Debate Script

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“The Impact of the Resort Built in the Middle of

Chocolate Hills”

Group 2 :
(Moderator) : 1
Good morning Ladies and Gentleman. This debate will come to order. I am pleased to welcome you
all to the Geology for Civil Engineers Debate Event 2024.

The topic being debated today is the Impact of the Resort Built in the Middle of Chocolate Hills.

Seated on our right representing the Affirmative Side(PRO) are _____________________________

Speaking for the Opposition Side(CONS) are ___________________________________________

And I, _________________, your Moderator

For the first round, the first speaker of each group will introduce the team and point out the reason of
being pro/contra to the topic given.
For the second round, the speakers from each group will deliver the speech to express your opinion
about the topic, and the other group can give the arguments. And finally, the last speaker from each
group will conclude your opinion.
The third round will be question and answer session. Each group will ask a question to the other
group and the other group has to answer the question.
Lastly, the moderators will give a conclusion from those arguments by the two teams.

Round 1
_____________ (Moderator):
Now, let the first speaker from affirmative team to explain why are they pro to the topic. The time is

Thanks for the time that given to us to participate in this debate. Let me introduce my team:
1. My name is ________________ as the first speaker. I’ll deliver our reason to be pro with this
topic and conclude our opinion,
2. And my friend, ________________ as second speaker. He will deliver the arguments in the pro

We choose to be pro (***agree that building a structure in Chocolate hills is good***) with this topic
After discussing this topic, we hope that we can increase the positive side and decrease the bad

_____________ (Moderator) :
Thank you. That’s the opinion from affirmative team. And it’s time for the first speaker of negative
team to give their opinion. The time is yours.
Thank you. First of all, let me introduce my team:
1. My name is __________________as the first speaker. I’ll deliver the reason of us, being contra
with this topic and conclude our arguments.
2. Here is my friend, ______________ as the second speaker. He will deliver the arguments in the
contra side.

*Explain why you chose to be cons in this topic.

(***Disagree, building a structure in Chocolate hills is not good***)
Okay, that’s the opinion from negative team.

Round 2
The next turn is from the second speaker of affirmative team to gives your arguments. The time is

(Pro) :
*Give one positive impact of the resort built in Chocolate Hills.

Thank you. How about the arguments from negative team? For the second speaker of negative team,
the time is yours.

*Give one negative impact of the resort built in Chocolate Hills.

Another advantage is _____________________________
Another disadvantage is ____________________________________
*Give one positive impact of the resort built in Chocolate Hills.
*Give one negative impact of the resort built in Chocolate Hills.

Time is up! All arguments have been given. And now, please provide your conclusion. For the
speaker from affirmative team, the time is yours.

(Pro) :
To conclude, building structures such as resort in the middle of Chocolate Hills has a lot of
advantages ________________________________________________

Katherine (Moderator):
Thank you. What about the conclusion from negative team. Let the speaker provide your conclusion.
The time is yours.

Friscilla Nikonov (Contra):

From those arguments, we can conclude that building structures in the middle of Chocolate Hills is
really not good because ____________________________________________

Round 3
Well done. The next session is question and answer. The first question will come from the Pro team.
The time is yours.

To the speakers from negative side, _________________________________________

Okay. It’s enough. For the negative team, please respond the questions. The time is yours.


Okay, the next turn is from negative team to ask some question for Pro Team. The
time is yours.

To the speakers from affirmative side, ___________________________________________

Thank you. For the affirmative team please respond the question.

Well. Question and answer session has been completed.
From this debate, we can conclude that ____________________________________________
Thank you for your attention.

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