«. - f <***15 N?W G0NE- S« Tyou are
wTdtlemna., te RwKm s coonoy „ tnereaaing and noltce lhe sentence aboo, ,ht spired energy, w Inch is whatyou arc doing i\ you are unable to move currcm with
people hJ\inc no conhdence in the government and its ofltuals, \ cr> inUrLSting ^rotational geometrical solids in operation for a particular market, then you are
thcmcv of mlbmubon Mr. C,ann puts into the book as we can easily iJcnniy w,th „ essence, "reluming to that which is already sold" and that is dead or expired
todah "v events and e.raimsianees- We see the idea on page three hundred three of a
fi*ed ntn-wm for the capturtd cities, this ftxed" idea is about the tixed time period Returning to the story again, we sec on page three hundred ten, the
of the canh. the -165 25 calendar day count, that is "fixed" because it is associated invention that allows for chemicals to be dropped into water, and then discharged
u-nh the canh. however in as simple as I can say it. every market is ITS 0\\ N by electricity from planes many miles away, again the theme of chemistry repated
LfTTLF UNIVERSE, therefore time is not fixed at all, it quite the opposite, and its
by Mr, Gann. This is obviously Tesla technology, and focus on die plane that
bescd on the poiodic uble.
Wilier has on page three hundred eleven, it takes electricity from the air. andean
The thmne of the old darkies comes again into the book on page
discharge it into the water. Walter destroys many battle ships and hydroplanes with
ih?cc hundred trve. and if you turn back to page six ol the book, you see that theme
begmmcc wnh the fishing trip. Taking page 505 minus page 6 minus 192 minus his modem fighter, a big victory, the biggest one since Robert's conquer of the
the KK1* elements, we get the number nineteen and nineteen squared is 361, one Myo J-l, do you know how many pages ago that event happened.', twenty four,
over a new cy cle or tum of the circle, and that one is hydrogen of the periodic table the earths signature, the difference in square roots between those two page
again. Can you now begin to see these "wheels within wheels'"? Which are really numbers is .69, and in square of nine degrees that is 12d 2, and that minus the S8
mnc periods wiihm lime periods, gearing stmcturcs within other bigger gearing elements is 36.2, your circle of rotation, or the second element past the circle.
stmcruras? This is the law of cycles, the law of correspondence, or if you will the Taking a look at page three hundred fourteen, w hich is our
law of octaves, and all this is due to the laws of matter. Which are simulations of mathematical pi number, or at least the beginning of it. we see the anniversary of
JinJn wave replicaiioos all based in chemistry, and the math model that chemists 155 years, the square root of 155 is 12.4-4. the square root of 314 is 17.72. the
and sacmisis use and adhere to is the period table of the elements, and this is the dilTcrence is 5.2 squares and the reciprocal of 52 is 192. this is why Mr. Gann
fvssnsc vehicle and method Mr. Gann used and employed to bridge the gap always told his students that the master square or the fourth dimension ot the
bet—cen sdrncc and the financial markets. markets is found in the square of 52, his veiled way of teaching the 192 liming
Some time ago in this book there was some analysis of scripture gear. Okay now moving right along with our analysis, lake a look at page 31^9, we
w here « was talked about the seller w ill not return to which was sold, from chapter ^ that October first is one of the worse nights of the war. that date is|OI l9.vl,
five of inc Tunnel Thru the Air book, this theme is about EFFECTS, what has been wd that divided by 192 minus 5270 x 192 is 91. and that minus die 88 elements ts
or bought no longer has any LIVE ENERGY, it is expired energy, that is why ^ third in the cycle of the elements and 91 / 2.18 is 417.08, that is .9^

r^TT10 T why ! bm
." thc D0NE 11,5 oni: ^ pages in the book, .92 minus .88 the elements is .04, the rcciprvval ot A ts
enemy does' not continue
8 - ""ltoU'is
bombIhcmc is has
what precisely
already • the natural square of five, and 25 squared is 625, remember t — 111

carl'er analysis'?
^W ed
- "* ,Mtt
' Jilncnl vehicle to express it as is done on pag'
,875 and remember the reciprocal of the 2.18 ra,i0? ,fnol< hCTC „
t j-v -v i i .Ainu thai pace ihrcc hundred ninciecn and getting I- Remember that every market is its own little universe and coJli
1* T<tf JJ ■ ™iram it. «e go 16.140571 and .ha re 8
.tic vqeaerAHofil jnd cu V ^ , | lvas Jcslroycd by our hero Roben Mf Gann telling his students that those circular charts for beans and ^om ^
s^racd K>7 du. .> die ^ ,in,M y hours per day is 768 " Mvcd on this relationship of the earths 24 hour signature in relation to the circle of
S degrees. Therefore each segment of those circular charts was based on 15
!U« wo.» 13 860571 «1 terces of movement so that every 24 cents of rotation was a complete cycle of
Oun re .sulrcv)»'l":. The. l.'ud ol raalh is quite inletesling. as .1 repeals from all S degrees. This was a veiled demonstration of vibrational signarures, i.e. the
Area? iheon ot number repetition, mathematics becomes an open book, when you ,^rational signature of the earth itscll, so w hy did Mr. Gann use that signature?
kxA forsimilantics. especially ifyou can lorgo the dectma • Because, this is where we LIVE, this is the vibration humans move to.
Alricht then, let's continue on thru the rest of the book, on page Reading on page 326, Colonel Charles Manson is speaking, and he
three hundred twenrv. the cuns being described are between 12 and 36 inches, the mentions we need the man of the hour, and if you turn back to page three hundred
grav-in center of these two" numbers is 24. die eanhs signature, and 24 squared is
eight you will see the United States in her hour of greatest need. That was eighteen
57ii. takinc the cra^its center of 24, which is 12, and squaring that number we gel
paces or days ago. and 18 days x 24 hours is 432 hours divided by 192 minus 2
144. and fw and 576 is 720. and the gravity center of that number is your circle.
squares x 192 is 48, and 48 / 2.18181818 is 22, notice the shifting of die decimal to
The page number 320 divided by the circle is .88; we know that number by now,
the left, would make that 2.2, and 2.2 minus 2.18 is .02, and the reciprocal of that
don't uc? Notice the dreadnaught planes can use electricity from the air thru radio
is 5. your fifth element of the periodic cycle.
currcrTL this is obsiously Tcsla technology again. Let's look at the scripture on
I am only demonstrating this kind of math to show you the themes
page three hundred twenty one, we see Acts 2.17 and 2.2, the gravity center being
of repetition in his book, in relation to the periodic table and the events that show
2185 and SS elements x 2.185 is 192. Now on page three hundred twenty two, we
see the enemy is outnumbering the United Stales military fifty to one. now the repetition. Mr. Gann used the periodic table of the elements, ifyou don't know
page number 322 added to 50 is 372, and that minus 192 is 180, and the 88 why by now for no other reason, than that if you wanted to measure periodicity,
elements subtracted from that is 92, and the 88 elements again subtracted is 4, the then why not use a math model that ALREADY DOES 177, and this is precisely the
founb element in the periodic cycle. mode of operation that allowed him to bridge the gap from a subject that has
nothing to do with trading, directly into trading.
Taking a look at the speech by Colonel Manson. notice he says that
Law of Variation of Atomic Pilch by Electricity and Magnetism he has read the predictions by Robert, ev er since he was a very young man. how
can this be possible, this military man would not have known Robert in any way or
"Elccmcny and Magnetism produce internal vibrations in the atom, which arc form, so how then does he know of him? Oh yeah, J.H. Kennclwonh. the man
followed by proportional changes in volume and. therefore, pilch." behind Maries disappearance, the manipulator of many things behind the M,enes m
Bert's life. . f . ,. ,
The colonel goes on to talk about the ascendant S18n 0 ^ .
'Tomally war is considered bullish for the economy and the SUtes, ,he ascendancy of something is the vibrational component of it. men reao
mm 0bc 50 here J •be United States has never been an aggressor, has never engaged
' ' °« 07 As the stock exchange
^jeord, how very interesting such a statement is as we read H rora v ^
^ twhrr .^Mh' '"; "'""'"e- N°h« on page three hundred
Lu,^ by lhe Uni :d
™o. On the bottom of the page notice the scripture -'^7
but the ? ^ u'V
reipK.1 u denied by T"""'
the enemy forces, "and they reply
Tor a with
thirtya day arruistice,
fiflecn day
wK i!.number, you get 26.87, and taking the square ^ ° ^
eraVi y C :n 'ch is three hundred twenty six, you gel. 18.05. and t v iv v ^ will see
bur Z^mly Ito, VegMit^r'"^ ' ' ":r prin<:ipl
t uni
crs is 8.82 and isn't that your naturally occurring pvru ^ ^ 0f
he sa
nic thing repeated on page three hundred twenty sev tn. U
. radius; this is due to the radius of spheres, or radius of cycle* whkh „
, .cnpmre on puge >!«« '»cniy gravity center mcusurcmcnt. ^ •» Jom
r^*hw»!lS0;nfWa'^ "
.. ^ th.. Robert is nuJc SL-PRtMP commander on
V'^ tt,,, ni h^It. lhtf |^i time the «orJ supreme was used wai
0 and its radius w... oc . 00. ana .. we ,hc decimal to the left w,
pa^r direr hurvlrfd r*enr> «gh . n 41 ^ 3(,9 and 3<'y mmus ll>2 is 177. and lliat
]U take a look at that senpture at the bottom of the page, you sec 24.< .6 and 20.1ft,
^ Wv rom oat no* *«c ^ nunU5 iS.s dements is number one ihc
.fttcadd all three together we gel 61.28, now 61.8 minus 61.28 is .52 ;and if we
mmu-s ibe dements »^ ^ periodic cscle. 3-H - -41 - 287 and dial
16.5 minus 16.18rn^we get ,32, .32 / .52 is .6153846 and "1.625. the n
elcmeni of fhdroeca tbe bqcinmn^ 1. 7 ^ j v. 0f vibration and I added take■ n7;Q :::\T-e " ■; f^.lhc reciprocsis
r S2 and .32 arc 1.9-30769 and 3.1^5, and we sec again the Fibonacci
mnus 192 ^ 95. «Dd du. minus the ckmenis is /. mc
relation.-hips in 1.92 / 3.125 is 614 and 1.627.
10 7
^ ^ ^XbiVto f^g^TnCndred eight>' seven, the very page that If you turn back 10 page 165, you can read about ~ihc river of tune"
» ^ u, H ihf 'naiest drrodruuchl that c\ er lloated over United Stales soil. jndyou can certainly see it has been an inieresiing currency of numbers I have not
^ riSTn T J-l do vou remember the length, added to the planes on it? show n it. but there arc many examples of math ihat point to page forty eight of the
h L 825. now taking 625 and adding that .0 page 287 and the.Mo the hook, do you know why thai is. Take a look back there and read that page if you
pare mante I «ro discussing, which .s 328. we get a total of 1240 and 1 _40 ffill. Look at that 61.28 again, and shift ihe decimal to the right, you get 612.8, and
divided b> 192 - 6 full squares umes 192 is what? Oh eighty eight elements. Go 612.8 minus the page number 330 is 2828, taking the page number 330 and
6eure thai. Let's move on and finish up the books anal> subtracting 282 pages we get page forty eight, where you read the phrase "time to
Roben on page three hundred twenty eight tells the war council,
time", or gear to gear, cycle to cycle, wheel within a wheel and of course you read
ihtk\ he requnrs full compliance from them, no matter how absurd his orders are. .ton page three hundred thirty also.
wtui would >ou call trading the financial markets with the periodic table of the Moving right along here, of course to page three hundred thirty one,
ciemcnts? I wcwild wi) thai would fall inio ihe category of absurd, wouldn't you follow ibis from the scripture numbers, add together 2. 22.33,1.5.22,,
sa>? Now dial Robert is supreme commander, read ihe response he giv es to the
1726,8.25 and 31, you will find these on the page we are discussing, you get
irvrm on ihe lop of page three hundred twenty nine, this is obviously a turning
S9.95. and that minus the element radium, or the SS0' element is 1.95. or Hydrogen
poan id ihc w'ar. and if you remember the war started on page two hundred seventy
almost Helium. Remember the Toky o J-l destmction by Robert? 44 is the gravity
seven, or fifty tw 0 days ago. the reciprocal of the number 192.
center of the 88 elements, now die page number we are on, page 331 minus 44
On page three hundred thirty we see Robert tell what the problem
was. the first thing he says is the silent mufflers. Robert sold the muffler to Japan pages is 287 and so is that fraction .95 divided by the page number 331 also 287, it
ot page two hundred tw enty five, that is 105 pages ago, that gravity center of that just doesn't go away.
Dumber is 52-5 the same as ihe previous page. If we make those 105 pages into
days of 24 hours. »e get 2520 total hours, and that modified by 192 is 24 hours,
new look m the senpture at the bottom of the page, chapter 24 verse 6, taking those Law of Variation of Atomic Pilch by Temperature
two senptures. 24.6 minus 20.18 you gel 4.42. and taking 24.6 added to 20.18 you
pet 44 78, why are these numbers importani? They are the gravity center of the 88 Atoms in chemical combination oscillate with increasing amplitude directly as the
eioneDis and 44.7,>< added to 44.2 is 88.98 and that minus 88 is .98 or Hydrogen. •empcraiurc. and simultaneously absorb overtones ol higher harmonic5, ptoducuig
Let > pay atiention to the words being used, "an indcfinite length of expansion of volume and diminution of pitch.
tune describing a ship thai can lake power from the air and then remain anchored
in the ut This phrase is directly related to the different wave lengths as they are
irulj in mile, or 1 a cycle needs to be lengthened, we simply square or cube the The two dominate lime periods I have elaborated on is your natural
ongmaJ future as all arc related geometrically. Notice also Mr. Gann uses the K 192 and 88 combined with the periodic table of the elements, that is y our law

„c gc, 101.17 ood sublracting that from the page number 3 J4 „
_ .uu ofNibPiion. not so complicated is it? Ri8ht
«ifxibrenon IV Kwg ^ words, nothing more, how
from ot>^ I.lsi ™ ' nj „ 15 infinite. He lore we move on. iakin»
1 C
^ ean or »vaiM *??b „., pt and the reeipaval of that number is 333
SPS "7 ^ a" ^eA.VE q r ^ ~
ploncs inio clrcmnneUmradm'talef"' C':n'r:'1 ^
These light waves and light rays Robert is talking about come from
*!? I'D^>■ ^ ^ ,l": '***' a"d waiter Russell s work, that the universe is noihmg but an OPTICAl UNIVERSE
tf^onc. Gann quotas from, "and hath ToSSISTING OF GRA17 TT CURVED BENT LICIT. All things seek a center of
cravitv-: all tlii"8S operate on a central nucleus, and let's look at John Kecly's
toruunad d,c times befoa- appointed, and the bounds ofdiere hab.tatton . this is jefinition of this central component, "A center of introductory action is necessary
anotha rctcTcnec to ...elencths; beeause wavelengths arc time boundaries, and jn ALL operations of nature". It doesn't get any clearer than that, in relation to
those urn.- boundaries are called eyeles. Notice Mr. Gann is quoline from Romans,
vibration fundamentals, and you will find this concept, theory, and idea inherent in
and loot at the content, man hopes for what he see's, but that is not hope, but to
jllthese men's work, and finally you will find it in Mr. Gann's own wrilines as I
hope for Uhat i> unseen, eome> to us. What does this mean? Asking your senses
tor ihim?; is furile. co creation comes from asking the universal soul, and that shall point out in the second half of this book.
You see Robert explaining about density on page three hundred
comes from the unseen, but from a connection from your soul to the universal soul,
and iher is no sense awareness utilized in that mode of operation, the senses are ihirty four, about how pockets of air are encountered by pilots, and one of the
severed properties of all elements is density, and this is what is being transfcrrcd as the
Look at your own experience, if you have ever experienced not sequences of compression and expansion complete. The density moves from the
geninc what you warn, you will see that you have been asking your senses, and zero point, until the entire process is shifted from compression to the expansion,
they cannot do anything for you. but decode the length of the wave you live in. where the density is now at its flill boundary, and from this position, the expansion
Now in these next two pages, we see Roben telling the war council and generals rings will eventually shift the compression back to the inner zero point, the density
about how Americans have always got out of emergencies by being led by the is being moved from each pole. This is what is happening during the light wave
Divine Power. Roben then tells us the history of how runnels have been used in replication process as taught and described by Waller Russell.
difTcTOt modes. Then we learn that the tunnel thru the air is the panacea for Since we are talking about light, notice Robert says, "if nature can
impending defeat in the war. This is the first time in the book we hear of this build a tunnel thru the air, or a vacuum, then so can man with "God's" divine
iimneL except for in the title, on page three hundred thirty two and three. The year help", lets talk about this for a moment. The language of "God"' is light, since our
J940 in the tnle added to page 333 is 2273, and the reciprocal of that number is 44, universe is light waves; the mode of communication is vibratory light, in
the gravity renter of the 88 elements. Taking that year 1940 and gelling the square meditation if we leant to put fire or flame, or light into our chakras, in the heart
rt*)t of il and subtracting the square root of the page number 333, you gel 25.80 charka especially, you will find that you can communicaic with ' God" or the
an^na number re squared is 665.92026 and the gravity center of that is your page
universal mind, this is how your soul communicaies with the soul ol the universe.
You do not speak to this universal soul with "words >ou wriie
___ . J^\C.XaTC '"Actions Robert gives about this tunnel on lines of desire to it from your heart, your heartbeat is the electrical carrier wave
t,es •hat transmits thought desire, or whatever your difficulty or problem is. VS hatcver
liKhi ravs dr %<• u ^ '8ned thru light waves and
itid mclt d-w'n r ^ maCl,ine 11,31 Rohcrt and
Walter designed that you ask this universal soul for, it does not respond from "words", words are not its
koguagc, its language is the language of light. For instance many meditators have
wide 1001
look a
at the venpturcon
senmurf .k u *"an wherc nind chatter issues, by focusing your attention to your heart chakra and putting
•ule. the bottom of^ the page,
between 100 yards
1.17. tfwe to miles
add thtt. .0 the 100 rir
e. Ilame or light there and without words, communicate your desire for a serene

. wc sec the number 534, ifwetoke the pace number nx 4 ,

and lhal minus lhc 192 lilTie cri
^ 4 iKm lines of cvpnssi™
Jul ,0 s0llout and
, cvW thm your heart
nuinicalion. hues.soul to the soul
i.e.. your 1816 P od is 89 6 and thJT iH* 53 4'
#ege m,nm
Kis 1.6 thc fib spiral. Now if you turn back to ^W
I I ,• .vir civil to fonjet about the body and deccnlrate to thc
of tK untvervaJ mmA ^ % ;cuum ^ ,hc Tunnel That the Air; we talking about his struggles with Marie's disappcaSnce the0" ^ TCid^oul
S at.'rials and .ribuladons on page 335. goEo" pa
rev ot Mdltvsv diu , concerned. This is where we use the
Syoung Robert was going to do great things i„ lhe ruturei ih|£h he ^J*1"1
-sion to our desires to the universal soul, but
Sni »"d follow Ih^ hc BravMy cemer between the numbers 16o and tb, is
•Uihc ui of words. We desire these things in our heart wordlessly we talk to Oh v®3'1 '^e elements.
the hehL uhieh VkxT thru the medium that it creates with, thereby Now turn to page eight, and then the top ofpaee eiehtv nine
ourseW unh niTH, and when we can do thai, we are taking advantage of our
You should now begin |o see the repelilion in the themes before talked alwui and "
oeame richt Tbe divine rieht that is given to all of us. this is what Mr. Gann did
now being utilized. Follow this also, the square root of the number 534 is 23.1 and
and this is'the modus I hare used myself to decipher much of Mr. Gann's work.
lhe square root of the page number is 18.3, the difference in square root is 4 8
The same way Rolwrt says, "If my interpretations are correct" on
member the theme from page forty eight in the tunnel? The phrase, "time to
the honom of pase tlirce hundred thirty lour, is the way I feel myself, I feel and
time" is a major repelilion of the book.
bdiere m> imcrpretarions are correct in regards to the Tunnel thru the Air book
General Pcanton is now talking about greed, jealousy and hatred,
sod Mr. Gann's other writings. The only reason that other students of Mr. Gann's
»Dri. have not talked along the lines of what I say, is simply because the internal seethe trincs now? Notice how the idea of brotherly love and the golden rule. l'
model you hav e docs not allow you to see the connections I have pointed out, your thought the golden rule was; those with the gold make all the rules anyway,
experience, and your viewpoints, i.e. your perspective does not allow you to sec this idea of living in harmony is based on thc truth that we all are connected, we
uhat I have shown in (his book, it does not have any thing to do with your are all the same energy living as fractals of the entire whole, when you operate on
uucUieence. It 's your own prejudice to a layer of tnith that exists outside your the premise of taking advantage or harming others, your own lack of knowledge
realms of imcrpretalion. allows you to do only one thing, you hurt yourself, you attack yourself, cause you
Does this make you bad or good? Us makes you neither, it simply ait not separate from naught one thing in this universe.
showcases that there arc profound differences in thc way we all perceive the
infonnaooD and em ironmenl we live in. It also demonstrates that there are cert
are certain
traits endemic to the human race, and one of those things is the desire to be led
or Law of Pitch of Atomic Oscillation
lau^JtL b\ an exiemal authority. You don't need this, you only need to learn ho.,
how to
conned to source, you don't need me. or anybody, what you need is connection to 'Atoms not isolated and in a state of tension between forces that oppose and
source, pjen the models that exist within you, that prevent you from experiencing increase the equilibrium oscillate bodily at a pilch (hat is a resultant of the atomic
P^ound truths otherwise ignored will open up. and you will begin to experience weight, atomic volume, and tension."
irecavm frum the grid of control.

hofit hou tA Ji*1" wha,ryoiJ wi,l k forced 10embrace when you finish Ihis
15 m orrnj, 0, and lhc
own imdJect is shm' and you
' J' no chances of you doing that with your This universe is an automatic recorder of TRANSACTIONS, when
r - ' ' ' t. then why didn't YOU break down the you bought this book that is a transaction, when you go to the store, you moke
^Provide information ail the b^nsaclions, when you interact with your family, your male, your frienvl>. you arc
ln y<)Ur 0W
you can liavc YOUR OWN " exPer'cnce and connection to source, "^ing transactions, what is the RESIDUAL of UNBALANCED transactions?
yc^wn UW N experience with it, no, mine. or my're "ni on your nightly news telecast, and gel a good dose ot it, this idea ot
Moving on to page three hundred thirty five, notice the scripture 7nsaclions encompasses the tiniest human interactions to coryvrate dealings, to
c Wa
y nations treat and deal with each other. 1 am sure you have been involved in
v^hntlhc reci ^0Ca, orihal 8 , is whnl
P • • ^is whole thing is abonf ite
i h n where ilie iransaciions were far from finy. r
or'!«° vib^'ion Wahcr Kennclwonh mricves "Ntoic ,hc Wl"
mw Und lM relationship ^ on thc eiv ing side of SO percent, how did
fifty, a frmin center, pedwi6 > R.:S1pli,\L of thai unbalanced transaction?, skwy" l>nd "ic To ,°l n?" M i llbcrorc hc T"1 "w srai ship in
a4 on 2 39 ,d 337 Cd 10 lhal
thai nulc wh 1, w
• ^e ^ cmotional residual front such unbalanced IV >s W k ' '" T W 239 is 576 you, fhird ocUvc
cvaminc hx>u thai nudi; >vmi /""x- cmt, these two numbers run thru this analysis like a freight train, why0 because
|( fonll v lolalions of the natural laws
.nteTclungeanJtnnsaiKMtssihc R||YT||MlC BALANCED ' arc the natural law timing periods.
Looking at chapter thirty now. we sec General Nagalo talking
Ovsi evnem u> This universe c •• (h3l |aw ^ nUjSl of the planets
1XTERC1UNC.E, rou can cj. am) lrcmendous. and even all this comes .houl Robert, as he remembers well hc sold them the silent muffler, and that cveni
cvvofunb cbJlv do ^cc but the price for n is iremtnu pfcurred on page 225, and thc square root of 225 is 15, there isyour airnisticc.
to onh one vour aitcntion .0 page three hundred thirty six, vvC see rthich i> about to run out here in a couple of pages, also you can sec thai again, in
339/225 = 1.50. Moving on to page three hundred forty one. you see Roben has
Rote, mine to Jure .he biggest building of New York Guy a one hundred ten mo machines being built, one being positive and one being negative; these arc
ac*'s .1 ^ L«k 3. .he rchlionsh.p ' " 15 . designed to create the tunnel thru the air, and if you turn back to page seventy eight
iMOand JSI.the(ibero»ll. spiral. Theoeuveol the IW is 384. and .384 mines of the novel you will read about Mr. Gann's statements about the positive and
JthJ &' i> 022, and that is ihc ratio behind the 192 and NS gearing systems, and the negative forces in nature, polarity if you will. Taking that page 341 added to 78,
reciprocat Dr.022 is your forty five degree angle. Remember in the beginning of
you get 419 one over the total pages of the book, the Tunnel thru Thc Air. taking
his novel Mr. Gann said, it will contain things that have already happened or will
you back to the element Hydrogen, the beginning of the periodic repetition. Thai
hapjCT id thc future. Most of us know what happened on 9/11/2001 in New York
page seventy eight is 263 pages ago, the square root is 16.21. that minus your fib
City , now nuke sure you understand / am nor making light of such a grossly tragic
spiral of 16.18 is .03, one half of your sacred cosmological laws, the law of
and honifying event. I show these mathematical relationships to demonstrate there
power in not just markets but evenis in general.
Thc first thing we see is that 110 added to 42 added to the page Notice that Robert is sure thc machines would work, even though
oumbc is 45>fi, and isn't that again your "time to time" reference? This theme of they have never built, yet hc is sure of the plans, remind you of any famous
paviiy ceatrrs and centers of induction will not go away and that is for a reason. scientist? Nikola Tcsla was famous for being able to see thc completed plans and
The number 336 added to three squares of 192 is 912, so the end of thc cycle niachines in his mind perfectly, so that when he built them, there was no design
would have been at 191 or 911. This number 192 is a very profound component flaw, perfect as designed in his mind with no revisions necessary. I wish I could
because h represents the musical octave of the earth, 24 hours limes eight have wrote this book that way. How could such a feat be done time after time by
positions, or DO. RE. Ml, FA, SO, LA. Tl, and DO to complete eight diatonic the genius Tesla? From his own intellect, not hardly, but from divine inspiration, it
posiuons. If we uke the dale of 9112001, divided by 192 minus 47458. you have a you gel the chance read the Tesla biography where he talks about his own life and
fraaion of -338, rwo numbers off the page number. I only demonstrate this kind of childhood experiences. Tesla almost met his demise on at least three occasions, the
Hung, because this is number vibration, it happens all the lime all over the place. flashes of information would come to him that allowed him to act on his own
\ou ^ ^ to look for il. and become aware of its presence. Looking at that behalf, iwo of them were almost drowning accidents, these are very interesting
Jcmonslrations of the language of light, it truly is a case of the universe protecting
i! 886 sisi0".8? M-8!!.6 i",'i l iVid(: 1 by 2 18 is 29Jb and
' ' - rC
" an
a in ra'r" 15n diat our na r
' > 'u ally occurring elements of I lie earth? '^dividual who was scheduled to go and change the world.
hundred thlnv seven 'elS ni0VC'' on' we ta^e a at page three On page three hundred forty iwo we read that Robert set > up the
huincl thru the air between Cincinnati and Detroit, and then develops a long
5^.™ rLTi« «"D8Cm0n,0f Dea,h" and ^ distance Tel Talk with distance capability of 3000 miles. The relationship between
■h= 7WADdenuAgdiesnirarcrooijri, Z Th11'"''m'"8
■he page Quoihcr .qure roo. which is 18 35 IT g
'C S:""C I r000 and 342 is 8.77, again the natural elements, the distance in square roots ^
- 5. wc see a diflerence ol 8.1 squares and v
ecn these numbers is 36.28, ifwc shift the decimal to the right, we sec 3o-.S.
v<r>where. On page three hundred forty seven, Robert unleashes tfie ^
. , ^ •"«' 00 NW York Ci,5'' i,
ft ,=» rtt r.< p^c . v ..ncinal Tel Tj'^ Sloped by Walter, to put the p.lots to sleep for seven days, dm gas S
•Vrr dieted by Walter on page 271 and 271 added to pagc 347 ts 618. your
h,s ^tural law in ilte most hlaiant way on
Mr ^ hLS ncw invention, the Radium Kay. ;ibonacci growth spiral. The number .61« square root is ,786. and that multiplied
,,unlbCr IS
thrr* ha,v,rrJ ^ interesting wc.ipvin >ou think? I would say ^ 1 die l t0" pagC 0ff 0Ur c>'cle of lhe sl"P'ng gas.
) Robert has a big v ictory against the enemy, this is pivotal, and it
TSw Mo* ™ ^ p^iodtc table. There are only SS natumlly*.
coKhkn^; n ss the ^ . ^ 41 m , g5 and S7 have no stable uivbcen 71 0I smcc a c Uv0
| P 8 Hundred seventy seven since Japan declared
—"■* X-—n-"' ^ on his United States. On page three hundred forty nine, Robert takes more than
Jtou, 75 md 100 m lcS
s<00planes into the tunnel, 2500 divided by page 349 is 7.1633237. which is ho-»
Rrtoi ' " h0>V rir ,l": IflV davs the war is old. I want the reader to keep in mind that I have been at th*
l f*jm in is^ jiv these two numbers give a gnivily center of
dy and work for close to twenty years on and off.
:^.St^dy Obvious when you understand that the periodic ,W
I have spent many years studying and researching material not
ubic is the model ofMhnmon. L«m to study the penod.c table, and earn what it
Jircctl)' related to Mr. Gann s work, in areas of metaphysical, religious, spiritual,
u. whu 11 Je^nes. aid ^ou will come to realize that 11 is nothing hut the law- of numerology, astrology, physics, mathematics. Hermetic philosophy. Cabbalistic
.vuvrN n is rirr vibrtuon, spectral analysis, and the most natural model of
ytudies. chemistry, and much more, all to no avail. Over time though thru much
lu^xra) bw thai the scientific community embraces. Therefore it is absolutely the
mcvfcl M- Gann used to bnJcc science to the price bar. In essence and as simply deep meditation and isolation, I was able to "see" the connections to natural law
written by Mr. Gann. I write this book for the students who want to work out there
a> 1 can pui iL Mr. Gann look the laws of chemistry and traded the hnuncial
maileis anhthem. Strange, you bei, its not like I am making up this analysis, it own destiny in this genre, and to gain understanding of themselves and there
corocv nght nxirn Mr Gann's own pen. universe, all this work is based on growing up and become balanced ourselves. The
idea of squaring price and time is primitive compared to balancing YOURSELF.
Vibration applied to the price bar is among the LEAST things that vibration can be
applied to or utilized in your life, however I am not saying that what we axe
Ljw of Vtriation of Pitch of Atomic Oscillation hy Pressure
discussing is not a worthy goal, IT IS. and that is why I describe it.
The frequency of iKtnic oscillation increases and diminishes inversely as the Mr. Gann is showcasing the Fibonacci spiral in his hidden
square of the pressure.'' mathematical relationships inside the 192 and 88 dynamics. The reason for this is
ttdl. obvious, the number is very important, and to think that Mr. Gann did not
know about it is foolish. The way 1 have seen it applied is not so good tliough. the
Clcvo-, amazingly so, here is my question to you. If you wanted to Fibonacci numbers used in most technical analysis and by market geometers is
extremely hit and miss, sometimes the numbers work and then they fail. There is a
-uoiu,dn",'' sense to use a math model that ALREADY
s move on Roben sa s u reason for this, the reason they fail as often as they work is because of vibratioa,
Md ^ ^ number u -614, the Fibonacci
W9 mms thtpsgc >' .i st before
spiral.10:00. let'sthree
On page say 9:59.
but more specifically because what is revolving behind the curtain of price mostly
will not agree with a market technicians fib retracemcnts or projections.
ncmtti'T ™ "hta,,acki"6 feet over the motor city and
Imagine hanging support and resistance olTFibonacci numbers
not hare the combinat n iC * 'T01 nav'8ale , ,e
* tunnel, because they do
when you are using the precise mathematical model to CREATE the projections
^u,: ^177:^^1°: t
,t' r'' CT nav,s ,on ,h
c ™,hc ,'ric'ne
here. rational concepts that I am talking about from, which is a matter entirely dilTercnt. What most market technician^ do is the
equivalent of using a GROWING tree to forecast from, in other words vou an:
iaemimg bs-u* J ^ Ih^vl^Sr"8 dCnanl mcssa cs is ver
8 y . consistently using a model thjit you have no idea what it consists of. vou might be
^ fy sentences nght at thanksgiving, synchronicity using the tree when its four months old, or w hen its four years old- by not knoAm^
_ . „K ^ oremlmf i» >hc d.Ark moMly uboul wha,
vo*i arc oh«rvMif. vOB^wPv <„l,crc Robert says he can anchor over any c.y 20 50 mdev „p, and^Sr,
*rr tRfmixinc 10 (hnrC hundrol ll Hy. i f you add a II \h^
Movmc VU|| gel 36022. subtracting the full 192
[laved by his comple.ion of a iwo day anchoring lesl w iih his prized slop TV
Zm of .hose Isvo numbers .s 37.5, and if we divide by « eel 17 5
amnbers lossshcr >00 ^ on ^ " Nir Gann is putting these growth decay
s^parev ^ left w .«h ^.^1V, aboll, a|| i!m analysis, most of die book is ins .he Js-ein'sl .0 Ihe nghl, we now have 175, and .aking ,he element from"
>ou ge. Ihe 87 clemenl, nonce .he polarily iheroe between .hose Iwo
nun>N.T. o«a dkerc lo« "**> Cann's Tunnel H^u the Air. not my book, but
cr :at,:
b. ***«. I ^ U km, aK-n. Z >»" '
^ * The Allied Enemy armies are bemoaning there continued losses of
IK« all«II. »1>« Ihii is not being done consciously, but
mKlvrnunojl relation, ' -hronicity Vibrarion ilsell"combined «iih ihe ircntft and on page three hundred fifty nine, we sec the sentence, "this was
Llsual and unheard of That describes precisely what Mr. Gann did in relation to
™:'5: ^r^may-and elicit come ihm on a difteren, plane This is ^ financial markets, unusual and unheard of. Moving onto page 360 which is our
do all dlis seguencing and math from .he ol .he slory circle of geometry, w'c read about Edna talking to Robert about Robert's past
in eonjancnan .tttkelU and SS mad. models. There ,s no way Mr, Gann could bnthdays, and then she recalls Walter's big victory at Cairo, where he blasted the
ha. e done all dies.- miemal mad.enulical themes mlenlionally. but nevenheless,. enemy's battleships and hydroplanes with cleclriciiy thru die water.
is quiic iniircsiinc. cn to me still. That event look place on page three hundred eleven, that was 49
Cm pace three hundred fifty one. Robert says that over 12 thousand
paces aco, the square of seven, which is the law of octaves. The square of nineteen
pUncs »crc captured and about 400 were lost, this is an even relationship of 30 15 361 and on page 361, Robert discovers the enemy plans to attack at 22:00 hours,
bcruem ilKv>e ruo numbers and thirty added to the page number are 381. again the 19 added to our law of the nines is 22. and 22 added to our 88 elements is the 110
Fibonacci spiral, as I divided by 2.618 is .381. So we are seeing quite a bit of
jtory building, the "Mammoulh" that Robert is currently atop.
Fibonacci .sequencing in this analysis. Robert is having the Major Electric
There is a tremendous amount of synchronicily in Mr. Gann's
Company build him invisible planes and a motor with 24 cylinders that can lake
planes up to fifty miles and even bey ond. Right away you can see your page forty writings and it's interesting to see it as it unfolds in the story and characters. Now
etgbi 10 2-s cylinders di\ided by 50 miles. Do not minimize this phrase, "time to notice things gel really weird here on page three hundred sixty two, but first notice
lime*. 11 is extremely importanL There are 5280 feet in one mile, if we go 50 miles, the chemistry theme again, where the motors of the enemy planes, "leaped into a
vkt pn 264000. and that is 1375 squares of 192 and 1375 divided by 192 and then liquid flame". Now read this sentence exactly as it is in the book. "Supreme
subtracting seven full squares leaves us with .1614583, more of the fib spiral. Commander Gordon saw that the Demon of Death was doing its work so he
Robert is now testing his anchoring ability with "Marie" as you pressed a billion and Colonel Edna Kennelw orih appeared'. Our Hero Robert
read on page three hundred fifty four, he goes up more than 20 miles, then anchors Gordon is now demalerializing and rcmaterializing people thru the space time
the ship m the air. this entire theme of the book is quite wild, but very interesting. continuum.
The page number 354 divided by the 20 miles, gives us 17.7, if we shift the
dannsd 10 the right, we gel 177. and that minus the 88 elements gives us 89, and
thiii minui them again, gives us Hydrogen, quite interesting. This theme of
Law of Variation of Atomic Oscillation by Temperature
•nippuig tae inner wheel is mdicitave of cycle completion.
The force of cohesion diminishes inversely as the square ol the dibuuice the atotus
k.n » 11 ^ tlu',e an a,T1;,zin
B array of fantasy high lech weaponry, Vi
apart, and the force of the chemical affinity diminishes in the same rauo. Heal
£ T "f™ <,Kien':d 10 ,he
specifications of Ezokiel, a
Creases the amplilode of the oscillations in a direct ratio to the temperature o e
- r ?'Jhc D,:mon
"rDia">. Sleeping Gas, Lighl Ray n;1,
tiral scale.
a '>: rromfrom
a. divers deadly chemicals ^e ^ Aircrafi
hundreds of.ha.
I am not saying within there writings you will find Mr. Gann's

