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Green Sky Foundation: NGOs in Jamshedpur


At Green Sky Foundation, we pride ourselves on being a leading NGO in Jamshedpur

dedicated to uplifting the community through various initiatives. Our primary focus
lies in promoting health, education, and overall well-being.

Our Mission

To foster a healthier and more prosperous Jamshedpur by initiating impactful

programs, fostering community partnerships, and empowering individuals to lead
better lives.

Health Initiatives

1. Medical Camps: Regular health check-up camps to provide basic healthcare

services to underserved communities.
2. Nutrition Programs: Educating families on the importance of balanced diets
and providing nutritional support.
3. Mental Health Support: Offering counseling and awareness sessions to
address mental health challenges.

Educational Programs

1. Scholarship Programs: Providing financial aid to deserving students for

higher education.
2. Skill Development: Offering vocational training to enhance employability and
3. School Support: Collaborating with local schools to improve infrastructure
and educational resources.

Community Engagement

1. Volunteer Opportunities: Inviting community members to participate in our

initiatives and make a difference.
2. Awareness Campaigns: Conducting campaigns on health, education, and
environmental issues to raise awareness.
3. Collaborative Projects: Working hand-in-hand with local businesses,
government bodies, and other NGOs to amplify our impact.

Get Involved

Join us in our journey to create a better Jamshedpur. Whether you're interested in

volunteering, donating, or simply spreading the word, every contribution counts!

Contact Us

For more information or to get involved, please visit our website or contact us
directly at [Contact Information].

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