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JANUARY – 2023
Name:…………………………….…. Section:………… Roll No:………….. Max.Marks:50
I. (i) Answer the following questions.
(ii) Each carries 1 mark. 6x1=6M

1. Draw a Distance-Time graph that represent the motion of an object which is moving with
constant velocity.
2. Is there any possibility that the displacement and distance travelled by an object are equal?
Write if any such situation.
3. Complete the following table.
Physical quantity Description Formula S.I. unit C.G.S. unit
Force F = ma kg-m/s2 g-cm/s2
Momentum Mass x Velocity P = mv kg-m/s
4. 20g of salt is dissolved in 100g of salt solution. Find the mass percentage of the solution.
5. Write the difference between O2 and O3.
6. Write any two applications of isotopes.

II. (i) Answer the following questions.

(ii) Each carries two marks. 4x2 = 8M

7. Observe the following table that shows the distances travelled by a vehicle.
Distance travelled
0 4 8 12 16 20
(in meter)
0 1 2 3 4 5
(in second)
Answer the following questions from the table.
(i) Which type of motion it is?
(ii) Find the distance to be covered by the vehicle in 6 seconds.

8. Read the following passage. Prepare any two questions on the content given.
F = ma. If same force applied on two different objects, then the object with less mass got
more acceleration. If different forces applied on two same objects, then the object on which
smaller force applied got less acceleration.
9. What happened if symbols were not introduced for the elements? Imagine the consequences.
10. Write any two postulates of Bohr’s atomic model.

III. (i) Answer the following questions.

(ii) Each carries four marks. 3x4 =12M

11. How do you appreciate Galileo’s thought of “any moving body continues in the state only until
some external force acts on it”, which is a contradiction to the Aristole’s belief of “any moving
body naturally comes to rest”.
12. Draw a neat diagram of “Separating funnel”.
13. Complete the following table by using given information.
Name Symbol Atomic number (Z) Mass Number (A) Number of neutrons (N)
Oxygen 8O

Nitrogen 7 7
11Na 23

IV. (i) Answer the following questions.

(ii) Each carries eight marks. 3x8 =24M

14. Gold Soap Air Blood

Sugar solution Oxygen Smoke Calcium carbonate
Classify the given substances as per the table given below.
Element Compound Mixture

Compare the properties of electron, proton and neutron.

15. Answer the following questions.
(i) Explain the terms in the equation of motion “ V2 – u2 = 2aS ”.
(ii) A car stopped after travelling distance 8m due to applying brakes at the speed of 40m/s.
Find the acceleration of the car in that period.
Explain Newton’s three laws of motion with examples.

16. Explain the procedure of an activity to prove that action and reaction forces applied on two
different bodies.
Explain the procedure of an activity to observe “Law of conservation of mass”.


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