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Dungeons On Demand

Tips for the Game Master
• This is your dungeon adventure. If you don’t like how some- • This adventure will work best when you take the time to read
thing works, change it. If you think an item or NPC from through the packet first, so you’re familiar with everything
your campaign world works better than an item or NPC that’s going on. Sometimes the monsters that lie in wait to
presented here, make the switch. If a puzzle is too hard or an ambush the party, traps that are hidden from sight, or the
encounter is too easy, drop some hints or add some monsters clues to a puzzle may be glossed over if you’re not prepared.
- do whatever is best for your game. You’re the master of your
gaming world, this packet is just a guide to help you. It will • The goal of each adventure is to give the party enough
present hints and opportunities for you to customize, but experience points to advance one level. This depends on a
Cryptic Entry

ultimately everything is up to you. You don’t need permission lot of things however - the party needs to complete most of
to break the mold. the encounters and be of the appropriate size and level for
that to work out. Ultimately, you might want to go without
• The encounters listed within this packet were designed by experience points altogether, and simply allow the players to
the book - but by the book isn’t always the most practical for advance to the next level once they’re finished the dungeon.
every party of adventurers. You may need to give a monster This means a lot less record-keeping on you part!
fewer hit points, fudge some dice rolls, or just plain ignore
some of the rules if you think an encounter is a risk of killing • The ultimate goal is to have fun! If you’re having fun while
the entire party. playing, then you’re playing correctly.

Copyright © 2016 Dan Coleman. This Dungeons on Demand product is published through the Open Gaming License. See the License section for complete details.

Introduction........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Adventure Hooks................................................................................................................................................ 5
Dungeon Overview Map................................................................................................................................... 6
Prelude................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Encounters........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Wrapping Up....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Appendix A: New Monsters & NPCs............................................................................................................... 21
License................................................................................................................................................................. 22

Dungeons On Demand Dungeons On Demand are designed with Game Masters in mind,
created to be instant adventure sites a GM can wholly custom- When Nera came of age, she was bequeathed the journal Reslin
ize to fit his or her campaign. Unlike lengthy, full scale published had kept with the details of his secret vault. The young girl had her
adventures, Dungeons On Demand can often be played in a single father’s drive for adventure, and she soon found herself seeking
gaming session, requires little planning beforehand aside from out the secret place.
reading the packet, and gives plenty of options to make the dun-
geon fit seamlessly within the owner’s campaign. Each dungeon Nera made her way right to the vault’s doorstep, ready to claim
has enough encounters and challenges to advance the party play- what was hers, but was unable to enter. No matter what she said
ing through it by one level. to appease it, the magic ward which sealed its entrance would not
allow her to pass. “No son of mine would speak as such” a magic
Cryptic Entry is designed for a party of 4 to 5 1st-level adventur- voice replied to each of her attempts.
ers. If your game has more or fewer players, you can adjust the
number of monsters present in each encounter to fit the proper Staking a Claim
Nera was heartbroken. It seems her father had only intended the
inheritance to be claimed by a male heir; she could not claim what
Dungeon Background & Information was hers. Not alone, at least. It would seem Nera needed a man
The intrepid Reslin Kine spent many of his years as an adventurer. to bypass the wards which secured the vault, and she was deter-
A life of exploring ruins and fighting monsters garnered Reslin a mined to find one she could trust.
modest reputation and a modest fortune, enough so that he could
retire young from the dangerous career to live out the rest of his And so she did. Nera’s mood was lifted by Creed, a wily and
life on his plunder. muscular man a mere two months her elder. Nera and Creed
were cut from the same cloth, sharing a passion for life and ad-
Unfortunately, the rest of his life would come too soon. It was venture. The two became lovers, and before long Nera entrusted
only a week after he learned his wife was with child that Reslin Creed with her father’s secrets. The two left together for the vault
fell ill to the malady which would ultimately lead to his death. hidden in Skysplinter for another chance to stake a claim at its
He’d be denied the chance at being a father, but he’d be damned if treasures within.
anyone would deny his son his inheritance.
An Undying Mistake
In the few short months before his passing, Reslin spent his Nera and Creed were the first two to step foot into Reslin’s vault in
remaining energy, and plenty of gold constructing an elabo- over two decades. There they found the wealth that was promised
rate, underground vault. The vault was secured in the mountain from her father’s journal – racks of swords and other weapons,
Skysplinter, its entrance hidden behind Razorfall, one of the impeccable suits of armor, chests filled with coins and gems, and
mountain’s three water falls. The entire thing was created in treasures collected from around the region.
secret, and Reslin spared no expense in its making. He employed
the talents of skilled dwarves to carve out the vault, and the magic None of its splendor, however, compared to the sryix. Reslin had
of wizards to secure its treasures. Upon its completion, Reslin dedicated an entire room of his vault for its display. Such was its
ordered the majority of his wealth, including a sryix (sree – ex) – a beauty that Nera reached to touch it, forgetting to dispel the magic
magic relic of beauty and the crown jewel of Reslin’s finds – to be wards that protected it.
moved there. The vault was sealed with a magic ward thereafter.
In one awful moment, Nera fell victim to the magic placed upon
Reslin kept a journal throughout the vault’s development, the relic; her hair fell from her head, her skin withered and
addressing each entry to Nero, his unborn son. The journal tightened, and she retched bile on the vault’s stony floor. Terrified,
contained many of the instructions Nero would need to find the Creed fled from the place, taking Reslin’s journal and sealing the
vault, enter undeterred, and claim his inheritance. Reslin en- door behind him. Nera was cursed to become a ghoul. The vault,
trusted the journal to his wife to give to their son when he came promised to hide her treasures, her eternal prison
of age, passing away days after the vault was sealed.
Making a Breath Through
Cryptic Entry

The following developments have occurred leading up to the

events of Cryptic Entry, and should be kept secret from the play- Nera has wandered aimlessly throughout the vault’s halls over the
ers at this time. years, driven mad with regret and hunger, and bereft of any re-
maining ounce of humanity. Creed never dared to return to rescue
his love or put her out of her misery, and as the years passed both
faded from memory.
In recent years, portions of Reslin’s vault have come crashing
No Son of Mine down, the result of an ankheg burrowing through the area. The
Nero would turn out to be Nera, for Reslin’s wife bore him a tumbled walls have exposed the vault’s northern section to the
daughter instead of the son he had hoped for. While there was caverns within Skysplinter, along with the creatures that make
little doubt Reslin would have loved his daughter, the matter of such places their home.
her inheritance was more complicated.

