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Muhammad Rahman

Understand the basics of setting breakpoints, stepping through code, inspecting

variables, and using watches in the debugger.

Muhammad Rahman

Learn how to use print() statements effectively for logging information to the
console. This is especially useful for tracking the flow of your application and
diagnosing issues.

print("statt test");

Experiment with setting breakpoints in your code. When your app hits a breakpoint,
you can inspect variables, step through code execution, and observe the call stack.

Muhammad Rahman

Understand the difference between hot reload and hot restart, and how they impact
your debugging process. These features help you quickly apply changes and test
your app without restarting it completely

Muhammad Rahman

Explore Flutter DevTools, a suite of performance and debugging tools provided by

Flutter. It offers insights into widget trees, rendering performance, network
requests, and more. You can access it from Android Studio or by running the flutter
devtools command in your terminal.

Muhammad Rahman

Learn to use more advanced logging libraries like logger or flutter_bloc's built-in
logging capabilities. These libraries provide structured and categorized logs.

Muhammad Rahman

Use the built-in profiling tools to analyze app performance, memory usage, and
frame rendering. These tools help you identify performance bottlenecks and
memory leaks.

Muhammad Rahman

Utilize the Flutter Inspector to visualize your widget tree and diagnose UI issues. It's
accessible from the widget tree icon in the toolbar.

Muhammad Rahman

Understand how to debug asynchronous code, such as async/await operations,

Futures, and Streams. Learn how to follow the execution flow and handle errors

Muhammad Rahman

Study how to catch and handle exceptions gracefully in your code. Learn about
different types of exceptions and how to provide meaningful error messages to

Muhammad Rahman

Apply debugging techniques to real-world projects. Try intentionally introducing

bugs and then debugging them to gain hands-on experience.

Muhammad Rahman

Explore online tutorials, courses, and videos that focus on debugging techniques
specific to Flutter and Android Studio. Websites like Udemy, Coursera, and YouTube
offer a wealth of resources

Muhammad Rahman

The best way to learn debugging is through practice. Work on projects, create
intentional bugs, and use debugging tools to identify and fix them

Muhammad Rahman

Remember that becoming proficient at debugging takes time and practical experience.
Be patient, persistent, and curious. As you encounter different issues and challenges,
your debugging skills will naturally improve

Muhammad Rahman

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