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innacrenwae, a | FORCE ADHERENT - UNIVERSAL a, CAREER SKILLS: MELEE, DISCIPLINE, VIGILANCE, KNOWLEDGE (LORE) ‘FORCE TALENT wt convict aueut == = i oe) Oe wemrcrearmaree| [casera feretoeses a socecramterl| [Sarees cr ites ea ing. Soerd (pe caus ho oppo. equal fo ranks in Disciple of 3 Lore 4 a ner al a) Pees ee Enns Bion (Once per round, may suffer 1 May make a 4 Knowledge When this character infts @ wie armed with a two Strain to decrease the cificuity (Lore) check to heat Stain at Ctical Injury with a Lightsaber handed melee weapon, may Ofthe next Knowledge (Lore) Jemma the ene of an encounter. P-can}armm Melee, oF Brawl weapon. may Jumma sufer 1 rain to make a Meleo| check by @ number of times, bee spent io nea! al Stain. suffer 1 Swain to change the combat cneck wth that weapon) ‘equal to ranks in Disciple of rosultto any Easy severty Crt] _|targaing an enemy at up to 3 en mo es == ‘wnen staggered ordzorented| | May decrease the difcuty of yen targeted in combat, may Disdpine checks o avoid fear | | ake te Hard Headed action Discipine chocks to avo! fear | |use a Dodge incidental. Suter by Tperrankof Contderce. fame tomake « 6¢06 Discipline byt perrank of Confidence. mma Strain no renter fan ranks neck remove te slats, Dodge to upgrade the difelty Diouy reduced by # per ofthe atck by that number. Oe és y) ~% na ——_— = = Spend one Destiny Point afer Gain +1 Stain Threshold When targeted in combat, may When a character involuntary ‘making a Discipline chock to uso a Dodge incidental. Sufer eutfere Stain, he uffea 1 ls spend a numbor of not ex Jem Stain no groator than ranks in Jumma Stain por rank of Resolve, to ‘seding ranks in Knowledge edge to upgrade the eificuty Ja minimum of 1 (Lore) as ofthe attack by that qumber. a a 2 é I I I Se) Eica) Co [Once per session, make ono Gain +1 Melee Defense, [Gain +1 Ranged Dotenso. Gain +1 10a single charector- il check using Willpower Isic. This cannot bring a char- rather tran the characteristic mma Jemmam acteristic aoove 6 linkoc to that sk 4 ab io jb innacrenwae, | FORCE-SENSITIVE EMERGENT - UNIVERSAL ou mauenrcost GAIN FORCE RATING 1 orcerauat $= comucrateat 36 [ion 3 TWOSTINGUSH cer Pereption and Disisine be Ae pr rank of Uresony Uporadesifeutyotecasto | [Gain Svan Testa come creo ski Senses tal Percepoon deity character once pe onoste rank ofindstngusnable, a a a y2__ [= roucnenes 30 SLEIGHT OF MND 30 EE ‘Aad I per rank of Uncanny [Gain +2 Wound Threshold Ac Il per rank of Sieight of Acid Gl per rank of Seight of Reactions o all Vigilance Mind ol Steath enecks un- ‘Mind to al Stetthchecks un- cheds. less the opposition fs immune less the opposition is immune to Force powers. to Force powers. b S jb I ! I tS = rs Add Bl per rank of Uncanny Ac Il per rank of Uncanny (Gain +1 Stain Threshold. ‘Upgrade dificult of checks to Senses to al Perception Reactions to al Vigilance ontity charactor once por checks. checks, rank of Indistingushable. I ab ¥:) ¥.) ns Ci ; ans 36 Or Gain +2 Wound Threshold [Once per session, removel [Once per session, add El When the charactor heals from any one check. any ono chock. ‘Strain a the ond ofan on- joel emmy Jemma courter, ne mey add O por Force rating. He recovers ad- tional Sain equal to @ gen. é és ia” 4 ; Cee <= << = JOnce per encounter, may add Once per session, make one (Gain +1 Force rata, Gain +1 toa single charecter- (© to's check using Brawn or skill chock using Willpower Isic. This cannot bring