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A. LANGUAGE CONTENTS_______________________PAGE 2
Unit 0 ……………………………………………………….page 2
Unit 1 ……………………………………………………….page 4
Unit 2 ……………………………………………………….page 5
Unit 3 ……………………………………………………….page 6
Unit 4 ……………………………………………………….page 7
Unit 5 ……………………………………………………….page 8
B. CONSOLIDATION_____________________________PAGE 9
C. TEST DEMO _________________________________ PAGE 20

Tieng Anh 3- Wonderful World 3  Grade 3 Page 1


Unit 0. Greetings
I. Vocabulary
1. Greetings:
hi, hello, goodbye, bye
2. Classroom language
stand up, sit down, look at the board, come in, don’t talk, go out
3. Colours
red, blue, black, green, white, orange
4. Number
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
5. Alphabet: A-Z
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H ant, boy, duck, egg, frog, hippo
I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q insect, jug, king, lemon, octopus, queen
R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z river, sun, tiger, van, box, yellow, zebra

II. Grammar
1. Self-introduction
• Hello. I’m Ana.
• Hi, Ana. I’m Tomas.
• Nice to meet you.
• How are you?
- I’m fine, thank you.
2. Classroom instructions
• Stand up!/ Sit down!
• May I go out? /
• May I come in?
• Look at the board!
• Don’t talk!

Tieng Anh 3- Wonderful World 3  Grade 3 Page 2

3. Ask and answer question about colours
• What colour is it?
- It’s + colour.
4. Ask and answer question about one’s age.
● How old are you?

- I’m + number.

- I’m + number + years old.

5. Ask and answer about name’s spelling

• How do you spell your name, Anna?

It’s A-N-N-A.

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Unit 1. My family
I. Vocabulary
1. Family members: family, brother, mum, dad, sister, aunt, cousin, grandma,
grandpa, uncle.
2. Adjectives to describe: short, tall, old, young, funny, cool, great

II. Grammar.
1. Introduce your family member’s name
● My brother is Jack.
2. How to describe your family members

● My mum is short.
● You are funny.
III. Pronunciation
Practise pronouncing s and sh (/s/ and /ʃ/)


I’m seven. I’m short.

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Unit 2: My school
I. Vocabulary

People and school objects at school:

classroom, lesson, homework, student, teacher

board, chair, clock, desk, book, pen, pencil, rubber, ruler
II. Grammar
1. Talk about some people and things at school with to be “is”
• It is a classroom.
• He’s a student.
• She’s a teacher.
(‘s = is)
2. Talk about people and things at school using personal pronouns (we/ they) with
to be (are) (affirmative/ +)
● We’re students.
● They’re teachers/ desks.

III. Pronunciation
practice pronouncing /k/ and /u:/ sounds
The desks are cool.

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Unit 3. Animals
I. Vocabulary:
bird, cat, dog, fish, rabbit
shark, sea, turtle, whale
elephant, giraffe, lion, monkey

II. Grammar
1. Identify difference between This and That
● This is a bird.
● That is a rabbit.

2. Identify difference between These and Those.

Talk about wild animals in plural form using “These/ Those”
● These are monkeys.
● Those are giraffes.

● This/ That is a lion.

● These/ Those are giraffes.

3. Ask and answer some questions about animals

● What’s this/ that?

- It’s an elephant.
● What are these/ those?
- They’re whales.

III. Pronunciation:
Practise pronouncing /a/ and /e/ sounds
● My grandma is in the garden.
● Those are elephants in Africa.

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Unit 4. My house
I. Vocabulary
• rooms in a house: house, bathroom, living room, kitchen, bedroom
• house furniture: bed, computer, lamp, toy, TV
• toys and events: ball, car, doll, teddy bear, birthday, game

II. Grammar
1. Talk about rooms in a house with There is/are
● There’s a living room.
● There are three bedrooms.
2. Ask and answer questions about house furniture with Is there/ Are there
● Is there a clock in the bedroom?
- Yes, there is.
● Is there a TV, too?
- No, there isn’t. There isn’t a TV in the bedroom.
● Are there books in the living room?
- Yes, there are.
● Are there toys, too?
- No, there aren’t. There aren’t toys in the living room.

3. Practise using a/ an/ the about house furniture & toys

● There’s a ball. The ball is red.

● There’s an elephant. The elephant is young.

