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Crafting a thesis, particularly in the domain of nursing ethics, is undeniably challenging.

It demands
meticulous research, critical analysis, and coherent articulation of ideas to meet the academic
standards and contribute meaningfully to the field. The process entails navigating through a vast
array of literature, synthesizing diverse viewpoints, and formulating original insights that add value
to the existing body of knowledge.

From defining the research question to conducting comprehensive literature reviews, from designing
rigorous methodologies to interpreting complex data, every stage of thesis writing demands
unwavering attention to detail and intellectual rigor. Moreover, the interdisciplinary nature of nursing
ethics necessitates a nuanced understanding of not only ethical theories and principles but also their
application within healthcare contexts.

Amidst the rigorous academic requirements and the pressure to produce original contributions, many
students find themselves grappling with the complexities of thesis writing. The task can be
overwhelming, especially when balancing academic commitments with other responsibilities.

In such circumstances, seeking professional assistance can be a prudent decision. ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution for students undertaking research in nursing ethics.
With a team of experienced writers well-versed in the intricacies of academic writing and ethical
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specific needs of each client.

Whether you require assistance in refining your research question, structuring your thesis, conducting
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In conclusion, writing a thesis in nursing ethics is a formidable task that demands dedication,
expertise, and scholarly rigor. With the support of ⇒ ⇔, however, this daunting
endeavor can become a manageable and rewarding journey towards academic success.
Therefore, the nurse must ask herself a second question about how muchharm should be tolerated.
The aspect of widening scope of concerns addressed by health care ethics committees is a new
consideration. When Nightingale entered nursing, there were no formal ethical standards, but she
embodied and advocated for the need of high ethical standards herself. Historically, benefits of
computers for health care were recognized early in the 20th century, practically application of
computers to health care did not became possible until 1950s, when informatics took off in the
States. Avoid making any statements that may be consideredpersonal. Beneficence This principle
insinuates the duty to uphold good and avoid harm. Two recent Acts of Congress under the
management of. For example, visual attention, sound-related attention, rotating. The idea of right to
life has comefrom both religious and philosophical backgrounds. These rights are: theright to life,
autonomy, and health care. The research focuses on the ethical aspect of withholding or withdrawing
treatment. But no one can really tell us what exactly to do or which way to go. The main ethical
duties are: nonmaleficence,beneficence, fidelity, veracity, and justice. Every exploration for the
“good” has to take place through dialogue and exchange of ideas of all involved parties. When
disclosing personal or family information to health professions, patients have trust that such
information will be kept secret. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Many hot
topics in ethicsrelate to the right to life. The biggest achievement of healthcare informatics in relation
to nursing was the development of nursing information systems. This made it possible for physicians
to enhance the quality of care through accumulation of medical facts about patients. That is why the
U.S. Department of Health enforces the plan to ensure extensive application of electronic records in
health care by 2014. To enable this to become a reality, the ethical considerations that are put in place
should be those that the society can withstand. In doing so, a realization on the actions which need
to be taken to address the problem is. Many of these conflicts can be avoided by clarifying who
makes the difficult decisions to limit care and by advance care planning. Thisdefense may be used
when a nurse commits a negligent act under the direct supervisionof someone else (i.e. assisting in a
procedure at the emergency department). Butts, B.J. (2007). Ethics in professional nursing practice.
Again, avoid making any personal statementsand consider any possible causative factors. Errors that
include having a doctor tear tissue and arteries that weren’t supposed to be part of the operation have
been highly debated on to. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. When a nurse gives
an injection she is causing the patient pain butshe is also preventing additional harm such as disease
development or prolongedpain. When incompetency limits the patient ability to make a choice, then
nurses are justified whenever they use paternalism. Increasingly, clinicians and healthcare institutions
have come to acknowledge that how an organization makes decisions directly affects the quality it
It is important to know what types of dilemmas nurses may faceduring their careers and how they
may have been dealt with in the past. Therefore, new ethical perspectives must be found by looking
at the future, as well as reflecting back on the antique ethical thoughts. Therefore, the nurse must ask
herself a second question about how muchharm should be tolerated. The other Ethical Issue under
scrutiny here is in regard to loyalty versus integrity. For example, when a nursemakes a medication
error and does not report it. It may also stem from disagreements with physicians, patient families
and nurses themselves engaging in things that are ethically unacceptable such as covering a patient
error made by a close colleague (Kathleen, 2009). The Moral And Ethical Principles Of Respect
Nursing Essay. Carel, J. (2010) The ethics of electronic health records. The author states that
abortion is a right, and all rights are utter so cannot be “balanced” away. Nurses are the primary
caregivers to patients as they struggle to make difficult decisions, either in advance of serious illness
or at the end of life, and to family members coping with impending loss. When health nurse exercise
therapeutic privilege, they found their opinion on the facts collected from the records of the patients
and their contacts with the patients, family members and other healthcare experts. Within these
changes and owing to the development of the microcomputer, the U.S. Veterans Administration
actively used MUMPS to create patients’ personal health records. During treatment the nurse is
obliged to giving the patient enough information on consequences, side effects and overall cost of
the treatment. According to Layman (2008) the use of the system creates certain ethical conflicts.
