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the website about
Vulcan Iron Works
Inc. and the pile
driving equipment it

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The pUIfOse of this slide presentation is to introduce you to

Vulcan Iron Works. In this presentation Vulcan's history will

be reviewed together with a brief discussion about our facility,

corPOrate organization, the rranufacturing and quality control

process, practical hammer oPeration and field service.

SLIDE #1 -

In 1852, Henry Warrington founded Vulcan Iron Works in Chicago,

Illinois as a general foundry producing a diverse line of high

quality industrial castings.

In the years following the Civil War, the United States began to

emerge as an industrialized nation, challenging traditional European

dominance in all areas of industry. It was at this time that Vulcan

recognized a need within the construction industry for a rrore effi-

cient means of installing foundation piling.

Thus, in 1887, Vulcan set out to engineer and manufacture a pile driving

harrmer which was to be efficient and rugged yet sirrple and reliable. The

results of Vulcan's efforts was the single acting air or steam driven
'1. {). ")
pile hanmer which produced 15,-000 Ft./lbs. of energy. Production of

this harrmer corrmenced in 1888 revolutionizing pile driving and expanding

the horizons of the U. S. construction industry.

SLIDE #2 -

By the late 1950 IS, Vulcan had outgrCMIl its facility in Chicago, Illinois

requiring Vulcan's management to locate a ned site which would satisfy the

current and future needs of a growing conpany. After several rronths of

intensive searching, Chattanooga, TN. was selected as the site for Vulcan's

ned factory and general offices. Construction of the ned facility began 1.I1

1960. By 1961 the facility was oonpleted and running at full capacity.

Vulcan Iron Works is presently organized into two operational divisions.

The logo on the right is the corporate logo as well as the recognized

logo of the onshore division. The logo on the left designates the

offshore division which was established In the early 1970's to fill

the very specialized needs of offshore oil construction contractors


SLIDE #4 -

Interestingly enough, \much of the base technology for offshore desig-

nated pile hamners I such as the one seen here, was derived from onshore

harrmers while many of the refinements developed for offshore harrmers

have been utilized on onshore hamners. The result, harrmers which are

refined and developed through shared technology and backed by a long

standing reputation of equipment reliability and pile driving capability.

SLIDE #5 __

In addition to the characteristics of the hamner itself, the owner is

backed by a system of spare part stocking as well as technical assis-

tance and servicing to meet the needs of the contractor whenever and

wherever it may be needed.

SLIDE #6 -

Vulcan possesses the capability to manufacture from raw castings to

the finished product our complete pile hamner line which ranges fran

15,000 Ft./Lbs. of energy to the 6300 rated at 1,800,000 Ft./Lbs. of

energy, the world's largest air-steam pile hamner. In order to provide

this level of service to our customers, Vulcan has, since 1961, invested

heavily in capital improvements to the existing facility.


In 1979, Vulcan undertook the construction of an additional facility

which when completed in 1980 possessed the capability to machine and

assemble our largest pile hammers.

SLIDE #8 _

The new machine and assembly bay provides an additional I Co, cJ Q 0 .

square feet of floor space and incorporates a rail siding, XXX a 300 ton

overhead crane, a 35 foot horizontal and 18 foot vertical Travel Innocenti

Boring Mill and a Morando Vertical Boring Mill with a 14 foot table.


At Vulcan we believe that quality control is the responsibility of everyone,

from the CEO to the man who sweeps the floor. Vulcan's quality control

begins with incoming material which depending on their status is subjected

to one or more of the following tests:

1. Dimensional Tests. 2. Hardness or other non-destructive testing.

SLIDE #10 -

After the material has been accepted, the component is placed into the

manufacturing system and a flON chart to track its progress is assigned.

XXX As the corrponent rroves through the system each operation is checked

at intervals by the machinist XXX and a designated inspector from the

inspection departrrent. XXX 'This inspection process is carried out for

all corrponents. XXX Finally, before any completed corrponent or unit is

shipPed, it is rechecked again, and in sorre cases an operational test is



And at last, the finished product in the asserrbly area of the new machine

bay. Notice the 300 ton overhead crane.


Once the harmer is completed and inspected, the harmer is readied for

shiprrent to the custorrer.


