Journey Into The Night

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Tenyaeva Anastasia ЯА-51

Tasks (1) and (2) – variant 1

1. Indicate equivalents of the phrase «бути у злому гуморі».

To be upset, to feel out of sorts, to be high-strung, to be down in the mouth,

feel rotten and blue, to be in low spirits, to sink into the dumps, to be cross, to
be a crosspatch.

2. From the list below pick out English equivalents (in brackets below) of the
Ukrainian phrase:

одержати щось за безцінь - to get smth. dead cheap;

це марнування часу - it's a waste of breath;
чіплятися до кого-небудь - to pick on smb;
занедужати чимсь - to be taken down ill;
погляд, що випробовує - a probing look;
величатися - to put on frills.

3. Choose two most characteristic words or phrases to tag Edmund Tyron.

Explain your choice.

Edmund Tyron is treated differently by the members of his family but

unlike the two other male figures, James Tyrone and Jamie, he is not
constantly criticized or humiliated.
At the end of the play Jamie calls him names, says rather nasty things but
it is being drunk that makes him be truthful with himself and call his brother
“Mama’s baby, Papa’s pet, White Hope of the family”, which I think pretty
much reflects their parents’ attitude towards their younger son. Mary is always
concerned about him, he is the baby she gave birth to after the death of her
second child, she was very vulnerable back then and feels some guilt for letting
him into this world and as for his father, he is definitely disappointed in how
his first-born turned out and puts all his hope in Edmund.
One more way of describing what he is with respect to himself and not to
how he is perceived by his brother would be a morbid poet. Even though
nobody actually calls him that we know that it is one of his major traits: self-
despair and misery are in his blood for he has a “dope fiend” for a mother and
a “stinking old miser” for a father.

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