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Struggling with the daunting task of writing a thesis can be overwhelming, especially when dealing

with complex topics like anorexia. Crafting a comprehensive research paper on anorexia requires not
only a deep understanding of the subject matter but also impeccable research and writing skills. From
developing a compelling thesis statement to structuring your paper effectively, every step demands
meticulous attention to detail and extensive research.

One of the biggest challenges in writing a thesis on anorexia is navigating through the vast amount of
information available on the subject. With numerous studies, theories, and perspectives to consider,
it's easy to feel lost and uncertain about where to begin. Moreover, tackling sensitive topics such as
mental health and body image requires a delicate approach and careful consideration of ethical

Another hurdle in writing a thesis on anorexia is creating a coherent outline that effectively organizes
your ideas and arguments. A well-crafted outline serves as a roadmap for your research paper,
guiding you through the writing process and ensuring that your arguments flow logically and
cohesively. However, formulating a clear and structured outline can be a challenging task, especially
when dealing with a complex topic like anorexia.

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Participation was voluntary and ethics was observed. Additionally, parental opinions and comments
on appearance can influence children’s self-perception. Participants in this group showed optimism in
life and expressed desire to engage in sex. Cultural ideals and the media, and ethnicity and peer
influences are some of them. It can also lead to irregular heartbeats, stomach cramps, fatigue and
breathing trouble. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you. Also, since amenorrhoea is a typical characteristic of AN, this means that
reproduction is effectively suspended in anorexic females. Eating disorders serve as a short term
solution, it poses as a defense to insecure thoughts. It also explains the gender differences (there are
higher rates of anorexia in females), as the social norm for genders differ. The explanation that
women are highly influenced by this ideology of separation of the mind and body is considered to be
serious, and it is faced by the increased belief of body devaluation. Fashion Week is an event where
professionals from the fashion industry come together (usually in New York) twice a year to promote
and display their latest creations of the season in a runway fashion show to buyers and the media.
They may act in a compulsive manner, avoiding food altogether or display conduct overdoing the
control and regulation of their food intake. (Edwards, Roxanne). People who argue for perceptual
bias thing that the weight overestimation with those with disordered eating will also develop
disordered body image. Most parents don’t understand why this could be happening to their children
and just try to do everything right to fix it. An average female model weighs 23% less than
therecommended weight for a woman. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you
with the best. This fear becomes sodifficult to manage that the sufferer will gradually isolate
themselves fromother people and social activities. Psychologists also engaged the participants in pep
talks that aimed at boosting their level of confidence. In rare cases, it can present in adulthood or
before puberty. Gastrointestinal complications: Since anorexics starve themselves, it slows down the
gastrointestinal movements causing the digestive system to take longer to empty. This is because they
feel their body is messed up in a way and there’s no possible way to correct it. Every one admits that
anorexia is an ever increasing problem within the contemporary medical world. Deep emotional
conflicts can also contributeto the disease. The problem can be solved by advising most of the
teenagers on the effect of anorexia nervosa through counseling in schools, colleges, and at work.
They oppose the fact that anorexia is an eating disorder or a mental health disorder for that matter. A
growing consensus shows improved characterization of social and cognitive impairments in anorexia
nervosa that overlaps with Autistic disorders. The events can range from abuse, sexual assault,
relationship problems, and even after moving or changing schools. The study also found that a lack
of parental involvement could also help to develop a negative self-image. Treatments used include
individual psychological therapy, family therapy and drug therapy using antidepressants. Advertising,
or role modeling, is a huge contribution to the cause of anorexia, especially in women.
In a study of semistarvation in maleconscientious objectors, Franklin et al. (1948), noted that all the
men became obsessedwith food and displayed higher than normal levels of fatigue, irritability and
moodiness,they also had poor concentration levels and reported a loss of interest in sex. Restricting
type of anorexia: Individuals follow extreme diet regimen, fasting and too much exercising to attain
weight loss. 2. Purging type of anorexia: Individuals resort to vomiting or using laxatives and
diuretics to attain weight loss. Results indicate that the participants BMI was above 17.5 meaning
that they were not underweight. One of the problems in determining which traits may cause anorexia
nervosa is that the weight loss itself causes certain psychological disturbances to develop. Later
studies in self-psychology prove that disorders like Anorexia Nervosa are caused by the parents'
inability to developing a healthy affectionate relationship with their daughters (Canetti et al. In our
culture today, being thin is the “”ideal body type for everyone, and therefore makes women and men
have a dissatisfaction when they are unable to attain that certain weight; it makes them depressed, so
they limit what they eat. These tendencies can be observed in anorexia patients, as many view
anorexia as a form of control in their lives. They don’t take the time to care for themselves by taking
showers, brushing their teeth, etc. This is the type of image that teenagers are constantly exposed to.