approach, but the ideas and concepts that arc there, that define the more
r ini Kennelxvorth run the machine she nicknam . finite reality of the universe that you live in, and this in .urn ngrained in you,
.dll a"oW ^ t0 pUl SOnK 0 applications of time, motion, boundaries, live
anJ ^ ^ FiK^nacci fractal. Moving on to page i|,ree
.no|c5. wavelengths, centers, gravity centers, and most of all under the same.
fvm the curreni pigc. ^ [hr0US in (he u>e of the word noble, not io ^ration. The properties of the elements, the light wave octaves, squares, why
hufvlrcil Mvn four. ap'n • . . f vour noblc gases w hich are pan of the
.ionic phenomena relates to the planets, the law of squares specifically, and much
Js.crtv 1^l on pjK ihicc hundred siJty five, Robcn is now
^rc. Before I close this book, I will give the reader a list of books, that 1 have
^ „ jihoui any loss of life, do you remcniba
found to contain most of what I feel a student needs, these books must be
understood and internalized, all the while keeping in the forefront of your mind,
•Tf "elline l>« ^tr lh:"l,is m0"":r ani),r?lher wa™«l him
^i^UIpeacenulef".U not.iben turn .0page nineot .he Tunnel Thmft, our goal of BRIDGING this information to the price bar.
If it takes you two years to do this, then do it, build up in yourself
\ir and read dui theme. ,, - ,
Pa-e nine has a square root of 3. and page j63 has a square root of the foundation of what it is all based on, then read Mr. Gann's material, and all will
JO 1 the iffoena beine 16.1. Edna is remembering when she took the sleeping open up for you. The problem arises from students doing just the opposite. In the
E3S Waller hsd made as she mans the gas distnbution machine, that event Tunnel Thru the Air young Robert's nemesis is a one Edward Mason, Edward
iupjv-ned en pase two hundred sexemy one. and 19.1 minus 2.618 re squared is Lccdskalnin, xvho built the Coral Castle in Florida, said he was a Mason, who
pa-c iwo hundred sexenl) one. Quiic intcrcsiing the way these themes and understood the principles that the pyramids were built by, there seems to be much
numbers wort ouL when you shift the assemblage point. iruth to this, study this mans work on magnetism.
This theme of mercy or xx inning the xvar xvith subtle means is Wallers "noble" wife using the noble sleeping gas plays a great part
directlx related to the xibration theme, as the ether or elhcric fluid is subtle, the in the overall victory as you can read on page three hundred sixty seven. What's it
wait? of John Kcely are based on harnessing this female energy or aspect of like reading this material with a new pair of glasses? Seems very obvious now
nature Now. xirruaJly all modem science and the models they use, the modes of doesn't it? A shifi in perception does wonder's, it ties up what before seems totally
opcratioD in the laboratories, the explosion, the bombs and machinery we use, is unrelated. General Pearson is doubly happy, his happiness is an octave ofhis
Ail bayed cm the MALE facet of nature. It is purely derived and modeled from original happiness. Speaking of the "law of octaves", do a search on that phrase
the male ax principle and energy. The finer subtle and even more powerful and see what your results are. Notice on the bottom of page three hundred sixty
applications come from the use and understanding of the female sex energy and eight, Robert reads his favorite scripture Ezekiel. The president comes to visit
principle in nature, which is widely ignored. This is what Robert was referrintt If
Robert in a plane that travels over 300 miles per hour, and combining that with the
when be said io Edna, on page ihrec hundred sixty three, "this is the day of
page number, you get 668, subtract the fib spiral of 618 from that, then using the
other Fibonacci fractal of .1382, multiply that by the page number, then go back
.-n- a .^tuc^5Proac^^iecrK'0^lhis analysis, lets look at what he have and read pages fifty and fifty one, here you will see the repetition in the scripture.
nsnm/uni111'* 6
Lg thal WCSee IS.,hescience of
Walter Russell is Do not gel loo concerned with the math sequencing I show, I am
showing it because I want to illustrate the themes of the book combined w ith the
t^iermbuon^^^ ^ift^ appl'cat'ons orlhese laws, it lakes much
sequences and events of the story. This showcases certain numbers and timing
>cHice The ^nd " > 0 WOrlC espcc a
' ' "y,hc diagrams and pictures ofhis
repetition, these numbers are of course the natural law numbers that come Irom the
o r,h s TOrk is j h
r !, » " ™
with boiJi of these sacniia 0
^ allon' ^ou Wl" need to spend much lime earth rotation over eight days, which is the musical octave and the natural
tivvna, contepu and works^ust'h i^0'3 TeSla alsU needs 10 be sludied and hlS nccurring elements of the earth, which are 88.
to all of these three scioil.L^ork an^ fe^16'' ^ SPirilUal The idea of squares, or the repetition in number theory comes tfoni
modifying continually back into a particular square, in essence you are putting up a
, whvn something caches the limiiation. you -ting malysis of the pyrum.d in relation to Enoch's circle, which Mr Gann ,»
74ft. running a time series of data. perpcuaUy ^ '"ifnt! rt*"1 00 ,hC ,0P Pa8C
" hundrc<1 scvcn,y one and also of Danids
^ fn-rfr ATO f ^nll,> ,11 This number can be any number you ntV *ccksrelal,on ,0 nmc ,ines nieasurcd in mchca found mxidc the
god ^ [^IC.he examples u ithin the hook 1 have been ^niid. The book is called "The Great Pyramid Decoded" and the author is E.
c*«*. ^ i> the ^ 8}. in xariou> way s and modes, xv„h scr.p,^
Speaking of Enoch, mm back to page eighty five, the cycles of
mtim;; ,o events that lake place in the novel, to illustme
wmte. and Jate> ^ ^ get quite clever with this form of maihcmaiiC| portal ion chapter, you will see Enoch s life cycle ol 365 years, that was 2^46
sanr wy* «« ^ ^ ^ ^ th.ngs \xork out. xvhen you apply Uiis law ago. And tire square root of that number is 16.91, so you can see the many
anj n ti ccrtunh mwesting tv ^ ^^that the Fibonacci spiral is demonstrated in the book. On the same page we
of the vquare. to the pnee bar. j,unda-d sixty nine. I am going to add ^ .'the analysis of the Jubilee period, or 490 years, Daniels seventy weeks times
sevcn day week. The square root of 490 divided by ten to shift the decimal to
- 110
.fyou builJi 8
*«>■ ™s you
"by 192, wou d bc 1
' tho "• 1
'«■ .lC icft is 2.21 and notice the verse numbers. 21 and 22, the gravity center is 21.5,
3 M. 332.1 «1 ■' ^' rV, ekmenL. and you see you're close to the
it voa >ubtni».l ss i i •.. JiinC that 2.15, the gravity center of 2.21 and 2.15 is 2.18, and that is the
important ratio between 192 and 88.
Fibonaca sp^i Remember this is one way to imck a wheel within a wheel This very interesting little theme Mr. Gann puts out thereof time
The rest of this chapter Mr. Gann really goes on a tear breaking
gnJ limes and the dividing of lime is one that should gel your close attention and
Jou-n the xv-ax be <ees the scripture in relation to the lime periods m die story and
(^ntemplation. Then also this one, lime, times and a half, you notice he is taking
dso the ev ents in the Tunnel Thru the Air. Vou will notice that Mr. Gann ,s
frionrj: to the senprure 712 on the bottom ol page three hundred seventy, n you ihe number 20 and squaring it for 400, now squares and cubes of numbers, can be
modin that numha by 192, and then 88 \ou get the number forty eight, and this utilized for longer cycles, much longer wheels behind the price action. Very-
"nmc ti" time" rclcrence vou see on that page is mostly what this is all about, interesting things can be gleaned from an overall look beyond die shorter lime
fn,:jnp scajs one mside the other, and how the interaction of these cycles can be periods, in fact, when you cannot get a good hold on what your observing with
uriiized in the market arena. original market signatures, the parents ofthese vibrations will almost always give
up what is happening in the market under observation. Remember, you have
replication sequences of wheels within wheels, or gears within gears, spheres
Lr* of Varialion of Atomic Oscillation by Electricity
within spheres, and cubes within cubes.
The electric cunwit destroys cohesion and chemical tension directly as square of Taking a further look at page three hundred seventy two, we see
cuman in inversely as the resistance in ohms, inversely as the chemical Mr. Gann showing us two lime periods, 1290 and 1335, or a gain of forty fiNC
cqui "alcnL and conv ersely as the coelTicient of the difference between the freezing points, or .618 in square roots. Now below that, we see the number 924. shifting
and volauhring lemperaturc of mass acted upon." the decimal to the left, we now have 92.4, and that is 4.4 points over the 8^
elements, of course the 4.4 is the gravity center of the elements. ^ ou can see
Jcmonstralion by Mr. Gann in the use of the theme for one day equals one vcar
concept, this is a very much used idea in the progressions of natal charts. Study
it.;- • J^an«c
ttuumepmod» ^'5«,on
>' weeks
page ihraishundred
big for sevenly
Mr. Gann, he An
four. leans heavily on
inleresling pages three hundred seventy three and four, as the math Mr. Gann demonstrates is
similar to the use of signatures and the use of the squares, and how he is projeetinx.
g0CS 011 his
^t ^ of mercy, he doesn't them forward.
1 dc5i,roys cver l
soon vet There is a hitik f^ ^ >' hmg else though, as we shall Okay Gann experts, moving on to chapter thirty two. we see page
8 ,0 reCOm mc nd you ct ir
this theme of Daniel io rclah^n toIJf
relation to diee pyramid| of. Giza. Its
8 gives
very in number three hundred seventy five, and the president going to the 110 floor, the
lolal of these numbers is 485, lire "time to time" repetition again. Low er on the
hed by the Genernl is quite appropriate.
* ,. hutton. anJ the great sh.p appears outside mayc a
* comparison of the enemies confusion as lo h» owR
^ R.^ pushing his some application
he found the letter in I ans now that letter was found on page 241. thai was
rS- ntn Nmon tM R^;X>u« the great ship, he hu, . from t/ckicl's
^ dav> ago. if we add page 380 to 241 we get 621. again the fib spiral. Moving
,c ri R.shm ^ the P^' uhca. Robert ongmully talks about the
Nisrvtf*. inJ go ^ ^ f^e ^ ;>n ^gc three hundred scventy six. that pagc now. we see Edna Kcnnclwonh on page three hundred eighty four using the
pUn, rnvn EsAtd s <nrn!,*o _ jikJ pjec fifty has a square axil of 7.07. most i .ping gjs mac,linc' shc sc,s 1 c mac,,inc 101 a range of 75 miles, check the
number »u.. a vj^re : lhlS froni Bryce Gilmoa-'s market geometry to ionship between page three hundred eighty four and 75. Notice that Edna, our
oa-iet eeomcOKuni mil ^ - ^ of die square root ot the number uvo f vjlc heroin in this story is the replacement of Robert's own sister, in fact
TV sacred cut t. « ^ ^ d.vided by 26.46 is .03779:8, ,hc ' Roberts dad and brother have been replaced by J.M. and Waller Kcnnelwonh.
jrur»A3 iaj9«o-0-'» ^aD Ij^c will be no more mention of J.M. Kcnnclworth as he is out of the story and
„X, Pf. mlh'lel|s Rohen Uul he has b«n inspired by dis inc , is another disappearance similar to a cycle going away for a while.
i nc prcs hundred sescnty seven. This again is the Now back to the story, Edna delivers the gas when the planes were
midhgeore on the K>nem o pa c0 cn.Jtjve and multidimensional (jfty miles out, the gas takes the entire first fleet down in 15 minutes and then the
jccond licet in 12 minutes, for a total number of 77, if wc subtract the number 77
it or no, 1 have deciphered this work and other
from the 88 elements you get the number 11. Turn back to pagc 366 and read how
a^phLtionv from this base, not thm my own intellect, but thru the use ol my own
Robert it talking about Edna pouring the gas into the nose's of the aviators. The
mLlrmensbnal nature This comes aKiut from many sessions ol deep med.tation
events took place 18 days ago. but let's make that .366 by shifting the decimal to
uulixmc MbradonaJ white light thnt many trials and tribulations, and intense hard
wort 1 hm e '"cstarted acain and again, refining the work, looking tor similarities, the left three limes, and add it to the number 11, we get 11.366, and you will see
the reciprocal of that number is your 88 elements. Eighteen days ago if you w ill,
thanes and concepts and then finally bndgmg the information with modem books
times 24 hours is 432 hours, modify that number by 192 and again your there is the
iha! run jvindlel to Mr Gann's original themes I beliese 1 have interpreted this
work cottcclK . and so in the interest of other Gann students, I present the reference to the phrase, "time lo time" on pagc forty eight of the book. The number
mJormanoD as I see it and \ou can apply it in your own trading models, if you arc seventy seven has other interesting associations with the 88 elements. Can you see
so mclmed to w art to that end from what I have shown here. This book needs to be it?
studied a> a cobesrie whole and the themes and subjects put together as such.
On the top of page three hundred seventy eight, Robert is telling the
proidcni thai the great ship can go around the world in 24 hours, ah this is a veiled Law of Variation of Atomic Oscillation by Sono-Chcrmism
Iralt piece of information, if w e take circumference of the earth at the equator,
which is 2r000 miles, and divide by 24 hours, the earth's signature, we get "Diminishes the tensions directly as the quantity of heat developed, and in
1W 1.6666 Ruben is telling the president the ship can go 1000 miles an hour; this antithetical proportion to the harmonics absolved."
is a veiled demonsuanoo ol one of the earth's signature characteristics.
Thmk of rotation speed and speed thru space, as signatures of the
oath. The president is thankful for the man of the hour, our hero Robert, and 52
pages ages you cot read General Pearson talk of how the United States needs the
Edna is the hero here on page three hundred eighty five, us her work
aufcT.■ v"mT 4 birth<iay s on
' a c
P 8 three hundred seventy eight, June 9''', with the sleeping gas protects the CAPITAL ol her country with no loss ot lite, oh
and look at this on page three hundred eighty six. she is "powdering her nose . The
pagC lhrec huntlrcd
General Nagato says that the horv- f r.l seventy nine. President mentions lo Edna that he hopes to see a woman as Commander in Chief
blaStCd y0LI
tcmcmn thts word as an atom^etT^ - wmeday, well now isn't this interesting in relation to current events. Then on puge
atomic power chemistry tenn. Tlie devilish invention as
•hrec hundred eighty seven we see a rather funny and interesting statement written
mmmmn ■■ ■« .T
b|ed away, slowly melting down as ifthey were butter". Stnmge, thai i»
rooagf ">Edn' •""1 '• "ys- "Ynu'r-
.,IV what happened to those big buildings in New York City on 9/11/2001*
^ i,mc 1 rv-aJthal il -t.ll crack, mcup
buildings fell with the only resistance being AIR. in other words they fell at
"ml «-• - • ♦■■"T , L.£ 0f j civJ bloodline. I would l.kc 10 ^ ^
tboufb be " comfuny. called "X'i Z call one of the Zc fall speed- This would be the same as a VACUUM, but that is another story
iTO P' * NC tiTtc frtWiK r.xc ^ h<rr pre>cnUtion. ^ ou can sec the :Vjfcly. Now taking 911 minus the page number wc get 517, the reciprocal of 192.
frwie evtvurnf bcvinl mcmN;r ofX^ Z lilcs SS million dollar 1517 modified by 192 is 133, and 133 minus the clemenls is the forty five
SMdirr^ DL- on aguish and extreme duress alter being referred to Vitee angle- Then 133 divided by 2 18 is 60.95, the fib spiral and not only tlwi.
IT. «« acorns i H'Ktf ^ - J donC ttC notice Robert is now referring t0 lh mi 60.91 is the ascendant ol Robert Gordon's birth date. If you make a natal chart
a-• banc" «•> ^ n
- ..^6;q/1906 at Texarkana Texas, at about 23 hours thirty minutes, you will gel that
hundrej cighly „i„e,you ag^
E-W«*«ap-'^XW-Shouse, (heascendant or ascendan'; 1
emlant, and what is the basis of the entire book?
War from the very first chapter, all the way thru. War, and
** ^ "XXt oter'to |uee din,-e hundred ninety the scnplure says, "I W||

4 thr hib'h" nou look at the chapter and verse Robert is vkhat is ihe god of war? Mars And if you check that horoscope, you will find
Mars at 28 degrees 56 minutes Gemini, and that is 88.93 in the zodiacal wheel.
R&rinc ^ dupier H. verse ^ or 14.21. and page 390 x .1421 is 55.419. turn to Robert circles the London sky, time and time again, the wheel
mer fr.c in ife Tunnel book and read the same scripture. Then notice the
vrithin a wheel theme from page forty eight. The president of France is quite happy
The Imle ones dull become as a thousand'-, do you know what that
tosec Robert and offers a reception bigger than Lindbergh's, the amount of time
means It's vrikd fee shifting the decimal in this work and in your own work,
dilTerence between the current day and Lindbergh's arrival is 1889, and that
when yenj beem to mply these law s.
modified by 192 is the number 161, again the fib spiral. The tunnel between Paris
' Mr Gann uses Robots little dilemma about the misuse of power to
finisb this chapiei up. and this is cntirelv related to the use and misuse of your own and New York allows a full round trip to take place in 90 minutes, that's pretty fast
co cTrstivf powo. the inien you franie it with. The laws work, but the misuse of considering the Concord used to fly it in around 3.66 hours, it's between 3635 and
ihcrr crcath hmden sour own spiritual path and brings upon you a self inflicted 3610 miles, so Robert is flying the planes at about two thousand four hundred and
ttraxh In otho words, the artificial joy or lust you might have experienced from fifteen miles an hour!! Ernst Mach would be impressed, as that would be over
such mistoe will pale m comparison to the pain you will necessarily go thru as the Mach 3, And of course that is very close to the reciprocal of the diatonic octave
k** cannot be fooled. I base quite a bit of experience in this regard as I have gravity center of 41.8 percent, which is also the total pages of the Tunnel Thru the
moved and progressed on ray own spiritual path. Air.
Let s rame on to "Robert Gordon's seven days" as can be seen on Fortunately Australia had taken a neutral stance against the United
page three hundred ninety two. Waller and Edna are both promoted to Generals on j Slates, so they didn't receive the treatment of "Marie", but notice the word neutral,
^c' ^a',a' made Colonel 91 days ago, and Edna was made Colonel one third of the trine, now going back to page three hundred forty one. you can
riJ/12! Cambmmg the page number with these two numbers wc get 546. and read abut the two large machines, the positive and negative, that was 5S pages ago.
Combining those two page numbers, 399 and 341 and modifying by 192. you gel
uus r o \ ii r ^ b ^''x,nacc' spiral and on page one hundred
1M, 2.19 points over the fib spiral, and thai is your ratio between the two timing
^ "o ^ celebrating h. 21 Hrs, birthday. Thaf was 1837.25
bit binhd^s' Mr Ganr ft m 192 S ,C,9 24 ni niis
' • ' 'he elements is 21.24 gears.
ount^e^ ^ ^ Glancing center of the digits, the Mr. Gann throws out the speed of the earth, and also the roiaiion. as
ffiidfcnK n by AK or
or 8.the
8 theclcm S,
'i ' we^gc 44 l00k 31 lha, number r,ve and
^and 'pointed out some lime earlier, now on page four hundred, he is showing the speed
eiOTan4 clemenls, the octave of that is the 88
of the earth thru space, it is approximately 66660 miles an hour, or about IS miles
per second. The page number divided by the sixty miles that is mentioned on that
d e
»ith thb greafibi^ ^^ ^ !? U drCd n,net rour
. >' is now over Pa8e demonstrate this, these things arc shown for a reason, because they have
h J,,nn s ow n
' words. "The big buildings ything to do with signatures. At the bottom of page four hundred. Robert is
dRk ci that was mentioned back on page one hun,. . lone. I can guarantee you thai, and your mother the «. L
OK.** tv numbers arc 516. Myou nuu) by l«. you gcl illen the ejeic is rmished is no difTcrcnl. and she has her lim.u *
mxuvt. c.vr-huwJ *** ^ ^ jt) center of the hb elements. *• ^
Ihc rk'^ntv xubDaaMu-J ^ • _ t e wc see Robert "released nn c.
^ '?-r^ .he plane. «crc no longer in darkness. i?jS j^worCI'emleu1 Afnnlly
hcM vvrtroJ ^ ^Tesl:l wirelcss clecincity. then nothing i.s 0n 'ls
M 7l^v',pirs,j;.n, mJ the »ar council decide lo .elIII,c An,^ .Al„n.s whose atomic pitches are in either unison, harmonic or concordant rmm
unite to fonn molecules. '
ioo"«i"' "W"61 ou'r ^ las'„sevc? ays- 'l'"'"® ** "•««,
W" ",n, '.^rinn am fosemmen. ev er lellmg die people a„y,|,i„g
^ e^r^OnUine J-P Morgan's belly laugh when
Walter Kennelworth, Robert's best friend gives a medal to RoNen
K^hr.anted m cive the pc'ple Iree energy or the strange react,ons the
SSX cnd had to Stanley Myer s free energy technology. Gordon and this is either a Masonic or Knights of Malta triple triangle for his work
Mr. Gann is now using religious overtones as he draws up the finj] jnd dedication. Marit is going to return here shortly so let's pay attention to thai
rim for i one ucrld kingdom of peace and brotherly love. On page four hundred time period. She left on June fifth, nineteen twenty seven. Notice also on page four
L he males on inicresling statement about the female's role in all of this and ah, hundred thirteen, the EzekicI prophecy, there is your page forty eight again, the
tbeirrolc in the future It's \en apparent that Mr. Gann understood then, thai this time to time reference. Next we see Edna Kennelworth being congratulated as
teunful ereen and blue planet is in EXTREME PERIL, and it has not improved making a supreme sacrifice, when she let Walter dose her with the seven day
up to thisven day. This planet and its inhabitants arc in a lime of darkness, muh sleeping gas, and that took place on page 271, combining this w ith page four
canncn be had or heard, or seen, or experienced by the people of this planet, until hundred fourteen, we gcl 685, with a square root of 26.17, the Fibonacci spiral.
they TVRN WTHIN THEMSELVES, and because virtually all of mankind does Now moving over to Wallers's speech to his friend, he mentions the poem the
jisi the EXACT 0PPS0S1TE. the condition will remain. Garden of Love, and that was written on pages thirty six and thirty seven, or page
There i> no truth OLTSIDE of yourself, the only thing that exists 36.5 a gravity center, and the page number four hundred fifteen divided by 36.5 is
mfinde of your true nature and higher self, is control, indoctrination, deception, 11.36 and the reciprocal of 11.36 is the SS elements.
and slavery in e^eTy form. A matrix of illusory freedom that is designed from your Okay, now on the final page of the book, we read about Walter
mcepuon to your demise lo keep you under control and to fuel the matrix. This is presenting Robert with his long lost love, how do you think Walter was able to find
-by Mr Gann is talking about the female energy, because he understands thai the Marie, during the wild battles and chaos of the war?, she was never gone, always
MALE SEX FORCE is mainly responsible for the EFFECTS we see over this being protected by the old man, J.H. Kennelworth. The amount of time that elapsed
planet between Marie's departure and her return was 1913 days, seven days short of ten
It is unbalanced to a degree that the earth itself being a live octaves of 192, the square root is 43.73, that is point 27 short of the gravity center
organirm is aov* writhing out in defense or herself from our brutal misuse of her. ot the 88 clemenls, lhal number 27 is quite iraponani in the overall theme of the
Inagme yourself, your skin, your body, being inhabited by these pesky warring book, if you arc able to see that.
Another thing to observe is the page number four hundred eighteen
irrT^-u ■uPlunn£ )our S^'n> digging into you, dropping every fonn of waste
divided by that eyele of 1913, and that is 418 / 1913 equals .2185049 and the
iusi 'n,0 y0U' tJcslro.v'nK you slowly and surely with wanton
0 yo,J s 5 n crea reciprocal of that is your forty five degree angle of 4.5765564 and 66 elements
bciajb« on vl a i" f '' ' ting cancerous cells all over you, dropping
'■mes 2.181S181818 is 192. Something else to take a look at, the amount of rime
SlwoXXXr" ^ "6i 10 upset the natural balance you
'hat elapsed between Robert's birthday and the day he discovered his time tactor
to rertEun ON YOUR SK In"5 i"d^ l0nE WOuld >ou allow """"I"1 'Ksliy nllisan"
KIN and BODY before you SHOOK them olTyour back? *as forty octaves oiT92, and we have forty laws from John Keels that describe
Lvmpaihciic vibratory physics. That is 76S0 calendar days, if we take that "680 and
. ^ .n the nmnel thm ^ a'r'xve S01 7680 7 418 which is
&Mde .1H iJw KcV|X bom. John Koely was also known for
vll mwrm of mm rj nm uErEcno,, of a;, moor
15 r
- ?' r «"• src-"csi *»*«or "• ni"':i«">h
lhis is HENHYb..\I'JD mOHEA'J
^ Z***. *» ' Cm. U
^mV^l x- b, . hart **«V «« """S- 0 P*"" wh0 "Mdc
hudulBU Claiiav^ ^ ^ U1 Mr 0ann made diesc claims, so it's an

mwr.-wif DOT.- is. psrallels Mh John Keely's .cork and Mr Conn's. Well Ihs.
aboji wraps up ihf analvsis of the Tunnel Thru the Air, written by Wil|jani Gann |
hope vou fuk c lejroed a lot. I l"«l I have presented to you an array of information
thai N vxiwould K3\e otherwise not deciphered in relation to Mr. Gann's true work rnoMA'j EDFJIOII
and his applications of the law of vibration.
At this time, I want to recommend some books for you to get and
smdv. ihe\ are the following. A book called "Cosmic Secrets" it is written by
RasseJl smith. The next book is "Occult Chemistry" written by Annie Dcsant. The
nrvi Kx4 is called "New Laws for Natural Phenomenn" written by Thomas
Graydon Then a book called "Occult Geometry and Hermetic Science of Motion "fUE riOJE 'JIGN OF mi EL LICENCE 13 EOI' !1 NOW LEDGE UJr
and Vumbsr" by A S. Raleigh. Another book that will help you with cyclic
model mg and the beharior of cycles is called "Torque Analysis" written by .iLUERr EuarEM
Willutm Garmt- Then a must read, called "Universal Laws" by Dale Pond, this
man u a \-ery knowledgeable student of vibration and John Keely specifically. The
spirimal aspect can be obtained and learned from Walter Russell's home study
course. I hope you have enjoyed this book, and now let's gel started with the
sesrond pm. where 1 will discuss tiie deeper concepts and vibration principles in
rckuon to w hat ] feel Mr. Gann did.


