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1. What does human behavior refer to in the context of organizations?

a. Emotional reactions only
b. Physical actions reflective of behaviors
c. Cognitive processes
d. Genetic predispositions

2. How does human behavior differ when individuals are within organizations
compared to outside of organizations?
a. It remains consistent
b. It becomes more spontaneous
c. It may vary due to organizational influences
d. It becomes less predictable

3. What term is used to describe Human Behavior in organizations?

a. Individual Psychology
b. Group Dynamics
c. Organizational Behavior (OB)
d. Human Resource Management (HRM)

4. According to the information provided, what are the primary goals of Organizational
a. To entertain employees
b. To explain behavior, predict behavior, and control behavior
c. To maximize profits only
d. To minimize organizational conflicts

5. How do explaining, predicting, and controlling behavior contribute to the

effectiveness of an organization?
a. By suppressing individuality
b. By fostering creativity and innovation
c. By enforcing strict rules
d. By increasing competition

6. Which of the following is not one of the elements of Organizational Behavior?

a. People
b. Structure
c. Finance
d. Environment

7. Provide examples of informal groups within an organizational context.

a. Project teams
b. Executive board
c. Official committees
d. Employee handbook
**Section 4: Benefits of Studying Organizational Behavior**

8. In the context of Organizational Behavior, what does "development of people skills"

refer to?
a. Only technical skills
b. Social and interpersonal skills
c. Leadership skills only
d. Administrative skills

9. How does the study of Organizational Behavior contribute to personal growth?

a. By discouraging self-reflection
b. By promoting conformity
c. By understanding one's behavior and others
d. By avoiding challenges

**Section 5: A Brief History of Organizational Behavior**

10. What are the origins of Organizational Behavior as outlined in the information
a. Scientific Management only
b. Personality theories only
c. Both Human relations and Personality theories
d. Only Human relations approach

11. Discuss the major principles and limitations of Scientific Management, as presented
by Frederick Taylor.
a. Productivity focus; emphasized psychological demands
b. Emphasized psychological demands; autocratic control
c. Autocratic control; emphasized human relations
d. Productivity focus; de-emphasized psychological demands

**Section 6: Scientific Management - Frederick Taylor**

12. What is one major contribution of Frederick Taylor to Scientific Management?

a. Time study and incentive programs
b. Gantt Chart development
c. Hawthorne Studies
d. Psychoanalytic theory development

13. What is one major disadvantage of Scientific Management according to the

information provided?
a. Autocratic control of bosses
b. Loss of individual initiatives
c. Wage payment uncertainty
d. Lack of human relations
14. What is Henry Gantt's legacy in terms of work coordination and control?
a. Development of the Gantt Chart
b. Implementation of the Little Albert experiment
c. Introduction of operant conditioning
d. Formation of the Hawthorne Studies

15. How did Henry Gantt contribute to industrial training and worker productivity?
a. Introduced time studies
b. Developed task and bonus incentive plans
c. Conducted the Hawthorne Studies
d. Formed the Human Relations movement

16. What did the Hawthorne Studies determine about worker productivity?
a. It is solely influenced by physical environment
b. It is equally influenced by social and physical environments
c. It is not influenced by any external factors
d. It is solely influenced by personal motivation

17. What conclusion did Elton Mayo draw from the Hawthorne Studies?
a. Social interaction has no impact on productivity
b. Social environment is less significant than the physical environment
c. Physical environment has a greater impact on productivity
d. Social interaction is a factor for increased productivity

18. What is Sigmund Freud's key concept related to unconscious thoughts, desires, and
a. Psychosexual development
b. Psychoanalytic therapy
c. Operant conditioning
d. Classical conditioning

19. In what organizational contexts can Freud's concepts be adapted, according to the
information provided?
a. Motivation, leadership, interpersonal conflict, and organizational culture
b. Scientific Management and Human Relations
c. Gantt Chart development and industrial training
d. Humanized Scientific Management and Hawthorne Studies

20. What is the core focus of John B. Watson's Behaviorist Approach?

a. Unconscious thoughts and desires
b. Observable and measurable behaviors
c. Emotional reactions only
d. Genetic predispositions
21. What does classical conditioning involve, as explained by Watson?
a. Reinforcing or punishing behaviors
b. Pairing a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus
c. Focusing on internal mental processes
d. Removing unpleasant stimuli after a desired behavior

22. What is the primary emphasis of B.F. Skinner's theory on behavior modification?
a. Unconscious thoughts and desires
b. Observable and measurable behaviors
c. Psychosexual development
d. Emotional reactions only

23. What does positive reinforcement involve in operant conditioning?

a. Removing unpleasant stimuli after a desired behavior
b. Strengthening desired behaviors by presenting rewards
c. Pairing a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus
d. Weakening undesired behaviors by punishment

24. What is the primary focus of Carl Rogers' person-centered therapy?

a. Reinforcing behaviors through rewards
b. Creating a warm and empathetic environment for clients
c. Fostering competition in the workplace
d. Utilizing punishment for behavior modification

25. What concept emphasizes accepting and valuing a person without conditions or
judgment in a therapeutic setting?
a. Unconditional positive regard
b. Fully functioning person
c. Congruence
d. Self-actualization

26. What is the correct sequence of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

a. Esteem, Safety, Physiological, Love and Belonging, Self-Actualization
b. Physiological, Safety, Love and Belonging, Esteem, Self-Actualization
c. Safety, Physiological, Love and Belonging, Esteem, Self-Actualization
d. Self-Actualization, Esteem, Love and Belonging, Safety, Physiological

27. According to Maslow, what needs are at the top of the hierarchy?
a. Physiological Needs
b. Safety and Security Needs
c. Love and Belonging Needs
d. Self-Actualization Needs

28. What insights did Maslow's theory provide in terms of cultural relativism?
a. It offered limited insights
b. It emphasized cultural diversity
c. It highlighted universal human needs
d. It discouraged cultural understanding

29. According to Maslow, what should jobs be redesigned for in terms of personal
a. To limit individual initiatives
b. To create conditions for personal growth
c. To discourage creativity
d. To maximize productivity only

30. How is ethics defined in the context of Organizational Behavior?

a. Moral choices based on personal interests
b. Moral principles defining right or wrong behavior in an organization
c. Compliance with laws and regulations
d. Promotion of competition

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