4 Introduction
Slowly, many such creatures have crept into the vault. Most have In the event you need a random encounter anywhere, you can use
fallen victim to the vault’s magic defenses, or been slain and eaten the following monsters:
by the ravenous Nera. Those that have been able to survive, come
and go as they please, giving the vault and adjoining caverns their Random Encounter: flying swords
own ecology. 2 flying swords (MM pg. 20) 100 XP

Exploration Adding Cryptic Entry to Your Campaign

If you’re unable to come up with a reason why the party would be
Structured Progression at the adventure site, consider using one or more of these hooks:
The entrance to Reslin’s vault is located beneath the waterfall
Razorfall, and once inside, the party is presented a fairly linear Hook 1: A Fated Find
path. The party can explore the available areas in the vault before The party discovers the journal pages among some other find;
heading north through the caverns and finding Nera in the vault’s perhaps included with treasure from a different adventure. The
Grand Chamber. journal pages suggest that treasure is hidden in the location,
which is enough to direct the party’s attention to finding it.
No Light
There is no light in Reslin’s vault or the cavernous expanse be- Hook 2: Relic Recovery
neath Skysplinter. Player characters will need a light source if they The sryix hidden in Reslin’s vault is of great importance to an
are unable to see in the dark. The read aloud text of this adven- NPC; perhaps as a religious relic or archaeologic find. The NPC
tures assumes the party has such a light source. hires the party to recover the sryix, offering a reward of 200 gold
pieces for its safe return. In return for agreeing to take on the
Magic Detection quest, the NPC gives the party the journal pages.
A few magical treasures are squirreled away in Reslin’s vault.
However, a player casting detect magic cannot perceive their auras Hook 3: Family Secrets
from anywhere but the encounter areas they are located in. One of the party members is actually a descendant of Creed (and
perhaps Nera as well, if you like the idea of the couple having
Reslin’s Journal Pages children before going to claim the vault’s treasures). The journal
Entries from Reslin’s journal play a central role in complet- pages have been passed down the family line to the party member,
ing the adventure and navigating the vault. These entries are who intends to finally unearth the family’s secret.
provided in a player handout. Cryptic Entry assumes the players
begin with this handout.

The Sryix Cryptic Entries

The sryix is never given a full description; it is a plot device you
can modify to suit the game world. You can decide what the sryix Some locations and events throughout the
looks like, and what purpose it serves, if any. The text of this adventure are hinted at (or told directly) in the
adventure treats it as a beautifully crafted object; you can treat it as Journal Pages handout provided to the players. At
an art object worth 100 gold pieces. these adventure scenes, a sidebar similar to this
one will call out a particular entry’s relevance to the
Optional Encounter environment or scenario.
The ankheg responsible the vault’s dilapidated portions occasion-
ally burrows through the mountain. The party can encounter it
in the cavern’s east expanse as an optional event. You can use this
encounter if the party has stopped to rest in this area, you’re in
need of an additional encounter for XP, or are simply looking to
challenge the party.

Adventure Branches
The branches of Skysplinter Caverns extend up and out to other
locations beyond the map provided. The adventure treats these
areas as inaccessible when the party first encounters them, but
they may lead to new adventures if the party returns better
prepared. You can use these undefined routes as the way to a new
location for the party to explore!

Random Patrol
Reslin’s vault bears many old wards and enchantments made to
punish those that would steel from the old adventurer. Intruders
would find swords flying from weapon racks on their own, swing-
ing madly at any would-be thieves.
Introduction 5
Dungeons On Demand
Hostile Creature(s) Trap Plot Driver Treasure NPC Puzzle
Cryptic Entry

1 square = 5 feet

S Indicates the location of a secret door.

6 Introduction
Prelude: Beginning the Dungeon
� Gossip �
Directing the party to the adventure site may require you to
role-play through some adventure hooks and preparation on Reslin and his adventuring comrades are a bit of a local leg-
the players’ part. You might decide to role-play a party member end in the nearby area. It might be such that the locals might
discovering or being given Reslin’s journal pages, and the party have some memory of his deeds. If the party decides to ask
might decide to dig up information regarding the old adventurer around town about Reslin Kine, his family, or his secret vault,
while they can. If the party wants to investigate, you can refer to you can use the following lines of dialogue for NPCs with
the Gossip sidebar for dialogue from NPCs on what they know something to offer.
about Reslin.
“Aye, friend, the name rings a bell. He had a name ‘round these
Receiving the Journal Pages parts as one of them adventurin’ types. The bards may not have
If you’ve decided an important NPC entrusts the journal pages to a song about ‘im, but we remember nonetheless.”
the party or party member, you can read the following aloud to the
players. You may need to edit the text depending who the NPC is. “Reslin? Of course. I mean, all I know about him is what I heard
from the stories. He was part of a band of explorers that put
[NPC’s Name] produces a key, hanging from a chain necklace beasts to the sword and recovered the riches of fallen empires.
about his/her neck. He/She shuffles over to a chest on the mantle, I don’t know for a fact if he was real, though. Could just be a
pulling it down carefully, unlocking it. From within he/she pulls story for the lads.”
out a few pages of aged paper, frayed and weathered and bound
together by a few bits of string. “I know the name, but naught about this vault you speak of. A
guy like Reslin probably had enough coins that he’d need a place
“This used to belong to Reslin Kine, a famous adventurer in like that to keep his treasures though, you know?”
his own day,” [NPC’s name] says. “He left a journal for his son
describing where he could find his inheritance. You’d have to be “Oh yes, Reslin had a son! Mighty bloke with a beard as coarse
half-mad to go chasing after it, though, but – and don’t take this as iron, if I recall me history right. Couldn’t tell you his name
the wrong way – you seem to fit the bill.” if me life depended on it but, then again, don’t suppose he did
anything worth rememberin.’
If you’re using the Relic Recovery adventure hook, you can add
the following:
Behind Razorfall
“His notes indicate he had possession of a sryix. I can only hope to With Razorfall in view, the party can safely traverse their way
the gods it’s still there.” behind it. When the party accesses the ledge behind the waterfall
and is in sight of the cave entrance to Area A, you can read the
following aloud to the players.
Approaching Skysplinter
Once the party is ready, they will need to head out towards the
Moving behind the waterfall isn’t difficult, though the stony ledge
southern face of the mountain Skysplinter. This is an uneventful,
is slippery and there’s no avoiding the spray of water that clouds
if not arduous, slog through a knotted forest and thick mud.
the approach. Soon enough, you have curtains of water and stone
on either side of you. You can see a cave come into view, carved
When the party approaches the southern face of the mountain,
within the mountain side, as you draw closer. It’s dark and silent,
you can read the following aloud to the players:
any noise from it drowned in the roar of crashing water.
Plodding along through the forest at the base of the mountain is
an absolute chore; mud grabs at the soles of your shoes with every Once the party enters this area you can refer to Area A to begin
step and your pace is slowed further by overgrown brush and the adventure.
bramble. Finally, the tree line breaks, and a majestic water fall
dominates your view, tumbling down the tops of the mountain
and crashing into a pool of clear water before you. You can see a
ledge protruding from behind it. The water clears the side of the
mountain by a good 10 feet.

[CUSTOMIZE] - You can replace Skysplinter with a prominent

nearby mountain in your game world. In this case, the name
“Skysplinter” was simply what the mountain was called in Reslin’s
day, and has changed since. Or, the name was a code for the
mountain, to better keep the vault’s location secret.

Prelude: Beginning the Dungeon 7

Dungeons On Demand Area A: Southern Cave
The cave behind the waterfall serves as the entrance to Reslin’s
vault. The vault is sealed by a wall disguised to look like the rest
of the cave; this is why the few travelers that have come upon the
cave in the years since Reslin’s death haven’t discovered the areas
beyond it.