The Hnit thing I want lo do is begin with the famou* ticker
Pan two
6lfn iew. now that you have read the tunnel analysis, the thanes of the inferview
' vtrv' i""th flh8nctJ .Wl,h ,hf ,hcmcs of lhc Tunncl Thru the Air. The reason the
VK jlliun Gonn AhjIn zoJ
^jent"does not put this together is because they read the ticker intcrv.^ as a lone
rt;f,c and it appears it is. until you look at Mr. Gann's other work with the critical
^ So let's get started with this analysis right now and see what we can bnng to
Lht. One of the key's to deciphering and understanding Mr. Gann s work is to
took at the use ol the very words he uses. Even though he gave the interview
jiilhout any intention ol disclosing anything, the subject being ingrained in him
ses his vocabulary lo bring forth things we can use to make associations with in
Sation to the themes of the tunnel and other works.
One of the things inherent in Mr. Gann's trading style and trading
methodology is long pull trading. I do not doubt that Mr. Gann could do short term
inides accurately, but I don't think this was his main mode of operation. There is
no discussion of the trade lengths in the ticker interview, but in most of Mr. Gann's
ttiiiinas he speaks mainly about long pull trading. In the beginning of the article
you read about the long pull stock trading predictions in combination with some
predictions about what prices a stock would not touch. Immediately we read that
Mr. Gann uses certain natural laws that have only recently been subjected to the
will of man, and would be a new discovery so to speak.

Law of Chemical Dissociation

"If die pitch of either atom, in a molecule, be raised or lowered; or. if ihe> both be
unequally raised or lowered in pilch until the mutual ratio be that of a discord; or.
iflhe oscillation amplitude be augmented by heat until the atoms are with the
concentric waves of attraction, - the atoms will separate."

Following this we read about this trader with a new idea that
violates tradition and encourages scieniiftc principles, and this mode ot opcraiion
is not accepted by the group normally associated with linancial market tradition.
This has not changed one bit up to today as from the lime this interview was
conducted. If you think not, then just walk into your broker s olTice and tell the
room you use the laws of chemistry to make your trades with, you will be the
bughing stock of the office, for a long time.
Okay then, from here on 1 am going to quote slutcmcnls ami some
ufihe sentences from the ticker interview. Now we see the statement, I >oon
„ 0„|y have your earth year to measunt wtlh. Let's udte . loot at this next quote.
, ->] rvcvumrnce" Lot's pay stnct aitcnlion to u ha, is Vldr 0
C knuwit'S '"' " "Ch stock", this is a very telling statenjl
Kt*1 ^^ ^ .k from (>io poriodio tuhlo ol the clomcms. Th- .vital cxaclly « "'C law ofYtbralion, because it i, obvious that Mr. Oann n
^ .uL th. . on! (o conc|ude iha, A.ITURAL LA " was the ^
p-xi <nK-r»a- _ 1 n,> 1)kt. rCjjcr of this book to toll mo. what is lotetiine »1''" J""1 may '""v 0ra'Snaturcs, and by doing this in some form or
iV n»ncmfOl> .1 Ul lJ . h periodic table of the elements? Thi.
nncf yolJ a
mathematical model for a particular stock.
This type of model will include characteristics of cycles peculiar
partii-"ll'nr '0 niar
Lci under obsen ation, these characteristics arc what will
JTuscd to determine the behavior of the market. This doesn't have anything to do
wnmUn.O. ^ ^ st, j, to follou ''After exl,aus,ive
it], the square of nine, angles or traditional Gann squares, you can still apply
nsarrhei ami mv-sliMt.of.>,M lhe km>« SCIENCES. I discorcreel ihc |m Ihcse concepts but now you arc operating from a little bit of different pcrspecm c
TV .--iencex. .W «<!>« « « "*?« ""f anJ viewpoint. These unique cycles if you will, allow the application of scientific
^Idn'r Cheney the prriodic ukfe <->*' **?»* ol scenee? su,en principle5 because they are founded and based in science, i.e. the periodic table of
.eeli TVt. .e have this «ri™-e. "the "orkms out ol llns law delernimes thc the elements. This is the BRIDGE if you will that associates financial trading with
C U SE" If we arc speaking of cause here, is not the cause and underlying science, think carefully about this and you will see there is no other way to do this,
conTv-tnenis of manor, even under all the dilTerent modes and models of wave not true science.
iTEElun.cs, parocle theon, chemistry, quantum mechanics, the elements from the
penisdic uble?
This term the law of vibration describes a concept or a mode of
law of Chemical Transposilion that doesn'i accurately represent what Mr. Gann meant by it, not that he
did that iotenrionally I don't know either way, but in die paragraph where he "New molecules must be harmonics of the fundamental pilch."
ccnnpejcs. the lies of wireless telegraphy, wireless telephone and phonographs as
bane only crcaied because of the exisience of ihis law, he is not really describing
the mode that he used specifically.
The idea of using the periodic table of the elements and then calling Mr. Gann gives us another statement and we vrill look at this now,
the toetbod. the law of vibration is a bit misleading, however the properties of the he says. "I have also found t hat certain phases of this law govern the rise in a stock
elcmam do nothing but describe vibration, so in thai respect it is not, but you see and an entirely different rule operates on the decline". This is of course a very
the dichotomy Let's look at the sentence that starts one of the paragraphs. "In interesting statement as they all are, and lets see if we can get a glimpse of this or
going over ihc history or markets and the great mass of related slatisiics", we see what Mr. Gann is alluding lo. The laws that describe vibration in relation to the
the word mass, and of course every element has its mass, we have atomic number diaionic octaves and the rules of ascension are different than the law s dial describe
aod tbr atomic weight or mass associated with it. This sentence is followed by, the descending of the octave. The notes that shock the octave upward are the MI
Thae nists a periodic or cyclic law"; this is quite obvious that the periodic or and So combination, the SO note becomes an oscillating DO note which then
cyclic \a* ls itself the periodic table of the elements. shocks the force up lo its OWN octave, and this is the rule of ascension.

■ , ..
w ill continue with this line of analysis, and I quote here, "The law The descending pattern needs the LA and the FA notes to shock the
Z?'*'* T n< onl
"r >- *1« "we I»n8 cycles or swings, but the daily ascension down to the lower octave, the FA note skips a scale and becomes an
oscillating DO and thai sends Ihe octave down its OWN lesser ociave. just ihc
tbc nurd c\r|ci ^:;T';jr:IKkS ■'7oramomenl Ids examine ibis sentence,
same way that the SO nole skips a scale and becomes a DO nole. t>e are two
a cycl" it [tint of ,k t, ^ ^0U an movc 0,1
^ you should think about what
entirely different rules that govern a particular aspect of the law ol m ralu. n an
NowtJit of .^l^r"1''"0/CyClK' -toebehavior and there length. I have explained ihey each work on the dilfcreni aspects Mr. Gann ^ c ^
requires orcful conlemplan^xtT.stfe.Tih ,;aVC dl ryercnl lene,hs'lhis idc0
^,s abstraci and metaphysical, because "Hicsc are the very things lhal must be addressed and looked into as 10 w hat all tb.s
pledge of the stocks that the averages arc created from therefore by know™
* ^ ^ ^"" *dcscrib,:d'an,, 1 show - li these individual stocks are domg. he has mtimate knowledge of the averages
o; it..-« . I*" n1"" ,,k'N^'" ^ Ii^cr inu-n ic". »c see some more qujie J.rtui.Hy «-'ver>'3"ily!l. . eVCrr rCCaStS ,,ie D0W wi,ll
r ^ thu tt
,hc absolute WORSE thing you can do, if n is your desire to understand the overall
mtercmnf 'hmc- '"'tt
f M, '"oon snJ here is inolher
jnfurmonic one. "I
rclutionship lo tave found
the dri\ mg t|power
ut in ^
or Ljofihc market.
^ Next we see Mr. Gann say the following, "a ccnain groupmg of
svxi n cvist- it-har:TK . 1 tlwuclii, «c have sympaihy and discord
ikVTf K-hiftJ «' n «< F"f 1
k ^ j those are the propcnics of the
Jiftercnt stocks under their proper rates of vibration". Tliis means that ccnain
hasp pevm.. iih •osoe *1*™ in .he book, Jocks have the same vibrational characteristics and therefore they are grouped
etawes, 1 W|lk ^ dnvine pooer or foree lira, is behind ,hc together, and il certain stocks have the same vibration, then this must be because
i^ere isa certain kind of lixcd model to take vibrational characteristics from.
i hk-h Mr Cmn aJdresscs in die mlcrvievv. jus. ohal is this. \\ ell for one Otherwise you would have an unlimited possibility of vibrations or at least as
£ ."r ^e olame .hkh is die gas moves .he einmm.erenee of ,he sph^ many potentially as there are stocks, but tin's is not the case. Next wc see the
J^eli ha. « also have d.e passage of "ume for «toch there « none. Thmk „( sentence, "stocks arc like electrons, atoms, and molecules". Have you ever heard
umr *% mcLeshiikal Mrta meaning beyond combined w ith the u ord physical, and somebody describe something or somebody and they say that the person or
tbetJoK boond ihe physical There is more to this though than just volume and situation is "like" this or that and somebody else says, its not like this or that, IT IS
ume, then- li the rotauon of the periodic table against the rotation ol the periodic that, well stocks are not like electrons, atoms, and molecules. THEY ARE
abie In oiba words there are the laws of vibration, M JTH/.\ the actual application
electrons, atoms and molecules and since this is precisely what the elements are
of the Law of \ ihranon. and this is of course a WHEEL WI THIN -•/ W HEEL.
comprised of, this validates further the idea of the periodic table being the primary
This is what creates tremendous excitement and steep pitch at times
component of the law of vibration.
and a other riroes a market that is tlal and consolidated. These are very advanced
The second part of that last sentence contains the words, "w hich
and concepts and the student must spend a lot of lime with the material
presented to frnd your self thinking about what 1 am talking about. Okay, let's hold persistently to their own individuality in response to the fundamental law of
coitirrue to break down these sentences tve find in the ticker interview, the next vibration". This is obviously a veiled phrase describing market signatures as this
one »c see sys^ -By my method I can determine the vibration of each stock and individuality is precisely what makes something unique, and this uniqueness obeys
by also ifiking ccnain time values into consideration I can in die majority of cases the response behavior and characteristics that are held in sway by the laws that
trJ) exactly what the stock will do under given conditions". So right away we again describe vibration. In other words don't gel loo focused on the term law of
rad Mr. Gann saying he can determine the exact vibration of each stock, now keep vibration, it is vibration precisely combined with lite laws that vibration is held in
m mind that the diatonic notes also have a unique cycle per second number accord to and with. This whole concept of science really comes together nicely
asv^iaicd with n, but again this idea of vibrational characteristics related to the when you can see by the themes and wording that I point out in these sentences
sloe* it what Mr. Gann is talking about here, a signature from the periodic table. combined with the tunnel thru the air themes and concepts. The concept and idea
In the second pan of the sentence vou read that by taking certain that Mr. Gann's work is foreign or beyond understanding should bo going away
tune VALUES, not value, or ONE, but PLURAL! pay attention to these kinds of now, it is not difTicult, quite the contrary, it's simplistic in its approach and that is
^ 31 • ^ icTy 'mPonani. Now I don't think I need to explain to you about the brilliancy of il. Complexity does not do it. it's the ability to make things
beautifully simple and elegant is what genius is, as we sec in the follow ing quote.
Lto v i "opefu"y J'ou havc bc«-"n paying attention to this book.
r' ^ 1°Whcre Mr- O™ forecaaing, "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.
W , h r"10 'ht n,a^lc, "-el-s examine .hix uexl
i m r"is ,o my of
IS lelllng y0U herC 1,131 Albert Einstein
does out fonxast the averaaes
^erages with J '
the averages, no-no he is saying that he has
Taking this next sentence where Mr. Gann speaks this. "But the
, . j' j tt1lS cxirvmel) clever and sophislicalcd. und ,hi
foacs controlling the stocks arc also in n state of v.braiion. These vibratory
^ nu^'b.^y. n«J0 him in,o a ^ 'can only be known by the movements they generate on the stock, and .heir
wwhined «.th h.» oxrafl in - ^ hJV0 iinv nuih abihiy myscll. my own i5
fcrmfciiMc miiin ^ and none of any kind falling Tucs in lhc ,na^kc,"• AEa,n lclrS lakc a closc and slow look at w hat Mr Gann it
flchth. cr^k" a! N>'^^ ^ really not required. Natural law is natUra| 'luiing I'cro. Hicsc vibratory forces behind the market, just what are they? Well
avir of mechanics ,ha, define .he . viously llwy ar<: ,inic' antl ''1C Passage of lime brings the dilTcfcnt charactcrijics
ta., anJ " ^ order, die need for advnneed malh lo deeiph„ | voluntf, but there are also other relationships or associations that arc linked up
established if you will between the individuals as single entities and also as
«S h:.,pful rohaie 1,7 Abrolmely. h would only
LuP forms of psychic energy for lack of a better word.
mcreasr vour ahiim to do e> en more sophiMicalcd ihinys. ^ These associations that occur are what many technical analysis call
" Coniinuinc on uiih the staiemenl we l.nd m the ticker intcn-.ew, fte
fliiolioniil extreme of pessimism and optimism, of course these contain lhc gamut
ih. ^ntmre. -Soen^ .cache, that an originahmpulse of ANY KIND llnally of emotion5' ^ear' hope, and greed, but these effects that arc intrinsic to the price
cs nself mto a periodic or rhythmical motion and then, so do the propcrtiK ^(uvior or mass psychology observations are directly related to the under
of it* clcmcni> periodically nrcoras the weight of the atom rises . So let s take n sinicture of the vibrational model behind the effects of price. In there simplest
Icoi at ihesc mo suiemcnLs and try to ascertain what Mr. Gann is alluding
form markets are nothing but the sentiment of the people trading it but from a
id Pfl\ anmbon lo die word science and how it is used, here we have a mode of vibrational standpoint they arc looked upon much difTerenlly, w ith an entirely
operarion that t» sicmOina something's inception, something's original impetus
dilTercnt viewpoint and mode of operation and applicable laws. So in essence we
that will SET IN MOTION a series of behavioral characteristics that can be
s« Mr. Gann is telling lhc reader that these things just spoken of arc also in a suuc
racked. Tbey cm be tracked because if you set up a model based on number
of vibration.
rheor. frnm ditTcrent cntcna. then you will have a glimpse of wave mechanics and
Now then, these vibratory forces can only be known by the
Dnunr models thai will offer some very interesting insights into number rotation,
number theory, gravih centers, time itself, and of course the behavior of price. EFFECTS they CAUSE, why? Because they arc INVISIBLE yet the RESULT of
Thts also includes geometry of the circle, but not the circle of 360 degrees though, there modes of operation arc seen in the price bar itself. Tltis is precisely what the
the circle of spheres and cycles, the radius and amplitude of varying lime periods. law of vibration is about; it is the measuring of these characteristics that are
beyond or INVISIBLE to us. Now please pay particular attention to my next
staiemenl. Mr. Gann's trading met]tod is entirely METAPHYSICAL IN NATURE,
Law of Chnnical SobsUtution in its operations of set up and application, in its modes oj operation, its response
and behavior characteristics andfinally its laws.
This is a strange reversal and way ol talking about cause and effect
and in this case Mr. Gann is talking about cause, but this cause is undeleclablc by
. 'aw ofoctoves states that as the atomic weight increases over
^say eight posmons. or a diatonic octave the propenies of the elements show your senses and therefore the effects that are decoded by your senses are the resull
of this invisible mechanism. For some people this idea of vibration as being
arC man wa s t0 s,uc
recommend wT'i 1^°* ^ ^ ty die periodic table and I
111 ,hc arTa n emen
somcihing that is not tangible is a difficult concept to embrace because it is Mcta -
win Eric s-ou >0111^im ^ T"' ,2 's and the groupings as this beyond the physical, but these are the same people who embrace there T\ sets and
of chemistn has a iIicttmo .g ^^P01"15 01 th's mathematical model. This model
radios or satellite communications and cell phones. The last sentence ot the
0r Paragraph where Mr. Gann is talking about investigations, studies and tests, you
ocirely but h crr^inly lay s the foundatlnn T "bTaUot].is al1 aboul
- ma bc no1
y w
0 umber rc cl
ill sec this statement, "All great swings or movements of the market arc cyclic
for tune and price if w care-hi., i i . P "'on and numbci theot)
10 ,C marl!,:,s by su cr m os n 'bey act in accordance with periodic law". Well again the law of pcnodictiy is
^ u, " P ' P ' 8 -his lls
clf the periodic table, but there is a large component of Walter Russell s work
i pctkxIjc table of the elements theme and of Uliema,'ca' relalionships that arc found behind the veil of tbm ^^
* Jnafr of that subject as I can. Mr. G«nn give, ^ ^ f^ncl pr0poniCn and perfect relationships is not universal acr (M
nw» I «r,,1 . iCi{n ^ "Science has laid down the ^tni'11 ofth'"^- ''ac'1 i:n,',y 0bserved will have specific proportions and
« wivfJtKW wateflvmi hm » ^ A periodic function of Us atomic Unships L'MQUK to itself. Do not forget this as one st/c DOES t-OT FIT
pnoctpk 'he p^T^ but j, |jcs in tiie concept of the law of "'f \eain O ^F SIXF DOES NOT t IT ALL. I cannot stress to you enough thi^
• •nt". do not ?ay yuii understand it, that is not enough, it MUST be ACCEPTED
^ (ruih in the working out of Mr. Gann's vibration methods as applied to
2^, 7* * »J ^ •«»**** rev0lu"0"of son";'h,n« *« bar.
. .twJ follooiog slatemenl. "Wc ore trough, ,o iliepnCC