III. Pronunciation:
Practise pronouncing /eə/ and /ei/ sounds
There are four chairs in the kitchen.
The game is great.

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Unit 5. My clothes
I. Vocabulary
1. Identify some clothing items:

shoes, skirt, socks, trousers, T-shirt

boots, coat, dress, hat, warm
2. Learn some adjectives to describe clothes:
big, small, new, pretty, ugly, warm

II. Grammar
1. Practise using have got and possessive adjectives to talk about clothes
● I/ You/ They’ve got a T-shirt. My/ Your/ Their T-shirt is red.
(have got = ‘ve got)
2. Practise using has got and possessive adjectives to talk about clothes
● He/ She/ It’s got a coat. His/ Her/ Its coat is nice.
(has got = ‘s got)
3. Talk about somone’s clothes with colours
● He/ She/ It’s got an orange coat/ a red T-shirt.
(has got = ‘s got)
4. Practise using adjectives to talk about clothes
● I/ We/ You/ They’ve got a new T-shirt.
● He/ She/ It’s got a small hat

II. Pronunciation:
To practice pronouncing /aʊ/ and /b/ sounds
I’ve got blue trousers and black boots.

Tieng Anh 3- Wonderful World 3  Grade 3 Page 8


1. Read and match.

1. Hello. ______________ A. to meet you, too.

2. Hi, _________________ B. I’m Anna.

3. Nice to _____________ C. Anna. I’m Joe.

4. Nice _______________ D. meet you.

2. Fill in the blanks with the missing letters.

1. H__w are __ou?
2. I’m f__ne, th__nk y__u.
3. __oo__by__.
4. __ha__ks.
3. Fill in the boxes with the correct phrases.

stand up sit down look at the board come in don’t talk go out

1. 4.

2. 5.


Tieng Anh 3- Wonderful World 3  Grade 3 Page 9

4. Look, read and write.
1. What colour is it? 4. What colour is it?
It’s _____________________. It’s _____________________.

2. What colour is it? 5. What colour is it?

It’s _____________________. It’s _____________________.

3. What colour is it?

It’s _____________________.

5. Reorder the words to make correct sentences.

1. are/ How/ you/? => _______________________
2. old/ How/ are/ you/? => _______________________
3. years/ I’m/ eight/old/. => _______________________
4. colour/ What/ it/ is/? => _______________________
5. to/ Nice/ you/ meet/.=> _______________________

6. Find, circle and write.

S v a n z y
u f g p e e
1. 2. 3.
n k y w b l
w m b q r l
b o x w a o
t i g e r w
4. 5.

7 Re- arrange the letters to make a word.

1. mfaily =>________________ 4. add =>________________

2. brtheor =>________________ 5. ristes =>________________

3. umm =>________________

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8. Tick ✓ the correct pictures.

1. This is my sister.

2. This is my dad.

3. This is my mum.

4. This is my brother.

5. This is my family.

9. Write the missing letters in the blanks.

1. My gr__n__pa i__ Jim.
2. My __rot__er __s Alex.
3. My u__cl__ i__ John.
4. My si__ter __s Anna.
5. My __u__t i__ Lily.
10. Look at the pictures and circle the correct answers.
1. My __________________ is Tim.
A. grandpa B. grandma
2. My __________________ is Mark.
A. brother B. sister
3. My __________________ is Henry.
A. uncle B. aunt

Tieng Anh 3- Wonderful World 3  Grade 3 Page 11

4. My __________________ is Rosy.
A. dad B. mum
5. My __________________ is Betty.
A. family B. grandma

11. Read and circle the correct pictures.

1. This is my classroom. A B

2. This is my teacher. A B

3. This is my homework. B

4. This is my student.

5. This is my lesson.

Tieng Anh 3- Wonderful World 3  Grade 3 Page 12

12. Do the crossword.
1 2 3

4 5

13. Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1. ____________ a chair.

A. He’s B. It’s C. They’re

2. ____________ clocks.

A. They’re B. This is C. It’s

3. We’re ____________.

A. teacher B. students C. classroom

4. They’re ____________ .

A. a desk B. my desk C. desks

5. ____________ teachers.

A. I’m B. They’re C. She’s

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14. Find and circle.

15. Look and tick ✓.

Are they chairs?

Yes, they are.

1 No, they aren’t.

Are you a teacher?

Yes, I am.

2 No, I’m not.

Tieng Anh 3- Wonderful World 3  Grade 3 Page 14

Are they rubbers?

Yes, they are.

No, they aren’t.

Are you a teacher?

Yes, I’m.

4 No, I’m not.

Are they boards?

Yes, they are.

No, they aren’t.

Tieng Anh 3- Wonderful World 3  Grade 3 Page 15

16. Circle the correct answers (A, B or C).

A. dog

B. cat

C. bird

A. zebra 3 A. tiger

B. giraffe B. insect

C. monkey C. lion

4 5 A. frog
A. elephant

B. hippo B. monkey

C. octopus C. rabbit

17. Look and choose the correct question for the answer.

1. ___________________? – It’s orange.

A. What colour is it?
B. What is this?

2. __________________? – They’re whales.

A. What are those?
B. What is that?

3. __________________? – It’s a shark.

A. What are these?
B. What’s that?

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4. __________________? – They’re turtles.
A. What is that?
B. What are these?

5. __________________? – Yes, they are.

A. Are they sharks?
B. What are those?

18. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. Is this a house?
2. How many living rooms are there?
3. How many kitchens are there?
4. How many bathrooms are there?
5. How many bedrooms are there?

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19 Match each sentence with the correct picture.

Ex: There is a TV in the living room.

