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Annex A

2022 LGU Health Scorecard Metadata

Office National LGU TARGET
Formula/ Official
Responsible Indicator Definition Baseline
Means of Verification Muni, CC HUC, ICC Prov. Data Source
OBJECTIVE 1: ENSURE EQUITABLE HEALTH FINANCING: Sustainable investments to improve health, and the efficient and equitable use of resources
Bureau of Local Indicator 1. Percentage of Refers to the proportion of Numerator: Total LGU budget Province/ For data collection Budget/
Health Systems LGU budget allocated for LGU budget (Personnel allocated to health, nutrition & HUC/ICC: Accounting
Development health Services, Maintenance & environment 24.24% Office
(BLHSD) Other Operating Expense Muni/CC:
(MOOE), and Capital Outlay) Denominator: Total LGU budget 14.75%
earmarked to health including
budget attributable to health Multiplier: 100 (LGU HSC,
(e.g. nutrition & 2019)
environment) expressed in

*Budget that can be attributed

to health are those used for
activities which main purpose
is to improve health (e.g.
feeding programs)

Bureau of Local Indicator 2. With complete The Province/HUC/ICC- MOV: LGUs have With With With CHD
Health Systems Local Investment Plan for wide LIPH and Annual PROVINCE/HUC/ICC approved Mun/CC 2023-2025 2023-2025 LHSD,
Development Health (LIPH) Operational Plan (AOP): 1. Copy of the complete final 2023-2025 2023-2025 LIPH and LIPH and PHO
(BLHSD)  contains ALL parts as version of the LIPH and LIPH and 2023 AOP 2023 AOP
prescribed in the Province/HUC/ICC-wide 2023 AOP 2023 AOP concurred concurred
LIPH/AOP Content 2023-2025 LIPH and 2023 endorsed by (signed) (signed)
Outline (Executive AOP the by the CHD by the CHD
Summary, Narrative, 2. Accomplished LIPH appraisal Mun/CC Director/ Director/
ALL Cost Matrices, checklist concurred (signed) Health MOH- MOH-
and Annexes, as by CHD Director/MOH- Office BARMM BARMM
applicable) BARMM Minister or and/or Minister or Minister or
 has been concurred by designated representative on Mayor to designated designated
the CHD or before December 15, 2022 the PHO on representati representati
or before ve ve
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Office National LGU TARGET
Formula/ Official
Responsible Indicator Definition Baseline
Means of Verification Muni, CC HUC, ICC Prov. Data Source
Director/MOH- MUNICIPALITIES/ December on or before on or before
BARMM Minister or COMPONENT CITIES 31, 2022 December December
designated 1. Mun/CC 2023-2025 LIPH and 15, 2022 15, 2022
representative. 2023 AOP
2. Endorsement by the Mun/CC
The Municipal/ Health Officer/Mayor to the
Component Cities PHO on or before December
(Mun/CC) LIPH and 31, 2022
 has been endorsed by
the Mun/CC Health
Officer/ Mayor to the

*Relevant plans for

 2023-2025 LIPH and
2023 AOP
Bureau of Local Indicator 3. Provision of The salary of the Physician, MOV: copy of Statement of Province: LGU provides hazard pay, subsistence, and Budget/
Health Systems FULL hazard pay, Public Health Nurse & Allotment, Obligation and Balances 54.32% laundry allowances to its health workers Accounting
Development subsistence and laundry Midwife complied with the (SAOB) (Physician, Public Health Nurse & Midwife) Office
(BLHSD) allowances to permanent Salary Standardization Law, HUC/ICC: in accordance with RA 7305 (Magna Carta of
public health workers and benefits are fully given 71.05% Public Health Workers)
(Physician, Public Health to ALL the permanent LGU-
Nurse & Midwife) in hired health workers: Muni/CC:
accordance with RA 7305 1. Hazard Allowance 55.89%
(Magna Carta for Public 2. Laundry Allowance (LGU HSC,
Health Workers) 3. Subsistence Allowance 2019, % of
LGUs that
(Republic Act No. 7305 provided full
“The Magna Carta of Public Magna Carta
Health Workers”) benefits)

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Office National LGU TARGET
Formula/ Official
Responsible Indicator Definition Baseline
Means of Verification Muni, CC HUC, ICC Prov. Data Source