convKtio thai drvcrvn in pbenomcrul nature in its diOerent kingdoms is most of Catalysis
■DBMds assocated -ith rwroencal rcbtioaship. The numbers are not intermixed.
duoneaJt. mJ aeodenuHy. but arc subject to regular periodicity. The changes anj ^ presence of harmonics and discords."
desciopmem.- arc also seen to be in many cases undulatoryOkay, that is a very
anerrsimc •.uieroeni and this idea of kingdoms being associated with numbers is
piffcty and sroipb a veiled description ot signatures or ascendancy. Then it is
foUoaed by the sDiement that numbers arc subject to regular periodicity, again this Here is another quote from the ticker interview, "There is no chance
uoej Nrmg repeated to such a degree it einnot be ignored. That word undulatory in nature, because mathematical principles of the highest order lie at the foundation
has a ven interesting deNrription and definition as well and I will put it up here of all things". This might be a Michael Faraday quote but this statement is directly
Km it means to move in the manner of undulations, or waves; resembling the related to Waller Russell's work as the underpinnings of matter and the sequencing
itEjnon of waves, vvhich successively rise or swell and fall, pertaining to a of the light wave octaves, which are based in mated sex pairs along the line of the
pnxagatrd altmunng motion, similar to that of waves. periodic table of the elements. We see Mr. Gann say, "Vibration is fundamental,
There is quiie a bit to look at and think about when you lake a nothing is exempt from this law, and it is universal, therefore applicable to every
closer look at lite meaning and infomulron that is being imparted, even more so class of phenomena of the globe". Waller Russell's laws slate that all matter is
when you can see the implications and connections from the Tunnel book. Okay compromised of nothing but light wave replication at the simulated speed of light
thee, the nea thmg Mr. Gann says is. -"Thus, I afTirm. every class of phenomena, a the density moves from the centering position to the outer boundaries of full
whether in nature or in ihe stock market, must be subject to the Universal Law of expansion. This mechanism being performed at the speed of light is what is at the
Cauatun and Harmony Every e/Tect must have an adequate cause". This is
foundation of all matter, or the simulcasting of matter, and this includes numbers in
rcpetmr the cause and effect theme that says behind the veil or curtain is a
any vehicle they are expressed, including the financial markets.
amrnuiiLrns wave of information that contains within it the possibility of applying
This last paragraph in the ticker interview that is describing
3nd niod vibration pretty much sums it up in as compact and potent manner as can be. So
behavior of " of 0Pcra,ion 10 decipher the future
0n Mr G3J,n is ,e n kt's examine that now and move forward with second half of this book. 1 quote
^ " "T - - "' 8 ^ '^t the way to avoid
Mr. Gann now, "Through the law of vibration, every stock in the market moves in
^ " "1 ^S,a,emenl we "If we wish to avert
thai I mltfrprc this maienTl^K T caus s
e ' and in my opinion and the way its OWN distinctive sphere of activities, as to intensity, volume, and direction, all
'be essential qualities of its evolution are characterized in its own rate of vibration
ow. okay lets break this down a bit and notice this statement about its own
oui m tbciicter '"C^' s ca
P l'ng aboul is again pointed sphere ol activities, this is its own cycle or spherical volume and the length and
«• rela.onsb.p- hn "'f » ***> on exact proportion f^dius of the over riding time component within it. The intensity or pilch he is
fcoes even lurther in detailing the exactitudes
IIV bribing has its basis in what are sympathies to the signature and when rotation
-je going10 abide by NATURAL LAW. Do not deviate from dm concept aivl
-fjoss diatonic notes that arc in accord wiui
has ib» basis in the time period of 192 and 88 in combination with the penode
rf WNW « ruAcs sigiwiuros. pm« gc. ^
dv Ot*> ^' .rl ^ MKLT, hence the boiling and niching Let's talk about the law of octaves now and keep in m.nd fhat the
BOIL .! >« mil tNcn ' „ruxJtC tjhUv These concepts I speak oi rcqu,rc
of ite e4etnc(«> •^in "c» ta-cd in n foundation ol vibralional Jirasc Mr. Gann used. The Law of Vibration is not some kind of holy grail or
iVn!CITq>Uiwo *nd thought as the) an.
. <jnglc mode of operation. This mindset really confuses people and keeps them
pnacipfcs. . .^,^1 qualities are characterized because all initialing,,1C Proccss of correct study. There is ONLY VIBRATION and there
^ concepts and theories and modes of different ideas concerning VIBRATION,
^ ch^cu.-rume FEATURES of i., lit.
Uwr PRArERnFA.M A Bo||inf romy, Neulral Corners, and ,he "'j these fidl under the term, laws. Therefore what is important is to study the laws
\lixv \ olumc. DciwO- - ^ | and there rotation and position, kit describe and characterize vibration. This way you free yourself from being
focused on something that does not exist and learn the foundation and principles of
«P«r Lmm. clrrctrons and prorona, ^ Xt this work is based on.
and much more actually if you care to lake n iltat far. The first thing I want to talk about is the laws behind the cosmology
ofG I. Gurdjieff and the behavior of the diatonic octaves. There is so much that I
causs of envies, therefore thc> are controlled mathematRaMy want to discuss and show you, but at the same time I don't want to get fragmcmcd
This sentence desenbes perfectly vthat is called the law of squares
and disorganized and make you feel like you arc being assaulted with to much
and thai b» savs that energy levels or constants COMING from a CENTRAL information from to many different directions. So I will move in sequential order
«urre opcraic" on the concept that the natural squares DEFINE the points that the [hju the different modes of operation related to vibration. Then I w ill finish the
electron might jump to the next orbital level or energy level if you will. The same
book with a series of posts that I wrote in my vibration study group.
concept vvirks with the sun and the planets, and this law is DIRECTLY and
I am going to be speaking and using examples from various books
The spherical volumes of the planets are directly related to the that I previously mentioned and if you don't have them now, I recommend you gci
namraJ numbers of the periodic table, the very 88 elements that are blasted here to them and spend many hours learning these concepts so they become second nature
eMh froni the great center of our solar system, our beautiful star sun is what lo you, but more importantly to be able to recognize these laws in real time as you
tkriucs^AS ABOVE SO BELOW. This is amazingly illustrated in the book look at your financial markets. This is extremely important to be able lo SEE the
called New Lows for Natural Phenomena by Thomas Graydon, please get this book laws in operation in REAL TIME. The law of octaves contains the circle. d\e
and snidx if vct> carefully and keep in mind what I have shown you. It will triangle and the symbol of the law ol seven. Most Gann students remember what is
CLEAR up many concepts, theories, and modes of Gann thought that arc entirely called the Gann emblem and this is where they see the circle that contains within it,
This book will very clearly demonstrate the idea and concept and ihc triangle and square points.
basis for Mr Gann's entire thought process. Let's examine this law of seven for a moment, this law is based on
'Mnght Gann experts let's finish up with the ticker interview with the reoccurring decimal .1428571 and this comes from the number one being
latcm^nt that says^ "Stocks create their ow n field of action and power, power divided by the number seven. These numbers describe the positioning or the
aaraci and repel-. Ofcourse this is the result of the interaction of the various deflections of energy as it moves thru its perpetual sequence in thi> symbol o t e
10 s
law of seven. By looking at the decimal above, you can see the numbers that are
hamimv -nH '"u 'Bna,ure itself. This is what creates
Hissing and they are 3 6 and 9. Those numbers are represented bv the law of the
'T'0 l,i5Cord'bu, y" """O' Slimpsc .his aspect until
31 ^ines. or one divided by ihrcc, which is .333333333333. therefore when you put
these coucepti ffum the h? ^ have bu''1 up a lountlation that incorporate.
law of seven symbol with the law of three triangle within the circle you have
Z ^lhc "'-prims, build the ^at is called the Enneagram and this symbol is the basis for what ts ncrma y
,h C ,ha, 1 am BOine ,o
, T
ys keep m die forefront of your mind,that Wnsidcrcd the Gann emblem.
^ notes RE. Ml
' FA
' S0
' LA and Tl
- This i5
™ example of ascending fmm 192
. i^ucncinfi of this miio at its deflection poinu
If Kvi Ai Ih ^ u wllI flIKj ,hcm as . 142857 at the first J84
' I f you were to look at the descending octave from 3K4 to 192 the
^ ^ ihc fourlh and .571428 ut the tilth
Htl0S arc .9375. .8333. .75 ^66..W5 5625 and thc one half position would be
pnaixvL 285^14 *1 «V anJ l]w cighth is
.857142. The trincs
S. lower DO note or one hall of 384. These arc thc diatonic intcrvaU that describe
dftKsrtKVi siyi the ^cnihNnnc . JUS, Ia|U-J about abo\e. If you total
jujitlaliooships between a number and its lower octave. At the same time any
rcrroCTi the marble or mr»ins ^ inj ,hosc are the missing deflcctioos
thr^- numbfls up, you get ' ^ ^ IU0 sacred laws, and they are the la* mhercait be divided into its entire intervals to a zero position. For instance if wc
S the number 384 and divided it by 7/8.2/3. 1/2, 1/3. 1/4.1/8 and then to the
i),inu or zero position, we would have just that, the all to nothing scale, from
k ihc li* pi fern the ntusical model •s'he bastsnfltow ...
It's pretty obvious that Mr. Gann's teachings of dividing the range
a i e.»'viSraiu>n or better yet these notes ol DO RE 4// EA SO
by cight
and most of what is found in thc book How to Make Profits in
I" O M ^notes contain what ore called FORCES within tins musical Commodities is a basic knockofl of these true laws that wc are looking at here,
^ inj thesc lotves«the PO. the FA. and the U wironom. These notes«
pliis scale I just mentioned is the scale zero and that scale defines any number to
he assocaied or linked up to the atomic phenomena, the neutron, the proton and
its zero position, from this scale arc created two more scales and these move from
ibe dcctrtHi. The Do note is charactcri/ed by an alTimiing or oscillating behavior
lefl to right. The notes of the diatonic octave are dynamically moved over to the
as it is a thjctal that can either ascend or descend the energy up or down a
right as the inner scales unfold.
partirular ocme. The FA note is a DENYING type of force or behavior. The LA One characteristic we Hnd in this diatonic scale is that the iniervals
notr is a consolidanng or reconciling type of energy. Tliese three notes within the
are not completely static. For instance within the interval between Ml and FA and
Jiaiomc scale arc the lonres Uiat guide vibralional behavior.
the interval between TI and DO, we see a slowing down or retardation of the
vibrations, followed by a doubling of the vibrations. Let me give you an example
using 192 to 384, between the DO vibration 192 and the RE vibration, we have 24
Lan of MolecaLsr Synthesis and Combination (Organic)
points, between the RE vibration and the Ml vibration we have 24 points, and
The moleeular pitch must be a derived harmony of the radicals. between the Ml vibration and the FA vibration we have an interval of 16 points.
You can see this is a shorter interval than the 24 we had established. Now let's
move on to the FA and the SO vibration, here we have an interval of 32 points an
octave of the 16 we had prior.
Remember that all things operate on this premise. The law of
octaves is the la* of vihration and in relation to numbers this is what we are aflcr Continuing on we have 32 points between the notes SO and LA.
Smcc our medium of analysis and observation is nothing but numbers, this is ami then between LA and Tl we have 40 points. Then finally between the Tl and
Where v.c must spend our time. So let us look at an example for illustration. The the upper DO note of 384, we have an interval of 24, another decrease from the
prior40. The same thing happened at the Ml - FA interval, as happened at the Tl —
rrlaonr^t- ~ ^ ^£,c,ave 0f ^84 is 768. These inner scales and number DO vibration. Now notice that at the upper 384 DO - vibration, that number has a
the5C n0,eS arc W,13t de,lnc v
tenxis 'bration. In market RE note of 384 x 1. 125 which is 432. and that minus 384 is 48, the octave of 24
and the FA roirs Ln ^*1° T' ^ D0 n0les C3n be ,emPorary l0Ps or bottoms which was the interval between the prior Tl and DO vibration.
r: C ,0W5 and h,ghS- Thc LA no!" can be consolidahor This entire mode of operation and how the notes and vibrations
192 and its ocunr of 384\cCCTeaier!lixV,bral'0n" N0W bclWecn ,he Do vibration 0 interact with each other is a study that must be taken on. 4 ou must learn I ese
J.I2S which is 216, 192 * | 25 whirh • Tin n0,CS and lhcSe arc crea,ed by 192 X concepts and be able to work out the scales for any numbers and be able to tollow
wiuch u 2k*, ,92 x \m Ihth ■ ^7 ' 2o.X '•3333 Which is 256' 192 •X '■
c 153l9 87and ^ notes as they move thru there inner scales, this is vitally tinportant tor it defines
if4 ' 192 x 1.875 which is 360. These u
.emlcrsloorl and applied. This allowed Mr. Gann to write for rwo .todenr, rhe
^ i-fc frK-al- ofon^y Out Jcfine gruvil)- ccmcrs ond ^ who lake literally h.s veded words and those Mudcnte hie my «irwho look
m<r< ik"^ TV*^ f^,nm,,,hcprecursor lo pncc levels. The reason ^inj the simple veil for the true and actual laws that he is describing
01 «tvii tn^UK' « ^l>0 n0T hjve t0 usc prices to gain ihc W Many of these laws and concepts arc based in the spmtualtTy and
*hy Ihr. «V .rnpk^ins ^ u<e manv other things, such as the
nrtortunoiT msm linv. ang|*cs to look for the laws as they
^wnhysic"1 aspects ol man and his instinctive centers, as true as that may be K
jwpernes otD* ^ Tj ^ con,inu*e to ulk along these lines, but it is Iwinly Jocs not mcan that lhcy cannot ^ brid8ed and applied to the pnee bar.
rowufro on yo* ^ ^concepts for yourself, and the best book I car, N'oiv getting back to these two notes, the oscillating DO notes that used to be the
Vital thai y«j the rradrt ^mcn bv Russell Smith, ui and SO notes of the prior scale are representative of the duality of things. The
ttcommend to ^ lhe jiatoniJ scale, the positive DO the neutral Ttality of the numbers they represent you will sec are one third and tw o thirds of
p0,s>iblc numbers of ascension and desccnsion For instance, if you had a
I a ihc nccatne FA are very imponan. to understand. These are directly iiential upside octave of 576 and a potential downside octave of 288, you have a
rebiedro the ftoBn. Xeumrn. and Electron, and of course these components are Sal range of 864 and one third of that range is 288 and two thirds is 576. This is
Lnh related to the prriodie table, nerefore there are direct relations Iron, dte vefy interesting lo study when you look at the inner octaves and there duality
ctancDD to the notes of the diatonic octaves. Within these diatonic octaves you felationships in relation to these inner notes or vibrations.
.ill the inner vthnnons double or half, and when you hgure the number to iu Continuing on with this discussion, these two oscillating DO notes
^ posiTion these points are the RE. Ml. SO. and DO vibrations. These are
in scale one create an oscillation loop between the two denying forces above and
actualU IWER cctaies within a diatonic octaie. If you think about that, then below them. Of course these are the FA denying notes. There are many
rhose fundameaul points, the three octaves within, also create more of the same, characteristics that can be found in these notes as there is a major oscillation and a
taouse ahcr all it is only a wheel within a wheel.
minor oscillation that occurs because of the positioning o f the parent notes in
These notes from the all to zero scale, RE, MI, SO, and DO become
relation to the denying forces that exist in scale one. Remember Mr. Gann's
DO v ihranons in the nevt scale. The RE becomes an ascending note, the Ml and
statements on page seventy eight of the Tunnel, if not please go hack and read
SO vibiarians becume oscillating notes, because they can ascend or descend, and
ihem again. These two denying forces, the LA and FA notes are straiegically
the DO viboiion becomes a descending DO in Ihc next scale and from these
positioned, i.e. in the parent scale of the oscillating DO notes. In other words
positiuns w e ha^e an even innermost scale. This Tl note that appeared in the scale
zero doe. not reappear in the scale one. but reappears in the scale two as a SO containing the denying forces the FA notes in scale one are the parent denying
vibraion. WTeu does all this tell you? Well it shows you what is beyond something forces the LA and FA notes of the INITIAL scale, thus creating a MAJOR diatonic
hn also what was before it. This is truly wheels within wheels, or octaves within octave within it.
!>cls cs All this is new and a bit confusing, but this is all the more reason
^ lio^^cr it s imponant to visualize these as scales and notes moving
honzontslly The numbers can be drawn vertically, but the actual structure and you must force yourself to learn these concepts and work up many models of
dynamics arc related by the mechanics that move horizontally. number scales. So the math becomes second nature to you, I leel vou cannot do
15 much t0 3,1 lhlS bu
enough of this and in my opinion. It is the foundation of the law ot vibration.
a » , l I want to illustrate some of the
W5 35 cscn
andnitw ^ i ^ ^ ty V ibration. Taking this idea of Mr. Gann
8 15
hmh and a low ^ ^ you can see now that by taking a
Law of Chemical Morphology
vums trad (,[ nj".b.A ',hc 1011,1 ""S0 ^ "gh'. and using Ite as
.ord, .lupid, 1, .impl, rate n0 1'VhPP0SC1d '0 ^is ror lack 0f a ,!C"C, ^he angle of crystallization is determined by the relation between the molecular
iL an
done because Mr Hann trin u has no basis in science. This is only pitch of the crystallizing substance to the variation- density o the liqui epv.tun-
mjc ii»! Thit „ p.ccnti' tmil" "i ""r 'hal <lt"it." :S n01 mean
's C0,TCC| or 1111
•rnungi, hr pw ®ld ™a,plc ol Mr. Gann did Ihroughoul all his
eh ln
lu ' 6s 'hal were "veiled aspects" of what he
This is the same concept as ihe wheel of K8 within the wheel of 192
v r. vnii Utt-5 can be found in alomic phenomena, sub
..vnl this is in ratio by 45.8 percent. Taking that 45.8 percent and subtracting 25
MK- prnckN l quwnun mechanics and jthe building
^ roun blocks of life, the DNa and Lent we gel 20.8. The reciprocal of 20.8 is 48 and remember page forty eight of
a cr>u here or in Mr. Gann's own
RN \ tranter ,-futa. TV from this law. 11 is universal Uk tunnel book? The lime wheeled within time concept. This is what a large
^mcnt of this work is about, looking at the interfaces of gearing cycles within
r -on-cn. J. ^ globe". A. .Ins „„lc ^
oliicr gearing cycles.
M-11«i« 0 very ligh,. The Consider for a moment that ALL the laws describing vibration can
STiSiiZ denned b> .he **** ** ond .here loops of ^applied no matter how far you lake cause. This is what the whole work is about,
C<cflian^ and ihe forces that air contained in ev new that ,s created. All
uking the natural laws and continually applying the concepts to the deeper levels
ihinc> hs.ld to this b* of three and seven, and its inherent properties just the same of observational cause, because no matter how far the work is wheeled inside of
as the sines thai Jesenbed the thing that created it.
itself, the same concepts and laws are applicable, in time and price observation,
In the ticker interview we remember Mr. Gann talking about two
and much more if you sec what I am talking about.
diiTcrsr.t rules, on? phase ot a law that works on the advance of a market and Let's digress for a moment back to that square of 144 that Mr. Gann
another cnturlv diffcreiu rule that works on the decline of a market. W iihin these taught his students to be so obsessed with. What is vvrong with this number or
law ■ no mailer what we are observing or describing diatonic laws can be applied
square of 144? Don't sec it? Well how many positions arc in the diatonic ociavc?
Sow in the market we consider that we have some things going on behind the veil
Eight you say? Well then what is 144 divided by 24 hours? Six notes, well that
of pncc. force if you will, along with volume, cycles, and the passage of lime.
These also conform to diatonic principles as w e remember Mr. Gann's statement, would be great if we had a musical model that had a diatonic octave of six
"1 find thai not only do ihe various stocks vibrate, but that the driving forces positions, but we don't, do wc? So what is 144 good for? Does it follow
contrQllmg the slocks are also in a state of v ibralion". NATURAL LAW? No, it does not and therefore it is truly good for nothing. So
The bw that allows an octave to shock itself to its lower vibration why did Mr. Gann leach it to you? It is nothing more than another veiled attempt to
follows that ifae LA note, which is the neutral force is also a DO note in iis own teach the true laws of vibration. Remember like I said before he wrote for TWO
duionic octave, bui not only that, the FA note is also a force within ihe ociavc, but students, the ones who look at the work like 1 do and everybody else.
a negative torcc, also iis own DO note in the diatonic octave. These two notes in The reason that Uiis law of octaves works within itself, is because
combumion allow the octave to DESCEND. The reverse of this down How of the deeper layers of something, in this case the markets signature components will
«kt£v i> an ocuv? thai shocks ihe Ml note of its own octave, now a DO note in always contain its own law of three and seven regardless of the v ibratory
kkji loation with a shock of the SO note, which is ihe second shock that allows for component under observation. This is why the chemistry component is utilized
r T lC>IL
, ' ' 2,1 rcs
Ponsible for what turns or revolves cycles. These because these elements are natural law and they offer a repetitive scries of
c c c or
numbering properties that are directly aligned vvith die law ol octaves, iheretorc
rcnarv tvcim nf -' ' sphere and turn the wheel causing the you have a science model in combination with timing gears that also follow natural
10 m0VC, thrUsl n a ainsl
circiunfcroice ^ ' ® S ihe boundary of its own cyclic 'aw. The 192 musical model and the 88 element model, diis makes very powertvd
0r d,a 0nic aUcrnin associations to set up things from, a foundation if you will to base all other work
Gaan gndt or | ! P g is wliat ,hoSC
on- Then all laws of science can be applied or superimposed over that toundatioQ
sixih, you can ^et Lhrv arc rr^lk r0U 5 y cm Wlth a b'1 of a Perception
1 cllecr ons of science. Even though this model is metaphysical in structure and creation it
look at the square of 144 ihe on/ih" " ' - "^len if you lake a good
W D G: n behaves as if it's REAL. VERY REAL , r u . ,£
- 195: ."v J^l S ^ ' " Time Trend Olclattr
the actual square and then the nn^ ,u r" !" thc s<:luare' the one that is the equal to In Mr. Gann's master charts course he speaks of the number e61 a.
144 by tueo.v fi?;?!I0"Vhd,.,S ,he /AW^ wheel. This inner wheel is in carting point of the NEW cycle. The reason he does dm is becamethe ua u
square of 19 is 361 and that is one over the natural circle. Mnce this ar Je ha.
' ^11" ,oucb« 36 and ,08 on all sides.
in other \soals. it requires nothing cfECT and that is not what the vibration student is after. Here » one vmumcc
hcsmwwt arvl a
^ ^ <ci, containing. This number nineteen is •1 that poem. "Each night I bum the records of the day". The same way I don't
^sdc of .wit to p^^,c 'L ^ ,h3,,hough, and if you study \ ibration at ihc mm to ,'ial XV'1IC'1 's a,rcady so'd and ne'^e1" should you in your market analysis.
^ In the Wall Street Stock Selector please rum to page fifty five and I
men inwvvunt for ^ ^ numhcr iq creates structures of
li^rb I am ulime about. >ou » ^ ubnl,ona| signatures and components. •Umiotc this sentence here, "but the most important time to watch for a major
^Lge in trend is at the end of each year. liY THIS I DO NOT MEAN THE
tec Jiatonic laws 10 a certain cxlcnl and
%iESDAR YEAR." Now isn't this a strange statement? What do YOU measure
ill vour markets with? Okay, moving on now let's turn to page eighty three of
\Vall Street Stock Selector under the paragraph, "DETERMING RIGHT TIME
U UK foundation. Bat is .be puntose of ,1ns book ,o show TO SELL" you will see this sentence, "Stocks in the early stages of a bull market
fha,, o all aS.ji and whs I wan, to dtscnss some things we find tn Mr. Gann's always creep, or move up slowly, having many reactions, hut when they come to
Z wTidncs and here o one thmg right now. Mr. Gann w roje a book that contain, die finish or final grand rush and reach the BOILING POINT, there is a fast move
no o books m one. the) arc Truth of the Stock Tape and the W all Street Stock - up" and then followed by "wail to sell your stock until it BOILS'. BOILS? What
5ielartor I aiII be quotine from these two books now and o\ en though there are jjj. we talking about here, Campbell's bean and bacon soup or financial markets?
plenrs more things of interest than what I am going to show. 1 feel these particular
b'ow turn to page one hundred ninety two and read about the stock Curtiss Wright.
parts of the book validate what I am talking about and showing.
Is not that the diatonic time period being discussed by the theme of prices?
There is a section in the back of the Wall Street Stock Selector
called the appendix and on page five, you read the sentence. "1 have tried dozens of
Law of Atomic Dissociation diflerent theories, put my money down and lost: EXPLODED the theory, discarded
'Ovcnones of high nid-energy pitches produce separation of the aloinolcs and it and started all over again" and then on page seven you read, "My calculations
recombmaDon's among the atomolic molecules of the atoms." arc based on supply and demand and are purely SCIENTIFIC mathematical
calculations". Now turn to page ten and read about the monkey who "tried in a
different way", wouldn't you say by now after reading this material, that Mr. Gann
If you mm to page sixty in the Truth of the Stock T ape. look at the triedin a dilTcrcnt way? You bctcha he did.
Dottom paragraph and I will quote this sentence now. "It shoots up to the lop and
There is more of these kinds of themes and you will find it on page
never makes the same high price the second time, because when the EXPLOSIVE
founccn at the bottom of the page where you read, "The pendulum has swung so
buying p- 'Wtrr is over, it recedes quickly to a level that might be termed semi-
fir in one direction that many people have lorgotten that it can ever swing back in
normal. It is 5 quid recession from HIGH TEMPERATURE". From here we don't
the other direction, but ONE EXTREME always follows another, and it will NOT
tavx to go far as on page sixty two wc read the following. "Individual stocks
FAIL at this time. Stocks like water, always seek their own level . This should
read stocks always seek there SIGNATURE COMPONENTS. Then again on page
wo/iTOwf raftfr/0Ay,p0'nls accordin810 m E FACTOIt a d
' "
seventeen we read. "It is a natural law. Action equals reaction in the opposite
,n CTrt,m
ideaof .ihr.i. ' - words as we gel both the chemistry theme and the direclion". Then we find some interesting information on page twenty live where
h" 'h0se 'U0 S,a,emc"15- Y"" will find a poem on Mr. Gann says, "It makes no difference about the price a stock is selling at. So long
■ire senplujc in the TunTcl ^ "" Pr0Se' RCCa" ll": ChaPler ^you know when it will reach low or high levels you can buy or sell and make
kuik theme h-rr jf VOu an nrl. . . not rclurn'ng to that which is sold, money".
concepts the mnrfce, „ » "Sing EXPiRPD^''' " Y0""0"'" This next sentence 1 am going to point outis on^'^ m0*1
"fportanl things Mr. Gann ever said and I have talked with MAN\ Gann students,
N<J NOT ONE OF Tl IFM ever wanted to discuss that statement and the reason is
One other thing that Mr. Gann talks aboul in his writing,, and he
^ iv-n.R\ \L reference 10 make of il. therefore ihc wj this many times in the book have just been taking quotes from. This is the
^ «mpk. The> ^ ^COMPLETELY. Here it is on page i# of NOT USING the averages to forecast die general trend of the market. This
.tnh sohitKV> r» 10 _ ^ k oi^c Wall Street Stock Selector. x,q,
nf jWJ ijvvnd.x -vt)»
>n ,n
T' oM/nl li mi£UMIT l\D MIKKS fO/M.vo be sex'" on page forty three of die appendix in the Wall Street Stock Selector
iTi<x iamts rHEumuriosAtiO iwkimkgth IVI^ Ulls you to study the behavior of the INDIVIDUAL stocks, because those
I r wrutt^T nsu: Bi^n j^rjcivristics are the CAUSE of what the averages do. The averages are nothing
a\ mnmsrsr^ff noljny more clear or explicit than w fFFECT plain and simple so do nol fail to comprehend this, as it is vitally
\N ellb:uin (here lor e\cn individual who has read his unportant.
Utt! semrnce Mr tonn pu > meask you dear reader, when you Mr. Gann repeats this many times throughout his work and this
KVA lV tar that ouner^ What do you think of it? How staicmeni is widely ignored, as most market analysts USE the Dow Jones Industrial
like putting square pegs into round holes because j, Average to forecast the general market outlook, this is a HUGE mistake. Now

^ fit Here is sotndhing you should ponder oxer. would you go into a shoe finally on ^ ncxl na8e' Pa8c l°rty l°lir wc see 'he idea of Supply and Demand.
Bui more specifically, where does the balance of power rest? The balance of power
itorr aid purchase the v cn first pair of shiws you saxx .just tel ling the clerk give iKriermines or weighs the trend bias, but vvhat does diis mean exactly? Because in
n»e these, and box them? Would you go into a clothing store and buy the lirst pair
ihc case of stocks, the idea of supply and demand does not fit for we are not talking
ofprnts vou aw.* just taking them off the rack and purchase them? I am sure you about a tangible thing.
would not md the reason you xxouldn't Ls because the chance of them ntting you
I am going to speak about this right now and I am going to do it
would be vm slim indeed. The ironic thing is that you got nol problem doing the
withan example of time, so you can follow the concept and idea. Since most Gann
very ihc same thine with the financial markets you bet your money on.
smdents arc in love with the square of 144 let's use that. Now all circles contain
Therefore, if you arc one who is using the square of nine or putting
on Gain ansdc- in combination with the planets geocentric and heliocentric 360 degrees no matter how large or how small the circle is. In this case our circle is
loncurudc Perhaps you arc putting mated ellipses at 60 degree axis relationships represented by the number 144. Now WITHIN that circle is another circle, and this
on your charts or Fibonacci spirals or any other ridiculous attempt at deciphering is represented by the number 36 or 25 percent of the larger wheel. The gravity
the markcti thru the vast network of market geometry. I say without intending to center of the inner wheel is IS or one half of the size 36. Now follow me here, as
hun amUjdy's feelings, it is ALL USELESS and WORTHLESS in relation to TIME moves thru its cycles, whatever those cycles might be, they are going to be
scicnhih: noraiional principles. Every attempt I have seen is grounded in pure going thru that INNER wheel of 36, and at any point in lime on all time frames or
randumnrss and absolute unscientific rigor and principles. Every one of these the summation wave itself. You will find that you will be SOMEWHERE in
anempts wnbout exception is simply trying to do one thing and one thing only, and relation to the gravity center. You will be either above it or below it or right on iL
ffsHrto reverse engineer true cause, and it will fail every lime. Can you now see how this measurement from a center of tirae or a
The reason you or anybody even attempts it, is because nobody has center within a center is showing you where the balance of power is? Since all
things seek the gravity center, this law lakes on some interesting and profound
-P-Linrv n C UTC ^/V11 ^ ^u''^ sciefHific foundations on sound
applications. If there is a large component ABOVE the gravity center then
before taijr p1/^ ^ "Vi|S ** 5'mP'e as ,^at- The last thing I want to point out Wouldn't the logical result be that the price energy is going to be PULLED to the
which tin fcy fauL' ^1, ™ of Mr' Gann's xvriting is the following sentence. "Piide because that is where the balance of power is. This balance of power is
stfor,y in 'he 0rih
' ^ll S'KC' a ways being shifted around, into balance and then again out of balance. Why is
over othci classes of smiciA—iK ,rVlce|Possesses many superior advantages ls
so? Because of the passage of lime and this is what I am talkinu about \vhwn I
abo* Una: wouldn't the word PEkVml ' T,'ink aboul this, whcn y0U ^ s
Pcak of ROTARY systems. This rotational system does not just include cycles l>f
m0rC USC,U an
the JznguagcV But Mr. Gann used ih ' ^ a more nallira'lise
yon have Iczmcd of his afTmii^ . J WOrd c L,mcnt ani
' ' l you know why now as ' ^ut ntany more things. That is all I am going to say of this concept. Mnvex^r 1
^10 .he^iCtab)e of the Cements.
. .. ,so ihe seed ^ pbmed. just likc continue to^study past records, because the market in the future will be a repeiilioa
rtunV wo prt Kfc® wd dvvo * ^ lhc TuniK-l Thni the Air. *f^ pJ 1 have many students challenge mc on this, about the future being a
ch.. R.vVn «xs sujuife
, repetition, and they quote Ecclesiastcs scripture validating that statinncm, but I
fpond w ith a question of my own, and here it is. If you drive 261 8 miles in your
^ and when you arrive at that point in mileage, I ask you, what did YOU SEE?.
of Aiomolk- Sjoihfsl* of Chcniic*! F.lcnifnls l
nd y011 say. ^'e"'' saw a '0, ^ings, and when you go back and look at a
w f „ Aiiutliiv produce association of cihcnc-alomohc particles i0
markets history what do you SEE; well you see a lot of things, don't you? Does ii
ZZZL'SZ*** I **•»** * ** *** ';mp,oy'■•d•" help you determine Ihe future, why not? Because you do not know what you arc
observing, it is as simple as that.
Alright then Gann experts, let's move on to the master charts
Their are nuns more things I could speak of in these two books I section of the commodity course, here I am going to point out some themes and
havc hen dascussmc. but I Jon'i want to gel sidetracked Irom the main theme of concepts to you. Mr. Gann is continually talking about MAIN CENTERS. This
1 am 10 Ibow. 1 want to move on the concept ol gravity centers as concept and theme is paramount to this work. These Centers of gravity in all there
unnen bv Mr. Gann himself, the first place he speaks ot this in a rather aspects and operations, as related to sympathetic vibratory physics is a theme that
dnremamixe way is in ihe book called How to Make Prolits in Commodities, you is endemic to Mr. Gann's trading. You will notice that Mr. Gann talks about how a
wiU see this on page thim eight, and 1 will quote the trading giant here, '"This is building contains six sides, a foundation, four walls and a ceiling. Then he says
du: smr rule thai applies to a gravity center in AN^ Tl IING. It we could bore a markets build structures the same way, each side containing sixty degrees. Became
holr ihrougb the earth and then drop a ball, momentum would carry it beyond the when it is completed, it will equal the circle of geometry. The problem with this is
pravitv ccTiicr. hut when it slowed down, it would finally settle on the exact the same old problem wc have always seen. What if the NUMBER that represents
ccmer". that circle is NOTKNOU^N? When you walk down the street you will see many
I find it amazing how many students of Mr. Gann pay NO attention slmctures that utilized this concept of a floor, four walls, and a ceiling However
to such a concept as important as this, its silly really, its is CENTRAL to the entire
they are as varied as the people who occupy them.
tnetbod of forecasting, and everything about his method in relation to the law of
If you remember the discussion about the rotating system within
vibiaiion. Notice thai he wrote that on page 38, why 38? Put 6.18 in your
calnjlfiior and square the number, oh yeah 38.1924, subtract the 38 and we have the wheel, you remember you can measure from the left, or the right, from the
ihai old number again, or diatonic earth octave. The book called Mow to Make center out to the boundary or all the way to the outer most cycle, WHEN you knov.
Pro/xfi in Cornmodhics is NOTHING but tracking gravity centers, and it is a what it is. Mr. Gann talks a lot about measuring from the main center or the
QocjirjcntaJ boot as far as data and intormation is concerned, just reading it is equator or gravity center of something, and then w e start on the OTHER side of the
uwtng. It is a book worthy of study even though it does not address cause. geometric solid. This is because the solid is ROTATING against its ow n unique
On page twenty four of the book, you can read about Mr. Gann properties and signature, FREQUENCY and SPEED. Remember these cycles are
talking about natural law. we see the follow Mcta-Physical; they are beyond the realm of your observation. Mr. Gann says,
. LI ing quotes, "natural IUW
IHllUllil law U1
of Jsupply and
"When you prove yourself worthy. I will give you the master number and also the
Ume" fr.Ilfm.^1
time", -ru C!!.e!!.Thln8o".kyties
AiIl ani1 ,hen c vclcs c,ian c
'■ - tuangc iroi time to
8 from master word" hmmm... that's interesting; I would like those rnyselt actually.
80 1,01 canno,
natural law-. Can'tK-
C annot control the weather? I am not so sure about that.cannot
.l !™ control the weather and control
The work of Mr. Gann tells use that every tiling moves in a circle and nothing can
•ich, Jc move in a straight line. This concept lies within the teachings ot Walter Russell Dig
would sa
thai tcnleoce. Time to Tim.. y olhcryvisc. Notice '•me and I will speak of this concept and how it is bridged in.o ihe material ol
of thee Tunncl,
Tunnel, and wlmtut.r.i is the octave iof "'4'' I ntito" 'Jocs. if's from page forty- ieigln
wliat Surc •
ribrational trading concepts a little bit later. Here is a quote tonn Mr. Gann now.
- Las,|
book thai
Hat we weare dibcussing and read I y''um to page sixty one of this
is sentence, "To make a success you must "Remember that everything seeks the center of gravity and importaru tops and
:i K- rrtfXERS wl WSUREMEMor r/M£ fr0(^ , , u u /-2 ' wantca to Know how long; it
Kimvttv tst l-^nrwi ^ ^ ^ |nipor1an, anJ ifV'" J0 no« understand ^ulld Wkc ,0 XVOrk o ;al,0n orihc ^uare of 90. This would bcMfiO/
-- j c/v ^ ycoifc, ih cuvs and 12
17 hourv
• iT^Ttr !>>«» vv®"** ^ ^ language uUcmpt to describe lo you 365- 15 - 22 years x 365.25 So that would be 22 years. 64 days
Mr t;ilw 01
.... ml- culls each day a VIURATION. Jus. th/u^L..
V.UCC he culls each day a VIURATION. Jus, ,hc wo,dm, al™^^. .,1.
^lUn^V ^ js the ccm^neni tlut describes this bchaviw
sSbmiKwal ucranirrv ITK su from j center ol time. Tliis INNER
10 what he IS try'iug 10 "npart.

lha, fo,,ows ,hi

—' uNt
%»b«! i>L> twi — sinnio .• fh
^ .t operation to onsen
an | nrvrJll0n h
1i wantt
the read'
is'*, a \cr> concepts, Uw of Heal
* '^r.^^o^uVvm advanced ideas and «
•Atoms under the tension of chemical cotnbinntion oscillate with an amplitude
seen-, aistract ^ ^ ^ exarnpIe ofa building that is following a twenty directly us the temperature, inversely as the pressure, and as the square of the
specific heat. Diminishing the pitch of oscillation inversely as the square of the
vru evek ifit ran out foi sides at five years per side, that would be 240 degrees distance ol the atoms apart, and simultaneously increasing the vibrating pilch of
ofconroUtioo Four «des would be 66.6 percent ot the total building. Now 20 the atom by absorption of overtones and higher harmonics."
von is 7',05 davs unh a square rvxu of 85.46. Let's look at a dilTcrcnt size
Kn.Tdf.nn This one completes each side in 288 days, so the lloor is completed in
28?* dflyx then the first wall is done at 576 days, then the second wall at 864 days,
In the commodity course and the stock market course Mr. Gann
Mid thi> is big resistance, why? Cause its 180 degrees of construction, and the third
talks about the New York Stock Exchange Permanent Chart. There is not a w hole
wall i> 240 degrees of completion at 1152 calendar days, and the fourth wall at
Iti to say about this, except that it is again a veiled theme of a deeper vibration
1440 davs or 300 degrees. The building is completed with the root at 1 728 or 360
decrees of movemcnL Then the construction is started all over again, this is what component. There arc some things to observe from the writings of Mr. Gann in the
goe- on bchmd the veil of price. The problem is in determining what the size of the stock trading course and we will cover those shortly. The rest of the master charts
bmldint is. Remember that driv e in your car. you see a lot. but it helps if we know section we find Mr. Gann again giving us more natural fractals of the circle by
what we are looking for or at in relation to market structures. dividing it by 12, and every other number he can think of and this is really
You will notice in the master charts section that Mr. Gann is confusing and not applicable at all.
dividim: the circle by many fractals such as the number two and three and these It is truly too much information, but it is done to teach you the
divisions yield a lot ol angles. How can you possibly use these angles lo make concepts of natural law, the tradability of what he is talking about in my opinion is
trades wrd) I used to read these paragraphs and laugh out loud; he gives you 92 zero, as you have so many things to look at and consider. You would never reach a
angles to trade with These are lo be used for time and price resistance. This is conclusion about anything because you would be immersed in analysis and this
n tulous but h gets worse as he then tells you to further div ide the circle into combined with an individual's internal model or bias would completely destroy
even smaller incrcmenial angles. good market analysis. However these ideas and concepts as they may be have
fT1 c1e application when other more specific things are utilized and by just taking those
nf Mr Gam,
oOfc r f' '^over
aab=,s ALL un^frstand
map the
o |0, of u,iexperienced
s a„a|
by the students
is about marke, same ideas and concepts and making them unique to suit our purpose. This idea is
wil1 M 3 s
based in the same mode of operation in the way our keys let us into our vehicles
^2 CttLSton, T'l' ^ «:li"n "•|"-'rc he *
houses every day.
be My. the wnure uf 3W) ,,|i '' ? ou,, W
's vbv number 90 squared. Then I want to talk about the United Stales Steel analysis that Mr. Gann
Put up jp the course. I could analyze this from a vibrational standpoint and it is
ISO Roared Mr, Gnu » ulkiZaboul IV^ ! ' " ' ' "'is 'S rC;i"y ;,60 S "T
0 1 C : S b 1,