Some “odd food rituals” include things like cuttingfood into small pieces, counting bites or even
talking to their food. Due to this fear such individuals normally will literally starve themselves as a
means of keeping their. Every picture and video pushes to second guess ourselves, to ask “” Why
don’t I look this this. The writer needs to explain what anorexia is and who it mainly affects first in
the introduction. Close cooperation among all medical, nutritional and psychological health
professionals involved is important. Being thin is one thing, but many young girls in society are
pressured to be even thinner what they already are, for example, size zero has been a fad for a long
time now. All can have life threatening consequences not only for girls and women but for also for
boys and men. Biologically, while there is no definite distinction of which genes cause a heightened
risk for anorexia development, it is known that a person’s genetic makeup can influence the
development of controlling, perfectionist, and anxious tendencies (Mayo Clinic). The treatment thus
is usually long term for those suffering from the disorder for a long time and is not easy because
emotional support along with physical intake of food is required to put on weight and feel healthy.
(Anorexia Symptoms and Effects). As early as first grade, children express dieting and weight
concerns and even engage in eating-disordered behaviors, according to a 1996 study by
psychologists Ellen Flannery-Schroeder of Temple University and Joan Chrisler of Connecticut
College.” (Gilbert, Stefanie). Some people experience anorexia because of their family genes. Susan
Bordo, a philosopher, tries to formulate her theory of why individuals are faced with this particular
type of condition. Guys with rippling muscles and impossibly lean physiques. However, it shouldbe
noted that starvation itself affects personality. A study conducted by the University of Haifa in 2011
found that more exposure to social media led to higher rates of eating disorders. Psychotherapy,
regular medical monitoring, and nutritional guidance should be part of any treatment program for
anorexia. These impacting factors are important to understand in order to recognize at-risk children.
These people should also participate in social activities to brand their name and boost their self-
esteem. The process of putting on weight again is tough and has to be done with immense care and
caution because the body’s digestion process is very slow and is not used to taking in food all of a
sudden thus has to be dealt with carefully so as to not react negatively. Girls and women are the
most affected by this anorexia, but it has also become commonplace in boys and men in recent years
with the conditions first developing at the age of seventeen or eighteen. Amongst the most
challenging eating disorder is Anorexia Nervosa.
Men and Anorexia Eating disorders know no barriers. It can also lead to irregular heartbeats,
stomach cramps, fatigue and breathing trouble. Her argument about Anorexia nervosa is based on
body practices that are attributed to contemporary Western cultures. Also this study uses a bias
sample, as all the participants are female Fijians. Students start to stop caring about their schoolwork
or even attending school. An article by Chris Freeman explains, “”Anorexia is known as an eating
disorder which is when the outcome becomes the loss of appetite. There are many things that can
influence anorexia, such as bullying, social media, stress, traumatic life events, and even low self-
esteem. One must be able to admit to himself and then seek out a solution to the problem rather than
being forced to change his mind about his body. A limitation of this approach is it is difficult to
falsify as it is based on interpretations of cases and factors of anorexia. Thus, some of the traits that
occur in anorexia nervosa may be a result, rather than a cause, of the disorder. Those who develop
anorexia nervosa are more likely to have low self worth and low self esteem. Studies indicate that it
may develop in as many as 1% of the young women in the United States. (Bruch, 158) Many times
anorexia will develop and go unnoticed because family members, friends and others close to the
anorexic simply do not observe the warning signs, or refuse to believe that the person is anorexic.
Therefore the behavioural model alone is not sufficient as does not explain the differences between
the individuals who develop it and those that don’t. Dubansky, H. (2010). 5 Eating-disorder signs in
your child. U.S. News. Retrieved from Harvard Medical School. (2009). Treating anorexia nervosa.
Atypical Psychology: Describe and Evaluate Perspectives of Psychological Di. It makes people feel it
has so much power over them that they will never be able to overcome it. Every one admits that
anorexia is an ever increasing problem within the contemporary medical world. Psychologists also
engaged the participants in pep talks that aimed at boosting their level of confidence. Discuss
psychological explanations for anorexia nervosa. We use cookies to create the best experience for
you. However, rapid weight loss, the use of vomiting or laxatives to promote weight loss, and the
loss of more than 35% of normal body weight are all associated with danger. Parental and family
attitudes can be factor that can cause anorexia. Frudesuggests that as anorexia is about restricting
one's food intake, and as it is fairly easy towork out the calorie content of most meals, the
obsessional and perfectionist nature of. Moving from high school to college is a very hard transition.