In rrost cases, the hanrrer package is shipped by rail or truck from the

Chattanooga facility to an exit port XXX and loaded for ocean freight.

OnCE the harnrer package has reached the custorrer, it is ready for i.rmediate

serviCE; however, for new harnrers we do recommend a specific startup pro-

CEdure which is worth noting. XXX After the harnrer package is picked up

off of the deck of the barge, XXX swayed outboard to the jacket XXX and

positioned squarely on top of the pile, the operator allavs steam or air

to enter the cylinder for a few minutes without lifting the ram. XXX

This enables condensation to be rerroved from the supply line, allavs for

rretal expansion and warms the cylinder walls while introducing lubricants.

XXX Next, the operator raises the steam pressure and allows the harmer to

run at half stroke for ten minutes, XXX then at full speed for thirty minutes.

XXX 'The harnrer is then rerroved from the pile and thoroughly rechecked.

SLIDE #15-

OVer the years, Vulcan has endeavored to engineer potential problems out

of the harmer; thus, making the harmer sirrple to operate and serviCE.

Havever, when problems do occur, Vulcan has at the custorrer I s disposal,

a highly trained and experienCEd field servJ..CE departtcent capable of

effecting repairs anywhere they might be needed XXX including major

overhauls from start XXX to finish. XXX Because Vulcan harmers are easy

to operate and serviCE, rrost repairs can be carried out in the field with-

out transporting the equiprrent to an onshore facility; thus, limiting

davn-tirre and expense to a minimum.


'Ihis year Vulcan air-steam driven pile hamrers represent a century of

developrrent, refinerrent and improverrent while adhering to the basic

engineering premise set out in 1887, which was, engineer a pile hamrTEr

that is efficient and rugged yet sinple and reliable. 'Ihe result, a

long standing reputation of hamners which are in both the

onshore and offshore construction industries for their reliability and

pile driving capability.



'TIle cycle begins at impact, the valve is rotated in such a manner as

to admit steam or air into the cylinder belav the piston, which in
turn raises the ram, u~dly accelerating the ram.

This continues until the exhaust wedge on the slide bar actuates the
trip and rotates the valve to close off the steam or air inlet and
open the area of the cylinder belav the piston to the atm:::>sphere where
the compressed air or steam is exhausted.

'TIle ram continues a free rise upward, decelerating with gravity until
the top of the piston passes the relief ports and closes in the dash-
pot at the top of the cylinder.

'TIle trapPed air compresses and brings the ram to a halt.

'TIle ram then makes a free drop to irrpact.

Shortly before irrpact the intake wedge on the slide bar rotates the
valve open to admit steam or air to the cylinder.

'TIle cycle starts again.

For strokes less than full, the vari-cycle is used.

This provides an additional exhaust wedge and trip shifting so that

the distance the ram accelerates upward is shorter, thus the stroke
as well.

In IIDst cases the use of a shorter stroke eliminates dashpot compression

and the ram simply carnes to rest in gravity.


'!bere are basically 0-0 types of pile driving hanlrers, vibratory

arrl inpact. Vibratory hanlrers arrl their vibro-dynam:ic variants,
use alternating sinussoidal forces to change the soil properties;
thus, allowing the pile to "fall" through the soil. '!be vibratory
hanIrer derives its ability to nove pile via rotating eccentric
1Neights driven by hydraulic or electric notors. '1l1ese hanIrers
are limited in their application to certain soils, generally Q)hesicn-

Inp3.ct hanlrers are likewise divided into bNo types- self-contained

arrl externally powered. '!he typical self-contained pile hanIrer
is the diesel hanmer. Diesel hanlrers raise the ram by an explosion
of air arrl diesel fuel urrler the ram which in turn forces the
ram llfWllds. The I1Hjority of diesel ha.rclrers are of the single
acting variety, that is to say they use only gravity to brild
up kinetic energy during the do.Nnstroke. SCIre mmufacturers in
order to add extra ram velocity, utilize vacun or carpressicn
chaJrt)ers. '!he I1Hin advantage of diesel pile hanlrers is their
light 1Neight arrl that they are self-contained; the disadvantages
are that ~ression and explosion of the ram decrease roth the
rams inpact velocity and naxinun force. Diesel pile hanIrers
are mrreliable, overheat and have a terrlency to spall
ccnc:rete pile.

