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Unisave Maxixe

English course year II

Valter Gabriel Nhantumbo

1. Why was Okonkwo famous?

Okonkwo was famous because he brought honor to his village defeating Amalinze the
Cat, a great wrestler who for seven years was unbeaten, becoming the greatest wrestler
in the nine villages. In addition, he also was a successful farmer.

2. Describe Unoka.

Unoka was Okonkwo's father, he died when Okonkwo was very young. He was lazy,
tall and very thin man, he also was a debtor, owing every neighbor some money. He
was seen as a failure by his son. Although, he was an artist and very talented musician.

3. Why had the men of Umofia called a meeting?

The men of Umofia called a meeting to discuss about the woman of Umofia who was
murdered by the neighboring clan (Mbaino), and to reach an agreement of revenge.

4. Where does the story take place?

The story takes place in the village of Umofia, in Nigeria.

5. What influence did the Oracle have on decisions made in Umofia?

The Oracle had influence on deciding whether a war should take place or not, no war
was allowed unless the reason was accepted by the Oracle.

6. What were Okonkwo's greatest fear and greatest passion?

Fear: Okonkwo's greatest fear was not external but laid deep within himself, his greatest
fear was to be like his father (a weak man).

Passion: Okonkwo's greatest passion was to hate everything that his father Unoka had
loved. One of those things was gentleness and another was idleness.

7. What upset Okonkwo most about his son, Nwoye?

What most upsets Okonkwo about his son is the laziness. Okonkwo looked at his father
as lazy and Nwoye resembled his grandfather Unoka.
8. What did Okonkwo bring home from his trip to Mbaino?

From his trip to Mbaino Okonkwo brought a lad of fifteen called Ikemefuna and a
young virgin as compensation.

9. How did Okonkwo begin his prosperous career?

Okonkwo began his prosperous career with Nwakibie's help, Nwakibie was a wealthy
man who helped him providing twice four hundred yams' seeds so that Okonkwo could
start with his farm.

10. How did Ikemefuna react to living with okonkwo's family?

Ikemefuna reacted first with fear to live with Okonkwo's family, and once or twice he
tried to run away because he missed his mother and sister, but he changed and felt
comfortable and even became a popular boy in okonkwo's household, especially with
the children, he became inseparable with Nwoye.

11. What unheard of thing did Okonkwo do during the week of peace?

The unheard thing which Okonkwo did during the week of peace was to break the
sacred peace beating his wife Ojiugo, it was unheard to beat somebody during the
sacred week.

12. How did the people view yams?

People viewed yams as a sign of wealth and ability. That is why it was called the king
of crops, emphasizing both the importance in Umofia clan and masculinity, even
celebrations were organized like the Feast of the new yam.

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