a char Aailty made by an ally in Shor rather than the characteristic acterstic above 6. moe: O eas and @ a linked to thats ib ab ib jb innacrenwae, | FORCE-SENSITIVE EXILE - UNIVERSAL fac wares, GAIN FORCE RATING 1 sorceruent $F conricrratat i) i os someratie | presen eerrnmeees | [tetera el Seasseet cae | Rese a a oe 3 a a saaulal v ee ers ee Remove Il per rank of Con- May add © per Force rating Perform intense Focus man Once per round, craw or hol Vincing Demeanor trom all to Charm, Coercion, or Decep- euver suffer 1 Strain and up- sier a weapon or em sn Deception o° Skulduggery ion checks. @ can add 310 grade the abilty ofthe next Incidental cheats, some checks and. to others. skll check once. b S y jb nce per session, remove Ac Bt al Charm, Coercion, When the character heals Once per session, add BEM from ony one check [and Deception chacks unless Strain a th end of an on- any one chock. the targets immune to Force: counter, he may add © per Powers, Force rating, He recovers ac- tional Strain equal to Ogen- ab ao 8 ¥.) I~ STREET SUARTS Men UNCANNY REACTIONS WMI [ w_ STREET SMARTS) Remove Ml per rank of Steet Add I por rank of Uncanny Aad I per rank of Uncanny Remove Bl por rank of Stuet ‘Smart rom all Stoctwise oF SSonsos to al Porcoption Reactions to all Vigilance ‘Smart from all Steotwice or Knowledge (Underworid) mma chock. Jom enocks. oem Krowiocge (Unce-world) checks. cnocks. é é ! I ons SUPERIOR REFLEXES [Gain +1 Rangod Dotense. [Gain +1 Force rating [Gain =1 to a single character- Gain +1 Melee Defense. atic, This eannot bring ch joel Jom ecrristic above 6. jl ib ab ib jb innacrenwae, a | IMPERIAL ACADEMY CADET - UNIVERSAL wows ware 4 CCAREER SKILLS: LEADERSHIP PILOTING (SPACE), KNOWLEDGE (WARFARE), RANGED (LIGHT) oxen conrucrrueat Eu Pee Eas KNOWLEDGE Gain +1 Stain Threshold. iL remove Ml per rank of Cond aE | Gunnary and Plating (Pianet- tioned from al Athletics and when acquired, choose one Jar) become careorskls. Cooraination checks. Reduce ‘Knowledge sill. When making jcamage ana Strain suffered cnocks wth that sil, may rom fling by 1 per rank of spond ¢ to gain 3 equal to a aia DB ised I I I [a owen) YEO Em) eres Pee ‘The character may use Know- [Once per encounter, before Increase Defense of venice or ledge (Warfare) skil when making @ combat cneck, the starship being piloted by 1 per Melee and Ranged (Heavy) be making checks to determine Jame character may suffer 2 Strain ‘olga rank of Defensive Driving. Jumma come career sts. iniatve, 20d € to te results equal 10 his ranks in By the Book En) xo FUL THROTTLE Cn May ake me Fegan Tats Ad Bl per rank of Command ake a Ful Thott acton Once per session, may perorm ton mat 866 Lessersip to a Leadership checks. ako 264 Pictng crockto| —_|tho Known Scharate manou- Sec avec, may co heel fected targets 346 Eto alam increase a vehice’'s top Speed femme vor make 2 06 Knowledge peas eregh fest Discipline checks forte next by 1 fora numberof rounds {Education check to goin fam ster umemelumeete| | atau ual to Cunning ry wth bulking or ship's Srey of tacks agains these sae sce tril tm rc y:) 2 design. y-) I ] ] PT sce Panecrd Pen) Das 3 BROT cat [Once per encounter, before Remove Il per rank of Cond The icy o Fegan Ta making a combat chock, tho tioned from al Atlatics and When acquired, choose ene tics is reduced to @@ May lessen character may suffer 2 Strato] | Coordination chocks. Reduce Jumma Knowledge skl. When raking spend) or BUOUOY ade € to the reuils equal to Jdamage and Strain sutfored cnocks with that oil, may to have the efct last unl end his ranks in By the Book from fling by 1 per rank of spend Gp to gain 3 equal to ofthe encounter. Consitioned ranks in Knowledge Special 3 3 3 ization. 