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Hello my dear friend
If you have any questions about the model,
Contact me.

Thanks for visiting my store and purchasing my recipe.

Please do not share my pattern with others without my permission.


spca art doll


contact information

with me if you have

You can communicate
any question about
I would like to see you a lot
fnshed baby de

It belongs to @Spcaartdoll. May not be reproduced or distributed without permission


0.5mm hook
4-ply lace yarn;
Brand: 'Lilac Sun Silk', Skn
Navy( 590)
Brown (1809)

Pink (6494)




Needle (for decoration)

More to clean the lace thread

Light Glue(textile)

Blush or powder pastel for cheeks

abbreviations If you crochet

it will be a bg doll with thick yarn.

man: magc rng
Sc : Snangle crochet
Inc : Increase

Range : Reduction
Slst : Slp stitch Blo :
Back stitch only Flo:
Front stitch only Hdc :
half crochet hdcnc :
Increase half crochet
Dc : Double crochet dcnc : Double

crochet increase

It belongs to @Spcaartdoll. May not be reproduced or distributed without permission

Start with the skin color. (code 3400) 6
sc n MR (6) Start with the skin color.
1 )6 n (12) MR 6 sc ch and turn
2) (again, nc)*6 (18) 6x close
3) (2inc)*6 (24)
4)(3x,nc)*6 (30)
5) 2x,nc,(4x,nc)*5.2x (36)
6)(5x,nc)*6 (42)
7)3x,nc,(6x,nc)*5.3x (48)
8)(7s,nc)*6 (54)
9)-24) 54 sc (16 rounds)
25) (7x,reduce)*6 (48)
26)(6,reduce)*6 (42)
28)(4,reduce)*6 (30)
29) (3 of them,reduce)*6 (24)
30) (2x,reduce)*6 (18)
31) (order, subtract)*6 (12)
32)-34) 12x (3 rounds)

When the 24th row is finished, decorate the face.

Make eye work between 20-21 rows.
With the help of a tool, push the lower part of the neck into the head.

Sew the ears. 5 frequent needles between eye and ear

Do not stuff the head too tightly. When decorating, it should be soft to create a beautiful magician.

drop the rope

For cheek effect

n photo and same as
other remo tr
head with p
arm x2
Start with the skin color. Code(3400)
Mr. 6
1)(again,nc)3 (9)
2)) 9sc (9)
3)2 sc, 3-dc bobble st, 6 sc (9)
4) 9 sc (9)

5) break, 7 o'clock (8)

6-17) 8 sc (8)(12 rounds)

to connect
making stuff

legs x2
Start with the color WHITE.
1-) 7 ch, nc,4 ch from 2nd ch, 3 ch one ch, 5 ch from the other side (14) 2-) (nd ch) *7 (21)

3-) (2 sc, none) *7 (28)

To bring the marker back, we make 2 extra single crochets, we bring the marker right to the
middle at the back. How many frequent needles are needed for this, adapt according to the
4-) BLO 28x (28)
5) 28 sc (28)
6) * change color to dark blue (code 590) - 10x
* change color whte-8sc
* change color dark blue(code 590) -10 sc
7) change color white 28x (28)
8) change red color(code 20)- 7dec,7dec,7dec (21)
9) change color white -8sc,3des,7s (18)
10)change blue color (code 94)- BLO (1 sc, 1 dec)*6 (12) 11-13)
12s (12)
14)c,nc,10c- (13)
15-17) 13in (13) (3 rounds)
18) 3inc,9in (14)
19) 14 sc(14)

20) 4 sc, none, 9 sc

(15) 21-22)15 sc (15)

make an extra 6 sc to bring the pointer back

23)change color white 15x
24)change blue color (code 94) 15x
2 extra sc to bring back the pointer
25)change color color (code 3400) BLO 15x (15)
26) 3x,reduce,3nc,reduce,5s (16)
27)16x (16)
28) 4x,row,row,3 minus,row,row,2nd (15)
29)3x,nc,7x,nc,3x (17)
30)17x (17)
31)4x,nc,8x,nc,3x (19)
32)19x (19)
33)5x,nc,9x,nc,3x (21)
right leg left leg
34) 18 sc 34) 21 sc and an extra 9 sc

cut the thread Do not cut. The assembly will continue from here, if
you wish, make the decorations at this stage.
Or if you prefer, once the hull is complete..
The numbers in the 34th row are adjusted to align the feet. It may vary according to its tightness.
node You may need to do extra sc.
Start with the color WHITE. 10th place to BLO;
start by leaving 5 sc from the front of the shoe (for tongue). The first row will be knitted
all around. (18) Then turn and make 13 frequent crochets. (see photo) Start crocheting
with white color and fix the yarn with the channel.
1) 18x , slst to the other side. (18) fix the thread here

and start
2)13x ,z and turn(13) decoration 2 5 sc empty n front

3) 13 sc close(13)
decoration 3
Start with the color WHITE.
We make the tongue n the front of the
shoe. Fix the thread as in the photo and
make 5 sc (5)

