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A Research Paper Presented to The Senior

High School Faculty Manuel G.
Araullo High School

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements of the

Course Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion



12 – GAS

March 2024

Subject Teacher
The Problem and It’s Settings
It has long been believed that the major caring duties belong to women, and that the hallmark of fatherhood
is the provision of material and financial support for children (Roy, 2004). Parents have traditionally shared
parenting responsibilities to varied degrees, which gives rise to newer ideas centered on a "cash and care" model of
parenting and paints a more nuanced image than these classic models suggest (Speak, 2006; Miller, 2011).
However, the default, conceptual framework is still gendered. Mothers who act as their children's gatekeepers
continue to mediate fathering. Particularly in working class homes, concepts of adult masculine identity, status, and
reputation are still closely linked to paid employment and providing for a family (Roberts, 2013).
In the UK, a number of legal and policy frameworks that have a "economic view" of fatherhood serve to perpetuate
the cultural stereotype of the male provider. One of the main traits of the absent "bad father" that is evident in
certain UK regulations and broader public discourses is not providing for their family (Miller, 2011).
Whatever factors may lead to refinements in parental roles over time, fathers are likely to start from a desire to
earn, (with some discretion over when, where, and how they care), while mothers start from an imperative to care
(with some discretion over when, where, and how they earn) (Neale and Smart, 2002).

In the current environment of uncertain youth labor markets and diminished welfare entitlements, it is
challenging to become a young earner (Neale, forthcoming). Just one-third of young people in modern Britain who
lack formal degrees work for a living (Lawton, 2013: 6). A third, including those who are in and out of jobs, are
impoverished. Out of them, 1.9 million are expected to earn significantly less than the poverty line, which is
defined as less than 50% of the median income. This age group's poverty rate is higher than that of any other age
group in the UK, having increased by 6% during the previous ten years (Born and Aldridge, 2015).
In order to address these disadvantages, New Labour encouraged and increasingly pushed young people to enter
the workforce or pursue training. This was the main idea behind the ten-year Teenage Pregnancy Strategy, which
set an unattainable goal of having 60% of young parents enroll in school, training, and jobs (Neale, 2015).
Additionally, there has been a move in the UK away from the insurance tenets of the post-war social settlement and
toward greater benefit conditionality. The prevailing view is that young people's lack of drive and abilities, as well
as the qualities of the unemployed, are what lead to unemployment and disadvantage.
In the process, social exclusion's "stronger" explanation—that it results from capitalist, neo-liberal economies that
depend on a flexible, casual labor force—has been marginalized (Veit Wilson, cited in MacDonald, 2011).
This study aims to Explore the Educational Journey of Breadwinners in Senior High School and their
Academic Experiences at Manuel G. Araullo High School. The purpose is to gain insights into the unique
challenges and opportunities that are faced by youth breadwinners, as well as to identify ways to support their
academic development.

The purpose of this research study is to investigate the academic experiences of senior high school students at
Manuel G. Araullo High School and their educational journeys. This study aims to investigate the elements that
influence these students' academic performance and educational attainment, with a focus on understanding how
these students' socioeconomic position and family responsibilities affect their educational successes. In an attempt
to provide guidance for classroom interventions and policies that will support academic success for Breadwinners
Senior High School students at Manuel G. Araullo High School, this study examines these characteristics.
Conceptual Paradigm and Conceptual Framework

This study revolves two variables. The independent variable, “Breadwinner Senior High Student,” refers to
students who take on the primary responsibility of earning income for their family. The dependent variable,
“Academic Experiences,” is measured through three aspects:

Grades: A grade that indicates how well a student completed their task. (Oxford Language English, 2024). This
aspect evaluates the academic performance of breadwinner students in terms of their marks or scores in various
subjects. It seeks to determine if there is a correlation between the responsibilities of being a breadwinner and the
grades they achieve.

Class Attendance: Being physically present in a scheduled lecture or class is referred to as class attendance.
(SciSpace Question, n.d.) This aspect examines the attendance patterns of breadwinner students. It investigates
whether their additional responsibilities impact their ability to attend classes regularly and how this may affect their
learning and academic success.

Class Participation: Participation in class describes the actions that students take part in during class. (IGI Global,
n.d.). This aspect assesses the level of engagement and involvement of breadwinner students in classroom
activities. It looks into how their role as breadwinners influences their participation in discussions, group work, and
other interactive elements of the educational process. The study hypothesizes that the pressures and time
constraints faced by breadwinner students may have significant effects on these aspects of their academic
experiences. By analyzing the data collected on grades, class attendance, and class participation, the research aims
to provide insights into the challenges and impacts of juggling academic responsibilities with the demands of
supporting a family financially.
Scope and Delimitation
The purpose of this study is to investigate the academic path chosen by senior high school students at Manuel
G. Araullo High School who are designated as "Breadwinners." It aims to investigate their experiences in the
classroom, their academic achievement, and their relationships with peers and teachers. Additionally, it will take a
look at the financial status of Breadwinners students and how it affects their academic experiences and educational
path. Qualitative research techniques like observations and interviews will be employed for deep understanding.

The study will only involve senior high school students who are enrolled in Manuel G. Araullo High School.
Students from other schools or areas will not be included. The study is only intended for seniors in high school,
junior high and primary pupils will not be included. To ensure that the study is focused and has a clear period
value, it will be carried out within a specific academic year or term. To promote successful communication and
understanding, the study will also take into consideration the language and cultural environment that is common at
Manuel G. Araullo High School. Additionally, factors that have no impact on the educational environment, such as
community influences or relationships within families, will not be included unless they have a clear effect on the
student's academic experiences.

Significance of the Study

The study would help the student who is the breadwinner, as they would learn about themselves and how to
handle similar situations. It would also benefit to society as a whole, as they would gain insight into what it's like
to be a student who provides for their family. The results of this study would make society aware of how difficult it
is to be a student and breadwinner.
Teachers and administrators would also benefit from this study since it would enable them to determine
whether the behavior of students who are breadwinners differs from that of other students. Future researchers
would also benefit from this research because it can be used as a foundation or guidance that would be

Definition of Terms
The Following Terms are defined conceptually or operationally:

Exploring — travel in or through an unfamiliar country or area in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it.

Journey — an act of traveling from one place to another.

Educational — relating to the provision of education.

Breadwinner — a person who earns money to support a family.

Experiences — encounter or undergo an event or occurrence.

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