leraur,],^- . = '"IJ| 1 (
™al or aquarlcr of 360. Prt-'fiy interesting as it docs validate manv things in relation to what I speak ot
^ ob uses sei) difnculi lo undersfand majorily ol'tbcTlic words and
Specially in the numbers that are put up. However, what I really want to discuss
-rscd in what does not work and it is fnistraling to remain tryins to make ih»c
J v..0(rcnn« nnJ here is a couple now. In ihe
arwl ptwm wit in: ihc ;,J,n,-0nwn»tion date and the lirsi trade date. In facl g; wort when they never will. This is what, am nying
Mr Oinn uivsaK^ ^ ,ims. This is a rather important theme to ^vou can move away from this line of thought and loam how to apply true
he anihthe frow' ^ ^ ^ cverv thing to do with vibrational |aWs Ytatory science.
There is a section though under Price and Time Chart and it based
CMMder ml eirrtul ^ .j j. cn,ircIy bascd in gravily
TX1 s
.Ml ht is Showing nnd undcrsland the reason,',, 0n the 360 degree circle. This is what Mr. Gann taught was for grains, wool or
jocks, but the interesting thing about the chart is that it is based on the earth's
is looking at EFFECT.ts word, you, timeto
signature. That is the basis for the entire design of it and this in itself is a veiled
raud) " ^ 'ctTjNe'w li"J "me market analysis by Mr.Oann due to the deeper work I am talking about. In this analysis there is a quote that I
will show now and here it is, Prices arc governed by time and time causes prices
eatlcd keten M«U ee. that if you can. its some of Ihe best and most to change and the time angles arc the resistance to price. These are measured in
note angle .Ort and analysis I have every seen by the great trader. I, i. hours of longlitude which are basic geometrical angles and determine the clianges
vt»nij a eoivl sxoiv to see the concepts he is imparting, the mam thing about it is
in trend". This is quite an important statement because you can see he is measuring
be draws time ansles trom the future back to the current price bars.
There is an interesting sentence in the Steel analysis and here it is,
with the characteristics of longtilude, and these arc rotational angles. This actually '♦1
j5 very similar to what the square of nine is bascd on. A circle that is basically m
"Lookinc ahead; Knowing the date of incorporation of U.S. Steel you would look
represented by the earth's cycles, or seasons, and this is related to the circle of
hack to kc whai happened". Interesting dichotomy as we see from the Tunnel, the
geometry as to the earth year itself. The dilTercnce being about 5.25 points further
Icotmr hack concept and now looking ahead even though he is really looking back
as Mr. Gsnn discusses the analysis. The reason I mention this theme is because for the earth year.
This is a signature in itself and is something to be contemplated and
what derennins vibrational imprinting or inceptions are important. So I will ask
this question, if you and your family begin to talk about going to Disneyland on studied. The next thing we see in the chapter is the master price and time calculator
1 I TiXP aail> ou actually go there on 3/21/2007 what is the true beginning of the that holds all the squares up to 1089 which is the natural square of 33. Now don't
EVENT' There are good arguments for both dates and you will find that George gel all worked up over the famed Masonic degrees, this is the much talked about
Bayer gnes this question some good thought, if you have his writings. square of nine in Gann circles. This chart certainly has its uses, very much so JF
Tncre arc some more tilings 1 want to point out in the master charts you know what you are measuring FROM. In fact this is precisely what setting up
chaprer beiore we leave that and move on to some other themes. You will see a market signatures and math models doe's, it is the precise equivalent of making a
secucsi in ibere where Mr. Gann basically tells you reasons why every number is UNIQUE square of nine for any particular market.
impcnini and this Ls precisely where many students gel completely lost. You In that analysis you will sec Mr. Gann bringing up lime cycles and
cennot opeme lie thai just trying to incorporate everything because that number then checking the price levels and how they stand in relation to the time angle
that number does that. This is incredibly frustrating and having itself. Then he will incorporate the outer ring that defines the dates to check tor
Miincfcody actually ining to teach that to you is even'worse. changes in trend. This is what I see many students of Mr. Gann doing, all kinds of
variations of this theme. So here is something for you try yourself, go back and
« .n.i^ i. f01 ^stance Mr. Gann says that the number forty five is the master
look at any market and bring up the lime periods so they are current. Then analyze
Since ur onK^n it .UiC ,he n'nc ^lg',s a^ed 10
each other equal forty five.
•he market along these same lines of thought and application. This will not help
18 rnas b
l ^ J '"-" ?.^ '" "™ "' T»« is an important you as it doesn't work: it is ENTIRELY AFTER the FACT. It is no diflerent than
Dianber 4<K3333 is i ^ 35 lls d,Mdcs any square into equal segments. This
counting Elliot Wave on a price chart. The theory is wondertul but the application
.cr c^,i;:;rr rr^rir11 "8hi ycars ^ b^' ls
something like; . . .
or lov. 10 sian your umc irom iiH v ,• of "deas about using a major high
pnee bar depending on ibe price Kinir,' ". ^l'0 Pl:ice lhc Ca,culalors over the
0 5 So the DOW is in a Grand Super Wave Elliot \\ave that is a c
e zig-zag ihal was replaced by a b c correction and that tailed but \va> followed
i7t re. All this information will only keep you
n, ,hn xvx'i ^^ ■S |H-«vcni of ihc c wave correction n, e , m MP nCf. 0 Wilh
omphaiis what I am
bribing. Therefore oil these I lungs hke seasons, „a,ura| ,i ar4
^ ih«c ^ . no, ^ling correctly. So then the c wave "
Sn.l and ftscd cross concepts, slrongest angles, time ahead of price ,<to. am
^ ^ ^^nv Wm into a wave 4 correction that is par, oran jconcep's and just eoncepts However the eoncepls are designed to teach ym the
.mjvK -i'1 Tl\\ .h.> means that in the tmal analysts the market u d
r rnilhs of the low of vtbra ion These very eoncepls are not literal in ihere
^ve •• >mra>w^
Nc.*- «vv ^ ^ aM
^ |l this should culminate
this should culminate in.
in. well
well i,i, wjII
Salion. they arc however valid bul only ONCE the foundation is understood.
^nc to otto eo up or a _ ^ or a Wednesday and maybe a Studying Mr. Gann s courses and books is very much similar to
^ ^ U «* II"1 "P,vi" ^ 00 Frify- ** **•* rislil 1 in o class that you arc totally lost in. You have been in the class for two
this »ill be in one of the twelve months nnd m some yea, months end do not understand one thing, so the idea pops into your mind that if
** * *•**•)C3h **'n8 «",he idra- yoU just read the next forty five pages in the book you are working from everything
will become clear to you. Of course this is a huge untruth and it only gets worse.
However if you had somebody explain an entire foundation of knowledge to you
before the class started and then built up that new knowledge, the information
U* of Elerrro-Chfmical Equlvtlcnrs
oould lake on an entirely different meaning to you. This is why math students do
• SI tnom. ibraics stmpadielically under the influence of electric energy, such not start with diflcrential equations and then move back to addition and
eiisuMcv of which arc absorbed as are a harmonic or hannony of the electric subtraction.
pxh: the amount of energy absorbed being directly as the arithmetical ratio of the Once you have finished this book, go back and read Mr. Gann's
nninanc of the fundamental electric pilch . works (hen, then you will truly SEE it in a different replicated light, once the scales
[ of prejudice arc lifted from your eyes. Mr. Gann wrote quite a few books and
courses and I am sure I do not have them all, but I got a lot of different stuff. So
Okay so the idea of squaring the range, or the high, the low or any Id's take a look at the book he wrote called 45 Years In Wall Street, this is a very
feed of this idea of drawing an angle from a high to the POSITION of the PRIOR interesting read with lots of different rules and percentages of past highs and lows.
LOW znd thinkifls you will catch evety trend is a beaten dog, just try it. Put it to If we turn to page eighty eight in this book, we sec Mr. Gann is
the tea: put ALL these ideas (aught by Gnnn teachers and authors to the lest. using the time period of 69 years as a measurement to determine how many
Square the weekly and monthly time periods and ask yourself (his question. What extreme lows were made in the different months. He gives us a total of 75 lows
otanly is it I am looking for, what exactly are these angles TELLING me? What over the 12 month period. Now on the bottom of the page we have two dates and
cd I Lwms to accomplish with this. here they are 10/8/1912 and 6/14/1949, now between these dates are 13398
Try this pnee experiment, lake any market and find a low then draw calendar days. If (his number is modified by 192, we get 69.78125, which des up
a fony fr»e degree angle out into the future. Then look at the price behavior in
the 69 year period Mr. Gann is using here.
rcUtion to this angle and ask yourself, what is this line telling mc? Then be honest
The fraction of 192 is the number 150 and that is an octave of the
with yourself and ask if VOU could have traded that angle, notice how the price
75 extreme lows given above and 150 minus the 88 elements is 6— the FibomKct
got over the angle and then go, below it, then regained it, then got below it then one
spiral. If we lake the square root of 13398, we gel 115.74973, now tum to page oi
regained it again, and Useless.
hundred fifleen and read the paragraph under the heading. "Atomic Power ^ It you
v ,' 8111001 l ,ng 10 breaJc
^ anybody down, but its lime for some don't have lite book, I will quote a sentence now. "Not only atomic powa ut t c
dr/Ti I y0!J
^ 10 uncovcr lhc
laws. Then please be honest about what you Power from the sun or from the air has possibilities in the future which would
cheap power and revolutionize manufacturing in many lines . ts is«. ^lt>u- ^
L's,LcSS Cr 10 < 0
^ ' '^ea ^nanng price and time is a MYTH,
.r.L££%^'™rTeal-v- Tlw NO WAy 10 sec price and ** Rioted to the Tunnel, and if you turn to page one hundred fifteen m the Tunnel
the Air. you will read about the train, the Sunshine Special, ^heu lite b
*'1|, ,hC ^""" IT. 1 do" ot
.we arc scienuhc pnnctplcs and concepts he adjusted U, the price bar
, ,» Aitc on paee one hundred fiHcen in ihc ^inc Now the ideas of s.gnaturcs will probably make more ^ ,oo
^ * ~ ^ mndtfon hundred cnly seven. Wc ^
rmm> TV* iiw ■' „J use. ^ ifthings are going to he unique to a market, but with periodic laws apphed
then the periodic table makes much more sense as the vehicle to do it with.
remamNr ihus date fo» **** u , time talking about the concepts.
S*lh0SC AR^ !hC r8* y dcfinC thc
^havior of ,,,c of squares or the
• ■"'^ ^r^rldon s ^ Ncu Usu-s for Na,ural
arfci hfca? P*®*00™ , « a substitute Tor studying the book on your ua of octave, and this phenomenon is mamlcst within the planets behasiora alio Do «vm xaC%^_'f^ themes just to show the reader how the JoWEVER this does not mean the planets arc the CAUSE themselves, they are
I W.1I or.K gneoos ^ ^ ^ fo||ows (hc |jw of ^ lhcy operate on the same laws though. They behave cyclically yes, but to say
i.y arc the cause ol llie markets movements is an untruth in my opinion.
"" «if P-™dic '»»•• ™«is wherr For instance does Mars or Venus, or Saturn MAKE gold and silver
S^n^,r so Wo» rally has mrn. anJ makes lie conncdions lor us. Thj. ■ the earth? You sec what I am saying now, it doesn't mean that you cannot apply
S,"Z> .oua in H3S. a long umc alto Mr. Gann had developed hrs me,hod
he planetary phenomena to the markets, but it has to be also based in scientific
Ke nrscrtaSelcxs the book is an absolute must lor students who want to work out niual You cannot just say that Jupiter is conjunct the sun, so all gold stocks must
ihr Laws rhe »3> I am descnbmg. . i ,
rove UP«th3t is just en,ire|y unscientific. You must look to the vibrational
In the book, the author talks about Kepler s laws, now these laws components of the markets and then look to planetary phenomena, because die
arc micTtsting enough and the reason why is that the idea of a planet acting in an zodiacal positions are nothing but vibratory spots in there own right and also
cllip>c, m combmanon with mo\ing at a rate that aliiays sleeps out an (.c|ual area oumerological in nature.
pf 5j^cc with an e^ual area of lime. This is ^ery much akin to \\ hat vibralional
So this whole idea of natural law takes on so many characteristics
roodeb do for the financial markets, as an illustration if we substitute the price and
and areas of study that you can see by now. it's a plane of knowledge that is not
nmc idea, price is actaally sweeping out a motion or characteristic that is the
easily ascertained, it takes hard work and perseverance. Thc laws of the square
esjmvalcni of the liming models that are behind it Mr. Graydon in the book begins
combined with the inverse law behav iors arc paramount. In the periodic table and
lo speak of a la* that has to be because of the differences in the spherical volumes
of the cycles of the planets themsehes. the planetary motion, these laws include velocity, cycles, volume, mass, speed,
This law has its basis in the idea that the planets arc not being pitch, energy, and Just about everything else you can lump into the scientific field.
pulled to the sun by gravitation, hut rather are being PUSHED away; it is the So again, this is precisely what the periodic table allows us to work with along the
planeis themsehes that arc seeking shorter paths and time intervals to the .sun.Tliis lines of science. Specifically in areas like thc financial markets which have nothing
is the law of squares that operates on the premise dial the interv als or spheres to do with a subject like science or chemistry. Once again DO NOT dismiss this
foIJow the basic natural squares of numbers, i.e. 1,4, 9. 16, 25, 36 and so on. but book I am talking about, get it and study it.
this same law operates in ATOMIC phenomena, hence the periodic table of the I want to talk about some of the teachings you can read aboul in
elements and this is the basis and idea of USfNG the periodic table lo apply Torque Analysis, a book written by William C. Ganett. This is a wonderful boo^
nbraiionaJ laws. lo study and leam from. For my self the book teaches a foundation of cyclic log,c
l— l . conc
fP( muto very nice associations wilh everything else I and behavior that is unparalleled. To mc one of the biggest difficulties to leam and
lake advantage of in the markets is cyclic recoil. In other words thc retracement
^2 C-u.s.minp.ud d» idea of,he center. The main center idea
points that markets like to recoil lo, before they again resume overall trend
^^iS oflhn k'T™' in :5,a"0n f 'hc ^"S5 of Mf- Gann. This goes il'tcction. This is a point of study and interest for anybody who trades as I have not
rCq irc a ct n :r of
maodueuuy aeuon. Thu.^h^ " ' '' s
0 Ui,res a,t
f^n a market that did not adhere to this principle. The reason you won't find much
muth and all the talk of Oonn • • ^ racled Mr. Gann so I ut this subject is because thc solution lies in the lavvs of vibration. The solution
con^pt a btefid wj where it com^mm or'h d0nC Will,0U, any itlca oj whaI ,hiS es not n
*nd parroting srf what they have read els;wtk'5 al1 aboul- ,, isjust shoillinS ' price or Fibonacci retracement levels but in the lime component of the
()3 * ^ elsewhere. Th.s is not some idea he thoughl
s of motion and direction thai arc harmonic* of the larger cycles Thw i *h«i
"o'ei a"d
The Cher Ihine thai occurs is ,ha. ihese cycles gc, ou, of phase, a.

^rv or|ht ^ave play out over time, we have many potential
un,, ons 1111 IS prccis y wh
v»nlig ' ^ y m^kcts at some time make spike revemb
'j other limes make rounding bottoms or tops. In fact all configurations of price
Lrdless arc nothing but the result ol cyclic interplay. When spike rcvcrwlsof
price occur that move the price away in very fast momentum, you should
understand that this is because cyclic ALIGNMENTS have taken place, but not only
vibratory ALIGNMENTS of many sorts can also influence that behav ior.
The Sduvior of cycles always seems 10 work on the of a The same way that markets can and do make other ty pe of bottoms
thmaiD . force, . mecJumsm .hat eaerts lorce alone the c.rcumlercnce of the cycle
jjalso the result ol cyclic interplay. In these cases the configurations that exist arc
Itrflf. Nw the man troblem with a cycle and the analysts ol a cycle ,s that wc
enough to move price in one way or the other, but not in the same type of manner.
'aa^* «c them, we only obscne there perceived cfTect. Th.s .dea ol a thrust is
The cycles are running thru there signatures and are in a configuration that doesn't
aJu-r\^ met by a peak m amplitude if you will, and from thts we observe recoil.
allow for vibratory excitement and the price movement will reflect this. When
Thi' its-oil is adjusting to that prior force exerted, and in the market w e always see
this recod adjusTrocnL Normally most technicians use price levels to measure this cycles move thru there thrust mechanism, what happens is, that thrust which some
technicians say is caused by volume. "I don't agree with this. I sec it as volume
nxtjil with and in my mind this is not a bad idea overall. BUT only if you have
very good maihcmatical models to measure dynamically with. again being only an effect from vibrational laws" creates a movement somewhere
Ify ou don't, then this becomes an extremely difficult thing to specific on the circumference of the cycle itself and the recoil lakes it back, but the
conase with ar\ success. The much better way to attempt this is to use TIME, and recoil will come to exhaustion at a point that is HIGHER on the rotation than it was
this is specifically how cycles operate. For instmce when markets make top or at the initial low.
bonom and have adjustment periods from this initial pivot, the points in space and The same way that we looked at the musical model of the diatonic
time thai define where a market will resume trend direction is harmonically related scale is the same way that a cyclic system governing a nnancial market is going to
tc the siputure. operate. It is a chorda! system in its truest sense, a series of timing units vvidiin an
These vibratory components allow the user to define where the overall unit of time and even beyond this unit of lime. \ ou will have to give this
recoil will lose its momentum and then the larger component cycle that is some thought as to what I am alluding to. Even though I look at cycles in a
governing the overall trend will lake over as it begins to revolve and power the completely different manner from what William Garreit talks about, there are some
price up or lower than the prev ious pivot. The best way to think of this is to amazing parallels from what he explains from his standpoint and the way
visualize something that is akin to its movement. There arc many ways to do this vibrational concepts work as I have come to know. I will begin to discuss Utese
but if you have ever seen those loggers on the river who engage in a battle of skill parallels now. . . f
they stand on a floatrng log. You will sec the log spin very last in either
The idea that the markets and cycles work on the baste premise ol
ducctjon as the combatants try to disengage the footing of the other by using a
science is far fetched, but at this point I assume students who are reading this arc
combuui on of f.nftse and counter pressure and direction. open minded to the concepts and ideas ol subjects and gente* that arc
fradiiional market analysis. Continuing on this line then. Mr. Ganctt la s
vou car \ ,kl„i ^D T* c c cs move
^ ' l s
^' but they also move in a way Hiat
'T ^ ,h0SC rivcr 1)03,5 fc wheels in
have those huge concept of buying and selling being equated to negative and positive Pj-^
uic oatiL that lure and move itv Knu n
and roovnnaiL However we have Tescn,a,ivc of cyclic direction kwcry, and how the How of electrons thru a circuit, un a 1 ^ ^ l
a y cycles and the smaller cycles make up mimic the transactions of a freely traded market. Of course this take* us nght baA
iK 1J5
• . .jhie. Taking l'1'* furllier, we have ihc ,
hmK- ftxeoct m.vlol oJinfluences in the huycr and seller in i-v nnd men uiL- wum ui jiimcs Maxwell Clerl nn tu . "-'0,cl
C nr,c
mnc of jwrnt , ttherc the iransJCtions are conducted. TI,is ^ raday"» magnetic lines of force in my mind have ' "CTl/ tdew
eomhirvuuvi ».iib the emironrnc.' ^^ ^bratjonj| in ,,K1, (he bu> mg and scl|in„ irirV^^M' OKAVITY CENTERS" ^i ^rf-'" 8,0
■r ^'

rvdf ofifvntK* m ^ ^ thru lhe relationships that exist between ihe i'lltc -STRIKING ZONE"iti.hin wha, hecaM ,1^"•
u«h a nurU ^ ^ ^ ^ |hnnonal components .hat it is comprised of I-Cllial llw bnyt-rs and sellers engage or make astocialions no* ihis^lllv ' I
^ofthoucht leads to the idea that w.thm the markets ethcric ^ in t ibralion in my opinion. The cycles Ihemselves thai roune behLTfcW
X-yelic vibration are making conneenons vv i,h ,he market panieipanu and
or behavioral panerns that pre exist as potentialities, or if
,kings called lops and bolloms are nolhing bul fractal poinls of energy Vhey
iii» m,fh. Mr. fir lclcl.«l. W » «•»* «n'l, scripts that „iM
kc-ome tops and bol orns because ofgeomeirieal relalionships ,ha, exist from .he
at dv- inplrcaic itnlct These senpts can be malchej up b> lite total consensus of
ncumclne rolal.on behind Ihe price and Ihese poinls become demarealion cenler. if
the tr-rte. pamcpsnts anj the oulconte tvill be aligned tell, what tlte sent intent of
the ntBiets buvers and tellers perceive them as. I don I believe my sell ,|,a, ,here is you will lor energy that is eventually going to be converted to price tops and
onr s^npt j rnarket will follow I think it is much more complex than that, that
teinc tcO the vibraiional tendencies can be deciphered no matter what the eflcct that
u being witncssed
If we use music as a model to observe, we can gel a clearer mindset Law of Refractive Indices
ofuhat I spcik of using live music as a vehicle. If you have ever been to a live
music aeamg. you certainly have noticed that you can FEEL the music and "A table of the refractive indices of substances indicates their molecular pitch; and
vihiauon. The combination of all Ihc inslnunents and the dynamics they bring give in connection with crystalline form the phase of molecular oscillation."
you & rhythm or beat, this can be very intense at limes and with the vocals
imcTsp-Tsed over it all. it's a syncopation all unique to itself. However there is
more gome on than just that, you will notice that the musicians themselves are
There are many market technicians that like to utilize what is called
foodmc off the energy of the audience and this m itself creates changes in how they
sacred geometry concepts. 1 myself do not understand how anybody could apply
play. Then this also creates another dynamic that exists between the musicians and
that to a market without knowing what the market is, however it certainly is
the audience, one oiESERGY. so in essence this is a live feedback loop and not
attempted. The reason I am talking about this is because of these sacred ratios.
only is the music a vibrational force but the energy that is setting up its delivery is
also in a state of vibration. Normally the most commonly used numbers are root 2, 3,4, 5 and the Fibonacci
With that in mind, each live performance will be a bit different, series, there are others bul that is the basis of the w ork. Sometimes you will see
why. Because at the implicate order exists a set of potentialities that COULD .707 and .786 also and these numbers come from the square root of .5 and .618
happen mi y ou can see what I am trying to illustrate. Vibration itself is an and they do show up a lot in market geometry.
What 1 am alluding to here is that these relationships in association
f mKl
TC evenSul"lcllsl f0™5 This is why a lot of Ihc with these numbers from the rotational position of the liming gears is where
; " r mi*K S0 much-11,5 r,:elin8 °f'hat energy mid Dynamic Gravity centers can be traced and tracked. However, like I mentioned
^ ^ ^is alm« n fo™ of,I,crapy and earlier markets are a chorda! system, therefore knowing the chordal system allows
W77/.VOn WlicrT! ayoTgfedlu^o01'"Syn™pI"ion""" is you to POSITION yourself anywhere along the entity ol the market under
c am m ,ceth
Wereo cabinet when mv narrnu n ' P y to the wooden observation. This concept is radically different, but it is based on the idea that
0 1 0n lJlcrcrccords
that vibration m my bones and hi- " tT" - because I could feel markets are holographic. The very things that the great scientist Walter Russell
vibraliDo in youraclf »iha, y„„ col>; p" ^ e'lCell':n' Way 10 con,Ju :l lh !
' ' '"oghl and that is that matter is comprised of light wave octave replication.
Assuming this a truth, then NO MATTER where you position yourself within the
_oil. oil1,hc
the time,
' nor does
,,mc ,,ur
' it mean
UOC 11 mcan I1 want 10 hav
^ c any lew. Fibonacci
...geoowlrical relalionships .o .he amazing applicauon to the markets bu, only if you know what tool to u*
firttm •■'fit* rntrte* t,*TC
ftw^thcr ^rrwe 'V» I" usc1 '"1 a'S0,haS a 10,10110 w,,h lhe you arc .Unding on, aha. blJI nonetheless- it is inic No maiicr
1C\V looks like from where you are positioned.
is situated within the markets structure nnd ^V11 These things 1 speak of will seem to you very abstract and
• here vou? percrptwn mJ ^ ri:|al(;j s> mntetrieally and geometrically
pe<tfi*ti> Ihr pruv ctwrp w> * - ^ a|| |hjngS arc mathematical points of familiar, and even to me they still they seem odd and different. This is
.hiiinfotmalion's new an(^ l'ie ,(lea bridging it to the price bar is entirely
10 nut posmon AH thin^^ ■ ^ ^ bv there ow n signature
W JJrerent. The more time you spend though with it and the longer you allow
^ l^'tf ue j^t use •> ^ket trend as a guide for illustration.
chsra.-im>iK> then. J develops. This initial bottom creates a vourself10 assimilate this new form of knowledge into this mode of operation. The
j-nfc familiar it will become to you and also in relation to the concepts and ideas I
^spoken of in this book.
*«. a» con«p.. .he upper layer, rrom So then continuing along, the growth and decay patients in a market
jre certainly based on the idea of Fibonacci spirals and time periods. Let me give
to, Mto impulse am nothing but hamtonic vibrations of more orders, but
you an example of an application of a dynamic price gravity center, I am just going
ihrs are wnber ^3v from the current dynamic gravity center. Even though, ihey
io put up some numbers out of the blue yonder. Let's say we have a pnee open in a
ot ro essence still v alid Nxause they become filled orders as the rotation continues market of 78 dollars and 60 cents and on this particular day we have a timing
id mm This is in cvscoce a magnetic field of vibration where vectors that transmit Niation of 56 off a signature rotation of 66. First off you will notice you arc 84.8
OKygy herween the field of cycles and the market participants. This entire
percent of the signature and secondly you are 23 units or points ABOVE the
mechansm and structure is tnily an entity of its own. and the entire Gann angles
purity center of the signature.
concepi is nothing bat a tjuick attempt to capture this phenomenon in action.
Then 1 notice that the lime angle of 56, has a square root of 7.48. if
Many of die concepts thatarc utilized by the market technicians
today arc really based in vibrational concepts. For instance the basic trend line we I add the fib number of 1.382 to that 7.48 and re-squate, I get a price level of 78
see so often utilized in market analysis. Many people say I don't understand why dollars and 53 cents. You think that would be good support intraday? Or perhaps
ihey work so wclL tet they sure do. This is purely vibrational in nature; a trend even the beginning of a big extended move? From here, who is to say I cannot
holds hi paticm because it is operating on (he oscillations and vibrations that extend the price up to 1.618 squares and lake that gravity center BETWEEN those
CREATED il It holds into the future until a bigger more powerful vibration numbers? Remember, ALL things seek the center of gravity and this concept
overcomes n cu it runs out of cyclic energy to push the price to further extremes. cannot be thought about, used and applied enough. It is a fundamental law of
Amafcer technical concept is theidca of old bottoms become future tops and old creation and it has its basis in the laws that describe vibration.
tops become fiiture bottoms, this is entirely vibrational in nature as this is the Another interesting aspect about the relationships of cycles is how
working out of past grav ity centers that are in essence flipped in polarity. the wheels make interesting aspects between each other, in fact the movement is
The use of the Fibonacci number scries in the markets is widely similar to a gyroscope. This is how I see time and if you have ever seen one of
studied and applied but it misses the mark many times. The same way that most those things going full speed, it just spins and is very still in its movements. In fact
^j S'S ^ a" 'kese problems can be traced back to a major if you have ever held one in your hand at full speed, it is very difhculf to control
_ ,5.*" 'ns 0 ^,c aUemP|10 aPrly natural laws or concepts to cfTccl and you can feel the intense energy vibration. But as the wheel lose« momentum,
and you're watching it takes on a wobble, then regains stability, and lbtn ...
bm Lie znv pr* VtT i "i ,0US1al ] ,','4's why ,^c Fibonacci spiral is a good tool,
Corrcc,| increasingly becomes unstable. Now imagine four ofthesc things inside the imual
roedumc has a hu-c tool^ the'^i^" y- Thc same w3y a car
day one, all behaving the same way, gets rather complicated, however in my mind tJus
repatf. bo. n doesn't mran you don', wVnnhVmt.V' ^ ^^ ls,
financial market fm 3 nmn of timinp u .u ' Se, ava,lllble
>0 you- A he non linear nature of what is termed "lime". You can sec thai alignments are
S engths but that doesn't mean I want to use
is a scientific law rigbt there.
w_ whtfels anJ big wheel* thee alignments c*, It"' Le. us lalk about the density of something for a momen,. wto, ^
f(M« »P tiie place bcr»ecti hnK
^di,crnaic retnervK^ okwo m pnee. . . tell us alJOll, soinc liny ! 9 an mlcrcsling tharacieris,iic .md here is a
t aitiu"' The quality or eondmon of being dense, .he qua„,„y „f ^
jvf FJccirk CooiluvtMly *, 0f measure, especially per un.l lengih, area, or volume and .he mass, or pT
. homogeneous bodies with a complclencss volume, of a substance under spec,Tied conditions of pressure and lempctMUK.
-Ekvtn. energy .> ^ orfcss per lee l hannomcs of the electric ivr ideas of science that become available to you from this standpoint are vimully
,o direct rropotwi *>lhc JUJ^ whose atoms are discordant to the electric Li,loss. The law of oclavcs from the law of ociaves is a wheel also, an inner
p,uh. but not at dl * when their resultant notes are harmonics nhed that utilizes concepts of the forces of the diatonic scale You should now be
pitch. 4Lv through nx lev. inverselv as the temperature, directly
able to see the ideas of rotation lhat I speak about. There arc many rotary forces
of Ac cfccnK r-tw ■ ^ —«■- *2 nnloun, ifcryslallization, and '>
going on tinie behind a markets structure, however they have boundaries set
as 4c reciprocal of.,re .oca, on thcni-
A good student of chemistry, who understands the basic and
fuagnene muaisiiy -"
sJvunccd laws, would be able lo work out laws applied to the markets in ways »Hnt
arc unimaginable. I think you can see and appreciate how Mr. Gann's work is
At this time I want to talk to you about the periodic table. I
recommend ^-ou study ihis chemical math model on your own and leam the basis entirely creative in nature, and it is certainly not based on cold hard left brain logic.
of what it is founded on and how the table was developed. It is quite interesting to This is why many things are overlooked and the true nature of Mr. Gann's work
leam the histoty of it. For now though I want to talk about the properties of the jhould lie obvious now when you see the things I have pointed out. You will only
elements, as thi; is a very important subject and there are many things I am sure I say to yourself, why didn't I sec all of that? Nothing I have done or shown is
do nm iindc7>i2r.d about it, but as always I strive to always leam more and put diiticult or complex; it's just a shift in perception.
Speaking of a shift in perception, the idea of sympathy and discord
loecihcr associaions. For this discussion I will use the element GOLD, as this was
a much talked about subject in the Tunnel Thru the Air as Gold was the main become clearer, when you have a situation or series of behavioral characteristics
reason for the anark on the United Stales in the book. that you can monitor and make comparison against. This is no different than
Gold is the 19* element and it holds an atomic weight of 196.96, it financial astrologers who make up natal charts and then progress them lo find
has foiling and melting points across three scales and these arc Fahrenheit, transits against the natal hoi spots. This is nothing more than looking for aftimty
Celsius, and Kelvin. Gold has 79 protons / electrons and 11S neutrons, it crystal and discord thru planets and signs in relation to the original configuration. Taking
structure is cubic and it has a density of 19.32. It has a classification of transition the idea of planets and the zodiac, those are nothing more than rotational systems
metal. There are many other properties also and this I leave for you to research and going on. just with different size planets and different size cycles. But how is the
study. Let s also take a look at the element Uranium; here we have the 92nJ planet Mars different from Saturn? It's different because it is UNIQUE to nselt,
elcmrtu. with a mass of 238.02, 92 protons / electrons, 146 neutrons. It is classified sure they are both planets but they each have signature characteristics.
u tare earth and its cry stal structure is orthorhombic with a density of 18.95. Very This is why you can't just make wild use of astrology with no basis
tmerevting. now you see the scientific criterion that exists when you use such a in science, but with science on your side combined with metaphysics e use o
table. zodiac and the planets themselves becomes a study worthy of merit, el u-s use an
The propenies of ihe elcmcnls give a whole lol awav In lerms of illustration, for instance back above I used the number 66, which vvou!d ^
aoaa and .ami,fie principles, bet ihe objecl is lo bridge lhat informal ion 10
degrees Gemini or 6 degrees 36 minutes Aries, remember t ie ecima s
PPosiiion would be 6 degrees Sagittarius. . ,h .
L about fhe mass of an elemenl. whs,
C duCa k , ll,i U5K Taking this idea further, assume sve are look,og
equals mas. ume, .he .peed
S5 ^3".r"^ h ofbgh.
T t squared.
' " Thai " is one everybody
"'ass? knows
Mow abou. isn't M
csnrtol get off the six dollar level, and you nonce lhat Salunt is ngh
. w . m:nh. n^n lomeihing to you? Can you see now thai understand that what is in Mr. Gann's books and courses arc CONCEPTUAL ideas
Ans. IV wu think tjwt g ^ sd up 10 be unique and fit. Then other and modes of operation about how to operate ONCE you have vibration concepts
thmc muvi hr aUo\h . . ofxvorking fiom completely unscientific and foundations set up. The problem students run into, is that they use those
f,< r; assault of ideas ,o uy .o RECAPTURE concepts and teachings as LAW. They are not and those examples arc done not as
a d Wil1 laws but as concepts and ideas to be TRANSLATED to vibrational theory.
^ " ^ C,lhW ^
I want to discuss some of the concepts of Walter Russell and John
.«l torn Technicians talk ofihe plalonic solids sad ICeely, but these studies arc really a lifetime's work. However I want to talk about
some of the ideas and concepts. Walter Russell was told by Nikola Tesla, that his
ha. toTs of Mt. Oaan's wo,k- Well I doo'l know about all that, b«
science should be kept from the public for at least a thousand years. Considering
One ate some t m powerful conaccnons beween the solids and the 192 gnd. |„
bci it lie? in the association that there are 190 combined vertices, edges, and faces that Tesla need take a backseat to nobody in terms of intellect and scientific ability
that is quite a statement about Russell's science. So from here on, I am going to
aero* all the solilv I would ay that these geometric patlcms are at the lower
levels of price enag>'. but they are not the only thing. However I like the idea that discuss and talk about things I have written at ditTcrent times. Then finally I will
these geometric solids are associated to the 192 timing gear. discuss the spiritual component and some of the things I utilize and have
Taking ihis idea of geometry again, let's take a look at the experienced in my own path. This is a tremendous amount of information and it's
geometry of a circle. If we looked at a small coin, we have a circle that has 360 difficult for me to put it into a series of paragraphs that are orderly. The entire
degrees m it the same way if we took a circle the size of the base at the pyramid of process is a cohesive whole and the way I speak of individual aspects does not
Giia that also has a circle of 360 degrees. This might be true metaphysically, but make it separate. Everything is an overall part of a logistical foundation of
these arc ccminly not the same size and because of these discrepancies in the size metaphysics, vibration concepts, and science.
of cy cles and circles we can take measurements like radius, diameter and the area Let's go back to that square of nine again for illustration, you see
and cireumfcrcnce for starters. This infonnation gives up a lot of behavioral the points of the cardinal and fixed cross on it. That idea of a geometrical map on
chaactensiicj. about a markets future performance. If you think about that square the square of nine is no difTerent than you will find on any markets signature, those
of nine now you will understand ihat measuring a price from a specific lime angle points of revolution in time, or rotation and position act as points of demarcation
or cywlc is entirely different than taking a high price and using projections from it. for energy. This is the basis of the law of vibration, tracking the energy as time as
Anexam e 0 ,0wa
P' ^l boundary might work would be along these it moves thru its own map if you will. If you arc a student of Mr. Gann's work, you
Imcs. if 1 had a cycle of 161.8 days and mrrcnlly the lime is 15l) days, and the will know that he used to average the planetary longtitudes and then look for price
and time resistance, this very idea can be translated to the signatures of markets. If
ihTr^lp nr ^0U would know Hie price is 3.66 squares below
W h C iS USt Un er two c rc es 1 55 I lake an average of the chord of cycles and I see that this average is moving across
price is haldmo | ' r '' ^ ' ' - T' ' would mean the
csde has ttraDDcdan"!'5 ? .lhecyc'c' '^ove ,his analysis further to where the the sensitive points of the signature cycle, then I should expect some change in
t,, nC n8,eis3 inl0 ,he price behavior to happen, especially when it's moving across the gravity center or
tot , ' " tow cycle. You can sec
pnen is uhai needs to betlddiS'tu ,C T lily bc, ce Iimin
'l° ' I * ? 8 Scars and <■ total cubic volume of tlie signature.
18 One thing to 8help you visualize whatIt is happening behind the veil
tbnin i off dcnamic centers to ii. a * or increasing its lime.
C iS lVha, Wil1 to imagine a lefi to right movement that repeats a certain length, once the unit
tod told This is oneTy 'ycto toto7e.' "' " P""
length is reached the count begins again at the far left of whatever it is. Now
^ why u's eMrrmol
y irii or,anl 10 imagine that rotation going full circle, not Just the flat left to right position. Now
squares, but in circles as all ihincs m , - P drink not only in terms of
We arc mrasunng in circles or snlicrcTnn!! rirCularand spiral fashion, llicrefore again shift the fiat left to right position ninety degrees, so that it now rtr»cmbie» a
P«ovling on there position. iVn wiii. u roni l ial
. ' 'a^ing fractals of these circles hinncl with depth, so the motion is now moving DOWN die right side of the tunnel
,S n0,J,inB but ll,c Same ond back up the left side of the tunnel, again a forever repetition. That is not all that
more of the simc conccpis, The more vour^i '
ic u
' what I say, the more you sec #nd "»happening though, now go back to die original flat left to right movement, and
v ftvMn\ou and ihen again louard you. forever creation is based on. In fact this is precisely where Mr. Gann look the idea from to
ianpne rtwJ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ |S a lot of movement, oscillation use the mechanics of the wave, i.e. Waller Russell's science.
flsclUiiJ^ * a wttk-n o • of movement would be "impossible" aj| This js why you can and should shift the decimal, because
^ nb«u-«nv but^qiJltepossible in the metaphysical rea|m replication is replication and anywhere you arc in the light wave octave as a riming
at ohL-e in lhi> pns^ieii um gear is VALID to use. because it is what it is. No matter where you are perceived
cf undirlercnluSftJ hght in it. JuH what are these sex divided pairs that define the light wave octave based
on? But of course the periodic table of the elements. This is precisely what sorted
me on the path to figure these things out and being a student of Walter Russell and
Mr. Gann the theme of chemistry and the elements combined with what I showed
in the first part of this book is no coincidence. So I worked along the lines of this
^ ddner to sou. Inueinebemg a falcon in a 150 mile an hour dive aller some
infonnation and always looked for themes, always themes that were duplicated and
prr. do VOU think sour eves are as good as its e\ es are, do you think your eyes
deewfc as moch of the uavc as its does? That bird only decodes a segment of it
I like to use illustrations and analogies to demonstrate things, so
itself, bui more than >ou do.
here is one we all have probably experienced as a child, most of us have been on
ThU is uhat is happening in the financial markets, the two
dsnensKnul price time axis and its indicators is bad enough, but combined with the those swings in the park and you can remember going very high, so that when you
tradtng day-, of the year is simply foolish. Using trading days is the equivalent of went forward you found yourself free falling for a second or tw o as the slack in the
chains was again taken up. On the backsw ing you went OVER the bar, but again
savinc that on Friday at the markets close the entire implicate order and the
unr. erse itself shuts down, and Monday at the opening bell it starts back up again. you felt slack in the chains and for a second you were free falling until the slack
Smr it does, but bey it's not easy letting go of Santa Claus and the tooth fairy. was taken up. These points are the specific sectors where price is riding the turn of
These are full dimensional geometric solids under observation, if the grid and price falls off because it cannot hold the turn anymore. Its point of
you took one of those Gann squares and grabbed the center of it, and pulled it up demarcation is met and it falls down, down, down, UNTIL it can be again picked
aai gave it full expansion that is what you are observing. In the end essentially up in a NEW SLOT to again ride to higher prices.
* Mr Gann did is make a unique square of nine for every market. This mode or This is why Mr. Gann said to measure tilings from the center,
concept is based in Walter Russell's laws of creation as the light wave axis is bent because you want to know when these points are coming into truition. These are
and the rcphcauon or expansion and contiaclion take place at ninety degrees of points where the train leaves the station or where the ride is over. This way you
ssparaaon. In other words electric potential and gravity arc always at this aspect to know when to expect tops and bottoms in time and not price because you are
^ou cou'd design a holographic sphere in a computer program that tracking the turn of the gear that moves the price. You can see many connections
on w you to position yourself at any point in relation to it, above it, below now between what is in the courses and books Mr. Gann talks about.
alEny As an illustration Mr. Gann talks about plarrelary averages and I
^0"1, arount' '.l- ^,ts 15 is going on. there is cylindrical talk about cyclic averages. You have read Mr. Gann talk about whether an angle is
,IO 0inS 00 ,S W aI 15
rotation cKangn&rection
cltenp !v~ t,m« anj ^,his isbehind
whs. .rends
trendsand relrecemcnts
of price and this are. in the bullish or bearish side oflhe square. I talk about which way the cylinder is
luming and rotating. If any of you have Mr. Gann's original angle course he uses u
Kinuilk**n \'t^ZP IC rcplic3,'on can be seen in Walter Russell's
ll :eP conlcm la io square of 28 to teach some basic angle concepts and this is more veiled language,
Tim ronccpi he. .h. ito ihTa" PERCICVIfS"" ' P ' "'
'n that 28 x 2.18 is die Fibonacci spiral and if you shill the decimal to the nght thai
»•"« repliealwn ef expansion and con,™ ™""is NOTHING bul a ligl« 28 is now 280 and that number minus 192 is what?, oh yeah that number again.
Thtrefwc irutter is not MATTFR f . C s,mulalcd sPccd of ''S111-
5, mula,ion or This slulTis everywhere, you just have to be open to it and be able to sec tL
replication sequrnces arc dcsittne/l ^ ? . simulcast of matter. These
one coove* and this imeraction of l: m,eracl 0
' n of lenses, one concave and This idea of tracking the average oflhe entire chord ol cycles is nor
ru l different dian tracking the average of the planets longlitude. It is die same idea as
jM ^ hese squares and spheres are what
. ^ .fc nrnlfl lre eucs of
' 1,051 s
^ whal creates higher lop and bottoms or lower lops and bottoms. i.c. a trend
W a d rcr,:n S n The market moves lhal seem fast and furious arc the ones lhal full
pi-. " ' n r '! " I? """«««{
.^.L, ofnm: wiJiin .ho ovorall Iramcwork ol llio markt|s or jump the turn at precise points that create intense LIFT as the lube tums So you
can see it's not just a matter of identifying price and time. Its taking the rotation Of
Mr Om *">* ^ «">*« s"ks " rjvi,v
' oaKK-n IKK nil r"lnB « mK "»• ",sl bct» «" time turn into consideration also, this is what signatures can provide you with It «ou|d
stand to reason that quick time angles are going lo turn quick, and long huge time
rL^te«>«> at*"*10 '-\ltaer T "* "****lhe graii»
angles are going lo turn the tube slower. The same way a hummingbird flaps its
.rains »ilhln lhc mar1kc's OTVn ««"»«« <«t
wings compared to an eagle, they both fly but they do not operate on the same
eira.-MC. w> B Me »«lo track the non linear naiure of lime
mode of flight as they use the air difTcrenlly, because there vibrations and
.-is'IInriVLil rnrtcb nminj pnlem
structures are dilTerent hence there signatures.
Let Uri dip-sss for a momcnl about Mr. uann s angles from zero, a$
In essence what wc arc doing is taking snapshot meosuremencs of
1 «ce nun) cscUimma there exeaincss. This again is just another veiled
the markets fourth dimension geometric structure. By doing this we gel behavioral
aneitpi to teach u^nbcO concepts and here is how. Mr. Gann told the student thii
ulwi the imriet made a good top or bottom lo move the price down to zero at the information about whal moves the ball around. This is all pan of behavioral
hzk DTBe p.>>nio3 where the top orK>nom occurred. Then he told the student to patterns that consist of planetary phenomena, properties of the elements, lime
draw a fctm five degree angle up into space and when the price reached this angle signatures, and everything else that I have been talking about, and its one whole
in the fanrc, n nould re\eise the trend. This is one way lo know when the gear mode of operation. You can see this is why it's a long study and whatever you>eJ. however this is a cheap quick Tlx lo gel ONE turning point. This is what think of what I have written so far, keep in mind I am just a student myself always
vcrKmg time chords and looking for harmonic points to the signature do, but not looking to further the applications. 1 will illustrate a different typo of application
jaa oocc m a » hlle. but al I the time. and concept of planetary movement now.
The reason he used the zero position was because he was not going The entire work is based on rotational time angles, but as all lime
•e tell )mi about sicruiurts, bur by resorting lo the zero position, it effectively put a angles move thru there rotation you can make associations with planetary
Man aping the price that a forty five degree timing angle would eventually phenomena. For instance if you have a long term time angle lhal is being ""hit" by a
sqfczre ibell an against Can you now see the way Mr. Gann taught in his books large planet like Saturn, you will see the pnee being retarded by this action against
, " u
'"-~ tthai he knew and did him self? There arc watered down the lime angle. Flowever this is a much difTcrent idea, because the time angles are
""" ^ for the general student but at the same lime advanced moving and thus they will leave the position of Saturn eventually, thus leaving its
influence. But the while it remains polarized by its body and its own particular type
me 1 m, t- • vance^ ^ progressive student. Please do not misunderstand
of inriucnce, the efTect will be seen.
ii thai h; did noutL^xi^r8 ^ does no, Work whal 1 am sa n ,llOU h
' y' g £ This is true of all lime angles, so then it's not the price applied to
« difficui- thine for V ™
1 laiJghl 0ne ,hin8 and did ano,h
er. lhal is perhaps
to accept, but I maintain it is the truth. planetary longtitude but the time rotation thru the zodiac is what hits the price. In
other words planetary influence fell thru lime and rellected in price behavior.
wokiflg. ' 03,1 '"us,rate lo you how the rotation is
6 san,e are When the lime angle gels above the body of Saturn, then the prices will be freed to
wa tubeiha jj,^n( - looking al a vortex, a cylinder, a
twui an-^ior ,f 10 move up, because the time angle is out of die influence of the body of Saturn. This
Wij. ^ center, making it wrapped up on itself."
is what Mr. Gann means by "live lime angles" and therefore a planetary line is
ferartaLonpomu areham^Dicsnn^' VOnCX is whal tums lhe P"06 and i,S
v ' ^-i within a wheel nhenom«. C cntlrc co
8 melric structure. The entire "hot" or "live" only when it is etching upon a particular markets vibration. This is
a,tHo at Wor c s not restricted to the lime itself hut to any component of the markets properties.
feppen m oqj djre^- ' 'rtiultaneously. Tliis is how sustained
This is quite a bit difTerenl from anything lhal has been presented in
^ fc2i '-act a fopj, "causcd , rn
y a very large liming gear that is rtdation to Mr. Gann's astrological work, but then again so is this entire book. This
"Bpflio thai aJv^yj overCfim ! ?' ^be price energy is caught in a lonS
i« 4
1 c timing gears moving against it. This is unique rotary system of geometry in the market is also a microcosm of the zodiac

