04 eLMS Quiz 1

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04 eLMS Quiz 1

Case Study Questions:

1. Clarify and describe the problems of the NHS Choose and Book
System. What management, organization, and technology factors were
responsible for those problems?

 The system is not already introduced to all hospital because

some of them are not compatible for that development and some
doctors are diffusely system because for them it's time
consuming in patients decisions and it's more result negative
than positive result. The responsible for those problems is the
management or organization that we had with implementation.
There are people who most aware and explanation in any

2. To what extent was Choose and Book a failure? Explain your


 It has been analyzed with various factors regarding the slow

process of an administrative system and decreased the referral
and appointment rates of the patient's overtime. For the
extraction of the problem., It shows that these problems raise
through the inability of the system to boost the efficiency ratio of
the patients related to the given time.
 The development of choose and book was also marked by
problems that often appeared at the time, starting for the arrival
of patients who did not match the specified time, There were
differences in the needs of the specialist doctors and the
patients, and the difference in which hospital has to be referred.
A 2006, survey found that the majority of patients did not
experience an increase in the choices the system was designed
to provide, meaning that the British public had not yet fully
embraced the Truce and Book system. This problem can be
related to the jury of the dimension of information quality, which
means that the system must provide more accurate information,
Integrity. Consistency, Completeness, Validity, timeliness, An
easy access. For you. This dimension is able to provide
assistance to management and making decisions quickly on
issues that are urgent, especially those concerning the patients

3. Describe the steps that should have been taken in terms of

planning, implementation, and maintenance to make Choose and Book
more successful.

 Choose and Book was a digital service in the United Kingdom's

National Health Service (NHS) that allowed patients to choose
their hospital or clinic and book appointments electronically.
However, it faced several challenges during its implementation.
Here's a breakdown of steps that could have been taken to make
Choose and Book more successful:
 Comprehensive Needs Assessment:

Conduct a thorough needs assessment to understand the requirements

and preferences of patients, healthcare providers, and administrative
staff.Identify key pain points in the existing appointment booking
system and prioritize areas for improvement.

 Stakeholder Engagement:

Engage stakeholders, including healthcare professionals,

administrators, IT experts, and patients, from the outset to gather
input, address concerns, and ensure buy-in throughout the project
lifecycle.Establish clear communication channels to facilitate ongoing
dialogue and collaboration.

 User-Centric Design:

Design the Choose and Book system with a focus on user experience,
ensuring it is intuitive, accessible, and meets the diverse needs of
patients and healthcare providers.Conduct usability testing and gather
feedback iteratively to refine the design based on user insights.

 Robust IT Infrastructure:
Invest in a robust IT infrastructure capable of handling large volumes
of data and transactions securely and reliably.Ensure interoperability
with existing healthcare systems to facilitate seamless integration
and data exchange.

 Training and Support:

Provide comprehensive training to healthcare staff and administrative

personnel on how to use the Choose and Book system effectively.Offer
ongoing support and resources to address any technical issues or
challenges encountered during implementation.

 Promotion and Education:

Launch a targeted marketing and education campaign to raise

awareness among patients about the benefits of Choose and Book and
how to use the system.Provide educational materials and resources to
empower patients to make informed choices about their healthcare

 Pilot Testing:

Conduct pilot testing of the Choose and Book system in a limited

number of healthcare settings to identify and address any issues
before full-scale implementation.Gather feedback from pilot
participants to inform adjustments and improvements to the system.

 incremental Rollout:

Implement Choose and Book gradually across different healthcare

settings and regions to manage risks and ensure smooth transitions.
Monitor key performance indicators and user feedback to evaluate the
effectiveness of the system and make adjustments as needed.

 Continuous Improvement:

Establish mechanisms for ongoing evaluation and feedback to identify

areas for continuous improvement.Incorporate user feedback,
technological advancements, and changes in healthcare policy and
practice to evolve the Choose and Book system over time.

 Governance and Accountability:

Establish clear governance structures and accountability mechanisms

to oversee the implementation and maintenance of Choose and
Book.Define roles and responsibilities for key stakeholders and ensure
transparency and accountability throughout the process.

By following these steps, the implementation of Choose and Book

could have been more successful, leading to improved access to
healthcare services and enhanced patient satisfaction

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