When the party enters this area for the first time, you can read the
following aloud to the players:

The cave is cool, and as dark as midnight. A dingy smell of wet

stone and something even less palatable permeates it, and even Who Goes There?
the slightest sound rings an echo through its depths. The wall in this section has been enchanted to only allow pas-
sage to Nero, Reslin’s assumed son. Even after so much time, the
Swarm of Bats ward remains. The enchantment will only reveal its nature if a
A swarm of bats inhabits the cave; the bats are currently suspend- creature in the area clearly states aloud “I seek what is mine” to
ed from the ceiling (marked by the combat icon on the area map). the wall, in Common. If this occurs, you can read the following
A party member with a passive Perception of 12 or higher can aloud to the players:
spot their droppings spread throughout the area, and a successful
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check locates the swarm. If the bats The texture of the wall twists and contorts, fracturing into many
are spotted, you can read the following aloud to the players: stones which collect into the image of a toothed mouth upon its
surface. The mouth moves to speak, spraying bits of stone with
Dozens upon dozens of bats hang from the ceiling, making the each word.
earthen roof above you seem to ripple with black leather.
“Who goes there? State your name, and state your claim.”
The bats are content to let the party pass unimpeded, but if the
party attacks them, or does anything to frighten them (such as by The wall then waits up to 10 minutes for a response. If no re-
shouting or creating a loud noise) they become hostile, descend- sponse is given within that amount of time, the mouth magically
ing from the ceiling to attack (see Combat). melds back into the texture of the wall.

Hostile Creatures: swarm of bats Answering the Magic Mouth

1 swarm of bats (MM pg. 337) 50 XP
The enchantment is only appeased if a male character replies to
the statement saying his name is Nero, and that he will not repeat
Magic Detection himself. Once this is done, the wall magically recedes and reveals
A player who casts detect magic on the far wall in the back of the entrance to Area B. The wall only returns when the person
western side of the cave (marked by the puzzle icon on the area that opened the areas exits.
map) detects an aura of illusion and transmutation magic emanat-
ing from it. If a different name is given, a claim is stated or reiterated, or if the
correct response is given by a female character, the wall replies
“No son of mine would speak as such” and the process must be
Combat repeated.
If the bats attack, you can read the following aloud to the players:
Cryptic Entry
The ceiling becomes frenzied with movement, and the cave re-
sounds with high pitched chirps and the flutter of wings. The bats The instructions for how to access the magic
pour down from their perches in a tangle around you! mouth effect, and the proper way to respond to
access Area B, are included on the third journal
The bats are really more frightened of the party than they are vi- page, under the entry dated 20.28.A6.
Cryptic Entry

cious; they tangle about the party members long enough to get a
couple bites in before exiting the cave.

During the swarm’s first turn, it enters the space of the clos-
� Equal Rites �
est party member and makes its bite attack. Afterwards, a large Whether the ward’s functionality was an oversight on Reslin’s
portion of the swarm flees the cave (you can represent this by part, or not, is unknown. If the party is comprised of entirely
subtracting 11 from the swarm’s hit point total). If it still has hit female characters, you can handle this in a couple different
points remaining after the swarm’s second turn, the rest of the ways. The party may need to convince a male NPC to accom-
swarm flees. pany them to gain entrance (as Nera did). alternatively, you
could require a party member to succeed on a DC 20 Charisma
(Deception) check to impersonate a male voice while giving the
response. The ward cannot discern whether the replying person
is actually male or female, and can be fooled.

8 Encounters
Area B: Antichamber
The vault’s antechamber is dark and dilapidated, a paltry testi-
mony to its former splendor. When the party enters this area
from Area A for the first time, you can read the following aloud
to the players:

The earthen floor gives way to worked stone, and soon enough the
corridor spills you into a dismal chamber. Statues bearing rusted
suits of plate armor are stationed just beyond the door, each hold-
ing a blade out in your direction. The back of the room opens into
a circular area held aloft by a central column, more statues caked
with mold, dust, and spider webs line its walls.

Animated Objects
Another enchantment was placed here to keep all but Reslin’s heir
away. The swords held by the statues in the front portion of the
antechamber are flying swords, and the suit of armor against the
central column is a vault armor. These animated objects are dor-
mant, and indistinguishable from normal objects unless activated
(see The Blood Will Show and Combat).

Hostile Creatures: animated objects Combat

1 vault armor (Appendix A) 100 XP When a creature passes beyond either of the statues in the front
2 flying swords (MM pg. 20) 100 XP of this area, the flying swords leap from the statues’ hands and the
vault armor springs to life to attack. When this occurs, you can
Magic Detection read the following aloud to the players:
A player who casts detect magic on either statue (marked by the plot
icons on the area map) detects an aura of necromancy and trans- A rattling din fills the room, directing your attention to the two
mutation magic emanating from the swords they bear. An aura of statues by the room’s entrance. The swords they hold shake with
transmutation magic emanates from the set of armor in front of the some unseen force until freed from the statue’s grasp, floating
area’s central column (marked by the combat icon on the area map). in the air and tumbling in your direction. A terrible screech
These effects cannot be dispelled (although a dispel magic spell will spins you around to find a suit of armor moving towards you
affect any of the objects per its antimagic susceptibility). on its own. A disembodied voice slowly filters from its contents:
“Getttttt…. Outtttt….”

The Blood Will Show Unless the party took precaution, they are surprised. Each ani-
Reslin had intended for Nero to prick his finger on one of the mated object attacks the creature closest to it until the creature is
statues in this room (those marked by the plot icons on the area dead or exits the antechamber.
map). This information, however, is obscured on the journal page When an animated object’s hit point total reaches 0 it falls inert
in the party’s possession. and clatters to the ground. It can be used as normal equipment
while inside the vault or the adjacent caves. The flying swords can
A party member can approach either statue safely, so long as he be used as longswords, and the vault armor can be used as half
or she does not pass beyond it. A successful DC 12 Intelligence plate. However, if an animate object leaves the adventure area it
(Investigation) check reveals the swords in either statue’s hands crumbles to dust and is destroyed.
are not fully gripped, and appear to have withstood the effects of
age much better than the armor has. Family Secrets
If you’re using the Family Secrets adventure hook, if any of the
Either sword can be removed from the statue it is held by, though animated objects deals damage to a party member who is a
this does not prevent it from animating to attack if carried passed descendant of Nera and Creed, the animated objects in this room
the statues. immediately become inert for 24 hours.

Family Secrets
Cryptic Entry
If you’re using the Family Secrets adventure hook, and one or
more of the party members is a descendant of Nera and Creed, it’s The instruction to prick one’s finger on one of the
possible to prevent the hostile creatures in this area from animat- statues’ blades is included on the third journal
ing. If a descendant character willingly pricks his or her finger on page, under the entry dated 20.28.A6; however it is
the blade held by either statue, the objects will not animate for at obscured by a splotch of ink. Even if the party were
least 24 hours (which can be reset by another drop of blood). to discern the instructions, it will not help them
unless they are descendants of Reslin Kine.