Start with the color red

(code 20). close 5ch
fx to the front of the shoe
fx on

right leg left leg


3 channels

9 sc
5) left leg 3 ch and right leg approx. 21x 3x(leg cleft) left leg approx 21 sc , x (leg cleft)

6-41) 48 sc (48)(6 rounds) 2)

(6sc, subtract)*6 (42)
3-44) 42 sc (42)(2 rounds) 5) (5 sc,
decrement)*6 (36)
6) 36 sc (36)

7) (4x,reduce)*6 (30)
8) 30 sc (30)

9) (3x,reduce)*6(24)
0-51) 24 sc (24)(2 rounds)


2) 5x , arms together 4x ,6x, arms together 4x ,5x (24)

3) 5x,4x(sleeve),6x,4x(sleeve),5sc (24 ) do enough
sc to align
arms back. algin
thumbs up.

54) (2x,reduce) *6(18)

55) (row ,decrease)*6 (12)

56) (row,decrease)*3 (9)

57-61) 9x (9) (5 rounds)
from the leg jonng row
gather the loops with the needle and fnsh
starting total
There are 17 rows.

arm jong
order. The body can
a little short and

look chubby
crochet go
front t's
designed this
To fix the head to the body, thread the thread as in the photo, remove the two ends from the top of the ball.
head and te.
HAIR Attention:

Skp 1 stitch skp crochet stitch

Episode 1
Start with the color brown (code 1809).
but we can't skip
1-6 sc MR (6)
explosion part
2- 6 n. (12)
3- (1 sc, none)x6 (18) 4-
we fix the last har wire to the beginning
(2 sc, none)x 6 (24) 5- (3
of the 1st rope
sc, none)x 6 (30) 6- (4
sc, none)x 6 (36) ) 7- (5
sc, none)x 6 (42)
After the 7th row of the mortar knitting, continue to crochet the har strips.

S-1: Ch 22, from third channel: 20 hdc, skp 1 stitch and slst next stitch in 7th round (20)

S-2: Ch 14, from third channel: 12 hdc, skp 1 stitch and slst next stitch in 7th round (12)

S-3,4,5,6,7,8: Ch 7, from second channel: 6x and 7th round slst next stitch (6) [6 threads](
attention: no skp stitches)

S9: Ch 14, from channel three: 12 hdc, skp 1 stitch and slst next stitch in 7th round (12)

S-10: Ch 22, from third channel: 20 hdc, skp 1 stitch and slst next stitch in 7th round (20)

S-11,13: Ch 45 from second ch 45: 24x, 20 hdc skp 1 stitch and 7th round slst next stitch (44) [3

S-14.22: Ch 20: 18 hdc, skp 1 stitch and slst next stitch (18) in 7th round [ 9 threads] from the third

S-23.25: From the second channel Ch 45: 24 sc, 20 hdc skp lap 7
(44) [3 arms]

Don't skip stitches

explosion part
Long hair
part 2 Start with brown(1809)
71 chain 2nd turn 70 sc crochet (6 crochet)

after pasting/sewing

long strands
Part 1 is all
to the bush,

make a bun at the back

twist 3 strands
twst and pn them
behind the ear.

part 2 long hair strands group

3 to 3
fx tn in the middle of the bun
you did it.
Start with 23 ch in blue (code
94), return from 2nd
1) (3x,nc)*2.6x ,(nc,3s)*2, ch and turn (26)
2) Make 26 sc and twist (26)
3) 4x, 6ch -4s skp,10sc,6ch-4s skp,4ch,ch and turn (30)
4)30 sc, z and turn (30)
5)(4s,nc)6 ,n and turn (36)
6) (3x,nc)9 ,ch and turn (45)
7) 45 sc and twist (45)
8) (4x ,nc)9 ,ch and turn (54)
9) 54x, zn and turn (54)
10) (sc,4dc,sc)9 button up (54) dress
baby and sew on back.

Start with the color Pnk (code 6494)

Join 30 chains to the other side, loop 1) -6) make two

30x (30)

7) join the two pieces 60 sc (60)

8) 60x (60)
9) (order, subtract)*20 (40)

10-18) Squeeze 40x (9 turns)

When the shorts are knitted with lilac, they are warm. Dressing the
baby can be a little difficult. Dress up. Curl the legs with tweezers.

Start with the color Pnk (code 6494)
100 ch, return from 2nd

Sew and close a 99 sc bow. Fx to Shorts

Come to an end

Thanks for knitting this pattern with me.

Hope to see you again soon.

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