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Struggling with the complexities of writing a thesis on a sensitive topic like eating disorders can be a

daunting task. The process demands meticulous research, profound understanding of the subject
matter, and the ability to present findings in a coherent and compelling manner. Crafting a research
paper on eating disorders requires navigating through a myriad of scholarly articles, clinical studies,
and psychological theories, all while maintaining academic integrity and sensitivity towards the topic.

Understanding the nuances of eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge
eating disorder, and their psychological, social, and physiological impacts, adds another layer of
challenge to the writing process. Moreover, addressing such topics demands a delicate balance
between factual analysis and empathetic exploration of the human experience behind these disorders.

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professional assistance can be invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert guidance and support
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This condition makes those suffering from it to feel the need to reduce their body weights even
when they have small bodies. All this may lead to the risk of the heart failure or heart attack. Most
anorexics become so as adolescents, with 76% reporting onset of the disorder between the ages of 11
and 20(National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Eating Disorders, 2005). There
were also some of the external factors that influence the. Furthermore, many film actors tend to
possess a slender body shape, which can contribute to both males and females experiencing
insecurity about their own bodies. Ravin, S. K., Dr. (n.d.). The Functional Role of Nutrition and
Anorexia Nervosa: Food is. Treatment plans for anorexia nervosa vary depending on each person's
needs and may include medical care, supervision, nutritional counseling, and therapy. People who
experience pica have cravings for such things as clay, soil, and laundry starch. Anorexia, an eating
disorder characterized by distortions on an individuals’ body image. This disorder generally occurs
among pregnant women. Lastly, I have outlined some treatment options for reducing symptoms and
preventing relapse, including inpatient treatment, biological treatments, nutritional counseling,
cognitive-behavioral therapy, and family-based interventions. Most pica is reported among pregnant
African American women living in rural areas of the southern United States. Eating large quantities
of clay can also block the intestines (Greenberg 117). Despite being within a normal weight range,
individuals still have a fear of gaining weight and are unhappy with their body image. Intense fear of
gaining weight; limits food intake and constantly thinks about food even though. Several eating
disorders have been identified by the medical standard manual of DSM-IV, these include Nervosa,
Bulimia Nervosa, binge eating, Anorexia Athletica and Orthorexia. This is a huge example of how
the smallest thing like changing a pant size to 6 sizes bigger can make someone feel terrible about
their body image and I wish this happening to someone would have changed sizes at the store, but
sadly didn’t. On the other hand, Binge type disorder is characterized by individuals who do not
suppress their hunger and consume large amounts of food in relatively short periods of time.
Psychobiology of eating disorder Anorexia nervosa is characterized by a unique abnormality of
disturbed eating behavior. Often one that is a perfectionist, sets impossible standards and has an
insatiable attitude, can fall. Eating disorders are serious and complex problems. Their expression,
causes, and. Sharpe, H., Musiat,P., Knapton, O., and Schmidt, U., 2011. Pro-eating disorder
websites: facts. The practice of an eating disorder can be viewed as a survival mechanism. Just as.
This is a disorder which affects a person’s physical and mental health causing them to eat very little.
Unless these characteristics are stimulated by other factors such as stress, trauma and other related
influences, they remain recessive throughout ones life. Discuss the difficulties involved in the
diagnosis treatment and referral of. Eating disorder treatment depends on your specific type of
eating disorder. But in. The maintenance of body weight which is 15% below the normal weight for
that individual corresponding to his height, age, and body type B. The presence of an intense fear
hunger despite being severely underweight. The end result is a disorder which crops up politely
without anyone’s notice.
Having an eating disorder myself when in middle school, I strongly believe that eating disorders are
not taken seriously enough. On the other hand, bulimia nervosa rarely occurs before puberty. New
York, N.Y: Guilford, 2001. Print. Smith, Erica. Anorexia Nervosa: When Food Is the Enemy. Eating
large quantities of clay can also block the intestines (Greenberg 117). Interpersonal Factors that Can
Contribute to Eating Disorders. The hypothalamus is thought to have great control over our eating
behaviour. One exposed to misperceived hunger, little pleasure from food and the calm and mood
elevating. Over the course of the last five decades, the overall incidence of the disorder has not
increased and it has it been stagnant. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to
manage cookies. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Anxiety and depression also
contribute significantly and soon it crops in and dominates the overall eating disorder. Whenever
they are asked to go for a test they ignore that they are not. People engaged in eating disorders are
usually referred to as victims, because of the horrible and dangerous effects of these diseases.
