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The Impact of instructional practices on Student

Academic Performance Secondary Level

Submitted to: Sir Malik Muhammad Younis

Submitted by: Nadeem Shoukat
Roll Number: 18004
B.ed: 1.5 Years

Faiz Ul ilm Institute Taunsa


November 2023

I declare that this thesis entitled “The Impact of class room instructional practices on
Student Academic Performance at Secondary Level” is the result of my own research
except as cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not
concurrently submitted in candidature for any other degree. At any time if my statement is
found to be incorrect even after award of B.Ed. The university has right to with draw my
B.Ed. degree.

Signature: _________________

Name: _____________________

Date: _______________________


I solemnly declare that research work presented in the thesis “The Impact of class room
instructional practices on Student Academic Performance a t Secondary Level” is solely my
research work with no significant contribution from any other person.

Small contribution/help wherever taken has been duly acknowledged and _ that complete thesis
has been written by me. I understand the zero tolerance policy of the HEC and University of
Education, Lahore towards plagiarism. Therefore I as an author of the above titled thesis declare
that no portion of my thesis has been plagiarized and my material used as reference is probably
referred / cited.

I undertake that if I am found guilty of any formal plagiarisms in the above titled thesis even
after award of the B.Ed. degree, the university reserves the rights to withdraw / revoke my B.Ed.
degree, and that HEC and the University has the right to publish my name on the
HEC/University website on which name of students are placed who submitted plagiarized thesis.

Signature: _________________

Name: _____________________

Date: _______________________


This is to certify that the research work presented in this thesis, entitled “The Impact of class
room instructional practices on Student Academic Performance a t Secondary Level” was
conducted by Nadeem shoukat Under the supervision of ------------------------------------------ no
part of this thesis is has been submitted anywhere else for any other degree. This thesis is
submitted to the University of Lukky Marwat re in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of B.Ed.

Student Name: Nadeem shoukat . Signature: -


Examination Committee:

1. External Examiner 1

Name: _________________ Signature: ___________________

(Designation & Office Address)


2. External Examiner 2

Name: _________________ Signature: ___________________

(Designation & Office Address)


Supervisor name: ___________________ Signature: ___________________

Dean/HOD Name: __________________ Signature: ___________________




No. Date;

It is notified for the information of all concerned that Mr. Nadeem shoukat B.Ed. Department of
Education of University of Lukky Marwat_ Has completed all the requirements for the reward of
B.Ed. degree in the discipline of Bachelor in education program as per given detail as under.

Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor for the continuous support

of my B.Ed study and research, for his patience, motivation enthusiasm, and immense

knowledge. His guidance helped me in all the time of research and writing of this thesis. I could

not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for my Fall Ac data shere has been a lot of

interest in regard of outward inspiration as it is by and large accepted to improve human

execution in numerous circles of life. Under studies as people can't be forgotten about regarding

the impacts of extraneous inspiration as they are probably going to appreciate learning and show

interest, esteem and devoted exertion towards accomplishment when spurred after studying this

essay you can easily understand the motivational ratings impacts on the students. After taken

motivational lectures or trainings stents will be able to understand the Age differences in intrinsic

and extrinsic rustication and the relationships of each to academic outcomes were examined in an

ethnically 3rd-grade through 8th grade children. Using independent measures, we found intrinsic

and extrinsic salvation to be only moderately correlates, suggesting that they may be largely

orthogonal dimensions of motivation in school Last but not the least. I would like to thank my

family my parents, for giving hink to me at the first place and supporting me spiritually thought

my life specially thinks to my teacher which made me capable to achieve my goal.



Classroom instructional practices play a pivotal role in shaping the academic performance of

students at the secondary level. This abstract investigates the multifaceted impact of various

teaching methods, strategies, and approaches employed by educators on the academic

achievements of secondary school students. Effective instructional practices encompass a

spectrum of methodologies ranging from traditional lecture-style teaching to more contemporary

interactive approaches, such as cooperative learning, project-based learning, flipped classrooms,

and technology-integrated teaching. The interaction between these practices and student

performance forms the nucleus of this study. Research into the impact of classroom instructional

practices on secondary-level students’ academic outcomes has revealed intriguing correlations.

Engaging and student-centered instructional practices tend to foster deeper comprehension,

critical thinking, and retention of subject matter. Strategies that encourage active participation,

collaborative problem-solving, and hands-on learning experiences have shown promising

outcomes in enhancing academic performance. Moreover, the influence of these instructional

practices extends beyond immediate academic achievements. They contribute to students'

development of important life skills, such as communication, teamwork, and adaptability,

essential for success beyond the classroom. Variations in instructional practices also consider the

diversity of learners in the classroom. Tailoring teaching methods to accommodate different

learning styles, abilities, and preferences leads to inclusive learning environments, fostering

greater engagement and better performance among students.


Academic performance, classroom instructional practices, teamwork, adaptability,

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