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1) Name the man -made structures in china ?
2) Name the Philosophical thinkers who lived in ancient China?

K What I know W What I wonder L What I learned

We will learn about the life of Ancient China by examining the
engineering and metal technology of Ancient China, and the building
of the Grand canal.
MAUSOLEUM – A large tomb usually stone building.
TERRACOTTA – Normally used for sculpture made in earthenware.
DYNASTY – A line of hereditary rulers of a particular country.
ARCHAEOLOGICAL – The scientific study of material remains.
EVIDENCE – The available body of facts and information.
THE ANALECTS – Confucius was a teacher and Philosopher in ancient
China. His teaching were written down by his students and are
collected together in a work called the Analects.

TRIBUTORRIES – A river or a stream flowing into a larger river or lake.

Connected to UAE
China has been the source of many
innovations ,scientific discoveries and inventions. Even UAE utilizes
many of these inventions made by the Chinese.
Questions and Answers
1.Why the Grand Canal is known as longest artificial river in the
World ?
As the canal was purposefully built and then
extended to meet the needs of those times. It was deliberately
connected to the two major rivers of China. Hence it is rightly called
as an artificial river.
2.Why do you think that in later centuries , during the Ming dynasty ,
the Grand Canal was extended to Beijing ?
The Ming dynasty rebuilt much of the canal
in the early 1400s.They made the canal deeper built new canal
blocks and to construct reservoirs to regulate the water in the
canal .The main purpose of the canal is to continued to be the
transport of grain to Beijing.
3.Write a short note about the Confucius?
Confucius was a teacher and a Philosopher of
ancient China. He was traditionally considered as the Paragon of
Chinese sages .Confucius teaching and Philosophy underpin East
Asian culture and society ,remaining influential across China and
East Asia.
Exit ticket questions.
1.What does the bell show about the development of metalworking
in ancient China ?
2.How the civilization helps the development of ancient china ?

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