On their web page,the ANA has a section called “Capitol Watch” which discusses current issuesof
importance and how to contact your government representatives. A pharmacist works collaboratively
with other health experts to optimize the health outcomes of ethics in pharmacy and nursing of
Ethics Discussion Worksheet (Individual) What are the key principles or concepts of each code of
ethics. It gives direction and an orderly way to research in the nursing field. For instance, in NYS,an
RN would not delegate the responsibility of assessing a patient to an LPNbecause RNs are the only
ones that may legally make an initial assessment. Besides, they get involved in reading what other
people write in response to their writings. This allowed nurses greater autonomy but also increased
the riskof them being held liable for mistakes. The main ethical duties are:
nonmaleficence,beneficence, fidelity, veracity, and justice. It also focuses on ethical considerations of
the use of informatics in nursing and health care. Introduction to qualitative research by Elmusharaf
1. In view of the above highlighted ethical responsibilities, I concur with student J that nurses have
an enormous responsibility in delivering nursing care to patients safely and without prejudice or
passing judgment. Introduction to qualitative research by Elmusharaf 1. This has resulted in better
patient care and higher patient survival rates. Nurses are left with a complex choice to make,
particularly when a patient wishes to discern the full truth and disclose only part of the truth, or none
of it to the patient. Future nurses improve their reading, writing, and communication skills through
blogs writing, participation in discussions, and writing journal entries. The American Nurses
Association (ANA) Code of Ethics is of course one such code. At times, a nurse may be forced to
reveal to the spouse of a patient concerning a diseases that is communicable.
Owing to these developments, nursing informatics was founded as a specialty. Making ethical places
for discourse within healthcare organizations is vital in order to offer prospects for reflection and
conversation about fortification of all in the health care society and to make sure and enhanced
patient care. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you. One of the professionalcompetencies for nursing states that nurses should ”
integrate knowledge ofethical and legal aspects of health care and professional values into
nursingpractice”. Essay finder - use our search engine to find examples of essays on every topic. The
Moral And Ethical Principles Of Respect Nursing Essay. Ethical considerations: We have tried to be
fair and respectful to the authors discussed and take a neutral stance towards the findings portrayed.
This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
The most obvious way to be involvedis to conduct your own nursing research. This necessitates also,
a good understanding of ethics and for this, the concept must be clear.As we shall see, the American
Nurses Association (ANA) and the International Council of Nurses (ICN) have devised nursing
codes of ethics. Many times, an ethical decision may be made that holds to one ofthe guidelines but
may infringe on another or the action may be ethical butnot legal (or vice versa). However, this right
goesfar beyond the boundaries of abortion. The doctrines of the right and the good usually vary with
each other in circumstances where “ethically confounding healthcare decisions have to be made”.
Potential ethical inquiries that ethics committees unravel are whether program examination and
monitoring of patient outcomes can ethically serve as the basis for making decisions with regards to
allocating resources to clients. This involves being truthful in informing the patients in concern to
their health needs and this therefore enables them to make a choice and increase their decision
making. The extent to which nurses are involved in ethical issues in the workplace, how efficiently
they have been able to deal with them, and the degree to which their formal education has prepared
them to deal effectively with ethical and human rights issues encountered during the course of their
work still remains a sensitive subject. Informatics nurses are those RNs who accomplish some
continuing education course or complete an on-the-job training. These days it utilizes the CPRS
program (abbreviation for Computerized Patient Record System). St Louis: C.V.Mosby. Curtis.J., B.