Accessible essential health services for all the right place and time
Bureau of Local Indicator 4. Functional Refers to the extent wherein 1. EO on LHB organization. This To be For baseline collection Local Health
Health Systems Local Health Board the Local Health Board shall contain the following, determined Board
Development (LHB) is able to meet the among others:
(BLHSD) minimum required members  Members of the LHB in
(compliant with RA 7160 compliance with RA 7160, RA
and 11223) including civil 11223 and DILG MC 2022-
society organization (CSO) 083;
representative (compliant  Functions and operations (e.g.
with DILG M.C. 2022-083). schedule of meetings)
The LHB shall be also able  Sources of funds
to perform its mandated  Committees created, as
functions as follows: applicable
a. Deliberate and 2. Received copy of LHB
recommend to the resolution to the Sanggunian
Sanggunian the annual proposing the annual health
budget on health budget with evidence on the
responsive to the needs prioritization of LGU needs
of the LGU 3. LHB resolution to the
b. Recommend the Sanggunian recommending
development/ updating ordinance/ resolution on matters
of local health policy/ies pertaining to health
with the aim to  At least 4 resolutions
strengthen health received by the SB
systems management  With proof of meetings of
and service delivery as committees and consultation
aligned with UHC with community/ CSO
c. Create committees and representatives outside the
engage/ involve regular members of LHB
community/ private

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Office National LGU TARGET
Formula/ Official
Responsible Indicator Definition Baseline
Means of Verification Muni, CC HUC, ICC Prov. Data Source
sector representatives in
selected LHB activities


Accessible essential health services for all at the right place and time
Health Facility Indicator 5. Rural Health Refers to the number of Provinces: 1 RHU/HC for At least 1 At least 1 At least 25% LGU Health
Development Unit (RHU)/ Health Center RHU/HC for every 20,000 every 31,385 RHU/HC for RHU/HC for of Office/
Bureau (HC) to population ratio Population Numerator: Number of population every 20,000 every 20,000 municipalitie FHSIS for
municipalities/component cities with (LGU HSC, population population s/ component the number
Municipal Health Center/City at least 1 RHU/HC for every 20,000 2019) cities with of RHU/HC
Health Center/Rural Health population or below adequate
Unit – types of primary care RHU/HC to EB for 2022
facilities that provide Denominator: Provinces: population projected
population-based and Total number of 23.62% ratio population
individual-based primary municipalities/component cities in Provinces with
care health services that are the province adequate
accessible at the time of need, RHU/HC to
continuous, comprehensive, Multiplier: 100 population
and coordinated for all ratio
presenting conditions. It
serves as the initial point of
contact of the community to a HUC/ICC/Municipality/CC:
health facility through its
ability to navigate and Numerator: 2022 Projected
coordinate referrals to other Population of the LGU
health care providers and
facilities within the health Denominator: Total Number of
care provider network, when RHU/HC in the LGU
necessary (Source: HFDB).

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Office Formula/ National LGU TARGET Official
Indicator Definition
Responsible Means of Verification Baseline (Year) Muni, CC HUC, ICC Prov Data Source
Health Indicator 6. Percentage of Refers to the number of local Numerator: Number of priority To be determined For Baseline Data Collection SB Office/
Promotion national health policies health policies (i.e. health policies adapted as local Office of the
Bureau (HPB) localized by the LGUs ordinances or executive policies (i.e. ordinance or executive LCE
orders) issued by the LGUs order)
among the total number of
national health policies Denominator: Total number of
identified by the DOH priority health policies (8)
through A.O. No. 2021-0063
or “Health Promotion Multiplier: 100
Framework Strategy 2030” as
needing local policies/ Means of Verification: Copy of local
ordinances adaptation, ordinance
expressed in percentage.

Implementation of the
following policies:
1. Implementation of RA
11148 (Kalusugan at
Nutrisyon ng Mag-Nanay
2. Implementation of PD
No. 1569 (BNS Law;
Strengthening the
Barangay Nutrition
3. Tobacco and vape control
- R.A. No. 9211 (Tobacco
Regulation Act)
- E.O. No. 26 s. 2016
(Establishment of smoke-
free environments in public
and enclosed places)