Encounters 9
Dungeons On Demand Area C: East Armory
The east armory once connected to the vault’s grand chamber,
but the door has fallen to ruin and the path caved in. One of the
cavern’s rust monsters met its end here recently, slain by a flying
sword stationed in this room.

When the party first enters this area you can read the following
description aloud to the players:

A foul smell lurks from this square chamber, wafting from the
corpse of some beast dead on the ground. An alcove along the
northern wall has crumbled to the floor and the mountain caved
in behind it, blocking your passage any further. Four weapon
racks line the eastern and western walls, though they are largely
barren, the weapons displayed having rusted to almost nothing.
Red mounds of powdered rust litter the floor by each.

Animated Objects
Two flying swords occupy this area. One protrudes from the rust
monster corpse in this area; the other is on display on a weapon
wrack (marked by the combat icon on the area map). If a party
member attempts to handle either sword, both swords animate to
attack (see Rust Monster Corpse and Combat).

Collapsed Door
The ankheg that occasionally burrows through this area surfaced
on the other side of the door which leads to the grand chamber.
As a result, the door collapsed and has caved in, making the forked tail, and an arched back formed by overlapping plates of
chamber inaccessible from the armory. chitin. A sword protrudes from two such plates, dried black blood
splattered up its blade.
Rusted Weaponry
The weapon racks in this area contain the remnants of weapons Removing the sword from the rust monster causes the flying
rusted away from the rust monsters’ feasting; most of what re- swords here to animate and attack (see Combat).
mains are wooden pieces, straps of leather, and powdered rust.

A couple of weapons can be salvaged. The southeast weapon Combat

wrack contains two glaives, a greatsword, a longsword, and a flail; If either the sword lodged in the rust monster corpse, or the
each bearing the craftsmanship of a previous age. The longsword longsword in the southeast weapon rack is handled by a party
is actually a flying sword, however, and will animate to attack if a member, both swords animate as flying swords to attack the party.
party member grabs it (see Combat).
Unless the party is prepared for such an occurrence (which
Hostile creatures: flying swords they very well may be), the party is surprised. Each flying sword
2 flying swords (MM pg. 20) 100 XP
attacks the creature closest to it until the sword’s hit point total
Magic Detection reaches 0, at which point it falls inert and clatters to the ground.
A player who casts detect magic on the sword protruding from Either sword can be used as a longsword thereafter. However, if
the rust monster corpse, or the longsword on the southeast an animate object leaves the adventure area it crumbles to dust
weapon rack detects an aura of transmutation magic emanating and is destroyed.
Cryptic Entry

from each.
Peck, Pseudodragon
The southern portion of this area contains a marble statue of a
Rust Monster Corpse man in traveler’s clothes, ostensibly Reslin himself. Perched atop
The rust monster corpse is relatively fresh; perhaps dead a couple of the statue’s head is Peck, a pseudodragon who was once the famil-
days at most. It carries the smell of rot starting to set in. The flying iar of an adventurer exploring Skysplinter Caverns. What became
sword that killed it is still lodged in its back. If a party member of Peck’s former master is unknown, but for now she has managed
inspects it, you can read the following aloud to him or her: to navigate the caverns to Reslin’s vault without restriction. She
The corpse is curious if not off-putting, it reeks of offal, and lies in hunts food in the cavern and likes to nap here.
a mound of dried blood, bile, filth, and powdered rust. It’s the size
of a large dog and vaguely insectoid; it has two large antennae, a Peck is silent, yet curious. She watches as the party enters, rec-
ognizing them as creatures similar to her former master. She’ll

10 Encounters
even watch combat unfold with an inquisitive eye if it occurs.
She won’t interact with the party unless they attempt to commu- � Role-Playing Peck �
nicate with her.
Peck wants to see if she can trust the party, and is hopeful
When the party first inspects the statue (marked by the NPC icon they can help her leave the vault and caverns she’s been in for
on the area map) you can read the following aloud to the players: some time. She uses her limited forms of communication to
express these concerns. She acts like a cat; she’ll allow a cer-
A marble statue, carved into the image of a rugged man wearing tain amount of contact by the party members, but she’s prone
clothes fit for exploration, stands in this recess. Upon his head is to flinch and retreat from sudden motions or loud noises.
a dragon the size of cat. It has red and mauve scales, and doesn’t
seem to be wary of you at all. A small collar adorns its throat, You can use the following descriptions when the party inter-
with a thin gold disk hanging from it. The dragon angles its head acts with Peck.
inquisitively at you, and gives a soft purr.
When the party first meets Peck…
The disk on the pseudodragon’s collar bears her name, “Peck,” The dragon’s head bobs quickly several times, letting loose a low
scribed in Elvish. The collar is an art object worth 10 gold pieces. chirp. You couldn’t say why, but you have a nostalgic feeling,
like seeing an old friend.
Peck can’t speak to the party, though she can understand them
and can communicate through animal sounds, motions, and If asked what her name is…
a limited form of telepathy. Peck wants to leave this area if she The dragon sits up, using its tiny claw to bat at the gold disc
can, and does her best to convey this to the party members. She’s suspended from its collar. It makes a whirring noise, and shakes
open to trusting the party since they look like her former master, its tail a couple times in response.
particularly if they feed her.
If asked how long she’s been in here…
For more information about the pseudodragon and lines of dia- The dragon’s head droops, becoming very still and silent. A feel-
logue you can use while interacting with the party, refer to the ing of dread passes over you, like you’re lost in a maze.
sidebar Role-playing Peck. If Peck decides she can trust the party,
she’ll accompany them at least as far as their exit from the area. If the party attempts to feed Peck…
Peck joins as a pet only, and only participates in combat as a last Almost as soon as you begin to handle the food, a wave of hun-
resort. She prefers to perch on a party member’s shoulder, the ger hits you. The dragon is looking intently at it, its jaw slightly
folds of a cloak hood, or on a fluffy hat if possible. slacked and salivating.

If the party is hostile towards Peck, she flees to the Steps in Area If Peck doesn’t understand a question or statement…
H, taking the opportunity to use her sting on a party member if The dragon’s head tilts to one side, like a dog confounded by
possible along the way. what it sees. A feeling of unease rattles inside of you, like being
spoken to in a foreign language.
1 pseudodragon (MM pg. 254) 50 XP If the party is hostile…
The dragon bears its teeth with a low pitched growl, and with a
beat of its wings takes flight into the open air!

If the party offers to help Peck find a way out...

A cheerful series of clicks pours from the dragon, as it bounds
from the statue and deftly lands on your shoulder. It paws a
little bit at your clothes in an effort to make itself comfortable
before settling there. You can feel a faint purring from it, and a
fresh feeling of hope comes over you.

Encounters 11
Dungeons On Demand Area D: West Armory
The west armory is empty space, the weapons that once were
displayed here have fed rust monsters rummaging through the
caverns. All that if left of them are non-metal parts and powdered
dust scattered about the ground.