1. There are chairs in the classroom.

2. There are books in the living room.

3. There isn’t a clock in the kitchen.

4. There aren’t beds in the bathroom.

5. There isn’t a computer in the bedroom.

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20. Do the crossword. Ex:

H 3.

21. Read and circle the correct words.

There’s a/ an pencil. The / A pencil is yellow.
1. There’s an / a doll in my bedroom.
2. There is a / the TV in the living room.
3. I’ve got an/ a teddy bear. The/ A teddy bear is brown.
4. Is there a chair in the bathroom? No, there isn’t. The / A chair is in the living room.
5. There’s an/ the elephant. The / An elephant is young.

22. Read and complete.

My name is Linda. I am a student at a primary school in Ha Noi. On cold days at
school, I have got a coat, trousers, socks and boots. On hot days, I have got a T-shirt, a
skirt and shoes.
Linda has got…….

On cold days

On hot days

Tieng Anh 3- Wonderful World 3  Grade 3 Page 19

For pupil: For teacher:

Full name: ……………………………………………………………

School : …………………………………………………………….
Class : ………
Date : ……/ ……. / 2022


I. Listen and number the pictures from 1 to 4.


II. Listen and tick (✓).

Example: A. How are you?
✓ B. What’s your name?
5. A. Open your book. 6. A. A-L-E-X .
B. Close your book. B. A-L-L-E-N.

7. A. She is tall. 8. A. Is this your father?

B. He is tall. B. Is this your mother?

III. Listen and circle the correct pictures.

0. Example. – How many red ants?


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9. How old is she? 10. How many lemons are there?

11. Who is she? 12. What is this?

IV. Listen to the questions and circle the correct answers.

Ex: 0. _____ ? A. I’m fine, thanks.

B. I’m five.

13. _______ ? 14. _______ ?

A. My car is white. A. This is my aunt.

B. My favourite colour is white. B. Yes, she is.


I. Circle the odd one out.

0. A. black B. yellow C. cool

15. A. thanks B. three C. ten
16. A. king B. queen C. car

II. Circle the best answer A, B or C to complete the sentences.

0. What ____________ is it? – It’s blue.

A. name B. colour C. old

Tieng Anh 3- Wonderful World 3  Grade 3 Page 21

17. I am _______________ years old.
A. eight B. nice C. tall

18. What is your favourite colour? – It is _______.

A. ball B. car C. blue

19. There are two ______________.

A. sister B. sisters C. sister and brother

20. Thank __________.

A. you B. she C. he

IV. Look and match.

0. What is your name? A. Hello, Lucy. Nice to meet you.

21. Hello. My name is Lucy. B. Goodbye, Tom.

22. Bye, Peter. C. I’m Anna.

23. Is she your mum? D. Yes, I am.

24. Are you nine years old? E. No, she isn’t.

0. C 21. ______ 22. ______ 23. ______ 24.___________

IV. Read and write ONE word for each gap.

sister favourite years short name green

I have one (0) sister. Her (25) ____________ is Sue. She is two (26)

____________ old. She is (27) ___________ and fat. Her (28) _______________

colour is (29)_______________. She is funny.

Tieng Anh 3- Wonderful World 3  Grade 3 Page 22

V. Put the words in order.

0. at/ the/ Look/ board/.

=> Look at the board.
30. meet/ Nice/ to/ you/.

=> Nice ....................................................................................................................................

31. balloons/ red/ like/I/.

=> I .......................................................................................................................................... .
32. is/ John/ name/ My/.


=> My .................................................................................................................................... .

➢ Have students look through all questions/ sentences (each exercise) in 1
➢ Tell students that they can listen ONLY TWICE.
➢ Read the listening script ONLY TWICE with your NORMAL SPEED.

I. Listen and number the pictures from 1 to 4.

Ex: 0. This is my dad.
1. My brother is short.
2. She is funny.
3. There are three red vans.
4. Stand up, please!
II. Listen and tick.
Ex: 0. What’s your name?
5. Open your book.
6. A-L-L-E-N.
7. He is tall.
8. Is this your father?

III. Listen and circle the correct picture.

Ex: 0. How many red ants? – Two red ants.
9. How old is she? – She is seven years old.

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10. How many lemons are there? – There are four lemons.

11. Who is she? – She is my grandmother.

12. What is this? – It’s a frog.

IV. Listen to the questions and circle the correct answers.

Ex. 0. How are you?
13. What colour is your car?

14. Is she your aunt?

❖ Total number of questions: 32.
❖ Total points: 10 pts
- Questions 1 – 4, 17-20: 0.5p/ a correct answer
- Other questions: 0.25p/ a correct answer

1. D 6. B 11. C 16. C 21. A

2. A 7. B 12. B 17. A 22. B
3. B 8. A 13. A 18. C 23. E
4. E 9. A 14. B 19. B 24. D
5. A 10. C 15. A 20. A

25. name
26. years
27. short
28. favourite
29. green
30. Nice to meet you.
31. I like red balloons.
32. My name is John.

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