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B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science-VI

Computer Graphics

Last Date: 3rd April 2024 Marks: 25

1. Consider a line AB with end points A(0,1) and B(2,3) and transformation matrix T is
1 2
[ ] . Prove or disprove that the midpoint of line before and after applying
3 1
transformation T remains same. (2)
2. Digitize the line with end points (1,1) and (8,5) by using mid-point line drawing
algorithm. (3)
3. Consider the clipping window with vertices w1(0,0), w2(8,0), w3(8,4) and w4(0,4)
and the line AB with vertices A(-1, 1) and B(9, 3). Clip the line using Cohen-
Sutherland line clipping algorithm. (4)
4. Use mid-point algorithm, scan convert the first quadrant of the circle with centre
(12, 18) and radius 5 units. Show all the steps. (4)
5. Show working of the scan-line fill algorithm to find the span of pixels for the figure
given below: (4)
F(1,6) E(6,6)



B(2,2) C(4,2)

6. Answer following questions:

a. Explain working of Liquid-crystal displays and Three-dimensional viewing
devices. (3)
b. Write short note on any three input and any three output devices. (5)

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