3 Cars Ess Sn k= [Once per session, may rerot Once par session, may tke me JOnce per encounter, before Gain +1 10a single charector- [any ane Knowledge kil chock Targsted Firepower actor ertiy making a combat check, the Isic. This cannot bring a char- Jorn gs aren inget end make.2 jem charactor may suffer 2 Strain tl acteristic Above 6 $90 koowledge Warfare) chock. odd £9 tothe rooults equal 0 FFevaeacsa oth rot of ho encounter alse vin Shon renge perenne Book Bb BEEZ a jb innacrenwae, a | PADAWAN SURVIVOR - UNIVERSAL a GAIN FORCE RATING 1 roe ff conucrmuen ranks in Parry, I a a a a Gain +2 Wound Threshoks Itwieging a Lightsaber wes- [Acs per rank of Sieight of Lightsaber becomes a career on when hi by a ranged at Mind ol Steath enecks un- stil, He may also decrease the rem tack, sufer 3 Stain to reduce femme less the opposition is immune Jem cifculy of checks made to /damace by 2 plus ranks in Re to Force powers. construct or repair iohisaber eet. hits a aumber of tes eaual to 3 y:} Wer rin o If wietdng a Lightsaber or wen the character heals when frst acquired, choos Once per round, sufter 2 Strain Meloe wospon when hit by a Strain a the one ofthe en- [Charm, Coercion, Docoption, to deoreaze difouy of next melee atack, suffer 3 Strain to Jumma counter, he may add © per Jr Negotiation. When making, Jammmn| Stealth of Skulduggery check reduce damage by 2 plus Ferce rating, He recovers add- checks wit that ski, spend @® byt ranks in Parry, itonal Stain equal to O gen to gain addionel 3 equel to ae “4 emo 3 ‘ter fling a Lightsaber oom Aad per rank of Uncanny When frst acquired, choose When targeted by a social bat chock, may spond OW or Reactions to al Viglanco [Charm, Coorcion, Docoption, chock, may choot to suffor 1 @ todisoriant hee opzonont emma ohacks, Jor Negotiation. When making asm Strain to add automatic ¥ to for three rounds, hocks wit that ski, spond @ the chock. If tne check fails to gain acdltonal 3 equal with ©, the character may im- 3 4g cme rrr — x= (aoe Before making a Lightsaber [Gain +1 Force rating Gain +1 10a single charector- Diccpline becomes a career skill choc, the charactor may Isic. This cannot bring a char- Skil. Secrets of te Joci may REN spend one Destiny Poin to adc mmm Jemmam acteristic aoove 6 al be used when installing damage to the attack equal to ‘mods on lightsaber. her ranks in Knowledge (Lore) 4 y- io jb (CHARACTER NANE PIRATE - UNIVERSAL CAREER SKILLS: COERCION, DECEPTI }ON, SKULDUGGERY, KNOWLEDGE (UNDERWORLD) nase ren acer rauewrcost amen TuLeT oxcemuar $4 omuerwen Cee tise wer purchasing itega goods may reduce Ranty by 1 per rank, increasing tne base cost, by 50% per reduction. Gain +2 Wound Threshold [Once per round, craw or ho- Add Eto chocks made to os- ster]a weapon or item as an cape fom restraints equal to Incidental ranks in Knowledge (Under. a Pe Glcu Mocs wor). Spend > fo foo all ter ales wihin Shot range é a I Can Before making a social check, ‘may spend up to 50 ced per| rank of Greased Palms to U>- mmm ‘grade the ably ofthe check ‘once for every 80 credits a | I =m) Ey [Gain +2 Wound Threshols, ‘Add automatic €8o the Jem cans in Fearsome Rep. ¥) ] Jf Coercion checks equal 0 Remove Il par rank of Com Jem manding Presence from al Leadership and Coo! checks. Pern ag aia