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1. Identify and illustrate seven guidelines in an effective counseling termination.

(5 Marks)
 Collaborative Goal Setting

Establish goals for termination in collaboration with the client. Establish attainable and

transparent termination goals in collaboration with the client. This could be going over the

development that has occurred during counseling, pointing out any obstacles that still need to be

overcome, and setting goals for the future.

 Review of Progress:

Make sure you evaluate the client's counseling progress in detail. Think back on the

advancements and adjustments the client has made since starting counseling. Highlight the

positive aspects of the client's development and growth by talking about specific

accomplishments and milestones.

 Preparation for Future Challenges

Talk about and make plans for upcoming obstacles. Attend to any obstacles that the client might

encounter following termination. Examine resources, support networks, and coping mechanisms

that can assist the client in handling challenges on their own in the future.

 Feedback and Evaluation

Give constructive criticism and assessment. Comment on the client's efforts and level of

dedication to the therapy process. Talk about the growth of self-awareness and coping

mechanisms. Inspire your clients to express their opinions about their counseling experience.
 Closure and Emotional Expression

Permit closure and emotional expression. Provide a secure environment where clients can share

their feelings regarding the termination. Any emotions of accomplishment, sadness, or anxiety

should be acknowledged and validated. Provide closure by providing an overview of the

counseling process.

 Resource Sharing

Give details about the resources and continuing assistance that are available.

Provide details about any after-termination community resources, support groups, or other

services that could be helpful to the client. Make sure the client is prepared to ask for assistance

in the future if necessary.

 Follow Ethical Guidelines

Give details about the resources and continuing assistance that are available.

Provide details about any after-termination community resources, support groups, or other

services that could be helpful to the client. Make sure the client is prepared to ask for assistance

in the future if necessary

2. Examine five ethical principles of counseling and psychotherapy. (5 Marks)

 Fidelity

Building and preserving therapeutic relationship trust. It is the top priority of counselors and

therapists to establish a professional, trustworthy relationship with their clients. This entails

avoiding conflicts of interest, upholding confidentiality, and being open about the therapeutic

process. In their dealings with clients, practitioners need to maintain professional boundaries and

exhibit honesty and reliability.

 Beneficence

Actively advocating for clients' welfare and best interests. Therapists and counselors work to

improve their clients' general well-being by offering skillful and efficient services. This entails

applying practices supported by evidence, upholding professional competence, and persistently

looking for chances to advance one's career. Practitioners want to make a positive difference in

their clients' lives and give them the tools they need to succeed.

 Autonomy

The idea of respecting clients' freedom to make their own decisions is known as autonomy. It

acknowledges each person's right to self-determination. Counselors ought to explain to their

patients the advantages, hazards, and nature of therapy. It is essential that clients have informed

consent and have the authority to decide what kind of treatment they will receive.

 Nonmaleficence

It is the idea of nonmaleficence, or "do no harm." It is ethically required of therapists to actively

work to prevent harm to their clients whenever it can be avoided. In order to prevent

psychological, emotional, or physical harm from the therapy process and techniques they

employ, therapists must carefully assess the possible outcomes of their interventions.

 Justice

Providing equal access to services without discrimination and treating clients fairly and equitably

are both components of justice. It highlights how important it is for therapists to deal with

structural problems that could be causing inequality. Cultural, social, and economic aspects that
could affect a client's experience should be known to therapists. In order to create a therapeutic

environment that is inclusive and just, they should endeavor to eradicate biases.

3. Justify the importance of knowledge of the id, the ego and the superego in counseling.

(5 Marks)

 Insight into Defense Mechanisms

In order to deal with conflicts between the id, ego, and superego, the ego uses defense

mechanisms. Counselors can identify maladaptive patterns and assist clients in developing

healthier coping mechanisms by having knowledge of these defense mechanisms, such as

projection or repression.

 Understanding Clients' Inner Conflicts

The superego is the embodiment of moral and societal values, the ego is the mediator of reason,

and the id stands for primal, instinctive desires. Counselors can better comprehend the internal

conflicts their clients may be going through by being aware of these elements.

 Uncovering Unconscious Processes

According to Freud, a lot of psychological problems have their roots in the unconscious mind.

Counselors can identify unconscious processes influencing clients' thoughts, emotions, and

behaviors by investigating the id, ego, and superego.

 Personality Development

A framework for comprehending how personality changes over time is provided by Freud's

model. Counselors can more effectively explore their clients' developmental history and pinpoint

areas for growth by acknowledging the influence of early experiences on personality.

 Addressing Unconscious Motivations

It is possible that clients aren't always conscious of the underlying reasons for their ideas or

actions. Counselors can address unconscious motivations and assist clients in gaining

understanding of their actions and making constructive changes by examining the relationship

between the id, ego, and superego.

 Holistic Approach to Counseling

Freud's model takes a comprehensive approach to understanding human behavior by taking into

account the interactions between social, psychological, and biological elements. This supports

counselors in adopting a thorough strategy for comprehending and resolving clients' issues.

 Facilitating Self-Exploration

A framework for self-examination is given to clients by understanding the id, ego, and superego.

This facilitates a better understanding of their own psychological dynamics by helping them to

identify the root causes of their struggles.

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