. m V0T ,i,ink of i« as CAUSE though but as another turns out lo be a winner, your trade will begin to ride the spiral turning of price and
«hcd and the living ort* DO ^ u,| ,hs. ,in,c in all markets. Nothing i, wind itself up die tube jumping on the daily, weekly, and monthly lime angle.
component ol the vitot^ ^ P_ jn y0Ur mind as you work ou, ^ This winding up of the price is the Cum and spiral or the nature of
scpanie m thi' uni^ers^ vo Keep what is happening on your charts, and as this price winds up this tube it is coming
up thru those drawings that Waller Russell illustrates, showing the cube sphere
**' ***■ what I say hoc. everyllung will be dilTcrcm in
replications that repeat forever and ever. If your trade turns out to be a loser, then it
wUoeo 10 .hoi is in IhJ ih) « "IV ™mc"1- l":c,i,US';"ra': ""f arC
went the other way down thru the tube and because you traded against the current
for o cnihinc In other words, global turns in relation to unique turns makes the
turn of (he spiral it went out the other side of the cylinder. Think of a markcis
influence much J.ffercn. and impossible to see if you don t have things set up
corrrctly All am market is in its simplest fonn isjusl the unique tnleraction of the natural cubic containment as its natural pattern of existence; however the shocks it
receives differ greatly as to the rolling waves of time angles. As an illusiraliun, if
ume and the pnJe in the unique grid it lives in, what becomes confusing is that its
you went lo a pond and threw a pebble the size of your fingernail into il, you
the pnee itiat i> doing the "jumps" and "shocks to replicated squares, the Mime" ij
just routing thru iheni It is the same as an electron jumping orbits in its natural would see a minor reaction that is your hourly lime angle. Then if you pick up a
energy lescls. boulder and throw it out there, you get a big reaction and that might be the
This same idea looked at again is when price jumps or falls a long quarterly time angle, but keep in mind still shocking the same cubic containment,
my \eiy fast, it is because it is on a point in the grid (hat is offering no smooth just a different force.
iran&uion from place lo place and (here is a large place to full before the next turn This first pebble created a minor disturbance but the bigger boulder
of time can catch il again. The same way wiih a jump in price, this happens when would overcome (he small pebbles ripples with its major vibration. Yet the small
time is so far ahead of price, iliat (he energy of the market participants force the pebbles vibrations would MERGE with the larger force and stronger action, as it is
pnee up 10 a point where ihe natural time angle for its time slot is moving overcome by its parent. Even thru all this though, the amount of cubic containment
cuircnily. that is being shocked is still (he >amc, hence (he replication principle. This is no
In my opinion whai Mr Gann did a lot of vvas take profits at natural difTcrent than a small snow ball that eventually becomes an avalanche. Everything
pomis 10 u markcis vibration, in other words by knowing how far a market has that I am talking about is bused on timing, the idea and concept of being able to
nwsed you can tell when a ivaciion is due. simply because the market will have lo
look at rhythm and the timing of a market.
react to us own signature v.bialion. This means that a market does not have lo
Taking (his idea further and expanding on il. all the while looking nl
themes and concepts of Mr. Gann's work, wc remember (liat Mr. Gann talked
"Tf • roi" "rr"'01 • lor the
1 shin, about science, mathematics and the cycle theory. Notice he uses the word theory,
rii ir. " i- ' . V" "« »ril« *t'™l comes into play, if«
This u why hi,. OunnisaTifl1011. "'n u ,hc
^ big wheel behind the price. because (hat is exactly what il is, a theory. Anodier way of saying thai is to say, I
nB use signature mathematics, signature spheres, and signature squares and triangles.
Konhl roll a long wav i;.(h? ^ ' Selling on board ihe train al slop, dial
uiew ie. i^;;:;sr,al ,n ,heTun"c, Th™ihc Ai'- oV What this does is CLOCK the market and in essence this is t LOAKISG the time
lite idea of n ind.. • Hussions or perhaps not so interesting, with n signature clock. This is what Mr. Gunn was atiempling, (u delcrmmc what
there arc a scries ol ume lenuths or -d!' 'T1Claph>,sical P10'"! of view is like this, the rotary system of the market is doing by placing u.s accuruicly a> possible the
nrC 0 chord ,r 0 initinle
trade from a shuri term time angle inM-". - y " ' price structure in its natural rotational system, i e its own grid.
an ,n,raila v
iK-t "bee" dun imde w iihin a monihlv hnTv'^"" ^ y P" ot. you will This rotational liming system, i e. the markets geometric structure
capsule ol inne and price rccoidini'. e 'l ' ^0U now ','s contained within that that is buck behind a financial market's mathemalical underpinnings is beyond
tunnel or lung tube in front ol your eves u ^ 31 a lnarltc, think of a your sight octave, il is beyond your eyes ability to pick up vibraiion. fins is
dcp,h und 14
of <U own cube sphere conu.nnicnt NW hows rcplicalioM Precisely why Mr. Gann looked to many sciences and luws that would allow him to
lid cn
w wn deep into its |aiiiCv slnjc(Uj. ' P'acc way within thi' back door this information so that Ihe randomness of financial markets could be
141 tamed. So repeating the same theme in differcnl ways to make sure you understand
't® 'tading scripts, If your trade