(2007). Ethics in nursing. United states UK: blackwell publishers ltd. Walton, B. N. (2009). Ethics
and issues in contemporary Nursing. The consideration of ethical issues is a vital element of
providing care within the therapeutic nurse- client connection. Also, a nursehas the ethical obligation
to never stop learning. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Throughout the 1970s
the potential of informatics for improving data storage and overall quality of patient care was
realized (Conrick, 2006, p.12). The cost-saving benefit of using computers in financial and
management areas of health care was stated. This may be explained by the fact these people are
afraid the potential employer will reject them after he sees their heath record (Carel, 2010). For
instance, a nurse faced with an ethical dilemmainvolving resuscitation will find no mention of
resuscitation in the Code ofEthics. Computers have greatly altered the way we do various things.
Since they are involved with basic human events of life’s processes, they face the numerous ethical
and moral issues surrounding these events (Kathleen, 2009). Dr. Vinod Kumar Kanvaria
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CONNECTED DISCOURSE MYDA ANGELICA SUAN 50 D. Early computers were mostly used
for office purposes as large calculating machines. Ethical considerations related its use in terms of
data security, confidentiality, and privacy are the subject of concern by both medical practitioners
and patients.
Ethics in nursing affects all areas of health profession which include direct care of patients,
allocation of resources and finances and staff utilization. The legal and ethical issues are significant
in this era of increased campaign to improve the overall quality of healthcare. Nurses at all levels and
areas of practice experience and encounter a vast range of ethical issues in their execution of day to
day tasks. After carefully examining the case details and thoroughly reviewing the relevant
legislation, I have prepared a memorandum summarizing my findings. The reason is that neither
action is readily justifiable as good, or the goodness of the actions is uncertain. If the nurse has
strong ethical viewsof her own, she may ask for a reassignment. Those in favor of information
disclosure state that itis part of the patient’s rights to know what is happening and that patientswith
potentially fatal illnesses are capable of handling the truth. Ozbolt, J., Nahm, E., and Wilson, M.
(2003) How about a career in nursing informatics? You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. I understand that, doing the job beyond their legal limitations was hard for them. The
ethical Dilemma of Using Restraints in Treatment Facilities A patient receiving mental care behaves
unpredictably. The ethics are complicated in this case, though because of the concept of client
confidentiality and what it means to healthcare workers. Nurses need to first cross examine their
values systems in order to determine best approach and procedures to use when dealing with a
patient with different values. The idea of right to life has comefrom both religious and philosophical
backgrounds. To uphold the principle of autonomy, the nurse should accept the patients’ choice even
in situations where he feels that’s the decisions made are not in patients’ best interest. Introduction
ETHICS IN NURSING A nurse should provide care that respect human right and is sensitive to the
values, customs and beliefs of all people (S. Every exploration for the “good” has to take place
through dialogue and exchange of ideas of all involved parties. American Nursing Association
(ANA)Code of EthicsIn 1985, the ANA established a Code of Ethics for nurses thatcontains eleven
points. The Moral And Ethical Principles Of Respect Nursing Essay. Healthcare informatics has a
range of benefits for the nursing practice and education. It is acknowledged that qualitative health
research often generates ethical dilemmas, and these are not easily solved by application of codes of
practice (Cormack, 2000, 23-46). In 1996, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
was signed to prevent providers from sharing clinical information with other bodies without customer
concern. The questionbeing asked today is shall we take what health care resources we have and
spreadit very thin but so that everyone has equal access of care, or shall we takewhat resources we
have any distribute them in such a way that we will do themost good to for the overall population.
Introduction In my essay on academic freedom in the USA, I argued that the legal concept of
academic freedom in the USA was mostly an illusion. On their web page,the ANA has a section
called “Capitol Watch” which discusses current issuesof importance and how to contact your
government representatives. The aspect of widening scope of concerns addressed by health care
ethics committees is a new consideration. This means exploring the possibility of enriching medical
education with care-ethical insights, while at the same time discovering possible challenges emerging
from such an undertaking. Throughout the 1970s the potential of informatics for improving data
storage and overall quality of patient care was realized (Conrick, 2006, p.12). The cost-saving benefit
of using computers in financial and management areas of health care was stated. It gives direction
and an orderly way to research in the nursing field.