When the party enters this area for the first time you can read the
following aloud to the players:

The air in this square chamber is heavy with the smell of metal,
a tide of brown and crimson powdered rust spread throughout
the floor. Swirls and streaks mark their way through the pow-
der, including boot prints. Someone, or something, has traveled
through here before. Stone doors occupy an alcove along the
room’s eastern side, and another exit leading to the north. Rows
of rotted, wooden racks line the walls. Whatever arms or armor
once occupied them have been reduced to unusable bits.
The splotch is a blood stain left by Nera after she was transformed
into a ghoul. She came upon the secret door amid her aimless
Nera has been through this chamber several times after the rust
wandering, and lost her right hand when the door closed upon it
monsters have reduced the weapons here to scraps.
and severed it from her body.
Rusted Weaponry The right hand side of the stain is straight because it falls within
The weapon racks in this area contain the remnants of weapons the seam of the secret door, making it easier to find. A character
rusted away from the rust monsters’ feasting; all that remains are searching the stain and the wall finds the seam on a successful DC
wooden pieces, straps of leather, and powdered rust. 12 Wisdom (Perception) check. A successful DC 12 Intelligence
(Investigation) check reveals how the door operates; by exerting
Magic Detection pressure on one side of the wall it pivots around a central point,
A player who casts detect magic on the doors on the eastern wall allowing access to the area behind it. An unseen mechanism built
detects a strong aura of abjuration magic emanating from them. into the vault’s floor closes the door after 5 minutes.
This effect cannot be dispelled.

Cryptic Entry
Sealed Doors
The doors leading to Area I are magically sealed and cannot be The area concealed by the secret door is visible
on the map included on the second journal
opened. There was once a secret to opening it, but that secret died
page, under the entry dated 19.31.A6. There’s
with Reslin. If a party member inspects the doors, you can read no evidence in the pages of the journal the party
the following aloud: possesses as to why a secret door is here.

The doors here are fashioned out of thick slabs of stone. A heraldic
crest has been carved into them, but they bear no handles and are
impossibly heavy; it doesn’t look like they can be opened.
Lending a Hand
The relief on the doors is the Kine family crest. A character that If the party is able to detect and operate the secret door in this
passes a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check recognizes it. The area, it reveals a bare room on the other side. The only thing of
doors are too thick to hear anything from the grand chamber. note here is Nera’s severed right hand. If the party discovers this
area, you can read the following aloud to the players:

SSecret Door
Cryptic Entry

The wall pivots inward to a dark space beyond, and then the
The west wall in this area conceals a secret door. It’s been impec- rumbling clink of something mechanical starts slowly pulling it
cably fashioned to blend in with the rest of the vault’s stonework, back into place. The hidden room is empty, save for a human-
but the party may look for one if they refer to the map penned in oid hand lying limp on the ground. Its flesh is dark purples and
Reslin’s journal. greens, and shards of bone extend from the wrist. Light sparkles
from a gemmed silver band around its ring finger.
If a party member inspects the wall, then you can read the
following aloud: The ring is set with carnelian gemstones and is embossed with
the Kine family crest. It is an art object worth 150 gold pieces.
A dark brown splotch ominously discolors the wall here. It The ring is not magical, but a character that wears it will not be
looks like a splatter stain dried long ago, but its right side is attacked by any of the animated objects that occupy the vault.
perfectly straight.

12 Encounters
The hand is inert until touched. If touched, the hand rises on its
fingers and takes on the statistics of a crawling claw (MM pg. 44).
It leaps for the throat of the closest humanoid character, making a
claw attack.

If the attack hits, instead of dealing damage, the claw grips the
character’s throat and attempts to strangle him or her. The hit
character is surprised and begins suffocating, able to hold his or
her breath for 1 + his or her Constitution modifier rounds before
he or she drops to 0 hit points and starts dying.

A creature can use its action to grapple the claw and pull it off. If
the claw is removed, it attempts the same actions on its following
turns (or attempts to escape if it continues to be grappled).

Once reduced to 0 hit points, the claw slumps over and remains inert.

Encounters 13
Dungeons On Demand Area E: Ruined Fane
Reslin dedicated this room to display the sryix he had in his pos-
session, building a small shrine here. The shine collapsed with the
northwest portion of the room when the ankheg emerged here.

When the party enters this area for the first time you can read the
following aloud the players:

The corner of this room has collapsed, taking with it much of

what appears to have once been a notable statue standing here.
Dirt and stone litter the room with the rest of the wreckage. The
collapsed wall reveals a natural tunnel behind it, leading deeper
into a mountain cavern. A large section of the ground here has
been disturbed as well. A circle of bare earth, close to 10 feet in
diameter, is rimmed by stones that once made up the floor.

Ankheg Burrow
The disturbed area of the floor is the result of the ankheg bur-
rowing into the area, an event which caused the statue and much
of the wall to collapse. It’s evident to the party that something
emerged from the ground into this area, although they may not
be aware of what.

A party member investigating the disturbed area of the floor can

make a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check. A success reveals that
much of the stone debris has been dissolved away, causing it to
look like slag. A character that identifies this can make a DC 17
Intelligence (Nature) check; on a success he or she can guess the
disruption was caused by an ankheg.

The burrow collapsed back in on itself after the ankheg departed;

only hard earth is evident in its wake. The tunnel cannot be
accessed from here, though small rifts in the earth indicate the
creature that formed it came from the north.

Toppled Statue
A statue in the back of this room crashed to pieces with the much
of the wall. It’s made of dark limestone, and its shattered upper
potions are barely distinguishable from the rest of the debris in
the room. The lower half of the statue still remains: sandaled,
humanoid feet and the draping of robes.

Missing Sryix
Nera moved the sryix to her location in the grand chamber some
time ago. The party might expect to find it here, given the area’s
label in Reslin’s journal, but any search through the rubble comes
up empty.
Cryptic Entry

If a party member searches for the sryix, you can ask him or her
to make a Wisdom (Perception) check. Regardless of the result,
you can read the following aloud to the player:

You spend a good amount of time moving clumps of earth,

stone, and bits of statue, searching each nook that something
could be hidden in, but it quickly becomes evident there’s noth-
ing of value here. If there was something important here once,
it’s not here anymore.

14 Encounters
Area F: West Expanse
This expanse once connected to the deeper parts of Skysplinter
Caverns by way of its northern corridor, but a recent cave in has
left a dangerous pile of stones blocking that path. The cave-in has
blocked Nera and a pair of rust monsters (one of which is dead in
Area C) in the open areas near the vault; Nera is currently in the
grand chamber at Area I and the surviving rust monster at the
cavern pool in Area G.

When the party enters this area for the first time you can read the
following aloud to the players:

The cavern is dark and drafty, though the air isn’t stale as you’d
expect it to be. Your light reveals an open expanse with natural
corridors running to the west and east. Another corridor lies to
the north, but it’s been filled by a pile of stones which have osten-
sibly caved in from the area beyond it.

The party can try to clear the path of stones, though the attempt is
dangerous and time-consuming (see Stone Pile).