Externally IXJWered banners inclooe the air/steam arrl hydraulic

harmers. '1l1ese hanIrers use pist.cns which are ?JShed by a
fluid (air, stearn or hydraulic fluid.) 'Ihe pistcn can be either
attad1ed to the ram or integral to it. '1l1ese hanIrers can be
either single acting 'Abere the rrotive fluid plShes the ram for
free fall to inpact, or double acting Where the ram is p.1Shed
roth W3.ys • Externally powered l'lamrers such as these can achieve
the nost kinetic energy for the stroke and are far faster than
diesel hanlrers; thus, these han'mers are superior for serious produc-
tion pile driving.

Finally, hydraulic han'mers are priIrarily used for underW3.tcr piling.

Hydraulic hanIrers for the nost prrt do IX>t use cushioning ",
nake these hanlrers unsuitable for ccnc:rete pile. The air/steam
ha.rcIrer is the nost CUlllnl for surface piling of all kinds as
they are simple in <XXlSt:ruction arrl use CUlllnl (boilers or air
carpressors) as prine novers.

Vulcan and ~ck roth rranufacture pile driving equiprent that

is the culminatien of rrany years of experience in roth engineering
developrent am field use. '!he differences in the equiprent
are few, bIt. inportant ernJgh to wrrrant a brief discussicn and

A <X:I'Ip3I"ison of the specificaticns reveal that the br.o largest

differences in the ~ am the Vulcan harmer lie in the areas
of haItItEr 'Weight am steam ccnstmpticn. It is these br.o areas
ltohidl 'We shall address this c::x::nprriscn to.

Vulcan Ha1TIrers are heavier than their ~ cxxmterparts. As

the steam cylinder is located outside and al:ove the ram, 1tohile
the Menck harrmer locates their steam cylinder inside the ram.
we feel that the Vulcan approach to this type of design and
mmufacturing yields br.o na jar advantages. First, by locating
the steam cylinder as 'We did, it greatly sinplified asseni:>ly
and rraintenance of the internal and external eatpXleIlts of the
cylinder. 5eccrrlly, the additicnal 'Weight of the external cylirrler
provides m::>re dead 'Weight necessary to stabilize the harrmer to
the pile, the result being a m::>re effective blow to the pile.

When Vulcan set alxxIt to design am engineer roth the cnsb::>re

am offsb:>re pile harmers, cne of the prinary objectives was
to develop equiprent that 'NCAlld surpass the Jmo,..n and the anticipated
rigors of field use. Vulcan also wished to provide to the contractor
equiprent that ~ d IXJt ally endure continual field use and
al:use, bIt. o;"ould provide reliable low cost service for mmy years.
In order to acc:x:nplish these goals it was necessary to specify
into the design, stra1ger rraterials over and ab:Jve initial. engineering
estirrates. In retrospect 'We feel that Vulcan acccmplished these
engineering and operati<nal goals m::>re effectively than the cx::rrp:!t.i-
ticn did. '!hus, the additicnal 'Weight created by the Vulcan
design greatly contribJted the overall drivability of the haItItEr
wtllie providing to the contractor easier rraintenance routines and
equiprent longevity which is an inportant factor when the cost of
pile driving equiprent in general is taken into consideraticn.

Vulcan steam ccnsmptien specificaticns are greater than those

of <X:ITp3I'able ~ck harnners, 1tohich is prirrarily due to differences
in the valving of the br.o harrrrErs and that the Vulcan haItItEr
produces m::>re blows per minute than does the ~ck.

'Ibe Menck Ha.rcIrer utilizes a steam val.ving system similar to the

valving found in steam engines, 1tohich involve the expansive use
of steam. Vulcan, en the other hand uses a br.o way directi<nal
control valve 1tohich is similar in rranner to the way hydraulic
fluid is used in a hydraulic cylinder.

