Assignment - (20CST-481) DIP (Fast Learner)

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Assignment-2 (Fast Learner)

Digital Image Processing (20CST-481)

Note: - Attempt any 5 Questions. MM. 20

Q.1. Define the terms "sampling" and "quantization" in the context of image processing.
Q.2. Explain the concept of image processing pipelining, and provide an example of a real-world
application that benefits from it.
Q.3. Compare and contrast the characteristics of HPF, LPF, BPF, and Notch Filters in terms of
their frequency response and applications.
Q.4. Implement a Python script that demonstrates the effects of different LPF cutoff frequencies
on image quality.
Q.5. Analyze the frequency response of a given LPF and HPF and explain how it affects the filter's
Q.6. Create a Python program that performs morphological image processing operations such as
erosion, dilation, and opening.
Q.7. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of using OpenCV and PIL for image
I/O display in Python.

Date of Submission: 11th March 2024

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