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Is there a possibility of misinterpreting the code's potential effect on the

inhaler, or could there be other explanations for its presence in the song?
Answer: While interpretations may vary, the code's alignment with the inhaler's
frequency range raises concerns about potential harm. However, alternative
explanations cannot be completely ruled out without further analysis.

Can you confirm the nature of your interactions with Maya and Eden and
clarify if your involvement was strictly professional without any personal bias?
Answer: My interactions with both Maya and Eden were strictly professional. I
maintained impartiality throughout the investigation, devoid of any personal bias that
could influence the outcome.

Considering your knowledge of Eden's background and professional ethics,

can you confirm if he would be capable of carrying out such a sophisticated
attack against Maya?
Answer: In our professional interactions, Eden displayed no indication of malicious
intent. His actions seemed rooted in his passion for music rather than any capability
or inclination towards a sophisticated cyber attack against Maya.

You mentioned Eden's financial struggles. Could these struggles be a motive

for his alleged involvement, or were there other contributing factors?
Answer: Eden's financial difficulties may have induced stress, but it remains
uncertain if they were the sole motive behind the alleged actions. It's essential to
consider other potential contributing factors that might have influenced his behavior.

Could there be other individuals with the technical expertise or motive to

conduct such cyber attacks against Maya? Have you thoroughly explored
alternative suspects?
Answer: While the focus of the investigation was on Eden based on available
evidence, it cannot be definitively stated that he is the sole individual with the
technical capabilities or motive. Alternative suspects with similar expertise have not
been thoroughly ruled out.

Can you detail the methods used to collect evidence from Eden's computer
and online activities? Were these methods entirely legal and within the
boundaries of investigative ethics?
Answer: The evidence collection methods adhered to legal boundaries and followed
standard investigative protocols. They were conducted in accordance with
established ethical guidelines, ensuring the integrity and legality of the investigative
Were there any personal conflicts or misunderstandings between Maya and
Eden that might have influenced her suspicions or accusations against him?
Answer: Maya's suspicions were rooted in conflicts over financial matters and past
history. While these personal conflicts may have influenced her accusations, it's
crucial to assess the validity and objectivity of these claims within the broader
context of the case.

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