Trapped Door
If the party attempts to clear the stones on the northern path in Rust Monster’s Watch
this area (marked by the trap icon on the area map) they risk dis-
rupting the pile’s stability; moving the wrong stone will cause the A rust monster currently resides by the underground pool in
volume of rocks to pour forth from the corridor to a potentially the nearby cavern to the west. Thanks to its iron scent trait,
dangerous effect. The true volume of stones is hidden behind the it automatically detects when a character with ferrous metal
earthen ceiling of the area, making the scenario a natural trap. weapons or armor approaches within 30 feet of its loca-
Detecting the Trap tion (marked by the combat icon in Area G of the dungeon
It’s impossible to tell the extent of the pile’s stability just by look- overview map).
ing at it. However, if the party begins to remove stones piled here
in an attempt to clear a path beyond, nearby characters can make If a character enters within this range, the rust monster scur-
a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check. On a success, the character ries into this area and surprises the party. If this occurs, you
notices shifts in the surrounding stones or hears tumbling echoes can read the following aloud to the players:
faintly from within the corridor. A successful DC 13 Wisdom
(Insight) check by that character reveals the pile threatens to spill A shrill chittering echoes into the cavern, as an insectoid
out violently into the area if disturbed. creature emerges from the western corridor into your
Triggering the Trap light. Its hide is formed by a brown and mottled
If the party spends 5 minutes or more removing the stones here carapace, and it has a pair of bristling antennae looming
without precaution, the stone pile loses stability and floods into from its monstrous face.
the area. Creatures within 20 feet of the corridor’s entrance
(marked by the trap icon on the area map) must succeed on a DC The rust monster uses its first turn to make an attack with
11 Dexterity saving throw, or suffer 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage its antennae at the closest creature wearing metal armor. It
or half as much damage on a save. This area is filled with stones doesn’t use its bite until it takes damage. If the rust monster
piling up to 2 feet in height and is difficult terrain. If the trap is is reduced to 10 or fewer hit points, it flees back to Area G or
triggered, it makes the corridor passable up to 50 feet, at which south into the vault from Area E.
point it becomes blocked by large boulders.
Full information for the rust monster is provided in Area G
(see Combat in that section’s description).
Adventure Branch - Deeper into Skysplinter
The path here continues to wind deeper into Skysplinter Caverns.
These additional areas are not included in Cryptic Entry, and
are left for you to create! If the party persists in trying to clear
the corridor after removing the stones caved in here, you can Cryptic Entry
give them the impression the task is doable, though it will take
a considerable amount of time. It might make a good downtime Reslin hints about the adjacent cavern on the first
journal page, under the entry dated 19.13.A6.
activity once they finish the adventure, perhaps returning to the
vault to secure it for their own use!

Encounters 15
Dungeons On Demand Area G: Cavern Pool
A natural shaft in the ceiling of this part of the caverns allows
water to endlessly drip and collect in an underground pool here.
The shaft’s height extends beyond the range of any light sources
the party may have, and is impossible to climb or navigate by any
way short of flight.

When the party enters this area for the first time you can read the
following aloud to the players:

Walking into this area, you are greeted by a cool breeze, the moan
of wind, and the rhythmic trickling of water. A natural pool of
water has formed at the back end of the cavern, its surface alive
with water rings as water droplets plop into it from the ceiling.

If the rust monster located here didn’t sense and attack the party
in Area F, the party sees it when they enter. You can read the fol-
lowing aloud to the players:

Some kind of insectoid monster is also waiting here, lapping up metal). If such a character does approach within 30 feet, its iron
some of the water and chittering. Its hide is formed by a brown scent trait alerts it to the character’s presence. If the rust monster
and mottled carapace, and it has a pair of bristling antennae and is alerted to the party’s presence, neither side is surprised; the rust
forked tail plumed with bristles. monster moves to attack immediately.

The rust monster attacks immediately if a character with The rust monster attacks the closest party member with its bite,
ferrous metal weapons or armor comes within 30 feet of it. relying on its rust metal trait to discourage melee attacks with
Otherwise, its attention is away from the party, and it can be metal weapons.
surprised (see Combat).
If the rust monster is reduced to 10 hit points or fewer, it cries and
Overhead Shaft attempts to flee – either back into the vault through Area E, or
A natural shaft is located in the ceiling about 25 feet overhead. It towards the east expanse and grand chamber in Areas H and I.
is roughly 20 feet in diameter, and extends to another cavernous
area hundreds of feet above the party’s current location. Water  COMBAT DEVELOPMENTS 
is continuously trickling down its edges, dripping into the pool
beneath it. • If the rust monster is able to flee from the party, you can
choose a location for it to flee to. If the location it flees to
has creatures that would be hostile to it, such as the flying
Underground Pool
swords in the vault or Nera, they may come into conflict with
The pool here is composed of cool, clear water. Its banks are rela-
it before the party arrives. Otherwise, add it to that location’s
tively shallow, the water only rises up to 2 feet for the first 5 feet
list of hostile creatures, if any. It does not regain any lost hit
one would wade into it. After this point, the pool plummets to a
points unless given the opportunity to rest.
depth of 20 feet thanks to a large dip in the cavern floor. Water
from the pool filters to other parts of the cavern beyond there
through tiny passages in the earth.
Treasure Diving
Some time ago, an unfortunate dwarf explorer met his death
Hostile creatures: rust monster
1 rust monster (MM pg. 262) 100 XP
tumbling down the shaft; his remains are submerged in the water,
about 20 feet below the surface in the location marked by the
Magic Detection treasure icon on the map.
Cryptic Entry

A player who casts detect magic in the area of the underground If a party member inspects the pool, he or she notices the corpse
pool detects 3 small auras emanating from its depths, approxi- with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check. You can
mately 20 feet deep of the location marked by the treasure icon read the following aloud to the players:
on the area map. The auras consist of evocation (2 auras) and
abjuration magic. In the deeper part of the water you see something foreboding;
humanoid bones are scattered about, as well as what appears to
be the remains of the poor soul’s satchel. You can see the tell-tale
Combat sign of gold twinkle out from the depths as well.
The rust monster in this area can be surprised by the characters
if they approach stealthily, allowing them to attack it at range No check is required to recover the satchel since the water isn’t
or sneak up close to it to attack while its back is turned (assum- dangerous, though it will require the character swimming to the
ing those approaching do not carry equipment made of ferrous depths to get wet. The satchel contains 19 silver pieces, 8 gold
pieces, 1 potion of acid resistance, and 2 potions of healing.

16 Encounters
Area H: East Expanse
Skysplinter Cavern extends east to this expanse, allowing access to
the grand chamber of Reslin’s vault by way of another crumbled
wall. A portion of the cavern is cleft and spiraled upward, forming
a natural (if not unmanageable) staircase called “The Steps.”

When the party first enters this area you can read the following
aloud to the players:

Your path takes you to another expanse. Columns of stone run

along the cave, ground to ceiling, with natural tunnels running in
several directions from it. To the south your light reveals another
pile of crumbled stone; the path beyond it appears to be leading
back into the vault.