Nurses have special duties to consider all information given by clients as secret irrespective of the
information obtained. Understanding of these ethical principles enables a nurse to make appropriate
decisions in line of duty, given that in their daily work they deal with issues of moral and ethical
nature (Beucham, 2008). A pharmacist works collaboratively with other health experts to optimize
the health outcomes of ethics in pharmacy and nursing of Ethics Discussion Worksheet (Individual)
What are the key principles or concepts of each code of ethics. Through this principle a nurse is able
to evaluate whether the treatment given will lead to more harm or whether it will help the patient. It
is believed that the stage for further developments of health care informatics was set by Robert
Ledley, an inventor of the body CT scanner, who used informatics in his dental projects carried out
in collaboration with the National Bureau of Standards. It examines the ethical competence in
nursing profession. The treatment offered should not cause excessive pain, should not be expensive
and should be convenient. Malpractice in the medical field is the improper, illegal, or negligent
professional activity or treatment by a medical practitioner. You can download the paper by clicking
the button above. Comprehension and communication of clients’ values and beliefs, and their own
aids nurses acknowledge ethical situations and work through them whenever they happen. The
biggest achievement of healthcare informatics in relation to nursing was the development of nursing
information systems. This made it possible for physicians to enhance the quality of care through
accumulation of medical facts about patients. For instance, in NYS,an RN would not delegate the
responsibility of assessing a patient to an LPNbecause RNs are the only ones that may legally make
an initial assessment. Professional and practicing clinicians and nurses obtain the highest level of
nursing study and learn advanced clinical skills with a Doctor of Nursing Practice. Therefore, new
ethical perspectives must be found by looking at the future, as well as reflecting back on the antique
ethical thoughts. The field of nursing keepsdeveloping with the technology. The nurse should begin
by gathering all the facts. Since they are involved with basic human events of life’s processes, they
face the numerous ethical and moral issues surrounding these events (Kathleen, 2009). Therefore, the
controller should show enough guts to handle the issue ethically. The extent to which nurses are
involved in ethical issues in the workplace, how efficiently they have been able to deal with them,
and the degree to which their formal education has prepared them to deal effectively with ethical
and human rights issues encountered during the course of their work still remains a sensitive subject.
Nurses usually encounter ethical situations in their everyday practice. At times, a nurse may be
forced to reveal to the spouse of a patient concerning a diseases that is communicable. Understanding
the ethical and legal framework in which such decisions are made can also transform what appear to
be problematic questions into straightforward answers. Nursing ethics impacts on healthcare
professionals through moral suffering. Discussion and conclusion: In order to overcome these
challenges, we must not underestimate the possible resistance to a paradigm shift. The practice of
nursing in the US is defined under the Model nursing practice Act of 2004. Due to the new and
competing scientific and economic essentials, the doctor-patient relationship no longer controls the
clinical dynamic; administrators and managers formulate and implement strategies that limit the
available options and the ability of doctors and patients to make choices about them. This is 100%
legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Thus, the
specificities of the field created the circumstances in which all ethical debates regarding this practice
are accompanied by empirical arguments, derived mostly from studies investigating its psychological
consequences on participants. In view of the above highlighted ethical responsibilities, I concur with
student J that nurses have an enormous responsibility in delivering nursing care to patients safely and
without prejudice or passing judgment. Nurses are obliged to be truthful in issues that pertains the
patients and themselves and to always show a moral stand in cases where unethical practices are
known by them.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Essay On Ethical
Principles Particularly Autonomy In Nursing Nursing. The nurse should consider all the potential and
benefits of treatment or research and they should work and act carefully, considering the likely risks.
It features a special notification system that notifies users about important clinical events for a
particular patient and reminds to give correct treatments on time. Ethical Dilemma: Using Restraints
and Seclusion in Treatment Facilities Introduction The nursing profession is plagued with a multitude
of ethical dilemmas. Nurses should be sensitive to the importance of social activities in correct
concern. The ethics are complicated in this case, though because of the concept of client
confidentiality and what it means to healthcare workers. According to Nightingale’s theoretical
approach of observation and determining what needs to be done in caring for those dying and their
families, there is still the unknown of what takes place in the present moment. Besides, the
involvement of representatives of health personnel in entering, storing and using data is itself a great
disclosure and “lost and misplaced files” (Conrick, 2006, p.323). In addition, storing data on a
central database, which is typically off the hospital, exposes it to breaches of security. When a nurse
gives an injection she is causing the patient pain butshe is also preventing additional harm such as
disease development or prolongedpain. The other Ethical Issue under scrutiny here is in regard to
loyalty versus integrity. Nurses have the challenge of dealing with patients whose values differ with
theirs. Ethical considerations related its use in terms of data security, confidentiality, and privacy are
the subject of concern by both medical practitioners and patients. Nurses should in all times represent
the patient health issues to concern health care personnel. When autonomy is observed then
individuality of each person will be respected and this is a dominant value in nursing.
Comprehension and communication of clients’ values and beliefs, and their own aids nurses
acknowledge ethical situations and work through them whenever they happen. Early computers were
mostly used for office purposes as large calculating machines. The ethical considerations of the use
of informatics in nursing and health care are above all related to data security and data quality issues.