<n1PARISOO' OF VUI.D\N 'lD MFNJ< (Ccrltinued)

'!he advantage of the Vulcan valving system lies in its sinplicity

whidl results in fewer chances of expensive down due to
va 1ving problems. Valving problems in the ~ Hanmer seem
to be a reoccurring problem which is in part due to its cc:xrplicated
nature as discussed in Atta<:::blelt (be of this exhibit. Fran
an operaticnal stand JX)int, cne of the typical problems enexxmtered
by users of the tBlc1c is the introducticn of foreign material
into the valve such as the inner lining of the steam hose brea1cing
loose,- janming the valve, thus shutting the haImer down. '!he
Vulcan llanJ:rer because of its sinple n..o way directicnal valve
is superior due to its positive qJening and closing. Unlike
the Menck, foreign natter sinply passes through the valve and
art. the exhaust PJrt. Please see page t'4llO and three of &ll.letin
65H for a a:rrplete descripticn of the ~raticn cycle.

'!he cax::lusicn that can be dratNn fran this CO'Iplriscn is that

a system does not need to be a:rrplicated to be effective.


560/MRBS 3000


Rated Striking Energy, FT/IBS 312,500 325,480

Metre-'Ibnnes 43.21 44.98

Operating Cycle S S

Blows per Minute - Normal Stroke, No Set 47 42

Normal Stroke, IN. 60 59

CM. 152.4 150.0

Rated Operating Pressure at Hanmer, PSIG 150 142

BAR 10.34 10.0

Boiler H.P., From & At 2120p (100OC) 606 425

Boiler H.P., 600p (16OC) Feed Water 750 550

Air Consumption, CFM 5410 6000

M3/MIN 153.2 175

Steam Consumption, From & At 2120p ill/HR 20,897 12,130

Kg/HR 9,479 5,514


Length of Hammer, FT-IN 23'-0" 24 1 -3"

M 7.01 7.40

Length of Hammer Assembly, FT-IN 50'-00" 48'-00"

M 15.24 14.63

Size & Number of Hoses 4" (3) 6" (1)


Weight of Striking Parts, ill 62,500 66,100

Kg 28,350 30,045

Net Weight of Hanmer, ill 134,060 108,000

Kg 60,809 49,091

EXHIBIT II (continued)



Weight of Pipecap, LB 45,900 34,800

Kg 20,820 15,819

Weight of Leaders, LB 53,500 46,300

Kg 24,267 21,046

Assembled Weight, LB 233,460 189,200

Kg 105,896 86,000


The pile driver is a single-acting steam unit, consisting of the hammer

body with head, piston and piston rod, guiding frame for the pile driver
and the valve gear mechanism.

The valve gear mechanism consists of:

A control rod which is fastened to the hammer head, which actuates

by means of a roller, two pistons operated by steam within a valve gear
cylinder, said pistons having an axial distance with respect to'each other,
which can be adjusted according to the desired ram stroke during the driv-
ing operation by hand by means of a cable.

A piston valve cylinder, which is provided with a piston within,

operated by steam of the valve gear cylinder, to open or close the live
steam admission so as to regulate the same to the hammer body.

The piston valve within the piston rod, the upper body of which is
constantly under live steam pressure and which in conjunction with the
lower large piston automatically releases the steam after a foregoing
utilization of the expansion energy of the same.


Fig. 1: The pile driver rests on top of the pile, the live steam valve
8, is shut, Fig. 6. Through rotation of piston 16 over piston 15 by means
of cable 18, the cylinder volume 27 through conduit 24 communicates with
exhaust opening 28 and thus is without pressure, while on the other side
of the piston 10, live steam pressure prevails within cylinder volume 29
through connection by conduit 25 with cylinder volume 30. Consequently,
the live steam piston valve 8 will be moved by piston 10 and the opening
21 becomes active. The live steam enters the hollow piston rod 2, presses
the valve 5 to its lower position and now enters through the uncovered
slots within the piston rod 2 into the ram body 1. The ram body 1 is being
raised together with the control rod 12. Already before reaching the de-
sired stroke length, the control rod moves the pistons 15 and 16 into the
end positions as shown by Fig. 5. Now, conduit 25 communicates with ex-
haust opening 32, so as to render cylinder volumes 29 and 33 free from
pressure, while the cylinder volume 27 is under live steam pressure
through conduit 24 connecting same with cylinder volume 30. This moves
the live steam piston valve through action of piston 10 into the shut-off
position, so as to interrupt the live steam admission. The impact cylinder
1 however, moves up further, due to expansion until the pressure has
dropped so far, that the force of the upper piston 7 overcomes the force
Page 2 -

of the control piston 5 and pushes same upwards. Thereby the slots 31
are uncovered, the steam passes through the exhaust port 34 into the
atmosphere, the impact cylinder drops. Before the occurence of the
impact, the control red 12 which moves downward together with the
impact cy1iner 1, actuates the roller 14 together with the pistons 15
and 16 to bring these into the starting positions and the pre-conditions
for the next stroke are created.