when purchasing llega good: may reduce Rarity by 1 per emma. rank, increasing the base cost by 80% per reduction. Pong Groaned Car The character may spend Remove Ml per rank of Steet May suffer a number of Stain Jor @ from a successful Charm Smart from all Steotwise or ‘up to ranks in Intimidating 0 Jor Deception check to disorent| Krowiedge (Underwortd) fem downgrade the difeulty of Co- /anumber of opponents wit checks Jercion checks or upgrade the Short range equal this Pre- affcuty when targeted by Co- sense fr the remainder of thy ound and the next. eraon cect by an eal ¥-) “ é nad ‘Add automatic © to the resus of Coorcion chooks equal to ranks in Fearsome Rep. a. éb Mietsnsaes Carn) Boson stv May spend a Destiny Point to recover Strain equal to Pro Remove Mil per rank of Com Ignore the effects of Crtical sence Rating mending Presence from all lesa Injuries on Willpower or Pre- Leadership and Cool checks, sence checks uni the end of the encounter b May spend a Destiny Point to yi y ss Eel fee [Once per session, may take [Once per session, may re-rall Gain +1 10a single charector- the Atored Deal action; make |__| any ene Stoath or Sulug- Isic. This cannot bring a char- 900 Coercion chock to reci- J cory chock Jemmam acteristic aoove 6 cally change a previously modo} deal or bargain tothe charac ters advantage, 4 yi jb (CHARACTER NANE RECRUIT - UNIVERSAL CAREER SKILLS: ATHLETICS, DISCIPLINE, SURVIVAL, VIGILANCE rsswe err ace re ANKE TALENT taewrcost Second Wied a =) =< Brawl ané Ranged (Light bs JOnce per encounter, may use come careorskls a Second Wind incidental heal Stain equal to ranks in a Eine Remove Ml per rank of Out- ]doorsman from checks to reve through terrain or man- 292 environmental eftecis Decrease overland travel times by haf 4 Pirate TRAINING Moloo and Ranged (Heavy) be} a I (Once per encounter. may use b I I pears ae ‘2 Second Wird incidental to, [Gunnery and Plating (Pianet- heal Stain equal to ranks in ar) become career ski ‘Second Wind, ab Tee knowledge (Core Worlds) and Knowledge (Outer Rim) be- a ] ie (Gain +2 Wound Threshos a l ui ster@ weapon or item as an incidental = b (nce per round, draw or ho [Gain +1 Strain Threshold ab Ee [Gain +2 Wound Thveshale y ] fo Cannot tun out of amma due to ome with Limited Arm ‘mo quality run aut of arma 2 —_ I heal Stain equal to ranks in me incidental Second Wind. En i (nce per encounter, may use [Once per round, may stand ‘8 Socond Win inedontal to from soated or prone as an éb a (Gain +1 Stain Threshold, é I Goma Reduce the Crit rating of im: rovised weapons by 2, toa y duce the range modifier by 1 a Ema Peed ]Whan making a ranged attack Gain +4 toa single character- while Engaged wit an oppo- istic. This eannat bring char- nent, may suffer 2 Stain to re- JN actertic above 6. | bj (Gain +2 Wound Tiveshal jl ib Gain +1 Soak value. jb innacrenwae, a | RETIRED CLONE TROOPER - UNIVERSAL = ower water CAREER SKILLS: DISCIPLINE, RESILIENCE, VIGILANCE, KNOWLEDGE (WARFARE), FORCE TALENT wt convict aueut RANGED (HEAVY), RANGED (LIGHT) TOUGHENED foun Ee cu Gain +2 Wound Threshold The character does not lose [Cannot un eut of ammo due Gain +1 Stain Throshal, the benefits ofthe Aim mane to tems with Limitod Am- Jeuver ithe performs other 0 quality run out of ammo as maneuvers of actions, He doss| | normal. loge the benofis of te Aim Ber 4h __4 ‘The charactor ads Elio his May reduce any Creal nury De not ste usual penaties once per session, may pertorm Brew and Blpne checks uted by 