Some content that appears in electronic books may not be available in print. It demands that all the
information obtained from the patient by the nurse be kept as secret even at times when it’s seen that
the disclosure of such information is of public good. During treatment the nurse is obliged to giving
the patient enough information on consequences, side effects and overall cost of the treatment. This
paper examines benefits the benefits of health care informatics for nursing practice and education.
The nurse has a duty to protect both the confidentiality of the patient and the public in general. This
may be explained by the fact these people are afraid the potential employer will reject them after he
sees their heath record (Carel, 2010). Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with
the best. The terms ethical and moral should be understood as being identical in The case “In the
care of a Nurse” falls more on the problem of practicing nursing ethics. Besides, informatics has been
widely used in nursing education process. This involves willingness to cause no harm such as
physiological, social and even spiritual to the patient. For example, visual attention, sound-related
attention, rotating. Nurses should in all times support personal decisions made by patients even in
cases where these decisions are not in line with their preference choices Nurses should be royal and
responsible so as to meet patients’ expectations and they should also be truthful to themselves also.
It features a special notification system that notifies users about important clinical events for a
particular patient and reminds to give correct treatments on time. It is always, our wisdom, wise
thinking and judicious assessment of the situation that would lead us to make the correct decision.
Errors that include having a doctor tear tissue and arteries that weren’t supposed to be part of the
operation have been highly debated on to. When autonomy is observed then individuality of each
person will be respected and this is a dominant value in nursing. Patient advocacywould fit under
this statement as well as informed consent. Due to the new and competing scientific and economic
essentials, the doctor-patient relationship no longer controls the clinical dynamic; administrators and
managers formulate and implement strategies that limit the available options and the ability of
doctors and patients to make choices about them. Future nurses improve their reading, writing, and
communication skills through blogs writing, participation in discussions, and writing journal entries.
A nurse can find out about politicalissues by being attuned to the world around them, being active in
their statenursing association, and even by contacting the ANA itself. When disclosing personal or
family information to health professions, patients have trust that such information will be kept secret.
It outlines the important general values, duties, and responsibilities that flow from the specific role of
being a nurse. Today nursing information systems are used for building up clinical wisdom, when
nurses are provided with the necessary background data upon which their decisions will be based
and with advice on how to decide, and compiling electronic databases, which allows them to operate
patient data in an effective manner. Practicing nurses often engage in making ethical decisions in the
course of their work, though they may be consciously unaware of it. Nurses have special duties to
consider all information given by clients as secret irrespective of the information obtained. This
acceptance of deception stems, at least partially, from its frequent use in the studies developed in the
dominant trend of psychology, even from the beginnings of its elaboration. The patient desperately
needs nursing care that would facilitate his well-being and health, yet the best-suited nurse would
not provide the required services due to her religious beliefs. It also focuses on ethical considerations
of the use of informatics in nursing and health care. For instance, in NYS,an RN would not delegate
the responsibility of assessing a patient to an LPNbecause RNs are the only ones that may legally
make an initial assessment. A clear comprehension of the communication that has occurred between
the nurse and patient and family members adds to the nurse’s decision on the extent of shared
disclosure (Kathleen, 2009). Beneficence This principle insinuates the duty to uphold good and avoid
harm. The ethics are complicated in this case, though because of the concept of client confidentiality
and what it means to healthcare workers. Over the previous three decades, there have emerged
impressive global scholarships on nursing ethics providing all-inclusive thoughtful critiques of the
types of issues nurses encounter and the processes that may best be employed for handling them.
This enables them to decide on the best treatment approach. These rights are: theright to life,
autonomy, and health care. Nurses may avoid telling the truth regarding diagnosis information
because: they may be trying to safeguard patients from depressing and disheartening news, they do
not know the reality, or they state what they know to be incorrect regarding the circumstances rather
than confess all they know to be correct (Butts, 2007). The nurse's act to ignore the incident report
violated rules of practice in caregiving. Besides, it aimed at treating blood clotting problems.
INTERNIST-1 was developed at around that time. Nevertheless, nurses do not always feel free to
speak out about their quality of care concerns without fear of reprisal and retaliation. Yes the authors
have the capability to write on this thesis; they have the academic experience to make authoritative
claims. It must also create a pedagogical context in which a caring attitude can be taught and
cultivated. The doctrines of the right and the good usually vary with each other in circumstances
where “ethically confounding healthcare decisions have to be made”.

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