The immediate problems the body is trying to fight off with the lack of nutrients could be
constipation, abdominal pain, muscle weakness, bloating, disrupted menstrual cycles, dehydration,
and fainting. These are also some of the same symptoms of someone that has an eating disorder. It
suggests that the Fijians are striving to conform to Western cultural standards due to classical and
operant conditioning. In addition, people with Anorexia Nervosa have pressures from society about
being thin, have a perfectionist trait, and may have difficulty with parents and finding their own
autonomy. Their diet was sampled and weight recorded every day. Moreover, anorexia affects one’s
mental health thus people suffering from the same should be counselled properly in order to help
them gain their sense of appetite back and pave the way for a healthy lifestyle.
Although research on collegiate cheerleaders is limited, these females may carry forward the same
risk factors for. The families of anorexics are mainly high achieving with high expectations of their
children. I would then like to evaluate the survey and make a study about the number of people that
need help and counselling in order to make them feel better about their body types in order to stop
them from taking drastic steps related to eating lesser. Basic demographic data were collected
through a questionnaire that included cheerleading position (ie, base, flyer, back spot) and academic
status (ie, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior). Experts believe those who fall victim to eating
disorders think if they look better and live up to ideal images --they will feel better. Resumen:
Context: With increased media coverage and competitive opportunities, cheerleaders may be facing
an increase in eating disorder (ED) prevalence linked to clothing-related body image (BI). The
individual may be treated in a residential, partial hospitalization unit, intensive inpatient or outpatient
basis depending on the severity of the disorder. More specifically, these trends have been identified
in patients with anorexia nervosa. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to
manage cookies. One of the deadliest mental illnesses is anorexia nervosa. A2 Psychology Unit 3
Eating Behaviour: Psychological Explanations Of One Ea. Perfectionist parents drive their children
to be the best and the brightest. As you improve your self-talk, commit to changing your actions
accordingly. He was a cyclist in college he felt the perfect body would give him a leg up on
competition. We then monitored the two groups for two months and determine the difference in
weight, perception, attitude, and self-confidence. However, the fact thatrelatives of anorexics run a
higher risk than the general population of also becominganorexic does not, according to Frude
(1998), suggest that a firm genetic link for anorexiacan be inferred. Anorexicsare not repelled or
revolted by food, in fact their minds are often dominated bythoughts of food. Blood contains
antigens and antibodies to protect us from infective and non-infectious diseases which called the
immune system. The true occurrence of anorexia may be times higher if one takes into consideration
unreported or undiagnosed cases (Misra et al, 2004). Mental HealthNet. ( ) Pearson, Nanett. (1998)
A Personal Recovery Story:Starving for Attention. Sufferers should seek help, or be encouraged to
do so. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Inpatient treatment is typically
recommended when an adult patient loses 15% or more of their ideal body weight (Harvard Medical
School, 2009). After recovery, you can still experience effects from anorexia. In this day and age,
body positivity is huge whether you are overweight or perfectly healthy. Inpatient treatment will
often last for 12 to16 weeks and full recovery will often take a further 18 months. It is common for
an anorexic to feel a high from periods of starvation. A growing consensus shows improved
characterization of social and cognitive impairments in anorexia nervosa that overlaps with Autistic
disorders. As we utilize the food reserves in our body through intensive physical activities, our body
demands more and that will tend to a desire to eat. Anorexia causes anemia, which is when the body
does not have enough red blood cells, and other blood problems. Anorexics muscles become weak,
skin gets dry, bruises easily, and turns yellow.
Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Once an individual is
assured the same, he can start taking medication to put on weight. Hence they are considered to be
highly sensitive, and mostly attribute to negative impacts (Radden, 2004). Causes of Anorexia The
exact cause of anorexia is still unknown. Moreover, in many young girls, an irregular menstrual cycle
or an absence of the same can be a characteristic of anorexia or even reduced appetite and eating.
Eating disorders serve as a short term solution, it poses as a defense to insecure thoughts. Children
and adolescents who are at risk of suffering from irreversible developmental damage due to
malnourishment are also recommended inpatient treatment even if they have not reached the 15%
weight-loss criteria (Harvard Medical School, 2009). Treatment will vary depending on the individual
circumstances. The immediate problems the body is trying to fight off with the lack of nutrients
could be constipation, abdominal pain, muscle weakness, bloating, disrupted menstrual cycles,
dehydration, and fainting. Loss of the bone density and hormonal balances are some other changes
that the body of a person suffering from anorexia may undergo. This is within the range of rates
reported in western countries. This is when women with this mental illness start to think “”Why
don’t I look like this. In the later and more dangerous stages, family members may not notice the
disease because the anorexic usually wears layered and baggy clothes (Costin, 138). Biologically,
while there is no definite distinction of which genes cause a heightened risk for anorexia
development, it is known that a person’s genetic makeup can influence the development of
controlling, perfectionist, and anxious tendencies (Mayo Clinic). Give me your paper requirements
and I connect you to an academic expert. These traits are usually accentuated by the disorder.