Carlsbad, Calif: Gurze Books, 1999. Print. Halmi, Katherine A. Psychobiology and Treatment of
Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. Bailer’s research also raises the debate of determinism vs
free will. Bulimia, on the other hand, is another eating disorder which is very popular with people
who like binge eating (WebMD, 2011) in most parts of the word today. There needs to be a huge
change in all industries so both women and men don’t feel the need to compare themselves to these
unrealistic images that have been created. It is essential for the doctor to create a safe environment
and build trust with the patient for successful hospitalization. Basing my arguments on these gaps, I
have decided to conduct research on the relevance of the issues raised above in relation to eating
disorders in the younger generation today. Sharpe, H., Musiat,P., Knapton, O., and Schmidt, U.,
2011. Pro-eating disorder websites: facts. Fluoxetine has been approved by the FDA specifically for
treating bulimia nervosa but not any other eating disorders. Recent studies at the University of
Pittsburgh have reported that. Statistical survey conducted by (Stice, 2002) on two-thousand young
women between the ages of 15- 24 in college campuses, in America indicated that 95% of them are
on dietary regulations. 90% of the 2000 men between the ages of 18- 39 were as well found to be on
voluntary dietary regulations which were self induced and programmed for self desires. Mostly, the
adolescent girls are very self-conscious of their body and the fact that a person has an undesirable
body that does not resemble the perfect physical shape make them involve in dietary regimes that
may cause eating disorders (Shoebridge and Gowers, 2000). The criteria to be considered anorexic,
is, but not limited to: culture, families, life changes or. Give us your email address and we’ll send this
sample there. It is important to notice this disease in either yourself a family member or a friend
before it is full blown (Wellness Web 2). This condition makes those suffering from it to feel the
need to reduce their body weights even when they have small bodies. The studies confirm that all the
eating disorders may be inheritable as a result of Mendelian inheritance (Goode 1). In order to help
someone one must be alert to the signs of these diseases.
George, M. (2013). Food Sensitivities. The Worlds Ealthiest Foods., 6-15. We’ll occasionally send
you promo and account related email. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as
your own, that is cheating. Also you. The victims of this disorder, however, dont purge food or
calories out of their bodies after eating. Often one that is a perfectionist, sets impossible standards
and has an insatiable attitude, can fall. They use comparison and contraction to gauge beauty and
since the victim is desperate at becoming attractive, he or she ends giving into eating. These
disorders can be classified into three types: binge eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia
nervosa. Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. The book particularly
highlights the growing problem of Anorexia Nervosa. Interpersonal factors such as troubling
historical experiences can affect psychological health (Goode 1). An anorexia often has low body
weight for his or her own height, resists keeping a normal body. Third, consider writing down what
you might want to say to your friend. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Carlsbad,
Calif: Gurze Books, 1999. Print. Halmi, Katherine A. Psychobiology and Treatment of Anorexia
Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. These therapeutic interventions adhere to seven fundamental values.
Several researches have been conducted on the psychological causes and therapeutic approaches in
solving such problems related to eating disorders. The outcome is, however, not satisfactory for
individuals who have been suffering with the illness for more than 3 years. By clicking “Check
Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Anorexia has been known to
increase risks of deaths among these adolescents and they come as a result of starvation, suicide, and
severe low levels of potassium, (Matsumoto and Herrin 33). People’s comments on weights can also
affect and inflict eating disorders in other people. In 1985, the death of Karen Carpenter from
anorexia nervosa induced heart failure further fueled the growing concerns over eating disorders.
This is not the case, and I think it’s important to show that clothing size should not define your
beauty. Some of the people are aware of the fact that the life. Laser, T., and Watson, S., 2011. Eating
Disorders, The Rosen Publishing Group. Individuals suffering from this disorder may even indulge
in activities that are purging in nature, such as: self created vomiting, abnormal usage of laxatives
and exercising more than desired. Goodman, L. J., and Villapion, M., 2001. Eating Disorders: The
Journey to Recovery Workbook. Report Back from San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium
(SABCS) 2023: Spotlight. In the case of anorexia nervosa, CBT may help prevent relapses in adults
after weight restoration, but its effectiveness for extremely underweight individuals remains
uncertain. There is some evidence to suggest that pica results from cultural beliefs related to
pregnancy, along with changes in food preferences among pregnant women. Sharpe, H., Musiat,P.,
Knapton, O., and Schmidt, U., 2011. Pro-eating disorder websites: facts.
Some of the population thinks that the due to eating. Predominantly, young women in adolescence
and women are mostly impacted by anorexia. If you have serious health problems or if you have
anorexia and. Inpatient Treatment Hospitalization plays a major role in the treatment of anorexics
and over the course of the last decade, the role of hospitalization has dramatically transformed.
Third, consider writing down what you might want to say to your friend. Most anorexics religiously
record the number of calories they consume during the course of the day and if they find out that
they have accidently consumed more than a quarter of the calories of their daily requirement, then
they experience anxiety and an overwhelming fear of getting obese. Typically occurring during late
adolescence or early adulthood (between ages 18 and 22), bulimia involves consistent engagement in
bingeing followed by compensatory behaviors aimed at reversing the effects of the binge or
preventing weight gain. The studies confirm that all the eating disorders may be inheritable as a
result of Mendelian inheritance (Goode 1). The growth of the treatment industry was further fueled
by the introduction of the Federal Mental Health Parity Act which mandated the coverage of major
mental illnesses by the insurance companies. A third kind of eating disorder is recognized as
Anorexia Athletica, individual suffering from this disorder may be indulged in excessive exercise
and may have become obsessed with exercises (DUNFORD, 2012, p.451). It is even sometimes
referred to by the name of sports anorexia. Anorexia is better when discovered and treated in early
stages, since it prevents against mortality among the adolescents. Discuss the difficulties involved in
the diagnosis treatment and referral of eating disorders in. By continuing, you agree to our Terms
and Conditions. In addition to the psychiatric symptoms mentioned above that characterize bulimia
nervosa patients also present physical manifestations such as dehydration electrolyte imbalance
kidney problems inflammation and discomfort in the throat from purging acid reflux swollen parotid
glands gastrointestinal complications irregular menstruation constipation bloating sensitive teeth and
tooth enamel decay caused by stomach acids. The respect I have gained from looking at Aerie,
American Eagle’s lingerie store, for using unedited images of women really helps with body image.