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Office Formula/ National LGU TARGET Official
Indicator Definition
Responsible Means of Verification Baseline (Year) Muni, CC HUC, ICC Prov Data Source
- E.O. No. 106 s. 2020
(Prohibiting the
manufacture, distrib.,
marketing, and sale of
unregistered ENDS/
ENNDS/ HTPs, and novel
tobacco products)
4. Restricted access of
minors to alcoholic
- R.A. No. 1619 (Penalizing
the Sale of Volatile
Substances to Minors)
- FDA Circular No. 2019-
006 (Guidelines in
Commercial Display,
Selling, Promotion and
Advertising of Alcohol)
5. Hygiene and sanitation
- P.D. No. 856 (Sanitation
Code of the Philippines)
- DOH A.O. 2019-0054
(Guidelines on the
Implementation of the
Philippine Approach to
Sustainable Sanitation)
6. Localization of the R.A.
No. 11036 (Mental
Health Law)
7. Gender-based violence,
violence against women,
and violence against
- R.A. No. 9262 (Anti
- RA No. 7877 (Anti-Sexual
Harassment Act)

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Office Formula/ National LGU TARGET Official
Indicator Definition
Responsible Means of Verification Baseline (Year) Muni, CC HUC, ICC Prov Data Source
- R.A. No. 11313 (Safe
Spaces Act)
- R.A. No. 7610 (Special
Protection of Children
Against Abuse,
Exploitation and
- DOH A.O. 1-B s. 1997/
2013-0011 (Guidelines for
Establishment of WCPUs)
8. Empowering Barangay
Health Workers
- R.A. No. 7883 (BHWs’
Benefits and Incentives
Act of 1995)
Bureau of Local Indicator 7. Percentage of Refers to the proportion of
Health Systems LGU health budget utilized budget allocated for health
Development that was actually utilized for
(BLHSD) health, expressed in
7.1. Obligation Rate refers to Numerator: Total health budget 83.71% 95% 95% 95% Budget/
the proportion of the budget obligated (LGU HSC, Accounting
that was earmarked/ 2019) Office
committed out of the total Denominator: Total LGU budget
budget allocated for health, allocated for health
expressed in percentage
Multiplier: 100
 Budget Allocated to
Health used to compute
for this indicator
includes budget that was
apportioned specifically
to health (excludes
budget attributions
mentioned in Indicator 1)

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Office Formula/ National LGU TARGET Official
Indicator Definition
Responsible Means of Verification Baseline (Year) Muni, CC HUC, ICC Prov Data Source
 Obligations are
liabilities legally
incurred and committed
to be paid for by the
government either
immediately or in the
future (DBM)
Report the obligation rate as
of December 31, 2022.
7.2. Disbursement Rate Numerator: Total health budget 95.11% 100% Budget/
refers to the proportion of the disbursed (LGU HSC, Accounting
budget that was spent out of 2019) Office
the total budget obligated for Denominator: Total LGU budget
health, expressed in obligated for health
Multiplier: 100
● Disbursements refer to the
actual withdrawal of cash
from the Bureau of the
Treasury due to the
encashment of checks
issued by agencies and
payment of budgetary
obligations (DBM)
● Report the disbursement
rate as of December 31,
Indicator 8. Health Service Coverage target met
Disease Indicator 8.1. Adolescent Refers to the number of Numerator: Total number of live 57/1,000 37/1,000 37/1,000 37/1,000 FHSIS
Prevention and Birth Rate births to adolescent women births to adolescent women aged 15– (NDHS, 2017)
Control aged 15–19 years per 1000 19 years old
Bureau females in the same age
(DPCB) group Denominator: Total population X
LGU multiplier (women 15- 19 years
Births should be reported by old)
place of occurrence
Multiplier: 1000