p^ininment. It is quite interesting to sec that Mr. Ciann looked to creafcoful law*
«tai I. •» wnpams* » ^ TV
, ^erseag
- „^ unique lime of any market is whai nuke,
tc> ihai anf iK ovsn set ol \ibraiory jpj behavior to seek some answers to the trading arena. The law, of mancr arvd
trrM l bchjuor. ihen the movemcnis in price ayb atomic phenomena arc what it's all .iboul. It is just a matter of spending time
«-»««» - ^ ^ numScrv .ha. .oven, .Ls behax'o, *iih the proper study material before you aitcmpi application.
J _a! AIjt\« v-rc'ivrri 10 me ^v'* . '• I am going to talk .iboul Waller Russell', science a bit now. at du,
TLT^ <* Com vuJ. 'Mv Aim mr J.tTcnm. Irum .he average s.a.,Mlcia„-. point in the book I am going to go over my old discussions and posts. Just
• ^ Tetan0^ihaiexis. ^centime and pnee arc sim,lar^
elaborating on certain points and details of inrormalion that validate what I have
Mdng . Pixn, ctu. on i v««.ipinU and wraps around hke u ha. a DNA
been talking about. Waller Russell drew many incredible and beautiful scientific
ml ZaU k«l lie' Tbis o bo* eU«e pnee and lime arc rclaied. >cl .hey arc diagrams that illustrate his crealional laws and what I feel arc the ba-is and bean of
BothiBj: mrn? than a ym yaag relHaooship. die) are >epir3.e vet united. The model the law of vibration. You will notice that the carbon element is the gravity center
[vhjrwl i, ib,-«uch i> amtiung Kji that simple, dns is why a .wo dimensional of the light wave octave, nnd helium being on both sides act as the mother and
rR^scaanor. vvf a vm complo seno ot interactions cannot be sulTicien. to dis
father, or the blue and red spectrum on both ends of the octave.
at.c cau*e The rvten. ihai sou can see ihcse things a. a cause level depends
This is because carbon is a union of pairs and the ends of the light
cnimrN .m ytxir abilin to set up die modcl.> ihat will decipher it. This cause and
wave octave are the cause of the sex mated pairs ofelemcnls. If we study the tony
ciTcci model we oiservc worts m ways similar to what Mr Cann taughl in his
civirso For usance, the use of long term charts, monthly, quarterly and yearly live degree angle that runs like a rainbow from which the holes of the elements
thai Mr Gunn put major emphasis on is done for the simple reason that these place themselves, we will see it is bent. This is from gravity curved hghL so these
lo«urr ij^suon hars have MLCH more time in them than a daily or hourly diagram.-, help us much to understand the true nature of our charts and the
racpcTus geometry that lies behind it. The normal method that is used by students is the
These longer cycles dominate trends in financial markets and the equivalent of taking a circle and ihen div iding it into four sections, then taking the
fumn thine sSoui ih» is thai ALL time periods will align themselves to the true center of one of those sections and THAT is what you arc analyzing on your
torn fnc all the time, bui a hourly or daily time angle That does this at best will charts, just that little section. This is why it's an incomplete view of what is
show an etToa 0,-a ^ ^ pnce m0V(: AGA,Nst ,hc trend or be a happening. This mode of operation is like looking out into the ocean and making
RFTRACE-MEVT to engage an otherwise already in motion movement. As soon assumptions of the entire mass of water from simply observing and viewing th«
a> the bips gear cms us force on the market, that smaller squaring is surface of it. You are witnessing a small segment of w hat is truly happening
*** thai cjcl« intend is a very interesting study, in fact it is Continuing with the Russell science, we remember that Mr. Gann
CTE1 ,
used the word noble in the Tunnel That the Air, he did this in veiled language to
is • dire-t rrssv ^. ^n,"c Pat,CTns develop. The way tops and hotloms develop
describe his friend's merits, but he is really alluding to the noble gases of the
mcn^nc ^figuration of cyclic interchange. Sometimes you see
periodic table. Now Waller Russell talks about these Same elements al^1. they are
^ >0U ^Sp,kC rcV^ls and s"" od- Helium, Neon. Argon, Krypton. Xenon and Radon, he refers to them a> ihe men
tnmd VvZT ^ ^ numCT0Ui l0« " h-ghs before i, takes on a
gases. Mr. Russell says that the "first dimension represents the pressure lone which
d nam,cs 10 h Is represented in the carbon octave". Pay allenlion to the words pressure and lone
Jar rcanncg yoa > » c price action of trends.
CTTT,1,C somc lon as these arc notes or if you will a FORCE. Then Mr. Russell says, "the tonal
oiiisr. Ukwi and chopp-, and this is ol A ' • e lusting, and
v 5 pressure of the octaves, the octave of the elements, begin wnh a zero group called
This u the nature of the vihrii ^ '' rational components of its
ctihK uvmainment or iu dimension l0TU r
"P0nse frequencies, the size of the ihc inert gases", this is obviously in regards to the light wave octave and zero
position of matter until the cycle is complete and the entire process is reversed is
d^.,rr^r,ILWi'IICT ' material you
the density is moved from its center position to its outer boundary. iht-N i-s the light
^0n ,0na
^ ^ dw all markets are 80ine ' rc'al'0ns 'n octave wave fields"-
wowore there pace panenu will be in l
1 " ^
unique dimensions and wave replication sequence. The laws that Waller Russell is desenbing are Uws of
» * " KconlMce with ihc allowable cubic creation and simulated matter.
behavior in the early stages of its existence It will not move out of pceifk
iH n^kets ire noi going to have carbon as its center of boundaries imposed on it by its own characteristics.
' ,n Mr Ginn's old charts the idea of putting a number
pmin. h^oer uxi cnscc ^ 0, 3 irJ| chart. The reason he did this This leads us again to the concept and perception of time
It ^^Wnd^ to gather .hat might be termed or characteristics as truly there is no time. There is only the cosmic cinema that your
senses put time stamps on as it thinks there arc interv als of time between evcnls. ff
coned tpccmt uu^y To nxn e this analysis to the idea of a v .bratory signature,
you could for a moment gain 360 degree awareness of ihe hologram, you would be
ibe vigrmrtrc jadf^iU act as the iomI presNure ot a mariseL This point I talked
experiencing full cinematic awareness, all events and simulation at once Some of
Iw the point *herr densit> ^versed is tlte point where the end of the
you might know about the T. V series Star Trek. If you do, you will remember the
coke si^cirun) ettsa. and «bcre cold space is turned into matter and matter
holographic deck where the crew members would tell the computer program to
rerums to cold <pacc This is the law and the law works on and oft what is thought
play a certain program and then the individual would "experience" the illusion as
ol a> thr pcnivhc laNe ot the elements
Tbcj- tonal pressures sou can see are some kind of a scientific "real". There is more truth to that than there is fiction. Perhaps you liked the movie
imperuv. and remenibcr Mr Gann's statement, all things rcsoh c into a periodic or the Matrix and if so you will remember the scenes w here the crew members would,
rbyikmic moooa I recommend the reader invest much lime into Waller Russell's "download" information, skills, or knowledge from a computer data bank, again
wwl. m afl iu facet It is of the utmost importance to understand Mr. Gann's there is more truth to that than fiction and that data bank for YOU is the aka^hic
vibraiicro work, as 1 cannot go thru my entire experience with it; it's too wide and records.
broad j subject Bui the concepts and ideas and science can be linked and bridged Think about a clock on the wall, that clock is represented by 360
io the science ofvibraiional trading. You will find amazing concepts of music, degrees, but it's also represented by one hour, or one day. or fourteen hundred and
pewdjcity, science, gravity centcrv sqiurcs, light wave octave replication, and the forty minutes, or eighty six thousand four hundred seconds. That is five wheels
snencc of the dcmenli themseh cs. right there, yet they all come from that clock as wheels within wheels. They are not
Speaking ot these squanrs and wave mechanics, you will find that only wheels; they arc difTcrent aspects of time, difTerenl ways of looking at a
this fany in. degree angle is very important, once you know where it is in space particular set of information. Changing your perception about many things creales
■ tirig
" " t'u ^ ^ P"cc ^ constantly seeking it no matter what square the a set of opportunities and potentialities that do not exist from a rigid indoctrinated
a s Sec
^ne I^IS nalun
' grav ity center and the only reason mindset.
rci)n:scnts 11,6 These time angles that I keep talking about are the hourly, the daily,
cm be kioked -t anT^ i 'I! Ji^ 'ding point for any size square. This
of wa s even the weekly, the monthly, quarterly and yearly time periods. These can be equated
u> pners thai the vibr^l^/V >' > though markets arc inflated
to Mercury, Venus, Eartb, Mars. Jupiter and Satum. The same way those planets
reganllcss. The fom file c ^Cris,'cs cannot maintain the laws always work
XV , come off the sun as the central force, or if you will a Neutral Center The cycles of
O. AU. nmc fnmi '" "'Cry Way a"d
CCn a market have a center of energy that is the impulse structure behind it. the
ll ic ^ . . lCr5 PClvVLCn HmC CVClCS.
frorra vibration in geometric pncmfmcTi'lslh^ COn;>ldcr ,ha, wh3, y0lJ see is vibratory underpinning. Remember this is what the law of squares is based on, a
»«ond This is what the comprcssio h 'h31 arc moving at 186-100 miles a central force that emanates outward from its central position.
a XPanS,0n pr0CC5S is and ,hc ravi, This is what keeps this something unique as it is. it holds the
cube i> iDcrasmg as the siitiuUtion or LM ' 5 y
fnoves thru its eight lone octave mathematical signatures in place, and the sympathetic streams between it and the
In the writings 0f vj. p entire structure remain in place. In the language of the markets, growth and Jctay
will be based around this property. This is why taking an average ot the time
^ uki" nocks begin m make w,?"" ^0U Wil1 renie
mbcr he oOen talks about
oP pr cc duc t0
«ecn die forty five degree anelev vr\ ' t'^ distance cycles is no different than Mr. Gann's concept of taking an average of longmudc.
However thn « also due to vibrad T ud lhlS di}lCussion in his hexagon or gain if you will. I can take an average of a markeis chord or its gain, and look to
«irc natuie kignam/^ ^ ^ |5 as ihesc j.,^^ are moving to a combine this with the markeis structure in price and in lime. Every thing that I am
oj squares and cubes of itself versus its speaking about in concepts and theory arc found in Mr. Gann's own wnlings.
M.. Omn nlks "bou, has higher meaning anj of 26 l -K days, vvc have a total elapsed lime count of 34 thousand 821 day*. This
would mean that we are in the 133 square, and within that square we are rotational
. .K.. iL fivei> the ime loriy five ol a markets true
cravm centers jnJ num centers is based in John Kccly', unit. 1.59. Not only do we have diatonic rotation in the squares themsel ves. Nit
also m the inner gearing. This inner gearing will CONTINUE ofTthe parent
SJAJS IV L el-fte MO «a» » toed on ^Snamres and ro.a.ion of NOTE, as a replicated process going into the interior of whatever it is. Think, about
nTTic nnkl abo k-wmprcsaon and cv^ion from zero grav ity to full boundary. The this concept, it is very similar to a whip; a whip is only effective when it i' ai full
«Im of souares» Kised in W alter Russell's wave mechanics and sc.ent.hc
extension. This idea of a fully extended or lined up cycle is what moves markets,
duerams The ruiunl evcn and odd sqiur« Mr. Gann talked about are Irom the
the cycles truly do crack the whip at times when the configuration is corrccL It is
idcJi ot eneip jumping levels that ore based on these very numbers. The concept of
nothing but alignment, pure and simple.
pitch o- gain talked about by Mr. Gann is found in the work of John Keely, as
Since we are talking about these diatonic notes, we have a series of
\ibrahcml relaTionships and the higher realms of w ater disassocialion. Tlic trincs
frequencies that are associated with them and they arc the following if we use a c
and the lau of so en have in its basis, the law of octaves or diatonic frequencies,
renodicjjy. chemistiy and cosmology in general. scale, they arc 288, 324, 360. 384,432. 480, 540. and then 576, so these very
The square of nine spiral chan itself is based on four quadrants of frequencies are rotating thru any markets stmciure and if wc set the markets up
^Ul days, and there are your SS elements in veiled numbers. This entire idea ofa correctly we can incorporate a moving frequency to any price and lime stnicture.
MASTER TIME FACTOR is veiled. There is no master lime factor, as each You can see the applications are limitless; it is truly just opening up your
markin has its own master time factor. The idea of balance of power is not supply awareness to the concepts the science of vibration oilers.
irvJ demand, it is based on centers of energy and where its majority of rotating This idea of signatures I speak about means that each stock moves
eacTTv is at any point in time and space. The very idea of angles itself is situated in according to its individual characteristics and I want to point out to the reader some
scbd* in rotation, just a quick mode of capturing a liny segment of it as pages in Mr. Gann's writings where he validates the things I speak of. There is a
that partioibi Mfaion or face is moving in front of you. The entire idea of book called the New Slock Trend Detector and on page twenty eight of this book,
astrology is dm a hat is thought of, its numcroloiry and a way to caolure frozen you will read the following sentence, "You cannot detect the best stock to buy by
ceoneuy about somcthmg's inception. Ifs just another wheel to observe that has following the averages of any group of slocks" and then on page twenty nine.
'This is proof that you must study each individual stock in a group in order to
ArDUnd machine^
^ >■•■ius, form of sub atomic detect its trend" Remember the statement by Mr. Gann. "I group slocks into there
0r hiS W0,lt 80 WOns; ,l,c ,ak : llle5e proper rates of vibration".
.mmp ' >' '
08ml,:0 ll fem se Mr. Gann even goes on to say that the Dow Theory is obsolete, and
biuccT iDi.ujcc. hui onlv ifii ' P ' -Therccanbeno
he is just saying that studying the averages is pulling the carl before the horse; we
law and mith about ihls J,0",""""'™10 hava in your possession higher
want to avoid studying effect and specifically trading from effect. Undor a
sopi«eJ m be. If, surprising fo, some lo" eeT*:y0U 3,5 "aC"y ^T
paragraph called "Change with the times" you will see a sentence. "You must
it i. only moving die u3y you intcmrel ihe m ! T assoc,a,IOns and concepts, but
study individual stocks and follow there trend. Do not let die average* fool you."
okareoess Hm. nony rn.'erprSTnrnrT '0
which one u impc.nani to you none nfii Can y011 r,ni1 on l 1c ntcmet
' ' ' One of the things I always read Mr. Gann say was to be current, be progressive,
Mr. Gann's wk Uno%£■*•*0"«lha' fT your own model? find what works and remain with it. Mr. Gann makes this statement on page thiny
doesn't agree w,[h ^ we discard iiL fb:' and Ch^0Se vvha, we and the rest that three of this book, "what one mans mind can devise another man* mind can figure
discarded wntings of Mr. Gann. k is abou, ,lic
disregarded and out, after all human nature never changes". Another interesting Matement on page
fifty eight, "This shows the wisdom of following the trend of an individual stock
Lei »continue to talk iKn i.-
moves out you will notice that j|tlrilc Componeni for a moment, as and not the trend of the averages" followed by the same sentences repealed three
limes on page sixty three of the hook. These statements and discussion validate tho
*rauo ^ Hu*re itself. For tnsune. in"'"8 ou, and also its own cyclic
theory of cause and effect and the vibration student works from cause.
's* imitating an example ofa cycle length
is driv n homc lhis eventually you will come to the realization that I am correct in (hat staiemem.
ofetioss ^ ' t? 'dca and
These cycles that I have been talking about for some time now act
, „Se coB«pt of dilTercnl wavelengths of each stock On
tMC rv! ^ ^o ^ ,hcn on page ninety three, he in a very unique way. I have mentioned that they move as compression and
expansion, like a breath. The thrust can be said to be a vertical motion and the
^ T SUm,: cairns c cannot boat the law ol compensation. NatUrc recoil motion the horizontal, the reason I say this is because of the Walter Russell
ionc and uSe more moA June, the more a man receives". This« diagrams. This entire motion is based on rings and how they compress light thru
STbrn^ —x^uor of course as our universe w orks oil mathematics and all lenses to create the simulation of matter. This simulation is what allows what
ten* «rrci'^-J ttan a built in nJar sv stern. no interaciion goes unrecorded. normally might be called pic in the sky pseudo science to work; the things you can
Tfese laws that we arc discussing are not just in control ol vibration do and apply seem beyond the logical reason that is normally applied to things of
m ipplicd k n-^krtv they control all facets of our existence, our emotions, our this nature. I can take virtually any component from die periodic table and use it tn
mdnid^il sous and characteristics- The idea of signatures is layered in relation to any way that 1 feel because the model is deciphering vibration, and therefore
tii: decree of «> o^ti >ophisiicaiion. As the complexity of the signature or entity is whatever application I look to is not wrong, it's just another aspect of the holistic
ncreL-cd there is nothing but octaves of vibration. Gross to subtle in its various
innns of spmi nunifested into matter. But remember this is really white vibrational
Remember that the concept of your market being moving, the same
hghs md Our own emotions and behaviors have corresponding vibration
way you if you could remain stationary off the earth and watch it, you w ould
znt! or: onermng study and phenomenon to witness how the emotions (hat
immediately recognize it is moving and very rapidly at that. The financial markets
encanross a cadcr's nundset axe synchronized to vibrational components.
at levels of cause are moving the same. If you think in this regard then the idea of
I don't undemand myself exactly how these emotional extremes
using expired price to forecast with or belter yet using the averages is an extremely
uLrplKc a ajarVcttopj and bottoms in relation to vibrational concepts. It is
onriosb an *>ptct of the holographic paradigm as the interplay of buying and poor idea. The better idea is to keep up with the rotation as it happens. I repeat
leUmg cDffgy o juxtaposed on the eventual market itself. When you analyze many concepts to you because I want you to get the ideas I am presenting so you
3^. v cr. the way I am talking about you tend to forget about this emotional aspect will work them out to your own end.
o. trxdrng but -i tomes to your awareness when y ou notice some extreme price These cycles or time limits are constantly moving out of there own
^ comhtes with some scientific rule or law you are observing, boundaries, and then they repeat again. It is the same as a planet moving into a new
wiias u. say this is very interesting to see in real time. sign, many astrologers look to line up markets with sign changes or ingresscs,
especially when a heavy orb comes forth. Time cycles arc no different in they
eisti'nDi. •-™ 'n ^ Ihings I have described and am describing will move into there new squares and these elTcct markets. In fact tremendous points of
efs 1,em 2,1(1 lh s s
rTasn^ f ' * - ' ' Jireclly related to the spiritual rctracement come into these fractals and trends resume off these alignments. The
m0 e 0 0 era,l0n
^enficalh b-rw fr™? v " ^ ^ P - 'n fact that is where it is way all markets make pivots is entirely based on periodicity, as an example if you
C rK,tl0na aws an
end ourselves
- -hes. ^unu.ely jus, what is this thing that truths
ard ntH ' f ' ' J spiritual we callabout our universe
-'God". look at a low in a market, and let's say that the calendar day count is 261S and the
market moves up fast and then comes down.
b Wh0 SIieak a,on ,hc nes a he, ef 1
dieve m this or 1 believ . B '' ' ' You notice that the rctracement point comes in at day 2706. the fact
, ial l 1 s or ,lial s lriie ^u, t 1e
f^lcm irnh this b that a Ivl f • ' '' ' '' ' that it came in at 88 days later would not mean anything to you. It is just 8S days
CEi(Tfj\ Proof. 1 am ru^ mi!* ^ a rTlenLa' conviction with no
later and there is no geometry behind it that means anything. Okay now let s say
k&itg aboul KNOWING or h- ^''el or a system of belief; I a"1 you have a time cycle of 2661 days, and you wrapped that cycle and went down -15
toa Wan if. ^ng a REAL EXPERIENCE, a tangible experience
Jays and resumed the trend. That means something, because you retraced to the 45
wnh any _ "iner truth I speak of has NOT ONE THING to
degree angle. That is much different than just noticing that 88 days elap>eJ to the
vcri and within you ONI v*50"' Sc"P|Urc' or experience outside ol you- 'l
retraccment low. Further let's assume you retraced to a 22 dollar and 50 cent low
' oan
v 'ad this will with not any exception. I have no and that would be the gravity center of the time angle itself.
** '^ogrce vehemently with what I say, but
Think of nmc luvinj jvarcnts and ofTspring, lor instance if you that arc changing. The tunnel is showing dimensions as the replication teauencea1
take place, this is why you can see a center of light that begins to move our along
MH(Icofclnat (hf \ihn»ihw tl S constdcr that 381^.-d is \cry related it not ihg
sun: (Ketg. he) a dnTerent aspect of 61 8, why? Because it is 61 .S squared and boundaries of itself as the entire structure is represented by a signature, but at the
the® alsocoostdct that 0> u the santc thing as it is 61.8 cubed. This even some lime you move out and back again in dimensional replications
gets sttkicct \iXi learn that as lime compresses the price compresses, it is a Remember a hologram no matter how it is analyzed or looked aU
conruuial shift of where the energy c\isi> in the tunnel thru the ether, it" you will. any piece of it will be a replication of the whole. This is a very important concept
The same was that M 8 squared is a nehuse, consider that .786. 786, 78.61 and to intcmulizc. When you think about this for a while, you sec that using a pnee
I air abo relatives, why1 Because that number is the square root of 61.8 and pivot in the market is akin to wagging the dog. It is using effect and effect only.
nthor way. expasJing it or contracting it. its still family. There is nothing separate This is what you as a market vibration student must overcome and learn how to
rr this unn crse. not one thing mat c\ en numbers. apply. I am giving you the foundation in this book to do just thai As price moves
This ennre line of thought and integration goes against what you up or down these lattice structures, it is in essence jumping energy levels or to
ihml you know, hut remember Mr Gaim's own words, "It is been well said truth is different positions in the light wave octave.
smnccr than fkoan and indeed it is So then back to this discussion, you can see An illustration of this is looking at noise in the market, like intrulay
Aere is lots of ways to tmd long term or short resistance and support, especially price noise movement. What is normally called noise is simply the effect of the
umc ro,Mio015 dimension not allowing the price to move with duration. Another example of price
* Somg on. Can you now see what I am describing is
cnurcK dinerent than looking to figure future price levels from old price levels?
being held in a narrow range or what is called congestion price action is simply the
timing configuration that is compressed or boxed tight together. This is what
^ ^,n hli books- b-v carT>ing f0"h from the past
deC,phcr 10 real tirac alon creates the inability of price to move but over time this configuration loosens up
tafamr about It r S 'he lines of what I am
have ih; cvdes to helnTf^^ ^ CVeT^ l'me an='<; a" ,bc t'mc, because you
,0 when one of the cycles wraps and moves to its zero position thus freeing up die
in relation'yem arc to the g^L ^ avera
ges to guide you where price. So what I have been saying is that as time moves forward it takes hold of
nnn-. als m rdancm to the rr i k t:r 0 C an
^ - ou 'iavc harmonic lime different segments of the hologram, i.e. dimensions. This also is what happens
when the decimal is shifted, what is happening is that wc are shifting dimensions
"f ab0VC and ^y time.
down i flag pole, a houndarv thai tConta1S J"8 akln 10 3 ,1a8 bein8 r3isod 1117 and of light energy and repositioning ourselves at a difTcrent vantage point in the light
tnu sre designtj and built on it This" n> lnner sw n s
' S witliin the outer cycles wave octave. It's very important to begin to think in light, energy, dimensions ami
and tm* p-ruxk ^ harmonicallv reuLS^^^ ,he rCa-SOn wh>'lhe Parent cyclcS fractals, because that is the basis of it operation.
v r,a ercaics rfaythns, trend and ham ^ • C crea,or' signature. This is Another aspect of all this is points of exhaustion or where trends
intma s
tappan and rcsisiancc looks thai vou un ' - This approach gives you end. Cycles and cycle amplitudes must be in conformity to make the energy of
PPra"^b you to see solume dwiyi n< VCr
" ^ an
y olbcr way. The cycles price reverse its trend. This relationship can be one of many things, but it is a
relationship component that will be associated with the signature and the properties
cc^,ers and Fibonacci r a,ios
^^ • ' • of it. Many times you will sec prices that cannot maintain a lime cycle or there will
be vibrational characteristics that exist that are vibration fundamentals dial you will
enSnTrf ^ ^ ^'o^gwes a'.^n aCC georT1elry of markets, instead come to leam about if you study and Icam the material I recommend. It is not
twd maps thai can be^r4 ^ Sc' Up ^cU that ^ ^ iS hapPcnin8 wilh
r dLU necessary for you to have complete dominion and understanding of these laws; it is
Ont rl? w trades. S.„ Pher. that offer schematics or more about changing your perception so that a more sophisiicated level of
rLsi youndf m reSd! * wVa^'"8 iS Undcr Cncrgy or ligh,
la,lice 8aln, no 131101
Understanding about cncrgy and fractal relationships can lake place. Voii must
t^npoorau. to tf.t m r^ structure n " where you 'orce yourself to spend die time with the books I mentioned so these concepts
C TB W| a w
c*«3i though wt ha. er |' ' ^ ''nte Th,^ " ' ays find geometric
he,e,ep,lt become yours.
« ^ «'c« ^uenc^J^'^aphic energy structures, but
B. wc also have DIMENSIONS It's imponant to work from where you live and build foundations
The efTccl of sympathy in my opinion is based on relationships to
^ r. , K a* eioncJ voo can take your work to the sky. but
W 00 the gravity center and the discord comes from specific ratios that are discordant to
^ 'Tn in ihcskv anJ ncur develop anything. You live HERE,
oawi vTudent • • ^ ^ vou aref l0 where you are not. then the vibrations that exist in it. Like music we have nice sounds that make us feel
can take place. Remember also that you good and then we have sounds that create discord in us. This is precisely why we
all like different kinds of music. The signatures wc hear either sit well with us or
vnh re^arv sv^tenvs of rotat.onal numbers and energy cycles. they don't, hence, "I don't like country music" or "I love country music", it's not
all thmc* mtaie m a field of rotational energy along tlie lines of thirds. Urge the "music" so much it's the characteristics of the vibration in relation to your own
cvete k rummc ever ihc ennre field and there thirds also rotate and the inner signatures and characteristics.
eveks de the smve thing, rotating on thirds and there thirds also i n a stale of This sympathetic vibration is what causes the wheel of cycles to
turn. If we take recourse to that Lorcnz watcrwheel, we notice (his wheel develops
Do not be discouraged or fruslratcd at what I am talking about; just
enough force to move one way or the other and this creates a thrust on a cycle and
Icarr u has 1 sr talking about. That is all I have ever done, just immersed my self
makes it revolve. Using an analogy of volume being equal to that watcrwheel we
in dm garr few a time and the concepts and applications unfolded in me. You can
have another axis going to another wheel, i.e. a cycle with a particular gearing ratio
dr tic same rust don't give up, If you have to, work with a team to develop ideas
o: teach n. Tbc best way to leara about something you know nothing about is TO that will only move when enough energy or force is applied to it. The same way
TEAG^ IT. I teach this stufTand I TEACH MYSELF. The foundation is what I you can break loose a bolt with a breaker bar fitted over a wrench by applying
have Sot talking about,ihc application and higher knowledge will be unfolded in more torque to it. There are relationships between volume numbers and vibratory
yen- if you ere ready for it. The degree that this will happen will be directly related signatures that must occur for the price wheel to turn. I have not studied this in
to yoor abiLty to connect and comprehend the universal soul in yourself, to be able detail as of yet. I feel it is study worth pursuing though.
ic £--Tj:en that divine spark ot genius. Just a spark developed is FAR belter than 1 tend to look at volume as being periodic also, as it only makes
lb: mca advanced indoctrinated human brain. sense as the volume being a registered EFFECT on our charts that corresponds
, . s
"e >0U have noticed that this work is based in and on the with price movement. Looking at this as having enough pressure built up and
Retneniber released over specific lime periods is the same as saying that each bar presented
Roberu's sister, the one who was
7 Femalc ener
requires a certain amount of volume. The extent the price will move can be a
S Z", S" Sy-this conccPt is what the characteristic of the power or thrust it delivers to the cyclic circumference, and
KCely did, extrac,ed lhc rcma,e forcc
fner cxtrcro-h iMgh Icvdslf^h ^
since we can take measurements of difTerent cycle lengths. Swing lengths can be
tIt 7 ^ lliS!0ci,"io,,■ 0"M 11 wa5 " worked out from that perspective by taking into consideration unique time periods
hi-., bsn Ulitoj .bout nukK lhi„ " ene'8y■ ™n.llll,8 of pnee strudurcs like I
m relation to the volume numbers.
diflrron aid you're thinking of lich. i,Tcren,' your viewpoint is
tradev ac real and the losses and n0W
" Sec
'''s an i"118'0'1' ''ie I do not think it is necessary to actually be concerned with making
Wand it is illuscny. The idea of ^ea ,
^ ' ^ lbc conce
Pt of what is going on concrete judgments about what drives markets, it is more effective to leam how to
of cyclic fields thai ril0^e behind the hi 5 and down ,s
simply the roiatio
rotation utilize the information you have, the model of vibration and then make associations
0 oFa c iar1, wo to the volume by simple observation. Remember thai harmonic ratios are building
mis hading to the actual l '' ' ' dimensional
on these cycles, especially the Fibonacci series as the little cycles and time periods
. . Vib^L,^1™^"" going on.
build into the longer series. The markets are a chord of sympathy so keep thai in
^ U) involution and evolution conc^. "tu"1 ^Pa^elic induction of number
nrri ^v "" "incents. TKP ni, . . .._ mind. Remember thai these cycles grow along lines of friciion and induction, as all
^^r^aIc ^'twPnnaitstod"j717s,T7charanter|slic that exists at Us
is vibration no matter what pattern or segment of the vibraiional mode we are
sr l fc 1ta
.ibr,-, ? "/ > U'f h curitmllcd 7 P^nnomcnon. Keep in mind lite observing, in otlier words the forces behind die cycle arc also in a siaic of
^ 217 a innuenee and from a vibration.
"d dtc shun ^"7" 'WPntlty „r discord ror a icu|ar
• ntcdiuin icntt and long tenn. 1 have been talking about many concepts and applications and ihcy
The efTcct of sympathy in my opinion is based on reUuionshfpi to
h«d ™ tratf. to .to .h« UdtvtlopeJ you can lake your work to chc sky. ba,
the gravity center and the discord comes from specific ratios that arc discordant to
ny« ton .rajenB son in ihc sky and never develop anything. \ on live HERE, the vibrations that exist in it. Like music we have nice sounds (hat make us feel
ivyj ihere nuke your ^od go from where you arc, to where you are not, then good and then we have sounds that create discord in us. This is precisely why wc
ratajsrin,: aswoanoos anJ coni[vin>ons can take place. Rsnicinber also that you
all like dilTerenl kinds of music. The signatures we hear either sit well with us or
m: w odmg with roun systcmi, systems of rotational numbers and energy cycles,
they don't, hence, "I don't like country music" or "1 love country music", it's not
all things rotate in a field of rotational energy along the lines of thirds. Large
the "music" so much it's the characteristics of the vibration in relation to your own
cycles ire turning o\ci the entire field and there thirds also rotate and the inner
signatures and characteristics.
cvclo do the same thing, rotating on thirds and there thirds also in a state of
riytauon This sympathetic vibration is what causes the wheel of cycles to
Do not be discouraged or frustrated at what I am talking about; just turn. If we take recourse to that Lorenz walcrwhecl, we notice this wheel develops
barn uIbi 1 am talking about. That is all I have ever done, just immersed my self enough force to move one way or the other and this creates a thrust on a cycle and
in ihi« genre for a time and the concepts and applications unfolded in me. Vou can makes it revolve. Using an analogy of volume being equal to that w aicrw heel wc
do the ianw. just don't give up. If you have to. work with a team to develop ideas have another axis going to another wheel, i.e. a cycle with a particular gearing raxio
or loch it The best ivay to leam about something you know nothing about is TO that will only move when enough energy or force is applied to it. The same way
TL-XCH IT. I teach this stuff and I TEACH MYSELF. The foundation is what I you can break loose a bolt with a breaker bar fitted over a wrench by apply mg
have Lxctn talking about, the application and higher knowledge will be unfolded in more torque to it. There are relationships between volume numbers and vibralory
yt>u if you an: ready for it The degree that this will happen will be directly related signatures that must occur for the price wheel to turn. I have not studied diis in
to you; ability to connect and comprehend the universal soul in yourself, to be able detail as of yet. I feel it is study worth pursuing though.
of enius J I tend to look at volume as being periodic also, as it only makes
8 human
the moa advanced indoctrinated - «' a spark developed is FAR better than
brain. sense as the volume being a registered EFFECT on our charts that comrsponds
with price movement. Looking at this as having enough pressure built up and
icinale encrrv ih™ SkT V" ^aVC not'cc^ lhal this work is based in and on the released over specific time periods is the same as saying that each bar presented
tEinaie energy, the subtle force. Rcmcmher R 0 kcrlS _ • 5 s,S,er
• . ,hc.u one who u vvaS
maiuoned c^ice md nev«- r . ' requires a certain amount of volume. The extent the price will move can be a
vibraiiLiuJ model is aboui fh T ? 6ncT^ lhis concept is what the
characteristic of the power or thrust it delivers to the cyclic circumference, and
from cxuemely hieh levels otVh ^ ^ oxlraclcd the female force
since wc can take measurements of different cycle lengths. Swing lengths can be
«vb.mvvvS^tl" ™':™0d'SS<K'a,"'n-O""it «sexlnvied i.
worked out from that perspective by taking into consideration unique time periods
have bco talking about makcv ihinc!1 ,"ner^' ^"n^mg of price structures like I
mUCl1 dif1rercn, in relation to the volume numbers.
dificrrot ad you're thinkioeoflieM ' >,our viewpoint is
tredc ere real and the losses and w" Cner
®' now
-^ ou s
ce it is an illusion, the I do not think it is necessary to actually be concerned with making
behind n. is illujorv. The ideaornn"
idcaorn 10511
^^ rea,, u, ll econcc
^ ^ e
^ concept of w
what concrete judgments about what drives markets, it is more efTeclive to learn how to
illusory. The ^ ea,, bU,
Pl of 'ul'is
s going
?oin^ 0n
of cyclic fields that' mov 0 n Up
U and doWn is simply ,hc r0,a,i0n
an "lilizc the information you have, the model of vibration and then make associations
•ds that movee bekimt
behind .k
thT^ ®1 ' ® P d down is simply the rotatic
to the volume by simple observ ation. Remember that harmonic ratios are building
«»tsvHy ■ny misleading to the i an..-.!6 aC op 01 a chart That two dimensional
on these cycles, especially the Fibonacci scries as the hide cy cles and nme periods
Yibrationa roS ";l mC,aph>'sics going on.
Visional build into the longer series. The markets are a chord ol sympathy so keep du in
m u 01
~»f> ^ ^ol bon and evolutinn
solution r!!-"
i '5ut symPalheiic induction of numbtf mind, Remember that these cycles grow along lino of Inction and induction, as ail
an: co
mponenl4 to dccinlw^ characteristic that exists at its 's vibration no matter what patlcni or segment of the vibralional mode we ate
vibration0!* rfl
^hrn "hat is conuoll • i Phenomenon. Keep in mind t observing. In other words the forces behind the cycle are ol»o in a stute ol
^ fmdcrv either^ \ 3 SCCOndar>' mnuence and from a vibration. , , . , .u
^ ^ over lbc vhon feel sympathy or discortl |br 3 purlicular
I have been talking about many concepts and applications and they
term and bng term. Int
. .r ^ bkJ estn iScM(.h thc> setrm unique and ^eporaic iho ^-uves and as it Jociv this it is mo% ing within the replicated light wave oeta.e dart
"ti' «wvW to mb" ^^• ^ li, markeb ,nitf fam,llc
> and (he iv illustrated in Waller Russell's scientific diagrams.
.^UeT^t^rtvU^HorVacTC^ihcKwd. It cannul Nsork for There are many financial analysts and mj/kct studenii »ho rhoik
■^ wt {a Bvxftcr Thw »* ^cr> unportant to understand and embrace aa „ jut there is such a thing as a business cycle, there is no such thin,,- There u jjnfy
n 6> crramc ua^cra) la*> tor >ourselt. \K hat is considered a ihc record of financial transactions from financial manipulation. The idea thai rhere
esuft' U* ifc1* <«»» mxr sbwov* »> Miural is reall> a lerrn ilui is akin to dff specific cycle* that reoccur o\er and u\cr in business is a fallacy Financial
«aret.Hz| tiut«% £*.« of u> an cnMronmenl, hence the I ()2 being a Ittirkcl urc the busings of manipulation, always ha\c been and remain so today,
wra-i rsomc ftrvd and the & ekrmenb being a natural product of the orb ue |ive the records of them are the same In fact the last sentence is the OnLV reason Vlr.
ofc « sct> innplc corcepi of nttural La* So obsious and simple that you look nght Gann would have done what he did, to gel behind the veil of manipulaUon and
pM tf «eC lack t mike chiogs naoir complex. illusion.
These enmetne soluis I tven ulking about are putting out Once again taking you back to (he time modu? and the Lorcn/
htfir*.*iJcaUv rrUed lino of force and that ls what \ou want to learn to track. Tha waterwheel, when looking at the wheel it has a complete turn which is rotation, bus
sfeeUd he ik«c w.Hinc froni the longer cycles down to the shorter. Vou always it also has buckets of water attached to the wheel and those buckets are SLOTS and
*«h to |T»cii.-e this coocepf. taking the big powerful lime angles and lining the price unlike the buckets do not stay stationary on the wheel. They jump on and
yarvrJl up le the k^a time franses. with the position and force criteria of the ofl'according to lime angles and energy. Therefore you have two centers of grr.iry
bojsr ffi the fewrfrnta of your aralyso. Remember Mr Gann went to the idea of working. Rotational Turn Positioning and Slot Positioning and in this concept
and rcpluaticr. for j reason, if ue again take the idea of a clock, this clock alone is the mode of operation thai tells the PITCH of a market, in other words
Fepmalh traces •time", as n tracked nine o'clock in the morning nineteen years w hat is the axis of tilt of the geometric solid in rotation.
K- the wr, n Ticked nine o'clock this morning, however the events that All any financial market docs without exception is seek its own
pUa omctccn jean, ago arc not registered or remembered by the clock its
equatorial center of gravity; it really is as simple as that. What determines trend us
cado use time ov o and os cr.
the rotation and position of (he Rotational and Slot positioning function. The
■orMs.m.. 15
*<JZm "P*803 ^0: they track time repetitively as interaction of these two things IN RELATION and AGAINST us own signarune
and its geometric fractals is what does it. All markets seek and rcium to there
ofiSe "nT-t ''i> >lnjcTu
re In Mr. Gann's master charts course he
Fetc scirae or' r01"15 resistance for anything, time, natural median, gravity center or equatorial body. Whatever term you prefer does
do not mailer it is the concept and application thai is iinportant.
pool* Of force the vlt-c Aa "r" change and offer mathematical
*i»f> offer pcrmanerj mnh^i C CTreriIS
^ Permanent and do not change as they There is a constant interaction of these two mtary systems, when
grvl ruzb po,nb
0* ^rce. This is why Mr. Gann used a markets are moving up four days, down four day s, up ten. down nine, swinging
•T? » all time hiEb 10 c,,ccts
Pr'cc behavior. The same back and forth with no definable pattern. This is due to the timing components as
Mr Gann oodovicod H ' 3 SPCC',1C 15 ,he sanic wa
y it created its all both of these rotary signals or a combination thereof is hiding on the gravity center
L 1 tlme s an or outer cube consistently. This knocks the price back and forth as the timing
s&KTitnc cnerp ' '"usion but he needed a way to
The idea and eoal ■■ elements pass thru there rotation. The financial markets are both deterministic and
" s»-'ex Ihrj -clock lime". fh,t ■ l ^PI'Mte and track the crystal structure as chaotic at the same lime, but they ARE NOT RANDOM The rotational position in
ine jd hig us the squire ii- k'"' ^0Ll '1aVC dlose ,wo circles inside the rclatiun to the gravity center or equatorial body of the cube is what determines the
cvnsai; ^ CorBo^ inner circle connected to the angles overall pull of trend. This movement is cither above or below the graxiry ccruer at
any one time and if gels to far away from the equatorial body then the price gets
T"*** ***** Ac r'nee >' ^cts make rounding typo
yanked back to rcstabilizc the entire deterministic system. This what I mean by
a Dn
the A^nnzuorh arc ih^i
L irec re! ' ^ Pai1iaj''ir Pjr1 , ie
' energy and forces behind the markets also being in a stale ol vibration.
* ''•cmctnbcr all ^ , | >uli of the crystal structure behind
pening the energy of price is jumping The thing is self regulating in accordance to what it is, when the

„ ^t,.CT „ » naiurally moving back toward its center. lines of there vibratory capacity.
1 Some students of Mr. Gann might remember a term "ImJ mMion"
* _ .. ^ ■^'TV |V%*1
rno'v* » bckMi tSr• fn" ^U 4 05 jnd
|S -»»*■ — the market gets to a Iposition
v.«.Itu^ranoa .1 to p* ■ ^^ ax)l of 3 6. you arc now below the used by him in his writings, he was talking about how markets can and do go
i: Price beyond there natural gravity centers in price. This is Ihe same thing as you being
* * r^^vjuaw
Nvb . - S of ."I Vul
setf is aNIr
tth square ol sa|d
0alln time aand
|| lhjtheprice
is gble to force more air into your lungs that is beyond there normal capacity, you can
„ „ ;^ ,s niov
is nun "'*• UUK
ins. b ul i,
5 l,,w
UK on AI
same on A -L do this on the cither stroke of the breath cycle, but it is done by you and your
rt. avTcv and vo the " S
muscles, and when you stop doing it your breathe returns to its normal cycle. The
x Z7£S ^ *» f ,hi"e "• r*™ a"d same thing happens when a market is compressing fast down to its gravity center.
onjiH* Iho is mc irvul anaKsis aoJ the Jesrec »' observation depends on the It might run right past it its own equator, bul not too much past it, and then come
ahihn u> h-Ki2,li« ii , , , . . 1 • .a.
off that point in price like a stretched rubber band snapped.
Ii is eminrK non linear and if vvc take a look at the earth itself. It is
The same thing happens on die expansion stroke, the market is
on t uh. bin 11 spins on its avis and moves thru space around the sun. So its equator
running out to its perimeter but falls short of its total cubic length, then snaps back
rcnarrvh static ra reference to its own tilt. The markets on the other hand are
nnjjm; more k]nn to the Lorcn/ waterwheel, but even that does not mimic it to its gravity center or zero point, this is the density and the holes being closed to a
enTia-l) correct Thmk of j cube sphere free lloating and turning and rotating in point so tight that the rings expand in the other direction so the market moves
even paisobk wav and direction with no apparent course, just moving and down to its gravity center, the density "Hips" to the outside then the rings now
spinmn? Thai is more akin to what it docs and this is why trucking the timing push Ihe action to the upside until the pressure gets to extreme on the outer portion
angl:s< id rcliitKfi 10 its own propemes will decipher trend. If you have a copy of and the density "flips" again to the inner ring and the compression comes back to
Luthei Jensen's Wc called Astro Cycles and Speculative Markets, turn to page the inside or zero point. You can say that compression is taking place on either
one hundred scv co and you can see and read what he is teaching, and you can see process, as long as you understand what is happening, the pressure coming inside
thii » what Mr Oann taughi also, but at best it is one quarter of what is happening to the center flips the density and direction, or the compression going outside
and am cv en coasidcring the cubic parteming. against the perimeter of its own cubic sphere, causes the density to again flip to
When you analyze markets the way they arc teaching you are center or inside. You can study this process in Walter Russell's draw ings that
aulynne 3 fraaion of the whole, so you have to ask yourself, what is happening demonstrate anodes and nodes.
wiui reaoi the scventv five percent? This is what we are after, the whole thing Think of a butterfly's wings and the Russell light wave octave, the
,CTK > wings are fully extended at the outside of its body, that is the perimeter of the cube,
miri j m circular and rQiational fashion Analyzing the financial
the wings then move up to where they meet at the top and that is the gravity center.
elcmJit* or iL!rLl 1
Wa rc< u rC!k con5tan,
' ' focus and study on how these liming
0lJ, ancl ,hc That is similar to explosions or fractals that change the market direction. That
Ofe inne to'tiLlf wf configuration they are making at any
and whether it is time ^ 5 "'i116 0 W0rk
^ 'S designed on equatorial bodies process defines all the one eighth positions and fib points within its light wave
U H behirj it all ' 4,16
' space, volu
mc or cubic containment that is the octave as this is where the elements are and ALL lime angles go thru this process,
rejecting and accelerating price. This is why all markets are diffcrentv difTcrent s\xc
again. thi^^t^ltoTi^cir^/T C°mprcssion 10 "pansion and butterflies but yet the differences can only go so far. as far as natural law \vl|l
lop come m on tht cube snh^r^ 15 llescnbm
e- For instance you see a allow.
'i will expand agun to ihe outer' "k ^ con,racl 10 ,hc gravity center and These are very interesting concepts and ideas that allow >ou to get
cEntCT This riKidc of operation e*nl " ^ ant, lbcn coniracl again to its gravity your observation on the true pulse of a financial market. I talked about one eigh^
fc a nS CXact
ort all the tune, because ihc rn-ri. ! 'y Fibonacci numbers will never of time, not price and this is the idea of all things repealing like Mr. Gann always
,0 said, he just didn't tell you that you must know what you arc observ ing to know
oomairaicnt or volume So whate-«
wndlei there natural cubic
m itraui So naritcu
m _ . nc brejfti^'Cr this
',l!B mi„Ki . L "
',"81" ^is whal • will be. lone or shoa when it is repeating. Small detail for sure, but a rather important one when you arc
calning there pr,ee ace,On and behavior eloSe "he
looking to work out these laws in regards to a financial market.