However, the fact thatrelatives of anorexics run a higher risk than the general population of also
becominganorexic does not, according to Frude (1998), suggest that a firm genetic link for
anorexiacan be inferred. Also, having high levels of anxiety can play a part, so they restrict they’re
eating to help reduce it. When a personstops eating, their body goes into an emergency conservation
mode burning verysmall amounts of energy, food is then stored away as fat until more food
isobtained. Anorexia has been variously described as 'the slimmer's disease', 'a relentless pursuit of
thinness' and 'a morbid fear of fatness'. The process of putting on weight again is tough and has to be
done with immense care and caution because the body’s digestion process is very slow and is not
used to taking in food all of a sudden thus has to be dealt with carefully so as to not react
negatively. Different treatment options are available, with some of them combining several
approaches all in one. They were less social and feared engaging in sexual activities. This yielded 340
possible cheerleading participants. People that suffer from the disorder tend to get obsessed with the
idea of food and show a lot of symptoms indicating aversion to eating in general. Symptoms include
constant fatigue, depression, anxious and confused (Bloomfield-Deal 2017). When hospitalized,
privileges are sometimesgranted as a reward in return for gaining weight. They don’t take the time to
care for themselves by taking showers, brushing their teeth, etc. Many even strive to become models
and thus starve themselves in order to fit into clothes and achieve praise in the business. This paper
outlines people's perception of a 'good life' and defines their wishes and aims, women's perception of
their bodies.... The shining example of the influence is which is definitely relevant these days when
humans get obsessed with their bodies' good-looking inspired by advertisement.
This is within the range of rates reported in western countries. Only focusing on women normal
weight, in order to be able to see if there is a link with developing an eating disorder like anorexia
nervosa. This is because of the psychological differentiation about eating. According to Time
magazine, “”studies show that the risk of death by suicide among anorexic women is 57 times the
expected rate of other women. These individuals do not represent a majority of people, and therefore
the findings can not be generalised to other populations. This approach leads to useful therapies, as it
allows clients to tackle self-defeating statements. Anorexia, when it is simply a physical symptom,
can be caused by a range of problems, not necessarily psychological, which is why when it is part of
an eating disorder, it is often called Anorexia Nervosa, in order to distinguish it. This is 100% legal.
You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. To cope with the
stress, the anorexic victims turn to bad eating habits due to them not knowing how to transform the
stress into something productive. It shall note the effects and impact of this thinness obsession on
these girls and models. There are several explanations of anorexia, including biological explanations
and psychological explanations. Research and evidence indicate a variety of manifestations of
Anorexia Nervosa, however, not all signs can be found in all patients. According to Nicole
Williamson PhD at the Tampa General seminar, (May8, 2018) People with Anorexia might dress in
layers, become obsessed with dieting and counting calories, using diet pills, and fasting or skipping
meals all together. Dr. Sanjay gupta says she is profoundly weak, holding her head up with her
hands. The weight loss that triggers the illness is often the result of either a normal diet (the sort that
is typical of many normal adolescent girls) or unhappiness or illness. Social media will always have a
terrible effect on the confidence of people. The element of control that comes with food restriction is
an attempt to combat anxiety (Mayo Clinic citation). It’s good to understand you’re not alone and
you will never be the only person facing this problem. The figure below explains the results of
cognitive therapy for anorexics. They strike both females and males of all ages and all races. It is for
this reason that a research was carried on to justify the importance of cognitive therapy on people
suffering form eating disorders. Media attention in the form of television coverage, close-ups, and
associated preferences for scanty uniforms may be related to mechanisms underlying body image
and eating disorder relationships in cheerleaders. Having read through a few case studies and having
studied the problem and its causes and symptoms properly, I feel that I am equipped to handle
someone suffering from the problem and would even like to help out at a counselling centre to help
someone get through the issue. All of these fit into the psychological challenges that people with
Anorexia Nervosa have as they go through the disorder. These traits coincide with anorexia
development because, generally, individuals who have low self-esteem or view their bodies in a
negative light are more likely to develop an eating disorder (citation Creative Wellness). The illness is
often associated with depression and low self-esteem, and patients may benefit from treatment with
antidepressant drugs. Bailer found the highest levels in women who showed the most anxiety and
perfectionism, this suggests that constant and persistent disruption of serotonin levels may lead on to
higher anxiety, this then may trigger, and make the patient as risk of AN. Eating disorders are much
more complicated than that. Food restriction is a common feature of many species when feeding
competes with other important activities such as migration or breeding. With this, we saw the
increased prevalence of anorexia and other eating disorders.

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