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Office Formula/ National LGU TARGET Official
Indicator Definition
Responsible Means of Verification Baseline (Year) Muni, CC HUC, ICC Prov Data Source
Disease Indicator 8.2. Percentage of Refers to the number of Numerator: No. of Fully 69.08% 95% 95% 95% FHSIS
Prevention and Fully Immunized Child infants and children in the Immunized Children (FHSIS, 2019)
Control population, expressed in
Bureau percentage Denominator: Total Population x
(DPCB) LGU multiplier (population 12
FIC is defined as a child who months and below)
completed their 1 dose of
BCG, 3 doses of pentavalent Multiplier: 100
vaccine (DPT-HepB-Hib), 3
doses of OPV, and 2 doses of
MMR on or before 1 year of
age. 2nd dose of MCV to be
given at 12 months old
Disease Indicator 8.3. Percentage of Refers to the number of Numerator: Number of adults (20 2.63% 8% 8% 8% FHSIS
Prevention and adults 20 years old and adults, 20 years old and above years old and above) who were risk (2019 FHSIS)
Control above who were risk who were risk assessed using assessed using PhilPEN
Bureau assessed using the PhilPEN the Philippine Package of
(DPCB) protocol Essential NCD Interventions Denominator: Total population X
(PhilPEN) protocol among LGU multiplier (adults age 20 years
the total number of adults 20 old and above)
years old and above in the
total population expressed in Multiplier: 100
Disease Indicator 8.4. TB Case Number of notified TB, all Numerator: Total number of 378.79 for every 10% 10% increase 10% Officially
Prevention and Notification Rate forms for every 100,000 notified TB cases, all forms 100,000 increase from 2021 increase released IT
Control population population from 2021 LGU from 2021 IS Report by
Bureau Denominator: Total Population of (2019 LGU HSC LGU Accomplish LGU the national
(DPCB) Notified TB, all forms: the LGU Annual Report) Accomplis ment Accomplis program
include new and relapse hment hment
(whether bacteriologically Multiplier: 100,000
confirmed or clinically
diagnosed) who were
detected, registered, and
reported to the MNTPs

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Office Formula/ National LGU TARGET Official
Indicator Definition
Responsible Means of Verification Baseline (Year) Muni, CC HUC, ICC Prov Data Source
Disease Indicator 8.5. TB Treatment Refers to the percentage of Numerator: Number of TB, all 90% 90% or 90% or 90% or LGU TB
Prevention and Success Rate TB, all forms that are forms that are cured and completely higher higher higher Case
Control successfully treated treated Outcome
Bureau Report in
(DPCB) Denominator: Total number of TB, ITIS
all forms registered during a
specified period

Multiplier: 100%
Health Indicator 8.6. Percentage of Refers to the proportion of Numerator: Number of households 39.18% 62.5% 62.5% 62.5% FHSIS
Promotion households using safely households using improved using safely managed drinking-water (FHSIS,
Bureau (HPB) managed drinking-water water sources/services (Level services 2019)
services/sources I, Level II, or Level III),
meeting the required criteria Denominator: Projected number of
among the total projected households for the given year
number of households for the
given year expressed in Multiplier: 100
Criteria for safely-
managed drinking-water
1. located inside the
household or within its
2. available at least 12
hours per day; and
3. water supplied
should be free of fecal
National Indicator 8.7. Prevalence of Prevalence of stunting refers To compute for the coverage: 29.5% a) OPT a) OPT Plus a) OPT 2022 OPT
Nutrition Stunting among children to the proportion of children (2018-2019 Plus Coverage: Plus Plus Result
Council (NNC) under 5 years old (0-59 under five years of age whose Numerator: Number of stunted ENNS) Coverage: 60- 110%; Coverage: (NNC)
months old) length/height-for-age is from children under 5 years old (0-59 60- 110%; and 60- 110%;
<-2SD to <-3SD (severe months) identified as stunted and and b) Stunting and
stunting) from the median of severely stunted in the Barangay/ b) Stunting Prevalence b) Stunting
WHO Child Growth Municipality/ City/ Province (LGU) Prevalence based on Prevalence
Standards based on OPT Plus based on

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Office Formula/ National LGU TARGET Official
Indicator Definition
Responsible Means of Verification Baseline (Year) Muni, CC HUC, ICC Prov Data Source
Denominator: Estimated Total OPT Plus Results OPT Plus
Number of children under 5 years old Results within WHO Results
(0-59 months) within Medium within
WHO Level of WHO
(Source: DOH Projected Population Medium Public Medium
for children aged 0-59 months in Level of Health Level of
LGU (Population Projections by Public Significance Public
Regions, Province, City, Health (10 to Health
Municipalities, Barangay from 2020- Significanc <20%) or Significanc
2025) e (10 to better e (10 to
<20%) or <20%) or
Multiplier: 100 better better

