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The Three Principles

The eight virtues are derived from the three principles of Truth, Love, and Courage. All
that is good, or done with good intent, derives from the three principles.

Truth is the truth that is inherent in all things. It is the truth that we discover when we
are able to see clearly, free from other distractions.

Love is the love that we find in our hearts for all things. Love is what drives us to do acts
of kindness. To love is to see beauty and joy all around.

Courage is strength of spirit and determination to act for the greater good. Courage to
never give up, and to face overwhelming odds bravely.

These three principles, either separately, or in combination, form the virtues:

From Truth comes Honesty
From Love comes Compassion
From Courage comes Valour
Truth and Love combined create Justice
Love and Courage combined create Sacrifice
Courage and Truth combined create Honour
From Truth, Love, and Courage comes Spirituality
Pride is caused by the absence of the Three Principles; the opposite of Pride
is Humility.

The Eight Virtues:


Honesty is respect for Truth. A dishonest life brings unto thee a temporary
gain, but forsakes the permanent.
An honest soul need remember no lies. A few honest men are better than
numbers. Speak the truth and shame the evil forces.
- Abraham, Knight of Honesty

A seeker is to be truthful and sincere. Honesty is a straightforwardness of conduct and

speech. It is the freedom from fraud or guile that marks a seeker with a strong integrity
and sincerity in nature and word. A seeker should always be someone in whom you can
place your trust.
Honesty and Integrity are key in the life of a seeker. Knights ae often seen as seekers of
truth, this much can be taken from similarities in many a sworn oath, (A knight knows
only virtue, his words speak only the truth.)
Honesty, however, is not only given in words, Honesty to ones self, and to one's heart
are important as well. A seeker must follow the correct and righteous course of action in
all their deeds. This also means that if a seeker should have a problem, he or she should
express as such, keeping true and honest to their heart and mind. While this may not
change what the seeker has a problem with, they have been true to themselves and all
others involved.

A seeker wields honesty in all their endeavours across the land, as the beacon to light
their path.

Honesty's temperance: Sometimes Honesty must be tempered by compassion. To not

tell a suffering mother who has lost her son, that he has died in long protracted agony
because it is the truth, we show compassion so that her suffering not run as deep.


Compassion is Love of others. Only a detested life owes its pleasures to

another's pain.
If you treat someone else well then, they will have reason to do the same.

To be compassionate a seeker must be aware of another's suffering and wish to relieve

it. Might alone does not make right, it is the goodness and compassion behind the steel
that makes the right. Tis we who are the master of the sword, not the sword the master
of us.

Do not let the blade's thirst for vengeance and retribution leech from you the
compassion that is the balance of our vow.

We cannot be right when there is only might. Seek within yourself to find the reasons
behind the blade and open your hearts to compassion.

- Ahriman, Knight of Compassion

A Seeker must always use compassion as a gauge to judge their actions. Enemies may
repent, and allies may need patience, or to be saved. It is important that the seeker
remembers that no mortal is perfect, by nature, we will all make mistakes. A seeker
must always gauge their actions, and incorporate compassion into their decisions. While
a foe that chooses to combat a seeker, shows they has accepted the consequence of
their actions, one who is engaged first by the seeker should be shown the chance for

A seeker is compassionate in all their dealings, and as such, is a guiding force for
Goodness in the world.
Compassion's temperance: To be too compassionate may open the seeker up to abuse of
their good nature, and to create a dependence upon the seeker where one might learn to
have become independent. In honestly placing a threshold on ones compassion will
those who would be independent derive more benefit.


Valour is Courage to stand up against risk. Those who fear to try, know not their limits
and thus know not themselves.

The valiant soul fears not its own visage. True valour is seen not in the force of arms,
but in the force of will!

- Jayna, Soldier of Valour

The intangible kith and kin to courage, to be valiant in heart and deed is to seek
excellence in all endeavours expected of a seeker. To boldly step upon the path,
grasping courage and faith in equal measures. Encounter danger with firmness, prowess,
intrepidity in equal parts with justice. To be valiant is to hold a fear of base or unworthy
things and harbour a spark of boldness.

A seeker stands up for what they believes in at all times, even should they be standing
alone. The Valour of the seeker should be well known across the land, and should always
be maintained. To be valiant, is to stride forth and stand boldly for your belief in
Goodness, using Justice, Honour, Compassion, and Honesty in equal parts. A seeker
does not necessarily need to succeed to show Valour, but cannot truly succeed without
showing valour. The Path of virtue forever shines, so long as the Valiant remain to hold it
in their hearts.

A seeker should use Valour in their stance against all that oppose them.