Magic Detection
A player who casts detect magic upon the dwarven door (marked
by the plot icon on the area map) detects an aura of transmutation
magic emanating from the glyphs inscribed upon it.

Optional Encounter
The party can encounter the ankheg in the east expanse at your
discretion. You can run the encounter at any point they pass Combat
through the area. The ankheg knows the location of the party thanks to its
tremorsense, and cannot be surprised by them. Given the clues of
CAUTION: The ankheg is a major challenge for 1st-level its arrival, the party is not surprised either.
characters, so you use your discretion. The XP from this
encounter is not necessary into the total XP gained in The ankheg uses its first turn to use its acid spray, attempting to
Cryptic Entry to increase each character to 2nd-level. hit as may characters as possible. Afterwards, it attacks which-
ever character deals the most damage to it with its bite, keeping
The party is better able to handle the encounter if: the character grappled if able. If the ankheg is reduced to 15 hit
points or fewer, it attempts to burrow away underground, taking a
• They have had a chance to rest and regain lost hit points grappled creature with it.
• They have discovered the potions in Area G
• They have defeated Nera in Area I and advanced to 2nd-level  COMBAT DEVELOPMENTS 
• They are better armed or have abilities that exceed their level
• The party consists of more than 5 characters • If the ankheg is able to flee, it can resurface later at any point
in the caverns or vault, but it will wait until it can recover its
When you run the encounter, you can begin by reading the fol- hit points first. It might become a pest to the party if they stay
lowing aloud to the players: on site for an extended period of time.
• If the ankheg flees, the tunnel it burrows through only
A vibration from the ground grabs your attention. It begins with partially collapses and is large enough for Medium-sized and
a gentle shake at your feet, but in an instant the whole cavern smaller creatures to pursue it, although they must squeeze
trembles. A mound of earth forms and undulates before exploding through the available space to do so (this forces them to
in a spray of stone and soil, and in its abscess is a horrid insectoid move at half speed). After 24 hours, the tunnel fully collapses
creature the size of horse! It has fierce mandibles dripping with and becomes unusable.
something that fizzes and hisses.

Optional hostile creature: ankheg Adventure Branch - The Steps

1 ankheg* (MM pg. 21) 450 XP
A gaping rise of “steps” spirals upwards into Skyplinter from
*This creature is not present when the party arrives; it is here, allowing the inhabitants of the caverns in areas above to
burrowed underground. filter down towards the vault. Each step ranges in height from
5 to 50 feet; the party won’t be able to explore it unless they’re
well equipped with rope and climbing gear (the rope of climbing
stashed in Area I would help immeasurably with such a task).
These additional areas are not included in Cryptic Entry, and are
left for you to create!

Encounters 17
Dungeons On Demand Adventure Branch - Dwarven Door Cryptic Entry
If the party explores down the tunnel leading to this dead end,
you can read the following aloud to the players: Reslin doesn’t know about the dwarven door,
although he does unwittingly record the right
The path leads to a dead end, though you can see a seam at its words to open it (“rez ooldal“) on the first journal
apex as if two halves of earth were driven together. Strange glyphs page, under the entry dated 19.13.A6.
occupy the space around the seam. Dwarvish letters accompany
them, scribed into the wall about 4 feet from the ground.

A character that knows Dwarvish and sees the glyphs can make
a DC 10 Intelligence (History) check. On a successful check, the
character recognizes the words as an old Dwarvish dialect.
The script is in standard Dwarvish, and reads “To seek the light,
call the darkness.”

The inscription is a riddle (a clue to which is hidden in Reslin’s

journal entry). A character who literally states “the darkness”
(“rez ooldal”) in Dwarvish solves the riddle, at which point the
seam magically splits apart and the earth makes way to reveal a
tunnel exiting the mountain. The tunnel remains open for 2 min-
utes before magically closing again. The tunnel cannot be accessed
from the other side to go into Skysplinter.

The area outside the mountain where the tunnel exits is forested.
It is nearly a mile’s walk around the mountain’s northeastern side,
back to the ledge behind the waterfall where the cave to Area A
can be accessed. You can use the area beyond here as another ad-
venture branch beyond the locations described in Cryptic Entry.
Cryptic Entry

18 Encounters
Area I: Grand Chamber
The grand chamber was the location of Reslin’s fortune, treasures
he had collected from his many adventures. However, Nera has
destroyed nearly everything here. She wallows here in her endless
misery and agony.

When the party enters this area for the first time you can read the
following aloud to the players:

You can only imagine what this room would have once looked
like. Stone pedestals lie smashed to hundreds of pieces on the
floor. Among their remains are what’s left of the treasures they
once bore. Shattered vases, torn paintings, broken glass, and the
tatters of once beautiful pieces of art now lie in a mix of filth
and dirt.

At the room’s center is a woman – or at the very least, what used

to be one. Her flesh is purple and green, and taunt around her
bones. Her head only has a few slivers of long scraggly hair left,
and her right arm ends in a handless stump and shard of bone.
She’s moving about aimlessly through a bloodstained area filled
with animal carcasses. With each step she wails with something Nera uses her first turn to move towards as many characters as
between misery and rage. possible before using her cry action. On subsequent turns she
attacks with her claw, attempting to paralyze as many creatures as
Nera is not expecting visitors, so it’s possible for the party to sur- possible. If a target is an elf, Nera uses her bite instead. Each flying
prise her. She meanders around the area (marked by the combat sword always moves to attack the creature closest to it on its turn,
icon on the area map) crying and screaming in her terrifying state. with the exception of Nera.

Ankheg Burrow Nera fights until slain, at which point she slumps to a pile on the
The evidence of another ankheg burrow is located here, near the ground, her body decomposing rapidly with a revolting stench.
toppled door that once connected to Area C. For more informa- When a flying sword is reduced to 0 hit points, it clatters to the
tion on the ankheg burrow, refer to its description in Area E. floor and becomes inert.

Doors to Area D
The other side of the doors visible from Area D can be seen here. Treasure Diving
These still cannot be opened, though the party will recognize the Most of the valuables stored in the vault have been irrevocably
doors from the distinctive family crest engraved upon them. destroyed; smashed to pieces, covered with grime and grunge,
and devoid of any value. Nera has destroyed these treasures in her
Ghoul Pit torment, each piece reminding her of her lost lover, family, and
Nera normally drags any prey she catches in the caverns back here humanity. What’s left is a poor excuse for the treasure that once
to feast, resulting in a pit of blood and bones at the area’s center. filled this place.
She hasn’t been able to feed since the route in Area F was cut off,
driving her mad with hunger. A few pieces of Reslin’s treasure remain intact, mostly the coins
he had left. The chests along the southern wall (marked by the
Hostile creature: Nera Kine, ghoul treasure icon on the area map) contain 487 silver pieces, 105 gold
Nera Kine (Appendix A) 200 XP pieces and 3 gemstones worth 10 gold pieces each (DMG pg. 134).
2 flying swords (MM pg. 20) 100 XP The coins bear old stamps.