The stroke length of the impact cylinder 1 is governed by the prevail-

ing adjusted position of the piston 16 relative to piston 15. In case
it is desired to obtain a large stroke, the piston 16 has to be screwed
into a small distance relative to piston 15, whereby the conduit 24 will
only become opened until the end of the stroke of the control rod and
thus make possible the admission of the control steam within the cylinder
space 27, in order to shut off the live steam piston valve 8. In the
event of a shorter stroke being desired, the piston 16 will have to be
screwed to provide a larger distance relative to piston 15. The conduit
24 will therefore open earlier and the shut-off timing will take effect
earlier. When the distance between pistons 16 and 15 (Fig. 6) is at
its maximum, no stroke takes place anymore. The cylinder volume 30 re-
mains connected through conduit 24 with cylinder volume 27 and through
conduit 25 with cylinder volume 29. The live steam valve 8 stays closed
on account of the difference in piston areas in volumes 27 and 29.
Page 3 -


Prior to operation of the pile hammer, it is necessary to clean all

finished parts, like the piston rod, hammer guides, control rod and cover
them with cylinder oil. The inside parts are lubricated by an oil pump
which forces lubricant into the steam conduits. The steam carries the oil
along and it lubricates the hammer inside.

Before each starting, the hammer body has to be warmed up well. The warm-
ing up can only be made, when the hammer rests on top of a pile. For
warming up, the valve on the boiler must be opened only slightly and the
hammer has to be set for full stroke by means of cable 18. As soon as
the ram body 1 lifts slowly, the control cables 18 have to be pulled to
the stop position, the valve on the boiler has to be closed and the steam
lines to the hammer have to be drained of water. Then the valve on the
boiler has again to be opened slightly. As soon as the piston valve 5
within the piston rod is pulled upwards and the ram body is de-watered,
the ram body has again to be set for full stroke by means of cable 18.
As soon as the ram body then raises by some 4 inches, the stop position
has again to be obtained, the valve on the boiler be closed and the steam
lines have to be de~watered. This operation has to be repeated as often,
until the ram body is well warmed up. It is necessary to ensure that the
valve on the boiler is gradually turned on wider, whereas the ram stroke
is always set for short stroke operation. When the hammer begins to
function fully automatic, it can then be slowly adjusted for full stroke,
from short stroke. The desired stroke length is adjustable without steps
during the driving between short stroke to maximum stroke and visa-versa
until stoppage of the hammer.


The valve gear mechanism is provided with 6 blockable drill holes, which
must be absolutely kept open while the hammer is operating. Four (4) of
these holes are located within the control cylinder (See 50G 4836 Nr. 28
and 32 with 2 plugs each). They are the exhaust holes for the piston
valve cylinder. The plugs are cylindrical screws AM 6 x 10. A drilled
hole is made in the control head (See 50G - 4835 Position A). Through
these the trapped steam between the closed live steam valve, the elevated
control piston within the piston rod. The blocking screw is threaded to
its head M 12 x 15. The 6th drill hole is located within the cylinder for
the upper control piston above for the ventilation purposes of the volume
above said piston. (See 50G 4835 Position B.). The screw heads are marked
in red. In the event of the hammer becoming immobilized over night or
longer periods, these drilled holes have to be closed. Should the hammer
be operated, it is necessary after each pile or at the latest after an
hour, to check the hammer for tightness of all bolted' connections and to
eliminate each defect or damage.
Page 4 -

In addition, the piston rod, control rod and hammer guides have to be
lubricated anew. The minimum permissible hammer travel per blow is
3 m/m (1/8") or 100 blows per foot. During prolonged lowering of these
limits, damages could occur to the hammer and the firm of MENCK will not
be held liable - - even within the guarantee period.

Above the upper control piston there is a packing gland, which is at

the latest to be checked. To do this, the cylinder will have to be
screwed loose and the upper control piston has to be taken out. The
packing gland screws below the piston have to be examined.

