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Business Proposal and Marketing Plan Outline for Brazily Fitness

Nabeel Ahmad

Komal Yadav


Humza Ahmed Abbasi

Abudallah Hassan Bani Awwad

Azim Irshadov

University Canada West

MRKT 621: Marketing Management (Section 20)

Professor Fernanda Ave

12th May 2023

Project Proposal

To contribute to the business development of "Brazily Fitness", the team has come up

with the following ideas that can be incorporated into the business module: Upon approval of

any or all of the following ideas, we will be working on preparing a detailed marketing plan for

the company that can be implemented by the client in their business.

Business Ideas and Suggestions:

1. Focus on the business-to business model:

Along with focusing on creating the business reach to connect with dance instructors, the

company should also aggressively increase its reach with a larger number of direct consumers.

Reaching consumers will have a comparatively bigger market than reaching instructors and will

help generate more revenue in the same amount of time. Targeting consumers directly will also

help in spreading awareness of the brand and can help in good brand building through word of


2. Enhancing presence on social media:

Social media, being the most effective tool in today’s world, can act as a tool to provide a major

impact in improving a business's reach. The client should focus on increasing social media

followers on Facebook, Instagram, and Tik-Tok. The use of give-aways and promotional

coupons can be done to reward customers who promote the brand on their individual social

media accounts. In addition to that, increasing the frequency of posts on these platforms can help

create a wider reach.

3. Corporate Wellness Programmes:

Corporate wellness programmes can have multiple benefits for the client’s business. Firstly, by

partnering with corporate clients to provide wellness services, ‘Brazily Fitness" can tap into a

new market and potentially increase their revenue streams. Secondly, working with corporate

clients can help the company establish long-term relationships and gain access to a steady flow

of business. Thirdly, corporate wellness programmes can also help the company build its brand

as a provider of high-quality wellness services. Additionally, corporate wellness programmes can

lead to increased visibility and word-of-mouth referrals, which can help ‘Brazily Fitness" attract

new customers.

4. Planning Dance Flash Mobs:

Conducting multiple flash mobs can create different levels of energy and enthusiasm among

audience members and make them curious about the brand. Conducting multiple such flash mobs

at busy locations will help create a huge reach for the customers at a very minimal cost. This will

result in creating a buzz about the brand and will ultimately lead to getting more customers

associated with the brand.

5. Building Mobile Applications:

Building a mobile application will help improve communication between Brazil Fitness" and its

customers. The mobile application will facilitate sharing necessary information with customers

and will act as a communication channel. Though the mobile application will be a great tool, it

will involve a big financial commitment from the client.

6. Online Dance Competition:

Brazily Fitness can conduct an online dance competition in which people from different

regions will participate and share their videos. A declaration will be made that the winning

participant will be given a huge reward. This entire process will create a huge buzz online and

make "Brazily Fitness" a sensation. It will help in creating curiosity among people to know more

about the brand and will create an opportunity to reach the maximum number of audiences.

Utilisation of the UCW Library and Other Resources for Research:

In the UCW library, we will refer to the resources that provide information and the

experiences of people who have successfully started their businesses with limited resources.

Also, we will learn about the results that have been obtained from the same as well as how to

protect the business from risk factors in today’s market. An exploration of multiple journals and

case studies will be done to understand marketing techniques that have been previously used for

similar kinds of businesses.

We will explore the choreography industry-related websites to get into the details of

projects, such as dance conference details, journals published on dance, etc. Also, another

important piece of research we will make is about the latest technology in the market and the

response of customers to it.

Marketing Plan Outline:

Our group has decided to follow the below-mentioned marketing plan outline. Please

review the outline below and suggest any modifications that need to be made. Upon getting
confirmation from the client of the outline, the group will start working on furnishing the

marketing plan by incorporating the contents mentioned.

Feel free to provide suggestions to add or remove any specific content from the below-

mentioned marketing plan outline. Also, please note that many of the contents, like the budget

and others, are subject to the details and data we get from the "Brazily Fitness" team.

1. Executive Summary:
Name of organization (Organization Overview)
Mission statement, organization’s basic values and philosophy
Geographic location
Product mix
- Single product
- Product line(s)]
Summary of new ideas and a good reason to reader to continue reading the report.
2. Situational Analysis:
a. Industry analysis
b. Competitor analysis
c. Company analysis
d. Customer analysis
SWOT analysis
3. Marketing strategy– product/service focus and goal setting :
a. Stage of the product life cycle:
In which phase of its lifecycle is the product? Explain your rationale and identify
what strategies they have adopted or need to adopt to extend their lifecycle or
develop a new product.
b. Differentiation and positioning:
Position the product and review positioning statements to drive marketing mix (you
may reposition the brand).
c. Marketing Objectives:
Objective can be behavioral (e.g., sales, market share, profit etc.) and/or attitudinal
(increase in consumer attitudes, awareness, recall, liking, etc.) and they need to be
SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely).
4. Marketing program :
Marketing mix (4 Ps) that helps company to reach its goals and to be successful. New
marketing tools in this stage such as using new communication tools (e.g. social media),
CRM systems, new channels of distributions, and so on. Your marketing program
a. Product strategy
- Type – good, service, idea etc.
- Features – how will it be different from the competitors?
- Branding Strategy
- Identification – brand name, label and packaging
- Production method/delivery of service
- Others

b. Price strategy
Which pricing strategies do you believe they are using and/or should be using
and why? Please provide examples to support your point.
c. Promotion Strategy
-Personal Selling
Internet – web site, social media, email etc.
Magazine and newspaper
Integrated media
Outdoor media
Sales promotions – sales prices, discounts, coupons, contests, sweepstakes,
tradeshows etc.
Direct Marketing – telemarketing, direct mail etc.
Public relations
Other forms of Promotion
d. Place (distribution) strategy
- Channels of distribution – online/offline
- Product location availability
- Physical distribution/location of facilities/modes of transportation
- Cost
- Production
- Distribution
- Overhead
- Sales
- Marketing
- Markup
- Suggested selling price
- Profit margin
- Price and quality relationship – perceived value
5. Budget:
Budget strategy, allocations etc.
(subject to client’s willingness to share financial details of business)
6. Control/monitor :
- Feedback mechanism to monitor progress
- Evaluation process
- Performance objectives (quantifiable elements)
- Profit margin
- Market share
- Promotional effectiveness
- Market penetration

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