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A guide to the EU’s

Corporate Sustainability
Reporting Directive
Contents 01 → 04 →
What is the CSRD timelines
EU (CSRD)? and key dates
for organizations
02 →
Who needs to comply 05 →
with the CSRD? Penalties for
03 →
CSRD reporting 06 →
requirements explained How software
can help

What is the EU CSRD?

The European Union’s Corporate performance, including employee health,

Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) human rights, bribery, anti-corruption
is a law that prescribes requirements and diversity across management.
for organizations to report sustainability
disclosures across several topics including The CSRD is informed by the concept of
environmental and social issues. Longer double materiality, which acknowledges
term, the intended outcomes of CSRD that risk and opportunity can be material
are to contribute to Europe’s 2050 from both a financial and impact perspective.
climate-neutrality targets and European To meet the requirements of the CSRD,
Green Deal objectives, such as providing a organizations must disclose their strategies
“globally competitive and resilient industry, for addressing environmental and social
renovated energy efficient buildings and risks and opportunities and explain how
cleaner energy and cutting-edge clean these issues will impact their company from
technological innovation.” both a financial and impact perspective.

The CSRD aims to strengthen and extend Not only do these disclosures need to
the scope of the existing EU reporting be made publicly available, but the CSRD
requirements from its predecessor, the also mandates independent auditing. This
Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). emphasis on independent auditing of ESG
It requires social and governance metrics data sends a strong signal to organizations
to be reported along with environmental that claims relating to ESG metrics and
sustainability performance must be
backed by data.

Previous chapter Next chapter 3


Who needs to comply

with the CSRD?
CSRD is mandatory for all large European This directive also applies to listed small Who needs to comply with the CSRD?
companies and those listed on the and medium-sized companies, which the
EU-regulated markets, including EU EU defines as those meeting two points
subsidiaries of non-EU parent companies. of the following criteria: less than 250 European companies Non-european companies
employees, less than EUR 40 million in – All large companies (that meet both points of criteria)
Reporting under CSRD is required of non- turnover and EUR 20 million in assets. – All companies listed – Net turnover of EUR 150 million
European companies that generate an on EU-regulated markets in the EU
annual net turnover of EUR 150 million in Companies with less than ten employees and their subsidiaries – Have at least one subsidiary
the EU and that have at least one subsidiary or below EUR 20 million in turnover are or branch in the EU
or branch in the EU. Non-EU companies will considered "micro companies” and excluded
have to comply from 2028. from the mandatory sustainability reporting. Small and medium sized companies All companies
(that meet 2/3 criteria) (that meet 2/3 criteria)
Specifically, CSRD applies to organizations Based on the applicability criteria outlined – <250 employees – >EUR 20 million in assets
that meet at least two points of the in CSRD, nearly 50,000 organizations – <EUR 40 million in turnover – Net turnover of EUR 40 million
following criteria: over EUR 20 million are expected to be subject to CSRD’s – <EUR 20 million in assets – 250+ employees
in total assets, a net turnover of EUR 40 reporting requirements once it is rolled
million and 250+ employees. These entities out in its entirety.
are classified as “large undertakings”
within the CSRD and include both EU
companies and EU subsidiaries of
non-EU companies.

Previous chapter Next chapter 4


CSRD reporting
requirements explained
In 2022, the European Financial Reporting These 13 draft ESRS outline requirements
Advisory Group (EFRAG) released the draft across four broad categories:
of the European Sustainability Reporting
Standards (ESRS), which will fall under the Cross-cutting
CSRD. To become law, the ESRS need to be General principles, strategy, governance
put in place by the European Commission and materiality assessment
and agreed on by the European Parliament
and the governments of the countries Environment
composing the EU Council. Climate change, pollution, water and
marine resources, biodiversity, resource
The difference between CSRD and ESRS use and circular economy
CSRD is the law that mandates subject
companies to report on sustainability Social
issues, whereas the ESRS provide a Own workforce, workers in the value
framework on how—and what—companies chain, affected communities, consumers
must report on ESG metrics to comply and end-users
with the requirements of the CSRD.
The 13 ESRS are key to achieving the Governance, risk management, internal
CSRD’s goal of improved reporting against control and business conduct
ESG metrics across the region.

Previous chapter Next chapter 5

CSRD reporting
requirements explained

The cross-cutting reporting requirements CSRD at a glance

will be required of all organizations in scope
of the CSRD, while the other standards be
mandatory for those organizations that Passed: 2023
consider them material. Organizations will Required: 2024
be subject to reporting on double materiality,
ensuring disclosures are made about both
issues that impact the wider community Who does it apply to? Categories covered by the ESRS
and issues that impact the company itself.
Additionally, industry-specific standards, – 50,000+ organizations Environmental Governance
which are still being developed, will be – Companies listed on EU – Scope 1 and 2 emissions* – Board diversity
published over the next few years. regulated markets – Climate risks – Ethics and corruption
– All companies within the EU meeting – Pollution, biodiversity – Stakeholder engagement
These categories and the reporting specific size and revenue criteria and ecosystem impacts
approach reflect a move towards more – Multinationals with significant EU Cross-cutting
holistic ESG reporting and include factors presence Social – General principles,
beyond environmental metrics, such as – Relevant for reporting in all sectors; – Human rights strategy, governance and
social and governance and risk management intended to make activities more – Employee diversity materiality assessment
performance indicators. transparent for public, private, and – Working conditions, EHS
institutional investors

