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No A188A0805007


(Deemed to be University)
(Estd. u/s 3 of the UGC Act,1956)
Provisional Certificate cum Consolidated Memorandum of Grades
Bachelor of Arts
This is to certify that MrMs. Kaparla Thabitha has qualified himsettihersetf for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Arts with
Politics, Public Adrministration, Sociology as optional subjects in this deemed to be University, he/she having been declared
to have passed the Examination prescribed therefor held in July, 2021 in First Class and that he/she has done all that is
necessary for the fomal presentation of the B.A Degree

The following grades were awarded to the candidate:

S.No Name of the Course Credits Grade GPA S.No Name of the Couse Credits Gade GPA
First Year 8.94 Second Year

1 Foundation Course: Specal 4 English Language Skills B+

Introducbon to Envronment A

2 Contemporary India A+ Indian Polity A+

Polty, Society and Economy
3 9 Indian Administrabon A
Scence & Technology A+

Principles of Political Science A 10 Sociological Concepts 3 B+

Public Administraton: Concepts 6 A+

41 Indan Society :Structure & 6 A
& Theonies Change

Third Year

12 Poltical Thought 6 A

13 Internabonal Relations 6 A

Resources & Otfice 84

Local Organizaton & A
Tnbal & Rural Sociology 6 A

17 Urban Sociology 6 A

Cumulatve Credits Cumulatve Grade Points Cumulatve Grade Point Average Resut
100 828 Flrst Class

Printed On 14-12-2022

Mode of dellveryY ODL

Date of Admission 02-Jub2018
Date of completion 07-Aug-2021
Name and address of all Leamer Support Centre:
Name and sddress of all Examination Centres
GITAM(Deemed to be Universty), VISAKHAPATNAM

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