Valour's temperance: Do not charge into the enemy with reckless valour because it is
the bravest thing to do. If a seeker is expected to hold a line, then the seeker shows
honour to ones brothers who are depending on them to hold that line.


Justice is Truth, tempered by Love. Those who inflict injustice upon others, cannot
expect fair treatment unto themselves.

True justice satisfies all, false none. Let justice be the calling not the excuse. Many a
grave has been unjustly filled in the name of justice. Justice is truth in action. Justice is
hardest to find at the point of a sword, the steel is an agent of justice, people are the

- Aribeth, Knight of Justice

Seekers should always seek the path of right, unencumbered by bias or personal
interest. Recognize that the sword of justice can be a terrible thing, so it must be
tempered by humanity and mercy. Seek it out without bending to the temptation for
expediency, the ends do not justify the means.

A seeker is not a judge, a seeker administers justice. He or she is a caretaker of justice,

a bringer of judgment from the Gods themselves. A seeker may be asked to meet out
the sentence and is the harbinger of truth and goodness.

A seeker rides out into the land, ever searching to bring Justice to those who serve
malevolence. (Their wrath undoes the wicked). Justice should always be what they seek
in their travels across the world. At all times a seeker is required to be fair and just in
their servitude to virtue.
When going into battle, a seeker must serve Justice, not vengeance, or hatred. Though
their battles are tough, they fight because seek to bring justice, not because seek to slay
or maim their foes. A repented enemy is far greater than a slain one, in any case. A
seeker uses justice as the tool of Virtue. With it they strikes fear into the hearts of evil,
and hope into those they serve.

Justice's temperance: To give out harsh penalties for petty crime is not justice, the crime
ought to have fitting punishment. In some cases a seeker should show lenience towards
reform, as well as one who executes justice to the letter of the law. All ought to be
accountable to Justice, for it governs us all.


Sacrifice is Courage to give oneself in the name of Love. None live alone, save they who
will not share their fortune with those around them.

Self preservation is the first law of nature, self sacrifice the highest rule of grace.

-Bertrand, Knight of Sacrifice

A seeker sacrifices all - life and liberty for the pursuit of virtue. The seeker forfeits
everything to protect and defend the helpless. A seeker should think only of gain in their
service regardless of personal loss.

A Seeker will knows Sacrifice more than most others in the realm. A seeker should be
ready and willing to give up all they have those in which they serve. A seeker must be
prepared to give even their life, in the pursuit of virtue and hope. Sacrifice comes not to
please those it is given for, it is meant to show that the seeker values what they are
doing, more than what they possess, and that they are willing to give what they have to
further what they are doing. Anyone can speak easily about how they are willing to
commit to sacrifice but it is a true seeker who recognises, as is the case with all things,
actions speak louder than words.

A seeker sacrifices all that they have to better to promote virtue in all its forms

Sacrifice's temperance: To give too much of a seekers self without due provocation will
limit their ability to fulfil their duty. A seeker must give of themselves, but to remain
strong for another day where one may then give oneself again.


Honour is Courage to seek and uphold the Truth. It is the guilt, not the guillotine, that
constitutes the shame.

Honour is like finely polished armour. Without constant care, it will soon tarnish! Honour
gives greatness: No honour, no meaning. Dignity consists not in possessing honours, but
in deserving them.

- Niana el shar, Seeker of Honour

To be honourable it to act with honour in both thought and deed. To maintain a

principled uprightness of character, a personal integrity, dignity that neither strife nor
hardship can waver. Honour is a virtue that can be, and should be, infused into each of
the virtues, a courtesy that emanates from the spirit and infuses each habit.

seekers should be respectful and gentle with equals, honour superiors, and show
consideration to all. To live in a manner so that your deeds and person are not called
into question and only favourably reflected upon the path of virtue.

Honour is perhaps one of the single most important thing a seeker must maintain in their
actions, To be noble in word and deed, to be a Champion of virtue. It is possibly the
single greatest thing they should strive for. A success in combat is not a success if it is
attained through dishonourable means, nor is any other success for that matter. A
seeker must strive to consistently maintain their honour in all things, everything from
tactics in combat, to dealing with others throughout the land. A seeker who takes
shortcuts does not only undercut themselves, but those they serve with as well. Honour
comes from within the seeker, and it is not something to be simply adhered to but must
be lived fully.
If a seeker has trouble with finding honour, they should look to their peers, and if it isnt
strong there consider ways to improve for the better. A seeker with honour will not
gloat, or brag over successes, but instead realizes they has been gifted success by those
around them, who they protect, who they serve, and will work to continue to maintain
this honour

A seeker may use honour not only as their armour against deceit and trickery, but as
their weapon against it, using it to turn aside the blows of its counter, shame.