*Scope 3 emissions requirement anticipated in 2024

Previous chapter Next chapter 6


CSRD timelines and

key dates for organizations
While key dates are a few years away for By September 2023: EU Commission to January 1, 2025: Effective date for
some, organizations subject to the CSRD adopt the first set of reporting standards the law that will require other large
would be well advised to start preparing companies not previously subject to
their data foundation and sustainability By the end of 2023: First set of reporting the NFRD to start reporting (reporting
reporting processes now to avoid the standards will be approved by the European year 2026)
risk of non-compliance: Parliament and Council
January 1, 2026: Effective date for
Through 2024: Requirements will be the law that will require listed SMEs
phased in after EU law is implemented into to commence their reporting
the national law of EU member states
January 1, 2028: Effective date for
January 1, 2024: Effective date for the law the law when CSRD will apply for
that will require companies that are already third-country companies (reporting
subject to the NFRD to report on 2024 data year 2029)
(reporting year 2025)
For more information on the exact CSRD
reporting requirements and changes to
the current draft, refer to the European
Commission’s draft ESRS.

Previous chapter Next chapter 7

CSRD timelines and
key dates for organizations

CSRD summarized

1. CSRD implements mandatory reporting 2. Standards incorporate the concept 3. CSRD requires forward-looking
standards: European Sustainability of double materiality and cover four disclosures, including targets set and
Reporting Standards (ESRS) broad categories progress toward their achievement

4. Reports must undergo mandatory 5. Companies must file an annual report 6. ESRS and CSRD complement existing
limited assurance by an independent via the European Single Electronic disclosures—non-compliance can result
services provider to validate disclosures Format (ESEF) in administrative and financial penalties

Previous chapter Next chapter 8


What are the penalties for

non-compliance to CSRD?
The CSRD requires EU member states The CSRD also states that it is necessary
to “have in place an investigations and “to require that the persons responsible
sanctions regime,” directing them to within the issuer confirm in the annual
impose “effective, proportionate and financial report that, to the best of their
dissuasive” penalties based on several knowledge, the management report
factors, including the gravity and duration is prepared in accordance with the
of the breach and the financial standing sustainability reporting standards.”
of the company.

As such, penalties for non-compliance

to the CSRD will be determined by
individual member states based on
relevant member state laws. For this
reason, it is recommended for every
company to stay up-to-date with any
changes in legislation and get legal
advice to ensure proper compliance
and avoid investigation processes and
possible penalties.

Previous chapter Next chapter 9


How software can help

ESG reporting is complex. Staying on The IBM® Envizi™ ESG Suite specializes in: Helping you report with confidence With over a decade of experience, including
top of requirements can be extremely knowing that your data is auditable in GHG-reporting-regulated markets, IBM
difficult for organizations that need to Capturing and managing operational and and finance-grade Envizi is well-positioned to meet ESRS
meet the reporting requirements of ESG data to create a solid data foundation IBM Envizi’s suite of software products disclosure requirements for organizations
multiple frameworks and directives such With IBM Envizi, your organization’s data allows organizations to report in alignment reporting under the CSRD.
as the CSRD. In order to comply with the can be collected, arranged, and processed with frameworks such as GRI, SASB, GRESB,
CSRD, impacted organizations will have by a universal metrics engine, which the UN SDGs and others by consolidating To learn more about how IBM Envizi can
to gather and consolidate an extensive enables users to analyze it from their questions from these frameworks into one support your CSRD reporting requirements,
amount of data, sometimes even reaching own perspectives and in the units they platform in an easily exportable format. Key request a live demo today.
into the tens of thousands of data points. prefer to view and report in. Some data features across the ESG reporting suite of
sources that Envizi can capture to support products include: Explore IBM Envizi ESG Suite →
Counting on a strong ESG data foundation ESRS reporting requirements for CSRD
and having a single source of truth for your disclosures include: – Access to multiple framework questions
ESG data can help ease reporting and make in one place
your CSRD disclosures auditable, so your – Utility billing data from third-party – Access to compliance and management
organization can be better prepared for service companies, such as bill pay reporting templates
the changes coming into effect from providers, data capture specialists – Single portal for value chain stakeholders
2024 onwards. or energy consultants to report their ESG metrics
– Directly ingesting files from other – Provide auditors login access to a robust
suppliers, specialist systems such as HR system with supporting data, documents
software, and ERP or accounting systems and audit trails
– Systematically capturing data via surveys
from suppliers, investees or other value
chain participants

Previous chapter Next chapter 10

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