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Class number: _______

Section: A051 Schedule: ____________________ Date:_________________

Lesson Title: Parole ( a community based supervision)

Skill-building Activities
It’s time to check if you are already familiar with parole. Read carefully the questions and write
your answer in the space provided for.

1. Define the word parole in your own words.

- The convict's sentence can be put on hold after they've served the minimum time of their
punishment, without getting forgiven, and there are rules for how this suspension works.

2. Enumerate the advantages of parole and briefly explain each.

- Parole provides a transitional period between the regimentation of institution life
and the freedom of normal life in the community. During this time a parole officer
guides and supervises the conditionally released offender and thus not only
provides assistance in his efforts to become a law abiding member of society but also helps to
protect the community from the criminal inclinations which the released offender may still have.
- Parole permits an administrative agency to decide when an offender should release. The
theory of parole is based upon the assumption that such an agency which has an opportunity to
study the offender during his institutionalization, is in a better position than the sentencing judge
to decide the exact time of release in each case. It is true that many offenders are ultimately
discharge at the termination of their sentence regardless of the action of the parole agency, but
even in these cases it would be better to have a period of conditional release, during which the
individual’s activity could be restricted by supervisory methods, than to have no transitional
whatsoever after release.
- Parole reduces the periods of institutionalization. Since many correctional institutions still
have to rehabilitate offenders and may actually provide opportunities for further training in crime,
parole may be great advantages in many cases. Besides, there is the tendency for even best
institutions, with their rules, regulation, and routine, to deprive inmates of their initiative and self-
confidence, qualities they must have if they are to adjust successfully in the outside world.
- Parole makes it possible to release an offender at the time when he is mentally and
emotionally ready to return to the community. Prison authorities and guards recognized that
there is always such time in every inmate’s life, and that if he is not released when it arrives, the
possibility of his committing another crime after release may be increased.
- The parole officer can overt an influence for the prevention of delinquency and crime. Since
he must become intimately acquainted with the parolee’s family and neighborhood, he is in the
position to detect and reduce the causes of these problems.
- Parolees have the opportunity to support themselves and their dependents, thus receiving the
state of this responsibility, and to make restitution to the victims of their crimes.
- It cost less to keep an offender on parole than to maintain him in a correctional institution.
While economy should not be a primary consideration in granting parole it certainly cannot be
disregarded when all other circumstances indicate that he should be so handled.

Check for Understanding

For this activity enumerate the persons disqualified for parole.
- Those convicted of an offense punished with Death penalty, Reclusion Perpetua or Life

Name: CABANO-ANG, MARIALYN S. Class number: _______
Section: A051 Schedule: ____________________ Date:_________________

- Those convicted of treason, conspiracy or proposal to commit treason or espionage;

- Those convicted of misprision of treason, rebellion, sedition or coup d’etat;
- Those convicted of piracy or mutiny on the high seas or Philippine waters;
- Those who are habitual delinquents i.e. those who, within a period of ten (10) years from the date
of release from prison or last conviction of the crimes of serious or less serious physical injuries,
robbery, theft, estafa and falsification, are found guilty of any of said crimes a third time or oftener;
- Those who escaped from confinement or evaded sentence;
- Those who were granted Conditional Pardon and violated any of the terms thereof;
- Those whose maximum term of imprisonment does not exceed one (1) year or those with definite
- Those suffering from any mental disorder as certified by a government psychiatrist/psychologist;
- Those whose conviction is on appeal;
- Those who have pending criminal case/s

1. What is the Board of Pardon and Parole?
- Board of Pardons and Parole, an agency under the Office of the Secretary of Justice.
Composed of the Secretary of Justice as chairman and six members consisting of; the
Administrator of the Parole and Probation Administration as ex-officio member, a sociologist,
a clergyman, an educator, a person with training and experience in correction work and a
member of the Philippine Bar. Provided that one of them is a woman. The members of the
Board shall be appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the Secretary and
shall hold office for a term of (6) years, without prejudice to reappointment.

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