Note: OPT Note: OPT Note: OPT

To compute for prevalence of Coverage Coverage Coverage
stunting rate: will be will be will be
reviewed in reviewed in reviewed in
Numerator: Number of stunted the the the
children under-5 years old (0-59 succeeding succeeding succeeding
months) identified as stunted and years years (2023- years
severely stunted (2023- 2027) (2023-
2027) subject to the 2027)
Denominator: Total number of subject to improvement subject to
children under 5 years old measured the s in OPT the
improveme Coverage improveme
Multiplier: 100 nts in OPT until it nts in OPT
Coverage reaches the Coverage
Means of Verification: until it 80-110% until it
Consolidated Barangay OPT Plus reaches the level reaches the
Results from the City/Municipalities 80-110% 80-110%
(OPT Plus Form 2A), signed and level level
with received stamp from Province
for municipal and cities data
submission and from NNC RO for
the province and HUC/ ICC

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Office Formula/ National LGU TARGET Official
Indicator Definition
Responsible Means of Verification Baseline (Year) Muni, CC HUC, ICC Prov Data Source
Pharmaceutical Indicator 9. Percentage of No Stock-out means that the Numerator: Number of recipient 59.84% For data For data For data CHD-
Division (PD) facilities (e.g., RHU, MHC, facility (e.g. RHU, MHC, public health facilities (e.g., RHU, (LGU HSC, collection collection collection Pharmaceuti
HC) with no stock out of the HC) has at no time reached MHC, HC) within the LGU with no 2019) cal Division/
following commodities: (1) (0) stock of the tracer report of stock-outs of any of the Supply
Family Planning Pill (COC); commodities based on their specified tracer commodities Chain
(2) DPT-HiB-HepB vaccine; average monthly Management
(3) Losartan; (4) Metformin; consumption at any point Denominator: Total number of Office
(5) Regimen I TB Drugs during the reporting year recipient public health facilities
within the same LGU

Multiplier: 100
Epidemiology Indicator 10. With Refers to the presence of the MOV for the ESU components Province: Presence of Presence of Presence of Local Health
Bureau (EB) Functional Epidemiology five (5) ESU components 1.Policy/Issuance- refers to an 50.62% 5/5 ESU 5/5 ESU 5/5 ESU Office, CHD
Surveillance Unit (ESU) 1. Policy/Issuance ordinance or an executive order components components components RESU
2. Dedicated Staff and creating the Epidemiology and HUC/ICC:
Training Surveillance Unit. 26.32%
3. Distinct Organogram 2.Dedicated Staff and Training- ESU
4. Dedicated budget/work and shall have at least one (1) disease Muni/CC:
financial plan surveillance officer duly trained on 21.30%
5. Processes and generates applied/field epidemiology,
epidemiologic reports surveillance, and response, and one
(1) epidemiology assistant of allied (LGU HSC, 2019,
health profession % of LGUs with
3.Distinct Organogram- To 6/6 ESU
illustrate the reporting relationships components)
and chains of command within the
Unit for an organized organization.
4.Dedicated budget/work and
financial plan- Annual Work and
Financial Plan with Allotment from
the local budget.
5.Processes and generates
epidemiologic reports- includes
Disease and Event Surveillance
report submitted in the prescribed
timeline and released at least on a

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Office Formula/ National LGU TARGET Official
Indicator Definition
Responsible Means of Verification Baseline (Year) Muni, CC HUC, ICC Prov Data Source
monthly basis to the Local Health
HEMB Indicator 11. With Refers to the presence of the MOVs for the DRRM-H Province: Presence of Presence of Presence of CHD
institutionalized Disaster four (4) components of an Components 46.91% 4/4 DRRM- 4/4 DRRM-H 4/4 DRRM- Emergency
Risk Reduction and institutionalized DRRM-H H components H Management
Management in Health System: 1. Approved, updated, integrated, HUC/ICC: components components Unit
(DRRM-H) System 1. DRRM-H Plan disseminated, and tested DRRM- 47.37%
2. Health Emergency H Plan
Response Teams 2. Organized and trained Health Muni/CC:
3. Health Emergency Emergency Response Team on 45.18%
Commodities the minimum required trainings:
4. Health Operations Center Basic Life Support and Standard
or Emergency Operations First Aid (LGU HSC, 2019,
Center 3. Available and accessible (24 hrs % of LGUs with
post impact of emergency or 4/4 DRMM-H
disaster) essential health components)
emergency commodities e.g.
medicines such as
cotrimoxazole, amoxicillin,
mefenamic acid, paracetamol,
oresol, lagundi, vitamin A and
skin ointment
4. Health/Emergency Operations
Center with functional (1)
Command and Control, (2)
Coordination, (3) and

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