of matter arc held together or in position by vibratory relation lo a common center
TK, cm. ««• vou arc a mullidimcnsional being, these cubes and of gravity.
? *■ ihcv take on different meanings when you All things have its own unique notes, chords and tones and these
^ ""Moving Of .in* angles lliru differcn. zones of ! ore held together by a keynote, a dominating force if you will which all other
^ ^ h..c pofouaJ impact on how ,he W..v.or of pnee moves. An atomic phenomena adhere to. This keynote because of its power can give direction
fllomSrton nouU be .0 use a cnbe sphe* of 83.86 that has a gravny cen er of to its various components that make up its constitution. Hie relationships that exist
JI O'n thi< defines the equator immediaicly. However there is also a center of between the atomic phenomena and this signature are what maintain the integrity
cmin that was bcmcen 83.S6 and 41.93, that is the seventy five percent point of what something is. These sub atomic panicles and phenomena are really
of the cube, but ihat is a CIRCLE and is represented by 62.89. once time moves simulated matter coming from bent gravity curved light. This keynote is what
beyond that it is approaching its boundary of 83.86, but that is a powcrlul gravity determines association, proponion, and arrangement of the very atomic phenomena
center in its own right. that make it up. This determines the nature and guarantees the integrity of the
If wc look at it like a cube sphere, with rings expanding and
object and is the dominate force of the law of vibration.
contracting and not with a linear mindset it takes on a difTcrenl perspective. It
Vibrational signatures preserve a unique systematic arrangement of
begins to define a set of rings, zones or sectors if you will and of course these very
its sympathetic oscillations, however oscillation and vibration arc not (he same
thingc will base sympathetic and discordant points from its neutral center or
thing, but the sympathetic vibrations of (he phenomena to its keynote are what hold
graun cenier. These rings identify energy and as time moves thru these zones it
it in sway. This is why the destruction of something comes from the continuous
meieB resistance and since we know "lime" is the resistance to price behavior we
ncmcc thai as time moves thru these zones price will disrupt and stall. Continuing vibration of its keynote, which causes (he related phenomena to resonate with this
with this example there is also a gravity center circle between the 41.93 and the dominating force and eventually leading to its destruction. The same way a singer
zero position, or one half of itself and this is the twenty five percent position of the shatters a glass because they arc overcoming (he keynote or signature that holds the
totaJ cube v ic was 83.86. So you can see that lime moving bctsvecn 20.96 and glass together. The continuing induction and application ofa specific frequency
62 89 is m a neutral zone so to speak, its not out of its hold, nor is it below the against the same in some object that it was designed on will create this vibratory
gras-ity center betw een the gravity center and zero. phenomenon.
This keynote is the basis of all form and is the ascendancy and basis
■ . _ Ast
™emovKWou,"or"'n" past these zones, it is gelling out and
nao ihe mflugncc °f ihe gia.ity center ilselfend ihen conlinues on lo each of all holographic cinematic simulation. These vibrational concepts and theories
come from 1 lennetic Philosophy and you should study them, they arc integral to
behavior w,' • knowledge of these zones and there corresponding
Mr. Gann's work and application. If you are going to leam how to apply vibration,
ISsrsr?6 kno:,edBc and dclai, of,n nnancia' -^kct. An (hen you must learn about signatures and keynotes. Keynotes and signatures are
youi waiching it imradRv w! 'fm .el nia,'es a low on "Is 'olal cube in lime and
what make us all unique and (hey make markets unique also and this is the
'nmnmg into the twenty live pwcTm posiffc0 4,311 and relraCe WhCn ^ limC ^ foundation of the principles.
cause ,l 15 a
and time is atiemplinBg to jump iumn beyond
K-s, its energy level for anothernatural assault
higher Our universe works on compression and expansion, the nature of
our universe is curved and even dial curve is SPltLALED. This is the nature of the
higher energy orbits and no matiCT hUL"'6"" of clcclro
ns jumping lo light wave octave which by intense compression and winding creates spiral wavcs
things really art n
.«.iy are jt it
stilldemonstraics wlmM^""
ill demonstraics wi.«. i
1 lhiS model
?.. ma vv bc
uue, ma ,0 ,hc way
.- DC 10 inc ^ of heat, and over time that heat expands and returns to cold space. Ifw-e take a
vector.s and rings when tliinkinB of vonr l" 1 13 n
8 about. Think of zones. forest as an illustration of keynotes and signatures you see a myriad of things thai
Cubcs ant all have die "essence" of a forest, as (hey arc all part of the forest signature or
Gann looked at it Rerocmbcr there is ' spheres, this is how Mr.
unique Umc thai decipher, "0 ma«cr time factor, there is only lime, keynote. However, upon closer examination of the parts of that fore5l you will
signamc or a keynote thaj a|| rcla
ied to a vibrational huge dilTcrcnces in things like density, patterning. fraccMs. smell, texture. C0ILT,
it* 0
't of. All organic bodies or all fomts height, blooming patterns, and big difTcriug degrees of dryness and mo^ture and
nature's way of using the sex principle, and this is why Waller Ruviell Ubeh that
yoa at) those n«np*a»B are a chonl oflhe various notes of the forest point of the octave the 2cro cube curvature. This is where the zero cathodes ourt
and where the biconvex lense compresses invisible light into light oar eyebalb can
tventhim: >"
Evrnttrnt tn ion»« ^115 ou',
^ kc>
• '"0,C'..buU,": pick up. In other words, it shortens long light waves into shorter ones.
comW anrihoto ol the « ratten, of sigiutures ,s vvh.u we call a lorcst. This is done thru the cube sphere replication of gravity curved light,
TlnnV ot
Thm» oS voar
y,Taj Jw^d
Jwvrd as harnvrtcs or mtcnals. octaves ol that base underlying study w hat biconvex and biconcave lenses are and this will help you with this
irrquriK-v thai ^ill create syrnjuth) vnth whatever vibrates in aUiniiy to it, and
concept of metaphysical science and the TRUE foundation of all Mr Gann's work.
dse\-vd nth ^ hat *ihniics at frequencies that are not aligned w ill, its original
This is nature's way of recording all transactions, thru this mode of operation
Wcvuorc A stuJv ofrausica] intervals helps with this concept about harmony and
within an optical universe. Light connects everything as it is a radar system of
The scwdcc of Walter Russell lakes deep study and contemplation, sorts, and this system is entirely based in the forms of spheres and cubes. This is
and ihcrr is a very brer spintual theme in it. but 1 am not going to address that in the basis and theory of all Mr. Gann's work, everything that was done and
this book, n is a Kv>k m ibelf-1 will put that infomiation into a separate book for accomplished comes from the science of Walter Russell. Period.
studrtsi^ who »^nt that information. So let's continue with the scientific modus as There is a book called "The Giza Power Plant" written by
ihf? is where Mr Gann unlized the concepts to develop his method. As I have Christopher Dunn, I recommend you get and read. In the book he talks about same
continualh satd their is no such thing as lime" it is illusory and it only comes interesting things in relation to vibration. There are some good discussions of how
froin your >enses as they label and process a series of events with intervals and and why the great pyramid was a generator of power using the natural frequencies
tune stamps Since your senses only decipher an illusion, lime is nothing but the and being built on the natural dimensions of the earth. It was a natural hamesser o1
same, an illusion. the earth's energy grid and was designed to have an alTinity to the earth s natural
Th&e events that we cvpcricnce arc only simulated cinematic keynote.
botogrzpbic w hite light and vibratory sound as that is what the creator i c the In this book Mr. Dunn gives a nice example of resonance and
noell.«nce agency u*s to IMAGE or l\LAGl\'E this world and reality for us. This vibration and I will quote it here, "Elements will absorb energy and vibrate at their
Ughl has m mhcrem knowing of itself and a quality of desire in it to control the resonate frequency. If the resident frequency of an clement is a harmonic of a
dramali2c ,he
undiffcrenliated stillness ofmind. In fundamental driving force, it will be induced to vibrate in sympathy ' Wow. this
i rtlfr
'^. ■ '_| , 0
die source ts undinercnlialed and the light we experience guy has nothing to do with the markets but doesn't that sound like Mr. Gann in ^
ticker interview? You bctcha, because that IS the law of vibration and what you
h mic the nxmng^ r, ^ decodc
onemm holographic -quality
experience wc labelof
as light
"life"is or
what moves
have read in this book will stand as the final word in what Mr. Gann's lavv of
vibration is. There will be disagreement and discord with \vhat I say. but all mull
lAdiiTeenroifld. aad^fr"mi:li^nTJ!hle 0r ^ Undividcd and dividcd'lhc
1 liniVcrsc 15 goes thru these phases.
ofopposites wuha irr*«rv . . the basis of equal pairs
C Let's change gears for a minute, if you put a drafling compass on 1
ctoxt. hlkms of waller when "": 'll':a orcr':alion is whi"
oocrclaoee .rrh ^ a d
" piece of paper and draw a circle, any circle just for illustration. The lm.v h0le in the
middle of it is the zero point. As the energy or "1(0,6" moves forward ih,s
cxpaaiion pn&dnlts I bern r^r».rh gl1 vvave octave o| compression and
fifth elsDern of the founh octave cloJv iS10"* 'l1'® .book-7,1 is is whcrc ,hc compression moves to its outer boundary on the ODD strokes. I. 3. 5, 7 and so on,
mcna and cold vpsce makes hot sunv U ^ ^ lbc f0'"1 vvhcrc density and as the energy moves back to zero, this happens on the EVEN numbers, 2, 4.
■pat*. Thn is rbr cy clonic nature of 0, UnS 8cl revcr5cd
L back into cold and 8 and so on. Remember Mr. Gann's statement, 'The proof and cause of all
h»» oo intelligence in it; it SIMULATEn ™ MC,,Cr ye,, s'mu'3,cd matter which market movements is the even and odd natural squares of numbers" That is
precisely what he meant in that statement. Think of pumping up a bicycle nrc, as
wttUact cannot even begin to fajhofn 'n'e '8cnc,■ frorT, a source that your
you force air into the tube it compresses to its outer ring until the tire is hard and
dir ukd mothm and fathers of the light wave ocuvc aro
tight over the rim. When the air is let out it compresses and collapses bd^ jts
This term striking zone comes from the works of William Garrett
and if you look at that analogy of thc iron filings and thc magnetic field concept,
^ phi, nhcnommvi ortatcs bullish and bearish price behavior and
you can sec it in the visual of a elevator that is on the OUTSIDE of a building. You
th* dqvrvl. on much and -here the balance of power .s ^Ungnsth.smode sec it rise and descend, however if you made that elevator stationary, that would be
of ofcratiiVi uU-> pbcc For instance, it you have a majority of power OVER the your cyclic field or signature and thc BUlLDfNG moves up and down behind it
cJm ccnier iben .he even strole will PUSH the pnee up as the energy collapses and that is the price scale under observation. The buyers thai are further away from
on .uclt The same xvai if the nujonty of power lime angles are below the gravity
the live zone ofcncrgy get polarized when the building moves them closer to the
center, that edd stroke'can push the price down to it zero position. Sound like
zone of live activity. This is very illusory but it is based on the concepts of 10 you? It sbxild because that is what it is doing, all markets do this and
cylinders, this is what happens to those traders who are in losing positions, they are
this is the >cience of Walter Russell.
going thc wrong way in rotation, and they "freeze" up that energetic price bands,
The bw of squares works on a center impetus moving out in
cromctn, sacred rarios, and die natural squares of numbers. We know how to get until they cannot stand the loss anymore and when they give up this creates more
energy points front a envity center of a cube moving upward and downward in momentum in the true direction.
rebnon to its natural cubic containment. We have a neutral center number Returning to Mr. Russell's science again, he says, "the gravity
tssocuied with each signature that describes a vibratory component of the element center of every ring is its CENTER of mind control", then "electric potential and
itself. Thi> bw tttjrks on the trines or the forces of the diatonic scale. We know gravity are 90 degrees in opposition". This is the law of MIND, the mind of
that cvcles needs an impetus and this impetus slays in force, until another force creation (hut creates on this principle as that mind force CENTERS all wiih no
overcomes « and for all force movement we gel reactions and recoils from the exception. If we look the 52"d element, its 90 degree counterpart would be 45.03
irnpeTus and 59.46, as above so below, remember? This law is what describes the separation
We see the results of these cycles in the relationships that exist of thc sex mated pairs of thc compression and expansion process along Ihc axis of
berueen buyers and sellers, when they are in balance the price is idling, until the light wave octaves. This ninety degree process is pretty familiar with all of us,
mother forec takes it to higher or lower levels, where it again rests, moving from isn't it? Most of us spend a majority of our waking time being vertical and then we
rest at ninety degrees to that.
Srn^ K ^ IfT an(1 ^is thc rcsuhs of cycles- As cycles lum they
Now the natural elements are die "simulated" cause of the light
T C .harnionical|y rcla'cd buying and selling and this
wave octave and the ninety degree movement, and we sec that in this quote trom
H,rCB,TlhC C,^eC, 0r,he wavc
1" 'he market.
the ~»trildng zone" of price onlv 1°" 10>,0ll see W th 0ljr e es
' y y - iherefore Mr. Russell, "this is accomplished by the octave wave process which multiplies
when thev- realign upon hamnnicX ,he
cycles line up and thereafter power by projecting it from the stillness of mind source, i.e. the unditTerenliaied.
out of ihc strikine zone when the C I?l'0!ien,s s
ignalure. The value is gone by dividing it into mated pairs which science calls the elements of matter". That
mar L , 15 pretty much sums it for everybody, simple but glorious, sophisticated and elegant,
recoil A-iu pj^p " moving to its next level or rest, now the
wonderfully complex but right there in front of us, as the law of vibration.
cyclic forces creates stronger nncc'tnnH0^ W^en.'1'9 ^^8 impulsed by volume or Our universe is one of stillness, there is nothing moving in it. it is
vellm who bio« of the mart^"' l,selrbccause the buyers and all illusory, and n projection of "reality" through a cinematic experience of gravity
press.jrc, and ^ ^ direi,|y re| ^avcs of buying and selling curved light that gives the illusion of motion and sequences Ever wonder why
artier Thc entire machinery comes down ^0f 8eomclry I talked about humans love the cinema so much, they love movies, films, drama and theatre.
6 c llc Cn
rcvu is but you aren't sure cuctly what ii,n ? ' ^ '''"d egg question, you sec Remember young Robert all excited when he watches the play with his surrogate
V™ 1 is that the final cause on. 7.CMUSCbchind al, or^ «. The family? When you go to a movie theatre and you sit down, you know thai above
,s ,he
to ocb K/mcthing is the ^ vjb characteristics unique and and behind you is a movie projector and you also know die screen reflects, the
toJcvtbraiional machinery that all else moves off. "moving picture" and you watch this movie, which is a series of stills over a
couple of hours. Your eyes and brain enjoy the cinematic experience as. you
v . . -t-cK-rn in rclition to what you arc watching. However, that What I have shown and I will point Utose things out for these students.
Mr. John Kecly talked about a Neutral Center; he called it the
-***is «• -- foundation for some structure, and said it was without aluibutcs of matter, and
TmwcivV iSril evicts within VOUT being indivisible. This is the center foundation that holds all parts of the structure
IIhjx c ex cr looked up in the theatre, you can actual ly see the
in sway; the entire structure will always remain equidistant to its neutral center, ff
imae: cr?»m like a tunnel in the air. This reality that exists within you is a script, you were to push the mass towards its neutral center, the neutral ccmer would
,f do not uTtte this senpt \oarself. then it gels wnllcn for you. This is what the
remain and stay where it is. in its exact center. Mr. Kcely talks about the outflow of
naru iv pTcrr^ammed -italitics" for you. Your internal projector within you,
the neutral center being in contact with every planetary mass in the universe, and
p-o-ecc (he inner aorld thai you have either designed or wrote yourself, or the one
thtf as ind 1> anncn for you. The precise experiences and realities you conversely its sympathetic inflow comes form the solar logos itself. Then even
cvpneaer arc a mirror of the projection that comes from within you. In other before that, from the supreme neutral center, which is Kccly's way of talking about
utrds xour consciousness positions itself somewhere in the cinematic holographic source. Essentially what he is saying without saying it is that the neutral center is
rcaliTy of oar world, or the undifferentiated mind of the universal mind, and the the medium with which the ethcric fluid is passed; it's the medium which the basic
fLfeenaaigd light or reality is the one your senses decode and you experience. substance is fed.
My own outer reality has some knowledge of the law of vibration, Sometimes after deep meditation, you can see this fluid; it looks
wt>. Because my INNER world has some knowledge of the law of vibration, GET like liny bubbles float ing in front of your eyes. This neutral center foundation beara
TTUT. This positioning of consciousness is a direct reflection of spatial 3D (he burden of its mass that it governs. All markets have mass and a neutral center,
swarraesi Wncre you position your consciousness in relation to where the mind of and this allows for laws to be studied and applied. This is what John Keely was
(he acaioi evisis is directly proportionate to how much you can be a co creator. basing his water separation on. he essentially was attacking the volume on the
Each of you has your own little universe, world, reality that is nothing more than neutral third of the sphere, or as he puts it, "the induction of certain orders or
wtecyou pcsiiion jour consciousness in the cinematic holographic vibratory li&hl vibration to create antagonism", this disruption is what allowed him to free and
J13115 ,he basis or a11 perceived matter. Think of this in relation to what then harness etheric power, or the first cause of all matter. Me was harnessing
ym know about the recorded history of mankind. SAD, SAD, SAD!!! "spirit" essentially.
a ,eT Now since all markets gravitate up and down, let's examine this
k»tm—rr^, ' ^usse" s
he talks about the light wave octave as a
gravity theme, prices move up and down until the energy reaches its affinitivc or
use. a dailv ^ ^ ^ 0fEravily ccnlcred Polcs- This is wliy1
sympathetic receptive stream coming from whatever neutral center is governing its
■^«eltJv cr«nbinfti ^ii, |U
l , COrn
"33tlon a
weekly time angle, one pair, then the
action at that moment. Gravity in Keely's definition is nothing more than an
toe quansrK the ihird C m0"lr ^ ano,her Pair. then the monthly combined with
attractive sympathetic stream flowing toward the neutral center of die earth. This
flow of sympathy operates on molecular centers of neutrality, and this in turn seeks
deep mcdhaiion. and you will see a|| thar.ma8nr' Study lh,s mans diagrams wllh
frrai. jua the tame way m, Qann j|{J 85 s ea of T iai s
P ^ - ' ' where I got it all the same in the earth's center, these two forces seek a medium of affinity based on
the character signatures of the mass itself.
ct/rnprcwion of the roUijolul'ilm^15 CI0n^orTn 10 directional pressure and Let's convert this to market language, a price bar with its inherent
Tful proccy occun oxer and mr-r an8-65 ln natljr;i1 s zes an
' d lime limits, molecular mass and centers of neutrality would naturally seek a position in
hglo wa-.e, ^ ^ again and this is the law of repetition, cycles, sympathetic accordance with what, of course the time angle, just the same way
Eicn'i done just yei. i an, _ ■ Ven s ol;e
P n of, it's been quite a journey so far matter on earth is governed by its own mass properties in relation to the earths
f,jr a 810 ab0U, John Kee| neutral center, the price bar is die same in relation to its lime angle Since dus time
*hjle and then prjim It ^ y and his lawS and
« many yludcnls of Mf ^ Utings about Waller Gom Old, i.e. angle is non linear and ihey move in a fashion to a rotating sphere, nothing can be
e 0llen lal,tcd 10 mc abou this v,r ler,
e^cn loough I hjxe not used hit r t ^ ' disconnected, and nine digits repeat in a fashionable script to what )ou know to be
,T2 the rotational energies of John Kccly's creative, transraissive, and aiiracUve law*
oncepts and work, he docs talk a lot about
it to sec it. I have many books by (his aiilhor, but the one that) will talk about is
r■ thai the definition of oscillation is. ihc rhylhmically recurring
The Kabala of Numbers. You don't have to look far because on page one, you will
^ ibration, the rhytliniicol motion of a body wi.hin
read about chemical nature, the elements, atoms and molecules and chemical
analysis. Then on page two, you read the sentence, "crystallization takes place
' LetN compare Kccly's concepts with Russell's cosmogony; Kecly
according to definite laws". You know what laws he is talking about by now, then
yv. the ncutnl ctnlcr the cause of the physical universe, its attraction
on page five, this sentence, "This power rests in an occult connection existing
corAnscd into ihai which we call substance. Russell says the compression and
between the relations of things and the principles in nature of which they are the
cvpanoon of the licht wave octave creates matter. Keely's statement of attraction
expressions". This is periodicity from the periodic table of the elements.
hcmc condensed into substance is similar to Russell's compression. Kecly says
imikt wx< oohrd from the atTmit)' of this neutral center for sympathetic streams. Turning to page eighteen we read, "We discern that it has an orbit,
Therefbir the laa of \ibntion summed up is the applications of these laws of and is responding to a gravitational pull. So that what was generated within the
creation and sym pathetic vibratory physics, if (he neutral center has sympathetic circle answers to the circle", man o man that is a powerful sentence and that
fcc-tms to something, then in market language these streams are the emotions and describes just about everything I have talked about, in a nutshell. We find another
the traders themselves, and from this relationship to (he price bar in all its facets. interesting sentence on page twenty and here it is, "A number is a seal or impress
This neutral center causes from negative attraction the formation of of natural law as surely as is the shape of a flower, the sound of an atmospheric
ncdes in these streams, where the vibrations thereafter continue to meet in a center vibration, the color of an etheric wave" and then on page twenty one, '"I regard
of >>Tnpathetic coincidence causing permanence of form. These nodes are lime and astrology as in the nature of a science, as much so as astronomy, on which it is
pnee pomis a> they become sympathetic points of coincidence, which create based, but inclusive also of higher chemistry of nature, which has regard to the
p^mancncv m the form of a markets pricing structure. Ultimately at the end of properties and reactions of the celestial bodies". Within that sentence you find
wmnhmg's cycle it is the neutral center which is the cause of it. thus creating the Keely's laws and Russell's science combined.
ab>orpuon mto the unknown from whence it came. Continuing on we find this sentence on page twenty two. "Our
.. " %cry s'milar to Russell's science and concepts of science is a mere record of observed phenomena and experimentation. It must
always be so while we are ignorant of the nature of life itself. This statement is
'eTfr^r nteUlralDCen,cr is no,hin8 but the gravity center of the light
completely aligned with Walter Russell's statement, "Science has built a strange
ftibiaance thai comestrrIh Cniem|ber lbe rorce behind the market, the cihcric
corns orTihis condition n/ tCn,e^, , , s s,a
'' hility and instability in markets universe from sense evidence, and has been mightily deceived". Then finally on
b> .ho t equ i ibrium
1! bom into each neutral center; it is page twenty three and twenty four, you read about more chemistry and elements.
iwn ^ in baIiinct bliunhe Mm^0^0"1'0111"8 te,,dcnCy that holds Taking a look at a book called Cosmic Symbolism, we can find
rbc wm- ifjng „ \va|ter i. .., ^e.timc assumes the role of either. This is some interesting things also, as on page one hundred five we sec the following
sentence, "The cyclic law and that ofperiodicity are practically identical. For what
This neuira"^ '"^change law.
aaraetive ntgariic and between thu - k yeen lbe dispersive positive and the wc (race as the periodicity of phenomena, can be shown to bear a direct relation to
d"* anion that mduecs the connen' I- C, ""'^r53' '"'nd agency. Further on from planetary cycles" This sentence is precisely what you will read in Thomas
,nk ,s s n a
Therefore ihis is why Mr. y iP lhclic planetary oscillation. Graydon's book. New Laws for Natural Phenooicna.
10 lbe , anc,s Then finally in The Kabala of Numbers on page one hundred
r.inpsthclic virvams from ih' l' because this neutral center
'jCTUi,uruscrsal mind. There u n0.if 0805 i,nd even,ually the supreme neutral twenty three, we read, "The idea of the cyclic law. or law of periodicity, has
arrested (he attention of scientists, among who we may cite MenddietT who has
" V,C eat
ii irvijy jj h other. wave
ihought I,8C s.epara,e
Th .?' S' '' center
graphic naturedie
ofuniverse andand
our reality so shown that the atomic weights of the elements follow the natural octave" followed
13:3 by "Sir William Crookc's, whose Genesis of the Elements develops the same idea
thing | Wini ,n "',,VC,]5C ol gravity curved light waves,
undorvtoo^ a |ol 'be concepts thai Sepharial talked in regard to the diflcrcntiation of protyle via the hydrogen base by a graduation of
11 ,c,,
y• but again you have to be open to the vibration frequency and a proportionate diminishing of (he mean free path or

Tesla's work of propulsion theory and that it is based on the elheric fluid and how
. v.K- Xmaas auW ll dxs nol get any clearer than that and if wc
it can be polarized or made to "thicken" by a sudden increase of vibratory force.
OK wvKvfe .nocn by Scptarial called The Silver Key and then the This would make it pliable so something could harness its subtle power or allow a
tiOJ Kcv vnu see he rats the elements riftlit out in Ironl of you. plane to anchor itself in mid air as in the book, this is partly what the tunnel is, a
We see the connections to the tunnel as Gold was the reason for the
segment of ether that is made to act in a specific way to suit a spedfie purpose.
xeaborv oj the United and then remember where Claire Douglas and
Please turn to page two hundred eighty in the Tunnel book if you
Benucc Ma>o irsrd to spend all there time and what was to eventually become the
have it and read (his sentence on the top of (he page, "and the skyscrapers
bnda" chanter? Silver springs, and the place within the pond was boiling springs. 1
crumbled to pieces", now taking this number 911, and subtracting that page
It!? preiry ohxious that Mr. Gann sjKnt some time with Scpharial's work as you
number wc gel the number 631. if we modify 631 with 192, wc get page fifty five,
car see S these sssociabans fiom the Tunnel Thru the Air and these sentences in
hi> i'Tarni NxtU I am sure I have missed many more things, but you get the idea turn to that page and read (he following, "(he sword of the slain; it is the sword of
cvj poini 1 am making. the great men that arc slain, which enterclh into there privy chambers". If wc take
The tberoe of romance is big in the Tunnel Thru the Air, as we have page two hundred eighty and subtract fifty five from it we get the number two
Roten and Marie, then Mr. Watson and Katie, and then also Bemice and Claire. hundred twenty five and that is the natural square of fifteen. Remember the ratio
Tbese err rwnaftccs within romances, and if you turn to page 205. you read about between 192 and 88? It is 2.1818181, now shift the decimal to the left by dividing
E_H Hamman s maihenutical method of harmonic analysis, and if you subtract by ten and add (hat to (he number fifteen, and thai number multiplied by the earths
ih: sS elemans fiom page two hundred five you get page one hundred seventeen, signature is after all what is a word with a s attached to it
end thij t tears away from Marie leasing Robert, and this is what Mr. Watson is Finally coining to the end of this book, I want to point out a couple
dymg fiom. a broken heart fiom his long lost Katie. Marie came back on pane four themes from the Mr. Gann's slock market forecasting courses. The first concept I
hundred achiccn, thai number has a square root of20.44 and she left on pag'e one want to show is this New York Stock Exchange permanent chart, he speaks of this
Jumiredsexcntoeti and 0^ nuiTlber has a square root of 10.81. The ratio between as being the square of twenty by twenty. Then further on he talks about the United
xhos nm uumbos is 1.89 and wc know what that number is and comes from. Slates Steel Chart, which he says is the square of seventeen by seventeen or a
lsno square of 289. Of course he is using (he letters of the name as a little concept of
mrir-Mi™ .,1- J °T^y ^>00'c ^nd if you allow yourself to let the
,he infonnalio
signatures. The way he does it though is veiled, and I will quote Mr. Gann now,
eamilaie the n will allow you to
"The name, United Slates Steel contains seventeen 17 letters. Therefore, to make
up a permanent square for United Slates Steel according to its name will require 17
BPPb this mfonnaiion to the pri« bar InTh K v"./011, y0U Wl11 leam hoW 10
x 17, or a square of 289".
Comn)rj4nirs, Mr. Gann uvc nn ' ^ow to Make Profits in
C1 ,fie >luman This quote is followed by another interesting little sentence and
^ezlfcss is what needs to be ^ elemenl and your own
wd-.-euon. Each of us needs to chan^fmm al must Work 01,1 our
) own personal here it is now, "The basic number or low point, for example 9. the lowest digit on
ani U.S. Steel, and its vibrations according to its name, all cause slight variations at
Mr. Gann io apiJy te|| m ' ^ to a thinker and seek knowledge
limes from other stocks, because each slock works according to its own base,
fonfaiKm base a built in chasniv '1l^,er aPPlicaiions of this work and beginning point, numbers and name". You can see what Mr. Gann is doing here, he
)n l ,, 10 tha,
your u*n wurcc In respect to the fin^ I • '' comes from a connection to is applying a form of numerology to the markets. Then he goes on and talks about
the United States Permanent Master Chart which would be a square of 21 x 21 or if
' V1 °r 'hefror
"tbmaiely find ^ lhose _ . ""'"pcome laws that describe vibration,
fere yousnlJ find truth uliinunrlv ^ p o WITHIN yourself. That is you use the word "America" you would use a square of 7 x 7 or a square of 49.
These arc often overlooked paragraphs but they contain veiled ideas.
%****'•»>o»heie.bu, |k^ "S.he founda.ion and I have
In this same course you will see a beautiful spiral chart with the
Ktolemfc comc number 300 on the bottom of it. This is a coffee chan with a date of October 2.
w also Uut the tunn i l '"to the picture.
^ 'uaael thnj the air is based on N ikoia 1936. If you read the book called Occult Chemisuy, you will see the SAME chart
periodic Inblc and the elements. In my mind the oncicnti had full un^crAindin^ frf
unAa >»cj»Jinsv -nff
ntr PERIODIC LWV after Crookes" in the introduction of the elements and science as well as everything else under the sun.
(hc ^Jonic nature ol matter and the
Continuing on now, when Selh was one hundred five years old, he
^ NvA Thai chin ^rtrt, ^ ^ ^ inten^lmg anal>-sis in thai course, you
gave birth to Enosh. Remember Selh was bom at 130 degrees or 10 degrees Leo.
penMic t»h»c i^'i ^ lh(. xv0r^. There is a segment where Mr.
and one hundred five degrees further in the zodiac would be 235 degrees or 25
ancles and moving energy. 1 will quote that degree; Scorpio where another cycle begins, i.e. the birth of Enosh. After Enosh
^Sncnt no* *iH U-am -hen these master angles return to the same was born Selh lived another eight hundred and seven years and that is two tunis of
pUcr or the >amc angle or degree from -htch they the wheel plus 87 degrees more. I f we add that to the cycle start of Enosh which is
Ltvu IV exact measurements of cvcles according to MOl /AG ENERGi . 235 degrees, we gel 322 degrees or 22 degrees Aquarius. These arc interesting
That lx quite an interesting statement and there is more to it if you ways to interpret and look at cycles of planets.
an ms a No* remember ho* Mr. Gann talked about hvo dilTerenl vibrational When you think of John Keelys work with water separation the
Lbu v one thai worked on price ascension versus one that worked on price decline, I story of Moses lakes on different meanings and applications. These stories arc not
til Led aboifl ibe duiomc octave shocks going both ways, but there is more to this, what the general public interprets them to be. For instance if you turn to Job
and ae find it m Walter Russell's science. Mr. Russell says that "mass accumulaies chapter thirty eight verse thirty three, you read, "Have you grasped the celestial
nvtiirmclv along the centnpeul lines of closing spirals and then "dissipates
laws?" and remember these are the very same laws that govern atomic phenomena
ccmdactivelv alone centrifugal lines of opening spirals". You will find more of
as we have been talking about all along.
thexe ideas and b*i in the concepts of compression and expansion pressure as
Now read the following sentence from Job chapter thirty eight verse
dcxcnbrd r> Mr Russell.
thirty four, "can your voice carry as far as the clouds, and make the pent up waters
Okay then Gann experts, finishing this book up shortly I want to
aidrc thai date 1 Hiked about that we found on page one hundred fifteen in the do your bidding?'' isn't this precisely what John Worrell Keely did? Make the pent
Tunnel Thru the Air. It was June fourth, 1927. Let's convert that to 641927 and up waters do his bidding by dissociating it to harness the latent subtle energy of the
modijx bs ibenambcTl92. ifwcdolhat wcgel the number seventy one. If you universe? I think so. I hope you have enjoyed this book and it my sincere desire
turn to page seventy one. you will read this sentence. "I told you about my that it helps you with your own path of discovery and enlightenment in regards to
oisar.crtesofihe cycles from the Btblc...." No* remember that Mr. Gann told the yourself and Mr. Gann's true work. Lighi Speed tu You.
.^"| 01 * ^Im£' i" t^he forward to read the Bible three limes once they
r s ow t on 1
h-.c spentn some tame reading^the'^'Bible.
''' I l ' claim to have done that but I

relation u. 'f^510 sec what we can s,:e in

tmc *c read aboLit JuK t'ti ^ of Genesis at chapter four verse twenty
^.^^^z:hofa" •ho ,he ti
- is gave btnh to TllbaIcai^ ZZt ™* ^ wc see the sentence,
fru-x t ubxioush talking about .LancCslor 01 a" me,a' workers in bronze or iron.
0r V ars n c la ,cr
I«ino*s be fort t})C flood it sa\s that'll. ' ' '' ' P Iwc under the
0nc 1un
bcgrvtbinhtoason.ihisisacv .le^/"
nwike it «iyt Adam IncJ for anotbw •" ^
ould be'ten drcd thirty
degrees years
Leo. Thenold
ndre,i car
be two turn, of 3«j degrees wilh " y s after Seth's birth. This
S..dd„sf0e2"™'«^"«''JeErecsaJdcdlo.hal 130
K 1 eEreC5 ivci us 210
' " " ""ffm Swrpio | bcLvJtl. B J'e".-'5 in lhc
^ ihcsc numbers arc also rclalcd lo lhc

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