The wooden cushion blocks within the driving helmet have to be replaced,
as soon as the distance between the upper edge of the driving helmet is
worn down to 3/4".


After the driving in of one pile, the hammer guides, piston rod and con-
trol rod have to be lubricated again and all nuts have to be checked
for tightness. (Tapping with a small hammer). In the case of need they
must be immediately tightened and other defects and damages must be
eliminated at once.

Should superheated steam be used, the inside parts of the hammer' should
be lubricated with superheated steam cylinder oil. When saturated steam
is used regular cylinder suffices.

Specification of Superheated Steam Cylinder Oil.

Specific Gravity 0.89 to 0.98

Firing Point Above 575 0 F.
0 0
Viscosity 6 to 7 E at 212 F.
Asphalt and ash content Fractions of percents

Specification for Cylinder Oil.

Specific Gravity 0.93

Firing Point Above 392 0 F.
Viscosity 5.5 to 60 E at 230 F.
Asphalt and ash content Fractions of percents

In order to remove the driving helmet to change the wood cushion blocks,
the two bolts 37 have to be removed. This requires to turn them by means
of a lever pushed into the hole 38 against spring pressure by 90 °to free
them from their blockage, afterwards they can easily be removed.
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III Each machine is subdivided into assemblylyroups ( see Index ).

(2) Wit h com mce rei a leo m p 0 n e n t par t s, the DIN· Des i 9 nat ion s are a Iso i n die ate din add i t i 0 D tot h e "M ENe K • N u m b e r s "

(3) Due too u r ;a S tab lis h e d pol icy 0 f con s tan tim pro v e men t 0 f des i 9 nan d con s t rue t ion, d e pic t ion s 0 f par t s are wit h 0 U 1

Our Address :

or our representatives

~) W hen 0 r d e r i n 9 par t s bye a b leo r tel ex, pie a seq u 0 t e qua n tit i e sin w 0 r d s, e. g. :

One Hex. Bolt M 16 x 100 62 N 01620

(Not 1 Hex. Bolt M 16 x 100 62 N 01620)

(5) If af part is required with a different dimension, this must be clearly stated separately against the part in questi?n. (e.g. Bushing with smaller diameter ).

(6) Please give the following information with each order for parts :

(a) Machine Type

(b) Serial No.
(c) Number of pieces required
(d) Description ( See under columm "Description" )
(e) Part No. ( See under Columm " Part No." )
(f) Method of despatch ( Express, Normal Goods, Air or Sea-Freight)
(g) Consigning address
(h) Invoicing wJ,ess 699 G 10026
iBS2!Ju( ~ Bar 13t.att 3 Pile Hammer

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M R B S Pile Hammer 2500

on Part No. Diy. De.lgnaflon
I Number
on Part No. Diy. Designa110"
.lcltfch .hfch

58 363 N 00019 12 Plate spring A 80 x 41 x 5 89 13 H 00344 1 Roller

59 37 N 00623 1 Roll pin 6 x 60 90 38GOO180 1 Guide
60 141 N 03615 1 Nut M 36 xl,S 91 1 G 00346 1 Shaft
61 208 H 10077 1 Washer 92 Z 17 H 00257 1 Flange
62 601 G 10039 1 Piston 93 5 H 02471 1 Ring
63 23 H 00222 3 Piston ring 94 145 N 00033 1 Nut
64 17 H 09152 1 Gasket 95 62 N 02015 8 Capscrew M 20 x 75
65 205 H 10098 1 Sleeve 96 349 E 10040 1 Elbow
66 17 G 00472 I Nut 97 295 G 10026 1 Gasket
67 4 G 00146 1 Bushing 98 609 E 10030 1 Block
68 145 N 00033 1 Nut 99 K609 F 10004 1 Cushion block cpl.
69 205 H 10097 1 Sleeve 100 609 E 10026 1 Anvil block
70 363 N 01015 10 Plate spring
71 23 G 00225 1 Piston .
72 363 N 01015 3 Plate spring
73 Z 13 H 00021 1 Brake disk
74 389 H 1,0002 1 Lining
75 416 F 10016 1 Remote control •
76 258 N 00606 1 Bushing
77 K 38 H 00009 1 Cylinder wi bushing item 76
78 24 N 00412 1 Feather key
79 145 N 00013 1 Nut
80 23 H 00190 2 Piston ring
81 23 G 00234 1 Piston
82 23 G 00215 1 Piston
83 23 H 00191 2 Piston ring ~
84 K 17 H 00003 1 Flange wi bushing item 85
85 250 N 00506 1 Bushing
86 37 N 000519 1 Roll pin
87 25 G 00090 I Yoke
88 3 N 02010 1 Pin

f?770 G 11oo3/-z ~770611003.