10 perrenk of u-| [for moving trougn eo fa Farar Suns manewer, equal is reks in Combat able amininum ott. mmm train. mmm make a $46 Knowiecge Veteran. (Outer Rim) check 0 reveat the current type of environment} 4 4 and other useful information 4 ret on Gain +1 Strain Threshold. [Gain +2 Wound Trresha. May reduce any Critica jury | Stimpects heal 1 adtion suffer by 10 por rank of Dur- Jem Wound per rank of Stimpack fam} Jemma able toa minimum of 1 we 3 ] ] ] Se COMBAT VETERAN PONERFUL BLAST ‘Ne making one or more suc Inorease the Blast damage "The character adds EU to his Inoreage the Blast damage coseful eombat checks against dit by oxpiosves, oxpiosivo Braw and Diecpine chocks Goat by explosives, explosive target, adc EI to combat sm weapons, and grenades by +1 Jum equal to his ranks in Combat Jum weapons, and grenades by +1 checks against that same tar per rank of Powerul Blast Veteran er rank of Powerful Blast get fr the remainder of tho —-) a a é I I Cam st ear cwrocer Pepeceremcen.| [eons cakes Sritamtnowcas: | lemma gooediona | |talkwnmnass soreaeiee Jom casein srs hos’ fmm Sect at a fama |so gain +1 Soak or give one character plus one ally per ¥¢ with- rei yak poceenerg peat 4 ab jb innacrenwae, a | SHIP CAPTAIN - UNIVERSAL a CAREER SKILLS: CHARM, LEADERSHIP, NEGOTIATION, PILOTING (SPACE) ‘FORCE TALENT wt convict aueut wonsemareninemy | | emcreenes| a Fank of heel and Deal food Joy woes She upr ty at socal checks she Take whe within Short ange of ae 8 a a I I I Cn Tee Gtr Ered Remove Il per rank of Kil wie insice the Pre and Joy Take the iets Commander Remove ll per rank of kilos ‘With Kindness from all Charm vessel, recover t adlional action; make 2 $@ Leadership] | Jockey from ai Plotng (Plan- and Leadership checks, jamal Svain whenever recovering Jum check. A numberof ais equel mmm etary) and Plodng (Space) Svain and spend © on checks] to Presence may immedsately necks. made to alow analy aso sue 1 Stain to perorm one witin the vesse! to recover ee maneuver. ‘one Stain ee ENCOURAGING WORDS Pana Grea ]wnen seling goods legal, After an Engaged aly fas 2 Whenever the character falls a Take a Ful Tote acon; gain 10% more credits per Johock, may sur 1 Strain to Krowiodge chock, he may make a 04 Picting chock to Fank of Wheel and Deal. fmm assist that aly's ext check this} spend CCH to roll the check] increase a vehicle's top Speed encounter as an out of tum in- gain during his next ur, by 1 for a numberof rounds cident equal to Cunning. a a a a I I I I oa THSPRRNG RHETORIO TRUST THE CAPTAN Noymaneratsecamme| [Tuanelenia Rates| lasyuimormenrececaner | [Wins aunper Pe an doy tor mataa 668 Leacesie ion: make a $4 Leadership Seman 6 Lanai Kibo pee ettleeahee Se iccazion: creme” NN mee como Ne lm sce cee” ee Sten ng rons or ane ns Short range nace or ore a Disipina by enamsunt qa Spend © feroneateted aby] Lachine by an aroun ogc er of the round and the flow thanks Taste Captain fe recover 1 edditional nag te ranks in Trust he cong ng round 3 [Sais (Sse on k= Spend @ trom any sil chook rake the inspiring Leodership Gain +1 Stain Treshols Gain +18 single chavector to alow a numberof ales not action; mato a 66 Leadership iat Tris eano! Bring a chor- exceeding te choracte’sra- fmm chock If success, 8 number Jr acteristic above s ing in Presence within Short of alos not excaeding his a- range 6 automate C10 ing in Presence wit Short trent kt check Tange add avomatc 1 ror non chil oe a a

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