Magic Detection There are a few discarded pieces of equipment and shredded
A player who casts detect magic upon the scattered chests and apparel scattered about as well; most of them destroyed by Nera.
coins along the southern wall detects an aura of transmutation One item remains in usable condition – a coil of black rope which
magic emanating from a coil of rope. is a rope of climbing.

Lastly, the treasure heap contains a silver locket studded with an

Combat agate. Inside the locket is a faded sketch of Nera and Creed with
Nera is driven by hunger and rage; she no longer has the capac- the inscription “For my dearest Nera, and the adventures we’ll
ity to speak coherently. If the party approaches subtly, they can share.” The locket is worth 25 gold pieces.
surprise her. Otherwise, Nera attacks as soon as she notices them.
If Nera attacks or is attacked, the flying swords in the area animate
to attack the party.

Encounters 19
Dungeons On Demand Wrapping Up the Dungeon
The Sryix
As things are drawing to an end, refer to this information for
The sryix is here, covered in filth. The wards that once protected it
anything left to wrap up in the dungeon:
and cursed Nera to become a ghoul have long faded, and it is safe
to handle.
Adventure Hooks
--- • By destroying Nera, claiming the remaining treasure, and
recovering the sryix, the party should be able to complete
By defeating Nera the party should be able to fulfill the goals of their adventure hooks.
their adventure hooks, but there is still adventure to be had! The • If a reward was offered for the completion of an adventure
party can explore any areas of Reslin’s vault they may have missed, hook, it can be given now or role-played as part of a later
encounter the ankheg in Area H if they have not encountered it adventure.
yet, or explore any of the adventure branches they discovered in
• If the party took Peck out of the dungeon, you can decide
the cavern.
what becomes of the pseudodragon. Her old master may
offer a reward for her recovery, or perhaps she will choose to
continue to stay with the party as a pet or familiar.
• The path to the antechamber from Area A remains open until
the character that opened it exits back through it. This might
allow creatures to travel freely into and out of the vault.
• Reslin’s vault presents a local area with access to multiple
adventure locations. If the party takes time to rebuild it, they
can use the vault as a base of operations. This can provide an
opportunity for interesting downtime activities.

Remaining Monsters
• Once an animated object in the vault is defeated, it no
longer animates, and is treated as normal equipment.
However, an animated object that leaves the confines of
adventure area crumbles to dust and is destroyed.
• If the rust monster from Area G survived its encounter with
the party, it flees the vault through Area A if able.
• If the ankheg in Area H survives or is not encountered
throughout the adventure, it can surface to attack the party
at a later time.

Experience Points
• You can reward each player 50XP for defeating Nera and
completing their adventure hooks.
• You can reward each player 25 XP when they successfully
enter Reslin’s vault for the first time.
• You can reward each player 15 XP if they solve the riddle al-
lowing passage out the mountain from Area H.
• You can reward each player 25 XP if they overcome the natu-
ral trap of stones in Area F.
Cryptic Entry

• You can reward each player 25 XP if they assist Peck in escap-

ing the vault.

20 Wrapping Up
Appendix A: New Monsters & NPCs


Medium construct, unaligned
Medium undead, chaotic evil

Armor Class: 15 (natural armor)

Armor Class: 13
Hit Points: 22 (4d8 + 4)
Hit Points: 18 (4d8)
Speed: 30 ft.
Speed: 30 ft.


14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5)
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 5 (-3) 11 (+0) 5 (-3)

Damage Immunities: poison, psychic

Saving Throws: Wis +2
Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion,
Damage Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, poisoned
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses: darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10
Senses: blindsight 60ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Languages: understands Common but can’t speak
Perception 6
Challenge: 1 (200 XP)
Languages: -
Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP)
Kine Family. Nera cannot be attacked by any of the animated
objects that occupy Reslin’s vault.
Antimagic Susceptibility. The armor is incapacitated while in the
area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the armor
Actions must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against the caster’s
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute
4(1d6 + 1) piercing damage.
False Appearance. While the armor remains motionless, it is
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: indistinguishable from a normal suit of armor.
5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage. If the target is a creature other than
an elf or undead, it must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving Actions
throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the sav-
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
ing throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
on a success.

Cry (1/day). Nera releases a mournful cry. The cry has no effects
on constructs or undead. All other creatures within 30 feet of her
that can hear her must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw.
On a failed save the creature becomes frightened for 1 round.  

Appendix A: New Monsters & NPCs 21

Dungeons On Demand
The following text is the property of Wizards of the 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game
Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open
(“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of
this License.You must affix such a notice to any Open
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/ Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to
or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game or subtracted from this License except as described by
Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted ma- the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be
terial including derivative works and translations (including applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this
into other computer languages), potation, modification, License.
correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement,
compilation, abridgment or other form in which an ex- 3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content
isting work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
“Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing
broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual,
(d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and worldwide, royalty-free, nonexclusive license with the ex-
includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines act terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
to the extent such content does not embody the Product
Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any 5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are
additional content clearly identified as Open Game Con- contributing original material as Open Game Content,You
tent by the Contributor, and means any work covered by represent that Your Contributions are Your original cre-
this License, including translations and derivative works ation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights
under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Iden- conveyed by this License.
tity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product line
names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; 6.Notice of License Copyright:You must update the
artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include
thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open
symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, con- Game Content You are copying, modifying or distribut-
cepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual ing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the
or audio representations; names and descriptions of char- copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of
acters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, any original Open Game Content you Distribute.
likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environ- 7. Use of Product Identity:You agree not to Use any
ments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abili- Product Identity, including as an indication as to compat-
ties or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any ibility, except as expressly licensed in another, indepen-
other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified dent Agreement with the owner of each element of that
as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, Product Identity.You agree not to indicate compatibility or
and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trade-
(f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, mark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game
designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or Content except as expressly licensed in another, indepen-
its products or the associated products contributed to the dent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or
Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in
or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format,
Cryptic Entry

Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to

modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any
of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain
licensee in terms of this agreement. all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.

22 License
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You Product Identity: The following items are hereby
must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open
are distributing are Open Game Content. Game License 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open
Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks,
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents proper names (characters, etc.), dialogue, plots,
may publish updated versions of this License.You may use storylines, characters, artworks, and trade dress. (Ele-
any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and ments that have previously been designated as Open
distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed Game Content are not included in this declaration.)
under any version of this License.
Open Content: Except for material designated as
10. Copy of this License:You MUST include a copy of this Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of
License with every copy of the Open Game Content You this Dungeons on Demand game product are Open
Distribute. Game Content, as defined in the Open Game License
11. Use of Contributor Credits:You may not market or version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work
advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any other than the material designated as Open Game
Contributor unless You have written permission from the Content may be reproduced in any form without writ-
Contributor to do so. ten permission.

12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply

with any of the terms of this License with respect to some
or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial
order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use
any Open Game Material so affected.

13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically

if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure
such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the
breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this

14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to

be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to
the extent necessary to make it enforceable.


Open Game License v 1.0a

Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document 5.0

Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike
Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson,
Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell,
Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original mate-
rial by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Cryptic Entry
Copyright © 2016 Dan Coleman


License 23

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