Ty~: Group:
M R B S Pile Hammer 2500
on Pari No. Dly. DtJ,lgnaiion on ParI No. Oly. DlIlgnaflon
,/reIch ,kelch

I RT770 D 00010 1 Full automatic control inc!. items II 27 9 H 00388 1 Slotted round nut
8,32 - 36, 39 - 41,43 - 47, 51 - 71, 90 28 38000298 ] Hammer cylinder
II RT770 F 00003 1 Control Cylinder incl, items3 37,38, 29 5 H 02469 1 Washer
42,48,50, 72 - 78, 80 - 89,91 - 94 30 65 N 02428 1 Capscrew
31 2 H 09753 1 Pin
1 363 N 00029 1 Plate spring A 250 x 127 x 14 32 K602 G 10011 1 Piston rod head w/bushing item 67
2 9 H 00389
2 Nut M 120 x 6 33
Z 23 G 00041
K 38 H 00012
Cylinder wi bushing item 53
3 2GI0l11 8 Pin
4 141 N 03640 8 Nut 1\136 35 17 H 09155 1 Cover
5 37 N 02530 8 Roll pin 25 x 95 36 38 G 00798 1 Cyli~der
6 37 N 01530 8 Roll pin 15 x 95 37 62 N 00810 3 Capscrew 1\1 8 x 50
7 603 C 10148 1 Top crosshead ass' y 38 144 N 00812 3 ·Nut
8 602 F 10042 1 Control bar 39 Z601 F 10017 1 Control piston
9 Z603 E 10057 1 -Hammer guide 40 62N01612 6 Capscrew M 16 x 60
10 210 G 10673 2 Lock plate 41 145 N 00009 6 Nut
11 Z601 G 10015 r Hammer piston 42 63 N 00803 4 Capscrew 1\1 8 x 15
12 23 H 00200 3 Piston ring 43 314 H 10001 10 Gasket

1~ 23 G 00219 4 PistonrilV 44 4 H 00929 5 Bushing

4 H 00926 1 Bushing 45 62 N 02015 4 Capscrew 1\1 20 x 75
38 E00371 1 Hammer cover 46 145 N 00011 16 Nut
16 63 N 02408 4 Capscrew M 24 x 40 47 62 N 02028 4 Capscrew M 20 x 140 --
17 Z lOG 00212 I Lock plate 48 210 H 10285 2 Cover
18 4 H 00925 1 Bushing , 49 63 N 01604 1 Capscrew 1\1 16 x 20
19 295 G 10025 1 Gasket 50 63 N 01205 8 Capscrew 1\1 12 x 25 "'"-
20 Z601 G 10018 1 Piston rod wi nut 51 63 N 02009 8 Capscrew 1\1 20 x 45
21 9 F 00013 1 Stuffing box nut 52 63 N 02011 8 Capscrew l\l 20 x 55
22 141 N 07240 20 Nut 1\1 72 x 4 53 4 H 00942 1 Bushing
.23 17H09202 1 Gasket 54 17 H 09153 1 Gasket
24 124 G 10010 10 Stud ,~' ,
55 601 H 10012 2 Piston ring
25 24 N 01032 1 Feather key 56 100 N 00007 " 1 Plug
26 1011 09375 I Lockwasher 57 17 H 09154 11-. Gasket

R770G 11003 IP 77() (; 11nn-;;;

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Pori No. lOry. 1 DuipafI..
I'I NlJ/1fWI
,/:;cA Part No. Ofy. Designation

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1 Z-603 ClOD 11 1 Guide rig
2 Z-62 F 201 1 Traverse 'II
: ..6.

3 2 H 9763 ~
2 Pins lio4J x 245 ' II
4 5 H 2473 j 2
Discs 135q,x 25
th~d. to,
5 63 N 2408 i 4 Hexagon boltsVM24x40 DIN931
II (8G) , 1
6 10 H 9391 i 2 Locking plates •
7 10 H 9392
I1 2 Locking plates 280/1254>
~ I ,;.