Specialized eating disorder programs may offer more intensive. One finds it difficult to remain static
in a changing global dimension hence the adoption of new eating styles and mannerisms. The
immediate result has been an increase in cases of eating disorders. Report Back from San Antonio
Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) 2023: Spotlight. This research seeks to achieve the following
objectives. When a person has both eating disorders it just increases the health risks (Greenberg 116).
Whether a person restricts food intake, binge eats, binges and purges, abuses. The knowledge of
Anorexia Nervosa was brought to the average home by Steven Levenkron by his book and television
movie The Best Little Girl in the World. Bursitis is inflammation or irritation of a bursa sac. Upload
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Next What is Scribd. According to Marsh et al., ( 2009), eating disorders are psychotic conditions
that change the humans’ perceptions about food conception rates and patterns thus have to be
corrected through psychotherapeutic administrations on the individuals affected. A major difference
in the effect of the illness in adults and adolescents is the severe growth retardation which cannot be
compensated after the treatment of the illness. The exact definition is an irresistible impulse to act,
regardless of the rationality of the motivation (Cottrell 125). For individuals with binge eating
disorder who are overweight, the goal is to stop binge eating and establish a regular pattern of
eating. This is not the case, and I think it’s important to show that clothing size should not define
your beauty. With the constant pressures received from friends, family and social media, it is
Strong personalities are well established on their dietary preferences and are not wavered by certain
traumatic events of peer persuasions. You should not pester the victim, but most importantly, don't
give up. In reality, the percentage o f girls that have some or all of the qualities that are considered to
be. In an effort to eliminate the chances of surpassing their allotted quota of calories, many anorexics
respond by increasing the number of hours they exercise or by indulging in excessive purging and
using a combination of enemas, diuretics, and laxatives (Hall and Ostroff 49). First, the victim may
have had a past experience such as sexual assault which might have corroded the urge to eat. This
form of therapy aids in promoting a healthier environment and fostering open communication among
family members. She was extremely depressed when the size 10 was the first pair that was able to go
around her waist, getting angry at herself for gaining so much weight. The Inner Demon An
Unspoken Truth Tuscher Nutrition Intl Eating Diosrder Pre. From the story of Lamott, bulimia
originates from environmental and interpersonal issues (Goode 1). This theory is however
reductionist which means that the biological approach reduces a complex. The treatment strategies
are devised in accordance with the psychic and medical guidelines published by the American
Psychiatric Association. The suffering individuals are severely hungry most of the time and these are
only the last stages of the disease that the individuals experience what the name suggests “loss of
appetite”. Based on the study, there are three dependent variables studied which include eating
disordered (EDO) women, the symptomatic, and the asymptomatic. Individuals intentionally reduce
their calorie intake and increase physical activity to maintain an abnormally low weight. This thesis
will also seek to validate the relevance of the following hypotheses about the development of food
related disorders in the young generation. Up to one-third of women with type 1 diabetes may have
eating disorders, and these women are at especially high risk of microvascular and metabolic
complications (Walsh et al, 2000). Body image is closely linked to one's self-esteem regarding their
body. These disorders have certain negative impacts on the persons involved. Admitted individuals
are not discharged until they fall into a healthy weight category because low discharge weight has
often resulted in a speedy relapse of the illness. This disorder generally occurs among pregnant
women. Moreover, objectification and other forms of mistreatment of women by men. Goodman, L.
J., and Villapion, M., 2001. Eating Disorders: The Journey to Recovery Workbook. Suffering from
this disorder is similar to the experiences of workaholic and those individuals who are addicted to
exercising. The disorder is associated with excessive consumption of food (uncontrolled eating). As
per the recent analysis, it is recommended that a good diagnosis is the first approach. According to
Marsh et al., ( 2009), eating disorders are psychotic conditions that change the humans’ perceptions
about food conception rates and patterns thus have to be corrected through psychotherapeutic
administrations on the individuals affected. Bulimia, a characterization of a person binge eating, is
beginning to become more and more known. Anorexia, bulimia and binge disorders are among the
most common disorders which have been on the rise in the recent past prompting more research and
studies to be conducted on the same. Dealing with this stress along with the financial burden of
treatment can weaken or even break apart a family's functioning. An imbalance between ventral brain
circuits, which regulate reward and emotion and dorsal.

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