Reported Speech

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I stayed here yesterday becomes: She said that she had stayed there the
previous day, or She said that she stayed here yesterday.

RULES: pronoun changes: I > She; tense changes: past to past perfect;
words referring to place: here > there, and time: yesterday > the previous day.

In the second example the speaker chooses not to go one tense back or
change the place and time references because, presumably, the speaker is still
‘here’ and it’s still the day after ‘yesterday’.

Do you like chocolate, Tom? Becomes She asked him if he liked chocolate Or
She asked him if he likes chocolate.

RULES: pronoun changes: you > him; Use if with a yes-no question; go one
tense back: present > past; change question form to statement form. There
is no need to change the tense if the ‘liking’ is still true.

There are many reporting verbs in English, each of which have particular verb
patterns which need to be learnt.


1. Reporting verbs convey the speaker’s manner or intention. Report the

sentences below, using these reporting verbs: make it clear, announce,
insist, whisper, explain, wonder, confess, argue.

a. Yes, it’s true –I can’t remember whether I told them or not’. He admitted
that ____________________________________________________
b. ‘I couldn’t attend the meeting because I was on holiday’.
Paul ___________________________________________________
c. ‘Psst! Guess what? My father’s just won a lot of money in the lottery!’
Sally ___________________________________________________
d. ‘OK. I did steal the car. I can’t deny it.’
The thief ________________________________________________
e. ‘I want everyone to know I’m going to marry him –so there!’
Rebecca ________________________________________________
f. ‘In my opinion, it’s imperative that taxes are reduced!’
The politician _____________________________________________
g. ‘Now, how much money is our holiday going to cost?’
The Browns ______________________________________________
h. ‘How many times do I have to tell you? I wasn’t there.’
Sam ____________________________________________________
i. ‘I have no intention whatsoever of working at the weekend’
Mr. Black ________________________________________________
2. Adverbs can be used to add more information about the speaker’s
manner or intention. Choose an adverb from the list to add to each
sentence in the previous exercise, making sure that you put the adverb in
the correct place. Grudgingly, forcibly, angrily, absolutely, discreetly,
defiantly, anxiously, clearly.

3. Some reporting verbs can be followed by a gerund, some by a

preposition and gerund, and some by the infinitive. Circle the correct
form of the verb in these reported sentences.
a. ‘I never copied anything from my fellow students.’ He denied copying /
to copy anything from his fellow students.
b. ‘I’m sorry I forgot to phone you.’ She apologized to forget / for
forgetting to phone me.
c. ‘All right. You can have a discount on the TV.’ He agreed to let / letting
me have a discount on the TV.
d. ‘I won’t divulge my source of information, honestly!’ She promised not to
divulge / divulging her source of information.

4. Complete the sentences below using either a gerund or an infinitive in

the positive or negative form. In some examples you will need to supply a
a. Joe insisted _________________________________ (do) the job
b. The secretary objected _________________________________ (have)
to write the report again.
c. The teacher warned the children ______________________________
(cross) the busy road by themselves.
d. Those students were inquiring ____________________________ (take)
an English course.
e. The company workers encouraged the management
_________________________ (comply) with the new safety regulations.
f. The doctor admitted ________________________________ (make) a
mistake with the prescription.
g. Carla threatened ________________________ (sue) the company for
neglecting safety precautions.
h. The students complained bitterly __________________________ (have)
to get up so early in the mornings.
i. The old man pleaded __________________________ (be set) free from
his prison cell.
j. The opposition leader urged the members of parliament
_____________________________ (vote) against the unpopular tax bill.

Gude, K. & M. Duckworth (2002), Proficiency Masterclass. Oxford.

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