Honour's temperance: For a seeker to give an enemy, who is undeserving, too much
honour serves no purpose. Nor should a seeker seek to slay all foes without the option of
mercy and redemption. Honour and respect are earned, not given freely.
This does not mean a seeker must always give ground to an enemy to keep their honour
intact. Should a seeker disarm a foe, especially one who is a much stronger evil enemy
(who for example is known to foully murder innocent children), they are not required to
allow them to recover their weapon which one has disarmed, especially if they may best
them in combat because he is stronger. For justice, one must defeat them to allow the
evil actions of this enemy to discontinue. This would temper honour with justice

Spirituality is to seek Truth, Love and Courage from one's own self and the world
around. To forsake one's inner being is to abandon thy hopes for thyself and thy world.

Spirituality is stronger than any material force. If one speaks or acts with pure thought,
happiness will follow like a shadow that never leaves. Success is a journey, not a
destination. Remember, no one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of

- Bort the bold – Seeker of Spirituality

A seeker must have faith in beliefs held (not necessarily religious), for faith is at the root
of the tree of hope and the very foundations of its walls. Faith is the confident belief in
the truth, value, and trustworthiness of our Gods, in ideals and in each other. It is a
loyalty beyond measure, an allegiance of spirit. It is a virtue defined as the urge towards
steady improvement of the soul. The spiritual are never sated in their hunger for Truth,
Love, and Courage. From whatever place the principles are viewed, spiritual energy
rights them into proper balance. In the unity of Truth, Love, and Courage, you shall
infuse your spirit with peaceful Spirituality.
Seekers should always have faith, whether it is in their Gods, their duty, each other or
even themsleves. Tend well the purpose of the true path, fortify the foundations and the
walls will always stand.

A seekers spirituality is their driving force in all they do. Their very charge is to find
balance in the virtues. A seekers faith shall forever carry them through their challenges,
so long as they remain faithful to those we serve, their beliefs and themselves. A seeker
should mediate to reflect on the world and their inner selves so as to not loses touch
with their spirituality, for if they loses touch with themselves and the world around them,
they will love touch with their oaths, their responsibilities, and then lose touch

Our shield against all harm comes in the way of Spirituality, to quench the flaming
arrows of malevolence, vengeance, murder, darkness, and rage.

Spirituality's temperance: To mediate or stand in the altar room and hear sermon,
psalm, and to sing and pray are all very fine things, But to do so too much or with too
much religious fervour will often cheapen the act of performing these actions
themselves. Many pious souls who have stood too long in the temple, or spend all their
time in communion, meditation and prayer leave no time for action and good deed. A
seeker must strike a balance in Spirituality and action.


Humility is the opposite of Pride - the absence of Truth, Love or Courage. Pride is a vice,
which Pride itself inclines one to find in others, and overlook in oneself.

Pride is the surest measure of goals never attained. Humility is the virtue that must
overcome pride. Humility is to act and be humble. The first test of a great soul is

- Bartholomew – Seeker of Humility

Within every seekers hearts lies a bell of truth that, when they do right, rings with as
sweet a tone as a chime sent from the heavens. This same bell rings in disharmony and
discord when they do something against their vows and nature. To a seeker this is an
alarm to listen to, to sound the bell against vainglory and danger. They may have
committed some wrong which needs setting right, to make
amends and to demonstrate their continued service to the ideals and virtues which they

A true seeker goes further, accepting responsibility for the flaw and spurning the comfort
of pinning the difficulty on someone else, instead seeking to set it right. There is great
power in the humility to admit then they are wrong, or that they are sorry should the
words be spoken with sincerity. It is turning a weakness to a strength.

Humility confers a grace and gentleness that does not denude from strength, courage,
loyalty or any virtue of a seeker. A quiet excellence that enhances the bearer and
harmonizes them in their lack of boasts.

As a seeker, they must always remain humble. All seekers must always remember they
are here to serve a purpose much greater than themselves. Though seekers act as
vessels for goodness and virtue in the world, they are just that, the tools that enact
virtue in the world. To hold themselves in higher regard than the path they serve is the
greatest burden, as this way lies Pride

A seeker uses Humility as a shield against pride, and a bar to hold them on their
righteous path.

Humility's temperance: To be too humble in the face of a seekers achievements

contravenes the truth. If a seeker has a special gift, then they must never be afraid to
use them for the greater good. If one is too humble and refuses to accept the burden of
their gifts, they can do almost as much damage as allowing pride to dictate their action
and deed. A seeker should always be truthful in their humility and let others who enquire
for expertise and help know with honesty their capabilities, so that they may decide for
themselves who is best placed to assist them.

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