~ 8 9 H 320 1 2 Nuts M120x6·,

r-, I
N 9 10 G 367, 2 Adjusting pieces
10 81 N'01606 2 i Cyl. Bolts M16x30 DII179at.(8G)

11 368 G 10054 2 I Buf fers


12 Z-278:r 10080 2 Stops



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Numbttf Number
on Part No. Ofy. DtI:rlgnaflon on Part No. Ofy. Dtt:rlgnaflon
dttfch 'Kttfch

1 278 H 10007 1 support 20 292 N 02043 1 Flat Gasket Ring

r: t ....
A12 x 15,5 (eu)
2 63 N 1208 4 Hexagon Bolt, full thread
M12 x 40 DIN 933 (8.8) 21 330 N 00407 1 GE-Screwed Joint DL10
3 144 N 1218 4 Self-Lockin$ Nut M12 22 345 K 10016 i Shut-off Valve
DIN 985 (5S) 23 341 N 02204 1 Socket 1/2" DIN 2986
4 323 G 10037 1 Lubricating Device with
Protection Switch at 15
5 479 K 10001 2 3-Way Cock -
6 330 N 05005 4 Angle-Female Union evW-6L
....:.. 7 330 N 01505 3 T-Screwed Joint Q-6L
lr, 8 62 N 00612 8 Hexagon Bolt
M6 x 60 DIN 931 (8.8)
9 144 N 00610 8 Self-Lockirlfj Nut
M6 DIN 985 (5S)
10 330 N 05205 8 L-Female Screwed Joint

11 330 K 10052 1 TR-Screwed Joint TR6-10-6-L
12 340 H 10123 1 Pipe Piece
13 476 K 10048 1 Non-Return Valve
14 63 N 1206 4 Hexagon Bolt,full thread
M12 x 30 DIN 933 (8.8)
15 721 K 10039 11 Protection Switch 380 V
16 157 N 00106 ,2 Unio. Nut AL6
17 232 N 00515 2 Cutter Ring 16 DIN )861
18 860 K 10074 2 Cock Lever 12, offset
19 330 G 10230 1 Screwed Joint

91. 70626420 706261.


For the location of items indicated hereunder, see Page 18.

The Control Cylinder (12) is mounted to the control head without the Remote Control Device (8).
The Forked Head (1) is fixed within the Guide (2). By means of Shaft (6), the Piston (5) is set at
rmximum stroke by turning it counter-clockwise up to the Stop (4). The Remote Conrol Device (8)
is then set at maximum stroke (left-hand control line, as seen from front, is drawn out up to
Stop (4) ). In this position, it is inserted in the notching of Shaft (6) and screwed on to Flange (7).
If the connecting holes do not coincide with each other, do not turn the Remote Control Device (8)
counter-clockwise but draw it further down and insert it in a notch further to the left so that the
Stop (4) between Pistons (5) and (3) is not too harsh. Shaft (6) should make exactly four revolutions
from maximum stroke to stop position. The Forked Heads (1) on the side of the Remote Control
Device (8) act as stop for this limitation. They do not allow for any possibility of re-adjustment.

The Plate Springs (10) behind the Spring Stop Nut M 24 x 1,5 (11) should only be tensioned to
such an extent that the braking force of Brake Disc (9) is adequate enough and the Remote
Control Device (8) cannot displace itself automatically upon control lines being released when
the hammer is operating.

17 MRBS/05.74
8 Remote Control Device

T- ~2Guide

3 Piston

Left Right

Maximum Stroke Stop Position

Pullout Control Pullout Control
Line up to the Stop! Line up to the Stop!
!':,.;- .

6 Shaft

7 Flange

8 Remote Control

I i -~~_ 11 SpringSto~
L12_ Contro_1 CyIH:'riP~_
MRBS/05.74 18
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Mounting Instructions: Bolt on Flanged Bearing (Item 4) then insert Lever (Item 2) in notching of
Shaft and turn to the left up to the Stop. Remove Levet.(ltem 2) and re-
insert in notching in such a way that the indicator points upward. Indicator
point must not pass centre line to the right to prevent the stop from being
too severe. If necessary insert lever in a notch further to the left.
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